Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Friday, April 13, 2012
Getting ahead with online education By Alanna Conn Saint Joseph’s College
earning online has become increasingly popular over past years, especially for those pursuing a master’s degree or completing an undergraduate degree.
Online enrollment as a percent of total enrollment has more than tripled since 2002. The 2011 Sloan Sur vey of Online Learning – a sur vey of more than 2,500 colleges and institutions – reports that 31 per-cent of all students in higher education are online students.
Mor e i m p or t a nt t h a n t h e qua nt it y of on line lea rners, howe ver, i s t he qua l it y of education offered by distance learning providers. According to the same survey, the quality of online learning rivals that of face-to-face. The major it y of ch ief academ ic officers – and students too – describe the academic rigor of online education as equal to that of a traditional classroom.
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1. Do I enjoy reading, learning new things and meeting new people? Online courses require a significant amount of reading, studying and interacting with others.
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Considering online learning? Answer the following questions to see if it’s the right choice for you:
Cassie Dove, from West Baldwin, is an online student in the MSEd program. 2. A m I disciplined and committed? Good time management is critical. 3. Do I have regular access to a computer with an Internet connection? It could be at home, at work or at the library. 4. C an I communicate effectively in writing? Most online courses require a fair amount of writing.
5. Do I have the support of my family and/or my employer? 6. How will I finance my education? Options include federal financial aid, school or other scholarships, and/or your employer’s tuition reimbursement plan.
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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, April 13, 2012
Online education from page 2 If you decide to pursue an online education, make sure to research the following about your institutions of interest: • Accreditation. Accreditation is critical; it provides an indication of an institution’s reputation and quality. General accreditation applies to the entire institution as a whole and is awarded by one of six regional accrediting agencies. • Program “fit.” You may need a degree to remain competitive in your job or to earn a promotion, your job may require continuing education to stay employed or you may just want the personal satisfaction of earning your degree. For most students, it is a combination of factors. • E xperience with distance learning. The length of time an institution has offered distance and online education is important, since it means the school has established policies and procedures that work for adult students learning remotely.
Online courses are open 24/7, providing the f lexibility of attending class and participating in discussion at t imes convenient to each student’s personal schedule. At the start of each program, Saint Joseph’s connects students with a personal academic advisor who acts as a coach and mentor, guiding them through their program of study to help them achieve their goals. Learn more at or by contacting an admissions counselor at 800-752-4723. Good to know: Students who have completed a course or degree through an online school participate in a lot of interaction with their peers and professors. Students are able to discuss their ideas through email, instant chat systems and community message boards.
• Tuition and fees. When considering costs, be sure to factor in the money you save with reduced commuting costs or not paying for child/elder care, and the extra family time you may gain by learning at your location of choice. Ask these six questions of yourself, and investigate these six areas for each school you are interested in, and you will be more successful in your personal pursuit for an online education.
Unlike prepaid tuition plans, t hese pla ns do not lock in t u it ion rates a nd ma ke no g u a r a nt e e s . T he v a lue of investments in t hese pla ns w ill f luctuate based on t he investment vehicles chosen and market conditions; savings may not be enough to cover all college expenses. Most 529 savings plans offer a variety of investment options such as stock s, bonds a nd money ma rket accounts as well as age-based investment options that are invested based on the number of years until the funds are needed. 529 plans are state-sponsored i nvest ment prog ra ms. You should consider the potential t a x benef it s (i f a ny) t h at your own state plan offers to
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qualified education expenses or you may w it hd r aw t he money and pay ta xes and a The maximum permitted ac- 10% federal tax penalty, and count balance (per beneficiary) in some states additional state will be specified by the plan penalty taxes may apply. you choose. It is over $300,000 in many state plans. In most A 529-plan locator to determine state plans, the minimum con- the plan(s) available in your tribution is small. Unlike some state is at www.collegesavings. college savings vehicles, the org. Please note that assets in a 529 plans do not impose in- 529 plan could impact the bencome restrictions on contribu- eficiary’s ability to qualify for tors. Contributions may be grants and student loans. made by parents or others, e.g., Please carefully consider ingifts from grandparents. vest ment object ives, r isk s, Unlike prepaid tuition plans, charges, and expenses before the monies from the account investing. Federal tax law almay be used at any qualified low s one 529 accou nt per institution of higher learning beneficiary to be rolled over w it h i n t he Un ite d St ate s. in any 12-month period withIf your child does not go to out changing benef iciaries. college, the money can be used – Courtesy of MetLife. for another family member’s
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• Faculty credentials and experience. Information about the instructors’ credentials should be readily available. • Credit transfer. Most institutions will provide credit for previous college courses, and some will also award credit for work experience and/or other professional training.
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Saint Joseph’s College offers more than 30 online graduate and undergraduate programs in business, criminal justice, education, health administration, nursing and theology. Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, April 13, 2012
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Leadership Studies program enables students to use skills on the job
aine’s First Lady Ann LePage presented S e r ge a nt Jon a t h a n Shapiro with an award that was related to his graduate project in the Masters in Leadership Studies prog ra m at t he University of Southern Maine’s Lewiston-Auburn College. Maine Governor’s Children’s Cabi net a nd t he i n it iat ive, Keeping Maine’s Children Connected, recognized Shapiro for his efforts in developing the “An Improved Police Response to Juveniles in Crisis” program.
science, and do that under the leadership framework.” As a member of Maine Governor’s Children’s Cabinet for District 1, which deals predomina nt ly w it h juveni le issues, Shapiro became k nowledgeable about what programs and agencies were doing to promote the well-being of children and youth in Maine.
“A large part of my job is reviewing the work that my troopers do and I look for trends. I noticed that over the last several years there was a significant increase Shapiro, a Maine State Police in troopers responding to calls officer for 23 years, works as that are colloquially known as supervisor of Troop A which is ‘juveniles out of control.’ I took a the southern-most troop in the look at how we were responding Maine State Police. The Masters to those calls, from whether or in Leadership Studies program not we should even be respondat USM L AC was attractive to ing to these types of calls to, if Shapiro because of its flexibility. we do respond, what are we actually doing when we arrive at “The MLS program doesn’t hold the scene,” said Shapiro. you to a specific discipline. You can learn the general philoso- Shapiro convened a group to phy of leadership within the look at the problem, and the discipline that is relevant to group decided that there were your own work,” said Shapiro. several issues going on. One of those issues was how the police Add it ion a l l y, t he pr og r a m actually viewed these calls and a l l o w s s t u d e n t s t o s t u d y the lack of education on the part w it h i n t hei r ow n per sona l of the police in regard to what i ntere st s ver su s relate d to these calls really were about. work. “My interests go beyond law enforcement and so I was Another issue was that once the pleased that I could study other call was identified as a juvenile topics like theology and political in crisis, the question arose as to
what needed to be done at that point, whether the activity was a mental health issue or criminal or both, and how to interface with multiple agencies. Shapiro said the types of agencies that may come into play in these situations include “mental health agencies, the Department of Health and Human Ser vices, schools, parents, hospitals, district attorney’s offices, and Juvenile Corrections.” The group developed a lesson plan that was accepted by the Maine Police Academy and is now ma ndator y training for Sergeant Jonathan Shapiro was recognized by Maine’s First Lady Ann all police in the state of Maine. LePage for a program he created as part of his Leadership studies. “I’ve personally trained about 500 police officers in traditional lec t u re st y le. Ot her Ma i ne always aware of the recidivistic what they’re looking at when reof f icers in t he state w i l l be nature of some of the juveniles sponding to a call. An educated trained online,” said Shapiro. in crisis calls to which the police police force is going to be able to handle the juveniles in crisis “We’ve put together a protocol. had responded. calls more effectively with this A f ter of f icers a re educated “With this program, we were k nowledge. The second part they can identify by definition able to take the interface with of the program is the Police Juwhat a juveni le in cr isis is, the stakeholders to another level venile Report form which is a w hat i n for mat ion needs to which allowed services to be put three- or four-page protocol in be captured in order for the in place effectively. Now, we are which the officer captures all releva nt sta keholders to act able, in most cases, to get the the information that is not necsuff icient ly, and then where child and family the help that essarily police-required inforthat information can be sent, they need by creating a secure mation, but is information that being cognizant of privacy laws. mental health environment for all the other agencies need to act There’s a mechanism in place to the parents and child without definitively to help the child.” hold the agencies that receive having to take the child out of this information accountable the community,” said Shapiro. Until Shapiro developed this for acting with the juvenile.” program, there was no check on Shapiro summed up the pro- which agencies were working Before this program was put in gram, “The program is the edu- with a family. Mental health place, the stakeholders were not cation of police officers to know
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agencies could be providing the family with services, the police could still be called multiple times, and the mental health agencies may or may not know t hat t heir ser v ices were not working properly. Shapiro said, “There needs to be a mechanism for communication and a commonality of language as well which is why the police Juvenile Report Form is so important. It was developed in collaboration with these other agencies in accordance to what information they need. That enables police officers to talk with mental health providers with a commonality of language. That made a big difference.” Many of the skills that enabled Shapiro to develop this program were ga i ne d t h roug h USM L AC’s Masters in Leadership Studies program, according to Shapiro. “I was able to utilize t he leadership t heories a nd sk ills t hat I learned at USM LAC, particularly the creative processes that are so important when dea ling w it h mu lt iple agencies. The courses were very relevant to my work and helped me reach my goal of developing t his prog ra m to help police respond more ef fect ively to juveniles in crisis.” For more information about the Leadership Studies program at USM’s L ew i ston-Aubu r n College, please visit www.usm. or call 207-753-6536.
Student aid deadlines for 2012-2013 from Federal deadline: Online applications must be submitted by midnight Central Time, June 30, 2013. Any corrections or updates must be submitted by midnight Central Time, September 23, 2013. State deadline: Maine – May 1, 2012, by midnight, Central Time. College deadline: Check with the college(s) you are interested in attending. You may also want to ask your college about their definition of an application deadline – whether it is the date they receive your FAFSA, or the date your FAFSA is processed. When you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), you receive an Expected Family Contribution, which is a number used to determine your federal student aid eligibility. For the 2012-13 school year, you will automatically qualify for an Expected Family Contribution of zero if your family income does not exceed $23,000. This is a reduction from the previous maximum income of $32,000. The IRS Data Retrieval Tool allows students and parents to access the IRS tax return information needed to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Students and parents may transfer the data directly into their FAFSA. Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, April 13, 2012
Preparation key to college and career success The 2010 Bureau of Labor Statistics report “Education Pays ...” illustrates that higher earnings and lower unemployment rates are often reported among bachelor’s degree holders, compared to those with only a high school diploma. The 2010 median weekly earnings for bachelor’s degree holders was $1,038, compared to just $626 for those with only a high school diploma. Despite such clear benefits to earning a college degree, many students are not prepared for education beyond high school. In fact, according to data from the 2011 Pew Research Center report “Is College Worth It?,” 58 percent of college presidents say high school students are coming to college less prepared than they were 10 years ago. Because of these figures and the United States’ falling rank among developed countries for college completion rates, many lawmakers have recommended efforts to increase the number of young adults with a college degree. Some institutions are already working with high school educators to teach students about the importance of preparing for college. DeVry University’s HerWorld program was designed to provide young women with the tools they need to be better prepared to succeed in college, empowering them to reach their full potential. HerWorld also introduces young women to in-demand careers of the 21st century, including those in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. Findings from “STEM: Good Jobs Now and for the Future,” a 2011 report from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economics and Statistics Administration, illustrate that in addition to a lower likelihood of experiencing joblessness, STEM workers earn 26 percent more than their nonSTEM counterparts. By exposing them to female leaders in STEM, HerWorld teaches young women that they can succeed alongside men in these positions, and gives the women a checklist for preparing to get there.
How the global economy will transform working and learning For U.S. workers, holding a series of jobs with multiple employers is replacing the traditional, decades-long career with a single company – and that can be good news for you. To win these positions in a global market, workers must embrace new technology and skills and become lifelong learners. A new book by the vice president and managing director of Apollo Research Institute describes the shifting nature of work and careers in America. In “Society 3.0: How Technology Is Reshaping Education, Work and Society,” Dr. Tracey Wilen-Daugenti explained how the international bu si ness env i ron ment w i l l College students can stay ahead of the curve by staying on top of emerging technology. transform old ideas of hiring, worker skill requirements and career planning, while inspiring work groups. Another new glob- businesses. Self-employment ers held bachelor’s degrees and solo entrepreneurs to innovate al workforce reality: American has been rising – even during just under half of those founders employees face overseas com- the recent downturn – as baby held master’s degrees. “By startin profitable new ways. petition. “Significant gaps exist boomers choose freelancing or ing or resuming their higher “Globa l i z at ion now a f fec t s between the skills workers offer business ownership over tradi- education, workers can keep their skill sets competitive or all workers and businesses,” and those employers require,” tional retirement. explore independent careers,” said Wilen-Daugenti. A former said Wilen-Daugenti. “America’s smallest firms and said Wilen-Daugenti. “Whether Silicon Valley executive, she noted that videoconferences, If this deficit persists, U.S. com- startups create the most jobs they work for themselves or not, virtual teams and other tech- panies risk losing business – and du r i ng recession s, prov ide they will be better able to innonolog y-ba sed col laborat ion American jobs – to foreign firms half the nation’s nonfarm GDP vate and develop their potential tools will improve efficiency w it h bet ter-educated sta f f. and have provided many of its while seizing opportunities in Workers must make continu- brightest technolog y success tomorrow’s global economy.” and cut costs. ing skill renewal and education stories,” noted Wilen-Daugenti. For more information about Cultural competence and the a priority to master an evolving ability to build trust in these job market. As an alternative to Education fuels the entrepre- Society 3.0, visit www.apollorenew environments will be prime serial employment, more peo- neurial mind-set; 95 percent of (NAPSI) traits for leaders of international ple will go solo or launch small the surveyed company found-
Now in its 15th year, HerWorld sponsors nationwide events each year that give high school girls the opportunity to interact with peers from other high schools in the area, participate in educational and confidence-building activities, and listen to local female leaders discuss how they achieved their career goals. “HerWorld helps young women realize that they have the power to make their professional ambitions a reality,” says Donna Loraine, provost/vice president of academic affairs for DeVry University. “The stories of female leaders expand the students’ perspective and teach them the steps they need to take to forge their own career paths.” This year, Olympic gold medalist Mia Hamm, U.S. Olympic and Paralympic athletes and hopefuls through 2012, and DeVry University Corporate Partners have teamed up to support National HerWorld Month in March. It is anticipated that more than 7,000 young women from hundreds of high schools will participate throughout the month at more than 30 HerWorld events across the country. “I am grateful for the opportunity to help high school girls harness the drive to accomplish their goals,” says Hamm. “I began playing soccer before it became a professional women’s sport in the U.S., so I never could have achieved my dream of becoming an international competitor without the drive to succeed.” (ARA)
Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, April 13, 2012
Knowing the value of an MBA As the economy begins to improve, all industries will require the expertise of management professionals to help sustain financial growth and prepare for new organizational structure. Many recent grads and working professionals consider earning a master’s degree in Business Administration to set themselves apart. According to the Corporate Recruiters Survey from the Graduate Management Admission Council (2011), 67 percent of employers expect to hire recently graduated management talent in 2012, and they plan to hire in increasing numbers.
Will an MBA launch my career? W hile an MBA can enhance your career, increase earning potential and possibly give you
a competitive edge, it isn’t al- determine the potential benefit ways necessary to obtain one to and relevance of an MBA in achieve these results. advance end up being the most satisfied with the value of their Ta ke t he t i me to re sea rch advanced degree.” your desired position to gauge whet her t he sk i l ls acquired What is the financial through an MBA program are a necessary credential. Some ROI of an MBA? graduates find it worthwhile It is crucial that students fully to gain work experience before understand the commitment applying to business schools, required for continuing educaa nd ma ny business schools tion. According to the Corpofavor applicants who have realrate Recruiters Survey from the world experience. Graduate Management Admis“Prospect ive MBA st udent s sion Council (2011), tuition for need to look at the big picture,” an MBA program can soar above said Dr. Donna Loraine, DeVry $100,000 – pursuing one can be a Universit y provost a nd v ice life-changing decision.
Is there only one type of MBA program?
Students have access to dedicated career coaches, writing assistance and online tools for MBA prog ra ms t hat ca n be effective job searching, as well tailored to specific schedules, as insight for building a comconcentrations, geographic lo- petitive edge. Whether you are cations and online needs have seeking more professional remade earning an additional de- sponsibility or a higher salary gree possible for many students. or are striving to climb the corporate ladder, an MBA can be a president of academic affairs for It can be beneficial to work with valuable asset, but only when DeVry, Inc. and dean of DeVry a financial planner to determine How can I maximize utilized correctly. Universit y’s Keller Graduate the return on investment. Schol- my MBA? School of Management. “We’ve Conduct research and map out arships, financial aid options Career services can help stufound that students who map your options before ma k ing and paid internships can help dents make the most of their out long-term career goals and this significant career decision. ease the financial impact. education. For example, DeVry By thoroughly preparing, you Universit y’s Keller Graduate can increase the likelihood that School of Management recently your MBA delivers success. For partnered with CareerBuilder more information about MBA to supply its MBA students with prog ra ms, v isit us at w w w. a variety of career resources and and counseling at no additional cost. (NewsUSA)
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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, April 13, 2012
Get your kids thinking about college
Wit h t h is i n m i nd, pa rents increasingly are looking to send their children to college or go back to school themselves. And there’s no better time than the present to talk to your family about your or your children’s college dreams. “The transition to postsecondary education can be difficult for even the most prepared families,� said Sharon Darling, president & founder of the National Council of Family Literacy. “We need to ensure that more nontraditional adults are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education and that parents are well prepared to inform and nurture the educational aspirations of their children.�
usmLewiston-Auburn College
Open House
ollege no longer is just a rich learning ground, but a prerequisite to many of today’s jobs.
Children are more successful when parents are involved in their education.
that eventually, the larger goal is reached. Families should also take advantage of free resources. NCFL has released multimedia resources to help people unfamiliar with navigating the U.S. college system gain access to the information necessary for preparing and succeeding in Explore your options college. The resource, produced w it h suppor t f rom Met L i fe It’s never too early for children Foundation, is available free of to start thinking about a future charge at . career or too late for grown-ups to consider a different career.
their educational experiences, their kids are more successful – not on ly in school, but in l i fe. Develop a relat ionsh ip with your child’s teacher, ask que s t ion s w hen y ou don’t understand what is expected of your child, and talk to your child every day about school.
B y bei ng i nvolve d, hav i ng frequent conversations about education and pursuing your own higher education dreams, you c a n posit i vel y i mpac t Get involved your child’s future. And isn’t Make a list of what you or your that what every parent wants? child likes to do and brainstorm When parents are involved with (StatePoint) their children’s school and in potential careers that match those skills and interests. Then explore books about careers, preferably with your children. Preschoolers may like “Career Day� by Anne Rockwell or “Caring for Your Pets: A Book About Veterinarians� by Ann Owen.
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For elementary kids, try reading “Ca reer Ideas for K ids W ho Like Science� by Diane Lindsey and Lindsey Clasen and other books in this series. And you can engage your teen in exploring careers with “If You Could Be Anything, What Would You Be? A Teen’s Guide to Mapping Out the Future� by Jeanne Webster.
Make it a family goal One way to ensure that dreams come true is to set goals and implement the steps to achieve them. But some long-term goals, like buying a house or getting a college degree, ta ke many smaller steps before you can accomplish them. Feel i ng suppor ted by fa mily while achieving smaller goals can help build confidence so
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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, April 13, 2012