caregivers & healthcare corner By Lisa M. Monge, MSN, RN
Do you know a caregiver that should be recognized?
A caregiver can be anyone who renders a service or task for any child, adult or family. This person can be a family member, a professional providing medical or non-medical care, a community member or a volunteer. In your community, what healthcare questions and concerns do you have?
Lastly, healthcare is a vital necessity for all Hoosiers. Ensuring access to appropriate and optimal healthcare is non-negotiable and a human right. What changes would you like to see with your healthcare team?
I would love to hear your thoughts! Please contact me to highlight successes and bring awareness to challenges or fill out the online form at https://form.jotform.com/202605155839154 Please contact me at specialneedslivingnurse@gmail.com
Health can be anything including physical, social, mental, emotional and social well-being. Promotion of health can also include prevention of disease, injury and illness skill development.
16 Special Needs Living • November 2020
Stay healthy, Nurse Lisa