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Local Events
Note: Don’t forget to apply for the Access Pass! The Access Pass Program allows families that meet the specific requirements listed below to visit The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis and all participating locations for $2 per family member per visit for up to two adults and all dependent youths living in the household. You qualify if you receive:
• Hoosier Healthwise Insurance (Indiana’s health care program for low-income families, pregnant women and children)
• SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
• TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
• Apply here: https/www. childrensmuseum.org/visit/ hours/access-pass.
The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis
First Thursday Nights
Jan. 4, 4:00 pm- 8:00 pm
The first Thursday of every month, 4:00 PM-8:00 PM. Go back in time to the Age of the Dinosaurs and explore the basics of science through fun, hands-on activities in Dinosaur Train: The Traveling Exhibition Travel to Greece without leaving Indiana in Take Me There®: Greece Uncover ancient artifacts in National Geographic Treasures of the Earth
https/www.childrensmuseum.org/visit/ calendar/event/273/2023-04-06
Nov. 18- Feb. 11, 2024
WinterFaire is a magical indoor world featuring a festive, carnivallike atmosphere, fun-filled games, loveable critters, and hands-on activities. Play, laugh, and make lifelong memories together in this one-ofa-kind indoor winter experience.
Zoom down WinterSlide
The animals of WinterFaire have used the frozen fountain’s magical water to turn the beloved slide in the Sunburst Atrium into the icy WinterSlide! The “snow” on either side will light up as you race toward the bottom. How fast will you go?
Various Events
Jan. 1- Jan. 31, Opens at 10 AM 3000 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208, 317-334-4000
Conner Prairie — Indiana’s Living History Museum
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 16, All Day Event
Martin Luther King Jr. believed in love over violence, hope over fear, and unity over divisiveness. His legacy inspires each space, activity, and all content shared with our guests.
Teen Room: This space is devoted to all teens! The environment will include soft spaces to relax and think, sympathetic lighting, snacks, and music. Learn about symbols of activism and be encouraged to create symbols of your own using art materials and iPads.
Blood Drive: Hosted by Versiti, an opportunity to give back in a big way. Sign up today!
Identity Invitations: Connecting our own identities to empathy for the identities of others, mirrors and loose parts will be provided for you to create a transient art representation of yourself.
This is Problematic! Podcast: You’re invited to record and edit audio of your own with our podcast hosts, Hannah Murphy and Easton Phillips. Listen to the podcast now!
Collaborative art: Join us in visually demonstrating the connectedness of the qualities of love and also of the people we share our community with.
Charity table: Learn more about the different charities in our communities.
Discovery Station: Displaying themed texts of love and belonging.
Downstairs: Spark!Lab will be open and it will feature panels of
innovative thinkers to encourage your own inventiveness
Anything Can Happen Art: Circlethemed play invitations invite you to learn more about connection for our youngest creators.
BE LOVE Pledge: As you leave we welcome you to sign the “Be Love Pledge,” located in the Welcome Center.
Café in the Overlook room: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Drumming, dancing and singing: Two groups of performers throughout the day that spread love and be love.
Films: In Lilly Theater, we will have a video loop featuring the film Courage telling the stories of courageous members of our community over time, as well as two videos about the Birmingham Children’s March. You will have the opportunity to share how courage shows up in your own life. Across from the theater, view last year’s collaborative art piece created by artist Israel Solomon.
Vocalist: Enjoy the music of Allison Victoria whose message is to love yourself and others.
Child Care Answers: Visit their table to learn about how they are serving their communities by connecting families to resources for food, housing, childcare, and caregiver education. https/www.connerprairie.org/ dr-martin-luther-king-jr-day/
Sensory-Friendly Hours
The second Sunday of every month, from 10 AM to noon, are sensoryfriendly hours at Conner Prairie! Enjoy a calm environment
Dec. 17Check-in with Guest Relations, stating that you are here for sensory-friendly hours. You will get free admission and may stay as long as you wish.
Various events
Jan. 1- Jan. 31, 10:00 am- 10:00 pm
13400 Allisonville Road, Fishers, IN 46038
Phone: 317-776-6000 or 800-966-1836 https/www. connerprairie.org/events/list
Indy Fuel
Jan. 10, 19, 20, 226, 27
Indiana Farmers Coliseum, 1202 E 38th St, Indianapolis, IN 46205
Indianapolis Colts
Jan. 7, Houston Texans
Lucas Oil Stadium, 500 S Capitol Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46225 https/ www.colts.com/schedule/
Indiana Pacers
Jan. 3, 5, 6, 10, 23, 25, 26, 28
Gainbridge Field House, 125 South Pennsylvania St. Indianapolis, IN https/www.nba.com/pacers/
Special Needs Living-Indianapolis & Surrounding Areas New Year’s Bash!
January 20, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
DDSi and Adaggios Banquet Hall, 5999 W. Memory Lane, Greenfield, IN 46140 Come celebrate the New Year with many special needs families at the New Year’s Bash! This will be for adults and kids with special needs, along with the supporters of Special Needs Living-Indianapolis & Surrounding Areas. There will be activities and games for kids, and you are welcome to bring your caregiver to the event to help. Parents will be able to enjoy an evening of fun and entertainment.
We will have live bands, thanks to Rock Garage and Infinity, dancing, appetizers, beverages, games and more!
Indianapolis Zoo
Various events scheduled daily
Jan. 1- Jan. 31, 9:00 am- 4:00 pm 1200 West Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46222 https/www.indianapoliszoo.com/
The Studio Movie Grill
3535 W. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46268 317-315-8113
Sensory-friendly screenings of movies! Check the website for movies and times. https/www.studiomoviegrill.com/ movie/special-needs-screenings
Beef and Boards
Menopause: The Musical
Jan. 5- Feb. 4
9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 317-872-9664
https/www.beefandboards. com/Online/default.asp
Jubilate Choir
Butler University, Lilly Hall, Room 133 Wednesdays, 6:45-7:30 PM
The Jubilate Choir is for singers with special needs in grades 3-9. Singers with varying abilities meet each week to grow musically. This tuition-free choir focuses on proper singing techniques, music theory and sight-reading, partsinging, and social skills involved in being a member of a musical ensemble. Though Jubilate has, at its core, the same goals as other choirs in the Indianapolis Children’s Choir (ICC), singers in Jubilate engage in additional activities like visual and tactile experiences that are catered specifically to the current members of the choir.
Director: Lauren Southard
For more information, contact Lauren Southard at 317-940-8065 or lsouthar@icchoir. org. https/icchoir.org/special-needs/ scan or click link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/ e/771712110697?aff=oddtdtcreator
Gigi’s Playhouse
Various classes during the week.
5909 E. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46250 317-288-8235 indy@gigisplayhouse.org https/gigisplayhouse.org/ indianapolis/sfcalendar/
Ask the Advocate Free Live Zoom Events Sponsored by IEP Services, LLC.
Jan. 8 from 12:00 pm-!:30 pm
The second evening of each month
Do you need help getting your child with special needs the services they NEED and DESERVE at school?
Each session will begin with a short informative presentation followed by an open Q & A session where parents can get answers about their child’s circumstance and their right to a Free Appropriate Public Education. Please email sheilawolf@sbcglobal.net for more information. Zoom link: https/ us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/ tZwvceCsrTIiGdzwNGqnTmJ_ q7Yf6af985qV#/registration
Ask The Arc Webinar
Jan. 11, 6:00 pm- 7:00 pm
Our Ask The Arc webinar series will provide information and discussion on timely topics relevant to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and their support systems.
Webinars will take place on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m.
EST. Past webinars will be recorded and posted to view on your own schedule in The Arc of Indiana Academy and on our YouTube channel.
Registration is for the complete webinar series. You can pick and choose which ones you want to attend without having to register each time. https/us06web.zoom.us/webinar/ register/WN_hTnwxka_S-MknIpiQoNrA#/registration
SibShops- Indianapolis
Jan. 25, 5:00 pm- 8:30 pm 5377 E Washington St, Indianapolis, Indiana 46219
SIBSHOPS ™ is a nationally acclaimed program that provides peer support within a recreational environment for children who have a sibling with special needs.
Sibshops is a fun-filled event geared toward the specific needs of siblings with a brother/sister with special health and developmental needs.
1. Siblings have the opportunity to meet other siblings in a relaxed, recreational setting
2. There is an opportunity to discuss common joys and concerns with others
3. Siblings have the opportunity to learn about disabilities and the implications for future growth and challenges
AGES: 6 to 13y.o. and 14 to 18y.o.
INCLUDED: Arrive at 5:30 pm for light dinner followed by programming
Schreibman, MM, MT-BC, CCLS; Pam Thompson, CTRS; Luke Sherar, MT-BC; Rachel Williams, MT-BC; Crystal Black, MT-BC, Becky Sorley, MT-BC
One Sibling $15
Two Siblings $20
More than two Siblings $25with special
Registration Information: www. creativepathwaysindy.org, janschreibman@gmail.com 317-748-4802
Is there a local event for the special needs community you would like us to promote in an upcoming issue? Email us at SpecialNeedsIndy@n2pub.com.