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See What's Happening at STEP
SERVING WITH COMPASSION Volunteers Behind Meals on Wheels
Breaking barriers between adults with disabilities who are delivering meals to seniors in the community for the volunteer program Meals on Wheels involves creating a supportive and inclusive environment that values diversity and fosters meaningful connections. By providing training, resources, and accommodations tailored to the needs of volunteers with disabilities, we, at Services To Enhance Potential (STEP), ensure equal opportunities for participation and contribution. Additionally, promoting awareness, understanding, and empathy among all participants helps to reduce stigma, build trust, and strengthen relationships within the community.

Through collaboration, education, and open communication, we strive to empower volunteers with disabilities to make a positive impact, enhance their sense of purpose, and promote social inclusion and belonging for all individuals involved in the Meals on Wheels program. Most of the volunteers responsible for delivering Meals on Wheels within Wayne County are members of STEP. STEP oversees nine routes, providing meals to 120 seniors, three days a week! Services To Enhance Potential (STEP) is a nonprofit organization which provides support and services to nearly 1,400 persons with disabilities and other mental health needs in Macomb and Wayne Counties. A major goal of Services To Enhance Potential is to increase the number of persons who are employed, self-employed, and volunteer in their communities. STEP provides and supports a variety of employment and self-employment options. We were founded in 1972 to bring an employment focus to individuals with a disability and have developed a strong reputation in the community for doing so. Learn more about STEP at www.stepcentral.org.