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Sponsor Spotlight: Tobii Dynavox
Around 50 million people across the world have conditions that leave them unable to communicate, even though the technology exists to give them a voice. Tobii Dynavox is on a mission to provide assistive communication solutions across the globe to empower people to do what they once did, or never thought possible. With a presence in more than 65 countries, including Sweden, the US, Norway, Germany, France, the UK, China, and Japan, we offer touch and gaze-based speech generating devices, eye trackers, and communication apps as well as financial support and training resources for those who use our products and the important people in their lives – parents, siblings, caregivers, teachers, and clinicians.

Our 700+ employees and global network of partners know that getting started and succeeding with AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) isn’t always straightforward. Success is a journey, we like to say. We’re here to guide you by providing the right tools and resources at the right time.

A great place to begin is learning what AAC is and who can benefit from it.

AAC is any form of communication used in addition to, or instead of, speech for people with a variety of disabilities. As a result, it is also sometimes referred to as assistive communication. It can consist of no technology, lowtechnology, or high-tech speech devices controlled with just a person’s fingers, eyes, or other body parts. Often, it consists of all three. It can be supported with symbols and text, or just text alone.