Social Ecological Urbanism Design Studio 2021. Volume 1. Kära-Backa (Part 2).

Page 132


There are several interesting places to illustrate with a higher level of detailing. These involve connections with existing areas, nodes within the area and integration of nature where network, built form and the public space intersect. 1. The first project highlights a new street going from east to west, through Aröd’s industrial area, and its function as a social and ecological link 2. The second key project focuses on an “our’s” place where an Urban main street, a Local main street and Kvillestråket intersect in a public square.

4. The fourth project focuses an “everyone’s” place along the connection between Hisingsbrons northern bank seat and Hjalmar Brantingsplatsen. With these four ideas of possible key projects we try to cover aspects that are characteristic and important for this masterplan as a whole. By highlighting the importance of developing nuances of social nodes, green and blue structures and new housing areas, the master plan will be extended with more detailed strategies that goes in line with the vision of developing Backaplan-Aröd into a cohesive and human-scale area.

3. The third key project focuses on Kvillestråket, a green space that goes through areas of varying character and where social and ecological systems coincides.

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Legeby, A. Berghauser Pont, M. Marcus, L. (2015). Street Interaction and Social Inclusion. In L. Vaughan (Ed.), Suburban Urbanities: Suburbs and the Life of the High Street (pp. 239-262). UCL Press

Thörn, C. Krusell, M. Widehammar, M. (2016). Rätten att bo kvar - en handbok i organisering mot hyreshöjningar och gentrifiering. Koloni förlag. http://www.

Colding, J., Marcus, L., Gren, Å., Legeby, A., Berghauser Pont, M., Barthel, S., Samuelsson, K. ( 2021). Cities: Frontiers in social-ecological urbanism. [Unpublished manuscript]. The Beijer institute of Ecological Economics


Andersson, J. Collby, I. (2019) Planprocessen utifrån ett gentrifieringsperspektiv - En studie med gentrifiering i fokus för fyra stadsdelar i Göteborg [Master thesis, Högskolan Väst]. Diva-portal Archive. diva2:1339960/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Figure 1. Modified from Lantmäteriet. (2021). Min karta. Scale 1:70 000. [Aerial photo]

Social Ecological Urbanism 2021

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