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Pathways of Inquiry in Clinical Kinesiology Sessions
Navigating branching pathways of inquiry in clinical kinesiology sessions
By Bruce Dickson
Ilike to start all of my kinesiology sessions and public presentations with an intention for psychic and spiritual protection. In case this tunes you up, have a listen: Father-Mother-God, we ask for the presence of the Whole Spirit, the Highest God and the Greatest Loving as individually determined by each person here. We ask a Heartfelt Spirit to fill, surround, protect and guide us for the highest good of all concerned. For all of this, we are grateful.
I like to start by listening to the client's complaint or concern. Then: according to a spoken a prayer, such as the one above, I act as if the client's own Higher Guidance - the highest Being available for this person at this time - is in charge of this present session. All I have to do is be the "delivery boy." I can simply find and follow valid Therapeutic Direction, at any moment where I have questions or we have lost this "thread." Usually, the client offers a presenting complaint. What does this trigger in the practitioner? The more K-training you have had, the more categories of existing unresolved disturbances you know, possible to check for; and, attempt correction on. See if you like this scheme of branching pathways for causative factor categories: Most tangible level of disturbance to identify: The question to ask here is, "Is the primary causative factor of the complaint a physical STRUCTURAL MISALIGNMENT?" Refer them out to a bodyworker, chiro or osteo if bone and organ misalignments are not your forte. Next less tangible level of disturbance to identify: "Is the primary causative disturbance BIOCHEMICAL, either LACK of beneficial nutrients; or, EXCESS of detrimental toxin(s)?" Next less tangible level of disturbances to identify: "Is the primary causative disturbance a MERIDIAN OR FIVE-ELEMENTAL under-CHARGE OR OVERCHARGE?" Least tangible level of disturbance to identify: "Is the primary causative disturbance MENTALEMOTIONAL-UNCONSCIOUS factors; which are, burdening physical organs and systems?" The above four branching pathways cover a very large fraction of all possible causative disturbances for this client, for his/her complaint. Additional connections exist between these four branching pathways. 1) Each successive level typically, for most practitioners, requires more training. Most of us naturally started with learning anatomy and physiology. We have those textbooks. Typically, later, we got more deeply into biochemical issues. We may even have test vials of substances from the 1990s. The biochemical approach was more efficient and elegant for some cases than a strictly structural misalignment approach. Later still - speaking typically - we learned in some cases, a meridian-five-element approach was more efficacious than the biochemical or structural approaches.

Later still, some of us learned in some cases, a mental-emotional-unconscious disturbance is at the root of the client's complaint. In these cases where this is the priority, for this client, then this is more efficacious than approach 1, 2 or 3. 2) Each successive level of the above four branching pathways typically, for most practitioners, requires more clinical and life experience than the one before it. Readers of this who are K-practitioners will know of; or be themselves, good examples of practitioners who started practice with level 1, 2 or 3 and who, later in life, evolved one or more steps further in this treatment mode progression. 3) Given the above correlations, the above
MAY be a workable K-training sequence; or
K-curriculum outline for CEUs. Why? Competency with one level tends to be a solid foundation for success with learning and applying the next level up.
To Learn More Forgive from Your Soul, Slow-Motion Forgiveness: the Missing Manual, Forgiveness 101 How-to Book (New Directions In Brain Balance) (Volume 4)
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