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Advocate responsible outcomes for members and the community
We will:
• Be the voice for the pool and spa industry • Lobby authorities on behalf of members • Advocate for responsible policy outcomes • Publish best practice guidelines.
A key focus of representation throughout 2020 was the ongoing impact of COVID-19. SPASA successfully lobbied government across Australia and New Zealand, advocating for our industry to be classified as an essential service as we deliver products and services that ensure health and safety in the backyards of millions through our diverse trades covering all sectors including construction, retail, service, supply and manufacture. SPASA represents and advocates for all sectors of the spa and pool industry ensuring all members in all regions across Australia and New Zealand are supported equally. SPASA used various platforms to update both members and consumers throughout lockdowns and restrictions. Members were kept abreast of critical information such as implications to building and construction contracts, information on maintaining pool and water safety, workplace entitlements and obligations, economic support from federal and state governments, restrictions to trade, social distancing requirements and more. Ensuring our members were well equipped with all necessary information provided comfort to consumers, assuring them that members were open for business and taking necessary precautions to ensure their safety by instigating services such as contact-free home delivery, service and construction.
Key COVID-19 Messaging
Pool and spa businesses are an essential service that manage the service, maintenance and construction of swimming pools and spas, to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases and maintain community health Pool and spa businesses are essential to public safety as we undertake safety assessments to keep children and the public protected in a compliant pool and spa environment Pool and spa businesses are viewed as professional, responsible and trusted to work unsupervised in backyards. We adhere to Government requirements, such as social distancing, strict hygiene processes and contact-free construction, retail and service
To improve industry knowledge and awareness, SPASA often works in partnership with other Associations and bodies. In 2020 we worked with Master Electricians Australia and New Zealand to prepare industry and consumer guidance documents, specifically on the issue of equipotential bonding.
“ Safety of pool builders, service technicians, electricians and consumers is paramount, that’s why SPASA Australia and Master Electricians Australia have worked together to prepare industry and consumer guidance documents specifically on this issue,” Lindsay McGrath, CEO SPASA Australia.
SPASA also worked alongside the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources to obtain feedback on the exposure draft of the Greenhouse and Energy Performance Standards (GEMS) determination on swimming pool pumps.
Climate Care Certified is the industry’s efficiency and sustainability certification program. SPASA is proud to deliver an industry wide program to support, protect and promote the way the swimming pool and spa industry operates and strives for best practice sustainable solutions.
Climate Care Certified continued to grow through 2020, with 28 applications approved throughout the year and an impressive total of 50 products now certified through the program since implementation in late 2018, and a further 15 products in review. CCC Active Products All Climate Care Certified products undergo independent third-party testing and/or verification to assess and report on claims being made such as water efficiency and energy savings. Only credible and trusted local, national and international testing and verification bodies are considered by SPASA to ensure that claims being made on energy and water efficiency and sustainability are substantiated. Climate Care Certified highlights your products environmentally sustainable qualities. It also shows your commitment to preserving the environment and industry best practice, and demonstrates your investment in the industry’s sustainable future which inspires others to do the same.
A particular highlight for Climate Care Certified in 2020 was working with the water regulatory bodies in Queensland, South Australia and New South Wales to combat drought conditions through the introduction of Climate Care Pool Covers. This resulted in the Climate Care Certified program being recognised as a sustainability program by SEQWater, SA Water, Hunter Water and Sydney Water.
Throughout the year, SPASA provided many submissions to governments at state and federal level, including the following:
• Review of AGVET chemicals regulatory framework in order to remove consumer products and swimming pool and spa chemicals, antifouling paints and certain overthe-counter companion animal products from the AGVET chemicals regulatory system due to low risk profile; • Contested APVMA decision to ban hydrogen peroxide and/or polyhexanide hydrochloride swimming pool and spa pool sanitiser products.
Industry pushback and court challenge reversed
APVMA’s decision; • National Registration Framework – to enhance public confidence and improve national consistency in the registration of building practitioners.
SPASA has sat on nearly 50 standards in the last five years, with seats on an additional ten added to our remit in 2020, including the following highlights:
• Restart of Pool Barrier Standard - AS1926.1; • AS1838 – 2021 Swimming pools - Premoulded fibre reinforced plastics design and fabrication (Previously AS/NZS 1838:1994) finalised for release; • AS1839 – 2021 Swimming pools - Premoulded fibre reinforced plastics installation (Previously AS/
NZS 1839:1994) finalised for release; • Commenced Pool Solar Heating Standard – AS3634 to update current standard and better protect and improve industry and consumer outcomes; • Commenced new Pool Cover Standard - AS5348 to provide new performance-based standard for all pool covers to benchmark against; • Revision on AS1288 - Glass in Buildings - Selection and installation to ensure glass used for pool barriers is properly captured.