BRIDGE - Jul/Aug 2015

Page 1




What’s Inside ON THE GROUND Murals in the heartlands tell the Singapore story Page 5


e t a r b e l e C ! 0 5 SG

PERSONALITY Leading Boldly with Head, Heart and Hands Pages 8-9

WELLNESS Everything you need to know about MERS Pages 14-15

MAKAN Singapore’s favourite dishes at popular spots in the South Sou West Pages 16-17 Pag

PLUS Join in on the fun at our Jubilee events Page 6 Cover-Bridge JulAug15.indd 1

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BRIDGE A bi-monthly publication of the South West Community Development Council (CDC) EDITORIAL TEAM Ms Dulcie Eng, Ms Adriana Tan, Ms Lim Yee Leng, Ms Nurul Ab Rahman, Ms Loo Jia Min, and Ms Ellie Poh EDITORIAL AND DESIG DESIGN

PRINTER Times Printers South West District: Ayer Rajah, Boon Lay, Bukit Batok, Bukit Batok East, Bukit Gombak, Chua Chu Kang, Clementi, Hong Kah North, Jurong Central, Jurong Spring, Keat Hong, Nanyang, Pioneer, Taman Jurong, Telok Blangah, West Coast, Yew Tee and Yuhua. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior permission from the publisher. Every effort has been made to ensure that information is correct and up-to-date at time of printing. Contributors’ comments and opinions are their own and do not represent those of the South West CDC. For advertising enquiries, please email



CDCs Celebrating Communities

04 Every ON THE GROUND Child’s a Star

12 04 05

Heartland Murals Tell the Singapore Story

06 07

South West Celebrates! Celebrating in the Garden



Community First Responder Programme OneService App

14 MERS WELLNESS 101 16 National MAKAN Nat o a Delights e igh ghts


Leading Boldly with Head, Heart and Hands


Community Calling

‘Like’ us South West CDC

02 Contents Bridge JulAug15.indd 2


18 22 SNAPSHOTS 24 BACKPAGE 20/8/15 5:40 PM



Happy G lden Jubilee!

Dear friends, Since the start of the Jubilee year, our citystate has been abuzz with a diverse range of SG50 celebrations, with Singaporeans sharing st and wearing their pride unabashedly. The most spectacular display of our national pride was n undoubtedly the grand National Day Parade on 9 August. It was a culmination and reflection of our joy, togetherness and spirit of unity. In o just 50 years, this little red dot has grown into re a sphere of influence beyond its size. Singapore shines brightly today because we dared to e dream, and had the courage to believe that the odds could be beaten. Likewise, we hope that our young children under the Shining Star Reads @ South West programme will be overcomers. Targeted at kids at risk who live in rental blocks, the reading programme was developed by our community partners and volunteers who are reaching out with love and compassion. It is this wonderful spirit of care and kindness we want to celebrate and spread across our community. CDCs Celebrating Communities, for instance, was a milestone event where residents from across Singapore’s five districts came together for the first time to y underscore the CDCs’ role in helping the needy and vulnerable in our midst. Meanwhile, celebrations continue to take place across the South West District. With our SG50 Garden Parties, you get to party in the garden, just like in the kampong days. The parties will also reach out to 5,000 Pioneers and vulnerable residents to make them feel part of our community. In addition, you may spot history in the making at several HDB void decks in your neighbourhood: many Singaporeans, young and old, have made their imprint by participating in the painting of specially-created SG50 wall murals. As we enter a new chapter of Singapore’s history, I hope we will draw closer and grow richer — in deeds and at heart — to burnish our excellent hardware with the ‘heartware’ of kindness, care and love for one another and our nation. For this is where home is, truly — where each of us belong. Happy Golden Jubilee, Singapore!


Rakan-rakan sekalian, Sejak bermulanya tahun Jubli, negara kita sibuk dengan berbagai sambutan SG50, dengan warga Singapura berkongsi dan mempamerkan kebanggaan mereka tanpa segan. Pertunjukan kebanggaan negara adalah Perbarisan Hari Kebangsaan pada 9 Ogos. Ia adalah cerminan kegembiraan, kesatuan dan semangat bersatu kita. Dalam masa 50 tahun, titik merah ini telah berkembang menjadi pengaruh yang melebihi saiznya. Singapura bersinar terang hari ini kerana kita berani untuk bermimpi dan berani untuk percaya bahawa yang mustahil boleh jadi nyata. Begitu juga kita harap anak-anak muda kita di bawah program ‘Shining Star Reads @ South West’ akan menjadi orang yang dapat mengatasi segalanya. Bertujuan kepada kanak-kanak yang berisiko yang tinggal di rumah sewa, program bacaan ini dibuat oleh sukarelawan dan kerjasama kemasyarakatan yang ingin mendekati mereka dengan kasih dan belas ihsan. Sifat penyayang dan kebaikan ini yang kita ingin sambut dan sebarkan kepada masyarakat. CDC Menyambut Masyarakat, misalnya, adalah acara bermakna di mana penduduk serata Singapura dari lima daerah berkumpul buat pertama kalinya untuk menekankan peranan CDC dalam menolong mereka yang memerlukan dan lemah di antara kita. Sementara ini, sambutan terus berlangsung di Daerah Barat Daya. Dengan pesta taman SG50, anda dapat berpesta di taman, sama seperti zaman kampung dahulu. Pesta ini juga untuk mendekatkan diri dengan 5,000 ahli Generasi Perintis dan penduduk yang lemah untuk membuat mereka merasa sebahagian daripada masyarakat kita. Anda juga boleh melihat sejarah dicipta di mana beberapa blok HDB di kejiranan anda, ramai warga Singapura, muda dan tua, telah menyertai lukisan dinding mural istimewa SG50. Sambil kita melangkah ke bab baru dalam sejarah Singapura, saya harap kita dapat semakin rapat dan semakin kaya — dengan budi dan hati — untuk menyemarakkan ‘perkakas’ kita dengan ‘perkakas hati’ seperti kebaikan dan sayang antara satu sama lain dan negara kita. Ini adalah rumah, sesungguhnya — di mana kita punya. Selamat Jubli Emas, Singapura!

Low Yen Ling Mayor of South West District

㎗≜☨㈷㱹わ 㽴ⱄ伱ㅰ㺐㖶ᱨ⼡⹓〄ㅅ☨SG50㎬㽃⫆⛑㑁Ⳬ⥖㔋㥲㑆ㅜ➧➒ᱨ⥖㑉⢚Ⱂ≯☼⍙▕≜ ⥖㎩⪋ᮣ8 㴨9 㑓☨⥖㎬♈⹿⍏㗁㾎✃ㅅ☨≜⥖⍙㦆ᱨⓌ➶▞ⓞ⥖㑉☨㟹ⰵ⧧㥢㴩ᮣ㣄わ 㨏㨏☨☞⥖㵀ⱊ 50 ㅰㅠㅢ㟯㋈⭁㦎㵀⥖⭠㣚㜞㔋⊕㬉Ⳬ㾃㎡㺺☨Ⱋ㓧ᱨ㱸⹃㨰⭩㋄㑉☨ 㨳ㅴ⧧㣐㢩㷳≛㱪㋺ᮣ 㟠㬥ᱨ㣄わ㥓㠯㵀 Shining Star Reads @ South West ⭜⪆㥲☨⦼㽳わ㮜ㅢ⤗㱸㈉ ⓥ㷳≛☨㯌㺠ᮣ 㸆㦞㴪⛣⭜⪆㸏⛶⳥㽁ⓞ㾂㾆㣏⭨㟙☨⍋㴛✛㟣ᱨ⏌㱱㣄わⓌ〄≜ 㨲⧧⤴⪋☨㔣㎸⫇⊗⭆㺠㴞㔣⤀➂㷝✚⒱ᮣ㸆㺸⤴≜ⲽ㔭㸡㗁㣄わ㥓㠯㵀㔣㎸⹽➂㬛 ☨ᮣCDCs Celebrating Communities ⍏㗁㮥㦞⍖㺠㩂☨⫆⛑ᱶ⫆⛑㺲ᱨ㨰⭩㋄ ⢔ ⏥㟠㔣㎸☨⳥ス☾㮥╴Ⳮ⭅ᱨ ⭅㝛㍿♛⢕⢔㔣⹻⪹⛶㲂㨛㻜㔣㎸ㅠ㑳㗀⭆㩖⊝㻜㑉㖹 ☨㑌㣣ᮣ 㣩ㅕ㔣㎸ㅠ☨㎬㽃⫆⛑㮜㑒㐹⫈㑆ᮣ㣄わ☨ SG50 Garden Parties 㬧ㆀ㵀⪀㴖⹽⪎ ㎬ᱨ㑁ㆀ㠤㑥⪰☡⡨⊟㖫■ᮣ㸆㮥㥥⼜㈍⛶㋲㽥㲓 5,000 ッ⯼⥖㮥■⭆⍋㴛⳥ス⻶㥥☨ 㾗㱫ᱨ 㑁㚳わ⢚⭩㱸⥅㚖⡮ᮣ⼹㠖ᱨ⏥㔕⥖㑉ᱨ⏥⿥⹝㔕ᱨ㮜㵀㗷⛒㸢⡌㾉㣏☻␍⊝の 㱵⪾㝎⍜☨ SG50 ⍆⪅ᮣ 㵀㨰⭩㋄⏧㑩㨰㖫■㺐⭠ᱨ㣄㥓㠯⥖㑉⪹⢚㎗イᱨ㮜⢚⤴≜⌷╱ᮣ㯜㢜㸆ⳟ㗁㣄わ ☨⭨ᱨ㣄わ☨⥅㚖ᮣ ⱄ伱ⶼ⹤ᱨ㨰⭩㋄ᱝ

03 Mayor note -Bridge JulAug15.indd 3

Garden Parties

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Every Child’s A Star

Children in the South West District are getting g into the reading habit, thanks to a new programme that brings learning close to their homes.


hining Star Reads @ South West is an innovative reading programme co-piloted by the South West Community Development Council (CDC), voluntary welfare organisation Bringing Love to Every Single Soul (BLESS) and various Grassroots Organisations (GROs). Under this programme, which is part of the Adopt-A-Rental Block @ South West initiative, reading sessions are conducted once every two weeks for four- to nine-year-olds at the void decks of rental blocks where the children live. Rolled out in April 2015 to four clusters of rental blocks in the South West District, the programme was developed in partnership with volunteers from the National Institute of Education to improve children’s literacy, language and prosocial skills. It also includes learning components from the Ministry of Education’s Strategies for English Language & Reading (STELLAR) approach. BLESS and resident volunteers facilitate each session using customised lesson plans and speciallydesigned storybooks. They read to the kids and hand out activity sheets for them to complete. The volunteers — many of whom are from the rental block community themselves — go through one year of training, during which they conduct sessions under the supervision of BLESS staff. Assistance is also provided in the form of guidebooks, external capability development courses and periodic reviews. Volunteers also accompany children from their homes to the void deck before each session and walk back with them after it is over. Among the resident volunteers in Clementi are Durga, 12, and her brother Prasanth, 13. Every other Monday, they read aloud to some 20 primary

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school children in their neighbourhood, including their three younger siblings. “I like to read and I am happy that I can help younger children learn to read,” said Durga. “I look forward to meeting them at every session because we have fun learning together.”

EMPOWERING THE COMMUNITY Shining Star Reads currently has 60 volunteers and 120 beneficiaries. Some of them were present at its official kick-off held at the Casa Clementi Residents’ Committee Centre on 17 June 2015. The launch event was attended by South West District Mayor Low Yen Ling and Adviser to Clementi GROs Arthur Fong. “At ages four to nine, children require close guidance to develop Interested in volunteering critical life skills such as listening, speaking, for Shiningg Star Reads @ reading and writing,” said South West?? To sign up or to Ms Low. “We are happy to find out more about the embark on this pilot with programme, please lease send an emaill youth volunteers from BLESS to provide learning to opportunities for our young beneficiaries, as part of our ongoing efforts to support and help vulnerable families.” Ms Francesca Wah, founder and chairperson of BLESS, added: “Our mission is not solely to help the community, but rather to provide a scaffold that helps the community to help themselves.” themselves.

Volunteers and ben beneficiaries giving a thumbs-up for Shining Star Reads @ South Wes West.


It story time for the children, thanks to South It's West District Mayor Low Yen Ling (right). W

Participants at the official launch creating memories through fun and games.


Adviser to Clementi GROs Arthur Fong and a Shining Star Reads beneficiary showing off a book specially developed for the reading programme.

Shining Star Reads @ South West is a pilot initiative under the South West CDC’s Adopt-A-Rental Block programme, which provides social support to residents residing in one (1)- to three (3)-room flats with the assistance of corporate and community partners. It focuses on meeting five core needs such as social wellness, healthcare, home safety and improvement, education and enrichment to these residents. Over the past year, a total of 53 partners have organised 97 activities, benefitting 2,700 needy households in all 24 rental blocks throughout the South West District.

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Heartland Murals


Tell the Singapore Story

Artworks at various void decks in the South West enable residents to get reacquainted with the nation’s icons and history.


he South West District is awash in colour during Singapore’s Golden Jubilee, with a series of murals painted at various community spots in celebration of SG50. The Let’s Paint! Singapore @ South West initiative sees the South West Community Development Council (CDC) collaborating with various corporate and community partners to bring the country’s history to life through these works of art. “Through this initiative, we bring public art into the heartlands to give Singaporeans the chance to literally ‘make their mark’ on the walls in celebration of our nation’s

Murals painted by student volunteers and members of the team from Shell follow Singapore's journey from Third World to First.

50th birthday,” said South West District Mayor Low Yen Ling.

CELEBRATING SINGAPORE’S JOURNEY Fifty such murals were unveiled at the void deck of a block in Telok Blangah on 18 July 2015 by Minister for Trade and Industry and Adviser to Telok Blangah Grassroots Organisations (GROs) Lim Hng Kiang. The murals — painted by 180 staff volunteers from Shell Eastern Petroleum Pte Ltd (Shell) and 40 residents, as well as student volunteers from Blangah Rise Primary School and the Singapore University of Technology and Design — reflect on Singapore’s journey to her

WH Block ERE? 4 Blanga 5, Telok hD Singap rive, o 10004 re 5 50th birthday, depicting scenes of nation-building and growth. They also celebrate the role of women in the community and their efforts in promoting community cohesion. Having viewed the artworks, Minister Lim joined Mayor Low in adding the finishing touches to a special SG50 mural which showed off local icons

Minister Lim (left) and Mayor Low, too, rolled up their sleeves and helped with the painting.

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such as Marina Bay Sands and Changi Airport. To Ms Low, the murals are more than just a mere re-telling of the Singapore story. “They represent our Pioneer Generation’s courage to dream and persevere, as well as their grit to overcome all odds. These values have been represented on this wall as they are now a legacy for us

all to uphold,” she said. The murals are a hit with the block’s residents, many of whom attended the unveiling ceremony. “It really brightens up the estate, don’t you think? I just hope that we can keep them clean so that the efforts won’t go to waste,” said Ms Anita Amutha, a 41-year-old homemaker.

A doodle board encouraged younger ones to have fun with art.

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t s e W South es! t a r b e Cel


Let’s Cam-Paint @ South West Celebrate SG50 and connect with Singapore’s very own campaign mascots — Captain Green, Sharity Elephant, Singa Lion, Teamy the Bee and Water Wally — through Let’s Cam–Paint @ South West mobile app games. Download the app via App Store/Google Play, and play all five games to learn about the unique values of each mascot. You can scan the QR codes on the postcards (pictured) received with this issue of BRIDGE, to earn extra ‘energy’ for use in the games. Visit for details.

Boon Lay @ e r o p a g in S ! t in a Let’s P

The South West Community Development Council (CDC) has been celebrating SG50 with a host of activities to rally the community to come together and inspire them to make Singapore a better home for all. Through collaborations with more than 90 corporate and community partners, the South West CDC continues to bring the Golden Jubilee celebrations to each and every resident of the district.

! S U PL

Look out for these exciting SG50 events coming your way

Over in Boon Lay, more than 100 community and corporate volunteers painted murals inspired by 50 significant stamps issued since 1965, creating the first Community Void Deck Stamps Gallery. The artworks were designed by youth artists who re-interpreted the stamps, and more than 30 murals were completed by the end of August. The gallery is a collaboration between the Boon Lay WHERE? Block 667B Grassroots Organisations (GROs), Jurong West POSB, Singapore Institute of Street 65, Technology, Singapore Philatelic Singapore Museum (SPM), Singapore 642667 Post and South West CDC.

1 SG50 Clementi iQuilt4U Pioneers and new Citizens are invited to come and learn the art of quilting. All pillow cases made will be given to needy families from Rotary Family Service Centre. Date: Every Sun until 30 September Time: Noon to 4 pm Venue: Clementi CC Seminar Room

Visit our Facebook page at southwestcdc to see all the murals.

Kiak’ Walkathon at 2 ‘Cha Bukit Batok East Take a walk down memory lane in a pair of cha kiak (wooden clogs), and enjoy traditional food and games of the 1960s. Each ticket is $10 and 40 per cent of the proceeds will go back to the community. Residents can purchase tickets at all Bukit Batok East RC Centres and Bukit Batok East CC. For enquiries, please call Bukit Batok East CC at 6565 9330. Date: 5 September (Sat) Time: 5.15 pm to 9 pm Venue: Flag-off at Yusof Ishak Secondary School; end point at U Square next to Blk 283 Bukit Batok East Ave 3

3 Telok Blangah Loves SG50 Mosaic Wall Mural Art Launch Join Minister of Trade and Industry and Adviser to Telok Blangah GROs Lim Hng Kiang and the cast of MediaCorp TV Channel 5 drama Tanglin as they complete a wall mural made up of more than 50,000 mosaic tiles. Residents can also enjoy kampong games and watch a skit about Singapore’s transformation by the cast of Tanglin. Date: 12 September (Sat) Time: 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm Venue: Telok Blangah Mall (between Blk 77 and 78)

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Celebrating in the Garden SG50 Garden Parties @ South West will be a chance for the Pioneer Generation and residents to mark the country’s Golden Jubilee.

Mayor Low and Mr Ang helping a young participant decorate a potted plant which will be given as a gift to the Pioneers.

Mayor Low Yen Ling and Mr Ang Wei Neng, Adviser to Jurong GRC Grassroots Organisations, with residents at the South West’s first SG50 Garden Party at Sky Garden @ Jurong Central.


n celebration of the nation’s 50th birthday, the South West Community Development Council (CDC) has kicked off a series of 50 National Day-themed garden parties to be held in community gardens across the district. Through the SG50 Garden Parties @ South West, more than 5,000 residents and Pioneers will have a chance to celebrate both the district’s green heritage and Singapore’s Golden Jubilee. The parties will be held from July to October 2015. Various community and corporate partners such as Sumitomo Chemical and Affliliates, the National

Parks Board (NParks), and the National Environment Agency (South West Regional Office) have pledged support for the initiative. They are providing 50 community gardens with a one-time grant of $1,000, gardening aprons and mini pot plantlets. The first of the parties, held at Sky Garden @ Jurong Central on 12 July 2015, saw close to 100 residents coming together to relive their kampong days. Mayor of South West District Low Yen Ling paid tribute to the Pioneers at the event, presenting them with specially-painted flowering pots to thank them for

their contributions towards nation-building. She said, “The SG50 garden parties are a celebration of our nation’s green culture and heritage. We are fortunate to inherit a wonderful green legacy owing to the foresight of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew and other Pioneers.”

PRODUCE FOR THE COMMUNITY The green legacy is evident in the South West District, where 118 community gardens are thriving thanks to the efforts of community gardeners such

as Mdm Kamisah Bte Atan, 57. She is a familiar face at the Sky Garden @ Jurong Central, which recently snagged the Platinum Award under NParks’ Community in Bloom programme. Home to at least 60 types of plant species, including watermelon, red okra, lettuce and sunflowers, the garden has become a spot for neighbours to mingle and also to feast on dishes made from the garden’s produce.

Community gardeners showing off their harvest.

“The vegetables you grow on your own certainly taste much better than the ones you buy from the market,” said Mdm Kamisah, who spends most of her free time tending to the garden. “They are fresher, and there is a sense of satisfaction from eating the produce which you have grown.”

Save the Date! Upcoming Garden Parties in the district: Organisation

Gardening Group / Venue

Nanyang Zone 1 RC

Nanyang Zone 1 RC Garden Jurong West Street 91, between Blk 906 and 910, Singapore 640906 – 640910

Bukit Batok Zone 2 RC

Bukit Batok Zone 2 RC Cosy Garden Next to Blk 106, Bukit Batok Central Singapore 650106

Yuhua Zone 7 RC Hong Kah North Zone 5 RC

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Time 9 am – 11 am

Date 6-Sep-15

CONGRATULATIONS, SINGAPORE! The Singapore Botanic Gardens has been inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the first in the Republic!

9.30 am – 12.30 pm


Yuhua Zone 7 Gardenia Jurong East Street 13, Blk 107 Singapore 600107

4 pm – 8 pm


Hong Kah North Zone 5 & 6 Community Garden Bukit Batok Street 34, behind Blk 349 Singapore 650349

4 pm – 6 pm


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in the heart, and the mind follows,” remarked Mr David Ong, BBM, former grassroots leader-turned-Adviser to Jurong Group Representation Constituency (GRC) Grassroots Organisations (GROs), when asked how it had been for him being the voice for the people in Parliament for the last four years. Mr Ong said that where we start is important, and that we would be most effective at changing ourselves and others when we fully engage head, heart and hands. He continued, “You need to think with your head, serve with your heart and deliver with your actions. Just make sure that when you take on something you give your best, and not just the bare minimum.” Before Mr Ong was fielded in the 2011 General Election as a candidate for Jurong GRC, he had already dedicated himself to grassroots work for 12 years as Chairman of the Kreta Ayer-Kim Seng Citizens’ Consultative Committee while juggling business and family commitments. This devotion in making a difference to the community is something that Mr Ong has possessed since his youth. He volunteered in the youth programme at the Metropolitan YMCA, reaching out to latchkey children and needy families. To develop sportsmanship and build his character, he participated actively in sports such as cross-country running, swimming and water polo. On weekends he would indulge in his favourite sea sport activities such as canoeing and sailing. Mr Ong firmly believes that family is the bedrock upon which we build the foundation for the next generation, and one of the key pillars in the journey of our nation-building. This has weighed on him throughout his tenure as an Adviser to Jurong GRC GROs. “Family is the basic unit of our society and it is considered the frontline security of our nation. If family ties are strong, so will be the nation,” he affirmed. He also believes that the foundations of nationhood will only be created when there is genuine participation arising from the communities towards their own development. With this belief, he has focused much on community-building, and creating strong family and community bonds in his Bukit Batok ward. “Families are facing new and complex challenges in today’s rapidly changing world. It is therefore important for families to build a strong foundation from the start,” he observed. “Also, as we are ageing rapidly as a society, it is crucial for families to strengthen intergenerational bonds.” Hence, for this year’s SG50 celebrations, Mr Ong urged grassroots leaders in Bukit Batok to focus on the family, and to especially honour Pioneer families. Some of these events included a roving exhibition featuring family portraits and stories of Pioneer families in Bukit Batok and an event on 26 July 2015 where about 350 Pioneer families, joined by their extended families, were invited to board the Singapore Flyer to renew their family commitment at sunrise. He reiterated, “The family shapes and moulds a nation’s culture and values as individuals form the community we work, live and play in. I hope family ties and the community bond can be renewed, strengthened and forged as we celebrate Singapore’s Golden Jubilee as One People, One Nation and One Singapore.” When asked to share his own favourite family memories and moments, the affable Mr Ong reminisced, “I grew up in a two-room flat in Queenstown. Even though we did not have much and my dad was busy, he would try as much as he could to have family time with us during weekends. We would take trips to Johor or Malacca, and visit places of interests like the Botanic Gardens, Kallang Park and Van Kleef Aquarium in Singapore. Spending time together helps bring the family closer. “I have three children — two are in their teens, and one is in the army. My wife and I ensure we spend quality family time with them. We will be there for them to rely upon and be with them, witnessing their life milestones in their growing-up years.”

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Favourite Singaporean trait

㾎≜⥖㑉㝎㩂 “Singaporeans are a resilient lot. Singapore faced many challenges and together we overcame them because our people are united and resilient. They have contributed immensely to our Singapore Story. Such trying times have also helped to cultivate our sense of resilience. Perhaps this is what strengthened our people, our social bonds and nation during adversities.”

᮰㨰⭩㋄㑉㗁⭷㑋☨ᮣ⥖⭨ㅢ⤗㈉ⓥ⢕㺸㷳≛⛞㱸⹃⥖㑉☨⭷㑋㩂㮾 ⭆㟹ⰵ㮥㺤ᮣ⥖㑉⛶㲂㨰⭩㋄☨➂㷝㱸⳰▙☨⤍㦇ᱨ✚⭾ㅗ☨㖫㋜⢚ ㈤㲥ⓞ㣄わ☨⭷㑋㝎㩂ᮣ⫊㩛㸆ⳟ㗁㑁㣄わ⥖㑉ᮢ㣄わ☨㔣㎸ᱨ㮾⭆ 㸟⢔⥖⭨㵀ㅬⳅ㺲㍿⪇ㆃⳭ⻲☨㝎㩂ᮣ᮱

Senior workers

⹤⼰⤀㾗㸃 “I strongly believe that our seniors must be able to continue to work for as long as they wish to, and not allow their job tenure to be dictated by a fixed retirement age. At re-employment, older workers should not be short-changed with unfair terms and benefits. Our seniors today are fitter and stronger than their peers, say, a decade or more ago. We should embrace the concept of productive ageing, both at work and in a social context.”

᮰㣄⭷㨳㣄わ㱎⡡㑁㥓㠯⭢㩦⤀㾗☨⹤⼰㑉㖹⤀㾗ᱨ✚⏥㗖㮥⢔⤨⛊☨ 㟿㩋ㅰ⼰㦎㺨ᮣ㵀㺺㨰㗖⤩☨⥙⒴㺲ᱨㅰ⭣Ⱓ▙☨㴗⤀㮜⏥㱎⡡㗖☡⏥ ⤇㊿☨㝫⮔⧧▣㲞ᮣ㣄わⱅ㝢☨⹤⼰㑉㖹Ⱓ ㅰ㍰☨⹝ㅰ㑉⢚⯵㽓ᱨ ᱤ㯜╱ᱥ㣄わ㱎⡡㵀⤀㾗⧧㔣Ⰿ␍ギⰧ㗖⳱㔶␤⻲⹝⪇☨⡣ㅴᮣ᮱

Winning hearts and minds

㱖☧㑉㨲ᱨ㚔㵒㙴㦛 “I always tell my grassroots leaders to try and connect with our residents. They should endeavour to open every door. If one doesn’t open, come back another day, different time, weekdays and weekends. Behind some of these closed doors may have families who need help. It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home. We can have the best architects and urban planners to build our communities but it is the people who live in them that give it the spirit — the kampong spirit.”

᮰㣄㽼⢄㚗⫑␍⼸㩒ⲳ⼋㲓⳥ス⻶㥥ᱨ⏌㮾⻶㥥ょ㮥⩿㑉⭨㢜ㅅ⍖ᮣ㑥 ⥗㮥⭨㑉☨ろ⩿㵀㸆㮥㝢⏥㢜ㅩ⒐⵺ᱨㅍⳟ㵀⼹㮥⢔㑓㽳ᱨ⼹㮥⢔㖫 ⭺ᱨ⏥⿥㗁㺾㑓⫊㺾ㄯᱨ㴿㵒➣㚳わᮣ㸆㨗⏥⒐⵺☨ろ⩿⨍⍋⫊㩛ⳟ㽁 㽥㩖㮔⊝㻜☨⭨㟙ᮣ㣄わ⶙㮾㙣㗐⯼㋲㮥⭺➟㽳ᱨ☏㢚㱸㨲ㅢ⤗⯼⻮㮥 ⢔⭨ᮣ㣄わ☨㔣㎸⤨㐹㱱㾎⧝☨⯼㻠㔤⭜㖠⧧⒯㗊⥂⪆㖠⯼㵒ᱨ☏⡑㲐 㮥⢔㔣㎸㋦⛢㝎ⲽ㔭 ᮪ ⭊⡨⊟ⲽ㔭 ᮪ ⪑㱸⹃⳥スᮣ᮱

Leading Bol Head, Heart

25/8/15 5:31 PM





用脑筋、心和双 手全情领导

oldly with t and Hands

᮰㱖☧㑉㨲⨍ᱨ㚳わ☨㙴㦛㮜㽴㐹⪹⢘㚞ㅩᱨ᮱ ⛶㲂⥙ 㐣 ㅰ⹂㾗㢜⳥ス㺐㔵☨ⲿ⺈ᱨ㱱⫑␍⼸㩒ⱎ㔹㢜㴉⹖⭅ 㫍㎸⫑␍㾉㺑⤧㢼☨㠩ⱄ➂㥸㔶%%0☤ᮣ 㠩㥸㔶⍙㖸ᱨⓞ➂♇㗁㺺㮔☨ᱨ✚㮔㝗㔹㽴⭐⏌ ⊝㻜㺾㢙⛞㑉ᱨ㾎㱸㨕☨➝㖷⍏㗁⛑ㅚᮢ㱫㨲⏌⛑㗐ᮣ ᮰ㅩ⍄㩙⛑ㅚⱂ㙴㢞ᮢ㱫㨲⟞㣣㐸㺼ᱨ⏌㾗ⓞ㖯⭠ 㨾⛑ᮣ㐵⌏㵀Ⱗ㗐㑌⧨㖼㎩☨㖫⨌⛞㐩⻲㮾⡎ᱨ✚⏥ 㗁⟓㬈⼗㖼ᮣ᮱ 㵀 ㅰ▙㫍㮾㨰㑉㽫㜢㵀㴉⹖⭅㫍㎸☫⒉☨ 㠩㥸㔶㵀㵍㍰ⳟ㮻ⲿ㺤⻲㲂⫑␍⫆⛑ᱨ㵀⭼⤧⭨㟙㖼㮟 ☨☕✛ᱨ㚳㵀㇧⒝㙦ᱩⱄ㔵☨⤇ス㽩㫛㢡㴗⪹☇㑌㻙㥟 㺒㢭⒌▕ ㅰᮣ 㠩㥸㔶㽴㎠ㅰ㖫㋜⍏⛶㨛㻜ス㺼㣐㙵⟎㦇ᮣ 㚳㵞㗁 㨰⭩㋄ⲻ⪂⫑⛟Ⱐ㎠ㅰ⪹ᱤ0HWURSROLWDQ <0&$ ☨ ㎠ㅰ⭜⪆㺠⤀ᱨ㦢㴥Ⓙ✛㟣⭆㩖⊝㻜⭨㟙㔨ⓞ㴔㗐ᮣ 㚳㮜㱣㴤⏸㲓㴱⛑㦞ㅅᱨ㑥㴣㮚㑺㈠ᮢ㱶㱦⭆㙦㎲ᱨ ㈤㬤㴱⛑ⲽ㔭⏌㚔㵒㊹⢏ᮣ㵀㺾ㄯᱨ㚳㵘⏸㲓⦽㔋㴱⛑ᱨ 㑥⪆㟛⭆⟇➋ᮣ 㠩㥸㔶⭷㨳⭨㟙㗁㥲㮥■☨㍰⒴☨⫑╇ᱨ㮜㗁⯼㔤 ⥖⭨☨㻙㮔⛒⼆㺐㮥ᮣ㸆㗁㚳㾗㢜㴉⹖⭅㫍㎸⫑␍㾉㺑 ⤧㢼㚱㍿♛☨ᮣ㚳⍙㖸ᱶ᮰⭨㟙㗁㣄わ㔣⪹☨⫑〉☉㢭ᱨ 㮜㗁⥖⭨☾㮥㝫➠㢲㦏ᮣ㑥⥗⭨㟙ㆃⳭ⻲㍿ᱨ⥖⭨☨ ㆃⳭ⻲㮜⪹㮥㬥ᮣ᮱ 㠩㥸㔶㮜⭷㨳⥖ス㯌㖰☨⫑╇㵀㲂ス㺼⛶㲂㽴⭐☨ 㝗㔹㽴⛑㽴➂☨⏸㲓ᮣ〉㽥㸆⢔㨳ㅴᱨ㚳㝎⍜㽈㽂㲂 ⯼⻮㔣㐸ᱨ⏌㵀㣖⭀≻⛟⯼⻮㍿⯵☨⭨㟙⭆㔣㎸ㆃⳭ⻲ᮣ ⳯㚳㚱⤷␖ᱶ᮰㵀㸆⢔㑓㨰㴨㯖☨㖺ⰻᱨ㦆㵀☨⭨㟙 ギ⼥㨰☨ᮢ⡒㴹☨⸵ㅗᮣ㯜╱㑁ょ㮥⢔⭨㟙⛞㱸㢺⤨☨ ⫑╇㗁㺺㮔☨ᮣ㟠㖫ᱨ㯜㢜㨰⭩㋄㔣⪹☨㫤㚑⹝⪇ᱨ ⸻ⱐ⏥㟠⌞➶☨⭨㟙⒱㴗㺐⭺☨Ⳳ⹹⢚㢜㺺㮔ᮣ᮱㯜╱ᱨ 㢜㨰⭩㋄☨ⱄ伱㎬㽃⫆⛑ᱨ㠩㥸㔶⤠⺆㣖⭀≻⛟⫑␍ ⼸㩒✂⤴㽂⭨㟙ᱨ⏌㝎⍜㵄㚄⯼⥖㮥■ᮣ 㸆㨗⫆⛑⊪⸶㮥⢔㷝㖸㣖⭀≻⛟⯼⥖㮥■⭨㟙㷹⭆ ⤦㖼☨⽃⛑㷝⹎ᱨ㮾⭆㵀 ㅰ 㴨 㑓Ⳬ⊚ᱨ㱱㴢 ⩿⯼⥖⭨㟙⭆㎗㋟⏸㲓☨㖾㴢⫆⛑ ᮪ ⏸㲓㸃⫉㬧⒳㾘 㨰⭩㋄ㄬ㝢⿠ᱨ⏌㵀㑓ⓞ㖫➶㩛ㇹ⛶⭨㟙 㺤⻲ᮣ 㚳㴿╴㍿♛ᱶ᮰㯜㢜㣄わ㚱⤀㾗ᮢ⳥㽁ᮢ㲑⹤☨㔣⪹ 㗁㱱⢔㑉㾉⒱☨ᱨ⭨㟙㚔㵒㮥⢔⥖⭨☨㢶⪇⧧⭱㺗⤷ᮣ 㵀㨰⭩㋄☨ⱄ伱ㅰᱨ㣄㥓㠯⭨㟙⧧㔣㎸⒱㴗㺐⭺☨⤴㥥 ⶙㮾㗖㺺㔦ᱨ ⤊⤨⏌㟺ⱌᱨ㮾▕☡㐩ス㮥㨲ᮣ᮱ 㜮☡㚳⢔㑉㾎㸈㥗☨⭨㟙㊮⛰ᱨ㠩㥸㔶⪰㚕ᱶ᮰㣄㵀 ㇲ⪢㸖㮥⭺⼉➝㖷㾉㣏⒌▙ᮣ㚜㐹㣄わ㱝㱸☨⏥✂ᱨ ✚㣄☨⡖㎗㮜➧⒋の⾿ᱨ☏㚳㽼㗁ⲳ㋦㚱ㅢ㵀㺾ㄯ㲓 ⭨㑉⤎⛪㖫⤾ᮣ㣄わ㱸㖫☡㑟⟐⫊⿷⽅⭭ⓞ㱶ᱨ㱾⫊㸃 ☡〉☼㮥㨗ッ㖞☼㑥㺔㣡㴖ᮢ⭩⹲⤇㴖⭆㙦㾅⤹ᮣ㵀㮥 ㋲☨㖫⭺㑁⭨㟙⒱㴗⢚㎗イᮣ ᮰㣄㱸㑻⢔⦼㽳 ᮪ ⼉⢔㮻㗁㎠㔕ㅰᱨ✚㮥⢔㵀 ⟞⍤㯅ᮣ㣄⧧㜡㜡⛞㐵⌏⧧㚳わ㦝㗖㱭㺬㖫⭺ᱨ ⏌㵀 㚳わ㩖㮔㣄わ☨㖫⨌㈧⊗㚳わᱨ⏌⮑㺆㚳わ⒱⒌⥙⒴☨ ⹽⒴⌚ᮣ᮱

8-9 Bridge JulAug15.indd 9

25/8/15 5:32 PM





Fun Walkers @ South West is part of the CDC’s efforts to foster community bonding and build a healthier South West District. Fun Walkers @ South West is designed for everyone to participate as a group or individual. You can look forward to regular walking sessions in the community, embark on unique nature trails with your family and friends and take part in community events.

憑ंŦŦ栿⟶憑ं䗰㵕ɻ沕毬 弱ȴ␓ϰ䗰࣐‫ڰ‬剠ߓপћᰖ 䗰࣐䇂㋀ߢşĀ븍憑ं ŦŦ栿⟶ʼn㽳ሯ冾᝝减旮旑䇂븍ὁᝋ卯ົ䗰࣐濛ঝߘŦŦ栿㋀ߢ븽ᮙঝĐ㮴㬐䇂 弱㋀ߢপ䗰㵕ɻ㋀ߢ뺔

If you are keen to join Fun Walkers Club, please approach your nearest Community Centre/Club (CC) or Residents’ Committee (RC) Centre. Should you have any queries, please contact:

⾰䏣昖Ὧ븽 昧剔俪즎 South West Community Development Council

憑ं䗰࣐঵ូ㵕ưɻ Tel: 6316 1616 Fax: 6316 7250 Email: Website:


for Early Detection Screening (MEDS) @ South West At Jurong Medical Centre, 60 Jurong West Central 3, Singapore 648346 Introducing the Appropriate Adult Scheme WHAT IS THE APPROPRIATE ADULT (AA) SCHEME? The Appropriate Adult (AA) Scheme is a network that provides assistance to persons with intellectual or mental disability (PWIDs) who are required to give a statement to the Police. WHY DO WE NEED THE AA SCHEME? Feedback from caregivers, parents, and volunteer welfare organisations (VWOs) or PWIDs have expressed concern that if left unaccompanied, PWIDs in the course of police investigations, might end up admitting to offences that they did not commit, provide inaccurate information, or otherwise incriminate themselves due to their inability to effectively communicate with the Investigation Officer. ROLE OF THE AA The role of the AA is to act as a bridge between the Investigation Officer and the PWID residing in South West District to enable effective communications during police interview. This menas that the PWID does not misunderstand the questions asked or that he is not misunderstood by the Investigation Officer. This will ensure that statements recorded are reliable.

FREE mammogram for women who meet the following criteria: a) b) c) d)

Blue / Orange CHAS Card Holder; Reside in the South West District; Aged 50 & above and not screened in the last 24 months; No breast abnormalities (breast lumps, blood stained nipple discharge); and e) No known history of breast cancer.

⡜ㇲ㩙⟛⧩㮾㥲㝫⮔ᱶ 㮥ᱥ⹄ ⒰&+$6⵸Ⓘ㱸㸃ᱷ ✠ᱥ⳥㽁㵀㣩ㅕ㎸ᱷ 㑻ᱥ 㚢⭆㮾㔋ᱨ⏌㵀⥙㐣☨ ⢔㴨ㅠゃ㱸ⱌ㨾㑧➟;⤾⮂␓ᮣ 㙼ᱥゃ㱸㑌⧨㑧➟㯖⒋ᱤ㑧➟㺹ⶹᱨ㫖㐼㑧㟫㯑㮤ᱥᱷ⧧ 㣗ᱥゃ㱸㸓⛱⥙⪔㱸㑧㦉≗ᮣ


Aged 21 and above


Willing to be activated at all hours of the day


Possess passion and interest towards helping people with mental and intellectual disabilities


Ability to remain calm and collected with good rationalising skill

All applicants must attend mandatory one-day training upon successful selection. Interested parties to register by email: *AA Scheme is not applicable to lawyers and police officers.

10 Bridge JulAug15.indd 10

For free screening: please call hotline: 6716 2222 (Monday to Friday: 8.30 am to 5.30 pm / Saturday: 8.30 am to 12.30 pm ) or E-mail: appointment@ for an appointment. Quote ‘South West MEDS’ to qualify for the free screening. 㲣㦝㱸オ➱㑧➟;⤾⮂␓ᱨ㎫⏐▘㑆㦏♋⪈ 6716 2222 (㺾㮥㺣㺾㣗ᱶ㔋㣙8♇30➶㺣㥲㣙5♇30➶ 㨵㋜⽅ᱶ㔋㣙8♇30➶㺣㥲㣙12♇30➶) ⫊♋㱲ᱶ 㴊㴢ᱨ ⏌㯧㗰西南社理会的乳房X光检查计划。

26/8/15 9:33 AM





COMMUNITY CALLING South West resident and grassroots leader Tuan Haji Sulaiman bin Kassim has been involved in community work within the district for more than decades. Find out what keeps tthree hree d ecades. F ind o ut w hat k eeps this Pioneer going.

Tuan Haji Sulaiman at a singing event for the Malay community in West Coast.

MORE GOODIES FOR OUR PIONEER GENERATION To recognise the contributions of our seniors towards nationbuilding, the SG50 Seniors package was launched in May this year. This is what the package entails:

WHO GETS TO ENJOY THE SG50 SENIORS PACKAGE? More than 700,000 people aged 60 years and older.


With Adviser to West Coast Grassroots Organisations S Iswaran at a tree-planting event.


t age 82, and with 18 grown grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, Tuan Haji Sulaiman bin Kassim certainly is a member of the Pioneer Generation. Still active, the longtime Clementi resident is an Operations Associate in the National University of Singapore’s Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. Besides still holding on to a full-time job, Tuan Haji Sulaiman also serves as a Community Mentor in the West Coast division, offering advice to current grassroots leaders. He is after all, an expert on the subject, having been a grassroots leader for close to 34 years since he moved into the estate in the early 1980s. “My instinct has always been to help those around me who are in need, so I’m constantly driven to reach out. Being a grassroots leader enables me to do exactly that,” said Tuan Haji Sulaiman, explaining how he first became

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Life as a grassroots leader involves a lot of work and commitment, according to Tuan Haji Sulaiman, a former Vice-Chairman of the West Coast Green Residents’ Committee. “It’s a job that doesn’t pay, essentially, so your heart has to be in the right place,” he said. Although Tuan Haji Sulaiman has volunteered his time in a slew of community activities, he considers resolving a conflict between a Chinese and Malay family in the 1990s — over the use of the community hall — to be his most meaningful contribution. The dispute involved a Malay family who had already booked the

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE PROMOTIONS AND OFFERS? 1. A $50 SG50 Seniors Public Transport Voucher, sponsored by the SG50 Seniors package and the two public transport operators, SBS Transit and SMRT, through the Public Transport Fund.

involved in grassroots activities. “I am motivated to do my best to make the lives of my fellow Singaporeans — regardless of their race or religion — easier when the going gets tough for them.”


More than 200 discounts and freebies which range from dining, leisure, lifestyle and wellness promotions and deals, given by over 100 organisations.

2. Discounted entry to several attractions on Sentosa, as well as up to 50% savings for selected performances at the Esplanade from August to November. Presenting residents with prizes at the P 2011 Clean & Green Singapore event.

community hall for a wedding, only to find their Chinese neighbour setting up funeral proceedings at the same hall. Tuan Haji Sulaiman had managed to convince the two groups to share the space that day. “Having seen how a small conflict can be damaging to harmony of the community [referring to the communal riots of 1964], I was so glad that my mediation with the two groups led to a peaceful conclusion,” he said with a smile. The trick, he revealed, is to “always respect the people around you, and only then will they grant you the same courtesy”.

THE GOOD OLD DAYS As a Pioneer living in the South West District, Tuan Haji Sulaiman has also witnessed many changes in the district — most distinctly the transformation of what used to be humble kampongs into modern high-rise housing estates with many amenities located conveniently for the residents. “It’s hard not to be proud of what Singapore has accomplished. Just look at our very impressive National Day Parade this year as compared to our very first — we’ve certainly come quite far!”

3. A special Kopitiam iCard which entitles them to discounts at Kopitiam outlets. 4. A free 5-year PAssion Card membership that entitles seniors to member benefits across the People’s Association’s range of courses, activities and programmes. 5. An automatic top-up of $25 ActiveSG credits (for existing ActiveSG members) which can be used for entry to sports facilities, or to offset the cost of sports classes such as aqua aerobics and urban trekking. Seniors who sign up as new ActiveSG members get additional $100 ActiveSG credits. For more information, visit the SG50 Seniors package website at

20/8/15 7:05 PM




CDCs Celebrating




he five Mayors of Singapore — Teo Ho Pin, Low Yen Ling, Denise Phua, Mohamad Maliki Osman and Teo Ser Luck — came together on 31 May 2015 to host a joint celebration of the communities and the nation’s 50th birthday. More than 5,000 partners, volunteers, beneficiaries and residents from across the five districts of Singapore gathered at the Marina Bay area and bonded through a community parade and brisk walk. They were joined by Guest of Honour Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and various Grassroots Advisers. The CDCs Celebrating Communities event not only brought together Singaporeans from all walks of life, but also showcased the work of the CDCs and their mission to assist the needy, bond the people and connect the community. Some 500 participants carried mobile exhibits and placards to highlight the flagship programmes in their communities during the 2.5 km parade. After the walk, they were treated to live performances by the CDCs’ community talents.

(From left) Adviser to Tampines North Grassroots Organisations Baey Yam Keng and Mayors Teo Ser Luck, Low Yen Ling, Teo Ho Pin, Denise Phua and Mohamad Maliki Osman expressing their love for Singapore.

Guest of Honour Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (centre) with participants from the South West.

Volunteers, beneficiaries and residents from across Singapore gathered to celebrate the community and Singapore's 50th birthday.

SOUTH WEST CDC’S FLAGSHIP PROGRAMMES Family Bliss @ South West Launched in 2014, this pro-family package celebrates family life, supports vulnerable families and promotes a family-friendly environment in the community. Family Bliss @ South West also offers enrichment programmes and perks through the Baby Blisscard for families to enjoy.

Let’s Paint Singapore @ South West Let’s Paint Singapore @ South West was rolled out in conjunction with SG50 celebrations. It aims to bring residents closer together through art projects at the void decks, for example, painting of murals depicting our nation’s journey and icons. The programme is an extension of Let’s Paint @ South West, which started in 2010. In this initiative, volunteers help to paint the homes of rental households.

Adopt @ South West Since 2007, various community and corporate partners, including schools and grassroots organisations, have tapped on this platform to help the vulnerable elderly and needy families from rental to three-room flats so they do not fall through the cracks. In 2014, more than 5,000 residents benefitted from around 130 activities initiated by more than 50 corporate and community partners.

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South West District Junior Environment Ambassadors (JEAs) As part of a district-wide drive towards a sustainable community, some 300 JEAs have been inducted since 2007 to help champion good environmental and public hygiene practices among their peers and in their communities.

1,000,000 Native Plants @ South West The South West District is home to the most number of community gardens (118 to date) and Singapore’s longest green corridor — Tengah Nature Way. As part of the South West CDC’s 10-year sustainability masterplan, Environment and Community (ECo) Plan South West, it has been rallying community and corporate stakeholders since 2008 to plant 1,000,000 native plants across the district.

20/8/15 7:08 PM





Community First Responder Programme Learn basic life-saving procedures and protocols to render assistance to someone in distress during an emergency. You will be able to help your family members, neighbours and colleagues should a crisis happen, whether at home or at your workplace. The following courses are available to Singaporeans or Permanent Residents, aged 14 years old and above: Standard First Aid + AED Awareness Training

Check for Danger

This is a general first aid and automated external defibrillator awareness course that equips participants with basic knowledge on emergency medical procedures. • • • •

Check Responsiveness Shout — “Call 995! Get AED!”

CPR+AED awareness Role of First Aider/Community First Responder Protocol in handling emergencies First Aid, Bleeding, Fractures, Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Stroke, Cardiac Arrest, and other common elderly injuries

Open Airway Check for Breathing Begin Chest Compressions

CPR & AED Training Workshop The half-day AED and CPR workshop equips participants with the knowledge and skills to perform cardio-pulmonary resuscitation with the use of AED machine. Upon successful completion of the workshop, participants will receive CPR & AED certification, with a validity of two years. STAY ON THE LINE

• Principles of resuscitation • Procedures and techniques for CPR • AED’s functions and procedure to perform on a cardiac arrest



An initiative brought to you by:

To register: Visit your nearest CC to enquire; or Contact Mr Ong Chee Wei at / 6765 5001

OneService App

FOR MUNICIPAL ISSUES – SNAP, TAG, SEND! On 20 December 2014, Mr George Lim came across a shaky railing near a bus stop on Hillview Avenue. He noticed that one end of the railing, which was supposed to be cemented on two ends, had given way. Concerned for public safety but not knowing which agency to approach, Mr Lim used the OneService app to report the case. Within a few days, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) had fixed the shaky railing. What was more heartening to Mr Lim was the dedication of the LTA staff, as they worked over the Christmas holiday to fix the problem to ensure the safety of residents. Mr Lim wrote, “A centralised office makes things easier since I don’t have to stress over the issue of which department handles which matter.”

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The OneService app automatically routes feedback to the correct agency. There is a geo-tagging feature to pinpoint the location of the problem on the map, and the photo-taking feature illustrates the nature of the problem. More than 22,000 users have registered and over 9,000 cases have been received via the app as at the end of June 2015. To download the app, simply scan the QR code

19/8/15 2:16 PM





MERS 101

What causes MERS?

MERS is caused by a new virus first identified in September 2012, called the MERScoronavirus (MERS-CoV).

Here’s what you need to know about MERS and how you can guard yourself against it.


hen it first surfaced in the Middle East in 2012, many assumed that the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), given its name, would be confined to that part of the world. However, the viral respiratory disease has since afflicted more than 1,300 people in 26 countries. These include South Korea and, in the ASEAN region, the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia. Close to 40 per cent of infected patients have died from the disease, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO).

How is MERS spread?

The MERS virus does not pass easily from person to person unless there is close contact.

How can MERS be treated?

No vaccine or specific treatment is currently available. Treatment is supportive and based on the patient’s clinical condition.

South Korea

Major outbreak of the disease in May 2015. 185 cases to date*. United Kingdom

What about my travel plans?

The Netherlands

Neither the Ministry of Health (MOH) nor WHO has issued travel advisories against travel to affected areas. Instead, travellers to these countries are reminded to maintain their vigilance and observe good personal hygiene at all times.

Germany United States of America

Austria Greece Italy Turkey China Kuwait Iran Lebanon Jordan Qatar Algeria Egypt United Arab Emirates Oman Thailand

France Tunisia


Philippines Malaysia

No of cases reported 1-5 6-20 21-100 101-500 501-1051 *As at 4 Aug 2015 Sources: Singapore Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization

Stay Healthy Strengthen your immune system and feel better by following the South West’s five health pillars:

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Saudi Arabia

First case of MERS reported in September 2012. 1,059 cases to date*.


Brisk walk for 150 minutes a week; take a stretching break during work; and exercise with a friend for company.


Eat two servings of fruits and two servings of vegetables daily; order soup-based dishes as much as possible; and select food with the healthier choice symbol.

I have just returned from an affected country — what precautions should I take?

Monitor your health closely for two weeks; if you become unwell with a fever and/or a cough during this period, seek medical attention promptly. You should declare your travel history truthfully.


Express your feelings by drawing them out; volunteer within your means and bring joy to others; and stay positive and count your blessings.


Replace cigarette toxins with lowcalorie snacks, fruits and vegetables; get support from your family members; and engage in relaxation exercises like meditation to calm your mind.

20/8/15 7:10 PM






Hygiene Matters! 于

In light of MERS, the Ministry of Health advises the public to observe good personal hygiene at all times, especially when travelling to affected areas, by:

Washing hands frequently (before handling food and eating, after using the restroom or when hands are soiled)

Wearing a surgical mask in crowded places

Adopting good food safety and hygiene practices; avoid consuming unpasteurised milk, undercooked meats or unsafe water

Avoiding contact with camels and other live farm or wild animals

Avoiding close contact with persons suffering from acute respiratory infections

Avoiding visiting healthcare institutions in the Middle East and South Korea, unless necessary


合症 新加坡 生部提醒市民 尤其是前往患 刻保持良好的 人 生。 采取以下 防措施:

常洗手( 理食 物和 食前 使用 生 后 及手被 弄 )

接触 物 及其他 野生 物


If you have been to an affected area in the past two weeks and experience symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain or pneumonia, seek medical attention promptly. For the latest updates and health advisories, check


生! 的游客

采取良好的食品安全做 法及 生 ;避 用未 消毒的生奶和 自不安全水源的水 及 食未 煮熟的肉

在人多的地方 得戴上口罩

避 近距离接触患有急 性呼吸道感染的人士

如 中

必要 与南

避 的

前往在 机构

周曾去 患 有症 如 咳嗽 呼吸急促 或肌肉 痛 立即求 。 新的健康指引 新加坡 生部网站。

HAL KEBERSIHAN Memandangkan MERS, Kementerian Kesihatan menasihatkan orang ramai untuk mengamalkan kebersihan diri yang baik pada setiap masa, terutama apabila melawat ke kawasan yang terjejas dengan:

Cuci tangan dengan kerap (sebelum mengendalikan makanan dan sebelum makan, selepas menggunakan tandas atau apabila tangan kotor.

Pakai pelitup muka di tempat yang sesak.

Elakkan daripada menyentuh unta dan sebarang binatang ternakan atau haiwan liar yang hidup.

Elakkan berhubung rapat dengan orang yang menghidapi jangkitan pernafasan yang teruk.

Amalkan kebersihan dan keselamatan makanan yang baik; elakkan minum susu yang tidak dipasteur, daging yang kurang masak, atau air yang tidak selamat.

Elakkan daripada melawat ke institusi kesihatan di Timur Tengah dan Korea Selatan, melainkan perlu.

Jika anda telah pergi ke kawasan yang terjejas dalam masa dua minggu yang lalu dan mengalami tanda-tanda seperti demam, batuk, sesak nafas, atau sakit otot, dapatkan rawatan perubatan dengan segera. Untuk maklumat terkini dan nasihat kesihatan, lungsuri


Throw your litter in bins provided; wear a mask if you are unwell; and apply the 7-step hand washing technique.

14-15 Bridge JulAug15.indd 15






Palm to palm

Between fingers

Back of hands

Base of thumbs

Back of fingers

6 Fingernails

7 Wrists

Remember to rinse and wipe dry

20/8/15 7:11 PM





To commemorate T t Singapore’s Sii ’ G Golden ld d JJubilee, bil BRIDGE B RIIDGE visits i it some off tthe h mostt popular stalls in the district that serve up our nation’s favourite dishes.


Address: and ace Market y Boon La Pl 1 22 , 06 1#0 Food Centre 1221 64 e ace, Singapor Boon Lay Pl urs: Opening ho pm and 30 6.30 am to 3. ; daily am 30 3. 4.30 pm to

Cost: From $3.50 for a nasi lemak set

It is right to say that Chai Ho Satay and Dried Pork is of the ‘Pioneer Generation’ — of Clementi Food Centre, that is. It started selling bak kwa (barbecued pork jerky) when the food centre opened some 34 years ago, but soon after, its owner Mdm Seow Lai Hock, 59, started selling pork and chicken satay as well. Long queues are common at Chai Ho, and no wonder, for each stick of satay is priced at 42 cents. “The satay has to be one of the cheapest in Singapore, but what’s most amazing is that the owners do not scrimp on the quality of the meat,” said Ms Esther Ng, 23. Ms Ng, a food enthusiast, lives in the east, but has been a regular customer because of the we well-grilled and succulent satay. T Th The accompanying chunky peanut s sa sauce is made to Mdm Seow’s own D re recipe, perfected after years of N A Y A T fine-tuning. CHAI HO SA K These days, Mdm Seow’s DRIED POR ket & 8 Mar 44 son Zhang Jin Wei, who started ti en m le C enti Address: 10, 448 Clem helping out at the stall when he 1#0 e tr en Food C pore 120448 was still in primary school, is in Ave 3, Singa urs: ch c harge of the th sa atay y grill. grill ll. charge satay Opening ho m; p 8 to As to o ho w Ch ai H o i how Chai Ho is able to 3 pm ay uesd onday and T ke eep tthe h sa he satay y pri ice c s lo keep prices low, Mr closed on M Zh han ang, g, 3 2,, said, sai a d, d “Making “Ma Maki k n a profit Zhang, 32, is not not a problem pro r bl b as ther th e e is is always a there a stea st ea ady stream steady of patrons.” pa

Cost: $0.42 per stick

16-17 Bridge JulAug15.indd 16

Mr Badrolhisam Ramli was a mechanic on his way to achieving his dream of being an engineer. But his mother, who was getting on in years and finding it difficult to manage her food stall alone, urged him to help out with the business. That was in 2009. And although Mr Ramli, now 49, had agreed out of filial responsibility, his reluctant choice has since turned into a passion to ensure that Boon Lay Power Nasi Lemak lives up to its name. One way he does this, said Mr Ramli, is to cook his food in small batches. This ensures that the dishes that accompany the rice — at least 20, and counting — are always fresh. The crispy chicken wings are bestsellers, but the finishing touch to Mr Ramli’s nasi lemak has to be his homemade chilli paste. As Ms Joy Wee, 20, a Jurong resident said, “The chilli paste is rather special. It is sweet and spicy at the same time and the flavours strike a perfect balance with the fragrant coconut rice.” Mr Ramli said he does not regret the decision he made six years ago. “I’m proud to be selling nasi lemak, and grateful to be the owner of a stall that draws so many customers.”



Two brothers, who started

ROJAK Addre ss: Sam L am Her Coffee n Sh 449 Cle op #01-211, menti Av Singap ore 12 e 3, 0449 Openin g ho 10 am to 9.30 urs: pm; da ily

out selling rojak because that was what their father did, have turned Brothers Rojak into a name that draws lovers of this dish lem men e tii. from beyond the vicinity of Clementi. and d Boon Boo on Heng, He eng n , Brothers Tan Boon Hwa, 49,, and 46, started the stall in their early 20s with one sole purpose — to make a living. “As we did not have a lot of qualifications or money to further our studies, we were left with only one option — learning how to make rojak from our father, who used to sell rojak,” said the younger Mr Tan, who left school after his ‘O’ Levels. His brother quit his studies after Secondary Two. More than two decades on, the duo continue to make each plate of rojak personally, sticking to the recipe passed down to them by their father, who is now retired. Customers are full of praise for the brothers’ tangy and savoury hei ko (shrimp paste) sauce that enhances the flavour of each ingredient — including pineapple, cucumber and tau pok (fried bean curd skin) in the rojak. But more than being a more-ish and savoury tummy-filler, the draw of the rojak is the smile from both brothers as they greet every customer.

Cost: $3 to $8 per plate

20/8/15 7:20 PM







Address: ng West Blk 964 Juro ore 1-342, Singap Street 91 #0 640964 urs: Opening ho

4 pm to 2 am; d


Tucked away in a coffee shop in the far west of Singapore, Big Eater proves that location is not a factor when the food is good. From the time the sun goes down until midnight, this place is usually packed with customers happily digging into delicious zichar dishes. Thanks to its sizeable servings, the restaurant is a popular spot for group gatherings, with birthday and reunion dinners often held here. While the stall serves up a large variety of dishes, their signature chilli crab remains the bestseller. When the fresh and meaty crabs are doused in the sweet and spicy thick sauce, each bite is sheer bliss. “It takes skill and precision to cook good chilli crab, and I’m proud to say all our chefs are more than capable of doing so,” said Mr Lim Kim Gaik, 45, Big Eater’s senior chef. Mr Lim trains every chef to make sure they are well-versed with the recipe for each dish. The reason he keeps a close eye, he said, is because consistency in food quality is key to gaining loyal customers. Mr Lai Jia Hao, a Boon Lay resident and a regular customer, said, “I’ve visited Big Eater with my family on various occasions and their chilli crab sauce never changes — the thickness of the sauce and taste are always consistent.”

West C ddress: oast 154 We Plaza #02-23 , st C Singapo oast Road, re 1273 71 Openin g h o u rs: 11.30 am to 9.30 p m; daily

When Mr Paul Tan (above), 45, started West Co’z Cafe, he cosy y meant for it to be a cosy s living liv ivin ng hangout for families e in this corner of the ad island. Just as he had fin ind d envisioned, you willl find mal a l, families, big and small, any n time tim me dining at this café at any k. of the day and week. n sight sig i ht Another common dish h of o at West Co’z Cafe: a dish u ry ur y fish fis i h Mr Tan’s signature c curry ry table. ta ab ble le. head on almost every this s dish d sh di s — Mr Tan believes thatt this he heads h ad he ds off the the for which he uses the h — like lik many man a y other othe he er Golden Snapper fish ngs gs people peo eop p e together. ple pl toge to geth ther er. local favourites, brings “What’s so good about my curry fish head? I don’t have an answer,” he said. “You have to taste it for yourself to know.” But he revealed that his recipe, which he took over 10 years to modify and perfect, calls for the use of less coconut milk and more water. This is to bring out the flavour of the other ingredients in the dish, which includes a variety of vegetables such as brinjal, lady’s finger, french bean and cabbage. Besides the curry fish head, West Co’z manager Mr Mel Ng, 43, highly recommends their claypot golden chicken and cream sauce prawns for families to share. “West Co’z Café is not just about good food. It’s about family,” said Mr Ng. “It’s a joy to see different generations bond over our food.”

Cost: $58 to $60 per kg (depending on size of crab)

Cost: $20 for Curry y Fish Head

It was five minutes to midnight when we arrived at Alif Restaurant and and nd iff the orders for prata seemed never ending. But owner Mr Ali Syed Asif does not complain. Instead, the 37-year-old — who said he bought over the stall because of his love for Indian food — was glad for the constant influx of customers. Alif Restaurant sells a mix of North and South Indian cuisine, but customers come mainly for its fluffy and chewy prata. W Wi t close to 40 types available, you will be spoilt for With c ch choice. Choose from the simple classic pratas, plain or w with egg, to exotic flavours such as egg, tomato, cheese a and mushroom prata, or strawberry prata. In addition to being a popular spot for dinner and s he supper, the stall is also visited by many students from the ALIF ing ng g nearby secondary schools during lunchtime. Despite doing T N A R h t brisk business, Mr Ali remains humble. “Before I bought U A T RES d over this stall, it was already quite established and had Address: et 31 re St many loyal customers,” he said. “I’m just riding on the k to Ba t Blk 374 Buki ore 650374 success of the previous owner.” 204, Singap #01-

rs; daily urs: 24 hou Opening ho

16-17 Bridge JulAug15.indd 17

Cost: $1 to $4 each prata (depending on n type) t

20/8/15 7:24 PM




Wow Wow West JULY/AUGUST 2015

With SG50 celebrations and the Golden Jubilee promotions in full swing, there’s no better time to explore all that the South West District has to offer!

exhibition #MY SINGAPORE – Ours to CREATE WHERE Singapore Discovery Centre, 510 Upper Jurong Road, Singapore 638365 (Tel: 6792 6188) WHEN 27 June 2015 to 3 January 2016 (Open Tue – Sun, 9 am – 6 pm) WHAT This interactive exhibition chronicles Singapore’s transformation through photo essays and songs from different decades, and offers a sneak peek at the hidden landscapes of our future in a simulation theatre. The exhibition also showcases personal stories and looks ahead to the hopes and dreams of Singaporeans for the next 50 years. Admission is free. Visit to find out more.

trails mySG Trails & Exhibitions WHERE Several locations including Chua Chu Kang, Clementi, Bukit Panjang and Jurong WHEN Various dates until 31 Dec 2015 WHAT mySG Trails & Exhibitions consist of various guided tours around Singapore, each one designed, developed and implemented by youth from more than 70 participating schools, including post-secondary education institutes and institutes of higher learning. Each project aims to trace the Republic’s heritage and history as well as to uncover its unique culture and traditions. In the South West District, residents can look forward to a walking tour of the Clementi area in “Our Memories”, organised by students from Clementi Town Secondary School, and “Makan Galore! A Food Trail in Jurong”, put together by pupils from Shuqun Primary School, among many others. All the tours are free but some require registration. Visit for details.

DID YOU KNOW? The idea to build a museum to showcase the history of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) was first mooted in 1988. This plan later evolved into the Singapore Discovery Centre, which today not only serves as an educational tool for the SAF but encourages Singaporeans to think about and prepare for future challenges.

art A Social Portrait of Singapore: The Critical Years WHERE Gillman Barracks, 1 Lock Road, #01-01, Singapore 108932 (Tel: 6734 5168) WHEN 3 July to 6 September 2015 WHAT This photo exhibition by Pioneer Loke Hong Seng — known for capturing the street scenes of Singapore between 1963 and 1985 — is a showcase of 20 previously-unpublished works. Expect to see subjects with national cultural significance, such as the samsui women and the building of Singapore’s first HDB flats. Admission is free.

18-19 Bridge JulAug15.indd 18



Long before Gillman Barracks became a contemporary arts cluster in September 2012, it served as a military camp. Named after the late General Sir Webb Gillman, a well-known British army officer, the camp was set up in 1936 to accommodate the expansion of the British infantry in Singapore. It consists of 14 buildings that were taken over by the SAF in August 1971 with the withdrawal of the British military from Singapore. Today, it is home to 17 international art galleries and the Centre for Contemporary Art. Visitors to Gillman Barracks can enjoy a free guided Art & History Tour and a History & Heritage Tour by Friends of the Museum, which has partnered with the Economic Development Board to showcase the art and history of Gillman Barracks.

20/8/15 7:12 PM





nature SG50 Community in Bloom Gardens


WHERE Hortpark, 33 Hyderabad Road, Singapore 119578

While at Hortpark in September, look out also for the “Streets of Singapore” showcase featuring 16 different species of trees such as Katong, Sembawang and Tampines, from which places in Singapore derived their names. The showcase is an initiative of NParks to commemorate SG50.

WHEN 5 to 6 September and 12 to 13 September WHAT As part of Singapore’s inaugural Community Garden Festival, residents will be able to view five celebratory SG50 Community in Bloom Gardens in Hortpark. These garden displays are a collective effort by more than 250 community gardeners from residential estates, public and private organisations, schools and voluntary welfare organisations. They have been cultivated and designed to the themes of “People & Plants”, “People & Spaces” and “People & Landscapes”. For more information, visit

Katong Laut

Tempinis Tree


attractions Jurong Bird Park

Sentosa, the State of Fun

When the Jurong Bird Park opened its doors in January 1971, it was the largest bird park in Asia Pacific, with the tallest manmade waterfall ever created. For many Singaporeans, however, memories of the park are often associated with school field trips and clever tricks performed by the myriad species of exotic birds. Revisit those joyful childhood moments now by taking advantage of the park’s SG50 promotions. For more information, visit

With its museums, theme parks and beaches, Sentosa today is an exciting holiday destination not just for tourists but locals too. Make sure you pay a visit to this popular Singaporean playground which is home to the iconic 11-storey-high Merlion tower. Step inside this commanding sculpture to learn more about the legend of the half-lion, half-fish mythical creature, and the significance it holds for Singapore. Sentosa also offers year-round free entry to walk-in visitors as well as free entry after 5 pm on weekdays (excluding public holidays) for those who drive or take the taxi. For a slew of other SG50 deals at its various attractions, visit


18-19 Bridge JulAug15.indd 19

Visitors to Sentosa now have another option of getting around — via its new intra-island cable car service. The 890 m-long link transports visitors between three main attraction clusters at Merlion Plaza, Imbiah Lookout and Siloso Point. The new line, which has a total of 51 cable cars and a total carrying capacity of 1,600 passengers per hour in a single direction, is not connected to the existing 1.72 km Mount Faber Line. Another new attraction, the Fort Siloso Skywalk (pictured), also opened in July this year. The 181 m, 11-storey-high aerial walking trail takes guests above a canopy of treetops, enabling them to perhaps spot the local wildlife, including the plantain squirrel and white-bellied fishing eagle. Admission to the Skywalk is free.

20/8/15 7:12 PM





Consumer Safety Tips by SPRING Singapore

20 Bridge JulAug15.indd 20

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21 Bridge JulAug15.indd 21

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SNAPSHOTS in the district


Ms Foo Mee Har (Ayer Rajah)

Madam Halimah Yacob (Bukit Batok East)

Mr Arthur Fong (Clementi)

“This Jubilee National Day should be celebrated with great pride. Singapore’s 50 years of peace, progress and prosperity bear testimony to the contributions of our Pioneer Generation as well as the values and principles upon which this nation was built — a system that is clean and free of corruption and where progress is based on meritocracy, regardless of race, language or religion. Let us recommit ourselves to building an even brighter future ahead. Happy birthday, Singapore!”

“2015 is a significant milestone for Singapore. This year we are 50, and despite being a young and small nation we can take pride in the achievements that have put Singapore on the world map. As we forge ahead, we must continue to form trust and friendships across cultures so as to build harmonious relationships that will see us through difficult times. Happy Golden Jubilee, Singapore!”

“I’m proud to call Singapore my home, where peace and harmony abound. While we are a mixture of people with different backgrounds, we have spent the last 50 years shaping a collective identity rooted in our shared heritage. Let’s embrace the racial and cultural diversity that makes us uniquely Singapore, and celebrate our nation’s 50th year of independence as one united people. Happy birthday, Singapore!”

Mr Lawrence Wong (Boon Lay)

Ms Low Yen Ling (Bukit Gombak)

Dr Amy Khor (Hong Kah North)

“Our founding leaders and Pioneers overcame many odds over the last 50 years. Today, we are a nation strong and united. We saw this Singapore spirit at the recent SEA Games, where our athletes excelled and we all cheered together as Team Singapore. As long as we continue with the same spirit of our Pioneers — to serve selflessly, fight for our ideals and never say die — we can all build a brighter future and look forward to even better years ahead. Happy birthday, Singapore!”

“SG50 is a grand milestone in our nation’s history. There is a jubilant mood in the air. Singaporeans all over the island are celebrating our country’s 50th birthday in all kinds of ways. Let our pride and love for Singapore resonate! Let the red and white colours fly high — for we wish to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for this nation, always. Happy birthday, Singapore. Majulah Singapura!”

“The development of Singapore into an economic powerhouse has been nothing short of a miracle. Today we are a nation of opportunities for all, regardless of race, language or religion. Because of the hard work put in by Singaporeans, particularly our Pioneers, we were able to create a better future for all. This National Day, I would like to say ‘Thank You’ to all our Pioneers and wish them good health and prosperity. Happy SG50 to all!”

Mr David Ong, BBM (Bukit Batok)

Mr Gan Kim Yong (Chua Chu Kang)

Mr Ang Wei Neng (Jurong Central)

“Singapore has evolved from a developing nation to First World status in a relatively short span of time. This is a result our Pioneers’ steadfast contributions and their resilience in the face of tough challenges. Let’s leverage on our founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s legacy and come together as one united people in strengthening our social fabric and creating a vibrant and aspirational city for all ages. Only then can we make Singapore the best home for ourselves, our children and future generations. Happy National Day!”

“Today, many Singaporeans are living longer and healthier. It’s all thanks to a good public healthcare system and a pool of outstanding health professionals. It is also heartening to see the strong support at the community level, to help and encourage seniors to participate actively in various programmes and activities. I wish our country and our people good health for the next 50 years and more!”

“After 50 years, this is the first time we are celebrating National Day without the presence of our founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew. However, his presence is felt all the more as we reminisce and celebrate the progress that Singapore has made over the past 50 years. Mr Lee has left us a strong legacy and I hope that all of us will strive to achieve another good 50 years. Happy SG50, Singapore!”

22-23 Bridge JulAug15.indd 22

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SNAPSHOTS in the district




Mr Desmond Lee (Jurong Spring)

Mr Cedric Foo (Pioneer)

Mr S Iswaran (West Coast)

“Celebrating Singapore’s 50th birthday is a very special moment for all of us. It is a time to celebrate our past and thank our Pioneers; a time to cherish and give thanks for what our country is today; and a time to look to the future with confidence and determination to build a better life for our children. Happy National Day!”

“On our nation’s Golden Jubilee, let me wish all Singaporeans a Happy National Day. I would also like to acknowledge our Pioneers for their efforts and sacrifices in nation-building. May we keep this spirit alive for many more years to come.”

“Singapore has come a long way in the past 50 years. One important reason for our progress is the care and concern we have for one another, especially the elderly, vulnerable and less-privileged. We must always be a gracious and inclusive society, looking out for one another, regardless of our different backgrounds. As we celebrate SG50, let us dedicate ourselves to building a safe, caring, cohesive and vibrant Singapore for all of us. Happy Birthday, Singapore!”

Mr Zaqy Mohamad (Keat Hong)

Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam (Taman Jurong)

Mr Alex Yam (Yew Tee)

“This year, we celebrate Singapore’s 50th National Day. Multiculturalism has been one of the cornerstones of Singapore’s success. When we understand the people around us better, we can build stronger ties that bind us together. My wish is for all Singaporeans to work together as one people to grow our nation and create a home filled with love and mutual respect for one another. Happy National Day!”

“This is where I won’t be alone, for this is where I know it’s home.”

“The people of Singapore are our greatest asset, which is why it is important to make our country a great place to nurture the young. To do this, we need to provide them a conducive environment to enhance their potential and prepare them for the future. Over the next 50 years, I hope that more Singaporeans will go on to become global influencers. Happy birthday, Singapore!”

Mr Alvin Yeo (Nanyang)

Mr Lim Hng Kiang (Telok Blangah)

Ms Grace Fu (Yuhua)

“Our 50th birthday marks a milestone in our journey as a nation. We would not have come so far without the toil and sacrifice of our Pioneer Generation. Yet the journey goes on, with the mantle passed down to the next generation to ensure that Singapore becomes an even better, more gracious and more inclusive home for all. Happy 50th National Day!”

“Singapore is one of the best places to do business. By maintaining our position, we are able to attract investments and create good jobs for Singaporeans. Singapore entrepreneurs also benefit from our pro-business environment. As global competition intensifies, Singapore must move with the times. This National Day, I wish that the Singapore business ecosystem continues to adapt and flourish for the next 50 years. Happy Birthday, Singapore!”

“As we celebrate SG50, let us continue to make ‘Clean and Green’ the key attribute of our homeland. We can all do our part to keep Singapore clean by picking up our litter, and maintain healthy green spaces in our city by making environmentally-friendly choices. May Singapore continue to be a gracious society with people who care for the environment. Happy SG50!”

22-23 Bridge JulAug15.indd 23

20/8/15 7:27 PM





I want a better future for our children!

Singapore is now independent! We have to survive on our own!

, GUHDP RI D GD\ this tiny island EHFRPHV D FLW\

We need to work hard for our prosperity!

+HOOR HYHU\RQH ,¡YH PDQDJHG WR ballot for the NDP tickets for all RI XV ,W¡OO EH D JUHDW ZD\ WR WKDQN you, our pioneer generation, for helping to build our nation!


Please cut along this line.


6XUH /HW¡V FHOHEUDWH 50 years of independence together!


Enter numbers from 1 to 9 in the blank spaces. Every row and every column must contain only one of each number. This also applies to every 3x3 square. Have fun! Complete this puzzle and send your entries to us at: Sudokufun, South West CDC, Jurong Town Hall Road, #2606, Singapore 609434. If your entry is selected, you will win a South West CDC teddy bear!

3 4 8 6 1 8 7 6 6 9


All our hard work has paid off! Happy Birthday, Singapore!


2 6 6 9 4 2 5 4


7 5

2 1 6 4


2 1 2 6 4

WELCOME GIFT FOR NEWBORNS! Receive a limited-edition EZ-link Card and enjoy the following: a) $38 in stored value b) Discounts and products at participating family-friendly merchants c) Unique Baby Card for your child (includes photo and name) (in


Newborns must fulfil ALL of the following requirements: a) Reside in the South West District* b) At least one parent must be a Singapore Citizen c) Birth of newborn is within one year of application *To find out whether you are a resident of the South West District, go to:


1 Step


HOW TO APPLY? Fill up the Baby Blisscard @ South West application form (available at community centres/clubs)

Attach a copy of: a) Birth certificate of newborn b) Identity Card (both sides) of at least one parent who is a Singapore Citizen and a resident of South West District c) Photo of newborn Step


30 September


Send to South West CDC via email/fax/post

Name: _________________________________________________________ NRIC: _______________________________ Age:______ Gender: ______

For more information, please call 6316 1616 or email

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24 Bridge JulAug15.indd 24

19/8/15 4:13 PM

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