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New for 2022

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2020 Availability

INTRODUCING DEPARTURES FOR 2022 Here, at Andante Travels, we like to start each new year with a new destination (or three!) and 2022 will be no exception. The new tours in question are Thailand & Laos, Cleopatra’s Egypt, and Morocco & Andalucia. We have also put together departures for some of our perennial favourites, such as Jordan, Egypt and Chile. Wondering what these archaeological adventures include? Read on…

Image: Jerusalem Jordan, Egypt & Israel - Cruise & Stay

A multi-centre tour starting with two nights in Jordan followed by a cruise in Egypt on board the Variety Ship M/S Harmony G, and then two nights in Israel. Travelling via the Red Sea, the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean, this odyssey encompasses outstanding sites while offering you the relaxing feel of an ocean cruise. Highlights include the famous Nabatean kingdom of Petra, the monumental temple site at Karnak, the awe-inspiring Pyramids of Giza, the Great Sphinx, the new Grand Egyptian Museum, and the fascinating city of Jerusalem, with its ancient citadel and previous Paleo Christian Churches. 21st Jan 2022 with Tarmin Darwish, Mohammad Abdulnabi & Yonatan Zilbersheid

Cleopatra’s Egypt Travel in the footsteps of Alexander, Cleopatra, Julius Caesar and Mark Antony as we explore the monuments of Alexandria, capital of the Ptolemies, one of the great cities of the Hellenistic and Roman world, and visit modern Cairo – the Roman Babylon. This memorable tour will bring the world of Cleopatra’s Egypt vividly back to life.

31st Jan 2022 with Tony O’Connor

Egypt - Highlights & Discoveries The archaeology of ancient Egypt is one of the most instantly recognisable of all the great civilisations. This is a narrative of power, vision and ambition. With the expertise of our Guide Lecturer, we ‘meet’ the real ancient Egyptians: from legendary pharaohs to the humble workers.

8th Feb 2022 with Lucia Gahlin Oman Travelling from the mountains of Muscat to the beaches of Salalah, we visit Bronze Age conical tombs at Bat, rock art in Nakher, copper smelting sites at Samad and the vital irrigation systems of the Iron Age. We explore the hub of Classical Arabia Felix, the great incense city of Sumhuram, the lost city of Ubar in the Empty Quarter, and the city of Al Balid.

4th Feb 2022 with Nick Jackson

Egypt - Off the Beaten Track This tour takes you ‘off the beaten track’ to rarely-visited sites. Still spectacular, these sites are of the utmost archaeological importance. Geographically, culturally and historically comprehensive, this tour will take you all the way from Cairo to Aswan.

20th Feb 2022 with Lucia Gahlin Thailand & Laos Thailand has a long, independent history and a rich Buddhist heritage. Our tour takes us through spectacular scenery to magnificent temples and peaceful stupas. Leaving the forested northern highlands, we board a boat for our leisurely Laotian cruise down the Mekong River, visiting wonderful historical sites and peaceful riverside villages.

7th Feb 2022 with Miranda Bruce-Mitford

Chile & Easter Island Venture across the globe with an international expert to see some of the most enigmatic rock art in the world, situated in vast and often remote landscapes. Discover places seldom visited, which our ancestors chose to decorate with huge earth pictures and complex rock art. Some of the sites we see are simply extraordinary.

26th Feb 2022 with Dr Paul Bahn

Morocco & Andalucia Separated by only a narrow body of water, Morocco and Andalucia have exchanged peoples and cultural ideas for millennia. Join us as we explore unforgettable Roman ruins and stunning Moorish architecture, and experience centuries of culture which transcend boundaries between Europe and Africa, both Christian and Muslim. Uzbekistan Follow in the footsteps of history as we explore the sites and cities of the Silk Road, which once ran all the way from China to Europe, with Uzbekistan right at its heart. The steppes, deserts, mountains and gleaming blue-tiled cities tell a story of trade and conquest. From grassy plain to desert, from city to city, crossing Uzbekistan is an unforgettable journey. Jordan - Petra & the Desert Fortresses Nothing can prepare you for Petra: the scale, the colours and the grandeur. Petra’s tombs and temples are only a fraction of Jordan’s story. We explore traces of biblical tribes, Roman legions, Christian crusaders, and Islamic caliphates.


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