Holiday 12-02-11

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Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Friday, December 2 , 2011

Family time: Fun holiday activities to do with kids T he holidays are a time for fa m i ly a nd f r iends, new t rad it ion s a nd old. A nd many parents may look forward to the school break as a time to bond with their children.

It’s also important that children en g a ge i n s ome e duc at ion a l a c t i v it ie s ov er t he hol id a y s , especially those that continue to develop reading and math skills. “Ta ke adva ntage of t he brea k f rom you r reg u la r rout i nes to show your children how learning is a n ever yday act iv it y,� sa id Emily Kirkpatrick, vice president of Nat iona l Center for Fa m i ly Literacy. “The days leading up to the holidays are an exciting time, and many children are thrilled to do something new.�

Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, here are some fun holiday activities to do with kids: Read holiday stories: In the weeks before the holidays, gather your fa mily’s favorite holiday books a nd read one stor y or chapter together nightly. Have children pa r t icipate in fol low ing a long, t u r n i ng pa ge s a nd by a s k i ng them questions about the stor y.


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Reading the characters in funny voices and acting out the stories can help even the biggest Grinch warm to reading. Learn fun facts: Do you know why all snowflakes are different? Or why we make New Year’s resolutions? If you don’t, finding out the answers can be fun with your child. Educat iona l websites li ke, created by the NCFL, let parents and children explore short videos that explain t he a nswers to ma ny t r iv ia questions – including why people kiss under mistletoe.

Make holiday cards : Have k ids ma ke a list of recipients. Then help them write holiday messages and decorate holiday cards before mailing them. If kids are too little to w rite a message, have t hem help you create one and then sign t hei r na mes or add d raw i ngs. Grandparents will appreciate these more than store-bought cards. Volunteer together: Whether it’s in your local soup kitchen or hospital, the holidays are a great time to teach kids about the importance of volunteering and spreading joy. If you think it might be difficult for your family to spend a day with strangers, consider baking cookies or a cake for an elderly neighbor or relative. Have kids read recipes, measure ing redients a nd keep t h i ng s or ga n i z e d. T h i s helps develop reading, counting and organizational skills while sharing.

Creating holiday cards with your kids can bring you closer together. Track Santa : Not a ll traditions have to be t radit iona l. If your children feel more comfortable in front of a computer t han in t he k itchen, use t hat to you r a d v a nt a ge w hen c on sider i n g

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Children and adults alike are sure to get a kick out of it. For more ideas for fun activ ities for k ids, v isit ht t p ://w w w.wonderopol (StatePoint)


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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

These gifts are sweet to music lovers’ ears T

aste in music is a topic of eter na l debate. W het her a person’s i nterests lea n toward the Beatles or the Beastie Boys, t here’s no deny ing most people love listening to music. Music can lift our moods and help us through difficult times, and it can also make the good times that much more enjoyable. Come the holiday season, many people look to music when gifting friends and family. Though it’s wise to avoid getting too specific with a musical gift for fear of offending persona l taste, t here a re more general gifts shoppers can give that are sure to please.

ones will get the music they like, a nd a l l but g ua ra ntees t he g if t won’t be returned. P r ote c t i v e he a dphone s : T h e popularit y of digital music has i n c r e a s e d t h e p op u l a r i t y of persona l dig ita l music players t hat a re of ten l istened to v ia he adphone s. O ne sig n i f ic a nt disadvantage to such players is t he long ter m side ef fects t hey can have on hearing. Over time, if music lovers spend lots of time listening to players with poorly desig ned headphones, t hey

can do substantial and possibly irreparable damage to their ears. Protect your loved one’s hearing w it h headphones t hat promise g r e at s ou nd qu a l it y w it hout putting a person’s hearing at risk. Protective headphones can reduce the risk of hearing loss and often prov ide superior sound qua lit y than the headphones that come standard with some of the most popular digital music players. Music lessons: Younger music fans might want to try their hand at a

favorite musical instrument or join a choir. For such youngsters, music lessons might be the ideal gift to encourage a hobby t hat’s bot h healthy and educational.

Concert tickets : Music lovers almost universally agree seeing a favorite band or performer live in concer t is even better t ha n listening in the car or at home.

Those considering such lessons for nieces or nephews should consult the youngster’s parents first, as Mom and Dad will ultimately have to deal with the consequences of having a young rocker around the house. For especially young kids, consider musical toys that are fun and educational.

T h is hol iday sea son, consider going the extra mile and buying a loved one concert tickets to see a favorite performer. W hen doing so, include a little extra money so they can purchase a T-shirt to commemorate the night.

Gift certificate to an online music store: Most of today’s music fans purchase their music digitally via a handful of online music retailers, be it iTunes, Amazon, etc.

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Fi nd out w h ich d ig it a l mu sic reta i ler you r loved one prefers and purchase a gift certificate to that retailer. This ensures loved

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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011


Shoes are factory seconds or discontinued styles. Discount off factory store pr ices. Cannot apply to prior sales or other offers. For first quality merchandise, visit Cadillac Mountain Sports on High St. in Ellsworth 207-6677819 or on Cottage St. in Bar Harbor 207288-4532. Sorry, Factory Store offers not valid at dealer locations.




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Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la, la la la la. (Refrain above) Don we now our gay apparel, Fa la la, la la la, la la la. Troll the ancient Yule tide carol, Fa la la la la, la la la la. See the blazing Yule before us, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Strike the harp and join the chorus. Fa la la la la, la la la la. (Sing refrain) Follow me in merry measure, Fa la la la la, la la la la. While I tell of Yule tide treasure, Fa la la la la, la la la la. (Sing refrain) Fast away the old year passes, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Hail the new, ye lads and lasses, Fa la la la la, la la la la. (Sing refrain) Sing we joyous, all together, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Heedless of the wind and weather, Fa la la la la, la la la la.

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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

To: From:

Willow Tree Primitives Offering A Large Variety of Country Primitive Décor & Gifts Willow Tree Angels • Candles Battery Candles • Timer Candles Quilts • Curtains • Signs • Stars Pictures • Lighted Houses Lamps • Country Furniture Berry Rings & Garlands Willow Trees • Braided Rugs Stonewall Kitchens Hand Made Items • Antiques Collectibles • Christmas Décor Cards • Gift Certificates Plus Much More!

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1 Garfield Rd, Auburn • 344-6622 •

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011



A few of the hot phones this holiday season Give t he g if t of enter ta inment wh i le helpi ng a loved one get organized and simplify their life. The Android-powered Motorola ELECTRIF Y f rom U.S. Cel lu la r is the perfect gift for on-the-go techies. Complete with a handy k ick sta nd, t h is sma r t phone features a dual-core processor and a host of multimedia features.

User s c a n c u stom i z e t hei r Black Ber r y Torch 9850 to stay connected and to fit their lifestyle t h roug h t he en ha nc e d BBM6 ( B l a c k B e r r y Me s s e n g e r) a nd various apps for gaming, social net work i ng, on l i ne shoppi ng, a nd i ncrea si ng product iv it y through BlackBerr y App World. Additionally, users can capture specia l moments w it h its 5-megapixel camera and brilliant HD video camera.

St r e a m l i v e m o v i e s i n h i g h def inition on t he ELECTRIFY’s l iqu id-c r y st a l sc reen d i splay, and multitask from one of seven home screen s w here you c a n si mu lt a neou sly access ema i l, social networking sites, web pages a nd you r favor ite apps. Ma ke memories with family and friends by taking pictures with the LED flash cameras located on the front and back of the device.

Tablets are all the rage W ho needs to be t ied dow n to t hei r desk top or even a laptop for that matter? The HTC Flyer, available at U.S. Cellular, helps you get more done during your d a y, s o y ou c a n s p end mor e time enjoying its entertainment opt ions w it h you r fa m i ly, l i ke watching videos, listening to your music or reading e-books.

Not just for business people anymore A perfect gift for the business person in your life who likes to have a little fun, the all-in-one design of the BlackBerry Torch 9850 from U.S. Cellular offers a f luid all-touch display plus slide-out QW ERTY keyboard provides an incredible mu lt i med ia ex per ience, wh i le never comprom isi ng ef f icient typing with the classic BlackBerry ke y boa rd. It f e a t u r e s L i q u i d Graphics technology, combining a ded icated h ig h-per for ma nce g raph ics processor w it h a blazingly fast CPU and stunning

ed jectng o r P eni Op ay D 21 . Dec

The A ndroid-powered tablet is small enough to hold in one hand and powerful enough for email, web browsing, entertainment and apps. The 7-inch tablet is driven by a 1.5 GHz Snapdragon processor that lets customers cruise through applications, play games and watch TV and movies. The HTC Flyer also comes with 32GB of memory on

SKI & RIDE CARDS are back again this year. Good for Lost Valley and either Sugarloaf or Sunday River.

board to store music and videos. An optional HTC Scribe pen can highlight text, make notes, draw and even sign documents right on the screen.

For the social coordinator Stay in the loop with your circle of family and friends w ith U.S. Cellular’s LG Saber. Take advantage of its full QWERTY keyboard and compose messages quick ly and easily while out and about. For those indescribable moments, count on its VGA camera to capture importa nt events. Record your voice and attach a photo to add a personal touch, or print your pictures and share your contact information w irelessly. Admire the LG Saber’s sleek image, which makes it a stylish impression this holiday season.

BlackBerry Torch

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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

Bright ideas: Toy safety tips for the holiday season W hen buying gifts for children, don’t just buy whatever is on their wish list. Do some research first. That way, the gifts can be ageappropriate and safe.

• S t or e t o y s i n a d e s i g n a t e d location, such as on a shelf or in a toy chest, and keep older kids’ toys away from young children. • Read instructions carefully on a toy before allowing your child to play with it.

Toy-related injuries are an all too common occurrence. In 2009, an estimated 250,100 children under age 15 were sent to the hospital for toy-related injuries, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. And these injuries are on the rise. “S ele c t toy s to su it t he a ge, abilities, skills and interest level of the intended child,” said Dr. H. Garr y Gardner, chair of t he Cou nci l on Inju r y, Violence & Poison Prevention at the American Academy of Pediatrics. “Toys too advanced may pose safety hazards for younger children.”

The AAP is offering these tips to help parents make safe consumer choices for their children: • Make sure the toy is specified for the age of your child. Government regulations on toy diameter and length will prevent your baby or toddler from choking. Never leave a baby unattended with toys and games containing small parts. • Toys that plug into an electrical outlet are a no-no for the under-10 set. Prevent burns and electrical

Barclay’s Skindivers Paradise 685 Washington St, Auburn


Bring a Lifetime of Underwater Adventure to Your Entire Family this Holiday Season

• D on’t leave children unattended w it h ba l loons. Un i n f lated or broken balloons are a choking hazard for children under 8. • W atch out for pu l l toys w it h st r i ngs more t ha n 12 i nches i n len g t h . T he y c ou ld b e a strangulation hazard for babies.

A little safety research can go a long way in making sure your holidays are happy and healthy.

s h o c k s b y b u y i n g b a t t e r yoperated toys for younger kids. Make sure that the battery is in a secu red compa r t ment t hat cannot be accessed by the child. • B uttons, batteries, and magnets pose a serious health risk when swallowed, causing stomach and intestinal problems and possible deat h. Ca l l your pediat r icia n or ot her hea lt h ca re prov ider i m med iately i f you r ch i ld swallows one of these items.

2 miles from Exit 86 of the Maine Turnpike.

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For a baby, anything that is eyecatching or makes noise is perfect. For a n older c h i ld, w het her it’s a board game, a maga zine subscription, or the latest Justin Bieber record, somet hing t hat will sustain his or her interest will make a meaningful gift. For more gift-giving ideas and safety tips, visit the AAP’s website for parents, http://w w (StatePoint)

Sun Journal Gift Subscription

“Family Snorkel &

Sabattus Antique Mall

Of course, choosing safe toys is only half the battle. You also have to pick one they will like. “When it comes to toys, and ultimately, learning, active play always wins out over passive entertainment like T V,” said Gardner.

Holiday Shopping Fresh Cut Christmas Trees, Wreaths, Maple Syrup, Maple Candies, Jellies, Pickles, Relish, and Lots More!


Jordan Bridge Rd, Sabattus

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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

Victorinox Swiss Army Watches on sale with savings at 20% off now through December 24th. Each Victorinox Swiss Army timepiece embodies the spirit of the legendary Original Swiss Army Knife, a universal symbol of functionality, innovation, quality and iconic design. All other Watches and Clocks on sale, with savings up to 45% off. 86 Exchange Street Portland, Maine 04101 (207) 773-0997



Get back to basics: How to stuff a stocking By Donna Rousseau Feature Writer


hen stuffing a Christmas stock i ng, get back to basics. In years gone by, Christmas stockings spilled over w ith gifts that appea led to the five senses of taste, touch, smell, hearing, and sight. With this tip, stuffing a stocking is a breeze. Smell is a great place to start. For women and girls of all ages, Bath and Body Works offers a sleigh load of body washes, sprays, and lotions, ma ny in sma ll, travelconvenient sizes, practical and perfect for stockings. Scents range from fun and fruity to f loral and sophisticated and t he holidays often unveil a feature fragrance for gift giving. Get ready for cold and flu season with their scented hand sanitizers, too. ‘Tis also the season for T.J. Maxx’s displays of stockingsize soaps, lotions, sachets, and scented-pampering specialties for women and girls as well as men.

Additionally, try scented markers for the artists in the family; kids love the treat of scented bubble baths. For your athletes, big and sma ll, “Skunk ies” are great for getting the smell out of hockey and gym bags. They can also be used in lockers, shoes, and cars. Look for them and other similar items at local sporting goods stores. The direct sales company, Scentsy, is another source for scent-inspired stocking stuffers. Check out the tin fragrance compacts for cars and other small, closed-in spaces. Their line of scented stuffies also make a cute addition to the top of any child’s stocking. For a touch of com for t, a rea spa s a lon s prov ide a v a r iet y of r e l a x a t ion t he r a pie s ; g i f t certificates are just the right size for stockings. Microwaveable rice packs for neck and shoulders are soothing additions, too. This time of year, every department store features a snowfall of comfort in faux-fur or f leece-lined gloves.

Hammond Lumber

Company would like to thank all our loyal customers and friends for your support and patronage for more than 58 57 years. As we continue to grow and prosper, we hope you will continue to choose Hammond Lumber Company!

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C r a f t f a i r s of t e n have u n ique a nd beautiful selections of mittens, scarves, a nd hats for winter warmth. Sporting goods stores have hand and foot warmers for m it ten s a nd boots, just right for outdoor f un and at day’s end, cozy, f leece socks are a w inter’s night treat for everyone.

the sun with crystals or dazzle t he eyes w it h jewler y. And for the young and young at heart, there’s nothing like the rainbow of a fresh box of crayons or colored pencils to spark the imagination. Ta s t e i s p e r h a p s t h e easiest sense to appease at Christmas. The holidays are rich w it h gingerbread men, homemade fudge, and candy canes. For more mature tastes, t r y f lavored cof fees, w i ne, or i ng red ient s for ma k i ng specia lt y drinks. Gum, f lavore d-l ip ba l m, favorite mov ie candy or gourmet popcorn and gift certificates to local fast-food joints a re sure to please tweens and teens.

While modeling clay, f i nger pa i nt , a nd smaller, tactile toys are touchable fun for children, sable makeup br ushes a nd loofa sponges are the perfect touch for teenage girls.

Make a visit to Percy’s Burrow in the Auburn Mall for an assortment of toys that stimulate the senses as well as the mind. For eye-pleasing g if ts, f ill a sma ll photo a lbum with pictures of favorite family events, faces, a nd la ndscapes. For children, kaleidoscopes and magnifying glasses are great for appreciating the patterns, colors, and design of life up close. Capture

In years gone by, Christmas stockings spilled over with gifts that appealed to the five senses of taste, touch, smell, hearing, and sight.

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for Last Minute Shopping *Gift Certificates can be purchased over the phone.

777-3939 We’ve moved to: 245 Center St, Suite 7 Auburn


In t he mor n i ng, t he g i rls discovered their stockings filled with the gold and each went on to be happily married. So goes the histor y of Christmas stockings. W hile loose change does not a dowry make in today’s economy, it’s the finishing touch for any holiday stocking and it’s a fun way to add a little holiday trivia to your Christmas festivities.

Finding music for every ear is easy, whet her shopping at specia lt y stores or the music department at stores including K-Mart, Kohl’s, Sears, or Walmart. From classical lullabies to rock, there’s something for everyone. Meditation CDs hit the right note for relaxation and white noise CDs are ideal for a long, winter’s nap. Of course, younger children may prefer making their ow n mu sic w it h ha r mon ic a s, kazoos, and maracas.

8th year Celebration


Finally, add a little jingle to the toe of each holiday stocking. According to Christmas lore, a poor man had three beautiful daughters without dow r ie s. St . Nic hol a s ( S a nt a Claus), learning of the man’s plight and knowing the man would not accept charity, came to the house on Christmas Eve and, v ia t he chimney, placed three satchels of gold in each of the girls’ stockings, left by the fire to dry for the night.

Central Maine's Largest Supplier of Marine Fish, Coral and Supplies Gift Certificates Available for the salt water enthusiast on your list! 272 South Main Street, Auburn


Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

Specialty gaming gifts top lists of many this holiday For the millions of people who like to watch NASCAR, and for the millions of others who enjoy playing video games, two products are topping gamers’ wish lists. This holiday season, many people will find gifts under their tree, such as the Subsonic Racin’ Pro, which lets them get a little closer to feeling like they are in the race, as well as the Fluo Controller, which adds color and flexibility to their video game playing. “T hose who wa nt a u n ique, f u n g i f t t h is yea r w i l l wa nt to check t hese out,” sa id A l i son Morrison, CEO of Virginia-based FA ME, a partner of SUBSONIC, t he Eu ropea n-ba sed compa ny t hat developed t he new Raci n’

P r o g a m e a c c e s s o r y. “ T h e Raci n’ P ro is slated to be one of t he hottest sellers, t his year, because so ma ny people wa nt t he racing ex perience. A nd t he Fluo Controller ma kes a n idea l stocking stuffer.” Racin’ Pro is a popular new video game accessory that gives people the feel that they are really in a race. The device has a steering wheel, padded upholstered seat, a nd programmable pedals that can be adjusted for height and inclination. It is compatible with both PC and PS3 gaming systems. The system a lso g ives t he u ser v ibrat ion feedback and realistic bends, to en ha nce t he race ex per ience. Subson ic a lso of fers a l i ne of

accessories, which include dual gunfire, comfort sticks and triggers, a motion sports kit, and more.

“People love to play video games, but they want a more enhanced a nd com for t able ex per ience,” added Morrison. “With these t w o g a m i ng g i f t s, w e a re aiming to bring it to them this holiday season.”

T he F luo Cont rol ler is a new controller that works with both PS3 and PC models. It comes in four different f luorescent colors, including blue, green, pink, and yellow, and is wireless. It a l so prov ide s v ibr at ion feedback and has been designed for h a nd l i ng c om for t . T he controller comes w it h a si xfoot cord that can be used while the device is charging. Both the Racin’ Pro and Fluo Controller are available at Walmart, Radio Shack, Meijer, J&R Music World, and other retailers offering gaming products.

Give the gift of knowledge this holiday by publishing an e-book e-Reader sa les are expected to double, this holiday season, to an estimated 24.5 million units sold, according to IMS Research. With so many readers likely to find a new digital device under their trees, authors would do well to publish their own eBook in time for the holidays. Resources like Lulu, the leader in self-publishing,

make it easier than ever for authors to ta ke adva ntage of t he g reat oppor t u n it ies eBook s br i ng to sell more books and reach more readers – absolutely free. “As eBooks continue to increase in popularity, we’ve noticed spikes in e-sales in the days directly after a holiday,” explained Sarah Gilbert, director of sales at Lulu. “People

suddenly have this new iPad, Nook, or other device, and want to start filling it with content.” Total industr y eBook sales have increased 115 percent, up from $32 million to $69 million, so far this year, according to the Association of A merican Publishers. For an author, becoming a part of these statistics is as simple as uploading

a Word document. Tools like the Lu lu EPUB Conver ter t u r n a n author’s document into an eBook that can be sold and read on most e-reader devices. “A nyone ca n ma ke a n eBook, these days, and the holidays are the perfect time to do it,” added Gilbert. “eBooks are a great way for an author to share their knowledge

and their story. Options like Lulu exist to give creators what they need to maximize the way readers find and buy their work.” To learn more about publishing an eBook in time for the holidays, visit

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Just one block from LL Bean SunJournal Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011



Try something new and fun: 8 Tips for your holiday party By Christina LeBlanc Feature Writer / Photographer It’s holiday time, and that means it’s a great time to gat her your f r iend s a nd f a m i l y for a f u n hol iday gat her i ng. Here a re a few tips for ma k ing your part y enjoyable and memorable. 1. D ecorate w ith color. Nothing says “it’s the holidays” like bright pops of holiday colors. W hite tablecloths set a classic wintery mood, but you can use napkins, centerpieces, and even candy to add splashes of festive color. Scatter candy canes or colorfully wrapped Hershey’s kisses among the place settings or snacks for edible decorations. Don’t get too tied up in just red and green, though. Gold, blue, and silver are beautiful colors for the holidays as well. You can also get creative about w here you u se color. Adding cranberries, ora nges, lemons, or limes to a pitcher or jug of water adds a zesty flavor as well as a cute color pop. 2. S cent the scene. Scent is tied c l o s e l y t o m e m or y, w h i c h is a bonus for ma k i ng you r house smell great during your party. Aromas like cinnamon, pumpkin, and vanilla are perfect for the holidays. Pick up a few candles in your favorite holiday scents, and use a candle warmer to keep you r pa r t y smel l i ng amazing all night. You can get a candle warmer for about five dollars at most grocery or home goods stores, which w ill help

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avoid a fire hazard as well as extend the life of your candles. 3. G et in the spirit. Invite friends to wear crazy or tacky holiday s w e ater s, or e v en do t hei r best Santa impression. “I got my hol iday sweater for f ive dollars at Goodwill,” said Cyndi Woodworth, of Auburn. Don’t forget to hang mistletoe. It’s a fun tradition, and you can pick it up for about three dollars at most stores that sell holiday items. 4. S et the mood with music and movies. It’s always a good idea to have some mu sic i n t he background at a party, and there are a lot of good holiday offerings this year. Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward recently released A Very She & Him Christmas, which puts a sweet vintage-sounding spin on some holiday favorites (and is available on red vinyl), and the smooth voice of Michael Buble is back on his new album Christmas. “He’s singing all your classic favorites like a young Sinatra,” said Joe McShane, of Auburn. “It’s great for everyone.” Keep music loud enough to hear, but low enough for g uests to be able to have conversations without raising their voices. If there’s a TV in the party area, you can also throw on a popular holiday movie. You can keep it muted so it’s not dist ract ing; j u s t t he ic on ic i m a ge s w i l l ma ke g uest s laug h a nd keep t hem i n t he hol id a y s pi r it . Mc Sh a ne’s f a v or it e hol id a y f i l m is Holiday Inn. “It ’s old a nd pol it ic a l l y i nc or re c t i n pa r t s,” he sa id, “yet cla ssic, full of great songs, and funny.” Woodworth loves Judy Garland’s performance in Meet Me in St.

Louis. “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas is the best,” she said. “I love her voice!” Other perennial favorites include It’s a Wonderful Life, Home Alone, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, A Christmas Carol, and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Bull Moose in Lewiston has a holiday section f ully stocked with your favorite holiday films and music, at low prices (both new and pre-owned). 5. P rovide activities. In addition to chatting and eating, invite your guests to build a gingerbread house, ma ke t heir ow n ornaments, or contribute to some holiday art. Sometimes it’s fun to feel like a kid again, especially around the holidays. 6. H ave a si l ly s w ap. A sk each g ue st to br i ng t he wei rde st or f unniest gift t hey can f ind for less than five or 10 dollars. Then, have g uests ta ke turns choosing a gift from the pile and unwrap it in front of everyone. After everyone has a gift, have your guests vote on the funniest or wackiest gift. Everyone gets to leave w it h a f unny t rin ket and the guest who brought the winning gift gets a prize. 7. C reate photo memories. These day s a l most ever yone ha s a camera, even if it’s just on a cell phone. So why not create t he opportunity for funny, holidaythemed photos? You can even create a photo booth effect by hanging a solid-colored curtain as a backdrop where guests can pose for silly photos. Prov ide some goof y props or costume pieces to have f u n w it h, a nd snap away. 8. G ift your guests. People love a good party, and they love being

Andrew Rowell, of Auburn, enjoys mugging for the camera with the photo booth props set up for a holiday party.

Joe McShane and Cyndi Woodworth, both of Auburn, stand beneath the mistletoe while wearing their funky holiday sweaters. able to take something home from it. Don’t let your guests leave empt y-ha nded. If you baked a ton of treats for the party, you can pick up some adorable gifting boxes for six or seven dollars at TJ Maxx in Auburn. The boxes come with inserts to hold cupcakes, but you can remove the inserts and stack cookies, fudge, and candies as well. If you have a good printer and some photo paper at home, print each guest a photo from the party that they can take home. The most important part of the holidays is spending time w it h loved ones. So why not spend that time in style, with fun food and


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Adding cranberries, oranges, lemons, or limes to a pitcher or jug of water adds a zesty flavor as well as a cute color pop.



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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

TRADITIONS: Share some sweet treats for the holidays By Deborah Conway Feature Writer / Photographer The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve are, by far, the most difficult time of the year for even t he hea lt h iest eaters among us to stay on that “healthyeat i ng wagon.” However, w it h an abundance of delectable and ent ic i ng , loc a l l y made s we et treats to choose from, we can give ourselves permission to indulge a little in the chocolates, pastries, cakes, breads and cookies that only come around once a year. Several years ago, when Mar y’s Candy Shop closed, Ella Magee’s au nt wa s lef t w it hout her chocolate-covered cherries. Magee began making them, as a gift to her aunt, and Ella’s Candy was born. Magee wraps a fresh cherry in a confection made with sweetened milk a nd confectioner’s suga r. Then, she dips the entire thing in the finest chocolate available. Although Ella’s Candy’s logo is a chocolate-covered cherry, Magee’s reper toi re i nclude s r ich a nd decadent chocolate treats such as the creamy caramel encased in chocolate, coconut creams in rich, dark chocolate, cashew clusters, toffee and almond bark and peanut butter ball with a chocolate surprise in the middle. Her signature piece, “Nonparella,” is a delicate, tiny, dark chocolate drop topped with sweet and crunchy nonpareils. Ella’s Candy is made locally, at 70 Ta mpa St reet i n L ew iston, individually, by hand and to order, en su r i ng bot h f re sh ne s s a nd deliciousness. Ella’s doesn’t need much notice, just a couple hours. Ella’s can ship anywhere in the U.S., and will even deliver locally. For those whose idea of a sweet treat leans more toward the land of pastries, the Italian Baker y’s cannoli will more than satisfy. The Italian Bakery, on Bartlett Street in Lewiston, opened in the 1960s and began making cannoli in the

1970s. “At that time, few people around here were familiar with them, but now I believe that most people know what a cannoli is,” said Lisa Chiaravelotti-Chouinard, daughter of Frank Chiaravelotti who founded The Italian Bakery. C h i a r a v e lot t i- C hou i n a r d h a s worked t here for 33 years “not counting the years I spent ‘playworking,’” she said with a laugh. The Ita lia n Ba ker y a lso of fers petite pastry platters and frosted sugar cook ies, as well as many other festive treats to “satisfy many different tastes.” Like the Italian Baker y, Grant’s Ba ker y on Sabattus St reet has been a local, family-owned and operated, Lewiston landmark since 1956. According to Doug Grant, “We are an old-fashioned bakery ... what we do is still done by hand, start to finish.” For a special holiday treat, Grant’s recommends the popular “Buche de Noel,” or yule log. Grant’s makes three different types of yule log. “We make the chocolate sponge cake with a white creme filling or a white sponge cake with either a white creme or raspberry jelly filling,” said Grant. The customer can choose from either white or chocolate frosting, “with chocolate being the most traditional. We frost the ends with a swirl of maple frosting,” like the rings of a tree. In addition to being a moist, sweet and creamy cake, a yule log makes a festive table decoration for any party. Grant’s Bakery also makes other cakes and pies, as well as petite pastries, a local favorite, and Christmas cupcakes. For someone craving sweet bread, The Bread Shack, on Center Street in Auburn, includes “stollen” on its menu of offerings this year. A c c or d i n g t o D a r a R e i m e r s , proprietress of The Break Shack, “Stollen is a German sweet bread w it h a lmonds a nd dried f r uits [i nclud i ng ] ra isi ns a nd cit ron which we soa k in rum. For the holidays we add a strip of marzipan

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

in the center.” Earlier in her career, Reimers worked with a German baker in Vancouver, Canada. It was there that she learned the recipe for making both stollen and fruitcake from scratch. When you are “using only the best quality ingredients and no shortcuts, the final product i s e x c e pt ion a l a nd mov i n g ,” explained Reimers, and is nothing like the typical fruitcake that you might find during the holidays.

Give yourself permission to indulge this holiday season, and sample the best sweet treats that LewistonAuburn has to offer. After all, isn’t that what new year resolutions are for? Rich and sweet, “Stollen is great anytime of day [and] is wonderful with a cup of tea.” In addition to stollen, The Bread Shack offers a wonderful assortment of artisan breads a nd pastries, as well as m i n i ta r t s, cook ies, brea k fa st pastries, coffee and sandwiches served every day. For those on a more restricted diet, Square Root Natural Foods, in Poland, carries a line of glutenfree cookies and pastries. Emmy A nderson, of Squa re Root, recommends “the gluten-free and dairy-free Chocolate Rugelach that we carry ... they are delicious!” Square Root Natural Foods also ca rries “fa rm-ba ked pies f rom Lilliepapa Farm in West Paris, as well as nisu bread, coffee cake, c r a nber r y c elebr at ion bre ad, cupca kes a nd tof fee f rom t his

wonderful farm.” Many of these products are made with organic w hole -w he at f lou r a nd lo c a l i ng re d ient s, a nd a re w it hout chemical preservatives. Other selections at Square Root include a variety of dark chocolates, g l u t e n -f r e e r a s p b e r r y b a r s , whoopee pies, pumpkin whoopee pies, double chocolate cheesecake brow n ies, vega n cook ies a nd vegetarian cheesecake. For your holiday table, Squa re Ro ot r e c om mend s t hei r ow n “home-baked Apple Crisp made with gluten-free oats and f lours, local honey, maple syrup or agave nec t a r, ci n na mon, loc a l a nd/ or ORG apples, local or organic butter, and love.”

Share some homemade or locally purchased sweet treats this holiday season including assorted sweet treats (top photo), cannoli (middle photo), and nonpareils (bottom photo).




he holiday season is a perfect time to share delicious and decadent family recipes with friends and relatives. This year, introduce them to new sweet homemade treats that are sure to quickly become holiday favorites.

Cinnamon Spiced Café Latte Yield: 4 servings Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 5 minutes 3/4 cup ground Folgers Classic Roast Coffee 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3 cups cold water 1 14-ounce can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk Whipped cream, as desired Additional ground cinnamon Stir together ground coffee and cinnamon. Brew coffee in coffee maker using 3 cups cold water. Pour sweetened condensed milk into large coffee pot or 1 1/2-quart pitcher. Add hot brewed coffee, stirring until thoroughly blended. Pour coffee mixture into café mugs. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with additional cinnamon, if desired. Serve immediately.

Banana-Mango Bread Pudding with Coconut Caramel Sauce

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Yield: 10 servings Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 60 minutes

Bread Pudding Crisco Original No-Stick Cooking Spray 8 cups lightly packed 3/4inch challah bread cubes 2 1/2 cups diced fresh mango (2 to 3 mangos) 2 medium bananas, halved

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lengthwise and sliced 4 large eggs, at room temperature 1 14-ounce can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk 1 9.6-ounce can mango nectar (about 1 1/4 cups) 1/2 cup milk 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg Spiced Sour Cream 1 cup sour cream 1 tablespoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger Coconut Caramel Sauce 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 1/2 cup firmly packed light brown sugar 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk 1/2 cup sweetened coconut flakes, toasted

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Bread Pudding

page 13 ‰

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

Bread Pudding from page 12

Heat oven to 325°F. Coat 13 x 9-inch baking dish with no-stick cooking spray. To make Bread Pudding: Combine bread cubes, mango and bananas in large bowl. Whisk together eggs, sweetened condensed milk, mango nectar, milk, butter, vanilla, cinnamon, salt and nutmeg in medium bowl. Pour over bread mixture, stirring until thoroughly moistened. Let stand 30 minutes. Pour into prepared baking dish. Bake 55 to 60 minutes or until set in center. Cool slightly in pan on wire rack. To make Spiced Sour Cream: Stir sour cream, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon and ginger until blended. To make Coconut Caramel Sauce: Cook butter and sugar in small saucepan over mediumlow heat 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Whisk in coconut milk. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer 15 to 20 minutes or until slightly thickened. Remove from heat. Cover and keep warm. To Toast Coconut: Spread coconut on a microwave-safe plate. Microwave on high 2 to 4 minutes or until lightly toasted, tossing the coconut with a fork after each minute. To avoid overbrowning, remove from plate immediately. To serve: Spoon Bread Pudding into shallow serving bowls. Drizzle with Coconut Caramel Sauce. Top with a dollop of Spiced Sour Cream. Sprinkle with coconut. Serve immediately.

Chocolate Chip Cannoli Pie chips and sweetened condensed milk in medium saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth when stirred. Remove from heat; cool 5 minutes. Stir in peanuts, chopped sugar cones, white chocolate chips and cherries until thoroughly blended. Spread in prepared pan. Cover and chill 3 hours or until firm. Remove fudge from pan by lifting edges of foil. Peel off foil. Cut into 1-inch pieces.

Chocolate Chip Cannoli Pie Yield: 8 servings Prep Time: 25 minutes Cook Time: 45 minutes 1 9-inch unbaked pie shell, thawed according to package directions Water

Ice Cream Cone Sundae Fudge Cinnamon sugar 1 15-ounce container ricotta cheese 1 14-ounce can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk 1/3 cup powdered sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 1/2 cups milk chocolate chips or miniature semisweet chocolate chips Whipped topping Heat oven to 350°F. Brush pie shell very lightly with water; generously sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Stir ricotta cheese, sweetened condensed milk, powdered sugar and vanilla in medium bowl until blended. Stir in chocolate chips. Pour into pie crust. Bake 45 to 50 minutes or until crust is golden brown. Filling will appear slightly soft. Cool completely on wire rack. Chill at least 2 hours before serving. Garnish with whipped topping, if desired.

Ice Cream Cone Sundae Fudge Yield: 64 pieces Prep Time: 25 minutes Cook Time: 3 hours 30 minutes Crisco Original No-Stick Cooking Spray 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 cup bittersweet chocolate chips 1 14-ounce can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk 3 tablespoons unsalted butter Dash of kosher salt 1 cup unsalted roasted peanuts, chopped 3/4 cup coarsely chopped sugar ice cream cones 3/4 cup white baking chips 1/2 cup well-drained chopped maraschino cherries Line an 8-inch square baking pan with foil, extending the foil over the edges of the pan. Coat foil with no-stick cook­ing spray. Combine semi-sweet chocolate chips, bittersweet chocolate


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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

All home bakers need is a can of Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk and their imagination to enter the brand’s Sweet Secret Recipe and Essay Contest. From October 5 through December 7, 2011, home cooks can enter an original dessert recipe and essay (100 words or less) describing how Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk is their “sweet secret” for the chance to win the $10,000 grand prize. Visit and for Official Rules and entry form. Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk is the go-to sweet secret ingredient for preparing countless holiday recipes. It is a special blend of milk and sugar that can be used to create a foolproof “base” for a variety of desserts. When combined with acidic fruit juice, such as lemon juice, the sweetened condensed milk thickens — without heating — to form velvety pie fillings, puddings and other desserts. It also caramelizes evenly and easily — just empty in saucepan, heat and stir per directions on can.

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Very merry gifts for kids Holiday stockings are festive and fun, but it’s easy to be stumped by what to fill them with. Get creative and think beyond typical stuffers like chocolates, fruits and toys. To make sure nobody gets a lump of coal in their stocking this year, the celebration experts at Wilton have introduced new kid-friendly totes and kits – perfect stocking stuf fers for a l l of Sa nta’s litt le helpers. From cupcake and sprinkle totes to colorful icing kits, kids of all ages will love decorating their own cupcakes. Gifts like the Mega Sprink les Tote, which of fers 14 different sprinkle combinations like stars and hearts in practically every color of the rainbow, will keep kids joy ful long past Christmas morning. So once all the presents are unwrapped, get ready for a day filled with decorating.

Parents be ready. Bake a batch of cupcakes ahead of time so kids can go to town dressing them up with their favorite colors and candies. Set up a decorating station using cupca kes a nd Wilton k its f illed with vibrant icings and sprinkles galore. Then watch imaginations r u n w i ld w it h ever y t h ing f rom festive funny faces and twinkling sta rs to holiday orna ments a nd out of this world anima ls. Can’t wait until Christmas? Give these kits as early presents so kids can decorate an extra-special treat to leave for Santa. For more stocking stuffer ideas or to purchase the kits featured here, visit While you’re there be sure to check out the “Ask Nancy” video podcast for great tips on baking and decorating. (Family Features)

Delicious Disguise Cupcakes

Mega Cupcake Tote 1 box (18.25 oz.) favorite 2 layer cake mix Ingredients to prepare mix Bright Color-N-Swirl Icing Kit Primary Color-N-Swirl Icing Kit Mega Sprinkles Tote Candy Eyeballs

Place baking cups from Cupcake Tote into standard muffin pan. Prepare cake mix following package instructions. Bake cupcakes 18-20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely. Ice cooled cupcakes smooth with icing from kits. Attach sprinkles from Sprinkles Tote for hair and facial features. Attach candy eyeballs. Makes 24 cupcakes.

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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

Local Christmas performances create holiday magic By Dan Marois Feature Writer


characters that includes Scrooge’s family and associates as well as the Christmas ghosts.

h i le there is a load of e x c i t e m e nt b u i l d i n g up to t he f lu r r y of Christmas day, there are many holiday per forma nces t hroug h December that are sure to create fond memories. Here is a look at a few of them.

Ac c ord i ng to a biog r a phy of Dickens, as the second of eight children of a family continually plagued by debt, Dickens came to k now not on ly hu nger a nd deprivation, but also the horror of the infamous debtors’ prison and the evils of child labor.

“A Christmas Carol� times two. What is Christmas time without seeing a production of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol? To start, you might want to see the traditional production that’s at The Public Theatre in Lewiston.

A turn of fortune in the shape of a legacy brought release from the nightmare of prison and “slave� factories and afforded Dickens the opportunity of two years of formal schooling at Welling ton House Academy. Later in life, short stories and newspaper serials brought him the amazing and instant success that was to be his for the remainder of his life.

The production is an adaptation of the Dickens novel written by t he t heat re’s a r t ist ic d irector, Christopher Schario. In a simplified version of t he elaborate stor y, Schario’s script tells the tale with an intimate set, six actors and a fiddler; all centered around the journey of Ebenezer Scrooge from tight-fisted miser to a cheerful, warm-hearted spirit on Christmas day.

On Stage in South Portland. One of the oldest community theatres i n t he c ou nt r y, T he Por t la nd Players, w i l l present t he stage m u s i c a l , “ W h i t e C h r i s t m a s� t h r ou g h D e c em b er 11 at t he Cottage Road theater.

This year brings A Christmas Carol to the newly founded Free-port Factory Stage on Depot Street in the heart of Maine’s shopping mecca, Freeport. Broadway veteran, Will Rhys, brings his one-man show of the Dickens’ classic to the 90-seat performance space.

This wonderful Christmas musical chronicles the trials and travails of two army buddies as they attempt to save the countr y inn of their old army commander. The show glistens with the most well-known music and lyrics by Irving Berlin, one of America’s music giants.

With background music, a bare stage and minimal props, Rhys creates the 19th-century London and environs and the rich array of

T h e s t a g e v e r s i on of “ W h i t e Christmas� is based on the 1954 mov ie of t he s a me t it le t h a t starred Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye,

R o s e m a r y C l o o n e y a n d Ve r a E l len. Broug ht to t he mu sic a l stage in 2004, the highlight of the show is Berlin’s classic tune that begins w it h “I’m drea ming of a white Christmas.� According to, “W hite Christmas� is the bestselling song of all time with sales of 50-million copies. Hallelujah: The Messiah Sing A Long. Your pa rents a lways told you to be quiet during a concert. Here is one concert where you are encou raged to si ng a long w it h the orchestra. Handel’s “Messiah,� though written for Easter time, has a lways be en a mont h-of-De c ember / C h r i st m a s-t i me f av or ite. T he concept for the sing-along is quite simple. An orchestra gathers to play the music from the famous pie c e w r it t en i n 1741. G ue s t artists perform the soloist’s parts while all audience members are encou raged to si ng t he chora l a r ra ngement s i nclud i ng t he stirring, “Hallelujah Chorus.� A p a r t i c i p a nt f r om pr e v iou s sing-alongs says that energ y and spirit is far more important than musical talent. “If you have a copy of the score, br i ng it w it h you,� she noted, t hou g h c opie s of t he c hor u s sect ions a re of ten ava i lable at t he si ng-a long. “It i s a g re at spiritual gathering where anyone c a n per for m t he m a g n i f ic ent piece of music.�

• “A Christmas Carolâ€? at The Public Theatre at 31 Maple Street in Lewiston. Performances are Dec. 9 at 7 p.m., Dec. 10 at 2 p.m., Dec. 10 at 7 p.m., and Dec. 11 at 2 p.m. Tickets at 782-3200. w w • “A Christmas Carolâ€? One Man Show. Freeport Factory Stage, 5 Depot Street, Freeport. Dec. 8 at 7 p.m., Friday, Dec. 9 at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 10 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday Dec. 11 at 2 p.m. Tickets at 865-5505. • “ White Christmasâ€? at Portland Players, 420 Cottage Road, South Portland. Through December 11. Tickets at 799-7337. • Choral Art Society’s Messiah Sing-Along at St. Patrick’s Church, 1342 Congress Street in Portland. December 12 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets at the door.

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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011


Coping with holiday stress The holidays are a time for family, fun and festivities. So why are you so stressed?

Actually, stress is associated with positive life events as much as negative ones. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed w hen pla n n i ng fa m i ly mea ls, shoppi ng for g i f ts, decorat i ng t he house or f ig uring out what to do with the kids during their holiday break. “Stress causes an unhealthy ‘high alert!’ response that wears down the body,” said Ashley Davis Bush, author of the book Shortcuts to Inner Peace: 70 Simple Paths to Ever yd a y Serenit y. “T h roug h intentionally summoning a feeling of inner calm, we literally change the chemistry of our bodies.”

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If you’re looking to keep a calm head i n t he m idst of v isit i ng relat ives a nd bu s y shoppi ng malls, try some of Bush’s favorite shortcuts this holiday season: • P lay it again, Sam: W hen you find yourself grumbling over a nagging task (hanging lights, preparing the guest room), play or sing a specific song. It doesn’t have to be holiday-related; any upbeat tune will help. • R emember this: When waiting i n l i ne to pu rcha se g i f t s or groceries, ask yourself “What do I need to remember?” Keep asking yourself this question until you start to get substantial answers like “I need to remember what really matters in life.” • Stop ‘n’ smell: Before you begin cooking a holiday meal, take time to smell your ingredients. Or pull a fragrant item from your pantry that triggers positive emotions (e.g. cof fee, va n i l la ex t ract, rosemary). Close your eyes and inhale. The smell should ground you in the present, allowing you to savor your time in the kitchen. • My sunshine: Family dynamics a re complicated a nd ca n get strained during the holidays. If you f i nd you rsel f get t i ng a n noye d w it h a love d one, consider humming the song “You Are My Sunshine” and remember that your time together is limited. If your buttons really get pushed, excuse yourself and throw cool water on your face or place a wet towel on your neck. Cool relief to the body brings relief to the mind as well. • T ouch tank: It’s easy i n t he hustle and bustle of the holidays to forget to appreciate all the b e a u t i f u l d e c or a t i on s , n ot to mention the beaut y of the sea son. Con sider keepi ng a small box or basket of seasonal treasures – pine cones, smooth stones, mistletoe and chestnuts. W henever you feel tense or over whelmed, ta ke a few moments to touch each object. Simple appreciation tends to restore inner calm. “We often think we need to change our circumstances to feel peaceful or that we need to be immersed in spa-like surroundings to find tranquility,” said Bush. “But inner peace requires no extra time or money – just a shift in attention.” You c a n f i nd more w ay s to effectively cope w ith stress at

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

Trivia answers: Do you know the hoofed helpers? By Tresa Erickson

Q: May’s brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, is responsible for setting his story to music. True or false?

W hat has hoofs and helps Santa deliver gifts on Christmas Eve? Reindeer, you say? You’re right. Without them, Santa could not make his sleigh ride.

A: True.

How much do you k now about Santa’s reindeer? Take this quiz and find out. Q : The reindeer pulling Santa’s sleigh were first named in “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” in 1823. True or false? A: True. Q : According to t he poem, t he original eight were Dasher, Dancer, Pra ncer, Vi xen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. True or false? A: False, the last two were originally called Dunder and Blixem.

Q : Roy Rogers recorded Marks’ song in 1949. True or false? A: False, Gene Autry recorded it. Q : “R u d ol p h t h e R e d-No s e d Reindeer” is considered one of the best-selling songs of all time. True or false? A: True. Q: In 1999, Fox produced a special about a not her reindeer na med Oliver. True or false? A: False, the reindeer was named Olive. Q: Olive was not really a reindeer. True or false? A: True, Olive was a dog.

Q: Loosely translated from Dutch to English, Dunder and Bli xem mean “thunder” and “lightning.” True or false?

Q : Ol i v e s av e s C h r i s t m a s b y f illing in for t he injured Vi xen. True or false?

A: True.

A : Fa l s e , s h e f i l l s i n f or t h e injured Blitzen.

Q: Some historians believe Dunder and Blixem may be representative of the magical goats pulling Thor’s chariot in Norse mythology. True or false?

Well, how did you do? Good, fair, poorly? Whatever the results, few would argue the fact that reindeer play a v iv id role in Christmas.

A: True. Q: Dunder and Blixem appeared as Donder and Blixen or Blitzen in later variations of “’Twas the Night Before Christmas.” True or false? A: True. Q: Over time, Dunder evolved into Donner, which was later cemented by the song, “Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer.” True or false?

The holiday wouldn’t be the same without them. They’re crucial to Santa’s Christmas Eve ride.

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A: True. Q: The song introduced a ninth reindeer and was based on a story written by Robert L. May to give away to children at Montgomery Ward stores. True or false?

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A: True. Q: Rudolph was different from the other reindeer in that he had red eyes. True or false? A: False, he had a red nose. Q : The other reindeer made fun of Rudolph until he was asked to lead Santa’s sleigh in a storm. True or false? A: False, Rudolph was asked to lead the sleigh in the fog.

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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

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Holiday water bottles aid communities in need There is good news for those who wish to do good while embracing a healthier lifestyle. The maker of the best-selling reusable water bottle has teamed up with a company that brings clean water to developing communities. Their objective is to help those in need this holiday season. The result is a holiday gift that may ma ke a life-changing difference for those without access to clean water.

“Matt and I co-founded to make a difference and end the suffering around the world from not having safe water,” said White, executive director. “We chose the CamelBak Groove bottle because of its unique design, the company’s continued commitment to innovation and its generous support of the safe water cause.”

Working together, and CamelBak have created limitededition graphics for the CamelBak Groove, a reusable bottle with a filter built into the straw to bring tap water in and freshly filtered water out. The artwork is intended to evoke the ripple effect of water droplets and is available in BPAfree Tritan plastic or insulated stainless steel.

Expanding on last year’s “Bottle Project,” which provided safe, clean water to more t han 10,000 people around the world, CamelBak has added a Facebook Give Bak “like” campaign with the goal of helping an additional 2,000 people in need. To participate, visit www.face

Transforming communities Co-founded by actor and advocate Matt Damon and social entrepreneur Gary White, is a nonprofit organization that has transformed hu nd re d s of c om mu n it ie s i n A f rica, Sout h Asia a nd Cent ra l America by prov iding access to clean water and sanitation.


boy, Christmas is a l most here, a nd onc e a g a i n , y ou a re faced w it h t he prospect of having to buy for people who have ever ything they could want and more. W hat in the world are you going to get them? W hy not get them a gift that gives back? For those who want nothing and have everything, charitable gifts are ideal. One of the easiest ways to go about this is to select a charity near and dear to the recipient’s heart and make a donation to it in their name.

With the purchase of each customdesigned Groove bottle, $10 will be donated to’s effort to bring safe drinking water and sa n itat ion to some of t he 884 million people in need throughout the world.

Most organizations will send you a gift card to present to the recipient.

To learn more about the limitededition water bottles, visit http://

Enjoy the Holiday Season!



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Aware that some people prefer to know where their contribution is going, some organizations offer gifts to buy for t hose in need. Instead of contributing money to the cause, you can buy a goat or sheep for a family in need in the recipient’s name. Again, most organizations w ill supply you w it h a g if t ca rd to present to the recipient. Should you prefer to give an actual gift, look for ones from organizations a f f i l iated w it h a good c au se. Severa l orga n i zat ions of fer ha nd made g i f ts f rom a r t isa ns around t he world. You buy t he g if ts, a nd t he a r t isa ns receive much of t he prof it. Ot her organizations offer a wide range of traditional gifts and donate a portion of the proceeds to charity. If t he recipient reg u la rly volunteers, perhaps you could give them the gift of your company and join them in some activity. You might help them make up care packages for soldiers abroad or deliver meals to seniors. You might enjoy the activity so much that you sign up to be a regular volunteer. Now there’s a gift that will keep on giving.


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By Tresa Erickson

Using social media


Gifts that give back

For all the things you value.

Auburn, Maine

You don’t have to look far to find a gift that will give back. Hundreds of businesses are going out of their way this year to make a difference and invite you to do the same with the gifts you give.

Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

Give kids the gift of going green this holiday season Few movements in the 21st century have proven as popular as the “Go Greenâ€? movement. An effort to live with a more ecoconscious mindset, the Go Green movement has found entry into all aspects of life, be it the foods we eat, the cars we drive or the products we buy. C re at i v it y for K id s, a g loba l manufacturer and distributer with a goal toward inspiring kids to embrace their creative side, offers the following tips to parents hoping to give the gift of going green this holiday season. • L et kids learn on the job. With the holiday season comes a host of extra errands and chores. While kids can’t cook the holiday meal or help with the holiday hosting, t he y c a n ch ip i n a nd lea r n something at the same time. Pe r h a p s no hol id a y c h or e i s lo ok e d f or w a r d t o le s s t h a n wrapping all those holiday gifts. W hile it’s often tedious and old hat for adults, kids will no doubt embrace the chance to help Mom and Dad make the gifts look good for friends and family. When wrapping gifts, use recycled wrapping paper from a year ago or even wrap gifts in newspaper. While doing so, kids will learn the lesson of recycling and reusing,

a nd Mom a nd Dad w i l l get to spend some quality time with the kids during the otherwise hectic holiday season. • L et kids unwrap the gift of green. Kids likely have a host of items on their holiday wish list this season. While not all those gifts can pull double-duty as both a toy and teaching device, parents can find gifts that are not only fun to play with, but impart an ecofriendly message as well. Creativ it y for Kids’ ecofriendly Recycled Cardboard Dollhouse is easy to assemble and made entirely f rom rec ycled ca rdboa rd. T he 21" x 17" x 9" dollhouse even gets the packaging in on the action, as the inside of the box is printed with a play mat yard, teaching kids that even packaging can be repurposed and put to good use. Up on c on st r uc t ion, k id s put together the furniture and punchout paper dol l s before u si ng stickers they color in themselves and markers to decorate ever ything on the interior and exterior of the house. W hat ’s more, once k id s have finished connecting w ith their inner interior decorator, they can take their new passion for going green even further by repurposing

items from around the house to accessorize their new dollhouse. • S et a positive example. Parents know kids learn most of their b eh av ior s f r om t hei r fol k s . Whether Mom and Dad realize it or not, kids are often watching to see how their parents act, and then mimicking those behaviors and mannerisms themselves. Parents hoping to instill an ecoconscious mindset in their kids this holiday season should realize that Mom and Dad have no greater ally when doing so than themselves. W hen host i ng hol iday pa r t ies, replace popular disposable paper plates w it h reusable ones, a nd let kids know why you’re making t hat choice. Instead of sending out t rad it iona l g reet i ng ca rds for t he hol idays, send e-ca rds instead, and explain to kids the ways in which e-cards are more environmentally friendly. Wit h t he holiday season upon us once again, parents can make the season even more memorable by making the most of its numerou s opp or t u n it ie s to i mpa r t an ecofriendly message to their children. For more information on Creativity for Kids, visit http:// (MS)

The Recycled Cardboard Dollhouse from Creativity for Kids is a great way for parents to give a gift that’s both fun and ecoconscious this holiday season.


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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, December 2, 2011

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