Graduation 2011

Page 1

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Friday, May 20, 2011

Recognizing our seniors | May 2011

2011 graduations at a glance • BUCKFIELD high school ................................... June 4 page 6 6 p.m. At the school • DIRIGO high school ........................................ June 3 page 13 6 p.m. at the school • Edward Little high school.......................... June 4 pages 2-3 7:30 p.m. The Colisee, Lewiston • Fryeburg academy ..........................................may 29 page 11 2 p.m. at the school • gray-new Gloucester high school ......... June 11 page 15 7 p.m. Cumberland County Civic Center • HEBRON ACADEMY ..............................................MAY 28 page 7 10:30 a.m. At the school • jay high school .............................................. June 12 page 10 1 p.m. at the school • leavitt AREA high school ............................ June 5 page 7 3 p.m. The Colisee, Lewiston • lewiston high school .................................. June 3 pages 4-5 7 p.m. The Colisee, Lewiston • lisbon high school ........................................June 5 page 13 2 p.m. Lewiston Memorial Armory • livermore falls high school . .................... June 4 page 14 7 p.m. at the school

Edward Little High School Members of t he Edwa rd Litt le High School class of 2011 include: Stephen Abbott, Mitch Ada ms, Kend r a A l b er t , Ty lor A l b er t , Benja m i n A r mst rong, Cha rles A t w e l l , D e n n i s A u s t e r m e i e r, Steven Ba ng, Cat herine Bauer,


We have the supplies. Order balloon bouquets early.

R i c h a r d B e l a n g e r, H e a t h e r Beau l ieu, Zacha r y Bel iveau, Benja m i n Bel le v ue, Ca meron Bennett, Dylan Bennett, Lauren Bennett, Jeremy Bernier, Marie Bernier, Anthony Berube, Brian Bickford, Cameron Bisson, Garion Boehk, Sadie Bonang, Kimberly Boud reau x, Nichola s Bou rget, Jef f rey Bowden, Ca meron B r a d b u r y, A n n a B r o o k s ,

class of 2011

Melissa Brown, Oryarna Brown, Kelly Burnham, Chelsea Bushway, A s h l e y B u t l e r, A s a C a r n e y, Mercedes Caron, Dakota Carroll, Amanda Carter, Eric Chan, Courtney Chase, Joshua Childs, Timothy Clark, Robert Cloutier, Teven Colon, Jennifer Cox, Garrett Craw ford, Christopher Creasey, Samuel Cullen, Kelsey Currier, V ic tor i a C u s s on, Ta y lor C y r, Brittney Daigle, Daw na Daigle, M y r i s s a D a n , E r i c D a v i s on , Jonathan Delorme, Katie Delorme, Melanie Dematteo,

Richard Deschaine, Emily Deveau, K r ysta l Dodson, Tyler Dost ie, Amanda Dubois, Marie DufresneDixon, Caroline Dunn, Zachar y Earle, Spencer Emerson, Nathan Fairchild, Rya n Fa r r issey, Eva n Fav reau, Gavin Flaherty, Ashleigh Footer, Juston Forbes, Chelsea Fortier, Emily Fortier, Jessica Fournier, Jadah Fowler, Katie Fraser, Erica Galarneau, Dustin Gammon, Robert Gaughen, Ensign Gerr y, Ashley Giguere, Brandon Giguere, Ca ssa nd ra Gig uere, Keena n Gig uere, Ia n Gi l ma n, Ca sady Girardin,

To all Parents & Graduates

Auburn Plaza Auburn

783-8265 OPEN Mon.-Sat. 9 to 8 Sunday 10 to 5


• maranacook high school ......................June 12 page 11 1 p.m. at the school • monmouth academy ................................... June 5 page 11 2 p.m. at the school • mountain valley high school ................June 2 page 12 6 p.m. at the school • mt. abram high school ........................... June 10 page 14 7 p.m. at the school • mt. blue high school ................................June 11 pages 6-7 11 a.m. at the school • oak hill high school.................................June 13 page 12 7 p.m. Augusta Civic Center • oxford hills comp. high school ............June 4 7 p.m. Gouin Complex, S. Paris (School if rain) page 16 • POLAND REGIONAL HIGH school ...............June 5 page 3 4 p.m. at the school • rangeley lakes reg. school ...................June 11 page 13 3 p.m. at the school • saint dominic academy .............................. MAY 27 page 4 6:30 p.m. At the school • telstar high school.................................... June 3 page 4 7 p.m. at the school • winthrop high school .............................June 12 page 15 2 p.m. at the school

Congratulations & Good Luck to the Class of 2011 694 Main St., Lewiston 782-1482 794 Sabattus St., Lewiston 783-6353

1420 Lisbon St., Lewiston 333-3095 545 Minot Ave., Auburn 783-2047

Jo s h u a G o o d m a n , R a y m o n d Grady, Kayla Gra nt, Kay t ly n n Griffin, Emily Grund, Abdirizak Gure, Samantha Haines, Ricardo Hairston, Jordan Hall, Katie Hamel, A le x a nd r a H a r d y, S a m a nt h a Harris, Abigail Hart, Taylor Hart, Thomas Haskins, Kirsten Hatch, Amber Hathorne, Magna-Kristin Heir, Tiffany Helsel, Hali Henry, Glen Hinckley, Kathleen Hiscock, Kot ye Howa rd, Mega n Howes, A lissa Hoy, Da niel Humphrey, Da r ya Ionova, Ca meron Ivers, Avery Jackson, James Jackson, Olivia Jackson, Jedidiah JacobsPratt, Brock Jellison, Tyler Jenness, Tyler Jennings, Anthony Johnson, Emily Johnson, Ash ley Jorda n, Jolene Kieffer, Caroline Klonoski, A nastasiya Ky r ychok, Montera Lacasse, Francesca Lally, Cecilea Lamontagne, Samantha Lamson, Nicole LaRue, Jessica Lau, Bowen L ea r y, Zacka r y L eBlond, Sea n Leclair, Kelsey Letourneau, Chelsea Libby, James Libby, Joshua Libby, Destiny

Edward Little

page 3 ‰

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011

Edward Little from page 2

Weber, Cassandra Webster, Kuo Wei, Garrett Weldon, Ashlee White, Kayla Wi l lia ms, Ma r y Wooten, Cherise Yates.

L i z ot te, Joh n L oga n, M ichael L uc a s, Mat t he w Ma cD on a ld, Timothy Mains, Emily Marron, Ta m a r a h M a r s t o n , H a n n a h Martin, Miranda Martin, C a s s a nd r a Mat h ieu, Jen n i fer Mc A l l ister, Ha ley McCon nel l, E i le en McK i n ne y, Joh n at h a n McLellan, Cody Meserve, Nelson Metayer, Sean Michaud, Isa ia h M i n neha n, Hu ssei n Moha me d, C ore y Mohol la nd, Larissa Montminy, Ryan Moore, Christina Moreno, Taylor Morgan, Danielle Morin, Scott Morrow, Hope Mowry, Dylan Nadeau, Cody Nicholas, Tiffany Nickerson, Faisal Noor, Holly Nuzzo, Reid O’Hara, Timot hy O’Neill, Aya n Odowa, Tabitha Olsen,

Graduation ceremony Date: Saturday, June 4 Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: The Colisee, Lewiston

Shaquille Reed, A lex Richa rds, Jen n i fer R iet h ma n n, Michel le Ringer, Jennifer Rioux, Shannon Rivas, Brianna Robbins, Joshua Robichaud, Ashley Rogers, Taylor Rogers,

Top Students

Alexander Smith

Nathan Fairchild

Ben Armstrong

Emily Grund


Abigail Small, Ashley Small, Lucas Smith,

Derek Ha nscom, Heat her Ha nscome, Hayley Ha nson, Jeffrey Hayes, Lee-Anna Hopper, Jeanmarie Humphrey, Harley Kerr, Brittney Ketch, Connor King, Julia Krueger,

A my Steinma n, Abiga il Strout, Tessa Theriault, Cullen Thompson, Sa ma nt ha Vei l leu x , K ately n n Vellaro, Rebecka Vines, Joseph V iolet te, A lycia Wa lsh, Sha ne Waters,

Grahm Kwasnick, Conrad Labbe, Nicholas Labbe, Kaylah Landis, Timothy Landry, Samuel Larrivee, Nat a sha L a skow sk i, Rachel Letourneau, Joseph Lien,

Molly White, David Whittier, Chad W i l ls, Maeve Wood, Ca meron Woodford.

Amanda Lilley, Brittany Linscott, Ross MacKenzie, Andrew Marcoux, Anthony Marvin, Brandon Mcleod, Cassondra Mocciola, Jacob Moody, Joshua Morgan, Gregory Morin,

Graduation ceremony Date: Sunday, June 5 Time: 4 p.m.

Brianna Morris, Billy Jo Morrison, Colleen Murphy, Elias Murphy, Tyler Myers, Jacob Nea l, James O’Brien, Michael Obie, Matthew Ouellette, Tyler Parisi,

Morgan Copp, Nicholas Cormier, Joseph Costa, Chelsea Cyr, Jeremy D a g n e a u , O l i v i a D o y e r, I a n Duchette, Collin Dudley, Joshua Dumont, Randi Edwards,

Nickolas Parker, Nicholas Paulin, Samantha Paulin, Daniel Pelletier, E m m a P e l l e t i e r, C a s s a n d r a P e l l e t i e r- D o b b i n s , B r a n d i e Phillips, Ha ley Pierce, Zachar y Pomerleau, Katherine Poor,

Jonah Farrington, Derick Fogg, Kately nn Freema n, Kest le Gauthier, Kaylee Gilpatrick, Cody Gi roua rd, Sa ra h Goss, Russel l

Danielle Randall, Yerlin Rodriguez, Ma ximillian Ruehlmann, Sarah Rushing, Lucas Salas, Alexander Scales, Kyle Seger, Stephanie Sirois,

Place: At the school

Top Students

Jacob Moody

Tyler Myers

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Deseree Tanguay

Zach Olstein

Give your child the gift of reading.

Ga r ret t Taylor, Zoe T her iau lt, Britny Therrien, Erica Thompson, Myranda Tichy, Chad Tremblay, Keith Tremblay, Connor Twomey, Suvanna Van, Corinthia Morrison, Eric Verrill, Saydi Voisine, Michael

Irina Butina, Stephanie Campbell, Richard Carlson, Courtney Caron, Nicole Cary, Shlina Catrett, Brian Charette, Jordan Chase, Michaela Chasse, Joshua Christy,

Gou let, Dev i n Goyet te, Kel ley Handy,

Parents - give the gift of local news

Brittany Rollins, Kenneth Romero, Loga n Rossig nol, Luis Rovayo, Ashley Ruest, Cody Russell, Guled Salah, Tyler Saucier, Jesse Searles, Brandon Sevit, Noa h Sher wood, Jodi Sincla ir, A lexander Smith, Kelsey Spear, Samantha Spencer, Cory Spruill, A r ia n na St . H i la i re, Joha n na Stacey, Ja i me St ra i n, Deseree Tanguay,

The class of 2011 at Poland Regional Hig h School includes : A ndrew Achorn, Michael Adams, Casey Ainaire, Benjamin Albee, Cassady Applegarth, Troy Ashcroft, Nathan Bellaire, Frank Benedict, Megan Benway, Joseph Bernhard, Jamie Bernier, Emily Bertrand, Ashley Bettney, Dylan Blackman, Devin Boucher, Kaitlyn Bowie, Kate Bridgham, Brian Brown, Meghan Bruno, Adam Burdin,

Zachary Olstein, Jessica Osmolski, Kelsy Ouellette, Hannah Parent, Maranda Parent, Shawnie Pearl, Brianna Pease, Kelsey Philbrick, Re b e c c a Poi r ie r, Z a c k e r y Pomerleau, Ricardo Pontes, Martez Proctor, L ea h P u nch, L oga n P u sha rd, Na ima Qa mbi, Emi ly Ra nucci, Ta k a s h i R a n u c c i , B r e n n a Rasmussen, Alyssa Raubeson, Tylor Raymond,

Poland Regional High School

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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011

Created in 1997 by registered Educational Psychologists, the system leverages children’s processing skills and develops sustainable reading skills for children at all levels. The program is designed with a clear start and finish. The mission of I Can Read is to turn each student into a strong, effective reader. Call now for a free diagnostic assessment with no obligation. Find out if your child is reading from memory or can actually decode new words correctly.


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321 Falmouth Rd. Falmouth, Maine 207-409-4425 CLASS OF 2011


Saint Dominic Academy T h e f ol l o w i n g s t u d e nt s a r e members of the senior class at Saint Dominic Academy: Matthew Adams, Zachary Albert, Connor Anthoine, Cali Blackman, Joseph Bosse, Joshua Brown, Kearsten Caiani, Alyse Carney, Christian Coffman,

Carolyn Joseph

Frank Montana

Members of the Lew iston High School cla ss of 2011 i nclude : Hassan Abdalla, Abdilatif Abdi, Dahabo Abdi, Hawo Abdi, Isaak Abdi, Fatuma Abdirahman, Tanner Adams, Salat Aden, Francois Affo, Elizabeth Aguilar, Kevin Ahlquist, Barwako Ahmed, Ja ma A h me d, Ja me s A ld r ich, Ibra h i m A l i, K ha l id A l i, Noor Ali, Sara Allen, Dailath Anduha, Mohamedamin Arte,

Kevin Costello, Amanda Cullen, Daniel Curtis, Anna Desjardin, Jack son E r ick son, Col leen Fitzpatrick, Charlotte Gaylord, Kayla Gelinas, Hailey Girardin, Sarah Gosselin,

James Poulin

Sophia Goulet, Saumya Gupta, Kyle Hargreaves, Kurt Johnson, Carolyn Joseph, Blake Laliberte, Dustin Landry, Meagan Lawrence, Cody Leavitt, Guy Lemelin, Allison Lewandowski, Robert Link, Ryan Lussier, Kaitlin Ma dor, Lyd i a Ma r t i n, Br i a n M a t h i e u , K a i l a Mc C r a c k e n , Frank Montana, Allaina Murphy, M e g h a n M u r p h y, Z a c h a r y Nguyen,

Lewiston High School

Top Students

Meghan Murphy

Allison Lewandowski

Meagan Lawrence

Ashley Bailey, Shyan Baillargeon, Ian Bannister, Michael Barboza, K ierst y n Ba r n ies, Kou r t ney B a r t l e t t , Tu c k e r B e a u d o i n , Ver on ic a B e audoi n, Re b e c c a Beaulieu, Alyssa Beaupre, Christine Belanger, Christopher Belanger, Macie-Lynn Belanger, Marina Belanger, Kyle Bernard, C a l e b B e r u b e , Ja k e B e r u b e , Me g h a n n Bi lo de au, Br a ndon Bissonnette, Abigail Blaisdell, Dakota Blakeley, Ashley Blauvelt, Brady Blouin, Katherine Bonawitz, Todd Botelho, Ja red Bourgoin,

Taylor Paquet, Alex Parker, Neal Pavla k, Ja mes Pou lin, Lau ren Ratsep, Brooke Raymond, Isaac Reed, Dylan Rodrigue, Evan Roy, Caroline Sheats, Ja c ob Sic ot t e, Br uc e S op e r, H a n n a h S t e r l i n g , Ta y l o r Ta r r, Reece Tei xei ra, T heresa Therriault, Hee Won Yea.

Robert Link

Zachary Albert

Telstar High School Members of the Telstar Regional High School class of 2011 include: Richard Aguilar, Tarra Arsenault, Sarah Averill, Dustyn Bailey, Shaun Ba ker, Joshua Bel l i nger, Ma rk Boivin, Zachary Brands, Michael Church, Jacob Clark,

Best of Luck ! Allaina Murphy

Baccalaureate Mass

Alex Parker

Graduation ceremony

Date: Thursday, May 26

Date: Friday, May 27

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Place: Holy Cross Church

Place: At the school

For all the latest news and conversation from Western and Central Maine...

Dawson Cole, Jordan Cole, Toby Cole, Dylan Coolidge, Alexandria Crockett, Emma Davis, Cheyanne Da y, K i m b er lei D e a n, E m i l y DeCarolis, Benjamin Field,

Jessica Bowen, Melissa Brimigion, Kodi Brooks, Sarah Brooks, C olby Brow n, Jorda n Brow n, Sydney Buck, Zacher y Bureau, Ca meron Bussiere, A lexa ndr ia Butler, Christian Butler, Patrick Ca ldwel l, John Ca lla ha n, Russ Caligiuri, Abigail Campbell, Adrianna Caron, Eva n Ca rrier, Dav id Ca r va lho, Alex Carver, Shelby Carver, Harli Cassidy, Francisco Castro, Hayden Chan, Christopher Charest, Tara Chase, Alex Chicoine, Elliot Chicoine, Michael Chin, Bla ke Chung, Kyle Clabby, David Clifford, Samuel Cloutier, Tatiana Colon, Jacob Conrad, J u l i e t t e C o n w a y, A l e x a n d e r Cool idge, Kelsey Cope-Nor r is, Chase Cote, Nathaniel Cote, Jesse Cou r noyer, Jacob Cy r, Br ia na Czarkowski, Christopher DeFosse, Jessica Denis, Sierra Deschaine, Dev in Deschenes, Mat t hew Det tor i, Camille Dionne, Elizabeth Dixon, Miranda Dixon, Shelby Dobransky, Nathan Dresser, Erica Dube,

Morga n Edgecomb, Just i n Edwards, Shawn Edwards, Lauren Eldridge, Kiin Elmoge, Matthew Emerson, A mina Fa ra h, Kyle Fenderson, M a r t i n For d , Ju s t i n For t ie r, Catherine Foss, Phillip Foss, Joel Frenette, Alexander Gagne, Joseph Gagne, Megan Gagne, Scott Gagne, Brittany Gagnon, Yasmin Ga raad, Trav is Ga rcia, Ma son Gates, K at y Gaut h ier, Br e nde n G i a m br a , C ou r t ne y Gibbens, Morga n Gilbert, Kyle Gosselin, Krista Goulet, Chelsea Graffam, Ha r t l ie Gren ier, Tyler Gr i f f i n, Alyssa Grover, Uyen Ha, Eric Hall, Kaleb Halliday, Shawn Handler, Jordan Handy, Cameron Hart, Tyler Hartman, Ty l e r H a s k e l l , J e M a r q u e s Hender son, A l i Her si, Mel i sa Hitaj, John Hodgkiss, Samantha Hopkins, Cecil Howell, Cameron Hunter,

Ryan Dubois, Kati Dumais, Cody Dussault, Stephanie Dzengelewski,

Lewiston HS

Nitasha Fifield, Victoria Forkus, Cheyenne Haas, Mat hew Ha ll, Sa muel Ha r t zel l, Wi l lia m Hinck ley, Joshua K ra hn, Roger L aC roi x , R idge L at ha m, Ga i l Lavorgna,

Simon Smith, Andrew Sprague, Ja m ie St e v e n , G r a c e St ov e r, Katherine Stover, Katelyn Sumner, Chantel Tedford, Samantha Powell,

Jean Lawrence, Morgan Lee, Corey Levesque, Victoria Lowell, Taylor Maines, Kayla Merrill, Heather Moore, Kimberly Moore, Hannah Morin, Kayla Morton,

page 5 ‰

Daniel Vaughn, Nicena Walker, Me l i s s a Wa t e r hou s e, T i a n n a Wells, Haunnah W heeler, Cody Winchester, Dustin Winchester, Rose Wright.

C ia r a Nadeau, C hodchua ng Nanthasen, Timothy O’Connor, Zachary Palmer, Rogerio Petkov, Elek Pew, Jillian Rice, Eric Roy, Melody Royer, Ashley Sabins, Errol Silver,

Graduation ceremony Date: Friday, June 3 Time: 7 p.m. Place: At the school

Top Students

Jamie Steven

Elek Pew

Emily DeCarolis

Timothy O’Connor

Morgan Lee

Victoria Forkus

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Ashley Sabins

Katelyn Sumner

Simon Smith

Joshua Bellinger

Kimberlei Dean

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011

Lewiston HS from page 4

Sheldon Jones, Brandon Jordan, I f r a h K a s si m, Je f f r e y Ke ene, Brittany Kell, Tiana Kerrigan,

Ray mond Kohut ka, Kelsey Mekae Hyde, Hussein Ibra him, Kramarz, Stefan Kuritz, Dustin Ra h ma I bra h i m, Scot t Jipson, Lachapelle, A llison La f reniere, Kelly LaGrange, Shauna Langlois, Jacob Lapierre, Nicole Lavalliere, Top Students Holly Lavorgna, Tia LeBlond, Bryan LeClair, Jesse L eema n, Ca leb L ei no, Jessic a L emay, Rya n L emel i n, Rober t Lemieux, Rebecca-Marie Lessard, A nd rew Letou r neau, Em i ly Letourneau,

Jared Bourgoin

Cody Dussault

Brittany Martin

Abigail Campbell

Rebecca-Marie Lessard

Jonathan McDonough

K a y l y n n L e v a s s e u r, M a t h e w Levesque, Tiffany Levesque, Jason L i, Nata sha L opez, Abd i ma l i k Ma a l i m, Ja na MacIs a ac, Wa g Maiwan, Christopher Malia, Sean Manifold, Cameron Marcotte, Sara Marden, Ga r y Ma rston, Joseph Ma r tel, Brittany Martin, Joshua Martin, S et h Ma s on, Da r ia n Mc Ate e, K i r s t i n Mc C o m b s , Jo n a t h a n McDonough,

Alicia Nappi, Anthony Nappi, Arika Olsen, Abdiqadir Osman, Hodo Osman, Catherine Ouellette, Emily Ouellette, Evan Ouellette, Jonathan Ouellette, Kelsy Ouellette, Keri Ouellette,

Ka it ly n Ta r t, A mber T h ibau lt, Va ler ie T hompk i ns, Kat her i ne Tirabassi, David Tremblay, Monica Tr u c h o n , D a m y o n Tu r c o t t e , A ma nda Turner, Sa ra h Turner, William Tyner, Anthony Vangeli,

Scott Ouellette, Taryn Ouellette, Christopher Paine, Kyle Palmer, R y a n Pa r e, Mor g h a n Pa r ent , Tenisha Parise, Zachar y Parker, Allison Pastore, Jacie Pelletier,

Michelle Wacenske, Akier Walouk, Keiyana Waters, Derick Weekes, A ngelique Welch, Frank Welch, T i mot hy We si nger, Benja m i n Wigant, Emily Wight, Dylan Willey,

John Pelletier, Joshua Perry, Roger Per r y, Ta ma r ick Peter s, V ick i Pinkham, Brandon Plourd, Irene Politis, Lucas Pono, Adam Poulin, Cameron Poussard,

M ichaela W i l l ia ms, Susa n na h Wong, Yukun Yang, Yulun Yang, Amy Yeung, Joseph York, Yasmin Yousof.

Coby Poussard, Lindsay Profenno, Devin Proteau, Chelsey Provencher, Jonathan Provencher, Charles Quimby, Sydnie Racine, Ky nda l l Ra msey, Da niel Ra nd, Joshua Reil,

Samantha Sabourin, Christopher Salley, Brett Sarrazin, Monte ScottBr yant, Viany Selengbe, A mina Sha rif-Hassa n, Nurdin Shei k h, Sharifo Sheikh, David Skrobski, John Skula,

Asha Moha mud, Chelsea Mont m i ny, E r ic Mor i n, Kel l y Mor r is, Ha rley Mosher, D yla n M o u l t o n , A l e x i s M o u r e y, Christopher Murch, Saba Naji,

A ngela Smit h, Jonat han Soucy, Joa n n a Spenc er, Pa kor n Srisuwannives, Kayla St. Amand, Michael St. Pierre, Colt Steele, Joseph Sullivan, Dylan Tanguay,

We’re Proud Of You All! Cameron Poussard

0 Susannah Wong

Time: 7 p.m. Place: The Colisee, Lewiston

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Date: Friday, June 3

Congratulations Class of 2011!

Matthew Rioux, Curtis Robinson, Pat r ick Roja s, Josh Roma nov, Rachel Rossi, Justin Roundy, Ashley Rousseau, Norma nd Rousseau, Tamara Roy, Shobow Saban,

A d a m Me s e r v ie r, C a r e e n a M i c h a u d , He a t h e r M i c h a u d , Eric Michel, Colby Miles, Kristie M iquelon, Fat u ma Moha med, Nimo Moha med, Sha msa Mohamed, Taysir Mohamed,

Graduation ceremony


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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011

235 Goddard Rd., Lewiston, ME 04240 (207)784-3159 1-888-593-6328 CLASS OF 2011


Buckfield Jr./Sr. High School Members of the class of 2011 at Buck f ield Jr. /Sr. H ig h School i n c l u d e : Ja c k A d a m s , A i s h a Aitkeeva, Cameron Allen, Ja red A mes, El i zabet h Ba i ley, Derick Belanger, Daniel Boutot, Justin Brown, Tyler Bunker, Devon Carlile, Rachel Caron, Rita Castro-Dias, Kayla Christian, Heather Clavet, Sara h Colby, Linwood Da mon, Stephanie Dyer, Cole Eastman, C h r ist i na Edwa rd s, For rest Gonsalves, Da n iel Gross, Ra i na Ha nd ler, Donov a n Hem i ng w ay, Ol i v er Hill, Samantha Jo Jones, Bianca K a h konen, Ja m ie K ay, A ly ssa L eig hton, A lex a nd r ia Ma r t i n, Collin Miclon, CJ Myles, Alicia Patrie, Damien Pinard, Kasey Robertson, Magen Rowe, Ha i ley Sever y, Ta m isha Smith, Brianna Stanley, Ryan Thames, Wade Ward. The class of 2011 remembers deceased member Kyraa Locke.

Top 2 Students

Samantha Jo Jones

Alicia Patrie

Graduation ceremony Date: Saturday, June 4 Time: 6 p.m. Place: At the school

Top Ten Samantha Jo Jones Alicia Patrie Alexandria Martin Collin Miclon Rachel Caron Jared Ames CJ Myles Sarah Colby Magen Rowe Brianna Stanley

Mt. Blue Top Seniors, left to right, back row: Jillian Perron, Paul Boucher, Seth Wegner; front row: Katherine Rice, Rosa Cohen, Gwendolyn Beacham, Andreas Wyder, Abigail Flanagan, Alexandra Allen; center front: Ethan Howatt.

Mt. Blue High School T he fol low i ng st udent s a re members of the senior class at Mt. Blue High School: Elizabeth Abbott, Kelsea Adams, Alexandra A l len, Ha nna h A llen, Timot hy Andrews, Matthew Archer, Dayla Babu la, M ichael Ba ker, Rya n Barker, Myranda Barlow, J e s s i c a B a x t e r, G w e n d o l y n Be ach a m, K a i l i Be g i n, A l len Bence, Heather Bennoch, Kenneth Blood, Ashlynn Bodah, Thomas Boh l ma n-Fa i rba n k s, Fa i r f ield Bonsall, Paul Boucher, Jason Bragg, Kaitly n Bressette, Kat r i na Br ig ht, Mi les Brook s, A l l ison Brow n, Nicole Brow n, E lea nor Buck la nd, T her ra nce Buckman, Kaitlyn Burdick, Julia Burdin, Dillian Burnham, Joseph Burns, Matthew Buzzell, Thomas Buzzell, C a s s a nd r a C a f a r el l i, H i l l a r y Chaney, Chantel Charette, Cody Churchill, Dominique Clements, Brandon Cochran, Ros a C ohen, Peter C olem a n, Megan Collins, Griffin Conlogue, Bradley Cote, Chelsea Daggett, Ira



Damon, Amber Davis, Matthew Davis, Tanisha Dellarma, Ca it l i n Doug la ss, Cou r t ney Drexel, Kathleen DuBois, Logan Dudley, Jonathan Duley, Lillian Dunham, Avonlea Dwight, Daniel Enman, Gabrielle Fellman, Abigail Flanagan, A nt he a F letcher, Ja me s For t en bac k er, L au r el Fr a le y, Bethany Frazier, Mariah Gaboury, Da n iel Ga mage, Ja ke G era rd, Eli zabet h Gerd in, Da n iel le Goldsmith, Kristina Govoni, Leah Greaton, John Gregoire, Craig Haines, Jonathan Hall, Nasasha Ha l l, Cour t ney Ha rris, Jeremy Harris, Taylor Hart, Pamela Heath, Richard Heath, Joshua Hiltz, Brody Hines, Tiffany Hobert, Katelyn Holbrook, Kelsey Hollingdale, Nathaniel Howard, Nola n Howa rd, Et ha n Howatt, Sarah Hunter,

Mt. Blue

page 7 ‰

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011

Mt. Blue from page 6

C hel sea Hutch i n son, Z acha r y Hyde, Nat ha n Igoe, Mat t he w Jenks, Jaron Jones, Dalton Kaplan, Samantha Keith, Joan Kelly, Lena Kendall, Kelsey Kidd, Ethan Kyes, Nik i La ke, Nina La ke, A nthony La r rabee, Brooke LeBla nc, Elizabeth LeClair, Adam Lewia, Steven Lilley, Clint Lowe, Cherokee Luker, Nicholas Luker, Aleena Malik, Samantha Marsh, A lexandra Mason, Elija Ma zza, Ch r istopher McGhee, Chelsea Mc G r a w, Jo s hu a Me a d e r, Kristopher Melancon, Eric Meyer, Justin Meyer, Colten Miranda, Marlie Mochamer, Kay leig h Mor i n, K r istopher Nadeau, Danielle Neal, James Neal, Katherine Nile, Nicholas Nile, Kjell Nordstrom, Annie Noyes, Ta g w ongo Ob om s aw i n, Br et t Osgood, Kevin Parlin, Devon Pease, Ji l lia n Per ron, Nicole Phi l lips, Ha ley Pierce, Nathan Pomeroy, Calvin Powers, Amelia Presby, Brandon Redlevske, Emily Reed, Kat her ine R ice, Eli za R icha rd, Christine Roberts, Reid Rogers, Jessica Rundlett, Joseph Santana, Blake Sauter, Dakota Savage, Kylie Schramm, Karen Schwartz, Brandon Scott, Khristian Seaward, K a s au nd r a Shu r t lef f, Br ad le y Silver, Shane Sinclair, Daniel Slater, Joshua Smith, Marcy Smith, L i ndsay St. L au rent, D yla n Stinchfield, Robert Storer, Ashley Taylor, Rober t Tibbetts, Dyla n Toothaker, Tiara Trinkler, Jacob Veayo, Dylan Vining, Caitlin Weese, Seth Wegner, Phillip Wells, Matthew West, Sara White, Alisha Whittemore, Adam WilesRosell, Jordan Williams, Elizabeth Wing, Andreas Wyder, Michaela Yeaton, Timothy York. We would like to acknowledge our Foreign Exchange students: Line Andersen, Denmark; Luis Bunsow Castaneda, Mexico; Yi-Han Chen, Taiwan; Clara Gigling, Germany; D ong mei Guo, C h i n a ; Rene e Carolin Hagele, Denmark; Margot Heraud, France; Niklas Luetgen, G er ma ny ; Si ra nut Paoch i nda, Thailand.

Graduation ceremony Date: Saturday, June 11 Time: 11 a.m. Place: At the school

Hebron Academy Members of the Hebron Academy cla ss of 2011 i nclude : A mber Aaskov, Jacquelyn Aaskov, Nicole A l len*, By ron A nd ron i k, Todd Bannerman, Mar Narbón*, S o p h i a B a r t o l o m e o , Ta l y a Bent, A lexander Berr y, A ndrew Bloomingdale, Francis Bluteau, Michael Bouchard, Janelle Bradish, Angela Brochetti, Joshua Brodeur, Andrew Burgess, Catherine Byrne, Louis C a r a g l ia*, X i C hen*, Yu meng Cheng,

Leavitt Area High School Member s of t he L eav it t A rea High School class of 2011 include: Meag ha n Acker, Devon Ada i r, Tyler Allen, Courtney Anderson, Tyler Asselin, Margaret Barbioni, Danielle Barcelou, Ashley Baril, Aaron Barker, Tyler Barnies, Kodi Ba rrett, Matt hew Beaule, Br ya n Ber ube, Macey Ber ube, Sadie Bla is, Benja min Brewer, Kurtis Brow n, Brandon Bubier, Katie Budek, Xinhang June Cai, B r o o k e C a l l , A m e l i a C a r on , Myka i la Ca r ver, Jol ie Chabot, Jo s hu a C h o u i n a r d , M a x w e l l Cloutier, Patrick Cloutier, Danielle Cohen-Campbell, Carly Comeau, Mitchell Cosgrove, Michael Cote, Tatiana Crenshaw, Cou r t ney Cu r t is, Desirae Cy r, Maisy Cyr, Abigail Davey, Matthew Decker, Rosario De La Garza, Drew Dillingham, Ashley Dionne, Za ker y Donnel l, Melissa D u f au lt , I s a a c E l ie, Br i a n ne Emery, Christopher Fisher, Jason Fisher, Taylor Fra zer, Zacher y Frost, Raymond Gagne, Zackery Gendron, Kelsey Giroux, Gabriela Gonzalez, Jacob Goodwin, Olivia GoodwinDouglass, Joshua Grondin, Jacob Groves, Br ia n na Ha m mond, Nichole Hannan, Jeremy Hersey, Ethan Hibler, Morga n Hi l l, A sh ley Hi n k ley, Taylor Hood, Matthew Janosco, Lorraine Kessler, Laura Koscinski, Kel s e y L a bb e, Ol i v i a L a bb e, Mon ique L aberge, Z acha r y Lachance, Maria Lagueux, Skyler Laliberte, Cooper Legee, Keit h Lemel i n,

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011

Sang Hoon Choo, Joseph Collins, Gina Conroy, John Cooperrider, A nd rew Craw ford, T homas Cummings*, Zachary Day, Adam Dev i ne, A lex a nder Dou meng , Laura Dow, Polly Drown*, Christina English, Da men Fera, Cr ist ia n Gu mbs, Liam Hanafee A reces, Thomas He y l, Tr av i s Holden, Ma lor ie Johnson, Seung Yeon Kang, Jai Kyeong Kim*, Ju Hw a n K i m*, Mag g ie L a ne, Sunwoo Lee, Levi Lincoln, Natalie Maciejewski, Robert MacLellan, Sa ra h Ma rkey, Jen na Ma r t y nFisher, Michael Messuri , James Miller, Michael Minigell, Colin Morrissey, Jerimee Moses, Moeko

Kelvin Liriano, Devin Long, Jeremy Long, Brendan Longley, Lauren Lord, Clinton Lovejoy, Elizabeth Lunt, Michael Martel, A lyssa McBea n, Ch r ist ia n McBrea ir t y, Mykayla McCa nn, C a r o l a n n Mc C l e l l a n , D i l l a n McKeown, Zachary Meert, Christie Michaud, Benjamin Minoty, Edwa rd Miv i l le, Dyla n Moore, J a m e s M o r i n , Ky l e M o r r i s , Eric Morton, Jeremy Myer, Jeri New ma n, Kately n n Ouel let te, Kayla Parent, Caitlin Parker, Jesse Pelletier, Victoria Penney, Jesse Perreault, Brandon Perr y, Chelsea Perry, Kyle Poirier, William Posik, Bethany Provost, Rebecca Rancourt, Abbey Randall, Daniel Ranger, Therese Raymond, Benjamin Richard, Kayla Richardson, Courtney Riordan, Nolan Rioux, Jonathan Robertson, Karina Rodriguez, Davis Rousseau, Caitlin Sellner,

Ogawa, Kaitly n Paiton, Natalia Peña, Kun Yu Poon, Samir Poundja-Bertrand, Peter Quigley, James Rattey, Benja m i n Roy Sau ro, Michael Settipani, Sean Sherman, EunYoung Sung, Genevieve Talbott, C h r i s t o p h e r Ta y l o r, Ta y l o r Theriault, Erika Thomas, Kimberly Vigneau, Eugene Wentworth, Thomas Williams, Huanxi Wu, Rui Jian Xiao Yang, Chang Xu*, Yaou Yu, X inyun Zhang. *Cum Laude Society.

Best of Luck! Abigail W hite, Elliott Wiegman, Alexander Wiers, Lucas Witham, Ca leb Wood. The class of 2011

Top Students

Thomas Cummings

Polly Drown

Graduation ceremony Date: Saturday, May 28 Time: 10:30 a.m. Place: At the school

remembers decea sed member Madison Daigle.

Top Students

Courtney Anderson

Macey Berube

MyKaila Carver

Morgan Hill

Kelvin Liriano

Carolann McClellan

Abbey Randall

Kayla Richardson

Jillian Sheridan, Hanna h Shumway, Kyle Smith, Natasha Smith, Nicole Smith, Karli Soracco, Nathan St. Laurent, Nicole StevensRoy, Tifa ni-Rae Stewa rd, Tylor Storman, Brandy Sylvester, Lindsey Tancrel, Kev i n T heiss, Ja m ie T h ibau lt, Nic hol a s Tr e a d w e l l , K a y l a Trepanier, Jorn Vahland, Brandon Vei nott, Keefer V i ncent, Tia ra Vradenburgh,

Graduation ceremony Date: Sunday, June 5 Time: 3 p.m. Place: The Colisee, Lewiston

Class of 2011 Nicole Smith

Karli Soracco

Elliott Wiegman

Congratulations To All Area Graduates!

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class of 2011



Raymond Gagne III

We are very proud of you! Dad, Elaine, Pepere & Memere, Kat & Shawn


Ashley Hinkley

Congratulations Ashley, we are so proud of you. Love Grammy & Bumpa

Tyler Allen

Congratulations Tyler, we are all so proud of you. Love Nana & Bup Leavitt & family.


Kayla St. Amand

Congratulations Kayla, we are so very proud of you. Love Mom, Cierra & Trever


We Love You! Congrats, Gotcha!! Big Daddy

Edward Little High School

Tyler Allen

Sheldon Seth Jones

Sheldon, we are extremely proud of you and wish you success. Love Mom & Edwina


Jen Rioux

We love you Jen! Enjoy Smith College! Love Mom and Dad.


Nicole Smith

Good luck at Orono.We are very proud of you. Love Mom, Dad, Brianna, Nick, Jess & Laura


Bri Robbins

Leavitt Area High School


Saydi Voisine

Congratulations Saydi! We are so very proud of you. Love Dad and Karen


Edward Little High School

Dirigo High School Nelson Metayer

We are all very proud of you! Love Mom and your Harkins & Metayer families


Edward Little High School


Justin Conant

We are so proud of all your accomplishments. Love you, Grammie & Grampa

We are very proud of you! Love Mom, Dad, Austin & Papa

Lewiston High School


Hannah Knight

We are very proud of you. Love Papa, Mama, Kevin, Holly, Thomas & Rachel

Leavitt Area High School

Hebron Academy 2011

Taylor Theriault

Great job, I am very proud of you. Grammie Caron


Lewiston High School

Dakota Carroll


Leavitt Area High School

Hebron Academy Taylor Theriault

Congratulations Taylor, four great years.You have made us very proud. Love Mom & Dad

Leavitt Area High School


Congratulations Dakota, we are very proud of you. Love You, Grammy & Grampa



Dirigo High School Collin Miclon

Keep following the yellow brick road, Collin We love you, Nana & Bumpa

Edward Little High School

Thomas Haskins

So Very Proud! Love you Tom! Mom


Leavitt Area High School

Edward Little High School



Lewiston High School

Casey Lee Ridlon

Casey, I am so proud of you! Love Gram Brown

Edward Little High School

Brunswick High School


Buckfield High School

Congratulations to all area graduates.


Brittany Martin

To our LHS Salutatorian. We are so Proud of you Brittany!! Love Mom, Dad & Amanda

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011

Brian Brown

Brian, I am so proud of you! Love Gram Brown

Poland Regional High School



Connor King

Congratulations Connor, we are so proud of you! Love Mom & Dad & Carly

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011


MaRissa Pike


Allison Lewandowsky

Congratulations Allie! Good luck at Boston College! Love Mom, Dad, Emily & Jeff


Oak Hill High School

Lewiston High School

Congrats! We are so very proud of you! Love Mom, Mike & Grandpa

Lewiston High School


Mt. Blue High School Taylor Jo Bubier

We love you Taylor, Congratulations. Love Nana & Grampa

Morgan Gilbert

Nolan Howard

Congratulations Nolan, we are very proud of you, Love Dad, Gram & Grampa


Benjamin Millett-Cordwell

Congratulations Ben, we are very proud of you. Love Lou Lou & DiDi


Brooke Raymond

Be good, have fun, study hard. Love Mom, Dad & Cameron

Heather Santomango

Great job from a great girl. Congratulations from Memere Pat & Bob

Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School

Krystal Poulin

Extremely proud of you. Love Mémère & Roger



Grandma & Grandpa are very proud of you, aim high. Love you


Deanna M. Merchant

Congratulations Deanna, I am so very proud of you! Love Mum xxoo

Saint Dominic Academy

Adam Beaulieu

Congratulations, we are so proud of you! Mom and Gram

We are so proud of you.

Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School

Oak Hill High School

Oak Hill High School



Scott Gagne

We are so proud of you. Love Mom & Dad

Saint Dominic Academy

Samantha Ouellette

Congrats! We couldn’t be more proud! Love Dad and Tanya


Poland Regional High School



Michael St. Pierre

Livermore Falls High School

Hillary J. Durrell

Hillary, we are so proud of you! Love, Mom and Dad

Eric Morin

Congratulations Eric, we are so very proud of you. Love Mom, Dad & Amy

Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School

Lisbon High School



Saint Dominic Academy

Jared Bourgoin

Congratulations,4 perfect years,you did it! We are so proud of you.Love you Grammie & Grampa

Lewiston High School


Livermore Falls High School

Lewiston High School

Congratulations to all area graduates.

Lewiston High School



Cali Morgan Blackman

Cali, we are so proud of you.Congratulations & good luck in Cincinnati.Love Mom, Dad, Brady & Jordan



Jay High School Honor Graduates. Left to right, back row: Brianna Farrington, Melissa Ladd, Karisa Macomber, Rose LeBlanc, Bethany Moore, Salutatorian; Cassandra Plante, Jordan D. Couture, Jordan P. Couture, Jacob Lord; front row: Linda Viraphondeth, Brittany DiPompo, Marlee Dubord, Naomi Gettle, Kayla Maurais, Mariah Buote, Britni Hutchinson, Valedictorian; Absent: Shauni Flagg.

Dustin Hargreaves, Jacob Hiott, Beth Hutchinson, Britni Hutchinson, Brandon Jackson, Joshua Jackson, Nikoloas Kostopoulos,

Bethany Moore, Cassandra Plante, Taylor Rand, Alexis Raymond, Rebecca Rodgers, Branden Shardlow, Emily Stoops,

Edward Krupp, Christopher Labbe, Melissa Ladd, Matthew Lancaster, Rose LeBlanc, Jacob Lord, Dean Lorrain, Karisa Macomber,

Kyle Storer, Linda Viraphondeth, Courtney Webster, Alannah White, Christina Whitman, Frank Williams.


Lydia Martin

Congratulations Lydia, we are so proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad

10 CLASS OF 2011

Saint Dominic Academy

Saint Dominic Academy

Congratulations to all area graduates.



Alex Parker

We’re proud of you. Uncle Rene, Uncle Rick & Family, Aunt Amy & Family

Saint Dominic Academy

Mariah Buote, Kyle Burnell, Jordan D. Couture, Jordan P. Couture, Lindsay Couture, Garrett Dee, Jacob Dingus, Brittany DiPompo,


Brooke Raymond

Congratulations.We are all so proud of you. Good luck! Love, Memere, Pepere & Family

Best of Luck!

Graduation ceremony Date: Sunday June 12 Time: 1 p.m. Place: At the school


Kevin Costello

Good Luck at St. Michael’s College. Love Mom & Dad


Meagan Lawrence

Congratulations Meagan! We are so very proud of you. Love Mom & Dad

Saint Dominic Academy

Members of the class of 2011 at Jay High School include: Dylan Bassett, Matthew Beaudette, Katherine Beaulieu, Cassandra Beliveau, Connor Boynton, Geordan Brown,


Kaila McCracken

Congratulations Kaila and best of luck at Syracuse!

Saint Dominic Academy

Kayla Maurais, Mariah McKenna, Sammie McKenzie, Savanna Merrill, Eileen Mitchell,

Saint Dominic Academy

Marlee Dubord, Brianna Farrington, Mathew Ferland, Shauni Flagg, Naomi Gettle,

Saint Dominic Academy

Jay High School


Alex Parker

Congratulations Alex. All our love, Grandma and Grandpa Mercier

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011

Fryeburg Academy

Friesen, Colette Fritzlen, Bailey Frost, Cody Frye, Ziyu Ge, Matthew Genest, Ka i la Gibbons, Cheng Gong, Ashley Graves, Meaghen Greer, Jiahao Gu,

Members of t he cla ss of 2011 at Fr yeburg Academy include : L i ndsay Abra ha m, Meh met A lt u n k ay a, I l ha m A lt u n k ay a, W hitney Arnold, Peter Bacchiocchi, Sara Ba ker, Paige Barley, Cody Batchelor, Robert Belle-Isle, Nicole Bodeau,

Kat her i ne Heg g ie, Rebeck a Hennessy-Bel len, Tylor Henr y, Ashley Henschel, Nathan Hill, Thu Hoang, Marina Houlihan, Aubrie How a rd, Boha n Hua ng , Ja len Humphrey,

Audrey Boyd, Cody Boyd, Meghan Bradley, John Brenchick, Lauren Br ook i ng , A le x a nder Br o ok s, Marcus Buzzell, Dennis Campbell, Javier Cava, Molly Cavanaugh, Pin-Hao Chao, Yang-jung Cheng, Wonbeen Choi, Claudine Clarke, Da kota Clif ford, Kately n Cole, Ashley Condo-Jerome, Abraham C o op e r, M i c h a e l C r e e g a n , Jonathan Dana, Elodie Davis, Guillermo Del Barrio Diaz, Tinamaria Delacruz, Felicia Delan, Giovanni Difazio, Miranda Di Ma r t i no, A sly n Di ndor f, Wenqia n Dong, Ja mie Dubois, Samantha Dubois, A nh Duong, Mai Duong, Kayla Durgin, Seth Eastman, Kai Ederer, Madeline Egan, Naomi Ela, Stefan Emery, Sarah Flaherty, Salomon

Maranacook Community High School Members of the class of 2011 at Ma ra nacook Communit y Hig h School include: Samuel Adelson, Jerry Allen, Calum Arculeo, Selena Bachelder, Benja m i n Ba r ne s, Kristie Barter, Russell Bayreuther, Mitchel l Bessette, Ca it ly n Brennan, Sarah Brooks, Robert Burnell, Julie Churchill, Emily Clark, Robert Clark, Alexis Cookson, Sarah Crockett, Sean Da ig le, Jonat ha n Da le, Ty ler DeAngelis, Courtlyn Donato, Mega n Dood, Kat her ine Dore, Joshua Dugal, Dakota Duplissie, E l le Fe nt on-Hu le t t , A m a nd a

Graduation ceremony Date: Sunday, June 12 Time: 1 p.m. Place: At the school

Graduation ceremony Date: Sunday, May 29 Time: 2 p.m. Place: At the school

Monmouth Academy The Monmout h Academy class of 2011 includes: Jeremy Ashlock, Jeremy Auger, Walter Bachelder, Amanda Blundon, Chad Bryant, Blake Burnham, Tiffany Bussiere, Sara Campbell, Sage Carpenter, Caleb Carter,

Kimberley Hurst, Brenna Kackley, R i ko Ka m ish i ma, Ch ia-che Kang, Jacob Keaten, A lexander Kiesman, Jin Wook Kim, Mitchell Knox, Samantha Kruguer, Devin LaCasce,

Riley Pitman, Nickolas Prout y, M ichel le R a s c oe, Et h a n R ay, William Reed, Andrew Rideout, Berta Rodes, Zacher y Rowland, Fa bi a n S c ho e w er, P a r k er Schoonover,

Gerald LaMountain, Jenelle Lane, Qua ng Le, Bra ndon Lee, Jacob Lettiere, Cha rlotte Lew is, Kyle Lewis, Brady Lloyd, Colby Locke, Bryan Lu,

Ju ng Wook Seo, Joseph Shaw, Kelsey Sheehan, Daniel Shubert, C hel s e a Sm it h, R y a n Sm it h, Christopher Solter, Jasson Spear, Ariana Stinchfield, Ian Sundgren,

Amber Gregor, Tyler Guzman, Kyle Haney, Dustin Hartford, Brooke Hatch, Kelsie Hilton, Kristi Hilton, A mber H i n k ley, H i l la r y Jea n, Destinie Jorstad,

Sh i k u n Lu, Kor i MacDona ld, Bria nna Ma nn, Cat herine Manoogian, Simone Marie, Carey Martin, Emma McDonald, Marya McL au g h l i n, E m i l y M ic c olo Layne, Shafiqullah Mujadadi,

Camille Surrett, Kyle Swan, Elena Terzarede, Dakota Trafton, Anna Tupaj, Miranda Walker, Shiyong Wa n g , C on r a d Wa r d, A s h le y Watkins, Karissa Watkins,

Chad Kemp, Stephanie K nausTucker, Michael L ent, Pat r ick McInnis, William Merrill, Alison Mur phy, Tyler Nadeau, Rober t Neal, Alexander Pinette, Andrea Pomerleau,

Haley Nadeau, Thuy Nguyen, Huy Ng uyen, Laura Noddin, Mi Ho Noh, Adrienne Olson, Yu-hao Pan, Bra nden Pea se-Da ig le, Wa lter Peek-Antolin, Jose Pellicer,

Findlay, Jonathan Findlay, Ryan Fish, Jessyca Flanders, Keegan Flanders, Ma r y Fletcher, Br it t ney Fog g, David Gaewski, Mitchel Gerrard, Cou r t ney Gi l ma n, Gregor y Goucher, Ch r ist i na Green lea f, Br a ndon Guer ret te, Nichol a s Harger, Amanda Harris, Jessica Ha r r is, Kat h r y n Hays, Sydney Ha zzard, Mikayla Hentschel, Chey nne Holloway, Brittany Ingram, Andrew Johnson, Elizabeth Johnston, Carrie Kahl, Jack Kennedy, Connor Lacasse, Colton L a fer r iere, A laech ia L a mou reu x , Ha r r y L a nphea r, Justin Legendre, Brooklyn Liberty, Cody Livingston, George Mallen, Ga r ret t Masciad r i, Ca mden McGlauflin, Julian McIntosh, C hel s e a McL au g h l i n, Je s sic a M c N e a r , J o n a t h a n M o o d y, Ch r istopher Mor r is, Cou r t ney M o r r i s o n , M a d e l i n e N a z a r, Kayla Parker, Andrew Patterson, C h r i stopher Pel let ier, Rober t Pineau, O’Brien Plaisted, Krista Poulin, Dav id Robinson, Matt hew Robinson, Michael Roche, Bryan Rodr ig uez, A nt hony Sa lpiet ro, Abbey Santos, Channa Schroff, Alexis Scott,

Dacey Wesley, Dana White, Sara W i l l ia ms, Jonat ha n W i l l ia ms, Cassidy Wilson, Tianyu Xiang, Ang Xu, Hong x in Xu, Zachar y York, Caleb Young, Peijun Yu, Shihan Zhang, Ze Zheng, Ao Zhou, Lydia Zipper.

Timothy Deblois

Amber Gregor

Kelsie Hilton

Megan Record, Brittany Roberts, Taylor Scot t, Casa nd ra Si rois, Cassidy Small, Kevin Smith, Leah St. Hilaire, Henry Talbot, Drake T h o m p s o n , Me a g a n Wa l k e r, B r i t t n i e We y m o u t h , D e i d r e Weymouth, Timothy Whitmore.

Kristi Hilton

Alison Murphy

Taylor Scott

Cassidy Small

Kevin Smith

Meagan Walker

Graduation ceremony Date: Sunday, June 5 Time: 2 p.m. Place: At the school

Have a great summer! Best Wishes Monmouth Graduates!


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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011

Jeremy Ashlock

Eric Coulombe, Nicole Coward, Timothy Deblois, Kevin Desmond, Dylan Doucette, Meagan Floyd, Kyle Foy t-Bridges, Tyler Frost, Caitlyn Gagne, Jennie Gendreau,

Heidi Shaw, Kor t ney Simonds, Julia Skrien, Derek Smith, Kathryn Sm it h, Joshua Souc y, Kat h r y n Struck, Mary Taylor, Victoria Teele, Walker Thompson, K a r a Va c hon, E v a n V i nc ent , Katherine Voynik, Kathryn Walsh, Con nor Week s, Lucas Wen zel, Colby Wieland, Ashlynn Williams, Kara Witherill.

Top Students

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class of 2011 11

Mountain Valley High School Mountain Valley High School class of 2011 members include: David Adley, Amber Allen, Joshua Allen, Deanna Barnett, Brandon Bedell, Derek Benedix, Jonathon Bennett, Eric Billings, Heidi Billings, Cote Blanchard, Travis Blanchard, Kyle Blodgett, Megean Bourgeois, Ryan Bourret, Robert Bradford, Dalton Bradley, Taylor Bradley, Allison Bresette, Mariah Briggs, Andrew Bronish,

Oak Hill High School

Top Students

Megean Bourgeois

Justin Carter

Rebecca Bela ire, K irst y n B i r k b e c k , Ty l e r B l a n c h a r d , St e p h a n ie B ou c h a r d , Tr a c y Brackett, Dustin Bradman, Brian Bradstreet, Victoria Bragg, Tori Brown, Luke Brule,

Lynsie Dupuis

Cameron Kaubris

A imee Bumby, Kay ne Burgess, Ryan Burgess, Thomas Burgess, N a t h a n i e l C a r e y, C o u r t n e y Carlson, Tar y n Carlson, Justin Carter, Hillar y Cayer, Kymberly Couch, Mariya Coulombe, Aidan Crossley, Danielle Cunningham, Hannah Daigle, Aaron Delcourt, Brittany Desgrosseilliers, Nathan DeTellis, Rashida Dickinson, Lynsie Dupuis, Christian Durland,

Jesse Milledge

Kera Miller

Cameron Kaubris, Chelsea Lach, Rashaud Lavoie, Nicole Lavorgna, Brianna LeCours, Isaac Ledesma, K at her i ne Ma cD on a ld , C o d y Magoon, Zachary Martel, Heath McKenna, S a br i n a McPher s on, Wade McPherson, Jesse Milledge, Kera Mi l ler, L loyd Mi l ler, Bra ndon Milligan, E r i n M i l l iga n, Ty ler Mor ton, W i l l ia m Mou lton, Zacha r y Moulton, Whitney Palmer, Nathan Papsadora, Krystal Parent, James P a s t o r, M c K e n z i e P a t e r s o n , Elizabeth Perry, Tyler Pingree, Jacob Pinkham, Shayne Plourde, Breana Roberts, Kelsey Salatino, Joshua Sel leck, Just i n Spa rk s, Travis St. Pierre, Nicholas Sterling, Ian Sweetser, Aizhan Tagaeva, Zachary Taylor, Zachary Theriault, Joshua Thornton, Jaclyn Torres, Kelcie V i rg i n, Shaw na V i rg i n, Ashley Wa lker, Jennifer Watts, Lauren W hite, Tia W hite, David Widger , Charles Wing-Thomas, Cody Zadakis.

12 CLASS OF 2011

Celina Bruneau, Jacob Burnham, Jessica Casey, Jack Champagne, Nicholas Cody, Timika Cribbin, Bobbie Cyr, Nathaniel Dabney, B enja m i n Da g get t , Z ac h a r y Daigle,

Erin Milligan

Nathan Papsadora

Lauren White

Graduation ceremony Date: Thursday, June 2 Time: 6 p.m. Place: At the school

Time: 7 p.m. Place: Augusta Civic Center

Top Students

Shawn Adams

Rebecca Belaire

R ic h a r d Ne w ton, St e ph a n ie Norwood, Erica Patnaude, Tyler Pelletier, Emily Poirier, Krystal Pou l i n, Cody Provost, Aa r y n Puterbaugh, Michael Rawstron, Dylan Richards,

Va ledictoria n speeches a re a n opportunity to address the entire cla ss a nd h ig h l ig ht t he cla ss camaraderie. The valedictorian is serving as the voice of all the graduates, a nd should include them in the speech.

• B e shor t a nd to t he poi nt . Cha nces a re t here w i l l be a number of different speakers on commencement day. Attendees will appreciate brevity.

Brian Bradstreet

Benjamin Daggett

Samuel Hatch

Brittney Marshall

• Use a current point of reference, such as acknowledging somet hing ma k ing head lines or a favorite celebrity, as a way to break the ice. •B e sincere and try to inject some humor into t he speech. As a speaker, you can refer to your initial quote or mention at the summary of the speech as well. • Talk about what the school has prov ided for you and favorite moments throughout the last few years. •O pen up the speech about how f riends a nd fel low g raduates made the experiences even more poignant.

Cameron Morin

Krystal Poulin

Kayla Ridley, Brianna Ritchie, Da n iel le Robichaud, Nat ha n Rolston, Alyssa Ruby, Margaret Sabine, Heat her Santomango, Tay lor Sopo, A l ic ia Steven s, K a ssond r a Steven s, Z acha r y Surette, Bethanie Tardiff, Daisy Taylor, Dustie-Lyn Trask, Rebecca Tucci, Christian Tucker, Daniel Tucker, Joseph Turcotte, Eric Vattaso, Tay lor Wa l l, Nichola s Wel l s, Katelynn Wood.

T he person i n school who receives the highest grade rank is named the valedictorian and it is customary for he or she to give a speech at the commencement ceremony. The speech serves as a farewell to the graduating class and often remarks on the possibilities for the future.

Here are some ideas to consider when dra f t ing a va ledictoria n speech.

Kirk LeBlanc, Kebrina Leclair, Ta n n e r L e s s a r d , T i m o t h y Levesque, Dustin Mallar, Sara Mann, Brittney Marshall, Alyssa McBr ide, Mega n McGrot her, Kayla McIntosh, Matthew McKeow n, Benjamin Me s e r v e y, A m b e r M ic h a ud , Skylar Michaud, Cameron Morin, Nikolas Moring, Craig Morrill, Molly Morrill, Heaven Morse, Jennifer Newton,

McKenzie Paterson

Date: Monday, June 13

Jeremy DeGuisto, Robert Doyon, Sagelee Dube, Siera Dube, Taylor Fillion, Abby Goulet, Lauren Hall, Samantha Hall, Michael Hamm, Valerie Hardy, Samuel Hatch, Hillarie Hillock, Coze Hobart, A lex Johns, Sara L a c r o i x , M a t t h e w L a n d r y, Hannah Langlois, Mark Lauzon, Justin Leavitt, Harley Lebel,

V ictor ia Er r i ng ton, Ja m ie Farrington, Lacey Gallant, Lindsay Ga l la nt, E l i z a bet h Gaut re au, Hanson Gorham, Alyssa Greene, Novella Harris, Tyler Hartford, Nicole Hartzog, R o b e r t H e n r y, P a w a r a m o l Heammaphun, Benjamin Higley, Allison Hutchins, Ashley Jacques, Benjamin Jodrey, Darren Jodrey, Jessica Kane,

The Oak Hill High School class of 2011 includes: Shawn Adams, Joshua A l len, Ju lia Applebee, Will Aronson, Nicole Aube, Kasey Au st i n, Kel sey Aver i l l, Ba z i l Baker, Adam Beaulieu, Ashley Beauparlant,

Graduation ceremony

Valedictorian speeches serve as farewell

• B e sure to thank teachers and mentors who played a role in your success. •F eel free to call out a special person who went above a nd beyond to help make you the person you are today. • Praise fellow classmates and their accomplishments.

Dylan Richards

Joseph Turcotte

Have a great summer!

• Talk about plans for the future and refer to how the education provided offers a stable basis for jumping off into jobs and future projects. • T hank your audience for their time. These are basic guidelines that can be customized and personalized to fit your circumstances.

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011

Lisbon High School Member s of t he L i sbon H ig h School class of 2011 include: David Allisot, Andrew Arias, Shaun Avery, Thomas Barry, Holley Beaumier, Danielle Bennett, Diana Bernier Sieg ler, Roxa nne Bineau, Set h Boucher, Ra ndi Bra nnon, A lex Branson, Samantha Breton,

Graduation ceremony Date: Sunday, June 5 Time: 2 p.m. Place: Lewiston Armory

Top Students

Allicyn Fitzgerald, Shellby Foss, Ashley Fournier, Jordan Fox, Kyle Frazier, Katherine Freve, Jonathan Ga mache, Sa muel Goldsber r y, Zacher y Greene, Taylor Haines, Tobey Harrington, Austin Harris,

Nichole Conrad

Forrest Cornell

Ash ley Longley, Bet ha ny Loss, A nd rew MacDon nel l, En r ique Ma i n it, Sa r a h Ma r t i n, D y la n McGu i re, Kately n n McMa nus, Michael McNamara, Tara Metzger, Rachel le Mou lton, Joshua Nicholson,

Michael Degou

Allicyn Fitzgerald

Taylor Haines

Bailey Keating

Cody Watson, Molly Watson, Jem Wedd le, Michael Wi l ley, Kody Williams, Virginia Wilson, Taylor Wrede, Kayla Yates, Tyler Yates.

David Colpitts

Ky m b e r l y D ol l of f , A r i k Fenstermacher, LeeA nn Files, Lua n n Fou r n ier, Jacob Ha l l, Nicholas Harlow, Nathan Howe, Joel Jack son, A lyssa Jacques, Amber Johnson,

Justin Conant

Becky Cote

Allie Hammond, Valedictorian Deanna Dolloff

Ryan Michaud, A lex Milledge, Rory Murphy, Maggie Nemethy, Alyssa Pierce, Emily Ray, Justin Richards, Spencer Ross, Andrew Savadge, Jill Schnorr, Colby Sm it h, Michael Sm it h, Dakota Sylvester, Cody Turner, Erin Turner, Kirsten Uhde, Denise Webber, Jacob Weston, Trav is Willis, Brittany Wright, Joshua Yokell, Brittany Young.

Place: At the school

Jacqueline Knowles

Graduation ceremony Date: Saturday, June 11 Time: 3 p.m. Place: At the school

Hannah Knight

Emily Ray

Spencer Ross

Kirsten Uhde

Michael McNamara

Congratulations! Tara Metzger

Taylor Stevens

Best of Luck!

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011

Sierra Marchacos, Salutatorian

Arik Fenstermacher

Date: Friday, June 3 Time: 6 p.m.

Members of the Rangeley Lakes Reg iona l Hig h School class of 2011 include: Savanna Giguere, Kirk Haines,Ezekiel Hall, Allison Ha m mond, Spencer Joh n son, Sierra Machacos, Cary Millbury, Carina Pathiakis, Jordan Richard, Chelsey Sacre, Rega n Sa rgent, George Seaman, Chelsea-Dagmar Wetherill.

Top Students

Graduation ceremony

Matthew Nicholson, Joshua Oakes, Devin O’Connor, Alyssa O’Leary, Emily Ouellette, Christine Pfusch, Joshua Pomerleau, Kyrstin Ramich, Ashley Ridley, Shauna Riordan, Joanna Rodgers, Dev yn St. Jean, Jared Scipione, Emily Shedd, MaKayla Stevens, Taylor Stevens, Courtney Stich, Ju l ia Swa n, Shay ne T her r ien, Joshu a T homps on, Benja m i n Verrill, Sabrina Wallace,

Meredith Brown

Benja m i n Jorda n, Ka ssa nd ra Kaulback, Brooke Kersey, Mason King, Hannah Knight, Stefany Lyon, Michelle Maxwell, Shannon M a y, C ole t t e Mc K e e n , L e v i McKeen,

Stephanie Hayslip, Christopher Heaven, Austin Hern, Bryan Heuer, Mariah Hilchey, Dillon Holton, Jos hu a How e, C olby Hu nter, Mercedes Hursh, Crystal Ingerson, Stephen Johnson, Ashley Johnston, Hailey Jordan, Ba i le y Keat i ng , Jacquel i ne K now le s , E l i z a b e t h Kor o s k i , A nd rew L a ma r re, Ch r ist ia n L a Pl a nt e, Ia n L a r le e, K a y ne Lava llee, Pa ige Leonas, Kelsey Linnell,

Members of t he Di r igo Hig h School class of 2011 include: Kirby Averill, Cait ly nn Bea le, Daw n Blackman, Austin Blodgett, Kayla Brow n, Meredith Brow n, John Calden, Zachary Cannon, Ethan Christie,

Rangeley Lakes Regional High School

Top Students

Everett Christie, Joel Cloutier, Deidre Cochran, David Colpitts, Jeffrey Colpitts, Justin Conant, Becky Cote, Desiree Dearborn, Brittany Dolloff, Deanna Dolloff,

A ngela Brissette, Bria nna Br o w n , He a t h e r B u d e s h e i m , Chyle Ca meron, A lex a nd r ia Ca mpbel l, Lucas Ca ron, Rya n Cates, C h r i stopher C ha nd ler, Mar y Conlon, Nichole Conrad, Alexander Corey, Samuel Corey, Forrest Cornell, Meghan Craig, Michael Degou, Nickalaus Dingley, Katie Dixon, Timothy Dobson, Ryan Drottar, Hillary Durrell, Garth Ebner, Sara Ferrazzi,

Dirigo High School

class of 2011 Good Luck to All Area Graduates!!!

Congratulations Dirigo Graduates! from

Ellis Variety & Gas Station

126 Weld Road Dixfield, ME


From Your Friends at... 827 Lisbon St. & 704 Main St. Lewiston 333 Center St. & 90 Mt. Auburn Ave, Auburn

class of 2011 13

Livermore Falls High School Graduation ceremony Date: Saturday, June 4 Time: 7 p.m.

Thomas Bizier, Timothy Blaisdell, Bra ndon Brag g , Da n iel Bret t, Taylor Bubier, Nicole Caron, Emilee Ca st ner, M ichael Ca stong uay, Samuel Chabot, Ryan Chretien, Eli zabet h Cote, Bra k Cox, Led Crosby, Cheyanne Cushing, Brandi

Place: At the school

Douglass, Annika Durrell, Kelsey Emmons, Matthew Esty, Lauren Faeth, Kaitlin Ferland, Tor i Four nier, Bra ndy Goding, Tif fa ny Greene, Sa ma nt ha Greenwood, Tyler Halliday, Alyssa Hamilton, Brianna Hamilton, Cole Hayford, Raymond Hedges, Josh Hine, C h r i s t o p h e r Ja c k m a n , Ty l e r Jackman, Keith Jewett, Stephanie Jordan, Jacob Keene, Craig Knight, Cynthia Lacroix – Dodd, Jessica Leclerc, James Lee,

K ierla n Lovewel l, Chasitee Ma r t i nez, Cou r t ney Ma r t i nez, Bryan Maurais, Shane Mcdonald, Phillip Mcgall, Austin Mcleod, Sean Mills, Nicholas Mitchell, Caylee Morris, Travis Neil, Dillon Newcomb, David Newman, Alexandra Niedner, Madison Noll, Sa ma nt ha Ouel let te, Morg ha n Packa rd, La nce Pa ngel i na n, Adrienne Pa rk, Holden Pa rker, Nichole Parlin,

R icha rdson, A ma nda Robbi ns, Kayla Rollins, A lexa nder Rose, Dennis Royer, Margaret Saw yer, James Seitz, Kassandra Shackley, Ashley Sidney, Kim Theriault, Kayla Therrien, Megan Therrien, Kyle Tripp, Zachary Vigue, Kayla Ward, Marissa Welch, Elizabeth White, Skie Wixon.

Kenneth Pelletier, Christine Pike, A mber R icha rd s, C h r i stopher

Congratulations class of 2011

Top Students

Thomas Bizier

The Livermore Falls High School class of 2011 i ncludes : A lysha Adams, Adrienne Alley, Michael A nct i l, Michael A r mst rong, A my Ba m ford, Br ya n na Bates, Caitlin Beairsto, Rochelle Beckey, Mercedes Bell, Bryce Bilodeau,

Michael Anctil

Bryanna Bates

Keith Jewett

Michael Castonguay

Tori Fournier

Holden Parker

Ashley Sidney

James Lee

Lauren Faeth

Mt. Abram High School Graduation ceremony Date: Friday, June 10 Time: 7 p.m. Place: At the school

Best of Luck! tions Congratula am Mt. Abr ! Graduates

Mt. Abram High School Honor Seniors, left to right, front row: Clayre Plog, Elise Presby, Nicholas Vickers, Taylor Puleo, Brooke Gilchrist; back row: William London, Renae Ladd, Annah Houston, Holly Thomas, Colleen Shields, Danielle Smith, Molly McCafferty; absent: Wren Tooker.

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14 CLASS OF 2011

Mt. Abram High School’s class of 2011 includes: Cha nta l Abbott, Matt hew Abbott, Leea nn Bachelder, Sylvia Bachelder, Henry Bracy, Joseph Cousineau, Victoria Crocket t, A nd rew Cu m m i ngs, Ke en a n Do c k , Sk ye G a lu s h a , Brooke Gilchrist, Gabrielle Gile, Da lton Gordon, Annah Houston, Jamey Howard, Jessica Howa rd, Ca it lin Humphries, Aaron Jalbert, Renae Ladd, Christopher Lane,

A l lison LeMont, Wi l lia m London, Sierra Lovejoy, Jeremy Maceda, Alec Marcheterre, Kyle Matthews, Molly McCafferty, Anna McGinness, Eric Mitchell, Forest Mitchell, Et ha n Moody, Joseph Newel l, Emma Nile, Lauri Ann O’Connor, Garrick Paul, Bridget Pink ham, Clay re Plog, Sid ne Pray, El ise Presby, Taylor Puleo,

Shaw, Col leen Sh ields, Forest Silver, Danielle Smith, Tisha Marie Stinchfield, Jennifer Tardif, Caleb Taylor, Benjamen Thomas, H o l l y M a r i e T h o m a s , Ty l e r Thorndike, Wren Tooker, Kristin Tren holm, Jordon Tr ipp, Tor in Twitchell, Nicholas Vickers, Travis Viles, Garrett Vogl, Chelsea Wa s e l e s k i , J o r d y n W h i t i n g , Lakeesha Marie Woodcock.

Dyla n Ma r ie Rey nolds, Da n iel Roy, Ja s A nd rew Savage, A lex

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011

Winthrop High School Members of the class of 2011 at Winthrop High School include: Eva n A rbou r, Zacha r y Ba r ter, Vanessa Berry, Jonathan Blodgett, Joseph Bren na n, Steven Buck, Grace Burnett, Ryan Castonguay,

V ic tor ia C ha mberla i n, Pa rker Chapin, Connor Chu, Christopher Clancy, Ryan Conant, Alexander Coyne-Smith, Krystal Cyr, Katie Douglas, Anna Doyle, Eric Duplessis, Vincent Faiv re, Reilly Fitzgerald, Sasha Flaherty, Pat rick Fly nn, Brady Frautten, Stephen Gallo, Michael Geschwind, Wa lt Guerette, Tabit ha Ha llett,

Ch r istopher Ha l l iga n, A lex Henson, Sarah Hignett, Katherine Hofferberth, Travis Hutchins, Ho Jun Kang, Tyler Koether, Colby Laf lamme, Joshua Lapointe, Grace Lemieux, Molly Lindsey, Travis Luce, Siu-Hin Lui, Timothy Morang, Allyce McQuillan, Kelsey Nason, Caleb Nichols, Derek Pamphrey,

Lindsay Phillips, Cody Plasterer, Karen Rice, Samuel Roberts, Nicole Scot t, Joshua Seek i ns, Hu nter Sherman, Travis Sherman, Wa lter Si m s, T hom a s Sm it h, Katherine Spahr, Adam St. Pierre, A lex a nder Telow, Rya n Tozer, Alicia True, Ryan Valle, Richard Van Twistern, Tyler Ward, Sarah Warner, Sarah Williams.

Graduation ceremony Date: Sunday, June 12 Time: 2 p.m. Place: At the school

Top Students

Connor Chu, Valedictorian

Evan Arbour, Salutatorian

Gray-New Gloucester High School Members of the class of 2011 at Gray-New Gloucester High School include: Elizabeth Allen, Robert A n a n i a , Kol b y A r nold , K a t ie Ayer, Taylor Bellavance, Nicholas Ben net t, Pa ige Ber ube, De a n Bla ncha rd, Joseph Bow ie, John Brower, Phillip Burgess, Thomas Carll, Ryan Cavallaro, Rebecca Cavannaugh, Wil l Da nieli, Megha n Dehet re, Margaret Dolloff, William Dunphy, Rachel Edson, Samuel Eldridge, Nicole Eng lehaupt, Gregor y Erickson, Michael Farling, Joshua Far ynaz, Caitlin Field, Anthony Finocchietti, Krystal Fogg, Eliza Foster, Adam Frey, Derek Ganem, Katelyn Gauthier, Taylor Getchell, Jeffrey Gillette, Helena Gilligan, Tanika Gorham, Molly Grannell, Kyle Grant, Dylan Gray, Ashley Guptill, Breanna Harlow, Brandi Harmon, Bernd Hartig, Alex Hayden, John Heffernan, Joshua Helie, Marc Hill, Jordan Holmes, Tyler Holmquist, Camille Hooper, Brittney Hutchinson, Naom i Ives, Ada m Jen sen, Brandon Jipson, Ashley Johnson, Kaitlyn Johnston, Matthew Kane, Christopher Kirby, Elena Kiyanitsa, Zachery Knapp, Jenna Labrecque, Korie LaCha nce, Noel Lagasse, C h r i stopher L a k i n, Meg ha n L a n d r y, C a r m e n L a p o i n t e , Benja min Lauritsen, Pa ige Leighton, Ashley Lew is, Joshua Libby (posthumous recognition),

Grace Burnett

Parker Chapin

Anna Doyle

Patrick Flynn

Molly Lindsey

Cody Plasterer

Nicole Scott

Sarah Warner

Monica Lund, Sa ma nt ha Maristany, Christopher Marshall, Heat h Ma r tel l, Jessica Ma son, Me a g a n Ma y, S a muel Ma y er, Stephen McKag ue, L i ndsay McKeen, Brandon Merry, Rachel Millett, Robert Morency, Elizabeth Morton, Allison Nay, Jeffrey Nay, Victoria Parks, Michelle Paul, Sarah Pelkey, Leasha Ramsey, Isaiah Ray, Jordan Rice, Jessica Richards, Charity Robbins, Tayla Robbins, Leah Rottari, Kellie Sanborn, Taryn Sangillo, Amber Schade, Benjamin Schaeffer, Ethan Sivulich, Duncan Smith, Nicholas Southard, Nicholas St. John, Christpoher St. Pierre, James Stash, Gregory Steinbrecher, Daniel St reet, R y a n Su l l iv a n, Rober t Sutherland, Jennifer Suttles, Jeffrey Taylor, Alyshia Teras, Mat t hew T hompson, Nicole Tomba rel li, Kour t ney Tra f ford, Lauren Trickey, Baylee Turner, Emily Tynes, Alicia Valente, Cody Ventresca, Benjamin Verrill, Joshua Vickerson, Nei l Wi lson, Day ne Young.

Graduation ceremony Date: Saturday, June 11 Time: 7 p.m.

Gray-New Gloucester Top 10%, left to right, front row: Kolby Arnold, Salutatorian; Emily Tynes, Valedictorian; middle row: Caitlin Field, Eliza Foster, Tayla Robbins, Rebecca Cavanaugh, Benjamin Schaeffer; back row: Ethan Sivulich, Molly Grannell, Joshua Vickerson, Alicia Valente, Tyler Holmquist.

Congratulations from


Auto Body & Sales, Inc.

Place: Cumberland County Civic Center

Best of Luck!

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011


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CLASS OF 2011 15

Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School The Ox ford Hi l ls class of 2011 i n c l u d e s : J o n a t h a n A d l e y, Christopher Alberi, Jenna Allen, Nick Allen, Tyler Allen, Brooke Ayot te, Jessic a Ba i ley, A sh ley Baillie, Jackson Bananno, Jakob Barker, Dana Beaudet, Abbey Begley, Allie Bell, Shawn Bennett, Justin Berube, Ryan Billings, Taylor Black, Haleigh Bonney, Kourtney Boyce, Travis Brackett, Amanda Brainerd, Karina Braley, Rachel Brennan, Jessica Bridges, Benjamin Brown, Heather-Marie Brown, Reegan Brown, Samantha Brow n, Ta r a Brow n, Br it t a ny Bubier, Bra ndon Bu f f i ng ton, Ti mot hy But ton, Z ac k C a mer on, Ta r a C a r lton, Jon at h a n C ip ol lo s o, Rodney Coffin, Ashley Collette, Kyleig h Col l i ns, Steven Cook, Thomas Coore, M i c h e l l e C or r i v e a u , A nd r e w Courbron, Amanda Cummings, George Curtis, Kersten Curtis, Erica Davis, Nicole Davis, Adrienne Day, Cady Day, Emma DayBranch, Ruby DayBranch, R a nd a l l D e s m a r a i s , A m a nd a Dillingham, Nicole Donnella n, Kayla Dore, A ndrew Doucette, Shelby Downs, Alisha Drake,

Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School Top 5%. Left to right: Emma DayBranch, Sarah Smith, Matthew McVety, Montana Mawhinney, Allie Bell,Kemsen Searles, Matthew Farnum, and Samantha Brown. Missing: Zane Duffany, Daniel Rand, Lindsey Kriger, and Rebecca Kennison. David Ducas, Zane Duffany, Zebb Duf fa ny, Sydney Dunba r, Nate Durgin, Katie Dyer, Sean Dyer, Anthony Edwards, Katy Emerson, Kathryn Evans, Matthew Farnum, Christine Farr, Samuel Feely, Caleb Ferris, Jonathan Flanders, Kelsey Freitas, Angellina Fruzzetti, Felicia Garland, Gabriel Gates, Jessica Gauthier, Elizabeth Gemme, Jessica Geyer, Rebecca Gilbert, Levi Gloden, Jordan Godin, Emily Goodliff, Chelsea Gould, Caitlin Gra nt, K at r i na Gray, Aut u m n Greene, Kristina Grenier, Leslie Grover, Jake Hair, Randy Ha l lock, Tor i Ha n key, Ma r isa Hanning, Alexander Hardy, Tyler Ha r t, Jacob Ha r t horne, Ash ley Harvey,

A r iel Hatch, Joseph i ne Hatch, Ta b a t h a H a w k i n s , M i c h a e l Henderson, Jeremy Herrick, Salem Hidd Painemil, Brandon Hodsdon, Justin Howard, Garrett Hudanish, Ryan Hutchinson, Danielle Ilsley, Courtney James, A r ia na Johnson, Nea l Kelson, Sadie Kenney, Rebecca Kennison, Nolan Kilfoyle, Kurt Kilgore, Emma Kissick, Emily Kist, Joshua Knapp, Stephanie Kramer, Lindsey Kriger, Jonathan Kuvaja, Shaw n L a Bay, Da kota L a rson, K a y d i e -L i n L a r s o n , A m a n d a Lavorati, Ashley Lawrence, Melissa Lebel, Brady Lebroke, Isaac Lee, Dust in Leona rd, Ja mes Lew in, Leah Libby, Kristen Lindstrom, Ryan Linscott, Kristina Lowe, Sara

Congratulations f 2011 Class oom

229 Center St., Auburn 786-3333 902 Lisbon St., Lewiston 782-4444 963 Sabattus St., Lewiston 782-5555 268 Main St., Downtown, Lewiston 782-9145 583 Prospect Ave., Route 2, Rumford 369-9999 Taylor Brook Mall, Minot Ave., Auburn 783-1111 675 Main St., Marketplace Mall, Lewiston 783-2222 583 Lisbon Rd., Lisbon Falls 353-8585

16 CLASS OF 2011

Mariah Martin, Spencer Martinez, Mont a n a Maw h i n ne y, Joshua McBean, Jamie McCabe, Brittany McCaughin, Jordan McFarland, Matthew McVety, Jessica Mehigan, Dea n na Mercha nt, M i ken z i M e r r i l l , B e n j a m i n M i l l e t tCordwel l, Jasinda Mills, Kasey Mills, Tiffani Mitchell, Zackar y Moore, Kat h leen Morey, Derek Morin, Spencer Morse, Caroline Moxcey, Maiko Newell, Bradey Newman, Brynn O’Connor, Alexis Owens, Brittany Packard, Tyler Packard, Kayla Paine, Annette Papanikolaou, Racheal Paul, Tyler Pelletier, Curtis Pendleton, Ji l l i a n P ierc e, Ma R i s s a P i ke, Ch r istopher Pr iest, Sa ma nt ha Proctor, Lyndon Proulx, Manuel Pupo, Taylor Rainey, Daniel Rand, Ja nel le Raven, Fel icia Record, Olivia Record, Shelby Richardson, Demetria Rideout, MandaLy nn R i ng, Aeron Rober ts, Ti mot hy Roberts, Kristina Rogers, Brandon Ronfeldt,



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A bi g a i l Si m m on s , Na t h a n ie l Simmons, John Sma ll, A manda Smith, Amanda Smith, Reba Smith, Ryan Smith, Sarah Smith, Travis Smith, Allyson Snow, Billie Sprague, Travis Sta nton, Cla i re Stauder, Fa it h Storey, Melissa Strauss, Jordan Strong, Brandon Strout, Bret Stuart, Da n Taylor, Kat r ina Tet reau lt, Alexander Thomas, Collin Tucker, Sarah Tuominen, George Turner, Kayla Turner, Daniel Tw itchell, Jol i ne Wa ite, Michael Wa l ker, Rachel Warner, Hannah Warren, Dillen Webster, K r i sten Went wor t h, A le x Weymouth, Kellie Wilcox, Morgan Wormwood, Ronald Wright.

Graduation ceremony Date: Saturday, June 4 Time: 7 p.m. Place: Gouin Athletic Complex ( School if raining)


Chevrolet Buick - Oxford "Your Hometown Chevrolet Buick Dealer"

Congratulations Class of 2011!


1606 Main St. (Rt. 26) Oxford, ME Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, May 20, 2011

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