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Royal Greenwich businesses welcome to feedback on a new hardship relief scheme
In England, councils can reduce business rates with a hardship relief.
The Royal Borough of Greenwich is currently reviewing its discretionary scheme to reduce business rates on the grounds of hardship, but we need your feedback.
Are you a local business? Have your say until Friday 2 June at royalgreenwich.gov.uk/hardship-relief-survey
• To bring ID with you
Could you be owed backdated bereavement benefits?
• Vans and trade waste are NOT permitted
Apply now for arts funding
Unmarried residents who have lost a partner since April 2001 could be entitled to financial support.
Need advice?
We also no longer collect extra bags of general waste that aren’t contained in your wheelie bin. The great news is, 53% of rubbish put into our general waste bins could be recycled, so if we all recycle as much as we can, we’ll have plenty of space in our black top bins. Food and garden waste can go into your green top bin, which is still collected weekly, so there’s no need to worry about your black bin getting smelly as the weather warms up.
• Separate your recycling before arriving Visit royalgreenwich.gov.uk/ reuseandrecyclingcentre
Applications for the Royal Borough of Greenwich Community Arts Fund are now open.
The Department for Work and Pensions announced changes to its Bereavement Support Payment and Widowed Parent’s Allowance which means anyone whose partner died while they were living together and sharing responsibility for or expecting a child, may be owed money.
If you are part of a community group or organisation, or a freelance artist planning to deliver arts and culture activities this year, apply now for funding through our newly simplified process.
Funding is available to support a range of arts and cultural activities, from music and drama, to visual art, film and photography.
How to apply
Find out more about changes to bin collections at royalgreenwich.gov.uk/ towardszerowaste
Call 020 8921 6375 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10am to 1pm.
You can also visit one of our in-person Advice Hubs for guidance on claiming any benefits you may be missing out on. Learn more: royalgreenwich.gov.uk/advicehubs
The fund is a rolling programme that awards its grants on a first come, first served basis and may run out before the end of the financial year. Contact artsgreenwich@royalgreenwich.gov.uk to check if funding is available before completing the online application.
Find out more: royalgreenwich.gov.uk/community-arts-fund