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Kingsville Lions Club raised $83,195 for playground
By Mark Ribble
KINGSVILLE — Fred Cross couldn’t be happier with the final tally for the Kingsville Lions Club’s ‘Play It Forward’ campaign.
As the chairperson of the campaign, he said they set a goal of $65,000.
When the total got to $83,195, they decided it was time to get that money to the Town of Kingsville for playground upgrades at Lions Park.
The club held a free lunch barbecue at the four corners of town on Friday, September 10 to thank the community and make a cheque presentation to Kingsville Mayor Nelson Santos.
The Play It Forward campaign arose when the Lions Club saw a need for an inclusive playground.
“We felt it important for the new equipment to be accessible to every child,” said Cross.
The town planned a playground upgrade and the Lions Club came forward with their idea.
“We said we’d raise the money if it could be an inclusive playground,” he added.
So last December, the group set out to raise $65,000 to cover the cost and ended up raising $83,195 from December to June of this year.
“That’s a good amount for six months,” said Fred Cross.
He and his wife Debbie, who is the Club President, were on hand for the cheque presentation.
“It’s a great community,” she added. “They always come through.” Mayor Santos also brought with him a certificate of appreciation for the Lions Club and thanked them for all that they do.
About 500 hot dogs were prepared and offered to passersby and anyone who wanted a free lunch on Friday.