f1Jt&gif ftil:1Bfl ■ ll? IS YOUR PET THE RIGHT SHAPE?

WJ�"8m5�11ffi� Ji , ffi1'IU��$ ti1'iu WJ� • � , 1.smIII aJu1 Rib cage visible; Very narrow waist Ribs not visible but easily palpable; Obvious waist

ti1'IUWJ�"813 , ffiiU9>���$ WJ�"813•�&m�,m•���� Ribs difficult to palpate; Waist barely visible Ribs not palpate under the fat; Waist absent tzaB�IBCS 6�!-;).._t_, �t!!J![c]llll��l>t�ilfiit.�{i!i If your pet reaches BCS 6 or above, you need to consult a vet for an early health assessment

How often should I massage my pet?
We suggest massaging your pet every day to allow them to reap all the benefits and enable you to catch any changes or health issues early - whether that’s for 10 minutes whilst you watch TV after work or during your regular grooming session with them. If this is not feasible, then a minimum of once per week is recommended.