1 minute read

Ho y O'Mahony

Thegreenwich & lewisham

Weekender is an independent weekly newspaper, covering the boroughs of Greenwich and Lewisham.


We publish every Wednesday, covering every postcode sector of the borough, and boasting, by far, the highest weekly circulation in Greenwich. Each week, we deliver to homes in every Greenwich neighbourhood, with further copies stocked at convenient public stands. We are also the highest distribution newspaper in Lewisham.

You can also view each edition online, as well as daily news and events, on our website: www.weekender.co.uk

The greenwich & lewisham Weekender covers all aspects of life in the boroughs, including music, theatre, comedy, film, events, and food and drink, as well as all your community events and campaigns.


The Greenwich and Lewisham Weekender is a member of the Independent Press Standards Organisation (which regulates the UK’s magazine and newspaper industry). We abide by the Editors’ Code of Practice and are committed to upholding the highest standards of journalism. If you think that we have not met those standards and want to make a complaint, please contact 020 7231 5258. If we are unable to resolve your complaint, or if you would like more information about IPSO or the Editors’ Code, contact IPSO on 0300 123 2220 or visit www.ipso.co.uk

Weekender Editor: Holly O’Mahony

Media Partnerships: Anthony Phillips

Advertising team: Clarry Frewin; Sophie Ali

Advertising support: Katie Boyd

Editorial: Michael Holland; Holly O’Mahony

Design Manager: Dan Martin

Design team: Ann Gravesen

Finance: Em Zeki - Tel: 0779 883 3758

Managing & Commercial Director: Chris Mullany

Managing & Editorial Director: Kevin Quinn

Offices at: Unit A202, The Biscuit Factory, Drummond Road, SE16 4DG.

Printed by Iliffe Print Cambridge Ltd –www.iliffeprint.co.uk

News: 020 7231 5258 / news@weekender.co.uk

Ads: 020 7232 1639 / ads@weekender.co.uk

Finance: 0779 883 3758 / em@southwarknews.co.uk www.weekender.co.uk


@weeknderSL therealweeknder

Issue: GW312

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