KIP&CO Brand Standard Guidelines

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Brand Guidelines CONTACT

Kim Parker CEO of KIP & CO

Welcome Message

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Hi Friend! We are KIP&CO™ KIP&CO™ is a monthly subscription company that delivers a curated selection of supplements for your dog. We strive to be more than the average dog supplement brands. We hope to provide a community for those choosing to put their dog’s health first. The desire is for this community to provide their dogs with a healthy lifestyle with our organic, curated supplements. Kim Parker started this company after struggling to find quality, organic supplements in the stores. She wanted to give her families dog, Kipper, exactly what he needed, so she decided to develop the brand KIP&CO™. Pictured is Kim Parker’s youngest daughter, Shelby, with their dog Kipper.

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Table of Contents

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums


KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

Page Number


The Brand

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Color Guide

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Package Design

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The Brand

01 KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Document Purpose Mission and Vision Values Persona and Personality Voice and Tone Keywords Image Direction

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Document Purpose

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Hi! You must be one of our best freinds! The purpose of this brand standards manual is to help us work to establish consistent communications that build KIP&CO™ reputation in the many communities we serve. Adherence to these guidelines will aid us in creating materials that speak to our audiences while maintaining one, unified voice. Questions should be directed by email to the KIP&CO™ Corporate Office at marketing@kipandco. com

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Mission & Vision

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Brand Beliefs

Mission Our mission is to provide a simpler, more effective, and healthier lifestyle to pups daily.

Vision Our vision is a world where pups can receive the supplements they need daily, no matter where they live.

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Values •

ooking at the world sideways, being curious, L improvising. Playing well with others: being open for the pass. Providing delightful experiences to our customers.

iving dogs the opportunity at the healthiest G lifestyle with only organic ingredients. Taking the dog’s health as the highest priority.

KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums



aking an effort to save others time. Going the M exta mile to make it easier for others; preparing in advance, anticipating needs. Being honest, humble and fair.

lways learning to do it better. Sweating the A small stuff. Acting intentionally and mindfully.



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Brand Persona

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

We are thoughful, purposeful, and hardworking Our culture turned inward creates our product; our culture turned outward creates our brand. Our brand is a reflection of who we are as a company and what we represent in the world of a dog’s health. If nothing else, our outward-facing brand should represent the best of what we bring to work as colleagues at this company. Thoughtful, purposeful, health-centered, and hardworking. We demonstrate our commitment to being customercentric by placing those dog loving humans at the center of all communication, not ourselves.

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Tone of Voice

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

We are conversational, friendly, and helpful Our tone of voice provides a set of core elements to define quality writing across all touchpoints, as well as, supporting elements to convey the best of our brand personality to the world. We are characterful. But we never let character overwhelm content. What we have to say is infinitely more important than being admired for the way we say it. We are considerate and intentional with the words we use. We recognize and appreciate the power of language, and use it with eloquence and elegance (while never getting carries away with ourselves).

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Tone of Voice

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

How to Convey the Brand

With Heart The passion and conviction to see and care beyond yourself.

Friendly Speaking to others just like at a 3 hour coffee date.

Optimistic Pointing the customers towards the result of organic supplements seen in their dogs.

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

How the Brand Feels

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Image Direction The Warm Sun with a Hint of a Cool Breeze Our photography inspires our audience of single, married, and families with a heart for dogs. We want to build a compaany that centers on the happiness of healthy dogs and loving people. Our imagery will have a powerful stream of light that shines on the main subjuct. They will be primarily warm images with cool accents. There will be a mix of realistic settings and studio settings depending on what the market desires.

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

02 KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

Primary Logo Primary Logo Clearspace Secondary Logos Secondary Logos Clearspace Logo for Small Use Usage on Backgrounds Logo Misuse

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Primary Brand Logo

The KIP&CO™ logo is composed of a square with rounded corners and logotype set in Brandon Grotesque Bold. In order to uphold the integrity of the KIP&CO™ brand, the logo, wordmark, and tagline must only be used as shown in this brand standards guide. They are not to be used in any other way that has not been approved by these standards. In the following pages there will be examples of what not to do witht he logo.

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Logo Clearspace Primary Brand Logo

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Logo Clearspace

Clearspace is the essential negative space surrounding the brandmark. There is a determined width of this gap taken from the ampersand in the logo. This space should be free of all elements, except when it has been approved to place over an image or other visual elements to guarentee that the branmark remains legible. The following examples demonstrate the appropriate use of clearspace for the primary logo.

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Secondary Brand Logo

The KIP&CO™ secondary logo is composed of the logotype set in Brandon Grotesque Bold. In order to uphold the integrity of the KIP&CO™ brand, the logo, wordmark, and tagline must only be used as shown in this brand standards guide. They are not to be used in any other way that has not been approved by these standards. In the following pages there will be examples of what not to do witht he logo.

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Logo Clearspace Secondary Brand Logo

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Logo Clearspace

Clearspace is the essential negative space surrounding the brandmark. There is a determined width of this gap taken from the ampersand in the logo. This space should be free of all elements, except when it has been approved to place over an image or other visual elements to guarentee that the branmark remains legible. The following examples demonstrate the appropriate use of clearspace for the secondary logo.

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Logo Styles

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

The Variety of the Brand Logo

The brandmark must follow the specific lockups shown for consistency and versatility and may not be altered in any other format.

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Logo for Small Use Legibility is key for a successful logo There is a specific logo for small sizes and should be used when the square logo is rendered at a size between 15px tall and 20px tall.

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Acceptable Sizes

15px wide, approx. (or approx. 0.20 in)

The horizontal logo should be used at a size between 50px wide and 90px wide.

50px wide, approx. (or approx. 0.70 in)

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Background Rules

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Appropriate use for Logos on Backgrounds To ensure clear legibility of the brandmark, background images must be chosen carefully. The background images chosen must not be busy and consist of hisgh contrasts with the brandmark. Preferably the image will be blurred and have simple shapes. After selecting an appropriate image, use the primary, black or white brandmark that contains the highest contract with the image.

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Background Rules

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Do Not’s for Logos on Backgrounds Do Do Do Do

not not not not

use the logo over images that are too busy. place logo over colors that are unaproved. lower the opacity on any of the lockups. place any logo mark over faces or hands.

KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

Do not use unapproved colors

Do not place over busy image

Do not place over face

Do not lover opacity Page 21

Logo Misue Do Not’s for Logo Use Do Do Do Do Do Do

not not not not not not

crop the logo. distort the logo. change the type. add drop shadows. rotate the logo. use different colors.

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums


Do not crop

Do not add drop shadow

Do not distort

Do not rotate the logo

KIP&CO Do not change type

KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

Do not use different colors

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03 KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Primary Typeface Secondary Typeface Hierarchy Paragraph Styles

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Primary Typeface

Aa Sentinel

Black, Black Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Semibold, Semibold Italic, Medium, Medium Italic, Book, Book Italic, Light, Light Italic

KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Page 24

Secondary Typeface

Aa Gotham HTF

Ultra, Ultra Italic, Black, Black Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Medium, Medium Italic, Book, Book Italic, Light, Light Italic, XLight, XLight Italic, Thin, Thin Light

KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Page 25


A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Use of Type

Text Hierarchy

Gotham: Bold 20pt


Sentinel: Medium Italic 10pt

Subheadline over here Andam, volumquo expligenia exped que moluptatum ad eos

Gotham: Medium 8pt over 10

Paragraph content Atistion remolorpori derum niendae conesequatur sequae aut utemos et denimus doloressi idit, ius apiendis pore, quatemqui velent. Tem quuntur volupti int aut hit quo corest, nus aut fugiat aut volupti cuscide ndestem vollaut occusa quas mo cores ea alibu sam eos intusci issimi, sus, con rem. Evelentis et omnisd

Gotham: Regular 8pt over 10

Paragraph content Atistion remolorpori derum niendae conesequatur sequaeaut utemos et denimus dolof essi idit, ius apiendis pore ,dsldquatemqui velent.

KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

Tem quuntur aut volupti int aut hit quo corest, nus aut fugiat aut voluption cuscide ndestem vollaut occusa quas mo cores ea alibusam eos intusci issimi, sus, con rem. Evelentis et omni

KIP&CO™ headlines are set in Gotham. When using Gotham to create headings on embedded or printed collateral for KIP&CO™, always typeset it with optical kerning, set the tracking to 0, and set in sentence case or all caps. Do not set in all lowercase. KIP&CO™ subheadlines are set in Sentinel Italic. When using Sentinel to create headings on embedded or printed collateral for KIP&CO™, always typeset it with optical kerning, set the tracking to 0, and set in sentence case. Do not set in all caps or all lowercase. Typeset all text and paragraph text in Gotham Regular. When using Gotham Regular to set text on embedded or printed collateral for KIP&CO™, always typeset it with optical kerning, set the tracking to 0, and set in title case or sentence case (as determined by the content). Do not set in all caps or all lowercase.

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Paragraph Styles

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Variety of Styles

KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

Style 1

Style 2

Style 3

Paragraph content Atistion remolorpori derum niendae conesequatur sequae aut utemos et de doloressi idit, ius apiendis pore, quatemqui velent. Tem quuntur aut volupti int aut hit quo corest fugt aut voluption cuscide ndestem vollaut occusa quas cores ea alibusam eos intusci issimi, sus, con rem.

Paragraph content Atistion remolorpori derum


Paragraph content Atistion remolorpori derum

niendae conesequatur sequae aut utemos et denimus


niendae conesequatur sequae aut utemos et denimus

doloressi idit, ius apiendis pore, quatemqui velent.


doloressi idit, ius apiendis pore, quatemqui velent.

Tem quuntur aut volupti int aut hit quo corest


Tem quuntur aut volupti int aut hit quo corest

fugiat aut voluption cuscide ndestem vollaut occusa


fugiat aut voluption cuscide ndestem vollaut occusa

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Color Guide

04 KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Color Palette Color Hierarchy Color Distribution Logo Colorways

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Color Palette


CMYK 63/34/37/3 RGB 104/141/148

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive a cohesive brand brand inin allall mediums medias

Color Code 688D94





CMYK 40/44/68/2 RGB 147/126/92

CMYK 9/11/36/0 RGB 232/218/173

CMYK 1/2/7/0 RGB 249/246/235

CMYK 0/0/0/0 RGB 255/255/255

Color Code 937E5C

Color Code E8DAAD

Color Code F9F6EB

Color Code FFFFFF

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Color Combinations

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Appropriate Color Combos

CMYK 9/11/36/0 RGB 232/218/173

CMYK 63/34/37/3 RGB 104/141/148

CMYK 1/2/7/0 RGB 249/246/235

CMYK 63/34/37/3 RGB 104/141/148

CMYK 1/2/7/0 RGB 249/246/235

CMYK 40/44/68/2 RGB 147/126/92

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Distribution Color Distribution

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Effective Use of Color

Use these color proportions in any layout or collateral design. Tan and white can be used as accent colors in the proportions shown on the left. Use only white or cream on core colors outlined on the left. Do not interchange the use of brown, blue, and white text according to preference, as these color combinations are specifically approved for accessibility.

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Logo Colorways

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Primary Logo Colorways

To ensure that the KIP&CO™ brandmark is colored correctly, all acceptable color combinations have been listed for the vertical logo. There should be no deviation from the combinations shown here.

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Logo Colorways

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Primary Logo Outlined Colorways

To ensure that the KIP&CO™ brandmark is colored correctly, all acceptable color combinations have been listed for the vertical logo. There should be no deviation from the combinations shown here.

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Logo Colorways

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Secondary Logo Colorways

To ensure that the KIP&CO™ brandmark is colored correctly, all acceptable color combinations have been listed for the vertical logo. There should be no deviation from the combinations shown here.

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Logo Colorways

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Secondary Logo Outlined Colorways

To ensure that the KIP&CO™ brandmark is colored correctly, all acceptable color combinations have been listed for the vertical logo. There should be no deviation from the combinations shown here.

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Package Design

05 KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Tin Box Sachet Mailer Box

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Tin Box Top Panel Logo Size & Placement

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums


Top panels are laig out with the KIP&CO™ brown background. All brand packaging assets’ postions and sizing are determined by first establishing the logo size relative to the package. Once the logo is proportioned correctly on the top panel layout, the brandmark’s “&” can be scaled to provide guides and proportions for all assets.


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Tin Box

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Front Panel Guides & Proportions Once the logo is proportioned correctly on the top panel layout, the brandmark’s “&” can be scaled to provide guides and proportions for all assets. 20%

65% 150%

Dog Name The X height of Title should equal 70% of the height of the “&” in the logo. This is the maximum size, so if the Title is two lines there is still breathing room.




Product Subtitle The X height of Title should equal 20% of the height of the “&” in the logo.

a treat away from a healthy life


for your pup

Product Tagline The X height of Title should equal 20% of the height of the “&” in the logo. Legal Information The X height of Title should equal 20% of the height of the “&” in the logo.

30 Supplement Saches | Net Wt. 1.13 oz (32g) 70%

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Tin Box

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Front Panel Typefaces, Weights & Sizes Sentinel Bold Size: 15pt Tracking: 150 Color: E8DAAD


Gotham HTF Bold

a treat away from a healthy life for your pup

Size: 52pt Tracking: 75 Stroke: 3pt Color: FFFFFF

Sentinel Bold Italic Size: 14pt Leading: 21 pt Tracking: 75 Color: E8DAAD

Gotham HTF Medium 30 Supplement Saches | Net Wt. 1.13 oz (32g)

KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

Size: 11pt Leading: 21 pt Color: FFFFFF

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Tin Box

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Back Panel Guides & Proportions Once the logo is proportioned correctly on the top panel layout, the brandmark’s “&” can be scaled to provide guides and proportions for all assets. WE GIVE BACK TO

Product Subtitle The X height of Title should equal 14% of the height of the “&” in the logo. Body Copy The X height of Title should equal 12% of the height of the “&” in the logo.



Partner’s Name The X height of Title should equal 20% of the height of the “&” in the logo. This is the maximum size, so if the Title is two lines there is still breathing room.




We are firm believers that all dogs deserve access to 12% quality products and services that improve their overall health and well-being. We also realize that simply believing just isn’t enough. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Best Friends, a Utah based nationwide non-profit organization. Best Friends is committed to creating a sanctuary for homeless and special-needs animals literally from the ground up, forging roadways and erecting buildings with our bare hands. We were creating a better world through kindness to animals. Every Kip&Co purchase helps us get one step closer to reaching our goal of raising $50,000 for the sanctuary of pups. And that’s something we can stand behind. 33%


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Tin Box

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Back Panel Typefaces, Weights & Sizes Sentinel Black Size: 10pt Tracking: 150 Color: E8DAAD WE GIVE BACK TO Do not crop


Gotham HTF Black

We are firm believers that all dogs deserve access to quality products and services that improve their overall health and well-being. We also realize that simply believing just isn’t enough. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Best Friends, a Utah based nationwide non-profit organization. Best Friends is committed to creating a sanctuary for homeless and special-needs animals literally from the ground up, forging roadways and erecting buildings with our bare hands. We were creating a better world through kindness to animals. Every Kip&Co purchase helps us get one step closer to reaching our goal of raising $50,000 for the sanctuary of pups. And that’s something we can stand behind.

Gotham HTF Medium


Size: 16pt Tracking: 100 All Caps Color: FFFFFF

Size: 8pt Leading: 10pt Color: E8DAAD

Gotham HTF Medium Size: 8pt Leading: 10pt All Caps Color: FFFFFF

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Tin Box

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Left Panel Guides & Proportions

Founder’s Name The X height of Title should equal 20% of the height of the “&” in the logo. This is the maximum size, so if the Title is two lines there is still breathing room. Product Subtitle The X height of Title should equal 14% of the height of the “&” in the logo. Body Copy The X height of Title should equal 12% of the height of the “&” in the logo.

KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021


Once the logo is proportioned correctly on the top panel layout, the brandmark’s “&” can be scaled to provide guides and proportions for all assets. A MESSAGE FROM






As a hardworking mom looking to promote my 12% dog’s health I found myself constantly frustrated with the lack of organic products and information that made caring for him easier, approachable and supported a healthy life style, daily. After too many trips to the store in search of the perfect supplements for my dog, I decided to create what I was looking for. I teamed up with my trusted Vet and we began building what I believe will fundamentally change the way we take care of our pets. We are here to make life more convenient for you and support your dog through a healthier life.

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Tin Box

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Left Panel Typefaces, Weights & Sizes Sentinel Black Size: 10pt Tracking: 150 Color: E8DAAD

Do not crop A MESSAGE FROM K IM PARK E R As a hardworking mom looking to promote my dog’s health I found myself constantly frustrated with the lack of organic products and information that made caring for him easier, approachable and supported a healthy life style, daily. After too many trips to the store in search of the perfect supplements for my dog, I decided to create what I was looking for. I teamed up with my trusted Vet and we began building what I believe will fundamentally change the way we take care of our pets. We are here to make life more convenient for you and support your dog through a healthier life.

KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

Gotham HTF Black Size: 16pt Tracking: 100 All Caps Color: FFFFFF

Gotham HTF Medium Size: 8pt Leading: 10pt Color: E8DAAD

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Tin Box

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Right Panel Guides & Proportions

Brand Tagline The X height of Title should equal 55% of the height of the “&” in the logo. This is the maximum size for the current packaging sizes.


Once the logo is proportioned correctly on the top panel layout, the brandmark’s “&” can be scaled to provide guides and proportions for all assets.

best friends for LIFE 55%

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Tin Box

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Right Panel Typefaces, Weights & Sizes

best friends for LIFE

Gotham HTF Black Size: 42pt Tracking: 51pt Color: FFFFFF

Sentinel Bold Italic Size: 42pt Tracking: 51pt Color: E8DAAD

Gotham HTF Medium Size: 42pt Tracking: 51pt All Caps Color: FFFFFF

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Back Side Logo Size & Placement

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Once the logo is proportioned correctly on the top panel layout, the brandmark’s “&” can be scaled to provide guides and proportions for all assets.


Top panels are laig out with the KIP&CO™ brown background. All brand packaging assets’ postions and sizing are determined by first establishing the logo size relative to the package.

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Front Side Guides & Proportions December 24

Once the logo is proportioned correctly on the back panel layout, the brandmark’s “&” can be scaled to provide guides and proportions for all assets.

Product Subtitle The X height of Title should equal 14% of the height of the “&” in the logo. Dog’s Name The X height of Title should equal 45% of the height of the “&” in the logo.






Date Square The X height of Title should equal 45% of the height of the “&” in the logo. This is the maximum size for the current packaging sizes.




2 Hemp +



2 B Complex 2 Mobility 2 Free and Clear

LOT 346

EXP 04/28/22

Biodegradeable. Keep out of reach of children

Body Copy The X height of Title should equal 20% of the height of the “&” in the logo.

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Front Side Typefaces, Weights & Sizes

Gotham HTF Medium December 24

Size: 63pt Tracking: 10pt Color: 937E5C

Sentinel Semibold Size: 60pt Tracking: 200pt Color: E8DAAD


Osiris 2 Hemp +

Sentinel Bold Size: 160pt Tracking: 50pt Color: FFFFFF

2 B Complex 2 Mobility 2 Free and Clear

LOT 346

EXP 04/28/22

Biodegradeable. Keep out of reach of children

KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

Gotham HTF Book Size: 80pt Leading: 145pt Tracking: 30pt Color: E8DAAD

Sentinel Medium Size: 45pt Tracking: 25pt Color: E8DAAD

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Mailer Box Top Panel Logo Size & Placement

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums


Top panels are laig out with the KIP&CO™ brown background. All brand packaging assets’ postions and sizing are determined by first establishing the logo size relative to the package. Once the logo is proportioned correctly on the top panel layout, the brandmark’s “&” can be scaled to provide guides and proportions for all assets.


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Mailer Box

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Inner Top Panel Typefaces, Weights & Sizes a treat away from a healthy life for your pup

KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

Sentinel Medium Italic Size: 34pt Leading: 40pt Tracking: 75 Color: FFFFFF

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Mailer Box

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Outer Side Panels Pattern Design & Placement The outer facing panels are set in KIP&CO™’s brown with an overlay pattern in the cream. The patter is developed from the word “supplements” in brail. The pattern goes as follows: supplements, supplements reversed, supplements, supplements reversed. The pattern should repeat as necessary. When needing more than one line offset the pattern to flow as supplements reversed, supplements, supplements reversed, supplements.

Brail for: Supplements

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06 KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Digital Application (Insta, Website, Web Ad, TV Ad) Stationary Ephemera

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Digital Application

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Social Media Presence

KIP & CO’s target market is strongly set on Facebook and Instagram. Our brand will have a presence on these two platforms to reach these audiences appropriately. The tone will need to be consistent with the KIP&CO™ brand, but vary for the given audience.

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Digital Application

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Instagram Post

To represent the KIP&CO™ brand well and professionally, Instagram posts will be developed to stay on brand. This means following the brand’s persona and tone of voice. Make sure to talk to the appropriate audience when switching between platforms. Refer to page 5-11 for brand description.

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Digital Application

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Facebook Post

To represent the KIP&CO™ brand well and professionally, Facebook posts will be developed to stay on brand. This means following the brand’s persona and tone of voice. Make sure to talk to the appropriate audience when switching between platforms. Refer to page 5-11 for brand description.

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Digital Application Website Ad

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Banner Ad Examples

To represent the KIP&CO™ brand well and professionally, Banner Ads will be developed to stay on brand. This means following the brand’s persona and tone of voice. Make sure to talk to the appropriate audience when switching between platforms. Refer to page 5-11 for brand description.

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Digital Application TV Advertisement

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Hulu Ad for KIP&CO™ on Firestick TV

To represent the KIP&CO™ brand well and professionally, Hulu Ads will be developed to stay on brand. This means following the brand’s persona and tone of voice. Make sure to talk to the appropriate audience when switching between platforms. Refer to page 5-11 for brand description.

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Digital Application

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Email Advertisement

To represent the KIP&CO™ brand well and professionally, Email Ads will be developed to stay on brand. This means following the brand’s persona and tone of voice. Make sure to talk to the appropriate audience when switching between platforms. Refer to page 5-11 for brand description.

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Business Card

To maintain consistency with the KIP&CO™ brand there are specific requirements for business card designs. There is an example that demonstrate the only design. No other design is accepable for this brand. The front of the card should have the horizontal logo, Employee Name, Organization Position, phone number, email, and office phone and address. The back of the card should have the square primary logo with tagline placed in the center.

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Letter & Envelope

To represent the KIP&CO™ brand well and professionally, a letterhead design has been created to ensure consistency with the brand. There should be no deviation from this letterhead.

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Dog Bandana

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Dog Collar

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Dog Leash

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

General Terms Trademarks Visual Design of Website Trade Dress Merchandise Use Requirements and Terms

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General Terms

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

What we ask of you as you use our brand 1. K IP&CO™ permits its customers, third-party developers, partners and the media (“you”) to use its name, trademarks, logos, web pages, screenshots and other brand features (the KIP&CO™ “brand features,” “marks” or “logos”) only in limited circumstances and as specified in these guidelines. By using the KIP&CO™ marks, you agree to adhere to these guidelines and specifically to the Use Requirements and Terms below. If you have a separate agreement with KIP&CO™ that addresses use of the KIP&CO™ brand, that agreement shall govern your use of the KIP&CO™ marks.

KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

2. T he KIP&CO™ marks include the KIP&CO™ name and logo, and any word, phrase, image or other designation that identifies the source or origin of any KIP&CO™ products. 3. L ist of trademarks: i. KIP&CO™ ii. The KIP&CO™ logo iii. PupSups iv. KIP&CO™ pupsups

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Trademarks a. “KIP&CO™” text usage guidelines i. The company name is “KIP&CO™ Technologies, Inc.” ii. Do 1. W hen “KIP&CO™” is used, use as an adjective followed by a description of our services 2. E xamples: KIP&CO™ collaboration software, others? 3. You are entitled to say that your application is integrated with KIP&CO™ or that you are a KIP&CO™ Platform Partner if you have an app in the KIP&CO™App Directory. iii. Do not 1. D on’t use “KIP&CO™” as a noun, verb, plural or possessive. An appropriate generic term must appear after the KIP&CO™ trademark the first time it appears in a printed piece, and as often as is reasonable after that 2. Don’t use the KIP&CO™ marks in a way that suggests a common, descriptive or generic meaning 3. Don’t register a domain containing the word “KIP&CO™” or any variation thereof. Deliberate misspellings and transliterations are also not permitted

KIP & CO Brand Standards Guide | December 2021

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

4. Do not apply for a trademark that includes the word “KIP&CO™,” our logo, or any other words or marks similar to our own 5. Do not use “KIP&CO™” or our other trademarks in connection with advertising (search engine or otherwise) without explicit approval from KIP&CO™ 6. Don’t use the KIP&CO™ logo (with or without your company logo) iv. Marking 1. For usage only within the U.S., use the ® symbol on the most prominent use of the word KIP&CO™ (KIP&CO™®), and say “KIP&CO™ is a registered trademark and service mark of KIP&CO™ Technologies, Inc.” at the bottom of the page on which the KIP&CO™ word mark first appears 2.For international use, do not use the ® symbol. Instead say “KIP&CO™ is a trademark and service mark of KIP&CO™ Technologies, Inc., registered in the U.S. and in other countries.” at the bottom of the page on which the KIP&CO™ word mark first appears.

3.On all marketing materials, include “Copyright 2019 KIP&CO™ Technologies, Inc.” marking at bottom, right justified, for all marketing materials. Font size cannot be smaller than 7 pts. Logo use guidelines v. Download logos at™/ logos vi. Logo usage guidelines at https://KIP&CO™.com/ marketing/ img/media-kit/KIP&CO™_brand_guidelines_ external.pdf vii. Do: 1. Ensure that there is adequate space between the logo and surrounding elements 2. For the horizontal logo, the clear space around it should always be greater than or equal to the size of the octothorpe 3. For the stacked logo, the clear space around it should always be greater than or equal to the length of one lozenge in the octothorpe viii. Do not: 1. Please don’t modify the marks or use them in a confusing way, including suggesting sponsorship or endorsement by KIP&CO™, or in a way that confuses KIP&CO™ with another brand (including your own) 2. Don’t use any logos or similar imagery to represent

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Trademarks KIP&CO™ other than the examples we have provided in the KIP&CO™ Brand folder 3. Don’t use a KIP&CO™ asset as a substitute for your own—if you don’t have a logo, please do not co-opt ours 4.Don’t overprint or obstruct any part of the logo 5. Don’t add special effects to the logo, includinganimation 6. Don’t use old versions or any other marks or logos to represent our brand 7. Don’t distribute or otherwise make available ourlogos, marks or assets 8.Don’t crop the logo 9.Don’t outline logotype 10.Don’t rotate any part of the logo 11. Don’t distort the logo 12. Don’t use drop shadows or any other effects 13. Don’t re-create using any other typeface 14. Don’t change the transparency of the logo 15. D on’t shuffle around the colors of the octothorpe 16.Don’t use different colors 17. Don’t change the size or orientation of the octothorpe and logotype in relation to each other

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

18. N o disparaging or objectionable use is permitted b. Screenshots i. Screenshots of the KIP&CO™ software and website are permitted for instructive, educational or illustrative purposes ii. Don’t alter screenshots, except to resize iii. Don’t include screenshots in your product user interface iv. Don’t use screenshots that contain third-party content without the permission of the third party v. Don’t use screenshots that contain an image of an id entifiable individual

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Visual Design of Website

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

a. W hen designing your own website, we encourage you to be yourself. But please do not copy or imitate the look and feel of KIP&CO™ products or sites. Doing so may create user confusion or imply the endorsement of KIP&CO™ b. P lease do not use, display, mirror or frame (including in metatags or hidden text) KIP&CO™ websites, or any individual element of KIP&CO™ websites, or any other KIP&CO™ assets, or the layout and design of any page or form contained on a page c. I f utilizing the KIP&CO™ API to support your service or application, you must avoid suggesting your service or application is produced or supported by KIP&CO™. If we believe ambiguity exists, we may request that you state clearly that your service is “not created by, affiliated with, or supported by KIP&CO™ Technologies, Inc.” d. I f we ask you to include such a message on your page, you must ensure that it is displayed on the initial page load and is clearly visible on either a dark or light background. Text should be a minimum of 15pt. and a minimum of 80% opacity in black or white or in color

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Trade Dress

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

a. D o not use or imitate the distinctive “look and feel” of KIP&CO™ or other identifiable and unique visual elements of the KIP&CO™ brand assets, KIP&CO™ software or www.KIP&CO™.com website, including (but not limited to) the color combinations, graphics, sounds, icons, typefaces or other stylization

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A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

a. D o not use the KIP&CO™ assets or any other confusingly similar words or marks on any apparel, toy, product or other merchandise b. I f you’re interested in purchasing KIP&CO™-branded goods, we sell a range of official products in the KIP&CO™ Shop. All proceeds are donated to charity

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Use Requirements and Terms

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

a. A ny use of KIP&CO™ brand assets must conform to these guidelines b. These guidelines may be modified at any time. Use of the KIP&CO™ brand assets constitutes consent to any modifications to the guidelines c. KIP&CO™ has sole discretion in determining if use of the KIP&CO™ assets violates these guidelines d. T ermination: KIP&CO™ may ask that you stop using the brand assets at any time. In the event of termination, use of brand assets must stop within a reasonable period from the date of the request, and in all cases no more than 7 days from the date of the request e. Reservation of Rights: KIP&CO™ is the owner of all rights in the Marks and reserves all rights save the limited license granted here. Use of the Marks pursuant to this license shall not be construed as limiting the rights of KIP&CO™ in the Marks f. KIP&CO™ DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES THAT MAY BE EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BY LAW REGARDING THE KIP&CO™ MARKS (TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW), INCLUDING WARRANTIES AGAINST INFRINGEMENT g. C ontact us (at help.KIP&CO™.com) to request use of brand assets in a manner inconsistent with the guidelines or for any questions

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Contact Us

A Brand Standards Guide to develop a cohesive brand in all mediums

Kim Parker

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Founder & CEO





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