Deciding to
lishia Watts’s son Jake was diagnosed with ADHD at age 3. He had severe behavior issues that were hard to control at home and at school. He entered kindergarten with an individual education plan (IEP) and was placed in a life skills program. He struggled and was suspended from kindergarten a couple of times. Due to his behavior, Jake did not do well academically and was retained in kindergarten but was only allowed to attend half days in his second year. Then, in first grade, he was suspended for his behaviors repeatedly. “Being able to attend regular classes depended on his mood and behaviors,” Alishia explained. Jake was miserable at school and hated being there. So, when Alishia got another call from the school suspending him, she decided that was the last straw. “I decided to pull him out and home school him. We worked on the basics at first.
By Angela Arlington
38 Special Needs Living • May 2022
I taught him to read. From May to August that year, we read 75 books!” Alishia took Jake for neuropsychological testing, and from those results, she realized homeschooling was the best choice for her son. Researching options, she decided to try Indiana Connections Academy, a free, online public school. “He needed a more structured curriculum than I had time to create,” she explained. Indiana Connections Academy (INCA) was the right fit for Jake from day one. “The special education department was very supportive and listened to all of my concerns,” Alishia said. “They provided Jake with a supportive one-on-one