Southpoint Sun - February 26, 2020

Page 9

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Southpoint Sun - 9

“Rib” is Legion chili champ By Jan Watson Wheatley Legion Branch #324

WHEATLEY – Three teams, with six wins each, led the 15 players who shot Fun Darts on February 14 – Garry Hope and Terry Taylor – Jean Teylouni, Terri Taylor and Larry Evoy – Peter VanZetten and Richard Howe. Bonnie Evoy, Patricia Suy and Steve Clements won three games followed by Tim Moore and Jim McClellan with two wins. Julie Reid and Gord Crook beat the skunk with one win. Terri and Patricia were the only ladies who doubled out. Join the Fun Darts players on Fridays. Play starts at 7:30 p.m. It was Todd Stevenson’s lucky day, winning three times at the Meat Draws that were run by Claudette Sykes on February 15. Other winners were Vicky Scratch, Sue Schmidt, Claudette and

Sly, Gloria Sheldon, Brenda Hyatt, Julie Reid, Peter Jackson and Hilary Gould. Greg Hodgson won the 50/50 draw. Everyone is welcome to join us at the Meat Draws every Saturday starting at 3 p.m. and running until 5 p.m. Although there were only six pots entered in this year’s Chili Cook-Off, four judges determined that the 2020 chili champ is Dennis Ribble. Way to go, Rib! Kay Shaw earned second place and yours truly came in third. All scores were very close and we thank those who entered to make it a great day for all and to all those, in exchange for a bowl of chili, donated to the Sun Parlour Pipe Band. Six new members were initiated at last week’s General Meeting. Wheatley Legion welcomes Wade Reid, Allie Engelbrecht, Jean Tey-

IN MEMORIAM In Loving Memory of

William a. “Bill” Williams September 9, 1920 - February 29, 2016

louni, Susan Sacripanti and Blair and Linda Chown. If anyone is interested in ordering a Veteran Hometown Heroes banner to hang in Wheatley, applications are available at the Branch and must be returned by mid March. For more information, contact Scott Makey at 519-825-9878. A Bursary Assistance program is available for children/grandchildren of Canadian Forces personnel, Ordinary, Life and Ladies Auxiliary members and Associate members children only. Applications are available at Legion Branches, secondary school Guidance offices or download them from Applications must be received by Ontario Command by the last Friday in March. Coming up… Mar. 14 Turk ’n Beaup St. Paddy’s Day celebration… Mar. 19, First Day of Spring!

Skate Wheatley supports Childcan

WHEATLEY – Skate Wheatley showed their support for Childcan by selling and displaying paper hearts at the Childcan Hockey Tournament held Feb. 14-16 in Wheatley. They group raised $980 for their efforts and presented a cheque to organizers. From left to right are: Jenn Marentette (Skate Wheatley treasurer), Brooke Ouellette (president of Skate Wheatley), tournament organizer Mark Epplett and Larry McDonald of the Wheatley Optimists. Proceeds from the tournament benefit Childcan, which supports families with children diagnosed with cancer throughout Southwestern Ontario, offering programs and services during diagnosis, treatment, recovery and/or bereavement. (Submitted Photo)

Celebrating 70th Wedding Anniversary

Happy 100th Birthday Florence Kasarda

Open House Reception on Saturday, March 14, 2020 At the Car Barn Restaurant, Wheatley from 2-4 p.m.

With Love from your Family and Friends

Rose & Howard Walker

~ Born February 26, 1920 ~

Always in our thoughts Forever in our hearts Missing you, with love from your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren IN MEMORIAM

IN MEMORIAM In Loving Memory of

LORA BETH PERCIBALLI January 10, 1977 - February 26, 2018


Don’t grieve for me now, I’m free. I’m following the path God laid for me. I took His hand when I heard Him call, I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day, To laugh, to live, to work or play, Tasks left undone must stay that way, I’ve found my peace at the close of the day. If parting has left a void, Then fill it with memories of joy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss, Ah yes, these things I too will miss. Be not burdened with times of sorrow, I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life has been full, I have savoured much – Good friends, good times, a loved one’s touch. Perhaps my time seemed all too brief, Do not lengthen it now with undue grief. Lift up your hearts and share with me, God wanted me now, He set me free. Your wings were ready but our hearts were not. Love always, Mom & Jim, sister Sandra, Mark & family, brother David, Stacie & family, sister Amanda, Anthony & family, and Nonno Joe & Nonna Lisa

In memory of our beloved friend,

lORa PERCiBalli

Who left us with broken hearts two years ago, February 26th, 2018

It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone. A part of us went with you, the day God took you home. If tears could build a stairway, and heartaches make a lane, we’d walk our way to heaven, and bring you back again. In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still, in our hearts you hold a place no one could ever fill. Forever loved by Jane, Jen, Heather, Jen, Tina, Emily, Marisa, Marina, Lisa, MaryBeth, Sara, Kierstyn, Krista & Amy

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