1 minute read
Letter from the Editor
The Frequency of Balance
Metamorphosis (You Say You Want a Revolution?)
Most of us are familiar with the phoenix legend—the bird that lives out it’s long life, bursts into flame and is reborn from the ashes. Is this a little dramatic for what is happening in the world right now? I don’t think so. We are living in dramatic times and we have choices to make. We can continue doing things as we have always done, or we can take opportunities to burn the bits that aren’t working and start again. This is what I am attempting to do by launching GEMS College of Energy Medicine. Just because we have always done something in a certain way is no reason to continue! Will this transformation be difficult? Possibly, but the hope is that we emerge more beautiful and resilient than before, ready for whatever is coming next. One area that I feel needs to be focused on is reaching out to younger people. This needs to happen on two levels; one is simply to bring tools of self care and balance to a group that is struggling right now and desperately needs some help. The second is to make younger people aware of this as a career, bringing a fresh perspective to muscle testing classes and client work. My kids are leading the charge with an event at the end of January aimed at those aged 14-24. Read more further on. I hope the articles you find in this issue offer inspiration and joy for change and clarity in the New Year! Thanks for reading, we’re all in this together!