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The Scenario Model
The DestinationNEXT Scenario Model & Assessment Tool is the only strategic framework for destinations of its kind. It is based on a comprehensive online survey that destination organizations deliver to key industry and community stakeholders in the region. Survey participants are asked to rank the performance of 24 variables related to destination strength and community alignment.
The self-guided survey identifies the most significant opportunities and challenges in the destination related to both the quality of the visitor experience and how well the local community is aligned around shared goals. The resulting data offers destination leaders a wealth of in-depth data to support better decision-making with their Board and staff.
The data is plotted into the DestinationNEXT Scenario Model below in one of four quadrants, each of which provides specific strategies for the participating destination. The individual plot can also be compared against more than 350 other destinations that have gone through the DestinationNEXT survey process. And, the assessment results provide a robust community engagement platform that fosters conversation among stakeholders to develop a shared vision for the future of the destination.
The DestinationNEXT survey can also be customized with additional questions to address issues specific to the community.