Mill Pond 2012 Summer Program Guide

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June 24 – Sept. 1, 2012 (8–10 week programs)



SAVE THE DATE for the following

2012 ANNUAL SUPPORT CAMPAIGN EVENTS 16th Annual Golf Classic June 9th July 11th Log in to for more details! South Shore YMCA TREk

Summer at the South Shore YMCA means time for camp and all of the fun memories that will be created. At Camp Gordon Clark, campers experience new and exciting activities in a safe and nurturing environment while making new friends and learning lifelong social and emotional skills through play, challenges, conversation, creativity and fun. As fun as camp always is, children will benefit from Day Camp in many more ways. The thrill of a child learning to sail, shooting an arrow and hitting the target, or meeting a new “best friend” are immeasurable. Other benefits are hard to see but can be even more valuable, such as improving self-confidence by creating the best piece of art work EVER, learning to swim, or jumping in the deep end of the pool for the very first time. For children, Day Camp is a new adventure each day and can be the highlight of a child’s year. Camp Gordon Clark and the Staff at the Y look forward to providing the BEST Day camp experience for your child this summer!

Take on Summer! Thank you, T.J. Coogan, Camp Gordon Clark Director




The South Shore YMCA is a not-for-profit association of individuals dedicated to improving the quality of life for all through programs that promote healthy spirit, mind and body. Rooted in Christian tradition and values, the YMCA seeks to serve all people regardless of age, gender, race, religion or economic circumstances.

for Youth Development:


Our programs and services strive to strengthen the family, guide the youth of today and meet the ever-changing needs of our community.

for Social Responsibility:

Nurturing the potential of every child and teen

for Healthy Living: Improving the nation’s health and well-being Giving back and providing support to our neighbors

Show a sincere concern for others

Honesty: Be truthful in what you say and do

Respect: Follow the golden rule

Responsibility: Be accountable for your promises and actions

Contact Us


Hanover Branch – 75 Mill Street, H Hanover, MA 02339 9

Phone: (781) (78 ) 8 829-8585 9 8585

fax: (781) (78 ) 8 829-8831 9 88

Camp Burgess/Hayward – 75 Stowe R Road, d Sandwich, d ch MA 02563 56 Germantown Neighborhood Center – 366 66 Palmer P Street, Qu Quincy, c MA 02169 69 Quincy – 79 Coddington dd g Street, Qu Quincy, c MA 02169 69 South Shore Early Learning Center – 1705 7 5W Washington h g St., . Hanover, H MA 02339 9 South Shore Natural Science Center – 48 8 JJacobs c L Lane, N Norwell MA 02061 6

Phone: (508) (5 8) 428-2571 8 57 Phone: (617) (6 7) 376-1384 76 8 Phone: (617) (6 7) 479-8500 79 85 Phone: (781) (78 ) 8 826-7900 6 79 Phone: (781) (78 ) 659 659-2559 559

fax: (5 (508) 8) 420-3545 5 5 fax: (617) (6 7) 689 689-8332 8 fax: (6 (617) 7) 77 773-9135 9 5 fax: (781) (78 ) 8 826-7901 6 79 fax: (781) (78 ) 659 659-5924 59


OUR SESSIONS HAVE CHANGED I order In d to p provide d more qu quality programming p g g throughout h ugh u our u c calendar d year the h South u h Shore h YMCA Y h has created c d a new p program g c calendar d which h ch will consist c of 6 sessions:

fall 1 fall 2 Winter Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer For your u c convenience, c our u annual u program p g c calendar d is located c d on the h second c d to last p page g of this h gu guide. d . This h u useful u calendar c d gives g a view of the h entire year including c ud g registration g d dates and d the h start dates d of all sessions..

SUMMER 2012 SESSION • One 8 –10 week session See d departments p for specifics p c c

SUMMER SESSION: June Ju 24 – September p 1, 2012 SUMMER registration begins: Full Members Only – June Ju 5 5, 2012;; Non-Members – June Ju 8 8, 2012

table of contents 4–5

Registration Information


Aquatics Programs – Youth Y u h Swim L Youth Lessons and d Summer u Qu Quick c Swims . . . 6– 6 7 Competitive p Swimming g & More . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 American c Red R d Cross Courses u ..8


Arts & Education – Youth


Child Care


Gymnastics & Cheerleading Gymnastics G c Teams.. . . . . . . 14


Health & Well-being – Youth Special p c Abilities Initiative I . . 15 5


Sports Programs – Youth




Tennis Programs – Juniors


Youth & Family B hd Parties. Birthday P . . . . . . . . . 23


Aquatics Programs – Adults L Lessons & Competitive p Swimming g . . . . . . . . . . . . 24


Arts & Education – Adults


Health & Well-being – Adults Adult du Specialty p c Classes . . . 27 7


Personal Training & Sports Programs – Adults


Partnership Program


Tennis Programs – Adults


South Shore YMCA Resident Camp


Support for our Community & Upcoming Events


2011–2012 Program Calendar


Membership Options


Membership Rates & Info


Staff Directory


Youth & Family The h P Playroom & Youth Y u h Areas 3

REGISTRATION INfORMATION SOUTH SHORE YMCA • HANOVER BRANCH Sign g up online at or phone-in ph to (617) 471-5795


Wednes er days are 9 w eeks fees

will be p ro-r at time of regist ated ration

Summer Session is 8–10 weeks unless u otherwise h noted. d.

summer 2012 registration dates: Tuesday, June 5 FUll MEMbERS

Web (online) ( ) Phone-In Walk-In

Begins B g at 8 8:30 a.m. . . 8 8:30 a.m.–10:00 . . a.m. . . 8 8:30 a.m.–10:00 . . p.m. p. .

Wednesday & Thursday, June 6 & 7 FUll MEMbERS

Web (online) ( ) Walk-In

All hours h u 8 8:30 a.m.–10:00 . . p. p.m.. (Member Service Desk)

friday, June 8 NON-MEMbERS

Web (online) ( ) Phone-In Walk-In

Begins B g at 8 8:30 a.m. . . 8 8:30 a.m.–10:00 . . a.m. . . 8 8:30 a.m.–10:00 . . p. p.m..

Summer 2012 Session begins Sunday, u d June Ju 24, 2012 for 8 –10 weeks Attention participants: No classes Wednesday, July 4th

ted! stay connec “Like”

Shore the South

YM CA k on faceboo

ONLINE REGISTRATION PROCESS: Who can register online? Full Members and Non-Members 1. Go to

2. Click on the Register Online button and follow the instructions

PHONE-IN REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS (Phone lines will be busy! Please be patient.) Payment is required at time of registration. Please have your credit card ready (MC, VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, or DISCOVER).

What will I need to register over the phone? 1. Name of a parent/guardian of any child being registered. 2. Name, address, phone number and birth date of any child you are registering. You may only register people in your immediate family.

3. Program Code listed next to the day and time of the program in brochure. 4. Credit card number, expiration date, and name on credit card. 4

CALL: (617) 471-5795


Credits and Refunds

Please note the following:

— IIf notification c of withdrawal hd is received c d 48 8h hours u or more prior p to the h first cclass, a full u YMCA Y ccredit d will be issued. u d. A refund u d may be issued u d minus u a $15.00 5. processing p c g fee..

1.. Du Due to high h gh ccall volume, u Full u Memberships h p will not be sold d over the h ph phone.. Please purchase membership prior to designated registration days.

2.. P Please confirm c your u birth hd date and d email address dd with hu us to h p facilitate help c future u u web registration. g . 3.. After week 2 of the h p program g schedule, ch du registration g will not be allowed d without h u approval pp from the h program p g d director. c .

Policies: Program Registration, Cancellations, Make Up Classes, and Credit/Refunds Program Registration IIn order d to receive c member rates for programs, p g your u membership hp must u be cu current throughout h ugh u the h entire program p g session.. IIf it expires xp du g the during h session and d you ud do not wish h to renew, you u must u p pay the h non-member rate..

— IIf notification c of withdrawal hd is received c d less than h 48 8 hours h u p prior to the h first cclass, a $15.00 5. processing p c g fee will be applied pp d to both Y ccredits d and d refunds. u d . h YMCA — IIf notification c of withdrawal hd is received c d up to the h third h d class, c c d and credits d refunds u d will be issued u d minus u the h number u of cclasses h d and held d a $15.00 5. p processing c g fee.. — After the h third h d class, c only a Y YMCA ccredit d will be issued u d minus u the h number u of cclasses held h dp plus u a $15.00 5. processing p c g fee.. — At this h time, Y YMCA ccredits d can c not be applied pp d via On-Line O L R g Registration. . – O Only the h director d c of the h program p g can c give g ccredits/refunds. d / u d . Make up cclasses are not available for classes c missed d by p participants cp due du to p personal cconflicts. c .

Wait List Policy

Program Cancellations The h YMCA Y reserves the h right gh to cancel c c a class c due du to low enrollment;; a full u Credit d or Refund R u d will be issued. u d. The h Y YMCA may also ccancel c a cclass du due to unforeseen u events, i.e. . . Safety Concerns, c W Weather, h Bu Building d g Closures, u etc. c. Make Up Classes IIn the h event that h a cancelled c c d cclass can c not be made d up by the h Y YMCA, aY YMCA ccredit d will be issued u d for the h cancelled c c d cclass..

IIf a p program g is full u and d you u are not registered g d for a program, p g you u may be placed p c d on 3 wait lists.. Y You u will make no payment p at that h time and d will be contacted c c d by a p program g d director c if we are able to add dd you u into the h p program g (please (p d do not ccall the h YMCA Y to check ch c your u status u and d please p d do not ccome to the h first cclass if you’re u’ on the h waiting g list). ). Please P make sure u we h have your u correct c c address, dd email, and d phone ph number u on file..


Registe today! r

CAMP GORDON CLARk Summer 2012 Day Camps for Children Ages 3–15 Register online at new!

Transportation available with stops in Hingham, Scituate, and Weymouth 5

Aquatic sS will be 8 ummer w

fOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL Of EVERY CHILD AND TEEN AQUATICS – YOUTH SWIM LESSONS Attention participants: All swim lessons inside! Aquatics classes run 8 weeks for the Summer 2012 Session


Parent/Tot (30 minute class)

An intro to the aquatic environment for parents and children. (One parent per child—No evaluation req’d).


(Water Babies, Parent & Tot, and Pre-Pike)

$68 68 Full u Member;; $102 N Non-member

Water Babies (30 minute class) 6–24 months old w/parent.

50AQWBA02 5 QWB 5 QWB 50AQWBA03 5 QWB 50AQWBA04 5 QWB 5 50AQWBA05

Wed W d Thur hu Sat Sat

9:30 9 9 9:30 8 8:00 10:00

a.m. . . a.m. . . a.m. . . a.m. . .

Advanced Water Babies

(30 min. class) 6–24 months old w/parent.

5 QWB 50AQWBA01 Mon

9 9:30 a.m. . .

24–36 months old w/parent.

5 50AQPAT02 QP 5 50AQPAT01 QP 5 50AQPAT03 QP 5 50AQPAT04 QP 5 50AQPAT05 QP 5

Wed W d Thur hu Sat Sat Sat

4:00 9 9:30 9 9:20 10:40 12:30

p. p.m.. a.m. . . a.m. . . a.m. . . p.m. p. .

Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’

Eel (30 minute class) 50AQEEL12 5 QEEL 5 QEEL 50AQEEL13 5 QEEL 50AQEEL14 5 QEEL 5 50AQEEL15 5 QEEL 6 50AQEEL16 5 QEEL 7 50AQEEL17 5 QEEL 8 50AQEEL18 5 QEEL 9 50AQEEL19


Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

12:30 p.m. p. . 1:00 p. p.m.. 1:30 p.m. p. . 2:00 p. p.m.. 2:30 p. p.m.. 12:30 p.m. p. . 1:00 p.m. p. . 1:30 p. p.m.. 2:00 p.m. p. . 2:30 p.m. p. . 12:30 p. p.m.. 1:00 p.m. p. . 1:30 p.m. p. . 2:00 p.m. p. . 12:30 p. p.m.. 1:00 p.m. p. . 1:30 p.m. p. . 2:00 p.m. p. .

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

12:30 p. p.m.. 1:00 p.m. p. . 1:30 p.m. p. . 2:00 p.m. p. . 12:30 p. p.m.. 1:00 p.m. p. . 1:30 p.m. p. . 2:00 p.m. p. .

E u Evaluations are required qu d for all new d swimming g participants p cp in the h Preschool and Youth programs p g , PRIOR to registration! g ! Evaluations are not needed for Parent/Child levels..

Evaluation Times

Tues/May 29 & Thurs/May 31 and Tues/June 5 & Thurs/June 7 from 4:00–5:00 p.m. in the family Pool. Also every Saturday 12:30–1:00 p.m. No Appointment Necessary

One parent per child, 3–6 years old w/parent.


Children h d &p parents, take a Pike P class c together. g h . All of the h water adjust dju ment skills of Parent P & Tot ccombined d with h the h swimming g skills of a P Pike class c are ccovered. d.

Preschool swimming is for children ages 3–6 and not yet in first grade. These h classes c include c ud the h basics c of water safety and d swimming g skills..


Tues u Wed W d Sat Sat

9 9:30 4:30 11:20 12:00

a.m. . . p.m.. p. a.m. . . p.m. p. .


Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’

3 3 3 3 4 4 4

Ray (30 minute class) 50AQRAY10 5 QR Y 5 QR Y 50AQRAY11 5 QR Y 50AQRAY12 5 QR Y 50AQRAY13 5 QR Y 50AQRAY14 5 QR Y 5 50AQRAY15 5 QR Y 6 50AQRAY16 5 QR Y 7 50AQRAY17

Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4

12:30 p. p.m.. 1:00 p.m. p. . 1:30 p.m. p. . 2:00 p.m. p. . 12:30 p. p.m.. 1:00 p.m. p. . 1:30 p.m. p. . 12:30 p. p.m.. 1:00 p.m. p. . 12:30 p.m. p. . 1:00 p.m. p. . 12:30 p.m. p. . 1:00 p.m. p. . 12:30 p.m. p. . 1:00 p.m. p. .

Starfish (30 minute class) 50AQSTR06 5 Q R 6 5 Q R 7 50AQSTR07 5 Q R 8 50AQSTR08 5 Q R 9 50AQSTR09 5 Q R 50AQSTR10 5 Q R 50AQSTR11

Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’


(Pike, Eel, Ray, and Starfish)

$84 8 Full u Member;; $125 5N Non-member

Pike (30 minute class) Preschool without parent. Student to instructor ratio: 5:1

(30 min. class) Ages 3–6 fees: $84 8 Full u Member;; $125 5 Non-member N Take 8 swimming g lessons in ju just 2 weeks ((Mon–Thurs)! hu )! Session 1: Ju 25–July June 5 Ju 5* Session 3: Ju 23–August July ugu 2 Session 2: Ju 9–July July 9 Ju 19 9 Session 4: August ugu 6 6–August ugu 16 6


evaluations are required!

Pre-Pike (30 min. class)

preschool quick swim • 2-week swim lessons

Pike (30 minute class)

(Wednesd eeks ay unless o will be 7 weeks ther fees will wise noted) be pro-r at time of regist ated ration

1 1 2 2 3 3

12:30 p.m. p. . 1:00 p.m. p. . 12:30 p.m. p. . 1:00 p.m. p. . 12:30 p.m. p. . 1:00 p.m. p. .

* Wednesday, July 4, is a holiday. Make-up date is Friday, July 6


Mon Mon Mon Tues u Tues u Tues u Tues u W d Wed W d Wed Thur hu Thur hu Thur hu Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat

9 9:00 4:00 4:30 9 9:00 4:00 4:30 5 5:00 9 9:00 4:00 9 9:00 4:00 4:30 8 8:00 8 8:40 9 9:20 10:40 11:20 12:30

a.m. . . p.m. p. . p.m. p. . a.m. . . p.m. p. . p.m. p. . p. p.m.. a.m. . . p.m. p. . a.m. . . p.m. p. . p.m. p. . a.m. . . a.m. . . a.m. . . a.m. . . a.m. . . p. p.m..

Eel (30 minute class) Preschool without parent. Student to instructor ratio: 6:1


Mon Mon Tues u Tues u Tues u Thur hu Thur hu Sat Sat Sat Sat

10:00 4:00 10:00 4:00 4:30 10:00 4:00 9 9:20 10:00 10:40 12:00

a.m. . . p.m. p. . a.m. . . p.m. p. . p.m. p. . a.m. . . p.m. p. . a.m. . . a.m. . . a.m. . . p. p.m..

fOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL Of EVERY CHILD AND TEEN Ray (30 minute class) Preschool without parent. Student to instructor ratio: 6:1

5 QR Y 50AQRAY01 50AQRAY02 QR Y 5 5 QR Y 50AQRAY03 5 QR Y 50AQRAY04 5 QR Y 5 50AQRAY05 5 QR Y 6 50AQRAY06 5 QR Y 7 50AQRAY07 5 QR Y 8 50AQRAY08 5 QR Y 9 50AQRAY09

Mon Tues u W d Wed W d Wed Thur hu Thur hu Sat Sat Sat

4:30 4:30 10:00 4:30 4:00 4:30 8 8:40 9 9:20 10:40

p.m. p. . p.m. p. . a.m. . . p.m. p. . p.m. p. . p.m. p. . a.m. . . a.m. . . a.m. . .

Starfish (30 minute class) Preschool without parent. Student to instructor ratio: 6:1

50AQSTR01 5 Q R 5 Q R 50AQSTR02 5 Q R 50AQSTR03 5 Q R 50AQSTR04 5 Q R 5 50AQSTR05

Tues u Thur hu Sat Sat Sat

5:00 5 4:00 10:10 11:00 12:00

p. p.m.. p.m. p. . a.m. . . a.m. . . p.m. p. .

Special Needs Swim Lessons

Hope fish

(30 min. class) For Children & Adults ages 7–12 w/a parent. 1:3 ratio

Swimmers with h special p c needs d will learn to swim with h a parent p and d instructor uc gu guiding d g them h through h ugh the h lesson.. Swimmers will learn basicc swim skills while h gaining g g strength g h through h ugh water exercise x c and d h having g fun u with h their h peers. p .

fees: $84 8 Full u Member;; $125 5N Non-mbr 50AQSCL02 5 Q L Sun u 12:00–12:30 p. p.m.. 5 Q L 50AQSCL03 Sun u 12:30–1:00 p. p.m.. For more information, call ext. 242.

special needs swim (1 hour class) For Children & Adults

The h Special p c Needs N d Swim is an Open Op Swim session in the h Family Pool; P ; an opportunity pp u for children ch d and d adults du with h special p c needs d to use u the h Family pool p in a private p and d safe environment with h other h special p c needs d p p . The people. h slide d will be available during du g the h last 15 5 minutes u for everyone who h meets the h safety requirements. qu .


Included with Full Membership

$40 N Non-member

5 Q L 50AQSCL01 Sun u 12:00–1:00 p. p.m.. Registration Required Special needs swimmers may be accompanied by two guests during the Special Needs Swim hour.


For children grades 1–6.

Each skill level is divided into five components: Personal safety, stroke development, water sports and games, personal growth, and rescue. Please note: A skill evaluation is required for each child not previously enrolled in these programs PRIOR to registration. Please see evaluation times and dates on page 6.


(Polliwog, Guppy, Minnow, Fish, and Flying Fish)

$84 8 Full u Member;; $125 5N Non-member

Polliwog (30 minute class) Mon Tues u W d Wed Sat Sat Sat

4:30 5 5:00 4:30 8 8:40 10:00 12:00

p.m. p. . p. p.m.. p.m. p. . a.m. . . a.m. . . p. p.m..

Guppy (30 minute class) Tues u Wed W d W d Wed Thur hu Sat Sat Sat Sat

5 50AQMIN01 Q IN 50AQMIN02 5 Q IN 5 50AQMIN03 Q IN 5 50AQMIN04 Q IN 50AQMIN05 5 Q IN 5 5 50AQMIN06 Q IN 6

Mon W d Wed Sat Sat Sat Sat

5:00 5 5 5:00 8 8:30 9 9:20 10:10 11:00

p. p.m.. p. p.m.. a.m. . . a.m. . . a.m. . . a.m. . .

fish (45 minute class)

Student to instructor ratio: 8:1

5 50AQFIS01 Q I 5 50AQFIS02 Q I 5 50AQFIS03 Q I 5 50AQFIS04 Q I

Mon W d Wed Sat Sat

5:00 5 5 5:00 8 8:30 9 9:20

p. p.m.. p. p.m.. a.m. . . a.m. . .

Student to instructor ratio: 9:1

5 50AQFLF01 Q L 5 50AQFLF02 Q L 5 50AQFLF03 Q L

Mon Sat Sat

5:00 p. 5 p.m.. 8 8:30 a.m. . . 9 9:20 a.m. . .

youth private swim lessons (30 min. class) For Preschool and Youth

Student to instructor ratio: 6:1


Student to instructor ratio: 8:1

flying fish (45 minute class)

Student to instructor ratio: 6:1


Minnow (45 minute class)

5 5:00 4:00 5 5:00 4:30 10:00 11:20 12:00 12:30

p. p.m.. p.m. p. . p. p.m.. p.m. p. . a.m. . . a.m. . . p. p.m.. p. p.m..

The h format can c be either h one-on-one or semi-private p with h two students ud of similar age g and d ability to one instructor. uc .

fees:* $39 9p per Private P L Lesson;; $55 55 p per Semi-Private P L Lesson *Non-members will be charged an additional $10 fee and are limited to 3 lessons/year. For more info, call ext. 242.

youth quick swim • 2-week swim lessons (30 min. class) grades 1–6 fees: $84 8 Full u Member;; $125 5 Non-member N Take 8 swimming g lessons in ju just 2 weeks ((Mon–Thurs)! hu )! G Greater retention with h increased c d continuity, c u combined c d with h the h short h time span p ccreate a great g learn-to-swim experience xp c for your u ch child. d.

Session 1: Session 2:

Ju 25–July June 5 Ju 5* July 9–July Ju 9 Ju 19 9

Polliwog (30 minute class) 50AQPOL07 5 QPOL 7 5 QPOL 8 50AQPOL08 5 QPOL 9 50AQPOL09 5 QPOL 50AQPOL10

Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’

1 2 3 4

Guppy (30 minute class) 50AQGUP09 5 QGUP 9 5 QGUP 50AQGUP10 5 QGUP 50AQGUP11 5 QGUP 50AQGUP12

Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’

1 2 3 4

Minnow (45 minute class) 50AQMIN07 5 Q IN 7 5 Q IN 8 50AQMIN08 5 Q IN 9 50AQMIN09 5 Q IN 50AQMIN10

Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’ Ses’n ’

1 2 3 4

2:30 2:30 2:30 2:30

p. p.m.. p. p.m.. p. p.m.. p. p.m..

2:30 2:30 2:30 2:30

p. p.m.. p. p.m.. p. p.m.. p. p.m..

3:15 5 3:15 5 3:15 5 3:15 5

p. p.m.. p. p.m.. p. p.m.. p. p.m..

Session 3: Session 4:

July 23–August Ju ugu 2 August ugu 6 6–August ugu 16 6

fish (45 minute class) 50AQFIS06 5 Q I 6 5 Q I 7 50AQFIS07 5 Q I 8 50AQFIS08

Ses’n ’ 1 Ses’n ’ 2 Ses’n ’ 3

3:15 5 p. p.m.. 3:15 5 p. p.m.. 3:15 5 p. p.m..

flying fish (45 minute class) 50AQFLF04 5 Q L 5 Q L 5 50AQFLF05 5 Q L 6 50AQFLF06

Ses’n ’ 1 Ses’n ’ 2 Ses’n ’ 3

3:15 5 p. p.m.. 3:15 5 p. p.m.. 3:15 5 p. p.m..

* Wednesday, July 4, is a holiday. Make-up date is Friday, July 6



2012 summer strypers swim team

Practices at Mill Pond utilize both the indoor and outdoor facilities.

June 18 - August 9* (Championship meets 8/10 & 8/11). The Strypers Swim Team focuses on teaching the four competitive strokes, starts, and turns while having fun in the sun with their friends and coaches. The team is made of current Strypers swimmers and welcomes Novice, Intermediate and Advanced swimmers. The team competes weekly against other South Shore Swim League teams. Parents will be expected to assist the team by timing and other jobs that the meet requires. Please call Julie Margolis at 781829-8585 ext. 242 to set up a tryout. To tryout, the swimmer must be able to complete 25 yards of freestyle and 25 back stroke.

fees: $191 9 Full u Member;; $266 66 Non-member N

High School flyers Swim Team training for

High School Athletes 1 hour class / 2 days per week The h H High gh School ch Flyers is a training gg group up designed d g d to p prepare p h gh school high ch swimmers for their h upc upcoming g high h gh school ch swim team season.. P Participants cp will learn cutting cu g edge dg technique ch qu of all four u c p competitive strokes, starts, and d turns u by coaches c ch trained d to teach ch the h most up to date d drills d and d knowledge dg of the h sport. p . P cp Participants will also increase c their h aerobicc training g to lay d down a solid d fitness base to p prepare p them h for h high gh school ch training. g.

Teen Water W Polo P offers teens the h opportunity pp u to learn and d play p water p polo according cc d g to the h official c rules. u . For 15 5 minutes u the h instructors uc teach ch the h rules u to water polo p and dp practice c c d dribbling, g p passing, g and d shooting h gd drills.. For the h remainder d of the h hour h u the h participants p cp p play the h g game with h the h instructors uc as the h referee..


8 8:00–9:00 9 p. p.m..

For further information and the Summer Strypers Meet Schedule, please visit our website

Teen Water Polo Lap Pool (ages 10–14)

fees: free! (drop in!)

beginner 50STEAM 5 E 40 Monday d – Thursday hu d 3:00–4:00 p.m. p. . Intermediate 50STEAM41 5 E Monday d – Thursday hu d 4:00–5:00 5 p.m. p. . Advanced 50STEAM42 5 E Monday d & Wed W d8 8:30-9:30 9 a.m. . . Tuesday u d & Thurs hu 7 7:30-8:30 8 a.m. . .


fees: $181 8 Full u Member;; $273 7 N Non-Member 5 50AQYCL02 QY L Mon/Wed /W d 8:00–9:00 8 9 p. p.m..



Auston Ramsay (r), shown with Coach Heather Mills, is the New England Y Champion and the YNE meet record holder in the 11–12 year Boys 50 yd backstroke with a time of 27.36 which crushed the old record that was set back in 1993!






50CERCC01 5 ER 5 ER 50CERCC02 5 ER 50CERCC03

6/25 6/ 5 7/23 7/ 8/20 8/

5:00 – 10:00 p. 5 p.m.. 5 5:00 – 10:00 p. p.m.. 5 5:00 – 10:00 p. p.m..

Mon Mon Mon


50CERCC04 5 ER 5 ER 50CERCC05 5

7/ 7/11 8/1 8/

5 5:00 – 10:00 p. p.m.. 5:00 – 10:00 p. 5 p.m..

W d Wed Wed W d


50CERCC06 5 ER 6 5 ER 50CERCC07 7

6/16 6/ 6 7/14 7/

8:00 a.m. 8 . .–5 5:00 p.m. p. . 8 8:00 a.m. . .–5 5:00 p.m. p. .

Sat Sat


5 ER 50CERCC10

5/ 5/22–6/14 6/

5 5:00 – 10:00 p. p.m..

Tues u & Thur hu


5 ER 50CERCC08 8

6/ 8 6/ 6/18–6/22

10:00 a.m. . . – 4:00 p.m. p. .

Mon – Fri


5 ER 50CERCC09 9

6/9 & 6/ 6/10

10:00 a.m. . . – 3:00 p.m. p. . Sat & Sun u





$65 65 Full u Member;; $85 85 N Non-Member

$120 Full u Member;; $160 6 N Non-Member

$325 5 Full u Member;; $400 Non-Member N



$285 85 Full u Member;; $335 5N Non-Member

$110 Full u Member;; $135 5N Non-Member

For more information, call ext. 243.




Wednes er days are 9 w eeks fees

will be p ro-r at time of regist ated ration

ARTS & EDUCATION — YOUTH Attention participants: Arts & Education classes run 9 weeks for the Summer 2012 Session unless otherwise noted.

academic enrichment new!


(45 min. class) Arts & Education Center/ Grades 4–6

Typing, p g word d processing p c g navigation g for KID ! Bring KIDS! B g your u own laptop. p p.

fees: $30 Full u Member;; $45 5 Non-member N 3-week sessions:


3:45 5 p. p.m..


3:45 5 p. p.m..

June 29 – July 13

5 50AEAEN02 E EN


July 20 – August 3

Y Book Club

(60 min. class) Arts & Education Center/ Ages 8–10

Early Reading

keyboarding 101

5 50AEAEN01 E EN


(45 min. class) Arts & Education Center/ Ages 6–8

Many teachers ch recommend c d students ud read d at least 30 minutes u ad day.. W We make that h 30 minutes u FUN! UN! Kids K d read d together g h in a fun u stress free environment, where h they h read d aloud, ud read d along g and d participate p cp in ccool activities c ccentered d around u d each ch book.. Come join j the h fun! u !

Finally a place p c where h veracious c u readers d thrive! h !K Kids d h have the h opportunity pp u to read d silently, aloud ud and d with h new and d old d friends. d .K Kids d choose ch the h direction d c of d cu discussion, activities c like ccollages, g d dioramas, p posters and d more!!

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 50AEAEN06 E EN 6

5 50AEAEN05 E EN 5

Thur hu

3:45 5 p. p.m..

Move and Groove 1 (45 min. class)

Jumping Jacks (45 min. class)

Studio 3 / Ages 5–7 yrs

Moving g for kids! d ! Kids K d get g moving g to H Hip p h p pop, hop, p p modern d — to the h most popular p pu kids d music! u c!

Studio 2 / Ages 2.5 – 5 years

Practice P c c ccoordination, d ccooperation p and d c creativity while h exploring xp g a new imaginag tive theme h each ch week.. Classes may include c ud a tumbling u g component. c p .

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 50AEDNC05 EDN 5

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

W d Wed

4:30 p. p.m..

$92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

creative movement


Thur hu


Sun u

12:00 p. p.m..

Move and Groove 2 (45 min. class)

11:00 a.m. . .

Studio 3 / Ages 7–10 yrs

Moving g for bigger gg kids! d ! Kids K d move to h hip p h p p hop, pop p and d modern, d learn a routine u and d h have FUN! UN!

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 50AEDNC06 EDN 6

ballet at the Y I Instructor: uc Patricia P c L Loring g

Sun u

1:00 p. p.m..

5 weeks

Intro to Ballet (45 min. class)

Ballet 1 (45 min. class)

Studio 1 / Ages 3–4 years

Studio 1 / Ages 5–7 years

Studio 3 / Ages 7–9 years

Ballet focus B cu class, c d develops p coordination, c d large g motor development, d p musical u c and d special p c awareness in a structured uc u d yet fun u environment..

IIntroduction duc to classical c c ballet.. Age g appro pp p priate ballet vocabulary, c u skill d development, p ccreative expression xp and d fun. u . Small perp formance c opportunities pp u are available..

First Level L of traditional d cclassical c ballet.. Students ud experience xp c an expanded xp d d ballet vocabulary, c u expanding xp d g into barre and d c centre exercises. x c . Small p performance c opportunities pp u are available..


5 weeks beginning August 2nd

$80 8 Full u Member;; $120 N Non-member

5 EDN 7 50AEDNC07

Thurs hu

4:00 p.m. p. .


Ballet 2 (60 min. class, 2x a week)

5 weeks beginning July 31st

$80 8 Full u Member;; $120 N Non-member

5 50AEDNC08 EDN 8

Tues u

4:15 5 p. p.m..


5 weeks beginning August 2nd

$80 8 Full u Member;; $120 N Non-member

5 50AEDNC09 EDN 9 Thur hu 5 5:15 5 p. p.m.. 9



Music & Me 2

Pre Music and Me (with adult) (45 min. class) Arts & Education Center / Ages 6 weeks–walking

(45 min. class) Arts & Education Center / Ages Preschool 4–6 years

Bring B g your u babies!! The h Y is the h starting g p point for a lifelong g love of music! u c! Make friends, h fun, u and d explore xp the h arts d have right gh h here at the h Y!

Preschoolers build u d self awareness, P ch c confidence, d c social c skills and d articulation cu in this h fun u fast and d inspiringly p g ccreative c class. . Taught ugh by p professionals, preschoolers p ch h have ag great time learning g rhythm, h h rhyme, h and d song. g. Come jjoin the h fun! u !



$92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 E U 50AEMUS01

W d Wed

9 9:00 a.m. . .

(45 min. class) Arts & Education Center / Ages Walking–3 years

Connect c through h ugh music. u c. Build Bu d listening, g tonal recognition, c g and d rhythmic h h c skills while h having h g fun. u . Toddlers dd have h a musical u c blast in this h high h gh energy g cclass..


5 50AEMUS06 E U 6

Thurs hu

Kids K d get g grooving, g g h have fun u and d learn some gu guitar.. Kids K d get g basicc gu guitar instruction uc as well as rhythm, h h pitch p ch and d more right gh h here at your u Y. Bring B g your u own guitar. gu .

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 E U 9 50AEMUS09

9 5 a.m. 9:45 . . new!

(45 min. class) Arts & Education Center

Learn a new instrument L u in a g group up environment!! These h cclasses teach ch fundamentals u d of music u c and d group g up p playing g while h building u d g self esteem by p positive peer p encouragement. c u g . For the h very beginner g to intermediate d p player..


fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

50AEMUS02 5 E U 5 E U 50AEMUS03 5 E U 50AEMUS04


Thurs hu Fri

10:00 a.m. . .

11:00 a.m. . . 9 5 a.m. 9:15 . .

$92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member Guitar I Ages 8.5–10

5 50AEMUS07 E U 7


Beginner Group Guitar Lessons

(45 min. class) Arts & Education Center / 6–8 years

$92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

Group Guitar Lessons

Music & Me I (with adult)

beginner group

5 5:30 p. p.m..

W d Wed

4:00 p. p.m..

Beginner Group Voice Lessons

(45 min. class) Arts & Education Center / 6–8 years

K d learn cconfidence, Kids d c pitch, p ch rhythm h h and d basicc vocal c technique. ch qu . They h have h fun u singing g g in a group, g up listening g to music u c and d more..

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 E U 9 50AEMUS09

Tues u

4:00 p. p.m..

Woodwind Group Lesson (60 min. class) Arts & Education Center / Ages 8–11 years

youth private music lessons Private lessons available in Gu Guitar, voice, c woodwinds. d d . Email Kim Engle at

This h program p g is designed d g d to g give those h p playing g instruments u like cclarinet, oboe, saxophone, x ph and d flute u an opportunity pp u to p play in a small group g up setting. g. Participants should have a minimum of 1 year of experience.

Yarts News!

EMAIL NEWS Receive a weekly email update on upcoming programs, events, and arts around the South Shore! Email to subscribe!

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 50AEMUS13 E U


Tues u

5 5:30 p.m. p. .

summer recorder class (45 min. class) Arts & Education Center / 6–8 years

Did D d your u ch child d have h fun u taking g recorder c d in school ch and d wants to keep p playing? p g? D they Do h want to learn a new instrument? u ? Kids K d have h fun, u make friends d and d learn music u c in summer u recorder c d class! c !

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 E U 50AEMUS14


Tues u

9 5 a.m. 9:15 . .


theatre arts Story and Theater (45 min. class)

Exploring Theatre (45 min. class)

Improv/Theatre (60 min. class)

Arts & Education Center / Ages 2–4 years

Arts & Education Center / Ages 8–12

Arts & Education Center / Ages 13–16

IIntroduction duc to the h magic g c of make believe, storytelling, g d drama and d fun. u . Simple p theatre h g games, movement, dress d up and d more will ch challenge g and dd delight gh even the h youngest u g budding udd g thespian. h p .

W Welcome c to that h space p c where h we will d discover c what h it is really like to be a p performer in a supportive, upp fun u environment..

Think on your feet! Improvisation I p is key to thinking h g on your u feet.. Through h ugh games g and d d dialogue, gu improve p your u reaction c time, and d exercise x c your u brain..

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 E HE 50AETHE01

Tues u

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 50AETHE04 E HE


4:30 p.m. p. .

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 50AETHE06 E HE 6


4:30 p. p.m..

10:15 5 a.m. . .

Imagination Theater (45 min. class) Arts & Education Center / Ages 4–6 years

Learn listening L g skills, self cconfidence, d c verbal skills and d have h a ball p playing g theater h g games, making g friends d and d developing d p g mini p plays throughout h ugh u the h session..

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 E HE 50AETHE02


10:15 5 a.m. . .

visual art Toddler Art (45 min. class)

kinderart Art (45 min. class)

Arts & Education Center / Ages 18–36 months with adult

Arts & Education Center / Ages 4–6 years

Let’s L ’ get g messy, let’s ’ h have fun! u ! Toddlers dd begin g to share, h make friends d and d learn shapes, h p ccolor, and d line.. Learn L the h best “c “creative mommy secrets” c ” from the h best in this h popular p pu fridge dg filling g cclass..

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member


W d Wed

10:00 a.m. . .

Preschool Art (45 min. class) Arts & Education Center / Ages 3–5 years

Excite the Exc h mind, d build u d fine motor skills, p promote ccreativity, create c artisticc masterp c . Kids pieces. Kd d discover c texture, xu form, line, and d color c using u g a vast array of artisticc mediums. du .

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member



11:00 a.m. . .

Ignite the Ig h ccreative soul u in every child ch d while h building u d g skills in color c mixing, x g scissor c skills, 3 dimensional d p principals cp and d more!!

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member


Tues u

11:00 a.m. . .

Mix It Up Art I (45 min. class) Arts & Education Center / Ages 4–7 years

Mix x it UP! P Paint AND ND sculpt, cu p paper p p maché ché AND ND markers, yarn AND ND sticks, c and d recycled c c d bottles!! Taught ugh by a professional p artist, this h class c teaches ch real art school ch skills right gh h here at your u Y!


kids Draw!

$92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

K d learn basicc drawing Kids d g and d sketching ch g techniques ch qu through h ugh cartooning, c g still life, and d more!! Imaginations I g get g their h exercise x c while h skills are learned. d.

Mix It Up Art II (45 min. class)

(45 min. class) Arts & Education Ctr / Ages 5–9 years

I Instructor: uc Steve B Belcher ch

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 EVI 5 50AEVIS05


9 9:00 a.m. . .

Comic Pages (45 min. class)

Arts & Education Ctr / Ages 8+ years

5 EVI 6 50AEVIS06


11:15 5 a.m. . .

Arts & Education Center / Ages 8+ years

Mix x it UP! And d ADD DD SOME O E MORE! ORE! Creativity and d inventiveness are h highly gh encouraged c u g d in this h studio ud type p cclass.. U g media Using d of all kinds d kids d ccreate multifaceted u c d ccreations!!

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 EVI 7 50AEVIS07


12:15 5 p. p.m..

Make a ccomicc book!! We W bring g fun u p projects j c and d activities c to kids d to produce p duc works of art, great g stories, and d a lot of fun! u !

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 EVI 8 50AEVIS08


10:00 a.m. . . 11



Summer Enrichment Programs to promote hands on learning, summer exploration, and exciting activities to enhance school readiness skills!

enroll no for fawl l!

Infant, Toddler, Preschool, and Private Kindergarten Programs include: Full u D Day, School ch D Day, and d Half-Day H D location: 1075 75 Washington W h g St., . H Hanover, MA 02339 9 Tel: (781) (78 ) 826-7900 8 6 79

Private kindergarten Summer Enrichment Program:

• Hours H u of operation: p 6 6:30 a.m. . .–6 6:30 p.m. p. .

• R Routine u and d structured uc u d cclassroom learning g centers c

• Hands-on H d summer u fun u to promote p school ch readiness d

• E Enrichment ch programs p g

• Ou Outdoor d activities c Visit our Early Learning Center website at and call Jamee Beaudry, Early Learning Center Director for more information or to schedule a tour.

school age child care


l ent The h South u h Shore h YMCA’s Y ’ School ch Age g Child h d Care Programs P g give g children ch d an opportunity pp u to participate p cp in activities c 2012m –2 for that h are fun, u challenging, ch g g and d educational. duc . The h program p g is d designed g d to create c an enthusiasm hu for learning g while h begins013 p promoting g physical, ph c intellectual, c u emotional, and d social c well-being g and dg growth. h. Children h d are offered d a variety of May 2 9th! enriching ch g activities c that h include c ud homework h time, arts and d crafts, c active c group g up g games, and d both h indoor d and d outu d door physical ph c activities. c . Children h d feel safe and d supported upp d while h learning, g exploring, xp g socializing, c z g and d enjoying j g themselves. h . All South u h Shore h Y YMCA School ch Age g Child h d Care P Programs g are licensed c d by the h D Department p of Early E Education Educ and d Care (EEC) (EE ) and d are mandated d d to uphold uph d all the h policies, p c rules, u and d regulations gu pertaining p g to school ch age g ch child d care c licensing. c g. Norwell Before and After School Programs Grades:



Cole, V Vinal, and d South u h Shore h Charter h Schools ch

Scituate Before and After School Programs Grades:



Cushing, u h g H Hatherly, h Jenkins, J and dW Wampatuck p uc Elementary E Schools ch

For more information, please contact Jamie Whitcomb at 781-829-8585 x262 or visit our website:

School Age End of Summer Vacation Program Grades: K – 6th Dates: August 27 – 31 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. fees: $40/day

Regist rat begins ion May 2 9th!

Y Your u ch child d will enjoy j their h last week of summer u vacation c h here at the h Y! Families can c be assured u d of a caring c g environment where h ch children d receive c excellent xc supervision, up qu quality p programming, g g and d lasting g memories.. Please P send d your u ch child d with h a bagged gg d lunch u ch and d a bathing h g suit u and d towel if they h would u d like to participate p cp in daily d free swim.. An afternoon snack c is provided. p d d. To register, please print an enrollment form off our website at or pick one up at the Y. For more information, please contact Jamie Whitcomb at 781-829-8585 x262




Wednes er days are 9 w eeks fees

will be p ro-r at time of regist ated ration

GYMNASTICS & CHEERLEADING Attention participants: Gymnastics classes run 9 weeks for the Summer 2012 Session


Climbers Ages 4–6 (1 hour class)

Tot 1 Gymnastics (45 minute class) Ages 1–3 years with parent (one parent per child)

IIn this h fun u and d interactive c p parent and d ch child d p g program, ch children d will p play g games, sing g songs g and d meet new friends d while h develd oping p g balance, c strength g h and d confidence. c d c .

fees: $81 8 Full u Member;; $122 N Non-mbr 50GYPT01 5 GYP 5 GYP 50GYPT02 5 GYP 50GYPT03

Mon Thur hu Sat

9:15 9 5 a.m. . . 9 5 a.m. 9:15 . . 9 9:00 a.m. . .

pre-school Rollers (45 min. class) Ages 3–4 years A fun u filled d class c that h introduces duc the h fundamentals u d of g gymnastics c as well as d develop p eye hand h d ccoordination d and d enhance h c motor skill d development. p .

fees: $81 8 Full u Member;; $122 N Non-mbr 50GYROL01 5 GYROL 5 GYROL 50GYROL02 5 GYROL 50GYROL03 new!

Tue u W d Wed Sat

9:15 9 5 a.m. . . 9 5 a.m. 9:15 . . 10:00 a.m. . .

Pom Squad (1 hour class)

Ages 4–6 years

This h class c will introduce duc you u to the h fundamentals u d of ch cheering g & tumbling. u g. L Learn ju jumps, p arm motions, tumbling, u g and, d of ccourse, u a ch cheer!! Pom P Poms P will be p provided d d for all p participants. cp .

fees: $95 95 Full u Member;; $140 N Non-member

50GYPS01 5 GYP 5 GYP 50GYPS02 new!

Tues u Fri

12:15 5 p. p.m.. 11:15 5 a.m. . .

Tiny Tumblers (1 hour class)

Ages 4–6 years

D g d for our Designed u youngest u g students ud who h will learn beginner g tumbling u g skills.. Explore Exp the h trampoline p & tumbling u g aspects p c of g gymnastics, c working g all gross g motor skills..

fees: $95 95 Full u Member;; $140 N Non-member

5 GY 50GYTT01 50GYTT02 5 GY

W d Wed Fri

11:15 5 a.m. . . 12:15 5 p. p.m..

This h u class c is designed d g d for young u g h 1-hour g gymnasts ready d to advance d c their h gymnasg tics c skills.. U Utilizing z g all four u events, we will work on the h basics c and d key elements for a solid d gymnastics g c foundation. u d .

fees: $95 95 Full u Member;; $140 N Non-mbr 5 50GYCL01 GY L 5 50GYCL02 GY L 5 50GYCL03 GY L 5 50GYCL04 GY L

Mon Tues u Fri Sat

12:15 5 1:15 5 9 9:00 11:00

p. p.m.. p. p.m.. a.m. . . a.m. . .

For more information on any of the Gymnastics programs, please email

youth These h classes c follow the h U USA G Gymnastics c d development p program. p g .P Participants cp will build u d strength g h and d flexibility x while h achieving ch g both h technique ch qu and d solid dg gymnastics c skills..

fees: $95 95 Full u Member;; $140 N Non-mbr

Boys Gymnastics (1 hour class) Ages 5–6 years


W d Wed

2:30 p.m. p. .

(1 hour class) Ages 5+ years

Mon Mon Thur hu Thur hu Sat

10:15 5 1:30 10:15 5 3:45 5 12:00

(1 hour class) Ages 6+ years

50GYGI101 5 GYGI 50GYGI102 5 GYGI 5 GYGI 50GYGI103 5 GYGI 50GYGI104

W d Wed Thur hu Thur hu Sat

3:45 5 10:15 5 4:45 5 12:00

p. p.m.. a.m. . . p. p.m.. p. . p.m.

Girls Intermediate/Advanced Gymnastics (1 hour class) Ages 6+ years

5 GYGI 50GYGI202 50GYGI203 5 GYGI

W d Wed Fri

4:45 5 p. p.m.. 10:15 5 a.m. . .

Tumble 1 (1 hour class) Ages 6–10 years

IImprove p your u tumbling u g skills or learn new tumbling u g skills while h mastering g your u current cu ones.. This h cclass is for students ud learning g skills up to back c handsprings. h d p g .

fees: $95 95 Full u Member;; $140 N Non-mbr 5 GY 50GYT101 50GYT102 5 GY

W d Wed Fri

3:45 5 p. p.m.. 10:00 a.m. . .

Tumble 2 (1 hour class) Ages 8+ years

This h class c designed d g d for our u experienced xp c d Tumblers. u .W Working g backhand c h d springs p g & beyond. d.

fees: $95 95 Full u Member;; $140 N Non-mbr

Girls Beginner Gymnastics 5 50GYGB101 GYGB 5 50GYGB102 GYGB 5 50GYGB103 GYGB 5 50GYGB104 GYGB 5 50GYGB105 GYGB 5

Girls Intermediate I Gymnastics

a.m. . . p. . p.m. a.m. . . p. p.m.. p. . p.m.

5 GY 50GYT201 50GYT202 5 GY

Thurs hu Fri

3:45 5 p. p.m.. 11:00 a.m. . .

private lessons Ages 7–17 years

Trying g to p perfect c a ccertain skill, need d extra x time on an event, or learning ga routine? u ? Ou Our coaches c ch can c help h p you, u with hp private lessons!!

fees:* $25 5p per 1/2 / hr; h ; $50 5 p per hr h *Non-members will be charged an additional $10 fee and are limited to 3 lessons/year. For more information or to set up a private lessons, please contact Regina Rozzi, Gymnastics Director, at ext. 236.



gymnastics teams Synergy 1

Summer Session


1d day p per week;; 2 h hours u Tues u 2:00 p. p.m.. (Ages 4–7) Tues u 4:00 p. p.m.. (Ages 8+)

Synergy 2

July & August 2012

Synergy 4

include fees?

Level 4

3 days d p per week;; 3 h hours u each ch Mon, Tues u & Thurs hu 4:00 p. p.m..

Synergy 5

Prep Rookie/Novice

2d days p per week;; 2 h hours u each ch Tues u & Thurs hu 5:00 5 p. p.m..

Synergy 6

Synergy 3

Level 3

2d days p per week;; 3 h hours u each ch Tues u & Thurs hu 4:00 p. p.m..

Prep Novice/Intermediate

2 days d p per week;; 3 h hours u each ch Mon & W Wed d 3:00 p.m. p. . Prep Intermediate/Adv’d

3 days d p per week;; 3 h hours u each ch Mon & W Wed d 3:00 p.m. p. . and d Fri 9:00 9 a.m. . .

Synergy 7

Level 5 & 6

3 days d p per week;; 3 h hours u each ch Mon, Tues u & Thurs hu 9:00 9 a.m. . .

Synergy 8

Level 7 and above

4 days d p per week;; 3 h hours u each ch Mon – Thurs hu 9 9:00 a.m. . .

For more information on our Gymnastics Teams, or to schedule a tryout, please contact Regina Rozzi, Gymnastic Director at ext. 236, or by email at All Gymnastics Team Members must be Full YMCA members.



week 5 July 23–27 Tumble II Class — This h is an h hour u class c for girls g working g on their h back c handsprings h d p g and d above.. who Members clinic ny attend a n Gym pe may do O e day m a s e th on for fREE

fees: $10 Full u Member;; $15 5 Non-member N

Basics Class — This h class c will work on beginner g tumbling u g skills, including c ud g everything h g from a forward d roll to a bridge dg kick-over. c .

fees: $10 Full u Member;; $15 5 Non-member N

Open Gym — You Y u must u attend d the h Open Op Gym G that h is assigned g d for your u age g group. g up.

Non-m e attend mbers who may d any clinic o on the Open Gym same for $5 day

fees: $5 5 Full u Member;; $10 Non-member N

Tuesday, July 24

Wednesday, July 25

Thursday, July 25

basics (ages 5+) 5 GYB 50GYBC01 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. . .

Open Gym (ages 3–6) 5 GYVOG 10:15 50GYVOG2 5 – 11:15 5 a.m. . .

Tumble II (ages 7+) 5 GYBH 50GYBH03 10:15 5 – 11:15 5 a.m. . .

Open Gym (ages 5–11) 50GYVOG1 5 GYVOG 11:00 a.m. . . – 12:00 p.m. p. .

Tumble II (ages 7+) 50GYBH02 5 GYBH 11:15 5 a.m. . . – 12:15 5 p.m. p. .

Open Gym (ages 7+) 50GYVOG4 5 GYVOG 11:15 5 a.m. . . – 12:15 5 p.m. p. .

Tumble II (ages 7+) 50GYBH01 5 GYBH 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. p. .

Open Gym (ages 7+) 50GYVOG3 5 GYVOG 12:15 5 – 1:15 5 p. p.m..

Registration: You may register at the front desk for any of the clinics and open gym times.




Wednes er days are 9 w eeks fees

will be p ro-r at time of regist ated ration


youth strength and cardio training


Strong & Healthy kids!

Tweens in Training (60 minute class)

IIn an ongoing g g effort to keep p our u kids d engaged g g d in regular gu ph c activity, physical c we offer instructional uc visits as a full u member benefit to our u youths u h (7–12 (7 years). ). Children h d learn h how to safely and d correctly c c u use selected c d cardiovascular c d cu equipment qu p and d strength g h training g equipment qu p along g with h proper p p stretching ch g techniques ch qu and d Health H h&W Well-being g Center etiquette. qu .O Once c fully u trained,* d * youth u h members will be able to u use the h strength g h and d ccardio d machines ch on their h own.** .**

For more information and/or to get your youth started in this popular program, please attend one of our Youth Strength & Cardio Training Orientations held every: Tuesday u d 5 5 6 5 p. 5:15–6:15 p.m.. / Studio ud 2 Saturday u d 9 9:00–10:00 a.m. . . / Studio ud 2 *

A minimum of 5 sessions is required for proper training.


The Health & Well-being Center is not a supervised area. Even when they are fully trained, youth ages 7–9 need a parent to accompany them while they use the equipment.

Health & Well Being Ctr / 9–12 years

Learn components L c p of a successful ucc u fitness p g program: ccardiovascular d cu fitness, strength gh training g and d flexibility. x . This h p program g is g great for teens of all abilities.. I Instructor: uc Nicole Nc L Lash h

fees: $64 6 Full u Member;; $96 96 Non-mbr N 5 50HWYCL01 HWY L 5 50HWYCL02 HWY L

Wed W d Fri

9:30 a.m. 9 . . 9 9:30 a.m. . .


community collaboration The YMCA has a rich history of collaborating with community institutions to promote youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Cardinal Cushing School is committed to working closely with local school districts and state agencies to offer innovative and individualized opportunities for our students to become active and contributing members of their communities. As neighbors and champions in our community the opportunity to collaborate through the Proctor and Gamble Grant will fuel our common goal of bringing the best innovative programs to the special needs population of the South Shore.


Special Abilities fitness and fun

8 weeks!

Using U g movement based d exercises x c to reduce duc behavioral h issues, u improve/increase p / c d daily focus cu and dp productivity, duc strengthen g h funcu c tional movement p patterns and d improve p overall health, h h increase c social c interaction c and d meet sensory needs d for kids d with h Special p c N Needs. d .

fees: $112 Full u Member;; $168 68 Non-member N

5 50HWCCC01 HW W d/ Wed/Fri 4:00 p. p.m..




Wednes er days are 9 w eeks fees

will be p ro-r at time of regist ated ration


youth weekday sports clinics Session 1 – June 24 to July 21, 2012 (4 weeks) Session 2 – July 29 to August 24, 2012 (4 weeks) Session 1 & 2 Fees: per 4-week session — $44 Full Members/ $66 Non-members

Mommy & Me Sport Combo

(30 minute class) Gymnasium / Boys & Girls / Ages 3–4

IImprove p self-esteem, hand-eye h d ccoordina d tion and d team work.. This h cclass is d designed g d to introduce duc preschoolers p ch to the h basicc skills of basketball, soccer cc and d more while h h having g the h comfort c of mom/dad /d d with h them. h . Sneakers are required.

Session 1:

5 50SRYCL27 RY L 7

Session 2:

5 50SRYCL28 RY L 8

Tues u Thurs hu

Little Lacrosse (30 minute class)

Outside Field / Boys & Girls / Ages 4–6

Your Y u child ch d will be introduced duc d to the h p pu popular sport p of lacrosse. c . Basic B c skills of c ch g throwing, catching, h g p passing g and d shooting h g through h ugh fun u g games and d exercises. x c .

IIn this h fun u and d interactive c cclass ch children d will learn basicc soccer cc skills.. L Learn to d dribble, pass, p shoot h and d score c while h d developp ing g balance, c strength g h and d confidence. c d c .

Sneakers are required.

Sneakers are required.

Session 1:

5 RY L 8 50SRYCL18 9 9:30 a.m. . .

Outdoor Soccer (30 minute class)

Outside Field / Boys & Girls / Ages 4–6

Session 2:

5 RY L 7 50SRYCL17

Thurs hu Tues u

9 9:30 a.m. . . 10:15 5 a.m. . .

Session 1:

5 RY L 50SRYCL34

Session 2:

5 RY L 50SRYCL20

Thurs hu

10:15 5 a.m. . .

Tues u

9 9:30 a.m. . .

10:15 5 a.m. . .

Rookie Sports (30 minute class) Gymnasium / Boys & Girls / Ages 4–6

IIn this h class c ch children d will g get the h ch chance c to try sports p such uch as floor h hockey, c soccer, cc volleyball and d lacrosse c to name a few.. Children h d will h have fun, u meet new friends d and d get g some exercise x c while h learning g the h basics c of a variety of sports. p . Sneakers are required.

Session 1:

5 50SRYCL11 RY L

Session 2:

5 50SRYCL13 RY L

Tues u Thurs hu

10:15 5 a.m. . . 9 9:30 a.m. . .

South Shore YMCA Special Event!! Race s tarts 4th Annual pro

youth triathlon

mpt 8:00 a ly at .m.!

Saturday, June 23, 2012 Boys & Girls / Ages 6–13

Pre-Registration fees: $20 Full u members;; $25 5 Non-members N

Race Day Registration fees: $25 5 Full u members;; $30 Non-members N

5 RY P 50SRYSP04

Ages g 6 6–8 8

5 RY P 5 50SRYSP05

Ages g 9 9–11

5 RY P 6 50SRYSP06

Ages g 12–13

Nurturing potential in every child! Swim, Bike, Run! For more information, please contact Linda Montoya at 781-829-8585, ext. 260 or



Wednes er days are 9 w eeks fees


tae kwon do Tae Kwon Do is the Korean martial art for self-defense. It is the scientific use of the body to generate maximum power for unarmed combat. All classes are taught by Black Belt Instructors certified by the International Tae KwonDo Federation (ITF) and United States Tae Kwon-Do Federation (USTF).

Beginner Youth Tae kwon Do (60 min. class) The Center/Studio 2 / 7–13 years.

Students ud learn self-defense d moves, kicks, c blocks, c punches pu ch and d strikes.. Students ud will g gain self cconfidence, d c self-control c and d discid c p pline while h developing d p g their h flexibility x and d c d coordination. .

teen/adult tae kwon do (60 min. class) Studio 1 / 14+ years / All levels.

Tae K Kwon-Do D is the h K Korean martial art for self-defense. d . Students ud learn self–defense d moves, kicks, c blocks, c pu punches ch and d strikes.. Students ud gain g self-confidence, c d c self-control, c &d discipline. cp .P Program g ccovers all levels from beginner g to expert. xp . IImprove p your u flexibility, x p personal health, h h ccoordination d & strength g h while h learning g a traditional d martial art!!

fees: (10 weeks) $180 8 Full u members;; $270 7 N Non-members

5 50SRACL01 R L Tues/Thur u / hu 8 8:00 p. p.m..

5 RY L 6 Tues/Thur 50SRYCL36 u / hu 6:30 6 p.m. p. .

Advanced Youth Tae kwon Do (50 min. class) Studio 1 / 7–13 years

This h is an advanced d c d class c in Tae K Kwon D Do.. Students ud must u have h p prior experience xp c and d p permission from the h instructor. uc . Students ud learn self-defense d moves, kicks, c blocks, c pu ch punches, strikes and dg gain self-confidence, c d c self control c and d discipline d cp in a traditional d art form..

fees: (10 weeks) $180 8 Full u members;; $270 7 N Non-members

5 RY L 50SRYCL01 Tues/Thur u / hu 7:10 7 p.m. p. .

basketball Saturday Youth Basketball clinics


8 wee ks!

(45 minute class) / Gymnasium

The clinics are designed to teach fundamentals of basketball. Children will learn how to work as a team, do individual drills and most importantly have fun!

fees: $96 96 Full u Member;; $145 5N Non-member Small Shots I – 5 & 6 years Children h d will learn how h to dribble, d shoot, h p pass & rebound. u d.

5 RY L 50SRYCL02


9 9:00 a.m. . .

Small Shots II – 7 & 8 years D Dribbling, g p passing, g shooting, h g rebounding u d g and d defensive d drills d will be taught. ugh . D Drills are more skill oriented. d.

5 RY L 50SRYCL03

fees: (10 weeks) $180 8 Full u members;; $270 7 N Non-members


will be p ro-r at time of regist ated ration


10:00 a.m. . .

fLAG football 4 weeks only August 4–25

(45 minute class) / Outdoor Field / Boys & Girls / Ages 5–8

Self-confidence, c d c d discipline, cp and d teamwork are just ju a few things h g this h cclinicc works on while h introducing duc g the h game g of flag g football.. W Weekly drills d and d scrimmage c g fun! u !


(4 weeks) $48 8 Full u Members;; $73 7 Non-members N

5 RY L 5–6 years (boys & girls) 50SRYCL21 7–8 years (boys & girls) 50SRYCL22 5 RY L

Sat 9:15 9 5 a.m. . . Sat 10:00 a.m. . .

SSYMCA NfL flag football League snign up ow! fall 2012 Season! The h South u h Shore h YMCA Y NFL N L FLAG L G FOOTBALL OO B LL provides p d every ch child d the h opportunity pp u to have h a positive p and d fun u experience xp c engaging g g g in non-contact c c continuous c u u action c while h also learning g lessons in teamwork!! The h South u h Shore h YMCA Y at Mill P Pond d Fall season of NFL N L flag g football will start the h week of September p 3rd. d. This h is an eight-week gh season with h 7 weeks of games g and d the h last week is a round u d robin jjamboree.. Y YMCA N NFL L FLAG L G is the h premier p youth u h football league gu for boys and d girls g ages g 7–15. 7 5. • Three h age g brackets: c 7 9 10–12, 13–15, 7–9, 5 boys & girls g

• Games G p played d on Sunday u d afternoons..

• Teams consist c of 10 players. p .

• All g games & practices p c c are h held d at the h South u h Shore h Y YMCA outdoor ud field. d.

• Practices P c c are once c a week.. (TBA) ( B ) • Seven game g schedule. ch du . • All teams are coached c ch d by parent p volunteers.* u .*

fees: $105 5 Full u Members;; $140 Non-members N

5 50SRYLG01 RYLG (7–9 years) 5 50SRYLG02 RYLG (10–12 years) 5 50SRYLG03 RYLG (13–15 years)

• Games G begin g Sunday, u d Sept. p . 9, 9 2012

• All p players will receive c an NFL N L team identified d d Jersey J and dN NFL L flag g belt..

* PARENTS: We need head coaches and assistant coaches for each team. Coaching flag football provides a great opportunity for parents to spend quality time with their children, helping them learn, grow and have fun. If you are interested, please contact Linda Montoya at



volleyball teen drop-in!

basketball new!

private basketball instruction

Private instruction can make you an all around better player!


Boys & Girls / Ages 10+

The YMCA’s coaching plan focuses on instruction, character development, self-esteem, competition and fun!

Come jjoin in the h fun, u meet new friends d and dg get a great g workout u p playing g an all time favorite sport! p !

I d du training Individual g is an effective c means for a player p to improve. p . The h South u h Shore h YMCA is now offering Y gp private lessons for individuals d du ages g 10 and d up. Our Ou professional p c ch g staff will evaluate coaching u and d design d g ap personal p program g for each ch clients c needs. d . Du g each During ch workout u session our u goal g is for you u to have h fun u and d gain g cconfidence. d c . Y u will improve You p your u cconditioning d g and d fundamental u d basketball skills working g one-on-one with h one of our u ccoaching ch g staff..

fees: Included benefit with Full Membership;; $5.00 5. per p night gh for non-member* * P IN Wednesdays W d d 7 7:00–9:45 9 5 p. p.m..



*Sign ups & payment can be made at member service desk.

Private Basketball Instruction Rates:

Group (2–4)

01 03 06 6 12

01 03 06 6 12

Hour H u .............................$040 P c ..............................$115 Pack. 5 P Pack. c ..............................$230 Pack. P c ..............................$460 6

Hour. H u ..........................$05 50 P c ..........................$145 Pack 5 P Pack c ..........................$290 9 P c ..........................$580 Pack 58

Non-members may take up to 3 LESSONS ONLY with an additional fee of $10/lesson. For additional information please contact Linda Montoya, Sports & recreation Director, at ext. 260 or

soccer new!

PTUSA Little kickers Camp

Ages 3–5 years — August 6–10, 2012 This summer, as part of its ongoing relationship with the Y, the PTUSA is running a summer camp at the South Shore YMCA. PTUSA works with hundreds of young players throughout the year and offers a fun, high energy introduction to soccer. Our coaches’ #1 goal is to make sure players build self-esteem while falling in love with the game. Small group activities will help players develop a sense of balance, coordination, and multi-directional movement. Each player will be encouraged to succeed in a series of high energy activities and stories, designed to stimulate both mentally and physically.

Little kickers camp includes:

• Games G / Activities, c allowing g young u g players p to explore xp while h learning g • Skills Challenges h g designed d g d to motivate enthusiasm hu

fees: $75 75 Full u Member;; $100 N Non-member

5 50SRYCL50 RY L5



12:00 – 1:30 p.m. p. .

MEMBERSHIP SOUTH SHORE YMCA • HANOVER BRANCH full membership options HOUSEHOLD* MEMBERSHIP includes: * Includes up to 5 people residing at the same address. One person must be 18 years of age or older. A $10.00 monthly charge will be incurred for each additional household member. Proof of residency is required.

2 Indoor pools

Outdoor Center

New cardiovascular equipment

Selectorized strength equipment


Full court basketball


• •

6 Clay tennis courts; 4 Hard tennis courts

(additional fees applicable)

Family changing rooms

Reduced rate on all classes and priority registration dates

Towels available for rental – $1.00

Coed dry sauna, whirlpool and steam room

Men’s and women’s locker rooms

Over 120 Exercise & Well-being classes each week

Boy’s and girl’s locker rooms

Babysitting (ages 6 weeks – 6 years)

Activity Room

Body Composition Testing

YOUNG ADULT/ADULT/SENIOR Membership includes: •

Coed dry sauna, whirlpool and steam room

Full court basketball

Men’s and women’s locker rooms

6 Clay tennis courts; 4 Hard tennis courts

Reduced rate on all classes and priority registration dates

(additional fees applicable)

Towels available for rental – $1.00

2 Indoor pools

Group Exercise Classes

Outdoor Center

Indoor group cycling

New cardiovascular equipment

Selectorized strength equipment



Over 120 Exercise & Well-being classes each week

Body Composition Testing

JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP (Ages 10–22) includes: •

Free-weights (ages 13–22)

Activity Center

Full court basketball

Locker rooms

(ages 13–22)

6 Clay tennis courts; 4 Hard tennis courts

Reduced rate on all classes and priority registration dates

Selectorized strength equipment

(additional fees applicable)

Towels available for rental – $1.00

2 Indoor pools

Outdoor Center

New cardiovascular equipment


Select Teen Exercise & Well-being Classes

Body Composition Testing

YOUTH MEMBERSHIP** (Ages 0–9) Includes:

This membership is available to children of Adult Full Members. A benefit of this Membership is priority registration for classes (before Non-Members), plus use of facility with the Adult Member**. This membership is available to children 0–9 years old with the following guidelines: A parent/guardian age 16 or older MUST be IN the facility while the Youth Member uses designated supervised areas; adult member must be with the youth in unsupervised areas. ** Children ages 0–9 may only join with an adult member

2 Indoor pools

Activity Center

Outdoor Center

Full court basketball


• •

6 clay tennis courts; 4 Hard tennis courts

Reduced rate on all classes and priority registration dates

(add’l fee—Non-Prime Time only)

Towels available for rental – $1.00

Boy’s & Girl’s Locker rooms

Strength Training & New Cardio Equipment available after required

Select Exercise & Well-being Classes for Members (ages 7–9)

training (ages 7–12)


MEMBERSHIP RATES & INFORMATION SOUTH SHORE YMCA • HANOVER BRANCH rates: (Rates are subject to change with a 30 day notice.) Full Privilege Rates (Hanover Branch) Membership Type:

Monthly Rate*

Joiner’s Fee



Junior (10–22 years)



Young Adult (23–27 years)



Adult (28–64 years)



Senior (65+ years)





1 Adult / 1 Youth** (0–9 years)

Automatic monthly withdrawal

Household*** *

The monthly rate is an ongoing membership that is paid through an automatic withdrawal from a bank account or credit card. To stop the withdrawals, simply fill out our cancellation form stating that you would like to terminate your membership. 30 days notice is required.


Children age 0–9 may only join with an adult.


Includes up to 5 people at the same address. One person must be 18 years or older. There is a $10.00 monthly charge for each additional household member.

Initial Method of Payment: Cash, Check, MasterCard, VISA, American Express or Discover. A blank check, savings, or credit card information is needed to initiate subsequent bank draft monthly payments. Financial Assistance Available: Please contact Jane at ext. 308 for an application. For information on corporate memberships or additional information: Call Laurie at ext. 269.

Joiner’s Fee

The fee can be paid in full at the time of enrollment or, for Adult or Household Memberships, the joiner’s fee may be spread out over a concurrent 3-month period. Memberships that have expired or have been cancelled for more than 30 days are subject to repayment of the joiner’s fee to renew memberships.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Within 30 days of joining the South Shore YMCA, if you are not completely satisfied with your membership, we will refund your joiner’s fee and any membership dues paid.

Financial Assistance

The South Shore YMCA strives to serve the entire community. Financial Assistance is available to those who cannot afford fees. Assistance is awarded based on the need demonstrated by household income and/or extenuating circumstances and the funds available. Monies used to fund Financial Assistance are made possible through charitable donations to our Annual Support Campaign. Contact Jane Fallon at 781-829-8585, ext. 308 or visit for an application.

Facility Hours*

Monday–Friday Saturday Sunday

5:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.* 6:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.* 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.*

*There may be scheduled programs that are held before or after these published times. Only those registered for the program will be allowed in the building.


Thanksgiving: 6:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Christmas: Closed New Year’s Day: 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Easter: Closed

For Building Closings and Class

Memorial Day: 4th of July:

6:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Quincy Closed; Outdoor Center Only:

10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Labor Day: Closed Cancellations: Please dial (781) 829-8585, extension 319

Member Responsibilities: • • • • ii

All YMCA members are required to present their Membership ID Key Tag at the member service desk prior to entering the facility. Membership ID Key Tags are non-transferable. A Membership ID Key Tag can be purchased for $2.00 if you have lost yours. The South Shore YMCA is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

SOUTH SHORE YMCA • HANOVER BRANCH Address, Phone and Fax 75 Mill Street, Hanover, MA 02339

Phone: (781) 829-8585

Fax: (781) 829-8831

staff directory: Executive Staff




Executive Director

Jim Bunnell


Director of Operations

Mark Free


Senior Program Director

Brian Kowalski


Jill McCusker


Aquatics Department Senior Aquatics Director Assistant Aquatics Director


Arts & Education Department Arts & Education Director

Kim Engle


Before/After School Care Department School Age Childcare Director

Jamie Whitcomb


Childcare Administrator

Terri Lombardi

(617) 479-8500


Childcare Business Director

Kathy Boothman (617) 479-8500


Leanne Hale


Business Staff Finance Coordinator

Facility Department Facilities Director

Paul Eastman


Assistant Facilities Director

Dennis Donovan


Health & Well-being Department Senior Director of Health and Well-being

Lisa Gallagher


Assistant Health & Well-being Director

Katelyn Kervin


Group Exercise Director

Kristen Noonan


Partnership Program Coordinator

MaryEllen Olson


Senior Director of Member Services

Laurie Fournier


Assistant Director of Member Services & Financial Assistance

Jane Fallon


Membership Department

Program Staff Camp Gordon Clark Director

T.J. Coogan


Gymnastics Director

Regina Rozzi


Sports & Recreation Director

Linda Montoya


Sports & Recreation Program Coordinator

Chere Marrese


Teen Director/Camp Operations Director

Caitlin Cavanagh


Senior Director of Tennis

Bob Carroll


Tennis Administrative Assistant

Margaret Chase


Tennis Department

Youth & Family Department Senior Director of Youth & Family/Volunteers

Colleen Belcher


Youth & Family Assistant Director

Pamela Holland


Assistant Playroom Director

Mary Plummer


Birthday Party Coordinator

Kathleen Eckland




Please refer to our new Youth Guide to learn about the many activities we have to offer

Please N ote The Play room & Youth Are a are well c s hild rooms

the playroom Babysitting

6 weeks through 6 years welcome while the parent is at the Y. NOTE: YMCA Key Tag or photo identification is REQUIRED to use this service.

Fees: Included with Household Membership [parent(s) and child(ren) must all be Household Members]

$5/hour/1st child for Adult Full Member bringing a Youth Member; $2.50/hour/each sibling $7/hour/1st child for Non-members and visitors; $3.50/hour/each sibling Mon – Fri Saturday Sunday

8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m

Limit: 2 hours/day (ages 1 through 6); 1 hour/day (ages 6 wks–1 yr) For specific questions about the Playroom, please call the Playroom desk at 781-829-8585, ext. 230

youth areas The Activity Center**

A great place for children* and/or their families to have fun with focus on the four core values of character development. MEMBERSHIP ID KEY TAG required. Youth guidelines APPLY.

Included with Household & Youth Memberships Summer hours effective June 24, 2012:

Mon – Fri Saturday Sunday

9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.


NOTE: A parent/guardian age 16+ must be in facility while the Youth Member uses the Activity Center during supervised times. During unsupervised times the parent/guardian must accompany the Youth Member.


Schedule may change due to programs.

The Lounge

Come enjoy a quiet place to relax, read, use the computers, eat, and engage in quiet play.


The Center

Family Time in the Center is a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to play together in a fun, safe environment with our many age appropriate activities. For the safety of our Playroom participants, the Center is a water-only zone.

Mon – Fri Saturday Sunday

12:00 p.m.– 6:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m.; 5:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m.

Note: For both The Lounge and The Center children under 7 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian age 16+ at all times. The Lounge is moderately supervised. Children ages 7 through 9 must have a parent/guardian age 16+ in the YMCA facility. Availability subject to change due to programs and special events.


SAT prep

Summ e Sessio r Availa n ble!

Getting ready to take your SAT’s? Join us at the YMCA with Kaplan SAT prep to receive professional tutoring. Classes run 5 weeks offering tutoring and practice tests. Access to private tutoring and online services also available.

college prep workshop Is college weighing heavy on your mind? Wednesdays • July 11–August 8 • 6:00–7:30 p.m. Come to the h Y YMCA this h summer u to work with hap professional in the h ccollege g admissions d field. d. L Learn the h tricks c of the h trade d when h it ccomes to ch choosing g the h ccorrect c college, c g taking g the h SATs, and d writing g a top p notch ch admissions d essay.. Y You u will leave this h cclass feeling gp prepared p d to make college c g d decisions c and d with h an edited d d c college g essay.. Parents P are encouraged c u g d to attend d class, c but u not required. qu d.

fees: $150 5 Full u members;; $225 5N Non-members 5 N L 50TNTCL01

Register with Kaplan today at KAPTEST.COM or call 1-800-KAP-TEST

teen fridays! summer edition (Ages 10–17)

Watch for our special Teen Friday Events during the summer! I you If uh have a special p c request qu for something h g you u would u d like to see this h summer u or next x year during du g our u Teen Friday d program, p g send d us u an email..

For more information on all

teen programs please contact Caitlin at or ext. 259!

for watchming upco

al spveecnits!

W would We u d love to hear h from you! u!


Get on the G h Yteen Happenings email list and d get g weekly updates upd on the h p program. g .

looking to start programs for Teens at your school?

We Can Help

have a safe & fun summer! See you

Sept. 14, 2012 for Teen fridays!




Challenger Camps

Please Note: Drop off is at the main facility, NOT Camp Gordon Clark

fees: (All Juniors Camps) Half D H Day: Full u D Day:

$163/full 6 / u week $360/full 6 / u week

futures Camps NTRP 1.0–2.0 Ages 6–13 (campers placed according to age and ability)

Beginning B g g juniors ju will experience xp c all the h basics c through h ugh a combination c of fun, u fitness, learning, g and dg games!! Skills are taught ugh u using g the h latest p progressions g and d age g appropriate pp p equipment. qu p .

Hours: Half Day

9 9:30 a.m.–12:00 . . p.m. p. . 1:00 p.m. p. . – 3:30 p.m. p. .

Hours: full Day

9 9:30 a.m.–3:30 . . p. p.m.. Please note: Camp options are Full Week or 3-Day (Mon/Tue/Wed or Wed/Thu/Fri)

NTRP 2.5–3.0 Ages 10–18

Challenger g camps c p involve ju just the h right gh h mix x of exciting xc g drills, d games, g strategy, g and d match ch p play.. Exc Excellent for aspiring p g ju junior p players..

evaluations are required!

Hours: Half Day

E u Evaluations are required qu d for

Hours: full Day

No evaluation needed for Beginners and Quick Starts.

all new tennis participants PRIOR to registration!

9 9:30 a.m.–12:00 . . p.m. p. . 1:00 p.m. p. . – 3:30 p.m. p. . 9 9:30 a.m.–3:30 . . p. p.m..

Evaluation Times

Player Development Camps

May 15th, 17th, 22nd & 24th from 6:00–6:30 p.m. Saturday, May 19th & June 2nd from 11:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

NTRP 3.5 and above Ages 12–18

Geared G d towards d competitive c p h high gh school ch and dU USTA tournament u p players, this h advanced d c d camp c p balances c intensive d drills, games, g strategy, g match ch play p & c d conditioning! g!

$5 Fee • No Appointment Necessary

Hours: Half Day

9 9:30 a.m.–12:00 . . p.m. p. .

Hours: full Day

9 9:30 a.m.–3:30 . . p. p.m..

No Walk-ins, please!

Summer 2012 Tennis Court fees WEEkDAYS: Both Prime & Non-Prime Time $20 / hour

WEEkENDS: Both Prime & Non-Prime Time $10 / hour Cancellation Policy: 24 hrs notice is needed to cancel your court time, otherwise you will be responsible for your payment. Please note: You must have a credit card on file to book a court. Members & Guests must pay prior to playing.

JUNIOR PLAYER TEAM TENNIS Team matches with other clubs every week and weekly practices.

Ages: 10–16 6 NTRP 2.5 – 4.0 5 EJ 50TEJTT01

fees: $195 95 Full u Member

$280 8 N Non-Member P c c are Tuesdays, Practices u d 3:30–5:00 5 p. p.m..

Team match schedule to follow. Matches held Wed or Thurs at 1:00 p.m.



fOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL Of EVERY CHILD AND TEEN Attention participants: Tennis classes run 10 weeks for the Summer 2012 Session

quick starts

Ages 4–5

For more information, please contact Sue Leu at Ext. 271. indoors

IIntroduces duc young u g children ch d to the h g game of tennis.. Features u basicc stroke development, d p h d hand-eye coordination, c d d drills, games, g and d most importantly, p FUN! UN!

NTRP 1.0 For first-time tennis p players, this h clinic c c introduces duc tennis in a fun u and d active c way by utilizing u z g smaller ccourts u and d more manageable g equipment. qu p . fees:

(45 minute class)

$145 5 Full u Member;; $218 8 Non-member N

5 EQ 50TEQST01 50TEQST02 5 EQ

Tue u Thu hu

3:30 p.m. p. . 3:30 p.m. p. .

NTRP 1.5 For players p who h have h graduated g du d Quick Qu c Starts 1.0 . or have h suitable u ability.. Features u basicc strokes, scoring, c g g games, footwork and d court c u etiquette. qu .


(45 minute class)

$145 5 Full u Member;; $218 8 Non-member N

5 EQ 50TEQST03 50TEQST04 5 EQ

Tue u Thu hu

4:15 5 p. p.m.. 4:15 5 p. p.m..


Ages 6–10

introduces duc players p to the h g game’s ’ basicc rules, p p strokes and proper d movement.. u Smaller courts c u and d manageable g equipment qu p are u utilized z d to help h pp players p progress. g . (60 min. class)

$185 85 Full u Member;; $278 78 N Non-member

5 50TEFUT01 E U 5 50TEFUT02 E U

Mon W d Wed

4:00 p.m. p. . 4:00 p.m. p. .

NTRP 1.5 For p players familiar with h the h g game’s ’ basics, c yet still learning g to rally.. P Players will progress p g through h ugh strokes to g game and d match ch play. p . fees:

Ages 11–18

Beginner B g and d intermediate d d drills, stroke p duc production and d games g along g with h singles g and d doubles d u play p emphasized. ph z d.


(60 minute class)

$185 85 Full u Member;; $278 78 N Non-member

NTRP 1.0 New N to the h g game? ? This h cclinicc


will be p ro-r at time of regist ated ration



beginner and Intermediate—

Wednes er days are 9 w eeks fees

NTRP 1.0 5 50TECHA01 E H 5 50TECHA02 E H

Tues u Thurs hu

4:00 p. p.m.. 4:00 p. p.m..

Tues u Thurs hu

4:00 p. p.m.. 4:00 p. p.m..

NTRP 1.5–2.0 5 50TECHA03 E H 5 50TECHA04 E H

NTRP 2.5 Knows h K how to score c and d play. p .1h hour u of d drills and d strategy g capped c pp d off with h 30 minutes u of match ch p play..


(90 minute class)

$250 5 Full u Member;; $375 75 N Non-member

5 50TECHA05 E H 5

Thurs hu

4:00 p. p.m..

(60 minute class)

$185 85 Full u Member;; $278 78 N Non-member

5 50TEFUT03 E U 5 50TEFUT04 E U

Mon Wed W d

5 5:00 p. p.m.. 5:00 p. 5 p.m..

NTRP 2.0 For players p capable c p of sustainu ing g a slow-paced p c d rally.. Students ud will work toward d full-court u c u match ch play p and d an u understanding d d g of scoring c g a match. ch.


(60 minute class)

$185 85 Full u Member;; $278 78 N Non-member

5 50TEFUT05 E U 5 5 50TEFUT06 E U 6

Mon W d Wed

5:00 p. 5 p.m.. 5 5:00 p. p.m..

NTRP 2.5 Knows K h how to score c and d play p a match. ch. L Learns basicc singles g and dd double u strategy g through h ugh d drills, live ball play, p games, g and d match ch p play.. fees:

(90 minute class)

$250 5 Full u Member;; $375 75 N Non-member

5 50TEFUT07 E U 7 5 50TEFUT08 E U 8

Mon Wed W d

5 5:00 p. . p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5 p. .

private/ semi-private tennis lessons Youth or Adult

E ch lesson is specially Each p c tailored d to meet your u needs. d . Stroke d development p and d strategic g c techniques ch qu are cu customized z d to enhance h c a player’s p ’ game. g . N Non-members may take up to 3 LE LESSONS ON ONLY with h an additional dd fee of $10/lesson. / .


Private 1 Student ud – $72/Hour; 7 /H u ; $38.50/Half 8.5 /H Hour H u Semi-Private 2 Students ud – $38.50 8.5 pp/Hour; pp/H u ; 3 Students ud – $28.50 8.5 pp/Hour pp/H u



Quick Start PARENT Tennis

Your child is already on court learning tennis… why not you? This speciallypriced clinic runs 45 minutes — just like your child’s Quick Start — and will introduce you to the basics of the game. Held alongside Quick Starts for Kids so you can play at the same time! Contact Margaret Chase at ext. 263 for clinic times. $102 Full member; 153 non-member

Private 1 Student ud – $67/Hour; 67/H u ; $36/Half 6/H Hour H u Semi-Private 2 Students ud – $36 6 pp/Hour; pp/H u ; 3 Students ud – $26 6 pp/Hour pp/H u

Cancellation Policy: 24 hrs notice is needed to cancel your lesson with the pro, otherwise you will be responsible for your payment.


fOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NURTURING THE POTENTIAL Of EVERY CHILD AND TEEN YOUTH & fAMILY PROGRAMMING For more information on Youth & Family Programming, please contact Pamela Holland, Youth and Family Assistant Director, at ext. 318.

LEGO Club (1 hour) The Lounge / Ages 7–10 & 10+

Building, creating, and constructing with LEGOs will be the order of business at this club! Have fun exploring a variety of weekly themes and challenge yourself to try some new building techniques. Come learn and share some new ideas at the Y LEGO club.

fees: $70 7 Full u Member;; $105 5N Non-member lEGO Club 1: Ages 7–10 For younger u g ch children d who h have h not yet p participated c p d in LEGO Club u at the h Y.

5 50FAFAM06 6

Tues u

4:00 p.m. p. .

lEGO Club 2: Ages 10+ Ages g 10 and d up and/or d/ children ch d who h h have c p completed d LEGO Club u 1..

5 50FAFAM07 7 new!

Tues u

5 5:30 p. p.m..

Literacy and Math Tutoring Summer Tune Up!

Avoid d the h dreaded d d d “Summer “ u R Regression g B u ” all young Blues,” u g people p p experience xp c learning g losses when h they h do d not engage g g in educational duc activities c during du g the h summer. u . O average, On g students ud lose approximately pp x 2.6 .6 months h of grade-level g d equivalency. qu c . G Give your u child ch d a jumpstart ju p on the h 2012/2013 / school ch year by booking ga tutoring u g session h here at the h Y! Booking B g a weekly tutoring u g session with h one of our u h highly gh qualified qu d tutors u ccan h help p boost cconfidence d c and d avoid d anxiety x about u the h upc upcoming g school ch year.. The h Y offers tutoring u g in a wide d range g of subjects u j c in air-conditioned c d d facilities, c from early literacy c to calculus. c cu u . Book B your u ch child’s d’ 30 minute u or 1 hour h u session today! d !

fees: Full members $20 per p 1/2 / hour; h u ; $35 5p per h hour u Non-members $25 5p per 1/2 / h hour; u ; $45 5 per p hour h u Please call ext. 375 for more information.


New! Special Abilities Programming!

Building Bridges: Movie/Game Night

(2.5 hours) The Lounge / Ages 10–17

This h summer u extension x of Bu Building d g Bridges B dg Social c Skills h is the G up. IIt is drop-in Group. d p event, ccatering g to people p p ages g 10–17 7 with h h gh functioning high u c g autism u and d Aspergers. p g . Movie/Game /G Night N gh will occur ccu on Friday d nights gh from 5:30–8:00 5 8 p.m. p. . Participants P cp will p $10 (plus pay (p u an optional p $5 5 towards d pizza) p zz ) per p visit.. Movie/Game /G Night N gh will begin g with h a preview p of the h movie, including c ud g genre, g characters ch c and d basicc plot. p . A portion p of the h preview p will include c ud the h type p of humor hu u used, d and d specific p c c examples x p of sarcasm c and d irony to look out u for.. P Participants cp will h have the h option p of ccomp pleting g a “Movie “ Scavenger c g Hunt” Hu ” for prizes! p z ! For those h participants p cp who h are not interested d in watching ch g the h movie, or who h need da break from the h movie, a g game table will be available in the h back c of the h room with hg games including c ud g Apples pp To Apples, pp Jenga J g and d Loaded L d d Questions. Qu . IIn an effort to include c ud peers p to model d positive p social c interactions, c each ch participant p cp will be able to bring g a sibling/friend/ABA g/ d/ B Therapist h p for free..

fees: $10, plus p u an optional p $5 5 towards d pizza p zz Fridays d

5 5:30–8:00 8 p. p.m..

father & daughter dance Join us for this annual Father’s Day weekend tradition! Create lasting g memories together g h at this h very special p c fun u family event.. G Get dressed d d up up, d dance, c and d enjoy j some refreshments h together g h while h strengthening gh g your u relationship h p with h your u “little “ princess.” p c .”

fees: (per family) $15 5 if registered g d before Ju June 11, 2012 $22 for registrations g after June Ju 10, 2012

Where: Studio ud 3 When: Saturday, u d June Ju 16, 6 2012, 5:30–7:30 5 7 p. p.m.. 5 50FAFAM16 6

family fun time saturdays! Spend p d some quality qu family time at the h Y. On O the h first Saturday u d of every month h we will provide p d a variety of family friendly d activities c for you u to enjoy j together. g h . The h first Saturday u d of every month h 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. p. . Included with Family Membership



birthday parties COME CELEBRATE YOUR SPECIAL DAY AT THE Y! Y u pick You p c the h date, d we bring g the h fun! u ! All parties p are one hour h u 45 5 minutes u of non-stop p fun: u one hour h u of activity c and d another h 45 5 minutes u for food, d ccake, and d presents p ( upp d by members)) (supplied

ore for mation m inforll ext. ca


Fee includes trained birthday party staff, specified activities, set up, break down and cleaning of the party, birthday invitations, and the birthday boy or girl gets a special birthday t-shirt to remember his or her special day. The party room is yours to decorate. The birthday child is the center of all activities.

fun & Games Party For up to 20 children

Dance Party For up to 20 children

fees: $225 5 Full u Member;; $250 5 Non-Mbr N

fees: $260 6 Full u Member;; $285 85 N Non-Mbr

Love recess? L c ? Then h come c celebrate c your u birthday hd with h fun u and d active c g games in The h Center!!

Sat Sun u

3:00 – 4:45 5 p. p.m.. 11:00 a.m. . . – 12:45 5 p. p.m..

Learn some d L dances c and d play p some dancing d c g g games. . We’ll W ’ bring g the h music u c — you u bring g your u d dancing c g shoes! h !

Sat Sun u

3:00 – 4:45 5 p. p.m.. 11:00 a.m. . . – 12:45 5 p. p.m..

Sports Party For up to 20 children

Princess Party For up to 12 children

fees: $225 5 Full u Member;; $250 5 Non-Mbr N

Come d dressed d as your u favorite princess p c and d join j u us for ccrafts, games g and d lots of royal fun! u !

Game on!! G G Gather h your u team and dh have a ball p playing g t-ball, flag g football, basketball, or soccer cc in our u Center!!

Sat Sun u

3:00 – 4:45 5 p. p.m.. 11:00 a.m. . . – 12:45 5 p. p.m..

Toddler Birthday Party For up to 15 children

Come sing g songs, g p pop p bubbles, u and d get g messy for your u 2nd d or 3rd d birthday! hd !

fees: $225 5 Full u Member;; $250 5 Non-Mbr N Sat Sun u

3:00 – 4:45 5 p. p.m.. 11:00 a.m. . . – 12:45 5 p. p.m..

LEGO-mania Party For up to 12 children Build Bu d to your u heart’s h ’ ccontent at a Lego L g p party with h your u friends. d . Perfect P c for a L g Legomaniac! c!


$225 5 Full u Member;; $250 5 Non-Member N

Sun u

11:00 a.m. . . – 12:45 5 p. p.m..

Theater Party For up to 20 children

All the h worlds d a stage! g ! Have H a fun, u silly time with h lots of theater h games g and d activities! c !

fees: $225 5 Full u Member;; $250 5 Non-Mbr N Sat Sun u

3:00 – 4:45 5 p. p.m.. 11:00 a.m. . . – 12:45 5 p. p.m..

Gymnastics Party For up to 12 children L ’ tumble Let’s u and d have h some fun! u ! Your Y u little gymnastics g c enthusiasts hu will “flip” “ p” for this h party! p !

fees: $260 6 Full u Member;; $285 85 N Non-Mbr Sun u

11:00 a.m. . . – 12:45 5 p. p.m..

Be a princess B p c for a day d at your u own P c Princess Party! P !

fees: $260 6 Full u Member;; $285 85 N Non-Mbr Sat Sun u

3:00 – 4:45 5 p. p.m.. 11:00 a.m. . . – 12:45 5 p. p.m..

Pirate Party For up to 12 children

Yo H Y Ho H Ho!! G Go on a scavenger c g hunt, hu p play some g games, and d have h swashbuckling h uc g fun u at a p pirate p party!!

fees: $260 6 Full u Member;; $285 85 N Non-Mbr Sat Sun u

3:00 – 4:45 5 p. p.m.. 11:00 a.m. . . – 12:45 5 p. p.m..

Art Party For up to 12 children

Create a birthday hd masterpiece p c with h our u resident d artist and d have h some fun u explorxp ing g your u ccreative side! d !

fees: $260 6 Full u Member;; $285 85 N Non-Mbr Sat Sun u

3:00 – 4:45 5 p. p.m.. 11:00 a.m. . . – 12:45 5 p. p.m..


Craft Party For up to 12 children

The h messiest fun u you u will ever have! h ! B g your Bring u creative c side. d . Sprinkle p glitter, g p paint and dg glue u some fun u crafts. c .

fees: $260 6 Full u Member;; $285 85 N Non-Mbr Sat Sun u new!

3:00 – 4:45 5 p. p.m.. 11:00 a.m. . . – 12:45 5 p. p.m..

kids Zone Toddler Party at the Early Learning Center!

For up to 15 children

Perfect P c for Toddlers! dd ! Come p play at the h Kid Kd Z Zone, sing g some songs, g ride d bikes, play p g games, and d more..

fees: $250 5 Full u Member;; $275 75 N Non-Mbr Sat or Sun u new!

1:00 – 2:45 5 p. p.m..

Outdoor Center Party! Max. 20 people (including adults)

Enjoy E j our u beautiful u u Ou Outdoor d Center with h your u pals p on your u birthday. hd . U Use the h outdoor, ud p pool, p play some g games, and dh have ball!!

fees: $260 6 Full u Member;; $285 85 N Non-Mbr Fri Sat or Sun u new!

4:00 – 5:45 5 5 p. p.m.. 2:00 – 3:45 5 p. p.m..

Backyard Bash! For up to 20 children

Have fun H u outside u d in the h sunshine u h on our u fields. d. P Play field d games g and d get g your u g game on!!

fees: $225 5 Full u Member;; $250 5 Non-Mbr N Sat or Sun u 11:00 a.m. . . – 12:45 5 p. p.m.. or 2:00 – 3:45 5 p. p.m..

Pool Party For up to 20 children (children under the age of 7 must be accompanied by an adult in the water)

Slip p down d the h waterslide d and d splash p h your u way to a g great time at the h Y!

fees: $300 Full u Member;; $350 5 Non-Mbr N Sat 5 5:30 – 7:15 7 5 p.m. p. . Sun u 1 – 2:45 5 p. p.m.. or 2 – 3:45 5 p.m. p. . new!

Tennis Party For up to 12 children

Grab your G u racket c and d enjoy j cardio c d tennis, music, u c and dg games!!

Party Enhancements: Face c P Painting g . . . . . . . . . . . .$35 5 Caricatures c u . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75 75 G d Bags Goodie B g . . . . . . . . . . . .$50 5 8L Latex xB Balloons . . . . . . . . .$10 P p Goods Paper G d . . . . . . . . . . . .$15 5 Moon B Bounce u c . . . . . . . . . . .$50 5 Additional dd children ch d . . . . .$5 5 each ch

fees: $260 6 Full u Member;; $285 85 N Non-Mbr Sat

3:00 – 4:45 5 p. p.m.. 23


Aquatic sS will be 8 ummer w

(Wednesd eeks ay unless o will be 7 weeks ther fees will wise noted) be pro-r at time of regist ated ration

AQUATICS — ADULTS Attention participants: Aquatics classes run 8 weeks for the Summer 2012 Session


adult private swim lessons

Adult Swim Lessons (45 minute class) Ages 16+.

fees: $84 8 Full u Member;; $125 5N Non-mbr beginner Learn L the h basics c in swimming. g.

5 Q L 50AQACL01

Tues u

7 7:00 p. p.m..

Intermediate Improve I p your u crawl c stroke, backstroke, c and d breaststroke.. Also, treading d g water, diving, d g and d endurance du c swimming. g.

5 Q L 50AQACL02

Thurs hu

7 7:00 p. p.m..

(30 min. class) For Adults

The h one-on-one h format ccan be either or semi-private p with h two students ud of similar age g and d ability to one instructor. uc .

fees:* $39 9p per P Private Lesson; L ; $55 55 p per Semi-Private P L Lesson *Non-members will be charged an additional $10 fee and are limited to 3 lessons/year. For more information, call ext. 242.

Hydro Power A High-Intensity Shallow Aqua Aerobics Workout

An excellent xc way to burn u off fat and d build u d strength g h and d aerobicc capacity. c p c .

Water Aerobics (60 minute class)

Stretching, ch g toning, g and d cardiovascular c d cu exercises, x c & combined c d shallow h and d deep d p water exercises. x c .

fees: Included with Full Membership DROP IN CLASS!

e— (First com ed) First serv

Tues u Tues u W d Wed Thurs hu Thurs hu Fri

9:30 9 7 7:00 7 7:00 9 9:30 7 7:00 9 9:30

a.m. . . p. p.m.. p. p.m.. a.m. . . p.m. p. . a.m. . .

Deep Water Power (60 minute class)

High H gh intensity total body d conditioning c d g in d p water;; cardiovascular deep c d cu and d muscular u cu strengthening gh g workout u using u g floatation belt and d water resistive equipment. qu p .

fees: Included with Full Membership DROP IN CLASS!

Tues u Thurs hu

8 8:30 a.m. . . 8:30 a.m. 8 . .

Aqua Group Personal Training (60 minutes) 8-week class

Aqua qu training g in a small group g up setting g (6:1 ratio). (6 ). IInstructor uc leads d you u through h ugh p personalized/fun z d/ u workout. u.

fees: $160 6 Full u Member;; $203 Non-member N

5 QWEX 7 Mon/Wed 50AQWEX07 /W d 24

8 8:30 a.m. . .

Au unique qu technique ch qu ccalled d Cross Travel which h ch g gets the h same cardio c d effects c as running u g on land d without h u the h joint j pain! p ! The h u use of resistance c bands d targets g the h arms, back c and d ch chest – a great g abdominal d and d oblique qu workout u which h ch decreases d c waist size z and d strengthens gh the h ccore.. Bu 300–500 Burn 5 calories c an h hour! u! Both swimmers & non-swimmers can participate

older adults

Arthritis foundation YMCA Aquatic Program (60 minutes) 7-week class

Warm water exercise W x c program p g d designed g d for people p p with h arthritis h and d related d c d conditions. . Perform P g gentle exercises x c without h u strain on jjoints or muscles. u c . W Work on balance, c ccoordination, d and d basicc cardio c d moves.. Flotation belt must be worn throughout class. A quick “swim” test is required and performed 1st class. AFYAP form is required for participation, and is available at the front desk or through the instructor.

fees: Included with Full Membership; $76 76 Non-member N


Mon Tues u W d Wed Thur hu Fri

3:00 8 8:30 3:00 8 8:30 8 8:30

p.m. p. . a.m. . . p.m. p. . a.m. . . a.m. . .

Senior Water Aerobics

Specifically p c c d designed g d for active c older d adults. du . Stretching, ch g toning, g and d ccardio d vascular cu exercise x c in the h water..

fees: Included with Full Membership DROP IN CLASS!

Tues/Thur u / hu

10:30 a.m. . .

fees: $160 6 Full u Member;; $203 N Non-mbr 5 50AQWEX08 QWEX 8 Mon/Wed /W d 9 9:30–10:30 a.m. . .

COMPETITIVE SWIMMING — ADULTS Triathlon Swim Technique Class Introduction to Swim Team 1 hour class/2 days per week

I the If h swim is the h hardest h d leg g of your u triathlon, h this h is the h class c for you! u! Taught ugh by coaches c ch of the h Stryper p Swim Team, c class focuses cu on swimming g technique ch qu to improve p efficiency c c in the h water which h ch conc serves the h much uch needed d d energy g required qu d to ccomplete p a triathlon. h .

fees: $160 6 Full u Member;; $203 Non-Member N

5 50AQMAS04 Q

Mon/Wed /W d 8:00 8 p.m. p. .

South Shore Y Masters

10 weeks / Age 18+

Swimmers of various u ability levels train to achieve ch their h goals g of increased c d techch nique, qu efficiency, c c and d fitness level.. Competition p is optional. p . We W represent p the h South u h Shore h YMCA Y at N.E. Masters’’ Competition. p . fees: 10 weeks (All workouts) $65 65 Full u Member;; $88 88 Non-Member N

5 Q 50AQMAS01 50AQMAS02 5 Q

Tu/Th u/ h M/W /W

5 5:30 a.m. . . 9:30 a.m. 9 . .

For more info, call Jill McCusker, ext. 238.



Wednes er days are 9 w eeks fees

will be p ro-r at time of regist ated ration


adult visual arts Digital Photography

Art Class for the Non-Artist

Finally learn the h p possibilities of your u d digig tal ccamera.. Learn L ph photography g ph basics c as well as cconnect c with h your u Y YMCA peers. p .

Who says that Wh h art has h to hang h g in a g gallery to be worthy h of admiration? d ? Wh Who says that ud don’t ’ do d it right, gh d don’t ’ d do it at h if you all? ? Not N u us!!

(75 min. class) Arts & Education Center / Adults

(60 min. class) Arts & Education Ctr / Adults Who says that crayons are just for kids?

I Instructor: uc B Brina H Healy

You’re Y u’ never too old d to enjoy j that h childlike ch d creativity within h you u—h here it’s ’ safe to let c g and go d explore xp & exercise x c your u ccreativity!!

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member

5 EVI 9 50AEVIS09

Thurs hu

7 5 p. 7:15 p.m..

I Instructor: uc K Kate Sanborn

fees: $92 9 Full u Member;; $139 9N Non-member



clay and more

Arts & Education Center / Adults


1:00 p. p.m..

ks 5 wee

Come jjoin us u for hands-on h d and d process p c oriented d workshop, h p where h we will H Hand d Build Bu d W With h Clay!! !! Exp Experiment with h cclay and d ccreate a variety of cclay p j c projects: masks, puppets, pupp p planters, mugs, ug figures, gu p c u frames, boxes, picture x assemblages g and d your u ideas!!!! d !!!! Firing g and d supplies upp included. c ud d. I Instructor: uc P Pam G Golden d


5 weeks beginning 6/26

$72 7 Full u Member;; $108 8N Non-member


Tues u

12:00 p.m. p. .



Wednes er days are 9 w eeks fees


will be p ro-r at time of regist ated ration


personal fitness

Tai Chi – Level I

new! (60 min. class) Studio 2 /

8 weeks

Yin/Yang Yoga

All ages welcome!

(60 min. class) Studio 3 / Adults

Come experience xp c how h the h breath h can c gu d movement and guide d act c as a gateway g to greater body d awareness and dd deeper p introg spection. p c . This h class c combines c Y Yin yoga g for balancing c g and dY Yang g (Vinyasa) yoga g for a rejuvenating ju g experience. xp c . Yang Y g is a fluid ud style of yoga g where h each ch movement is linked d with h the h breath. h. Y Yin yoga g focuses cu on h holding d g postures p u for 3–5 5 minutes. u .

(60 min. class) Studio 2 / All ages welcome!

10 week s

This h ancient c d discipline cp offers many benefits including c ud g improved p d strength, g h flexibility, x balance c and dp posture u alignment. g . Learn L more of the h ancient c Chinese h p postures u in this h Level L II class. c .

I Instructor: uc P Peggy gg Leung, L u g R.N.

$60 6 Full u Members;; $90 9 Non N Members

fees: $60 6 Full u Members;; $90 9 Non N Members

5 50HWACL03 HW L 5 50HWACL04 HW L 5 50HWACL05 HW L 5

I Instructor: uc Maryellen O Olson

W d Wed

Tai Chi – Level II

An ancient c Chinese h exercise x c class c c combining g stretching, ch g balancing, c g relaxing, x g and d meditation d techniques. ch qu . This h ancient c d cp discipline offers many benefits, including c ud g stress reduction, duc emotional wellness, improved p d strength, g h flexibility, x balance, c and d postural p u alignment. g .

fees: $80 8 Members;; $120 N Non Mbrs 5 HW L 50HWACL02

10 week s

8 8:30 a.m. . .

Tues u W d Wed Sat

12:00 p.m. p. . 7 7:00 p. p.m.. 2:00 p. p.m..

Instructor: uc Peggy P gg L Leung, u g R.N. I

fees: 5 HW L 6 50HWACL06


Qi Gong

(60 min. class) Studio 2 / All ages welcome!

8 8:00 a.m. . .

10 week s

(60 minutes) Health & Well-being Center / 2X per week for 10 weeks

Qi G Q Gong g is a holistic h c mind/body d/ d fitness system.. IIt helps h p to revitalize z the h body, d lower blood d pressure, p u loosen the h various u body d jjoints and d relax x the h mind, d thus hu eliminating g stress..

This h program p g is for individuals d du living g with hd diabetes and/or d/ transitioning g from cardiac c d c rehabilitation. h . This h class c will p provide d structured uc u d workouts u based d on individual d du needs. d . E Each ch p participant cp will meet one-on-one with h a trainer to d design g an exercise x c plan. p . Meets 2X X a week for strength g h and d cardiovascular c d cu work..

IIt is a superb up exercise x c for cu cultivating g and d maintaining g general g g good d health. h h. It I is also h gh effective highly c for the h cardiovascular, c d cu c central nervous u and d digestive dg systems..

structured exercise Conquer Diabetes and Cardiac Transitions


(2X/week for 10 weeks) Included with Full Membership; $240 N Non-Member

Conquer Diabetes

5 HW L 9 50HWACL09

Mon/Wed /W d

6 6:00 p. p.m..

I Instructor: uc Tyson Sunnerberg u g

Cardiac Transistions

50HWACL10 5 HW L 5 HW L 50HWACL11 5 HW L 50HWACL12 5 HW L 50HWACL13 5 HW L 50HWACL14 new!

Tues/Thur u / hu Tues/Thur u / hu Tues/Thur u / hu Tues/Thur u / hu Tues/Thur u / hu

7:30 7 8 8:30 10:30 11:30 5 5:00

a.m. . . a.m. . . a.m. . . a.m. . . p. p.m..

With: W h W h With: W h With: W h With: W h With:

Kyle K B Britton Leeanne L Stronach/Kyle ch/K Britton B Leeanne L Stronach/Kyle ch/K Britton B Leeanne L Stronach/Kyle ch/K Britton B Kyle K B Britton

Pre and Post Operative Care (60 minutes)

Health & Well-being Center / 2X per week for 10 weeks

This h Program P g p provides d each ch individual d du with h a specific p c c exercise x c program p g designed d g d to restore your u state of h health h whether h h it be recovering c g from an injury ju or injury ju p prevention.. A Great G step p for people p p before and d after ph physical c therapy. h p . Exercise Ex c benefits include c ud d c decreased d pain, p increases c jjoint range g of motion, increased c d wound u d healing, h g overall muscle u c tone, and d weight gh loss..


(2X/week for 10 weeks) Included with Full Membership; $240 N Non-Member

5 HW L 5 50HWACL15

Mon/Wed /W d


11:00 a.m. . .

I Instructor: uc Kate K Mortland d

bridal boot camp (60 min. class) Studio 2 / Adults

8 weeks • June 28–August 16 Ready R d to look stunning u g when h you u walk down d the h aisle? ? Whether Wh h you’re u’ in a wedding, dd g attending d g a class c reunion, u or just ju attending d g a function, u c you u want to look your u best!! Finally, a challenging ch g g and d exhilarating xh g workout u with h other h members ju like you just u that h g get REAL RE L RESULTS! RE UL ! Instructor: I uc Nicky N c Hamel H

fees: $96 96 Full u Member;; $144 N Non-mbr 5 HW L 6 50HWACL16 26

I Instructor: uc P Peggy gg Leung, L u g R.N.


Thur hu

11:00 a.m. . .

$60 6 Full u Members;; $90 9 Non N Members

5 HW L 7 50HWACL07


fit to the Core

9 9:00 a.m. . .

8 weeks

(60 min. class) Studio 2 / Adults

Tired d of the h same old d exercise x c routine? u ? U z g the Utilizing h Bosu, B u Stability, and dP Power balls, ch challenge g yourself u and d discover d c all the h benefits of ccore cconditioning—You’ll d g Y u’ love the h results! u ! I Instructor: uc K Kelly H Hawk

fees: $96 96 Members;; $144 N Non Members

5 HW L 8 50HWACL08

W d Wed

9 9:30 a.m. . .


adult specialty classes designed for those who want to strive for another challenge in their fitness routine! 10 week s

TRX® Team Training

(60 minute class) Studio 1 / Adults

Get maximum G x u results u by ccombining g strength g h and d ccardio d training. g. IImprove p c core stability, agility, g and d balance. c . • G Get personal p training g in a small group g up from specialized p c z d TRX RX Coaches ch

• Stay motivated d with h fun u and d ch challenging g g team-orientated d workouts u

$140 Full u Member;; $210 Non-Member N

TRX® Boot Camp new!

a.m. . . p.m. p. . p. p.m.. p.m. p. . a.m. . . p.m. p. . a.m. . . p. p.m..

5 weeks

(60 minute class) Studio 3 / Adults

These h 5-week 5 sessions are designed d g d to kick c your u butt u in a shorter h time!! A ccardio d u p workout u ccombined d with h the h TRX RX® suspension straps p to help h p improve p core c stability and d balance, c while h combining c g strength gh and d cardio c d training. g. I Instructor: uc Sarah h Rydwansky R d

fees: (5 weeks)

8 8:30 a.m. . .

Session 2 (8/3–8/31)

5 HW L 6 50HWACL26



8 8:00 a.m. . .

11 week s

Co-ed Boot Camp

(60 minute class) Studio 1 / Adults

I Instructor: uc Tyson Sunnerberg u g $132 Full u Member;; $198 98 Non-Member N


Tues u Thur hu

5:15 5 5 a.m. . . 5 5:30 a.m. . .

8 weeks

Butts and Guts

(60 minute class) Studio 1 / Adults

L Looking g for a change ch g in your u ccardio d rouu tine? ? Bring B g your u fitness level to the h next x ph phase with h this h u unchoreographed ch g ph d intervaltraining g program. p g . Improve I p your u ccardio d endurance du c and d strength g h with h an added dd d intense abdominal d workout! u! IInstructor: uc Sue u Belanger B g

fees: (11 weeks) $264 6 Full u Member;; $396 96 N Non-Member

8 8:30 a.m. . .

$96 96 Full u Member;; $144 N Non-Member

12:00 p.m. p. .

Running the Bells (60 minute class) This h class c is designed d g d to maximize x z the h h hour u by giving g g you u 40 minutes u of a structured uc u d treadmill d workout u with h heart h rate straps. p . The h last 20 minutes u u uses K Kettlebells for a strength g h workout u focusing cu g on endurance du c and d range g of motion.. IInstructor: uc Sarah h Rydwansky R d

fees: $98 Full Members only 5 50HWACL37 HW L 7 Tues u 10:00 a.m. . .

Tu/Th u/ h

6 6:30 a.m. . .

Boot Camp with Bruce 10 weeks (60 minute class) Studio 2 / Adults

A great g ccross-training g workout u that h keeps p your u body d gu guessing g while h h having g fun u at the h same time.. I Instructor: uc B uc H Bruce Heller $140 Full u Member;; $210 Non-Member N

50HWACL31 5 HW L 5 HW L 50HWACL32 5 HW L 50HWACL33 5 HW L 50HWACL34 5 HW L 5 50HWACL35

Mon W d Wed W d Wed Fri Sat

Spartan Training

6:00 6 7 7:00 6 6:00 9 9:00 8 8:00

a.m. . . a.m. . . p. p.m.. a.m. . . a.m. . .

8 weeks

new! (60 min.) Outside, weather permitting / Adults

Raw, modern R d and d one-of-a-kind! d! This h h gh high-intensity workout u is designed d g d to strip p away fat and d define d every muscle u c in your u body. d .Y You’ll u’ build u d ccardiovascular d cu and d musu cu cular strength g h and d endurance du c in this h boot c p style cclass.. camp I Instructor: uc Christine h G Galvin

fees: (8 weeks) W d Wed

I Instructor: uc Tyson Sunnerberg u g

fees: (10 weeks)

fees: (11 weeks) 50HWACL28 5 HW L 8 5 HW L 9 50HWACL29

11 week s

This h class c meets twice c a week to double d u your u ch chance c to bust u your u butt u ((and d your u gu !) gut!)

fees: (8 weeks) $112 Full u Member;; $168 68 Non-Member N

5 50HWACL38 HW L 8 5 50HWACL39 HW L 9

Health & Well-being Center / Adults

Session 1 (6/29–7/27)


5 HW L 7 50HWACL27

(60 minute class) 2X a week Studio 1 / Adult Men

5 HW L 50HWACL30

$132 Full u Member;; $198 98 Non-Member N

5 50HWACL36 HW L 6

$70 7 Full u Member;; $105 5N Non-Member

5 HW L 5 50HWACL25

11 week s

Studio 1 / Adult Men

fees: (11 weeks)

fees: (10 weeks) 11:00 1:00 7 7:00 1:00 9 9:30 2:30 7 7:00 12:15 5

Boot Camp for Men

I Instructor: uc Tyson Sunnerberg u g

TRX RX TEAM E is a multi-week, u team-based d “B “Boot Camp” p” style training gp program g based d on the h same p proven TRX RX Suspension u p d gh exercise x c programs p g Training g® bodyweight u d by the used h U.S. U. . Military, pro p athletes, h and d top p trainers..

Mon Tues u W d Wed Thur hu Fri Sat Sun u Sun u

Boot Camp for Men II

K c Start your Kick u day! d !R Raise your u heart h rate with h a combination c of aerobic, c strength gh training, g and d agility g exercises. x c . A ch challengg ing g and d exhilarating xh g workout u with h other h men ju just like you u getting g g REAL RE L RE RESULTS! UL !

• Choose h your u level and d pu push h your u limits

50HWACL17 5 HW L 7 5 HW L 8 50HWACL18 5 HW L 9 50HWACL19 5 HW L 50HWACL20 5 HW L 50HWACL21 5 HW L 50HWACL22 5 HW L 50HWACL23 5 HW L 50HWACL24

boot camp!


Tues u Sun u

6:30 a.m. 6 . . 9 9:30 a.m. . .

kickin’ It Up A Notch 8 weeks

(60 minute class) Studio 1 / Adults

IIn this h interval style cclass you’ll u’ combine c p periods d of h hard d work with h short h periods p d of rest, challenging ch g g your u body d like never before.. Through h ugh a ccombination of aerobic, c body d weight gh and d resistance c exercises x c this h c class will whip h p you u into shape h p in no time.. I Instructor: uc K Kristen Kindred K d d

fees: (8 weeks) $112 Full u Member;; $168 68 Non-Member N

5 50HWACL40 HW L

Tues u

1:00 p. p.m.. 27

fOR HEALTHY LIVING IMPROVING THE COMMUNITY’S HEALTH AND WELL-BEING PERSONAL TRAINING Get d for not only a new body d but u a new life!! Whether Wh h it’s ’ losing g weight, gh toning g up, up building u d g muscles, u c G ready increasing c g stamina, or preparing p p g for an event, YMCA Y Personal P Training g will h help p you u reach ch your u fitness goals. g . W ’ also help We’ll h p you u learn how h to stay healthy h h for life.. Please refer to our Personal Training biographies for more information. Available to Full Members only!

The Personal Trainers at the South Shore YMCA offer: — Strength g h & Functional u c training g — Cardiovascular d cu E Endurance du c — Heart H Rate R training g — Flexibility x & Balance B c — Yoga Y g and d Pilates P one-on-one — Sport p specific p c c training g& — PreP and d Post-Natal. P N .

Personal Training Rates: 1 Hour: $55 55 ( P c $156; (3-Pack 56; 6 6-Pk P $294; 9 ; 12-Pk P $552) 55 )

Trainer: Sue Belanger “Consistency is the key to a successful fitness program. Things come up in life that throw you off your schedule… but then you jump right back into your workout routine. Stay consistent!”

Group (2–4 ( p people): p ) $60 6 ((3-Pack P c $171; 7 ;6 6-Pk P $324;; 12-Pk P $612) 6 )

Trainer: Nicky Hamel

1/2 Hour: $30 (6-Pack (6 P c $168; 68; 12 Pack P c $312)) “We do not stop exercising because If you have additional questions, please call Lisa Gallagher, Senior Health & Well-being Director, at ext. 228.

we grow old — we grow old because we stop exercising. —Dr. Kenneth Cooper, Cooper Institute.


teen/adult tae kwon do (60 min. class) Studio 1 / 14+ years / All levels.

Tae Kwon-Do K D is the h K Korean martial art for self-defense. d . Students ud learn self–defense d moves, kicks, c blocks, c pu punches ch and d strikes.. Students ud g gain self-confidence, c d c self-control, c &d discipline. cp . Program P g ccovers all levels from beginner g to expert. xp . IImprove p your u flexibility, x p personal health, h h coordination c d & strength g h while h learning g a traditional d martial art!!


(10 weeks)

$180 8 Full u members;; $270 7 Non-members N

5 R L 50SRACL01 Tues/Thur u / hu 8:00 8 p.m. p. .

drop-in for basketball or volleyball! DROP-IN COED ADULT BASkETBALL (Full members only)

Attention all basketball enthusiasts! hu ! The h emphasis ph of this h program p g is a h hearty workout, u with h lots of fun!!! u !!! These h times allow our u adult du members to p participate cp in full u court c u recreational c g games..

DROP-IN TEEN/ADULT VOLLEYBALL Come jjoin the h fun, u meet new friends d and d get g a great g workout u p playing g an all time favorite sport! p !

fees: Included with Full Membership; $5.00 5. per p night gh for non-member* *

Coed: (Ages 18+) Mon 6:30 6 – 8:30 8 p.m. p. .

W d Wednesdays d 7:00–9:45 7 9 5 p. p.m..

Men’s: (Ages 18+)

*Sign ups & payment can be made at member service desk.

Sat 6:30 6 a.m.–9:00 . . 9 a.m. . .

south shore volleyball club

Keep active and healthy while playing something you love! Take your play to the next level! The h South u h Shore h YMCA Y is pleased p d to give g you u the h opportunity pp u to play p on a

“c “club” u ” team.. We W are looking g for serious u players p for our u men, women and d cco-ed d team in our u adult du level.. For more information and tryout dates, please contact Linda Montoya @ ext. 260 or



Strengthening individuals of all abilities The South Shore YMCA Partnership Program is designed specifically for persons with disabilities who are interested in a structured exercise program.

Who will you be training with?

How to join the Partnership Program:

Our P Ou Partnership h p Program P g will provide p d a volunteer u to teach ch the h p participant cp how h to properly p p u use the h specialized p c z d strength g h training g and d cardiovascular c d cu equipment qu p in our u fitness facility. c .P Participants cp who h d do not have h a partner p to work with h are eligible g to enroll, but u may experience xp c a waiting g period p d until u a volunteer u becomes c available..

Call MaryEllen E Olson, O P Partnership h p Program P g Coordinator d at (781) (78 ) 829-8585, 8 9 8585 ext. x . 322

Eligible participants include persons with:* •

Wh Wheelchair ch d dependency p d c

B d Blindness

Multiple u p Sclerosis c or Cerebral Palsy P

Stroke or B Brain Injury I ju

* Eligibility is based on individual need and determined on a case by case basis. This program is recreational in nature and not to be considered rehabilitation. The volunteers are not trained professionals; the workouts are not to be considered personal training.

When, where and how will you train? A volunteer u will provide p d one-on-one instruction uc in our u Health H h& W Well-being g Center for initial program p g d design g and d training g on the h equipment. qu p .Y Your u regular gu workout u schedule ch du will depend d p d on you u and d your u training g partners’ p ’ availability.. When Wh training g in our u swimming g pool p area, we recommend c d you up provide d your u own partner. p .

We invite you to first visit and tour our facility. After a brief meeting with the Partnership Program Coordinator, we ask that you: •

Complete p aP Partnership h p Program P g application pp c

Fill out u a Medical d c History H Qu Questionnaire

P Provide d medical d c cclearance c by a physician ph c

Submit u an exercise x c prescription p c p by a ph physical c or occupational ccup therapist h p ((if applicable) pp c )

What does this program cost? The h Partnership P hp P Program g is available to full u YMCA Y members at no additional dd cost. c . Current u membership h p rates are available at the h Member Service c D Desk.. Financial c assistance c is available for those h who h qu qualify..

For further details, please inquire at the Member Service Desk at 781-829-8585, ext. 0.

What equipment will you use for training? You Y u will perform p strength-training gh g and d c d cardiovascular cu exercise x c on: •

Wheelchair-accessible Wh ch cc Total Access cc Cybex x strength g h equipment qu p

R cu Recumbent and d upright up gh bikes, treadmills, d rowers and d ellipticals p c

Additional dd Cybex x strength g h machines ch

Seated d Octane Oc elliptical p c and d Sci-fi c Stepper pp with h leg g straps p and d wheelchair h ch ramp p

TechnoGym ch G entry level Easy E Line L strength g h equipment qu p (for individuals

(for individuals capable of transferring)

capable of transferring)

TechnoGym ch G Arm Ergometer Eg




Wednes er days are 9 w eeks fees

will be p ro-r at time of regist ated ration

TENNIS — ADULTS Attention participants: Tennis classes run 10 weeks for the Summer 2012 Session

adult clinics

Beginner & Intermediate Clinics

Drill and Play



Stay in shape h p or simply p d discover c the h joy j of tennis.. These h cclinics c ccover the h basics c with h an emphasis ph on FUNdamentals. UNd . (60 minute class)

A great g ccombination of strokes, strategy, g and dg games.. Consists of 45 5 minutes u of d drills followed d by 45 5 minutes u of match ch p play.. (90 minute class)

$185 85 Full u Member;; $278 78 N Non-member

$250 5 Full u Member;; $375 75 N Non-member

NTRP 1.0

NTRP 3.0

50TEACL01 5 E L 5 E L 50TEACL02 5 E L 50TEACL03 5 E L 50TEACL04 5 E L 5 50TEACL05

Mon Tues u Tues u W d Wed W d Wed

6:00 6 12:00 7 7:00 12:00 7 7:00

p. p.m.. p.m. p. . p. p.m.. p.m. p. . p. p.m..

NTRP 1.5–2.0 K Knows the h basics. c . Can sustain u a short, h easy rally.. E Emphasis ph on drills, d stroke p produc duction, and d learning g to play p a match. ch.

5 E L 6 50TEACL06 50TEACL07 5 E L 7 5 E L 8 50TEACL08 5 E L 9 50TEACL09 5 E L 50TEACL10

Mon Tues u Tues u W d Wed W d Wed

7 7:00 12:00 6 6:00 12:00 6 6:00

p. p.m.. p.m. p. . p. p.m.. p.m. p. . p. p.m..

5 E L 50TEACL11 50TEACL12 5 E L

Tues u Thur hu

6 6:30 p. p.m.. 6:30 p. 6 p.m..

Keep K p your u h heart rate elevated d and d burn u c calories while h having h g fun! u ! Cardio d tennis features u drills d that h give g p players of all levels the h u ultimate high-energy h gh g workout. u. New! 90 minutes on Sundays!

All levels

fees: (Fee per visit / 90 minutes)

Men’s Clinic

IIntensive d drills, games g and d stroke p duc production, along g with h singles g and d d u doubles strategy. g .


drop in cardio tennis


$21 Full u Mbr;; $30 Non-mbr N

Sun u

9 9:00 –10:30 a.m. . .

(90 minute class)

$250 5 Full u Member;; $375 75 N Non-member NTRP 3.0–4.0

5 E L 50TEACL13 50TEACL14 5 E L

Mon Mon

6 6:30 p. p.m.. 6:30 p. 6 p.m..

know your pro

special needs tennis clinic

Players will learn basics P c through h ugh a combinac tion of exciting xc g d drills, games, g and d match ch p . Must play. u be independent, d p d able to follow d c direction, and d participate p cp in a group g up lesson.. Features u basicc stroke d deveopment p and d g game FUNdamentals. UNd .L Lessons provided p d d in a supportive upp and d caring c g environment..

fees: $100 Full u and d Non-members N 5 E L 50TESCL01 W d 4:00–5:00 Wed 5 p. p.m.. To register, call Lucy at ext. 364.

Evaluations are Required! E u Evaluations are required qu d

Suzanne Leu

A PTR P R certified c d instructor, uc “ “Coach ch Sue” u ”h has been the h matriarch ch of our u Quick Qu c Start program p g for ju junior p players since c its inception. c p . Detail D oriented d and d extremely x caring, c g she h treats each ch child ch d as if her h own.. “Since “ c my own kids d have h grown g I joke j that h I adopt d p everyone else’s,” ’ ” she h says.. Born in Burlington, B Bu g V Vt., . Sue u moved d to Whitman Wh at a young u g age. g . The h oldest d of seven siblings, g she h picked p c d up a tennis racquet cqu (a ( Wilson W T2000)) for the h first time at age g 30 and d worked d her h way to a 4.5 .5 level p player.. Away from the h tennis courts, c u Sue u loves to sail..


for all new tennis participants PRIOR to registration! Please see page 20 for Evaluation dates & times.


adult leagues

Men’s Singles

Please sign up according to your NTRP rating. See page 20 for evaluation times and dates.


Ladies’ Doubles

Have fun H u while h mastering g your u strokes in our u h highly gh competitive c p d doubles u leagues. gu .


(90 minutes)

$145 5 Full u Member;; $218 8 Non-member N NTRP 2.5–3.0

5 50TEALG01 E LG


9 9:30 a.m. . .

NTRP 3.5

5 50TEALG02 E LG



11:00 a.m. . .

short season ladies doubles league

A 1-hour h u competitive c p singles g league gu before work!!


(90 minutes)

$165 65 Full u Member;; $248 8N Non-member NTRP 3.0–4.0

50TEALG07 5 E LG 7

Tues u

6 6:00 a.m. . .

Early Bird Drop in Singles

Drop in Mixed Doubles

Facilitated c d by a pro p and d you u don’t d ’ need da p partner to p play.. Play P either h for the h whole h time or, if you’d u’d like instruction uc while h you’re u’ p playing, g a pro p will be there h to h p! No help! N sign-up g up necessary—just c ju ccome on in!! B Balls included. c ud d.

fees: (Fee per visit / 90 minutes) $18 8 Full u Mbr;; $23 Non-member N

For the h player p not wanting g to ccommit to p playing g every week.. Ju Just d drop p in and d play p with h other h participants p cp at your u level.. If I a match ch is not available, use u the h ball machine ch for a g great workout u for no additional dd cost. c .

NTRP 2.5–3.5



7 7:00 p. p.m..

For more information, contact the Tennis Office at ext. 263

fees: (Fee per visit / 60 minutes) $18 8 Full u Mbr;; $23 Non-member N NTRP 3.0–4.0

Wed W d Fri


7:00 a.m. 7 . . 7 7:00 a.m. . .

Adults NTRP 2.5–3.0 and 3.5 +

POlICY: bad Weather

Looking L g to p play competitive c p d doubles u after the h U USTA season ends? d ? W ccan get We g you u ready d for the h fall season with h our u brief, 5 5-week season (Ju 25–Aug (July 5 ug 22). ). Fee includes c ud a new can c of balls for each ch match. ch.

In case of rain, all outdoor tennis clinics will be cancelled. Call (781) 829-8585, ext. 0, for information the day of your clinic if you are unsure. All refunds will be given as credit towards any program at the YMCA.


play with the pro clinic

(90 minutes)


$73 7 Full u Member;; $110 Non-member N NTRP 2.5–3.0

5 50TEALG03 E LG

W d Wed

6:30 6 p.m. p. .

NTRP 3.5 & up

5 50TEALG04 E LG

W d Wed

NTRP 2.5–3.0 and 3.5 +

When it ccomes to d Wh doubles, u nothing h g ccompares p to having h g a strong gp partner.. This h match-play ch p cclinicc p pairs each ch of the h three h p players on ccourt u ith h the h Pro P for 8-game 8g pro p sets in round-robin u d format.. All ccourts; u ; equal qu skill levels..


(90 minutes) $190 9 Full u Member;; $285 85 N Non-member

5 EPPL 50TEPPL01 Wed W d 9:00 9 a.m. . .

6:30 6 p.m. p. .

private/semi-private tennis lessons For more information on

Adult Tennis Lessons, turn to page 21.

Summer 2012 Tennis Court fees WEEkDAYS: Both Prime & Non-Prime Time $20 / hour WEEkENDS: Both Prime & Non-Prime Time $10 / hour Cancellation Policy: 24 hrs notice is needed to cancel your court time, otherwise you will be responsible for your payment. Please note: You must have a credit card on file to book a court. Members & Guests must pay prior to playing.

Stay in

the loop Want to be informed W d of upc upcoming g events, tournaments, u member news and d weather-related h d c c cancellations? ?

Join our

Tennis Department Email List for the h latest Y tennis news.. Call Elaine Nolan at ext. 254 to register.


SOUTH SHORE YMCA RESIDENT CAMP Come feel the Spirit at Camp Burgess & Hayward Established in 1928, the South Shore YMCA Camp Burgess for boys and Hayward for girls are located on Cape Cod, just one hour south of Boston, and situated on over 300 acres of forests, meadows and sparkling freshwater ponds. Camp offers a variety of enriching programs throughout the year appealing to all ages and interests.

Emilson family Camp

Summer Camp & Adventure Trips

A Tradition of Family – Memorial Day & Labor Day Weekends

June 24 – August 24

Reconnect R c c with h nature u at Camp p Burgess Bu g &H Hayward’s d’ Emilson E Family Camp, p which h ch serves to reinforce c family ties, while h c creating g memories that h last a lifetime.. Our talented Ou d staff endeavors d to make this h experience xp c unique, u qu setting g it apart p from other h family vacations c by providing p d ga d diverse selection c of programs p g and d activic ties.. E Evening g activities c include c ud the h famous u Family Camp p Beach B ch Party, P a barbecue cu followed d by a campfire c p with h songs g and d skits.. Weekend rates beginning at $385; financial assistance available.

Camp Burgess & Hayward 75 Stowe Road R d Sandwich d ch MA 02563 56 Tel (508) (5 8) 428-2571 8 57 Fax (508) (5 8) 420-3545 5 5

Come have h the h time of your u life this h sumu mer at Camp p Burgess Bu g for B Boys or Camp p H Hayward d for Girls. G . For 8 83 years our u YMCA Y c p on Cape camp p Cod d has h been a spot p for outdoor ud adventure d u and d life-long g friendd ships. h p . Ou Our p program g provides p d ccampers p with h an engaging g g g and d supportive upp environment that h encourages c u g exploration, xp selfexpression, xp leadership d h p building u d g and d h d hands-on learning. g. Spend p d one or two weeks on the h shores h of Spectacle p c c Pond P d as you u swim, climb, c run, u d dance, c and d sing g your u way through h ugh an amazing z g overnight gh session.. O Or, go g travelling g with h our u Adventure d u Trips p p program g if surfing, u g biking, g and d island dh hopping pp g is more your u style.. Summer u 2012 is g going g to be a great g one d down here h on ““The h Cape”. p ”. SESSION DATES — SUMMER 2012 Session 1

Ju 24–July June Ju 6

Session 1a

Ju 24–29 June 9

Session 1b

Ju 1–6 July 6

Session 2

Ju 8–20 July 8

Session 3

Ju 22–August July ugu 3

Session 4

August ugu 5–17 5 7

Co-ed d Specialty p c Camp p August ugu 19–24 9 For more details pertaining to Camp Burgess & Hayward programming or dates and rates, please call (508) 428-2571.




Max has been partnered with Graham, a Norwell High School senior, since joining the Partnership Program. Max’s mom, Emily, says that the program is invaluable to her autistic son. “When Max ends his session with Graham, he is more focused, calm and talkative. Graham, an exceptional young man, is kind, patient and giving and obviously he wants the best for Max.” Graham says, “Max is getting stronger and has more endurance and strength; it’s amazing to see how far he’s come.”

By supporting the South Shore YMCA’s Annual Support Campaign, we will be able to impact the lives of children and families in our communities. Many children are not able to enjoy the camp experience during the summer like Benny will have the advantage to enjoy the sunshine, swimming, sports, camp songs and friendships that make their summer memorable. Please MAKE A DIFFERENCE in a child’s life by donating to the Annual Support Campaign. 100% of your donation directly supports financial assistance, programs and services for everyone in our community. For more information, please call Tracey Merrill, 781-829-8585 ext. 261

Donate today!

TREK, June 9th Camp Burgess, Sandwich

GOLF CLASSIC, July 11th Pinehills Golf Course, Plymouth

Please join us – as a sponsor, participant, volunteer or donor and support the South Shore YMCA’s Annual Support Campaign. For information please visit our website at



RECIPROCITY PROGRAM The h Reciprocity R c p c program p g is for full u facilit c y//full u privilege p g Y members ((those h h holding d g adult, du family or senior memberships) h p ) whose h home h Y is located c d in Massachusetts, chu Rh Rhode d IIsland, d Maine, New N H Hampshire, p h V Vermont and d Connecticut. c cu . P Please remember to ch check c c . for any restrictions c that h may apply pp to the h Y you u will be visiting g and d to bring g your u membership h p ID and dap picture c u ID with h you u when h you u visit..

Special Abilities Through h ugh a collaboration c with h Cardinal d Cushing u h g School, ch we offer qu quality innovative p programs g for special p c needs d children ch d 3–13.. These h programs p g promote p ph physical c activity, c c creative p play and d healthy h h living. g. For more information, contact Kim Engle at ext. 321 or Lisa Gallagher at ext. 228.

community swim test D you Do u need d a swim test for boating g courses, c u ccamps, p etc.? c.? Contact Gillian Brown at ext. 143 to set up an appointment.

fees: Free—Included in Full Membership;; $5 5N Non-member

financial Assistance The h South u h Shore h YMCA Y strives to serve the h entire ccommunity. u . Financial c Assistance c is available to those h who h ccannot afford d fees.. Assistance c is awarded d d based d on the h need d demonstrated d d by household h u h d income c and/or d/ extenuating x u g c cu circumstances c and d the h funds u d available.. Monies used u d to fund u d Financial c Assistance c are made d p possible through h ugh ch charitable d donations to our u Annual u Support upp Campaign. p g . Contact Jane Fallon at 781-829-8585, ext. 308 or visit for an application.

The South Shore YMCA’s

MILITARY OUTREACH INITIATIVE Is your spouse currently on Active Duty and deployed for a minimum of 6 months? Contact Jane Fallon, Assistant Director of Member Services, at ext. 308 for more information


VOLUNTEERING PROGRAM When Wh you u volunteer, u you u share h your u time, talents, experience, xp c h hope, p vision and d enthusiasm. hu .Y You u give g the h most p precious c u thing h g of all—yourself. u . B giving By g g yourself u to others, h you u also g give yourself u a ch chance c to learn new things, h g make new friends, d shape h p the h future u u of your u community c u and dh have fun! u ! Visit to search current volunteer opportunities, or contact Colleen Belcher at (781) 829-8585, ext. 232. for more information.

And, if you’re still not sure how you can help, just remember…

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” —Aesop


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cut out and save

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'12 M 2 9 16 23 30

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October '11 S M T W

Registration begins: 8/30/11 Members; 9/2/11 Non-members

2 9 16 23 30

7 Weeks

(6 Mondays)

December '11 S M T W

7 Weeks

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Registration begins: 10/18/11 Members; 10/21/11 Non-members




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FALL 2 (6 Saturdays)

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February '12 S M T W T F 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29

Registration begins: 12/13/11 Members; 12/16/11 Non-members

7 Weeks

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(6 Sundays & Mondays)

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SPRING 1 7 Weeks

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June '12 S M T

Registration begins: 2/14/12 Members; 2/17/12 Non-members

Registration begins: 4/3/12 Members; 4/6/12 Non-members

8 Weeks

(7 Sundays, Mondays, Saturdays)

S 7 14 21 28

SUMMER Registration begins: 6/5/12 Members; 6/8/12 Non-members

10 Weeks

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(9 Wednesdays)

South Shore YMCA Summer Day Camp Registration: Hanover: Camp Gordon Clark Registration begins February 16 for Full Members and March 15 for non-members Quincy: Summer Camp Registration begins March 1

Holiday/Vacation - No Regular Session classes



Holiday - No Classes


SOUTH SHORE YMCA HANOVER BRANCH 75 Mill Street, Hanover, MA 02339

N Non-Profit P Organization O g z U. . Postage U.S. P g

PAID Hanover, MA Permit N P No.. 71 7



16th Annual Golf Classic July 11, 2012

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