Relay For Life of Androscoggin 2012

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Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Thursday, June 14, 2012



Fight Back.

2012 Relay For Life

Saturday June 16, 2012 of Androscoggin County

THANK YOU SPONSORS! We appreciate the generosity and support of “ALL” our event sponsors this year, for you make the Relay For Life Event possible. A special thank you to our STATEWIDE SPONSORS: Dunkin Donuts, Hannaford, Sea-Vu Campground. REGIONAL SPONSORS: St Mary’s, Poland Spring Water, Sun Journal, Electrical Solutions Inc. LOCAL SPONSORS who donated items or services: Kaplan University, Pedro O’Hara’s Restaurant, Kennebec Equipment Rental, Chapman Trucking, Jamie w/ On the Fly Productions. LOCAL SPONSORS of $150 or more who donated goods this year to help teams raise money in the community: Marco’s Italian Restaurant, A.M.V.E.T.’S in New Gloucester, Pepsi, Davinci’s Eatery Italian Restaurant, Residence Inn-Auburn, Holy Cross Church, Jim Howaniec- w Red Sox Tickets, Buffalo Wild Wings, Silver Spur-Mechanic Falls, Wal-Mart. LOCAL SPONSORED SERVICES: Turner Publishing, Twin City Times, Livermore Falls Advertiser, Uncle Andy’s Digest, Great Falls TV, Channel 7 Greene Local Access, Channel 11, Leavitt Area High School

Opening Ceremony: Saturday, 4:00 pm

Survivor Lap: 4:15 pm

Closing Ceremony: Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 6:30 am


Letter from Relay For Life chairperson

his is my second year of chairing t he A mer ica n Ca ncer Societ y Relay For Life, and what a fun, full year it has been. My daughter and I are now 32-year sur vivors. My cancer was a rare cancer that started in the placenta; it is called Choriocarcinoma. My daughter was left severely handicapped, yet is a very happy person. In 1979 she was the fifth child, known at that time, to live through this cancer. Because of research, and using different chemotherapies, I am alive today! As this year’s American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life chairperson. I would like to thank all the residents of Androscoggin County for their generosity and support. This is the 19th year we have held a Relay For Life event in our community. What started as one doctor in Tacoma, Washington making his pledge to fight back against this disease, has evolved into an event that spans more than 5,200 communities in the United States and 19 other countries.

Belinda Samson This year, we are excited for the continued grow th of our event. We expect 30-plus teams to participate in this 16-hour event and hope to raise more than $100,000 to help the American Cancer Society’s fight for more birthdays, threatened by all types of cancer,

here and throughout the world. Despite the troubled economic times we have undergone these past few years, the residents of A ndroscoggin Count y have shown continued support for this mission. I wou ld l i ke to t ha n k ou r ded icated committee who has, through hard work, helped bring our event together. The 2012 committee members are: Mark Fortier, Janet Miles, Sue Lussiere, Mary Beth Moyer, Sue Goddard, Tina Pilot, Nancy Moyer, Austin Gervais, Rita Ouellete, Jackie Stowe-Davis, Adriane Kramer, Marissa Lussiere, Bonni e Bickford, and our American Cancer Society staff which includes Mac Watts, Sue Clifford, and Allan Rowe. In addition, I would like to thank all of the dedicated Team Captains who have been raising money and recruiting new team members over the past few months. Team Captains’ and Team Members’ commitment and drive is the heart of our event in helping others have more birthdays.



Relay is open to all ages; some participants have been relaying since birth. It is not too late to join Relay For Life of Androscoggin County! You may get involved with Relay at any time. Check out androscogginme or email macwatts@cancer. org to find out how to register or volunteer for our event. Sincerely,

Belinda Samson 2012 Relay For Life Chairperson

Fight Back.

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ACS & RFL help local communities fight back The American Cancer Society is dedicated to creating a world with less cancer and more birthdays. But helping create these birthdays has taken hard work – decades of scientific research, advocacy, patient support, and much more. Thanks in part to the Society’s work, 11 million cancer survivors will celebrate another birthday this year. Each year, the American Cancer Society helps save 350 lives every day. The American Cancer Society has programs and services in Androscoggin County and in local communities all over Maine to help people with cancer and their loved ones understand cancer, manage their lives through treatment and recovery, and find the emotional support they need. And best of all, the help is free. The American Cancer Society is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for help, information, and support.

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Thursday, June 14, 2012

How the American Cancer Society uses your Relay For Life donations in Maine The American Cancer Society offers a free summer camp for children ages 4 – 18, who have been diagnosed with cancer, and their families. There are three camps in New England, including Camp Rainbow in Ellsworth, Maine. Children from all over Maine are encouraged to attend – no matter where they live. When asked what t hey liked most about Camp Rainbow, many pa r t icipa nt s rema rked t hat they like how everyone cares about everyone else and how they were able to share their thoughts with others who have experienced cancer. W hen asked what they like least about camp, the general consensus was, “It wasn’t long enough!” Money raised through Relay For Life helps support Camp Rainbow – celebrating its 25th anniversary of offering this free service for kids and their families in 2012. [Value of one week at camp: $1,300] Trained volunteers in our Cancer Resource Centers in community hospitals share American Cancer Society programs, services, and informational books and pamphlets with patients, family members, and caregivers. Currently there are five cancer resources center in Maine (Mid Coast Hospital, Brunswick; Mercy Hospital, Portland; St. Mary’s Hospital, Lewiston; Harold Alfond Center for Cancer Care, Augusta; and EMMC’s Cancer Care of Maine, Bangor). Money raised at Relay For Life helps support these valuable resource centers.

Look Good, Feel Better is an American Cancer Society program using specially trained, licensed cosmetologists to provide free consultations, individually and in groups, to help patients cope with the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment, including hair loss and skin changes. Money raised at Relay For Life helps us offer this program throughout the state. The Society offers a Reach to Recovery program where volunteer breast cancer survivors answer non-medical questions and offer practical advice to women facing a breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery – either in person or by phone. Money raised at Relay For Life helps us support these specially-trained volunteers statewide. Last year, nearly 45,000 New Englanders dialed the Society’s toll-free number for comprehensive i n for mat ion a nd services. This cancer hotline – 1-800-227-2345 – is the only one of its type in the world and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Nationw ide, someone ca lls the American Cancer Society every 30 seconds! Money raised through Relay For Life helps support this important resource for cancer patients and their loved ones. [Value per call: $50] Through our toll-free number, the American Cancer Society offers a Clinical Trials matching ser vice – a free, confidential program that helps patients,

their families and health care workers f ind cancer clinica l tria ls most appropriate to a patient's medical and personal situation. Through a partnership with the Coalition of Cancer Cooperative Groups, we can help you find research studies that are testing new drugs or methods to prevent, detect or treat cancer. Cancer patients and their families from throughout Maine are encouraged to learn more about this important program. Cancer patients with complex needs often struggle to access support services. Hospital-based American Cancer Society Patient Navigators are being deployed in many locations across New England to guide patients to social and emotional support, transportation, and medical and financial assistance services. Maine has two Patient Navigators – one is located at Maine Medical Center’s Cancer Institute, and the other at the Harold Alfond Center for Cancer Care in Augusta. Money raised at Relay for Life helps support Maine’s patient navigator program. In addition, if a Maine cancer patient must travel to treatment in another state, if there is a Patient Navigator at that facility, Maine patients would have ac-

cess to them as well. The American Cancer Society offers three Living With Cancer Conferences in Maine – Augusta, Bar Harbor, and Presque Isle. The 34th annual Living With Cancer Conference, held earlier this year in Augusta, is the longest running survivor conference of its type in the country. It is offered free to cancer patients and survivors, and money raised at Relay For Life helps support these amazing events. The Society’s Road to Recovery program offers free rides to cancer patients needing transpor tat ion to a nd f rom t heir treatment appointments. Often these patients are too tired or sick to drive themselves, and their families cannot take the time off from work for the many appointments required. The rides are provided by caring, trained volunteers, and money raised at Relay For Life helps support this program by allowing the American Cancer Society to purchase additional liability insurance for our volunteer drivers. [Average value to patient: $200] The American Cancer Society is the largest private funder of cancer research in the world – to date, the Society has invested $3.6 billion in cancer research,

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Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Thursday, June 14, 2012

and prevention dollars from NCI (Nationa l Cancer Institutes) and CDC (Center for Disease Control) for Maine research facilities. In 2010, the Society helped secure $64 million in resea rch f unding for Ma ine orga n i zat ions i nclud i ng : Bowdoi n Col lege, Ma i ne Medica l Center, UNE, USM, Jackson Laboratory, Mt. Desert Island Biological Lab, UMaine

Donations page 6 ‰

Remember to “Stand Tall” as you relay for life.

We Manufacture Symphony Cellular Shades & Custom Roller Shades 995 Center St., Auburn

including $467 million in grants currently in effect. In New England institutions alone, the Society is currently funding 144 researchers with $59.9 million in grants. A researcher at the Jackson Laboratory is currently funded with a three-year, $720,000 grant to study brain cancer. Maine has the highest incidence rate for brain tumors in the U.S. • S ince 1960, the A merican Cancer Societ y has given over $3 million in grants to Maine research institutions. • S ince 1946, when the Society began funding research, Maine has received more than $9 million in grants. Societ y-f u nded Ma i ne research facilities include Jackson L aborator y, Ma i ne Med ica l Center, and UMaine Orono. The American Cancer Society has a history of funding scientists early in their careers, and 46 Nobel Pr i ze w i n ners bega n their careers with an American Ca ncer Soc iet y g ra nt . Two ACS-funded researchers at the Jackson Laborator y went on later in their careers to received Nobel Prizes. In addition to ACS grants, the Society’s advocacy efforts have been successful in helping to secure federal cancer research

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Relay For Life of Androscoggin County

Saturday, June 16 3 p.m. Children’s Bingo/ Face Painting

Track schedule, Relay teams, campsites, sponsors & other helpful information

3:30 p.m. Scavenger Hunt, pick up sheets at DJ table 4 p.m. Open Ceremony, National Anthem, Welcoming Speech National Anthem sung by Sarah Ferral Guest Speakers: 9-year-old Alina Laliberte and Survivor Dawn Gordon 4:15 p.m. Survivor Lap, Care Givers Lap, Banner Lap 4:30 p.m. Love Letters for Care Givers

• Luminarias, 1

• Ellen’s Gang, 26

• Luminarias, 2

• Carol’s Crusader, 27

• Luminarias, 3

• Walmart Store 1868, 28

• Hope’s Angels, 4

• Leopard Lollapalooza, 29

5 p.m. Bowl-A-Thon Awards/ Dunkin’ Donuts eating contest

• Stimpson’s Parade, 5

• Fishin’ For a Cure, 30

5-7 p.m. Pantene Beautiful Lengths

• Team Flutter Away, 6

• Be-Cause, 31

• Guardians of Hope, 8

• Mechanics Savings Bank, 32

• The Highlanders, 11

• The Center of Angels, 33

• Sun Journal, 13

• Lisbon Community CU, 34

• Phil’s Team, 14

• Girl Power Fitness Fiesta Divas, 45

• Gracie 4 Grandpa, 15

• The Girl Power Fitness Fiesta Divas, 46

• Team Marcia, 16

• Team Hope, 47

• Team Lea, 17

• Cathy’s Crew, 48

• Propane grills allowed

• Roll With the Punches, 18

• Grandpa Phil, 49

• No fires in pits or otherwise

• KK’s Inspiration, 21

• Stowe-Davis, 50

• No smoking of any kind on the field

• No Ka Oi, 22

• Great Falls FCU, 51

10 p.m. Luminaria

• No alcohol or drugs on the field

• Tim’s Earth Angels, 23

• Relay Store, 52

10:30 p.m. Luminaria

•N o pets (with the exception of service dogs)

• Giving Hope, 24

• Walmart Team, parking lot

• Surviving the Odds, 25

• Sweet Dreams, parking lot

5:30 p.m. Zumba 6 p.m. Frozen T-Shirt contest, Kickball 6:30 p.m. Three-Legged Lap 7 p.m. Purple Lap/ Duck Drop 7:30 p.m. Voting for the Best Theme Site/ Vote by going to the site and signing sheet. 8 p.m. Zumba/ Alma Mate Lap ( Wear school colors or school shirts) 8:30 p.m. Tug-a-War betweem Teams 9 p.m. Set up Luminaria 9:30 p.m. Luminaria (Quiet time for all campsites and walkers)

11 p.m. Luminaria

Helpful tips and reminders

Relay For Life team campsites

As our Relay approaches, remember safety is the number-one priority for all participants. The following rules have been put in place for the safety and enjoyment of all.

• No vehicles with wheels

11:30 p.m. Zumba 12 p.m. Karaoke with DJ/ Neck Tie Lap

Sunday, June 17 12:30 a.m. Mr. Relay: Get one of the men on your team to dress like a woman (needs a purse) for a lap. Prize will be given 1 a.m. Glo-Stick lap: Let’s see who can glow the most 1:30 a.m. Water Pong under the big tent ( teams of 2) 2 a.m. Soup and Chowder under the Big Tent, Blow Bubbles Lap 2:30 a.m. L et’s get everyone on the track to show that together we can make a difference 3 a.m. Let’s change it up counter-clockwise lap 3:30 a.m. Stop by DJ tent to see who has the most items from the scavenger hunt. Stop by campsites for cookies. 4 a.m. Minute to Win It 4:30 a.m. Morning Stretch with Sheena 5 a.m. Zumba 5:30 a.m. Time to pack up campsites 6 a.m. Balloon Lauch: Every team brings a balloon, with notes attached of survivors, or lost loved ones. It would be great to attach a note with the Androscoggin Relay # to see how far the balloon traveled. 6:30 a.m. Fight Back Closing Ceremony with Janet Miles


Relay teams and campsites


• No bikes

Thank you to all our sponsors

• No motorized vehicles •P arking allowed in designated areas only, handicap parking will be available on a limited basis

We appreciate the generosity and support of “ALL” our event sponsors this year, for you make the Relay For Life event possible.

•W heel chairs and baby strollers are allowed •T here will be a golf cart with a small trailer available for use to bring items onto the field. Under no circumstance are there to be any cars, SUVs or trucks on the field to transport anything.

A special thank you to our ...

• Local Sponsors who donated items or services:

Bank Night Tuesday, June 12 at 6 p.m. Kaplan University, Classroom # 5 Lisbon Street, Lewiston

Kaplan University, Pedro O'Hara's Restaurant, Kennebec Equipment Rental, Chapman Trucking, Jamie of On the Fly Productions.

Volunteers Needed

• Local Sponsored Services:

We need more volunteers to help out on the day of the event. Some of the areas in which help is needed: Survivor support, clean up and parking, to name a few. For more information or to sign up, contact Mac Watts at the American Cancer Society at 207-431-3799 or email him at

Turner Publishing, Twin City Times, Livermore Falls Advertiser, Uncle Andy’s Digest, Great Falls TV, Channel 7 Greene Local Access, Channel 11 Leavitt Area High School.



Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Thursday, June 14, 2012

Fight Back.

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Thursday, June 14, 2012

• Local sponsors of $150 or more who donated goods this year to help teams raise money in the community: Marco’s Italian Restaurant, A.M.V.E.T.s in New Gloucester, Pepsi, Davinci’s Eatery Italian Restaurant, Residence Inn-Auburn, Holy Cross Church, Jim Howaniec who donated Red Sox Tickets, Buffalo Wild Wings, Silver SpurMechanic Falls, Wal-Mart.

• Statewide Sponsors: Dunkin Donuts, Hannaford, Sea-Vu Campground.

• Regional Sponsors: St Mary’s, Poland Spring Water, Sun Journal, Electrical Solutions Inc.



Donations from page 3 Orono, Bates Col lege, a nd Collinge & Associates in Kittery. More than 30 years ago, the A mer ic a n C a nc er S o c ie t y funded research scientists who helped establish mammography as the gold standard to find breast cancer early, and we work every day to help more women have access to these screenings. Through the American Cancer Societ y Ca ncer Ac t ion Net worksm (ACS C A N), our nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy affiliate, we have helped successfully lobby Congress for millions of dollars for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, which helps lowincome, uninsured, and underinsured women get access to critical screenings and followup treatment. We are currently working to increase funding for the program so it can serve more eligible women. Money raised at Relay For Life events helps fund life-saving research in Maine, New Eng-

land, and in other states where i mpor t a nt resea rch brea kthroughs will benefit Maine cancer patients. The American Cancer Society offers free lodging for those cancer patients that receive treatment far from home. It is called Hope Lodge, and there are three of them in New England – Boston and Worcester, MA and Burlington, VT. In 2011, more than 40 Maine patients stayed at the Boston Hope Lodge with an estimated total of 1,500 free nights. Since they did not pay for lodging that is an estimated savings of $435,000. E xclud i ng Ma ssachuset ts, Maine patients received more free nights than any other state. Money raised at Relay For Life helps support Maine families that stay at Hope Lodge. [Value of an average stay at Hope Lodge: $2,900]

Team fundraisers at Relay Team fundraisers at Relay this year include: Hopes Angels, campsite #4: Flowers for your hair; purchase a duck that will be dropped from a helicopter over a target location. The closest duck wins 50 percent of the proceeds if the owner is present, or 25 percent if not present. The balance will be donated. Team Flutter Away, campsite #6: Cancer awareness bracelets, raffles, a duck pond and lap beads. Guardians of Hope, campsite #8: Baked goods and craft items, raffles on baskets, a quilt, jewelry, and a picture. Free chair massages provided by Rachel Larrivee, massage therapist. Highlanders, campsite #11: Candy bars, Lucinda pins, and bears. Also, a drawing for cabinets. Leopard Lallapalooza, campsite #29: Whoop-dee-dee-dos and chocolate-covered whoopie pies. The Center of Angels, campsite #33: “Wish Upon a Star” donations will be taken for a star-shaped balloon (write a message); also, star-shaped chocolate lollypops. Girl Power Fitness Fiesta Divas, campsite #46: Zumba girls will have Zumba bracelets and bandanas. Team Hope, campsite #47: Alina will stencil and freelance tattoos for donations. Cathy’s Crew, campsite #48: Raffle for Red Sox tickets, State Street pavilion with tour of the field. Tickets are for August 3 vs Twins; $180 value. Two quilts. Pie in the face against cancer. Chili/chowder, Italians, finger rolls and baked goodies. Team Stowe-Davis, campsite # 50: Beads.

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Bates College Relay 2012 The Relay For Life of Androscoggin County would like to thank Bates College for their very successful Relay held May 4-5, 2012. The Relay ran from Friday night at 7 p.m. until Saturday at 6 a.m. This was Bates College’s second year at Relay, and, amazingly they surpassed their last year’s totals with 23 teams with a total 191 participants, raising a very impressive $21, 500. We commend their chairperson, Marisa Palacio, and welcome the staff and participants to join the Relay For Life Androscoggin County next year. Well done!

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For many, fundraising for the Relay For Life is a year-long project. Fundraising is about raising money for a good cause that affects many. It also brings people together to have FUN. Relay For Life celebrates birthdays, remembers those who have lost the fight against cancer, and supports those who continue to fight back. Money raised allows the American Cancer Society to fund research, and provide 24-hour information and support to patients and caregivers. The American Cancer Society also provides:


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Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Thursday, June 14, 2012

Light a luminaria for hope

The American Cancer Society offers free summer camp for children affected by cancer Cancer doesn’t have to be a reason for a child to miss the fun and excitement of camp. Children affected by cancer, ages 4 through high school, are invited to attend Camp Rainbow in Ellsworth, Maine. The camp is a special place where kids with cancer can simply smile, laugh and play; a place where they are not treated as “different” or “sick”; a place where they can just be happy, fun-loving kids again, sharing a common bond as cancer survivors. Ca rl Ha nson, f rom Ha mpden, Ma ine, was diag nosed w it h pancreatic cancer when he was 8 years old. Hanson had half of his pancreas, his gall bladder, and part of his small intestine removed and is currently cancer free. “When I first came here [Camp Rainbow] in 2002, I didn’t know what to expect,” he said. “What I found was a family.” Carl has attended Camp Rainbow every summer since his surgery. In 2011, when he turned 18 and graduated from high school, he volunteered to return as a camp counselor and mentor to other campers. “The people I meet here are so amazing,” he said. I don’t see my own struggle as very big compared with theirs.” Carl’s experience has shaped his life in more ways than one – in September 2011, he entered UMass Amherst to study biology in preparation for medical school. Funds ra ised at Relay For Life events help support Camp Rainbow.


“My family and I have participated in the Relay For Life of Penobscot County Survivor/Caregiver Lap and Luminaria Ceremony since 2002,” said Hanson. “As a survivor, the reading of the names of those who are remembered and honored is very moving.” W h i le bot h cou n selors a nd ca mpers do ta l k about t hei r experiences with cancer and what they’ve been through, they’re really at the camp to have fun. Days are filled with activities like swimming, arts and crafts, singing, and just


having a good time with others in the same situation. They have so much of a good time that they keep coming back year after year. According to Carl, “My mot her a lw ay s sa id ‘Ca mp Ra i nbow is powerful medicine with no bad side effects,’ and I agree wholeheartedly with that!” If you know of a child who would benefit from attending Camp Rainbow or would like more information, please call 1-800-2272345 or visit

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We support the good work the Androscoggin Relay For Life does in raising money for Cancer Research and supporting Cancer Survivors.

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is a moving way to celebrate what ca ncer sur v ivors have overcome, while motivating our community to continue to fight the disease that claims too many lives.” Luminaria will be lit at the event at 9 p.m. to represent these indiv idua ls. For a donat ion of $10, a nyone desi r i ng to honor or remember someone with a luminaria may do so by visiting w w androscogginme or by calling 1-800-227-2345.

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Building Strength To Find A Cure!

Joi n us for t he Lu m i na r ia Ceremony at t he Relay For Life of Androscoggin County to remember or honor a loved one by dedicating a luminaria candle to be lit during a special ceremony at the event. Luminaria are candle lanterns bearing the names of people who have been a f fected by cancer. As the sun sets over campsites and darkness falls, the night is brightened by the glow of candles each bearing the name of someone who has battled cancer. Some celebrate cancer survivors, while others help us honor and remember those gone too soon. A ll represent someone special who has been profoundly affected by cancer, and the family and friends who continue to fight back in their honor. “It is a beautiful sight when a l l t he ba g s w it h c a nd le s a re i l luminated a round t he track,” said Belinda Samson, volunteer chair of the Relay For Life of Androscoggin County. “T he Lu m i na r ia Ceremony

2980 Hotel Road, Auburn 783-0561

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Thursday, June 14, 2012

Good Luck Walkers!

1975 Lisbon Road Route 196, Lewiston 783-0858



Relay For Life of Androscoggin County activities for 2012 This year’s Relay For Life Pantene Beautiful of Androscoggin County Lengths will feature several The American Cancer Society inspiring moments. The provides distribution of highqu a l it y, n at u r a l h a i r w ig s public is welcomed and crafted by their partner Hair/ encouraged to share in Wear through American Cancer Society wig banks across the these activities. country. The Survivors and Caregivers Lap

A licensed cosmetologist will be on hand to cut the lock hair from the donor. This allows a direct This is the first and most impor- and generous opportunity to tant Lap of the event. Survivors help those dealing with hair loss and Caregivers walk around the due to cancer. Here are some of track behind the Relay For Life the guidelines to donate: banners. Participants, friends, relatives, and the public cheer • Donated hair must be a minimum of 8-inches long and applaud as they pass. The ex(measure hair from just above perience is breathtaking for all. a ponytail to the end);

•W avy/curly hair in texture is fine; you may straighten hair to measure;

rate and tend to fade quicker. Donated ha i r w i l l on ly be accepted if it can be used.

•B leached, permanently colored or chemically treated;

Lumanaria Ceremony

sentially a white paper bag that has been decorated, colored or personalized with a photo of a loved one who is battling or has battled cancer.

As the sun begins to set, participants and volunteers assemble and place Lumanarias around the track. A Lumanaria is es-

Some form of light is then placed in each individual bag to illuminate the track as darkness sets in. Quiet time is mandatory as

•H air may not be more than 5 percent gray.

Here’s why: It takes at least six ponytails to make a Pantene Beautiful Lengths wig, usually collected f rom d i f ferent donors w it h similar yet unique color and texture. For a realistic-looking wig that has consistent color throughout, the donated hair has to be processed and dyed to the same shade. Gray hair and permanently treated hair do not absorb the dyes at the same

everyone ref lects and remembers their loved ones. Lumanarias can be obtained at the event or by visiting the Androscoggin County website at


“Proud Supporters of Relay For Life”

Cancer survivors and their caregivers invited to walk Lap of Hope The A merican Cancer Societ y inv ites loca l c a nc er s u r v i v or s, pat ient s c u r r ent l y i n treatment, and their caregivers to attend the Relay For Life of A ndroscogg in Count y to celebrate life and the hope of a cancer-free future. During the Relay, cancer survivors and their caregivers are honored and invited to participate in a special “Survivor/Caregiver Lap,” to open the Relay unified in victory and hope, while the rest of the event’s participants surround the track to cheer them on. The Society believes a cancer


survivor is one who defines one's self as such from the time of diagnosis through the balance of life. The Caregiver/Survivor Lap will begin on Friday, June 16 at 6 p.m. at Edward Little High School. If you are a cancer survivor or caregiver and would like to take part in the Relay For Life of Androscoggin County, please call your American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345 or visit www. for more information.


1111 Lisbon Street, Lewiston • 207-786-0328 Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Thursday, June 14, 2012

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