UMHS Viewbook

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Discover personalized medical education

University quick view



Pass rate on USMLE Step 2 CK


Annual enrollment terms: January, May, and September

Based on scores from the first quarter of 2023

20 96 +

Teaching hospital affiliations in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico



Astoundingly high retention rate


of first-time applicants obtained residencies in 2023

Affordable tuition and comprehensive financial aid program and scholarships for qualified students

Discover UMHS WELCOME Our mission, Our vision, Our approach . . .......... 1 President’s message .................................... 2 Our founder ................................................. 4

ABOUT UMHS ..................................... 6 Credentials and licenses . . ............................. 7 Instructional site locations .. .......................... 9 St. Kitts facilities .. ........................................ 11 Noteworthy services ....................................12 St. Kitts campus visits ..................................12

ACADEMICS ...................................... 14 Curriculum ..................................................15 Accelerated Review Program . . ...................... 23 Residency Match Results 2023 . . ................... 24 Alumni success . . ......................................... 28

FACULTY ............................................ 32 Executive office .......................................... 34 St. Kitts administration . . .............................. 35 St. Kitts faculty ........................................... 38 Clinical administration .. ............................... 43 Portland, Maine administration and faculty . . ... 45 Research . . .................................................. 47

STUDENT LIFE . . ............................... 48 Student body .............................................. 49 Student groups ........................................... 49 Campus events ........................................... 50 Sports and recreation . . .................................51 Support services .. ....................................... 53

LIVING IN ST. KITTS ...................... 54 About St. Kitts .. ........................................... 55 Getting to campus . . ..................................... 56 Housing .. .................................................... 56 Explore the sites around town ...................... 56 Getting around .. .......................................... 59 Family and pets .. ......................................... 59

ADMISSIONS .. .................................. 60 Admissions overview ....................................61 Admissions process .................................... 64 Tuition and fees . . ......................................... 65 Financial aid ............................................... 66 Student loans ............................................. 66 Scholarships .............................................. 68 Administrative contact information .. ............. 70 Next steps .................................................. 72

Compassion. Integrity. Excellence. Dreams Realized. UMHS. Our mission

Our vision

Our approach

The University of Medicine and

Our vision is to continue to be

Our approach to medical education

Health Sciences is committed

a vanguard among alternative

is unique. We combine top-quality

to educating uniquely skilled and

medical schools. We provide a safe,

faculty, primarily from the U.S. and

diverse medical professionals

modern environment conducive

Canada, with a personalized approach

eager to meet the need for

to helping promising medical

to educating students.

physicians in various settings

students achieve their dreams of

throughout the United States

becoming doctors—who not only

We offer leading-edge facilities to give

and the world. With a focus on

become professionals, but lead their

quality patient care, and utilizing the

professions through excellence.

latest in advanced technological instruction and personalized education, our aim is to produce

our students the best training, yielding doctors who perform well on the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) and earn highly sought-after residences in the U.S. and Canada.

genuinely passionate physicians who are highly prepared for practice in a changing medical landscape.



It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the University of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dear Prospective Student, At UMHS, we are dedicated to providing you the best education

preceptors who mentor and fully prepare them to seamlessly

possible. Our state-of-the-art medical school is for students

transition into the clinical program. Once students have

who deserve and demand a quality education in a small school

successfully completed the fifth semester and passed USMLE

environment. Our faculty are highly credentialed and recruited

Step 1, they then enter the Clinical Science Program. UMHS

primarily from the United States. They love to teach and are fully

is currently affiliated with over 20 teaching hospitals located

committed to your success.

throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada.

UMHS is fully accredited by the Accreditation Commission on

Graduates of UMHS qualify for residency placement both in

Colleges of Medicine (ACCM). This international accrediting body

the United States and Canada. Our graduates obtain premier

has adopted U.S. standards of accreditation and is recognized

residencies in virtually every specialty. In fact, over 90% of first-

by the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and

time applicants obtained residencies in 2023. The hospital

Accreditation (NCFMEA) under the U.S. Department of Education.

list is very impressive and is an indication of the quality of our

The Committee has determined that ACCM standards of

graduates. (Please visit for a comprehensive

accreditation, both as written and applied, are comparable to

listing of our residency placements dating back to 2016.)

the standards of accreditation in the United States. We also have

Over the last 10 years, we have invested more than

multiple state approvals providing our students with additional clinical and residency opportunities.

medical schools in the Caribbean. Our modern campus is

The Basic Science Program, consisting of semesters 1–4, is

comparable to, or better than, those of most U.S. medical

located at our modern campus on the beautiful Caribbean island

schools. I urge you to visit our website and video page to view

of St. Kitts. Our traditional medical school curriculum compares

our amazing facilities.

with most U.S. medical schools. Shelf examinations, created

UMHS has affiliated with Kaplan Medical and AMBOSS, which

by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME), have been incorporated into both the Basic and Clinical Science Programs. Shelf examinations are similar in style and format to the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) and ultimately help prepare students for USMLE Steps 1 and 2. The NBME provides each student with a detailed analysis of each exam and information about how they compare to U.S. medical students.

are the premier USMLE Review Programs in the United States. All students have full access to their review materials beginning in the first semester. Outcomes and performance on USMLE are critically important, and we believe in providing our students with the best resources available to ensure their success on USMLE Step 1 and 2 CK. During the fifth semester in Maine, students are offered a 15-week live review program through Kaplan Medical.

Pre-clinical exposure begins in the first semester and

We have integrated material from ICM to ensure that the review

continues throughout the Basic Science Program. While in St.

program includes clinically relevant material which ultimately

Kitts, students have access to a variety of clinical settings,

prepares them for Step 1. We may be the only foreign medical

including the local hospital and our 24-bed virtual hospital/

school that provides these resources to students beginning in

skills lab, located on campus.

their first semester. In terms of performance, we are proud to

The fifth semester, which includes a clinical correlations

announce that our students had a 95% pass rate on the Step 2

and board review component, is held at our Portland, Maine, campus. During the fifth semester, students have the opportunity to work one-on-one with more than 30 M.D.


$100 million to develop one of the most state-of-the-art


CK for the first quarter 2023. In fact, we offer outcomes that are as good, if not better, than any of the other Caribbean medical schools. Your success is our success.


Our 4% attrition rate is one of the lowest in the Caribbean. Many offshore schools have attrition rates that exceed 30% as a result of students not qualifying for USMLE Step 1. We believe that we should do everything possible to ensure students’

We have invested more than $100 million to develop one of the most state-of-the-art medical schools in the Caribbean.”

success in medical school. We understand the impact of significant student debt, so we work hard to ensure that your education is affordable. Compared to most of the other foreign medical schools, the cost of education is considerably lower at UMHS. In addition, we offer financial aid that can cover the full cost of attendance. Financial aid options include student loans, scholarships, institutional loans, provincial loans, and payment plans. In fact, as further evidence of our commitment to students, we substantially increased our scholarship awards recently. Please note that in the last five years we have awarded over $3 million in scholarships. Thank you for taking the time to learn about the benefits of attending medical school at UMHS. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

WARREN ROSS, J.D. President University of Medicine and Health Sciences



A legacy of excellence in medical education


Dr. Robert Ross (1917–2011) had a lifetime of expertise

are conducive to large and small group instruction, with a

in the area of medical education. As the founder and

focus on problem-based learning. The 11,000-square-foot,

former owner of one of the largest and most prestigious

technologically advanced anatomy lab is comparable to

Caribbean medical schools, he brought a wealth of

the best laboratories in the United States. The University

experience, knowledge, and resources to offer you

also has a 24-bed virtual hospital ward that utilizes human

the best education possible.

simulators. Here, students can integrate clinical skills with

Dr. Ross was a benefactor who addressed the growing

basic science knowledge early in their training.

need for qualified health care practitioners in the United

Dr. Ross was also an idealist. He saw a rapidly changing

States and Canada. His reputation for developing academic

medical profession that would require physicians to be well

institutions and his dedication to excellence were known

educated and able to adapt to new technologies easily and

worldwide. In 2007, he founded the University of Medicine

quickly, while also offering compassionate support to each

and Health Sciences (UMHS).

and every patient. He believed these capabilities would

An innovator, Dr. Ross used technology and the latest

define physicians in the twenty-first century.

teaching techniques to provide an academic institution

Dr. Robert Ross left a lasting legacy to each and every

dedicated to excellence. The state-of-the-art classrooms

student and graduate. He is greatly missed.



About UMHS Credentials and licenses Instructional site locations St. Kitts facilities Noteworthy services St. Kitts campus visits

About UMHS

Focused on excellence We are fully equipped to prepare you to practice medicine in the U.S. CREDENTIALS AND LICENSES Accreditation status

State approvals

The University of Medicine and Health

In addition to accreditation, there

Sciences has obtained the necessary

are a small number of states that

Granted full accreditation from the

accreditations and listings so that

have provisions for approving foreign

St. Christopher and Nevis Accreditation

our students may sit for the United

medical schools. Gaining state

Board, an arm of the Ministry of Education,

States Medical Licensing Examination

approvals enhances the reputation

in 2012 and 2017

(USMLE) and apply for certification

of the University, provides further

from the Educational Commission for

opportunities to expand the clinical

Listed in the International Medical

Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG).

program, and substantially increases

Education Directory (IMED) of the

This certification is required for an

residency opportunities, which

Foundation for Advancement of

international medical school graduate

positively impacts both our students

International Medical Education and

to obtain a residency and license to

and graduates.

Research (FAIMER) since June 2008.

practice medicine in the United States.

UMHS currently has approval in Georgia,

To be eligible for licensure, graduates

California, and Florida. We have also

Listed in the World Health Organization’s

must have successfully passed

submitted our application for New York

(WHO) official World Directory of Medical

all three steps of the USMLE and

state approval and anticipate a site visit

Schools (, since August 2008.

satisfied the requirements specific

later this year.

Our Accreditations and Accolades

to each U.S. state. Graduates who

Full accreditation from the

have successfully passed Step 1 and

Accreditation Commission on

Step 2 CK of the USMLE are eligible for

Colleges of Medicine (ACCM).*

ECFMG certification, which is required to obtain a residency in the United States. Graduates must also have either a passing Step 2 CS result or, after March 2020, an approved ECFMG Pathways 3 or 6 in order to obtain

Recognized by the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation (NCFMEA), a division of the U.S. Department of Education.**

ECFMG Certification. USMLE Step 3 is taken after graduation. Since licensure requirements vary by state, we urge all students to contact their licensure board(s) for further details. UMHS students are eligible to sit for the USMLE as a result of the IMED and WHO AVICENNA listings.

* ACCM is recognized by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) as an official accrediting body. An internationally recognized accrediting body, ACCM has adopted the Liaison Committee of Medical Education (LCME) Standards for Accreditation. The LCME is authorized by the U.S. Department of Education to review and accredit U.S. and Canadian medical schools. ** The NCFMEA is authorized to evaluate the standards of accreditation applied to foreign medical schools, and to determine the comparability of those standards to standards applied to medical schools in the United States. NCFMEA recognition is a prerequisite to qualify for federal student loans, and is also a requirement for Florida approval.

About UMHS




In 2015, UMHS was granted full approval

As of 2020, the University of Medicine

in Georgia. We are the first foreign

and Health Science was approved

medical school to have been approved

in the state of California. As a result,

by the state of Georgia under the new

UMHS students now qualify for clinical

standards of the Georgia Composite

rotations, residencies, and licensure in

Board. This approval allows our

California. Our goal is to make California

University to continue to conduct clinical

a regional clinical center, with multiple

programs in Georgia. Consequently,

affiliations offering a full complement of

our students are eligible for unlimited

core and elective rotations. We currently

clinical rotations, residency selection,

have students rotating in California and

and licensure in Georgia.

we have graduates in residencies there


as well.

In 2019, UMHS was licensed by the

New York

Florida Department of Educations’

UMHS has applied to New York, and

Commission for Independent Education.

is anticipating a site visit in 2024.

As a result of our ongoing approvals,

Currently, students at UMHS are able

UMHS now has authorization to establish

to complete 12 weeks of rotations in

clinical affiliations in Florida. Currently,

New York and qualify for licensure.

UMHS is affiliated with Larkin Hospital

Once approved, students will be able

and Westchester Hospital/Keralty in

to complete an unlimited number of

the Miami area. Other hospitals will be

rotations in the state and qualify for

added in the near future.

NY residencies.

Additional information regarding this institution may be obtained by contacting the Commission for Independent Education, Department of Education, 325 West Gaines Street, Ste. 1414, Tallahassee, FL, 32399-0400; toll-free telephone number: (888) 224-6684.

Credentialed faculty UMHS has brought together a team of extraordinary educators with extensive backgrounds in medical education, research, and administration. Faculty members were selected because of their unique academic medical capabilities. Team members range from educators who transitioned from private practice to academic medicine, to faculty who have spent their entire careers focused on providing the finest instruction to medical students. UMHS maintains a low ratio of students to faculty, providing students with a personalized education. The language of instruction in St. Kitts and the United States is English. UMHS has highly qualified and credentialed faculty that are dedicated to the success of their students.

*** Statement of Legal Control: University of Medicine and Health Sciences Limited Corporation is registered with the Florida Department of State as a foreign profit corporation doing business as University of Medicine and Health Sciences.’



About UMHS


Clinical Science Program

Students must pass USMLE Step 1 to

St. Kitts Campus (semesters 1–4)

Portland, Maine (semester 5)

progress to the sixth semester. In May

Students complete the Basic Science

Clinical students transition to scenic

2022, the review course transitioned

Program at the UMHS campus in St.

Portland, Maine, in the United States,

from a live six-week to a 15-week

Kitts and learn from highly credentialed

for their fifth semester. Maine was

review course. The review course has

faculty and learning specialists

selected by UMHS because of its long

integrated more clinically relevant

recruited primarily from the United

tradition of providing quality health

material into the course to further

States. Here, teaching modalities range

care and its demonstrated excellence

prepare students for Step 1. For a listing

from classic lectures to learning in small

in medical education. UMHS has

of course descriptions, please visit

group settings.

developed a modern teaching facility

that is strategically located within close

Clinical rotations (semesters 5–10)

A compelling differentiator at UMHS is the access students have to a variety of clinical settings and relevant clinical material throughout the Basic Science Program, beginning in their first semester. For example, our 24-bed virtual hospital—equipped with the

proximity to several teaching hospitals, clinics, and housing. It contains a stateof-the-art classroom, skills laboratory, study area with computer connectivity, examination rooms, student lounge, and faculty offices.

Students complete the Clinical Science Program in the United States and Canada. UMHS is affiliated with more than 20 teaching hospitals in New York, Connecticut, Georgia, Florida, Michigan, Maryland, Oklahoma, California, Canada,

latest in human-computer simulation

The fifth semester consists of two

and Puerto Rico. For a full listing of our

technology—gives students a platform

required courses that include a USMLE

affiliates and course descriptions, visit

to discuss medical issues in small

review component through Kaplan

teams, learn physical diagnosis, and

Medical, which is considered one of the

develop clinical skills in a safe and

premier review programs in the United

standardized environment. Also, in ICM

States. The USMLE review provides

1 and 2, students have access to local

additional support to ensure students

hospitals as well as professional and

have every opportunity to pass USMLE

real patients.

Step 1 with competitive scores.

About UMHS


UMHS is a leader in the use of human simulation models, an advanced capability allowing students to integrate clinical skills with basic science principles.

About UMHS

ST. KITTS FACILITIES The fully networked campus is a cornerstone of a modern medical school. UMHS operates one of the newest and most technologically advanced campuses in the Caribbean, with facilities incorporating technology on the cutting-edge of health care instruction. Our students can access educational software, faculty presentations, and extensive online resource databases from virtually any location. Auditorium

Human simulation laboratories

The innovative, 210-seat auditorium is equipped with 56” LED monitors, highdefinition LCD projectors, an ELMO® presenter, and additional equipment designed to enhance the instructor’s presentation. In all classrooms and laboratories, we have installed Microsoft Surface Studio 2 computers so that faculty can annotate their presentations and provide further graphics and texts

UMHS is a leader in the use of human

during the lecture.

Multipurpose laboratories Two modern, 100-seat multipurpose laboratories house cutting-edge technology, including audiovisual equipment, high-definition 55” LED monitors, ELMO® presenters, and Microsoft Surface Studio computers for presentations. One of the laboratories is also equipped with a significant collection

laboratories Our 11,000-square-foot, state-ofthe-art anatomy building contains both neuro and gross anatomy laboratories. The gross laboratory is furnished with approximately 20 dissection tables, and there is a 6:1 ratio of students to cadavers. A prosected cadaver is utilized for demonstration purposes and is viewed over 20 high-definition LED monitors stationed at the end of each student’s cadaver work table. Power poles are also placed at the end of each cadaver table for students who want to connect to our anatomical database on a laptop or tablet. To maintain a temperature controlled facility and minimize odors, we also installed a 50-ton Addison Air Conditioner in the

Resource Center

simulation models. Our Human

The Anne Ross Library and Learning

Simulation Laboratories are designed

Resource Center (LRC) is designed to

with the functionality and appearance

provide students with an atmosphere

of a hospital ward or clinic. We utilize a

for quiet study. The library houses an

variety of both low– and high-fidelity

impressive collection of multimedia,

simulators including iStan —the most

books, and journals in both hard copy

advanced, realistic, wireless Human

and electronic formats. It has break-out

Simulator available today. It has the

study rooms equipped with computers

capability of providing jugular vein

and audiovisual equipment.


distention, bilateral chest movement, real breath, heart, and bowel sounds,

All desks and study carrels in the library

and articulated motion.

are laptop ready. The LRC houses more

Our most recent addition includes

Library and LRC staff are available

Next Generation Harvey® —The

to assist students with research,

Cardiopulmonary Patient Simulator

information retrieval, and technology-

realistically simulates nearly any cardiac

based questions.

than 50 computers for student use.

disease at the touch of a button by varying blood pressure, pulses, heart sounds, murmurs and breath sounds.

of anatomical models for student use.

Anatomy and neuroanatomy

Library and Learning

Campus bookstore The bookstore carries textbooks, study

We also acquired an ultrasound machine,

guides, diagnostic and surgical tools,

which is utilized in both ICM and anatomy.

and other essential items.

Our next investment will be SimMan 3G, which is one of the most modern simulators offered by Laredal, a leader in simulation technology.

Café The café is open throughout the day for meals, snacks, and refreshments.

Classrooms There are smaller classrooms and

We also have a variety of vendors on campus that offer a diverse array of food options.

break-out rooms throughout the campus, designed to offer closer interaction between faculty members


and students for a more personalized

Our full-service gym offers a variety of

educational experience. These spaces

Life Fitness, Precor, and Cybex machines,

are used for small group instruction,

including treadmills, ellipticals, stationary

seminars, group study, and problem-

bicycles, free weights, and more. In

based learning sessions.

addition, the campus also has a basketball court and soccer field for student use.

lab to extract and replace the air 24/7. About UMHS


NOTEWORTHY SERVICES Technology support

Disability accommodations

direct services, and refer them to

UMHS utilizes an advanced computer

UMHS strives to enable students with

appropriate resources, both on and

and communications network and

disabilities to assist themselves in

off campus. Assessment services are

supports the latest in technology-

achieving their educational goals

typically not available in St. Kitts and

based teaching aids. The Information

and enhancing their leadership

should be obtained in the United States

and Technology Services Department

development through participation

or Canada prior to matriculation.

manages these capabilities and

in the many facets of campus life.

provides end-user support to students

Students with disabilities may be

and faculty. The IT department is

required to provide documentation of

comprised of professionally trained,

the disability. The cost of assessment

experienced, and dedicated staff

and documentation is the student’s

members who are focused on providing

responsibility. The University works

responsive support.

with students with disabilities to identify and assess needs, provide

ST. KITTS CAMPUS VISITS Prospective students and their families are encouraged to visit the St. Kitts campus. Visits are by appointment and should be scheduled through the Office of Admissions. All travel, food, and lodging costs for such visits are initially the responsibility of prospective students and their families. However, for those students that ultimately matriculate after a campus visit, the University does offer a set reimbursement for travel-related expenses. Contact the Office of Admissions for further details.



About UMHS

About UMHS



Curriculum Accelerated Review Program Residency Match Results 2022 Alumni success


A program designed to make you a great doctor With the help of our rigorous curriculum and supportive faculty, you’ll graduate prepared to change your patients’ lives. CURRICULUM To graduate with an M.D., students must successfully complete the basic and clinical science programs and pass the United States Medical Licensing Examinations (USMLE) Step 1 and Step 2 CK. A passing Step 2 CS result is also required or, after March 2020, an approved ECFMG Pathway 3 or 6, which is in lieu of the discontinued Step 2 CS exam.

Basic Science Program (semesters 1–4)

Extended Basic Science Program Select students are granted the

Please note:

The Basic Science Program is taught at

opportunity to enroll in our Extended

our state-of-the-art campus in St. Kitts.

+   Those admitted to the EBS

Basic Science Program (EBS), which

The four-semester program provides

program or opting into the

allows them to complete the Basic

students with a thorough education in the

program will not be permitted

Science curriculum over the course

basic biomedical sciences, which includes

to accelerate into the four-

of five semesters instead of the

history taking, physical examination skills,

semester Basic Science

standard four. The ultimate goal is to

and problem-solving techniques.

Program at a later date.

reduce the students’ course load to

Block examinations are given three

ensure academic success, maximize

+   Those who plan to voluntarily

times per semester. Exams for all

performance, and provide them with

courses are administered on the same

the best opportunity to master the

day to simulate the USMLE experience.

information. Students who have entered

Shelf examinations, created by the

this program have traditionally excelled

National Board of Medical Examiners

both academically and personally.

(NBME), are given as final examinations

EBS students take courses with students

in each of the core basic and clinical

in the regular four-semester program, so

science courses. These examinations

all students are part of the “mainstream.”

are similar in style and format to the

As an incentive, the University has

USMLE and are utilized by most U.S.

reduced tuition for the EBS program so

medical schools. Students receive

that students pay the same tuition as

a thorough evaluation of their test

those completing the four-semester

scores, including insights on how they

sequence. The only additional costs to

performed compared to students in U.S.

students attending EBS are time (an

medical schools. Shelf examinations

additional semester), cost of living on

ultimately prepare students for USMLE

the island, and semester fees.

participate in this program should notify the Office of Admissions prior to the start of classes and registration in St. Kitts.

+   Those who begin the regular four-semester program may opt into the EBS program following the completion of the first mini-examination, either in the first or second semester.

Step 1 and 2. Weekly quizzes utilizing USMLE-style questions are also now offered in virtually all classes. This further prepares students for Step 1, keeps them engaged, and improves academic performance.





Course no.

Course name






Gross and Developmental Anatomy










Medical Cell Biology





Introduction to Physical Diagnosis




















Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine










Behavioral Sciences and Medical Ethics










Pathology I





Clinical Skills (Neurology & Behavioral)










Pharmacology and Therapeutics





Pathology II





Introduction to Clinical Medicine I







Curriculum as of September 2023, subject to change. For the most current version of our curriculum and course descriptions, visit



Course no.

Course name





Gross and Developmental Anatomy





Medical Cell Biology





Introduction to Physical Diagnosis



































Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine





Behavioral Science and Medical Ethics










Pathology I





Clinical Skills (Neurology & Behavioral)





Pathology II





Pharmacology and Therapeutics





Introduction to Clinical Medicine I


Curriculum as of September 2023, subject to change. For the most current version of our curriculum and course descriptions, visit












The lecture format is used to teach

Strong support services are critical to

Utilization of educational software and

basic science content in a small-

ensure student success. Each student

auto-tutorial learning is emphasized

class environment. UMHS offers a

is assigned a faculty advisor who

throughout the learning process and

personalized education, providing a significant amount of individual attention both in and out of class. The faculty have fully embraced the use of audiovisual technology in their approach to teaching visually relevant material. The UMHS lecture halls are designed to provide students with maximum viewing access to all audiovisual content.

mentors them throughout the program. Dedicated to student success, these advisors are available throughout the day to provide academic support and counseling as needed. A tutoring service is also available for students requiring additional support on a specific topic. Course directors and faculty provide academic counseling throughout the semester, especially for those who are in need of additional


support. At the end of each block

During the Basic Science Program,

examination, at-risk students are

students have access to a variety of

required to meet with their faculty

clinical settings, including community

to review their exams and develop

health centers and local hospitals.

an action plan, which can include a

UMHS is unique in offering students

referral to our learning specialists.

an on-campus virtual hospital

Students are encouraged to meet with

experience, where students work with

our learning specialists, counselors,

human-computerized simulators and

faculty advisors, and administration

professional patients in a 24-bed facility.

to ensure their success and that they

Clinically relevant material is included in

receive the resources they need to excel

all Basic Science Courses which further


is incorporated into the academic program. Thanks to our cloud-based technology, students can access and download faculty presentations, class notes, assignments, and much more from anywhere on or off campus. Last year, the university partnered with EThink, the premier developer of learning management systems in the United States. We have subsequently revamped our learning management system making it faster, reliable, more secure, and easy to use. Examinations are also created and delivered securely using ExamSoft, a computer-based examination software program.

prepares students for USMLE Step 1.



Kaplan and AMBOSS USMLE review programs   UMHS is one of the few offshore schools to offer both a Step 1 and 2 USMLE review program through Kaplan Medical and AMBOSS to ensure high pass rates.   Students in the Basic Science and Clinical Science Programs will have full access to both of these programs to further ensure their success on USMLE. This includes their comprehensive question banks, video series, diagnostic examinations, and much more.   Students will have immediate access to the material, which can also be used to prepare for the NBME Shelf Examinations in both the Basic and Clinical Science Programs. The Kaplan Medical Step 1 On-Demand program is a comprehensive library of over 220 hours of instructional videos. It also includes a collection of quizzes to enable students to gauge their mastery of the material covered in the videos. The program has a database of approximately 3,000 quiz and assessment questions. In addition to the question bank and library of videos, students will also have access to Kaplan’s USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes eBook series. This series includes volumes dedicated to high-yield concepts in Anatomy, Behavioral Sciences, Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, Immunology and Microbiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, and Physiology. The AMBOSS Step 1 Qbank Integrated Plan consists of a focused set of instructional videos to help students truly master the highest yield material. It also has an extensive question bank of over 2,000 assessment questions. These questions provide interactive feedback with detailed explanations and sources students can review to better understand the concepts tested.



Clinical Science Program (semesters 5–10) Designed to give students a broad spectrum of medical practice, the Clinical Science Program allows them to gain specialized skills and practical experience working with patients. The program consists of core and elective rotations that are completed at U.S. teaching hospitals affiliated with UMHS. Fifth Semester (Maine) The fifth-semester program takes place in Portland, Maine. UMHS selected this location because of its reputation for quality health care services and its demonstrated excellence in medical education. The UMHS facilities include a modern classroom, multiple examination rooms, group study rooms, skills lab, faculty offices, and a student lounge. Our fifth semester is designed to prepare students for the rigors of the clinical program and to help them get ready for the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1, which they must pass in order to progress to the sixth semester. During the semester, students must complete two required courses designed to help them transition into the core clinical program: Introduction to Clinical Medicine II and Biological Basis of Clinical Medicine, which includes a USMLE review component through Kaplan Medical. In ICM II, introduction is made to core medical information necessary to begin the third year of medical training, building on advances made in the fourth semester of ICM. Didactics are blended with laboratory data interpretation, radiology and other imaging techniques, and electrocardiography, introducing core medical information necessary for the third and fourth years of clinical training. This will be done in a problem-based learning format stressing a review of the basic sciences and the development of case-centered learning goals, and emphasis is placed on the introduction of a series of core medical conditions, integrating behavioral medicine. Critical emphasis is also placed on the development of ethical standards, specialization, as well as education and licensing requirements in the various states. Students are assigned to physicians in actual patient-care settings at several hospitals, clinics, and office health centers in and around the Portland area. All student-clinical experiences are led by a team of more than 30 physician preceptors, many of whom have decades of medical practice and teaching experience. Working beside renowned physicians builds clinical capabilities, increases student confidence, allows students to seamlessly transition into our clinical program, and enhances performance on the USMLE. The 15-week Kaplan Review is taught by renowned faculty from U.S. medical schools who concentrate on high-yield courses in the Basic Science Program. UMHS is one of the only offshore schools that offers a full-semester review program to ensure students’ success on Step 1. The review program also includes a team of learning specialists who will work directly with students on time management, study skills, and test-taking strategies. The purpose of this course is to provide both a general review of topics covered in the USMLE Step 1, and to help each student identify problem areas where extra attention is warranted. During the course, professors cover various high-yield subjects including Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology, Physiology, Pharmacology, Genetics and Pathology. Post-lecture Q&A sessions, a self-assessment online exam for each subject, online content consisting of a set of subject-based videos, Kaplan Q bank, and simulated exams are also available.


Upon passing USMLE Step 1, all students are automatically enrolled in Kaplan online review programs for USMLE Step 2 CK. These programs are ideal for when the student transitions into clinical rotations, and their busy, sometimes unpredictable schedules make a traditional review course impractical. The CK review is also beneficial for students preparing for their Clinical Shelf Examinations as well as the Comprehensive Clinical Science Examination (CCSE).


Please note that our first-time pass rate on USMLE Step 2 CK is 95%, with an average score of 230 in 2023.

Like students from U.S. medical schools, UMHS students apply

Course name


Introduction to Clinical Medicine II


Biological Basis of Clinical Medicine


Curriculum as of September 2023, subject to change. For the most current version of our curriculum, visit

Life in Maine Fifth-semester students have an opportunity to enjoy a beautiful state with rugged coastlines and unspoiled landscapes. Portland, Maine, offers all the amenities of a big city: art districts, waterfront areas, museums, parks, and diverse shopping opportunities, but within minutes, students can be in

Fourth-year UMHS students pursue post-graduate residency positions in prestigious hospitals throughout the United States and Canada. After graduating, students begin their internship year alongside their U.S. counterparts as practicing Doctors of Medicine (M.D.) in numerous specialties and in diverse residency training programs. for residencies through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) in order to obtain a position, or “match,” in the United States. Canadian students have the option of applying to the NRMP or, alternatively, to the Canadian Residency Matching Service (CaRMS). Detailed information about residency placement can be found at

GRADUATION The University confers the medical degree multiple times per year and holds a formal commencement exercise once a year in New York City, typically at Alice Tully Hall, in June. Graduation requirements

the country to enjoy the natural beauty of the mountains with

Successful completion of all required Basic Science and

endless hiking trails, meandering rivers, and pristine lakes.

Clinical courses with a minimum grade of “C.”

Clinical rotations (semesters 6–10)

Passing score on USMLE Step 1 and USMLE Step 2 CK.

After passing Step 1 of the USMLE, students are placed in clinical rotations at affiliated teaching hospitals throughout

Passing Step 2 CS result, or after March 2020, an approved

the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Prior to placement,

ECFMG Pathway 3 or 6.

the clinical department coordinates with each student to see

Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0.

if they have any specific requests for placement. The Clinical Science Program includes 48 weeks of mandatory core clinical

All required administrative documents on file.

rotations and 30 weeks of elective rotations. The core rotations represent the primary areas of medical practice, and elective rotations provide students with an understanding of the various specialties in medicine. Course name


Internal Medicine

12 weeks


12 weeks


6 weeks


6 weeks


6 weeks

Family Medicine

6 weeks


30 weeks

UMHS operates on a three-semester per year schedule. To view our academic calendar, visit

Curriculum as of September 2023, subject to change. For the most current version of our curriculum, visit Academics


Residency Spotlight: Aaron Vazquez Dr. Vazquez longed to find a medical school where he could shine, with personal attention and devoted instructors to train him. He discovered UMHS at a graduate school fair and was impressed by the hands-on education it offered. He knew right then where he would train to become a doctor. During his time at UMHS, Dr. Vazquez was afforded the opportunity to conduct psychiatric research with a leader in the field. He helped research the effects of providing patient progress feedback and clinical support tools in an in-patient treatment setting, and eventually co-authored a report that was published in the well-known medical journal, Psychotherapy Research. After graduation, Dr. Vazquez completed a psychiatry residency at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Today, he serves as the Medical Director - Behavioral Health at Intermountain Healthcare in St. George, Utah.



The medical education at UMHS was the catalyst that gave me the skills and confidence to become a leading physician.”


Affiliated teaching hospitals UMHS has established affiliations with teaching hospitals throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada, where students complete their core rotations. We are continuing to expand our core clinical affiliations, and are in negotiations with additional teaching hospitals in a variety of states. The following list represents the hospitals where students can complete their core clinical requirements. Hundreds of additional hospitals throughout the United States are available for electives.



San Bernardino Behavioral Health, San Bernardino

Ascension Providence Rochester Hospital, Rochester

senior-year electives at either

Canadian Affiliations

DMC Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital, Commerce Township McLaren Macomb Hospital, Mt. Clemens

hospitals throughout the United

McLaren Oakland Hospital, Pontiac

States. Most teaching hospitals

Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, Whitby, Ontario Connecticut Danbury Hospital, Danbury Griffin Hospital, Derby Saint Mary’s Hospital, Waterbury

Larkin Community Hospital, Miami Georgia

Maryland Ascension St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore Holy Cross Hospital, Silver Spring

affiliated or non-affiliated

allow visiting students to rotate with approval from both

Southampton Hospital, Southampton

the hospital and the medical school. Thousands of hospitals


are available for electives. This

Griffin Memorial Hospital, Norman

is a great opportunity to gain experience at some of the best

Puerto Rico

hospitals in the United States.

Ponce Health Sciences University

We urge students to rotate at

PR Women and Children’s Hospital, Bayamon

hospitals they are considering

Georgia Regional Hospital, Decatur Piedmont Augusta, Augusta

Students can complete their

New York

Florida Keralty Hospital, Miami


for a residency, as it gives students an opportunity to learn

Wisconsin Mercyhealth Hospital, Janesville * This list is updated periodically. Visit for the most up-to-date listing of our affiliated hospitals.

more about the hospital and to network with key administrators and preceptors.

Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Baltimore




Accelerated Review Program The Accelerated Review Program (ARP) is a unique, one-semester preparatory program designed to fully equip students for the academic rigors of medical school. Unlike anything offered by other Caribbean medical schools, this program is designed for students who have the drive to become successful physicians, but who need additional academic and study skills support to ensure their success in UMHS’ rigorous medical education program. Students who apply to UMHS and have met the admissions requirements for medical school will be considered for the ARP. Otherwise, students may opt to apply directly to the ARP program at The program is offered at our state of the art campus in St. Kitts. Students in ARP have full access to the same resources and facilities as the students in the medical school program. Also, virtually every faculty member at the medical school is involved in the ARP. ARP students may also choose to attend classes online from the convenience of their homes and participate in class virtually alongside their on-campus classmates.

REASONS TO ENROLL +   Gain confidence through exposure to virtually every Basic Science course and UMHS faculty member

+   Receive a tremendous amount of personalized attention and support in small classes

+   Focus on advanced study skills and time management.

+   Become a more effective and efficient student.

+   Students who complete ARP have

Students who successfully complete the ARP program are granted admission to the

the foundation they need to succeed

Basic Science or Extended Basic Science program. Those who have successfully

in medical school.

completed ARP can also qualify for a total award of $9,000 for the Basic Science Scholarship. This will be a merit-based scholarship reliant on the student’s academic performance in ARP. Students who successfully complete ARP tend to become some of the strongest medical students.




Study Skills

Throughout the semester

ARP’s curriculum encompasses foundational material from virtually every class in the Basic

Medical Terminology

2 weeks


3 weeks

course, which integrates multiple

Anatomy Laboratory

3 weeks

disciplines. Completing this series


2 weeks


3 weeks


3 weeks

the wide variety of information

Molecular and Cell Biology

3 weeks

presented in medical school.


4 weeks

Each of the academic courses


3 weeks

includes a short examination at


1 week


2 weeks

Neurobehavioral Sciences

4 weeks

A comprehensive final


2 weeks

examination is also given

Cardiovascular System

6 weeks

Science Program. The program also features a system-based

of brief, intensive courses permits students to demonstrate their ability to quickly digest and retain

the end of the course to permit faculty to evaluate students’ progress and development.

at the end of the program. Curriculum as of September 2023, subject to change. For the most current version of our curriculum, visit Academics


U.S. Residency Match Results 2023 We are proud to announce that over 90% of our first-time applicants obtained a residency in 2023! Anesthesiology

Detroit Med Ctr/WSU MI

Family Medicine Bella Vista Hospital


Anesthesiology Medical College of Georgia

Family Medicine Campbell University




St Louis Univ SOM MO

Family Medicine Concord Hospital



Univ of Puerto Rico

Family Medicine Conemaugh Memorial Med Ctr


Emergency Medicine

Ascension Macomb - Oakland Hospital MI

Emergency Medicine


Family Medicine

Forrest General Hospital MS

Ascension Macomb - Oakland Hospital MI

Family Medicine

Genesis Quad Cities


Emergency Medicine Beaumont Health MI

Family Medicine

Grand Strand Regional


Emergency Medicine

Hospital Episcopal San Lucas


Family Medicine

Grand Strand Regional


Emergency Medicine

Kent Hospital


Family Medicine

HCA Healthcare/USF Morsani GME-St Pete

Emergency Medicine McLaren Health Care Corp MI


Family Medicine Baptist Mem Hospital DeSoto MS

Anesthesiology McLaren Health Care Corp MI


Family Medicine Lehigh Valley Hospital


Emergency Medicine

Piedmont Macon Med Ctr


Family Medicine Lexington Med Ctr

Emergency Medicine

Rutgers-Community Med Ctr


Family Medicine Manati Medical Center


Emergency Medicine

U Central FL/HCA Healthcare GME


Family Medicine Mayaquez Medical Center


Emergency Medicine

U South Alabama Hospitals


Family Medicine McLaren Health Care Corp MI

Emergency Medicine

Univ of Puerto Rico


Family Medicine Mclaren Oakland MI

Emergency Medicine

Univ of Puerto Rico


Family Medicine Mclaren Oakland MI

Family Medicine

Adena Health System OH

Family Medicine Med Coll Wisconsin Affil Hospitals

Family Medicine

Albert Einstein Healthcare Network


Family Medicine Memorial Hospital at Gulfport MS


Family Medicine

Ascension Genesys Hospital MI

Family Medicine Munson Med Ctr MI

Family Medicine

Ascension St John Hospital MI

Family Medicine

NOSM University/Northern Ontario CN

Family Medicine

Ascension St Mary


Family Medicine

Penn State Hershey Med Ctr

Family Medicine

Ascension St Mary


Family Medicine

Promedica Monroe Reg Hospital MI



Family Medicine

Riverside Reg Med Ctr


Internal Medicine

Advocate Health Care

Family Medicine

Roseburg Family Medicine OR

Internal Medicine

Ascension Genesys Hospital MI


Family Medicine

Rush University Med Ctr


Internal Medicine

Authority Health GME MI

Family Medicine

Rush University Med Ctr


Internal Medicine Baptist Health


Family Medicine

SIU SOM & Affil Hospitals


Internal Medicine Campbell University


Family Medicine

Sovah Health


Internal Medicine Campbell University/ /Harnett Health

Family Medicine

St Lukes Hospital-Anderson


Internal Medicine Canton Med Ed Fdn/NEOMED OH

Family Medicine

St. Lukes/Scred Hearts


Internal Medicine

Damas Hospital


Family Medicine

Texas Tech U Affil-Permian Basin


Internal Medicine

Damas Hospital


Family Medicine

Texas Tech U Affil-Permian Basin


Internal Medicine

Damas Hospital


Family Medicine

Texas Tech U Affil-Permian Basin


Internal Medicine

Damas Hospital


Family Medicine

Tower Health/Reading Hospital


Internal Medicine

HCA Bayonet Point Hospital


Family Medicine

U Alabama CCHS-Tuscaloosa


Internal Medicine

HCA Florida Bayonet Point Hospitals


Family Medicine

U Alabama CCHS-Tuscaloosa


Internal Medicine

HCA Healthcare/USF Morsani GME-Blake


Family Medicine

U Alabama CCHS-Tuscaloosa


Internal Medicine

HCA Healthcare/USF Morsani GME-Citrus


Family Medicine

U Tennessee Health Sci Ctr-Memphis


Internal Medicine

HCA Healthcare/USF Morsani GME-Largo


Family Medicine

UNC Southeastern


Internal Medicine

Hospital de la Concepcion


Family Medicine

Univ of Puerto Rico


Internal Medicine

Hospital Episcopal San Lucas


Family Medicine

WellStar Kennestone Reg Med Ctr


Internal Medicine

Hospital Episcopal San Lucas


Family Medicine

Wright Center for GME


Internal Medicine

Kendall Hospital


Family Medicine

Wright State Univ Boonshoft SOM OH

Family Medicine/ Osteopathic Ocean Med Ctr


Internal Medicine Lakeland Regional Health


Internal Medicine Lakeland Regional Health


Internal Medicine Larkin Community Hospital





Internal Medicine Las Palmas Del Sol Healthcare


Internal Medicine

Univ of Puerto Rico


Internal Medicine

New Hanover Reg Med Ctr


Internal Medicine

Univ of Puerto Rico


Internal Medicine

NYMC-St Michaels Med Ctr


Internal Medicine

Univ of Puerto Rico


Internal Medicine Ochsner Clinic Foundation LA

Internal Medicine

Univ of Puerto Rico


Internal Medicine

University of Alberta - Edmonton CN

Internal Medicine

Wayne State University SOM MI

Internal Medicine

Wayne State University SOM MI

Internal Medicine

Wayne State University SOM MI

Internal Medicine

Wayne State University SOM MI

Internal Medicine

Palmetto General Hospital


Internal Medicine

Prime West Consortium CA

Internal Medicine

San Juan City Hospital


Internal Medicine

San Juan City Hospital


Internal Medicine

San Juan City Hospital


Internal Medicine

San Juan City Hospital


Internal Medicine

San Juan VA Med Ctr


Interventional Radiology (Integ)

Spectrum Health/Michigan State Univ MI

Internal Medicine

San Juan VA Med Ctr



Univ of Puerto Rico

Internal Medicine

San Juan VA Med Ctr


Internal Medicine

Sinai Hospital


Internal Medicine

Skagit Regional Health


Internal Medicine

Southeast Health


Internal Medicine

Southeast Health


Internal Medicine

St Bernards Med Ctr


Internal Medicine

St Bernards Med Ctr


Internal Medicine

Thomas Hospital



Neurology Mayo Clinic School of Grad Med Educ




U Illinois COM-Chicago


San Juan City Hospital



San Juan City Hospital



Univ of Puerto Rico



Hospital Episcopal San Lucas



Hospital Episcopal San Lucas


Internal Medicine

Thomas Jefferson Univ


Pediatrics Med Coll Wisconsin Affil Hospitals

Internal Medicine




Puerto Rico Women and Children’s Hospital


Internal Medicine

U Central FL/HCA Healthcare GME



Puerto Rico Women and Children’s Hospital


Internal Medicine

U South Alabama Hospitals



Puerto Rico Women and Children’s Hospital


Internal Medicine

Univ Central del Caribe SOM



Sinai Hospital of Baltimore MD

Internal Medicine

Univ of Puerto Rico



U Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics




Hospital Episcopal San Lucas


Psychiatry ECU Health Med Ctr


Authority Health GME MI NC


Hospital Episcopal San Lucas



HCA Healthcare East FL Division GME



U Central FL/HCA Healthcare GME



HCA Healthcare East FL Division GME


Psychiatry Larkin Community Hospital


Psychiatry Orange Park Med Ctr



Ponce Health Sciences Univ SOM



Ponce Health Sciences Univ SOM



Ponce Health Sciences Univ SOM



Tulane Univ SOM LA


U Illinois COM-Peoria UPHM


University Hospitals-Columbia MO

Radiation Oncology

Detroit Med Ctr/WSU MI

Radiology-Diagnostic Larkin Community Hospital

For a complete listing of our match results, visit



Radiology-Diagnostic McLaren Health Care Corp MI Surgery

Detroit Med Ctr/WSU MI


Detroit Med Ctr/WSU MI


Hospital Episcopal San Lucas


U Maryland Med Ctr MD


University of Puerto Rico


Transitional Cape Fear Valley Health




Damas Hospital



Damas Hospital



Detroit Med Ctr/WSU MI


HCA Healthcare/ USF Moroni GME Trinity



Hospital Episcopal San Lucas




I think all the teachers I’ve had have made me, in some way, who I am today. Whether it was teaching me a little bit of professionalism, or a little bit about how I want to act as a future physician, everyone I’ve met at UMHS has somehow left a little mark on me.

Kirthana Sugunathevan, M.D., Class of 2023 A native of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Dr. Kirthana (“Kerthy’) Sugunathevan started a general surgery residency at Michigan’s Detroit Medical Center SinaiGrace in Summer 2023. She spent a few months teaching at UMHS before starting her residency, and says that she hopes to teach medical students again someday.

UMHS is probably the most unique school in the U.S. and the Caribbean. The administration—especially the president—all the way down through the professors and the staff, are all there to help you succeed. They all want to watch you become a physician and they are there because they love to do it.

Zachary Vandeveer, M.D., Class of 2023 Dr. Zachary Vandeveer was the valedictorian of the Class of 2023. He is also the first-ever UMHS graduate to match into a residency in interventional radiology, which he began in Summer 2023 at Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids, MI.



At UMHS, I was able to have early hands-on training and experience interacting with patients from diverse backgrounds, which helped to enhance my skills in cultural competency, humility, and empathy. Also, my time spent on an island far from home enabled me to become more independent, develop strong work ethics, and enhance my confidence.

Venus Swearingen, M.D., Class of 2021 Dr. Venus Swearingen chose UMHS because she was attracted to the small class sizes, affordable tuition, and competitive clinical rotation sites. In Summer 2021, she started a family medicine residency at UAMS in Arkansas, where she was set to work at the Washington Regional Medical Center in Fayetteville and Northwest Medical Center in Springdale.

I decided to go to UMHS having in mind that I would do most or all of my clinical rotations on my island of Puerto Rico, so I would increase my chances of getting into a residency program here. It is my goal to be able to help and take care of the people in my community. I can’t imagine being a medical physician anywhere else other than Puerto Rico.

Brian Hernández-Colón, M.D., Class of 2020 Dr. Brian Hernández-Colón is one of several UMHS grads who have matched for a residency in their homeland of Puerto Rico. In fact, he says he chose UMHS because he hoped he would be able to do most or all of his clinical rotations on the island, and eventually pursue a residency program there. Today, Dr. Hernández-Colón is completing the final portion of an OB-GYN residency as a chief resident at St. Luke Episcopal Medical Center in Ponce, Puerto Rico.

Alumni Success


I always wanted to become a doctor and attending UMHS allowed me to accomplish my goal of being a physician. I chose UMHS because of the intimate learning environment. I was guided by so many mentors and faculty to help me facilitate my success. This is something that is difficult to find, and mentorship is what helped me get to where I am today.

Sarah Mohtadi, M.D., Class of 2019 Dr. Sarah Mohtadi is the first UMHS graduate to match in California. She landed a psychiatry residency at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles. While completing her residency, she also became heavily involved in COVID-19 vaccination efforts in the state. She even vaccinated the mayor of Long Beach, CA!

Now that I have attended a medical school in the Caribbean, I feel more capable of adapting to change and being resilient. I liked UMHS because it allowed me to focus on my education without any distractions. I had an education comprised of diverse experiences—including cultural interactions among students—on St. Kitts, and also through the different and various locations of my clinical rotations and patient populations.

Abraham Halik, M.D., Class of 2020 Fulfilling a lifelong dream of becoming a doctor, Dr. Abraham Halik matched in an internal medicine residency at MedStar Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, MD. Dr. Halik set his sights on a residency at the prestigious hospital after completing clinical rotations there. Dr. Halik completed his residency in June 2023 and recently started an endocrinology fellowship at University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore.



[As I was] researching different schools for nontraditional students, I started coming across all of these Caribbean schools. I decided that I really wanted to go to the Caribbean [because] I wanted a life experience along with an education.

Jared Sharza, M.D., Class of 2022 As an undergraduate, Dr. Jared Sharza studied economics, pre-law, and anthropology. He only discovered his passion for medicine when he became an EMS worker after graduation. (He also did plenty of EMS work at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.) Today, Dr. Sharza is completing a residency in emergency medicine at McLaren Macomb hospital in Michigan.

UMHS [felt] very familiar, and everybody was so warm and welcoming. [Also, during my search, I connected with a really close friend from college who was already studying at UMHS, and] he told me about how much the professors had an open-door policy, how everybody was so willing to help you out... I knew it was an environment that I was going to thrive in.

Michelle Hornedo, M.D., Class of 2022 A native of Puerto Rico, Dr. Michelle Hornedo has wanted to become a doctor since she was in kindergarten. She was attracted to UMHS because of its supportive atmosphere. Today, she is completing an internal medicine residency at Ohio Health, Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus, OH.

Alumni Success


Faculty Executive office St. Kitts administration St. Kitts faculty Maine administration and faculty Clinical administration Research


Educators dedicated to your success Our skilled and credentialed educators will put you on a path toward a rewarding career in medicine.

To read all about our faculty and administration, visit

UMHS faculty members share a love of teaching. Primarily recruited from U.S. and Canadian medical schools, their chief mission is to provide the best academic program possible, and to ensure each individual student’s success in medical school. To that end, they have fully embraced the use of technology to enhance the overall learning experience. However, what makes UMHS truly unique is the access students have to the faculty, both on and off campus. Because we are a small school with a low student-to-faculty ratio, we are able to provide students with a significant amount of attention. Each professor has scheduled office hours throughout the semester to meet, advise, tutor, and counsel students.



Credentialed faculty EXECUTIVE OFFICE

Warren Ross, J.D. President

David R. Graham, M.B. Ch.B., M.D., F.R.C.P., F.F.S.E.M. Provost

Anne Prillaman, J.D., M.B.A. Chief Financial Officer



Jerry W. Thornton, Ph.D. Executive Vice President



Shivayogi Bhusnurmath, M.B.B.S., M.D. Pathology, FRCPath (London, UK) Dean of Basic Sciences, Professor of Pathology

Norma Ann Celestine, M.L.S., B.A., A.H.I.P. Director of Library and Educational Applications, Assistant Professor of Library Research

Sudhir Ambati, M.B.B.S., M.P.H. Dean of Student Affairs, Course Director of Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine, Associate Professor of Preclinical Science

Ruth Fitzgerald, Ph.D. Director of Counseling Services

Craig Ayre, B.Ed., Ph.D. Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Associate Professor of Molecular Sciences

Neilal Isaac, M.D., MMED Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Assistant Professor, Pre-clinical Sciences and Simulation Lab Director,




Caroline Liburd

Prakash Mungli, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Ayo Olujohungbe, B.Sc., MCSE

Housing Director

Associate Dean, Chairman of Molecular Sciences, Course Director and Professor of Biochemistry

Campus IT and LRC Director

Edwin S. Purcell, Ph.D.

Dan Vitalo, B.A.

Sherisse Wallace, BSN, RN

Vice President of Facilities

Campus Nurse

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs




Dr. Cherrilyn Warde-Crawford, PsyD, CCTP-II Campus Counselor




Rada Alexandrescu, M.D., SFHEA, RCS

Mirza Ali, M.D., M.B.B.S. Professor of Pathology

Associate Professor of Anatomy


Jiji Aravindakshan, M.D., M.B.B.S. Associate Professor of Physiology and Pathology

Janak Awasthi, Ph.D.

Douglas A. Cotanche, Ph.D.

Gareth Davies, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor and Course Director of Neuroscience

Professor of Anatomy

Professor and Course Director of Immunology, Professor and Course Director of Genetics



Arun Dhakal, M.D., MS, FAIMER

Thomas R. Gest, B.S., M.S., Ph.D

Lata Gowda, M.P.T., B.P.T., B.A.

Associate Professor and Course Director of Histology

Professor and Course Director of Anatomy

Human Simulation Educator

Veerabhadra Gowda, M.B.B.S., M.D., D.C.C.P.

Cavelle Hobson, M.D.

Anoop Kumar Jalan, M.D., M.B.B.S.

Professor of Pharmacology, ICM & Physical Diagnosis

Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine

Professor of Pathology




Yogitha Jalan, B.SC., M.SC. Instructor of Microbiology

Neeraj Kumar, Ph.D. Professor and Course Director of Microbiology



Frank Jones, Ph.D.

Ashok Kumar, Ph.D.

Course Director of Medical Cell Biology and Professor of Molecular Sciences

Associate Professor of Pathology, Course Director of Pathology 1

Peter Lee, Ph.D.

Thomas Mccracken, Ph.D. (H.C.), M.S., M.S., B.E.

Associate Professor and Course Director of Behavioral Sciences

Professor of Anatomy


Lori Montross, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences

Jadadeesh Nagappa, M.B.B.S., D.F.M.

Natalie S. Osborne, M.D. Assistant Clinical Professor

Professor and Course Director of Physiology, Director of Accelerated Review Program

Jane Pringle, M.Ed.

Avinash Rawal, Ph.D.

Angela Rowlands, M.Ed.

Instructor of Learning Development and Language Skills

Professor of Molecular Science

Associate Professor and Lead of Learning Development and Communication Skills




Bichara S. Sahley, B.SC. (HONS), M.D., M.B.B.S., D.M. (UWI) Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine

Angela Unger Waigand, M.A., Ed.D. Instructor of Learning Development and Language Skills



Pinakini Shankar, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Sirjana Subedi, M.B.B.S

Course Director and Professor of Pharmacology

Clinical Instructor of Preclinical Sciences

Luisa Veloz, M.D.

Frank Wagner, PSY.D., M.A., B.S., B.B.A.

Assistant Professor of Preclinical Science

Chair and Professor of Behavioral Science



Steve Caplan, M.D. Clinical Chair, Chief of Pediatrics

David L. Felten, M.D., Ph.D.

Charles Herrick, M.D.

Associate Dean of Clinical Sciences, Professor of Neurosciences

Clinical Chair, Chief of Psychiatry

Robert Levine, M.D.

Elizabeth Morgan, M.D.

George H. Shade Jr., M.D.

Clinical Chair, Chief of Family Medicine

Clinical Chair, Chief of Surgery

Dean of Clinical Science, Clinical Chair, Professor of Clinical Medicine




Khalid Zakaria, M.D. Clinical Chair, Chief of Internal Medicine





Kim Anderson

Molly Johannessen, Ph.D.

Office Manager and Standardized Patient Coordinator

Director of Education and Teaching, Director of the Biological Basis of Clinical Medicine course, Associate Professor of Physiology

Mohan Kumar, M.D., M.B.B.S.

Matthew Michaud, N.D., M.A.

Director of Maine Integrated Program, Course Director of ICM I (St. Kitts), ICM II (Maine), Chairman of Pre-Clinical Program - St. Kitts

Director of Maine Operations, Associate Director of Academic Support and Learning Development

Jovana Kakuca, B.S. Educational Services

Julie Rice, B.A. Program Coordinator and Facilities Manager




Heather Robertson, MHS, PA-C Director of ICM II Clinical Skills Lab & Preceptorship Program

Donna Thompson, M.D.C.M. Associate Dean of Clinical Sciences, Professor of Clinical Medicine

PORTLAND, MAINE CAMPUS FACULTY Mohan Kumar, MD Teresita Maguire, MD Bruce Kenney, DO Margaret Shepp, MD Patrice Thibodeau, MD Shannon Deschenes, DO

Marly Biermann, MD Sandra Harris, MD Laurin Koskinen, MD Alfred Riel, MD Shapir Rosenberg, MD James Schneid, MD

Judith Ziegler, DO David Burke, MD Elizabeth Morgan, MD Shannon Hanna, PsyD Mark Alexander, DO Lisa Parsons, DO

PORTLAND, MAINE FACULTY PRECEPTORS David Burke, MD Alison Daigle, DO Thomas Morrione, MD Louis Di Salvo, MD Minda Gold, MD

Lisa Lucas, DO Aaron Perrault, MD Annamarie Pond, MD Joanna Rulf, DO Karen Saylor, MD

Diane Zavotsky, MD Bethany Picker, MD Stephen Saylor, PA-C James Gillen, PA-C

Kevin Ball, NRP Kathy Johnson, NRP

Tom Lafferty, NRP Stella Collin

CSL INSTRUCTORS Heather Robertson, MHS, PA-C Jay R. Souder, APRN 46



Research Tangible advancements that make a difference The University of Medicine and Health Sciences is dedicated to providing medical students independent research opportunities to develop skills beneficial to their medical training. Students can participate in diverse forms of research during the Basic Science program under the guidance of highly skilled faculty and under dedicated faculty members’ direction during the medical research elective. The University administration understands the importance of students’

At UMHS, students have the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge medical research.

participation in research and research-related activities. The University invested substantially in equipment and faculty with the drive and passion for research over the last few years. This resulted in a boom in the number of research projects that the University has churned out in the recent past, with students as authors of many of the published papers. The University’s research activities are coordinated by the research committee, chaired by Dr. Craig Ayre. We also offer a research elective where students are guided through the scientific process and paper writing methods with in-class instruction, peer-to-peer writing exercises, and journal club presentations. To date, UMHS faculty and students have published well over 50 papers in various reputable and high-impact journals. These publications include original research papers in the fields of microbiology, anatomy, public health, and medical education, anatomical case reports, literature reviews in different areas of medicine, and book chapters in the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine. With all the provided research opportunities during the Basic Science program, graduates from UMHS have the necessary experience to compete for top residencies and are well prepared to engage in future medical research endeavors.



Student life

Student body Student groups Campus events Sports and recreation Support services

Student life

Students of medicine and the world The vibrant atmosphere on our campus evokes a collegial environment, ideal for learning and living. STUDENT BODY


Though a wide mix of ages,

UMHS is home to several dynamic

backgrounds, genders, and religious

student organizations, and new ones

beliefs are represented in UMHS’

are continually forming to reflect the

diverse student body, all of our

diversity of the student population

students have at least one thing

and evolving student interests and

in common—the desire to become

needs. Listed here are a few of the

professional physicians. This sense of

organizations on campus.

shared purpose allows our students

Student Government Association (SGA) The SGA represents all UMHS students in student affairs and administrative matters. It also schedules a variety of recreational activities each semester that foster socialization and teamwork— important components of becoming a physician. These events are also great opportunities to experience all that St.

and to make rewarding and enriching

American Medical Student Association (AMSA)

connections with their peers. Although

AMSA is a student-governed national

All students are SGA members, and dues

they are aggressive in pursuit of their

organization that is committed

are collected each semester as part of

medical degrees, when time permits,

to representing the concerns of

the UMHS tuition and fees. Students

students take time to enjoy the beauty

physicians in training. AMSA is

elect SGA officers to represent them.

of St. Kitts and all that it has to offer.

committed to improving medical

to easily see past any differences

Kitts has to offer.

training and the nation’s health.

Student life


Additional student groups

+   American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA)

+   Oncology Awareness Medical Student Association (OAMSA)

CAMPUS EVENTS New Student Orientation

White Coat Ceremony

First-time UMHS students are required to

First-semester students are welcomed

attend orientation, which occurs several

into their clinical studies with a special

days before classes begin. It gives students

ceremony that includes a formal cloaking

+   Surgery Interest Group (SIG)

a chance to learn about the campus and

of students in their white coats to

+   UMHS Sports Clubs:

student services, register for classes, meet

commemorate the start of their journey


classmates, and acclimate to island life.

toward a medical career.


The program features a detailed campus


tour, an introduction to the faculty, and

Fourth-Semester Banquet

Ultimate Frisbee

special presentations on topics such as

As students complete the Basic Science

Scuba Diving

housing, safety and security, banking,

Program and prepare to return to the U.S.,


visas and immigration, and more. There

they are treated to a special banquet to


are also several events such as a first-

recognize their achievements.

semester party, a snorkeling trip, and a tour of Basseterre.



Student life

SPORTS AND RECREATION St. Kitts is known for its breathtaking natural beauty, crystalline waters, soft, sandy beaches, tropical forest areas, and a spectacular dormant volcano. St. Kitts offers something for everyone to enjoy.

Sports There are a wide range of outdoor activities available, including water-based sports such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and sailing. The island has a golf course and facilities for basketball, tennis, cricket, and other outdoor sports. St. Kitts is a perfect setting for hiking, where opportunities include a fortress, waterfalls, caves, and a volcanic crater. Zip-lining through the rain forest is another popular attraction. On campus, we have a gym that is equipped with a full range of cardio equipment, free weights, and a large variety of Precor and Life Fitness machines. We also have a new basketball court and soccer field for student use. Students at UMHS have formed a number intramural teams including soccer, basketball, volleyball, and flag football.

Recreation The island of St. Kitts offers a diversity of cultures and a treasure trove of historic sites to explore. There are plantation homes to view, small towns that highlight colonial architecture to explore, and quaint local shops for browsing. Each year, St. Kitts holds a colorful carnival and a music festival. Special events are often held at the 10,000-seat stadium built for the 2007 World Cup Cricket Games. For students interested in wildlife, St. Kitts has many interesting birds to observe, including frigate birds, egrets, and herons. St. Kitts is also known for its green vervet monkeys.

Student life


Student life

SUPPORT SERVICES On-campus support services at UMHS are available to help counteract academic concerns, poor health, stress, or other problems that may negatively impact a student’s educational progress.

Academic advisors Each student is assigned an academic advisor. The advisor’s role is to provide educational support and guidance, and to help students determine future career goals. The faculty also have office hours to provide further academic support to the students. Our learning specialist on campus also provides another level of advisement to support our student body.

Medical health care The UMHS Health Care Clinic is staffed with a registered nurse who provides University

Our students become a family united in the goal of achieving their dreams and pushing each other to succeed.

members with care or referral for additional medical services. St. Kitts has health clinics located throughout the island. The main hospital in St. Kitts is the Joseph N. France General Hospital in Basseterre. Every student is required to maintain health insurance coverage and emergency evacuation insurance, which is used to transport an ill student to the closest U.S. hospital.

Mental health care The mental and physical health of UMHS students and faculty is of vital importance. There is a counselor available to students on the UMHS campus. Referral to appropriate mental health care providers occurs if additional intervention is required.

Campus safety Student safety and security is a priority at UMHS. There is an on-campus security office with staff available to assist with any questions or concerns 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Students are required to obtain a University ID card when they first register for classes. All students are also required to show their UMHS identification cards to enter the campus, and their cards must be visible at all times while they’re on campus. According to the Ministry of National Security in St. Kitts-Nevis, the islands have relatively little crime. Nevertheless, UMHS community members should always exercise normal precautions, just as they would in their hometowns.

Student life


Living in St. Kitts About St. Kitts Getting to campus Housing Explore the sites around town Getting around Family and pets

Living in St. Kitts

Getting to know the island UMHS students can enjoy all that life has to offer while living and learning in one of the most stunningly beautiful spots in the Caribbean. ABOUT ST. KITTS


St. Kitts and her sister island, Nevis, compose the Federation of St. Christopher

+   St. Kitts (general):

and Nevis. St. Kitts has become the commonly used name for St. Christopher, and the people of St. Kitts are called Kittitians. English is the primary language, although Kittitians often speak a dialect called Patois. The Federation of St. Christopher and Nevis is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, which symbolically recognizes the British monarch as head of state. The

220 volts/60 cycles*

+   UMHS campus: 110 volts/60 cycles

+   United States: 110 volts/60 cycles

country became autonomous in 1967 and is led by a prime minister. The capital of St. Kitts is Basseterre. The economy of St. Kitts traditionally focused on sugarcane production. However, in recent years, tourism, export-oriented manufacturing, education, and offshore banking have become the primary businesses. St. Kitts offers many Western-style

TIME ZONE +   Atlantic Standard Time

amenities, including resort hotels, excellent restaurants, taxi services, stores for

+   Same as the east coast

shopping and groceries, and houses of worship for a variety of religious beliefs.

of the United States

+   Daylight Saving Time is not observed

CURRENCY +   Eastern Caribbean dollar (EC)

+   Approximate exchange rate of 2.7 EC to 1 USD

+   Bank branches are easily found in Basseterre and they all provide 24-hour ATM services.

FOOD SHOPPING +   U.S.-style supermarkets +   Farmers market +   Fish market

*You will likely need a converter to use American appliances in your St. Kitts apartment.

Living in St. Kitts


GETTING TO CAMPUS St. Kitts is located in the Eastern Caribbean. Renowned as an island resort destination, St. Kitts is easily accessible from New York, Miami, Puerto Rico, and other major airports. The major St. Kitts airport is Robert Llewellyn Bradshaw International Airport (airport code SKB), which islocated about three miles northeast of Basseterre, the capital of St. Kitts.

HOUSING All UMHS students live off-campus during their time in St. Kitts. There are many apartments near the University. Apartments are fully furnished, so students only need to bring bedding, towels, personal items, and clothing. To help students identify and secure the right accommodations, UMHS maintains a Housing Department on the St. Kitts campus, along with an online housing database featuring available rental units.

EXPLORE THE SITES AROUND TOWN Known for its breathtaking natural beauty, the island of St. Kitts offers a diversity of cultures and a treasure trove of attractions and sights to explore. There’s something for everyone to enjoy.



Living in St. Kitts


+   Sailing

+   Cricket

+   Stand-up

+   Golf +   Jet skiing +   Kayaking


+   Surfing +   Tennis

+   Kiteboarding +   Wakeboarding +   Zip lining +   Snorkeling +   Scuba diving

PERFECT SETTINGS FOR HIKING AND ENJOYING NATURE +   Ancient fortress +   Beautiful, sandy beaches +   Crystalline waterfalls +   Caves +   Spectacular dormant volcano +   Tropical forest areas +   Vast wildlife and marine life

CULTURAL SITES AND EVENTS +   Annual colorful carnival and music festival

+   Historic plantation homes +   Quaint local shops +   Small towns with colonial architecture

+   Special events at the 10,000-seat stadium built for the 2007 World Cup Cricket Games

Living in St. Kitts


Learn more about life in St. Kitts, visit



Living in St. Kitts

GETTING AROUND UMHS provides transportation to students who live outside the general vicinity of campus. However, students are encouraged to consider purchasing a used vehicle in St. Kitts to make it even easier to get around. The UMHS Student Service Office maintains a list of available used cars and can assist students in locating an appropriate vehicle. Public transportation options, including mini buses and taxis, are also available. Road conditions on the island are significantly different from those in the U.S. or Canada. Here are a few things you should know:

+   Cars ride on the left side of the road.

+   A visitor’s driver’s license is required

+   Roads are paved, but they may be

to rent or purchase a car. A student

narrow and poorly marked.

+   It’s customary for drivers to stop on the road to visit with other drivers, blocking at least one lane of traffic.

+   Honking a car horn is considered a common form of greeting, not a warning.

with a valid driver’s license from their home country may obtain a visitor’s license from the traffic department, the fire station, or at the airport.

+   Because of the road conditions, the use of motorcycles or bicycles is not recommended.

FAMILY AND PETS Considering bringing your family or pets with you to medical school? Here are some important details worth noting:

+   A valid passport and travel

+   It is likely that family and/or friends

documents are required to

will not be able to gain employment

enter St. Kitts.

while on the island, because the

+   Anyone planning to stay more

government of St. Kitts imposes

than 30 days will need a resident

restrictions regarding who can

visa (typically extended only to

work here.

spouses and children).

+   UMHS does not offer schooling for the

+   Due to strict government regulations pertaining to the importation of

children of faculty, staff, or students,

animals and common restrictions in

but a small number of the schools on

most St. Kitts housing units, you are

St. Kitts provide a North American-

advised to avoid bringing pets with

style of education.

you to St. Kitts.

Living in St. Kitts


Admissions Admissions overview Admissions process Tuition and fees Financial aid Student loans Scholarships Administrative contact information Next steps


We seek students who are motivated to succeed UMHS attracts students who are committed to serving others and becoming successful, caring physicians. ACADEMIC PREREQUISITES

ADMISSIONS OVERVIEW If you feel you would fit in among our diverse student body, we encourage you to complete an application for admission. Serious consideration is given to all candidates showing the potential to succeed in the University’s rigorous academic program. Many variables including, but not limited to, academic performance, credit load, work, volunteer and research experience, letters of recommendation, and a personal essay are carefully reviewed when assessing candidates.

Admissions criteria

the ability to adapt, study hard, integrate

Academic performance

various modes of instruction, and

UMHS reviews transcripts to

retain useful knowledge required for

determine whether the applicant

promotion. The applicant’s personal

has the intellectual capability

essay, letters of recommendation,

to handle a challenging medical

and personal interview are important

school curriculum. At UMHS,

components used to assess motivation.

we are specifically interested in the pattern of an applicant’s academic development and look for

Admissions requirements Prospective students must meet the

identifiable trends in performance.

minimum requirements for admission

Test-taking ability

Sciences. Applicants are expected to

Standardized test scores are helpful in evaluating each applicant’s needs relative to placement in the UMHS curriculum. The Medical College Aptitude Test (MCAT) is required by UMHS for all U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and scores must be submitted as part of the application. Any applicant who took the

to the University of Medicine and Health

Inorganic or General Chemistry (with Labs) 1 year Organic Chemistry (with Labs)* 1 year General Biology or Zoology (with Labs) 1 year Physics (with Lab) 1 semester English 1 year College-Level Mathematics** 1 semester

have completed a minimum of three

* Applicants may substitute one semester of Biochemistry for Organic II if this is the prescribed pre-medical chemistry sequence at their college or university.

years of study (90 semester credits)

**Preferably Calculus or Statistics

at an accredited college or university. The Admissions Committee gives serious consideration to all candidates demonstrating the potential to meet the rigorous academic requirements of a highly structured curriculum.

RECOMMENDATIONS +   Earning a bachelor’s degree prior to matriculating at UMHS

+   Completing additional advanced

test must submit all resulting scores

Educational recommendations

as part of the application. While not

Applicants should have a broad

required of non-U.S. citizens, the MCAT

background in the humanities and have

is recommended for all applicants,

completed at least 12–16 credit hours in

including Canadian citizens or residents.

either the humanities and/or the social

settings, research, public health,

or behavioral sciences. Successful

or community outreach activities

Motivation Perhaps one of the most important qualities of an applicant is a level of

science courses, such as Genetics, Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry

+   Gaining experience in clinical

completion of academic prerequisites is required of all applicants.

personal motivation for success. We seek students who have demonstrated Admissions



Application procedure Application Visit to complete our online application. Make sure all fields are complete before you submit your application, because you won’t be able to access it again after submission. Personal essay This is an important aspect of the application. Follow the directions on the application completely. Application fee There is a non-refundable application fee of $75 for the UMHS application. Letters of recommendation If there is a pre-professional advisory committee at the college or university where you completed pre-medical and/or post-baccalaureate coursework, then we strongly recommend that you obtain a letter of recommendation from this committee. If you attended a school at which there is no pre-professional advisory committee, you must submit at least two letters of recommendation from faculty members who are familiar with your academic ability. Additional letters may be submitted from professional health care workers who have had direct experience working with you.

Application Checklist   Completed application for admission   $75 application fee   Personal essay   Letters of recommendation   Official transcripts   MCAT score, if applicable   TOEFL scores, if applicable   Signature form signed by the applicant

Official transcripts While unofficial transcripts will be accepted for the purposes of initial evaluation, all applicants must request official transcripts from all universities or colleges previously attended in order to complete their application. MCAT scores All U.S. citizens and permanent residents are required to submit a score report

All documentation that cannot be sent electronically must be mailed directly to: The Office of Admissions, University of Medicine and Health Sciences, St. Kitts, North American Administrative Office, 275 Seventh Avenue, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10001

from the Medical College Aptitude Test (MCAT). The MCAT is recommended, although not required, for Canadian and international applicants. Additional examination requirement for international students International students whose principal language is not English must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). At a minimum, a score of 600 on the paper-based version, 250 on the computer-based version, or 100 on the internet- based version of the TOEFL must be achieved.

Qualified applicants can choose from three start dates each year: January, May, or September.



Information for non-U.S. applicants


Applicants from Canada Canadian applicants should follow the

Preliminary evaluation

The program was designed for

application procedures listed on the

The UMHS Faculty Admissions

students who wish to spread the

previous page.

Committee reviews each application and

highly compressed work of the

conducts a preliminary evaluation of the

Basic Science Program over a five-

applicant’s credentials. If it is determined

semester period. Accepted students

that the applicant meets the University’s

are invited to enter this program

minimum qualifications, the applicant will

if, in their view, they would benefit

be invited for a personal interview.

from the additional time to complete

Non-U.S. and non-Canadian applicants Other international applicants should complete the application process described on the previous page and submit TOEFL scores. Students from

the academic program. In select

Personal interview

cases, based on the admissions

Conducted by one of the University’s

criteria, the admissions committee

admissions staff members

may determine that some admitted

geographically dispersed throughout

students will be placed directly into

Internationally educated applicants

North America, the personal interview

the EBS program. Students accepted

Applicants who attended international

allows applicants to discuss their

into the Basic Science Program may

colleges or universities must have their

academic record and provide any

instead choose EBS up until a week

college courses evaluated by an approved

additional background information

after the first block exam in semester

National Association of Credential

that may help the UMHS Admissions

one or two. See the Extended Basic

Evaluation Services (NACES) agency,

Committee assess the applicant’s

Science Program section on page 15

such as World Education Services,

maturity, aptitude, and motivation.

for more details.

English-speaking countries may be exempt from this requirement, but that is determined by the Office of Admissions.

to determine whether the courses are

4  Denial

comparable and equivalent to courses

Application decision

An applicant may appeal this decision

taken in the U.S. or Canada. All required

Applicants can expect to receive

in writing and must supply additional

documents, if originally in a foreign

written notification of the admissions

supporting documentation for review

language, must be accompanied by

committee’s decision approximately

by the admissions committee.

a notarized English translation.

two weeks after the personal interview.

5  Acceptance into the Accelerated Review Program (ARP)

Transfer applicants Students transferring from M.D.

There are five decision options: 1  Acceptance

programs at other universities

Accepted students will receive a

may only enter the program in the

formal letter of acceptance and an

fifth semester or earlier. To be

electronic Welcome Packet. They will

considered for admission, transfer

also be contacted by a staff member

applicants must meet all UMHS

who will assist with all aspects of the

prerequisite requirements, including

enrollment process.

successful completion of all required

2  Acceptance/wait list

undergraduate courses. In addition

If the semester for which an accepted

to official transcripts from their

applicant has applied has reached

prior medical school(s), applicants

capacity, he or she will be placed on a

| must submit official copies of

waitlist and offered the opportunity to

all undergraduate and graduate

attend in the chosen term if a vacancy

transcripts (if applicable), two letters

occurs. Otherwise, the student will

of recommendation, a personal essay,

be able to start classes in the next

the application fee, and MCAT results

available semester.

(if applicable).


3  Acceptance to the Extended Basic Science Program


UMHS believes that with the right support, students who have the passion to become physicians can master the educational process to achieve their goals. The ARP is designed for students who have the drive to become physicians, but who need additional academic and study skills support to ensure their success in the rigorous medical education program. Students who apply to UMHS and have met all minimum entrance requirements will be considered for the ARP based on their prior academic performance and personal interview. See the ARP section on page 23 for additional details.


TUITION AND FEES The University of Medicine and Health Sciences prides itself on providing a quality education at an affordable

Liability insurance Liability insurance is required for students throughout the clinical program in the United States.

price. We understand that student loan

School fees

debt can be a significant burden, so we

This fee covers the costs associated

have established tuition at a value that

Basic Science Program (**13-29 credits)

Per-semester fee



Health Insurance (age-based)


Evacuation Insurance


with the use of laboratory, competency

Lab & School Fees


makes the academic program (as well

testing, and computer facilities. The

as repayment) affordable, with costs far

Student Government Association


fee will be billed along with tuition for

below those of many other schools.

all semesters in St. Kitts.

Accelerated Review Program Per-semester fee Tuition $9,700

associated with attending any

Additional expenses

Health Insurance (age-based)

educational institution: direct costs,

Evacuation Insurance


Student Government Association


students should take into account

Books and equipment Each semester, students receive a list of the required books, supplies, white coats, and scrubs that they will need to purchase. The most efficient way to obtain these items is through the campus

both direct and indirect costs when

bookstore on the St. Kitts campus.

considering their financial needs.


Laptop/tablet computers Students are required to bring a laptop or tablet computer to campus. For more information about laptop/tablet computer

A nonrefundable $500 deposit must

requirements, refer to

There are two categories of costs

such as tuition and other charges billed for by UMHS, and indirect costs, such as living expenses and transportation. UMHS only bills for direct costs, but

Direct costs

be received by UMHS within 10 days of acceptance. This payment will be credited toward the first semester’s tuition. Tuition

Transportation UMHS provides transportation to students who live outside the general vicinity of campus. Students are encouraged to

Tuition payments are due before

purchase a used vehicle in St. Kitts.

classes begin each semester.

Living expenses Students should budget for typical living expenses, including housing, utilities, food, local transportation, and entertainment. Costs will vary based on the level of accommodation and location.

Health insurance Health insurance is required for all students attending UMHS. Students are automatically enrolled in the medical health insurance plan offered by UMHS, unless proof of coverage is provided by the student before or during registration. Evacuation insurance Medical evacuation insurance is required for all students enrolled at the St. Kitts campus to cover the costs incurred by evacuating a student from the island in a medical emergency. Enrollment in the medical evacuation insurance plan offered by UMHS is automatic, and corresponding fees are due at the beginning of each semester.


Extended Basic Science Program (**13-26 credits) Tuition


Health Insurance (age-based)


Evacuation Insurance


Lab & School Fees


Student Government Association


Fifth Semester, Maine (11 credits) Tuition


Health Insurance (age-based)


Liability insurance


Clinical Science Program Tuition


Health Insurance (age-based)


Liability Insurance


Tuition rates effective September 2023. ​​Note: Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice. Tuition is assessed based on student classification, program of study and the number of credits for which a student is registered. ** Tuition will be prorated for total registered credits in the Basic Sciences (BAS) and Extended Basic Sciences (EBS) which fall below the semester credit range stated above. The Basic Science and EBS charge will be at a rate of $1000 per credit. Tuition in 5th semester–Maine will be pro-rated at a rate of $1,125 per credit for students that are registered for less than 11 credits. Tuition for the Clinical program (Sem 6-10) will be pro-rated at a rate of $1,125 per credit/rotation week plus the cost of liability insurance for those students scheduled for more than 78 weeks of rotations. Any necessary adjustments to accounts will be made upon official notification from the Registrar. A student failing any course in any semester will be required to repeat that course and will be charged in accordance with the tuition and fees schedule.** Admissions




With the Smart Option loan:

UMHS recognizes that a medical education requires a significant financial investment from students and their families. We encourage students to plan and carefully consider all anticipated costs. Accepted students will receive a detailed financial aid package and will be offered financial aid counseling. The Office of Financial Aid staff helps students review and understand how previous education debt, personal financial resources, and credit history may impact their ability to finance their medical education.

A student will not be permitted to

+   Students can defer payments

Once enrolled, students continue to receive guidance from the Office of Financial Aid with presentations and practical workshops on budgeting, credit awareness, and debt management strategies. Each UMHS financial aid counselor has years of experience helping students develop viable financial plans to achieve their educational goals.

Private Educational Loan Program

the option to choose either a variable

Sallie Mae offers UMHS medical students

or a fixed interest rate.

borrow more than the cost of

until after graduation or opt to

attendance for each loan period.

make monthly payments while

Even if a student loan is credit approved

still in school.

by a bank for an amount larger than

+   Repayment terms can fluctuate

the cost of attendance, the Office of

between five and 15 years after

Financial Aid will only certify a maximum


amount equal to that of your total cost. Consumer or other personal debt (credit cards, mortgages, car payments, legal fees, etc.) cannot be included in the cost of attendance. For more details, visit

a variety of student loan options including, but not limited to, the graduate Smart Option private loan program. They also offer the undergraduate Smart Option Program to ARP students. These private educational loan programs may lend up to the full cost of attendance for each loan period. Your cost of attendance and the

+   Repayment terms will vary, based on loan amount and year in school.

+   There is no cosigner requirement; however, applying with a creditworthy cosigner may help you qualify and/or receive a lower interest rate. You have

+   The application is online and easy to complete. Residency and Relocation Loan Program With this loan from Sallie Mae, students can finance the costs associated with finding a residency, including travel to interviews, relocation costs, board

Financial aid services

semesters included in your loan period will

The Office of Financial Aid offers

vary according to your progress through

guidance on:

the curriculum. However, the standard

+   Budgeting

cost of attendance budgets can be found

+   Credit awareness

at Please note,

To qualify, a student must be either a U.S.

this loan is only available to eligible U.S.

citizen or a permanent resident who is

citizens or permanent residents.

enrolled at least part time in his or her

+   Debt management For additional details on financial aid, visit

examination expenses, and other related expenses. Students can borrow as little as $1,000 or as much as $20,000.

final year of study, or a recent graduate who has completed his or her final year of schooling and is no more than 12 months past graduation. UMHS Institutional Loan Program This special loan program, for both incoming and current UMHS medical students, is need based and requires a credit-worthy, U.S. cosigner. Qualified applicants can borrow up to $6,000 per semester.




Canadian student loan programs Provincial loans Canadian students are eligible for Provincial Loans in the province of residence—for example, Ontario residents are eligible for an Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) loan. Students may apply for up to 52 weeks of financial assistance annually. Canadian students should contact their individual provinces directly for information regarding additional requirements. Additional information may be available from the provincial and territorial student financial assistance offices:

+ Alberta + New Brunswick + Newfoundland Labrador + Northwest Territories + Nova Scotia + Ontario + Prince Edward Island + Saskatchewan Credit-based loans UMHS has coordinated credit-based loans with the Royal Bank of Canada and the National Bank of Canada. Each program offers specific terms and conditions, as well as pre-set limits. The lines of credit are credit based, and a cosigner may be required. To apply for a credit based loan from one of these banks, Canadian

Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan Program   Attain loans for up to the full cost of attendance (tuition and housing)   Defer payments until after graduation or opt to make monthly payments   Repayment terms can fluctuate between five and 15 years after graduation   Apply online and get a credit result in only 15 minutes

students may go to any bank branch office with their acceptance letter.



SCHOLARSHIPS UMHS believes that all education should be affordable and that students should have access to enough financial aid to cover their full cost of attendance. With that in mind, the university has decided to substantially increase the award amounts for the scholarships listed below. In some cases, we have doubled the amount from previous years. Over the last five years, we have awarded close to $3 million in scholarships. We know that finances are a major concern for students, but by maintaining affordable tuition, providing scholarships, offering payment plans and student loans, students can achieve their dream of becoming a physician without a significant amount of debt.

Merit scholarships The Founder’s, President’s, and Provost’s scholarships are merit-based awards provided to qualified students as new matriculates. Awards granted under these programs are based on the academic strengths demonstrated in each student’s application for admission. All accepted students are considered for these scholarships. Awards granted under these programs are applicable towards tuition for the Basic Science semesters attended on the St. Kitts campus. A comprehensive review of the accepted student’s admissions file is conducted to determine award amounts. We weigh each student’s cumulative GPA, as well as GPAs for all premedical coursework, advanced biology coursework, and graduate and medical school coursework. Award recipients will be notified via email. Terms of each award will be outlined in the award letter.

Founder’s Scholarship ($14,000 Total)

ACCM, has adopted the US standards of accreditation, and

This scholarship was developed in memory of our founder,

is recognized by the US Department of Education through

Dr. Robert Ross. As a leader in medical education, he spent a

NCFMEA. Students have excelled academically and are

lifetime helping thousands of students achieve their dream of

performing exceptionally well on the licensing examination.

becoming a physician. He was a pioneer in establishing one

As further evidence of our commitment to student success,

of the first Caribbean medical schools in 1978. In establishing

90% of our first-time applicants obtained a residency.

UMHS, Dr. Ross had unlimited resources to build one of

To qualify for the president’s scholarship, students must

the most state-of-the-art campuses in the Caribbean. He maintained the highest of academic standards and spared no expense in providing students the resources and faculty they needed to succeed. To qualify, students must maintain at a minimum an undergraduate GPA of 3.76 or higher. In addition, the university will also consider a number of other variables including Science

maintain at a minimum an undergraduate GPA of 3.51 to 3.75. The university will also consider a number of other variables including Science GPA, MCAT Scores, and may request a personal statement. Award amount is $2,750/term or $2,200/term for students in the EBS program.

GPA, MCAT scores, and may request a personal statement.

Provost Scholarship ($10,000 Total)

Award amount is $3,500/term or $2,800/term for students in

The Provost Scholarship was developed in recognition of Dr.

the EBS program.

David Graham and his commitment to providing UMHS an outstanding medical education while maintaining the highest of

President’s Scholarship ($11,000 Total)

academic standards.

This scholarship was developed in recognition of President

Dr. David Graham qualified in 1977 from the Liverpool Medical

Warren Ross who has committed his entire life to helping students achieve their dream of becoming a physician. President Ross has over 45 years of experience in academic medicine and was intimately involved in developing virtually every aspect of UMHS. His goal was to develop a modern state of the art medical that was comparable to medical schools in the United States. By maintaining a small school environment, he was able to provide students with a personalized education with the learning resources and faculty that they need to succeed. Under his leadership, UMHS has obtained multiple state approvals and accreditations. One of our accreditors,



School at the University of Liverpool in the UK. He trained in many of the hospitals in the northwest of England, including the Royal Liverpool University Teaching Hospital, and also, in the University Hospital, London, Ontario, Canada. He carried out research in several areas of Respiratory Medicine producing papers and presenting at the American Thoracic Society. An extended piece of research led to the award of a Postgraduate Degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD) by the University of Liverpool.


In 1999, he was appointed as the Postgraduate Dean for the

For questions, contact Dr. Brijette Sena, Associate Dean of

Mersey Deanery and was responsible for the development and

Academic Administration.

delivery of training for over 2200 junior doctors in the hospitals across Merseyside. In 2008, he became a Professor of Medical Education at the University of Liverpool and soon afterward, also became Dean of the Liverpool Medical School. As Dean of the Medical School, he was responsible for both the Teaching Programs for 1500 medical students and the five Research Schools. To qualify for this scholarship, students must maintain an undergraduate GPA of 3.25 to 3.5. In addition, the university will also consider a number of other variables including Science GPA and MCAT scores. It may also request a personal statement. Award amount is $2,500/term or $2,000/term for students in the EBS program.

ARP Scholarship ($9,000) UMHS is very proud of the students who have successfully completed the Accelerated Review Program. As an incentive to excel in this program, we have developed a new merit-based scholarship to reward our high achievers. Students who have successfully completed ARP can also qualify for a Basic Science Scholarship. This will be a merit-based scholarship reliant on the student’s academic performance in ARP. Students who have maintained a B or greater in ARP will automatically qualify for the scholarship. Students in the four-semester Basic Sciences program will receive $2,250 per semester, while those in the five-semester

Dr. William Thurman Scholarship for Academic Excellence Our late founding Provost, Dr. William Thurman, made an enormous contribution to the creation and development of UMHS. His spirit of professionalism along with a clear student-centered approach lives on, and is part of the UMHS ethos. Dr. Thurman loved medicine and always inspired students to achieve greatness.

Extended Basic Sciences program will receive $1,800 per semester—each resulting in a total award of $9,000. ARP graduates entering into the medical school program will be considered for the other university scholarships automatically. Students who qualify will be considered for the scholarship offering the largest amount of funding.This scholarship will be effective September 2023. Students currently enrolled

To honor his memory and lasting impact on our University, the

in the May ARP class and all subsequent classes will qualify.

Board of Trustees has established the Dr. William Thurman

For further details about qualifying please contact the

Scholarship for Academic Excellence. This scholarship will be

Financial Aid Department.

awarded to exemplary students who demonstrate academic excellence during their clinical semesters (semesters 6-10).

St. Kitts Scholarship

Award recipients stand to receive up to $1,000 per semester.

In concert with the Kittitian Government, UMHS offers two

To qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

+ Maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.80 for an award toward any clinical semester

+ Achieve a minimum of 75 on the first attempt of all NBME Core Shelf exams, for an award toward semesters 7, 8, and 9

+ Be in good academic standing for an award toward any clinical semester

+ Earn a score of 240 or higher on a first attempt at USMLE Step 1 for a semester 6 award

+ Earn a score of 240 or higher on first attempt at USMLE Step 2 CK for a semester 10 award

significant scholarships to citizens of St. Kitts and Nevis. Students interested in applying should contact the Human Resource Management Department, Office of the Prime Minister of the Federation of St. Christopher and Nevis.

Veterans Scholarship We are proud to offer the Robert Ross Veterans Scholarship. This is a need-and-merit-based scholarship that is available to veterans, servicemen, and servicewomen during Basic Science semesters. Students may be eligible for up to $1,000 per semester. Students interested in the program should contact the Office of Financial Aid for further details.

In addition to the per-semester awards, the scholarship fund also grants an additional $2,500 award to the Valedictorian at graduation. There is no application necessary. Students’ academic records will be reviewed upon receipt of each NBME and USMLE Score. Any award granted will be applied to the appropriate semester.



Administrative contact information EXECUTIVE OFFICE Warren Ross, J.D. President David R. Graham, MB, ChB, M.D. FRCP, FFSEM Provost Jerry W. Thornton, Ph.D. Vice President Anne Prillaman, J.D., M.B.A. Chief Financial Officer

ADMISSIONS AND ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT Sean Powers, B.A. Vice President of Admissions Shyam Dharia, B.S. Director of Enrollment Management Nelida Alvarez, A.S. Post Acceptance Director Carole Walker, M.A. Regional Director of Admissions, Midwest Earl Mainer, B.A. Senior Associate Director of Admissions, Southeast Brad Schmidt, M.Ed., Senior Associate Director of Admissions, Southeast Melanie Weiner, M.S. Associate Director of Admissions, Southeast Corie Thayer, B.A. Associate Director of Admissions, Midwest Hamed Mouseghy, M.D. Associate Director of Admissions, California and Western US Geneviève Gagné,B.A Associate Director of Admissions, Canada Alysha Nicholls, M.S.H.E. Associate Director of Admissions, Northeast



Guillermo Gumieny, M.A. Associate Director of Admissions, Puerto Rico Shelly Surowitz Applicant Coordinator, Florida Office Gillian Hyman Admissions Associate, Florida Office

Marlene Hummel, B.S. Associate Registrar Kayla Martinez, M.B.A. Associate Registrar Ebony Smith Assistant Registrar for Academic Administration

Deborah Galdames Applicant Coordinator

Ariana Everett Registrar Coordinator for Academic Administration


Molly McLaughlin, M.A. Assistant Registrar

Michelle Peres, B.A. Director of Alumni Affairs Scott Harrah, M.A. Director of Digital Content, Alumni Communications Liaison

PORTLAND, MAINE CAMPUS Donna Thompson, M.D.C.M. Associate Dean of Clinical Sciences, Professor of Clinical Medicine Molly Johannessen, Ph.D. Director of Education and Teaching, Director of Biological Basis of Clinical Medicine, Associate Professor of Physiology Heather Robertson, MHS, PA-C Director of ICM II Clinical Skills Lab & Preceptorship Program Matthew Michaud, N.D., M.A. Associate Director of Support and Learning Development

OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Linda Everett, B.S. University Registrar Brijette Sena, Ed.D, M.B.A. Associate Dean of Academic Administration, Director of Institutional Research

Isabel Monarca Assistant Registrar Earnestine Harrison Assistant Registrar

CLINICAL DEPARTMENT George H. Shade Jr., M.D. Dean of Clinical Sciences David Felten, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Dean of Clinical Sciences Donna Thompson, M.D. Associate Dean of Clinical Sciences, Professor of Clinical Medicine Phillip Perri, B.S. Director of Hospital Procurement Maxine Paul, J.D. Director of Clinical Relations Brandy Admendares, M.A. Associate Director of Clinical Placement Tamara Lara, B.A. Clinical Placement Coordinator Veronica McFarland, B.A. Clinical Placement Advisor Kelli Jefferson Clinical Placement Advisor


CLINICAL CHAIRS Steve Caplan, M.D. Chief of Pediatrics David L. Felten, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Dean of Clinical Sciences, Professor of Neurosciences Charles Herrick, M.D. Chief of Psychiatry Robert Levine, M.D. Chief of Family Medicine Elizabeth Morgan, M.D. Chief of Surgery George H. Shade Jr., M.D. Chief of Obstetrics/Gynecology Khalid Zakaria, M.D. Chief of Internal Medicine

OFFICE OF THE BURSAR Magdalena Rosario, B.A. University Bursar David Curry, B.A. Student Account Specialist



Vincent Bologna, B.A. Director of Purchasing

Wayne Williams, B.S. Chief Technology Officer


Mohit Saxena, M.S. Senior Systems Analyst

Patrick McCormick, B.S. Associate Dean of Academic & Student Affairs Jonathan Timen, B.A. Assistant Director of Academic Affairs Garrett Eisler, M.A. Senior Professional Development Advisor

OFFICE OF FINANCIAL AID Elissa Schoening Director of Financial Aid Sandra Paul Assistant Director of Financial Aid

MARKETING DEPARTMENT Ryan Ross, M.P.H. Director of Marketing Michelle Coelho, B.A. Associate Director of Marketing Scott Harrah, M.A. Director of Digital Content, Alumni Communications Liaison Natasha Vass Junior Marketing Associate

Nandi Guy Financial Aid Advisor

BOARD OF TRUSTEES The school is governed by an independent and voluntary Board of Trustees, which serves as the highest authoritative body of the school. Its members are selected by the board itself and may represent the founders, supporting governmental agency, or the public who have an interest in the general welfare of the school. Board members are free of conflicting interest with the school and independent of the administration. The Board of Trustees shall be the final authority on all matters regarding academic programs of UMHS. In consultation with the CAO, CEO, executive vice president, deans, and representatives of the faculty, the Board of Trustees shall provide oversight of the institution by (1) establishing broad institutional policies, provide oversight for institutional direction, and ensuring that the institution provides adequate financial resources. Finally, the Board is an overseer of the institutional management in the performance of its duties and responsibilities. Board of Members James Williams (Chairman) John Doelp

Thomas Last Orrin Lippoff



Next steps UMHS believes in a comprehensive approach when making admissions decisions. There is no single factor that will determine your eligibility. We assess your academic performance, motivation, and maturity to better evaluate your whole character. Please go through the steps carefully, make sure you have completed the necessary prerequisites, and contact a member of the UMHS admissions team if you have any questions. Please note that all documentation, other than the application and essay, must be sent by mail to: The Office of Admissions University of Medicine and Health Sciences, St. Kitts North American Administrative Office 275 Seventh Avenue, 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

Apply today at This publication has been authorized and approved by the Board of Trustees, President, and Dean of the University of Medicine and Health Sciences. In this publication are descriptions of the UMHS educational program and facilities. The University of Medicine and Health Sciences reserves the right to modify or change the curriculum, tuition, or fees of any sort without prior notice. UMHS also reserves the right to modify or change examination and semester schedules without prior notice. Each student is responsible for complying with the degree requirements in effect at the time of their enrollment and attendance. The University of Medicine and Health Sciences admits students without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, disability, or age, to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally made available to students at the University. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, disability, or age in the administration of its educational programs and other University administered policies.



next steps

1. F ill out application Visit to complete our online application. Be sure to print out and sign the Signature Form, and pay the $75 application fee.

2. Write your essay Your personal statement will give us a more complete idea of you as a person and potential physician. Tell us why you are considering a career in medicine. Write your essay directly into the online application or upload it separately.

3. Submit letters Two letters of recommendation (at least one from your pre-medical advisor or a science professor) should be mailed directly from your former institution(s). If your school has a pre-medical committee that has already evaluated you, we will accept that report instead of separate letters.

4. Send transcripts The registrar’s office of your former institution(s) should mail your official transcripts directly to UMHS. Foreign transcripts must be translated and evaluated by an approved NACES agency, such as World Educational Services (

5. Report test scores As we require the MCAT for all U.S. citizens and permanent residents, make sure to schedule the exam if you have not yet taken it. International students whose principal language is not English must take the TOEFL or IELTS exam. All test scores can be mailed directly to UMHS from the appropriate organizations. You may also upload screenshots of your MCAT scores via the document upload tool in our online application.

next steps


North American Administrative Office 275 Seventh Avenue, 26th Floor New York, NY 10001 U.S./Canada: 866.686.0380

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