Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Friday, August 5, 2011
An essential guide to our community.
Community, Economy, Government, Education, Sports and Recreation.
LOCAL ECONOMY Success attracts success in Lewiston-Auburn It’s been said that success attracts success, and the Tw in Cities of Lewiston and Auburn have a lot going for their share of Maine’s progress. Just 40 minutes from Por t la nd, L ew iston-Aubu r n is one of Maine’s thriving economic c e nt e r s . T h e s e c ond l a r g e s t community in the state, L-A has become a hub for world-cla ss companies including a Wal-Mart Food Distribution Center, Procter
& Gamble’s Tambrands facility, GE, Kellogg’s Snacks, Lepage Bakeries (manufactures Countr y Kitchen bread), precision manufacturers Formed Fiber, Geiger, White Rock Distilleries and L.L. Bean, financial institutions FISC, Androscoggin Bank and TD Bank. No lon ge r a m i l l- dom i n a t e d communit y, the reformation of t he Tw in Cities continues. The
A Chevron company product
mills lining the mighty A nd r os c og g i n R i v er have now be c ome moder n busi ness, com mercia l, a nd industrial powerhouses, fueling t he Tw i n Cit ies economy i nto tomorrow. Today, L ew iston-Aubu r n’s key industries include hea lt h care, high-precision ma nufacturing, t r a n spor t at ion a nd log i st ic s, telecommunications and financial services. Retail, food and beverage product ion, pr i nt i ng, a nd t he
“Here For Your Service”
Randall Greenwood, General Mgr. Brian Bartlett, Assistant Mgr.
Elizabeth Ann STAR SERVICE
Locally Owned... Serving Local People
413 Sabattus St., Lewiston
Open M-F 8am - 6pm, Sat 8am - 3pm
We feature
Motor Oil
SAVE $4.00
Reg. Price $29.95 Plus Taxes & Fee Up to 5 quarts Havoline Motor Oil, 5W-20, 5W-30 & 10W30. Most vehicles. For 4X4 Add $1.00 Coupon code: SJ • Expires 12-31-11
Great American
STOVE SALE! August 1-31st JULY 1-31
tured on all American manufac erts. ins d an stoves, fireplaces
712 Main St.(Rt.26),Oxford • Monday–Saturday 9am–5pm SUPPORTING AMERICAN JOBS
service industries including recent edition Ca rbonite, continue to expand as the Twin Cities becomes a destination of choice.
Motor Oil
We Feature
$ e v Sa to up
Daryn Slover/Sun Journal
Forty-five employers talked with potential employees during the seventh annual Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce Community Job Fair at Central Maine Community College in Auburn.
20 South Ave., Lewiston, ME 04240
We Rent Almost Everything! Construction Equipment, Party Needs, Home Improvement Tools Got Thirst? Remember...
One h ig h-prof i le projec t t hat illuminates how L-A is playing to its new strengths, and attracting i nter nat iona l at tent ion i n t he process, is Lufthansa Technik’s historic Lockheed Constellation restoration project. With a global reach, Lufthansa had the opportunity to locate anywhere on the face of the planet. With the entire globe as their footprint, Lufthansa ultimately chose the A u b u r n -L e w i s t o n Mu n i c i p a l Airport as their base of operation for the restoration efforts. Once the project is completed, the famed aircraft will take back to the air, restored and fully operational, built just as it would have come off the assembly line in the 1950s.
Liquor • Beer • Wine • Tobacco Products
"Pricing and Service Has Always Been Our Reputation" 694 Main St., Lewiston 782-1482 794 Sabattus St., Lewiston 783-6353 1420 Lisbon St., Lewiston 333-3095 545 Minot Ave. Auburn 783-2047
Compa n ies such a s P rocter & Ga mble have f u l ly ut i l i zed Lewiston-Auburn’s efficient workforce, which has been recognized nationally by Industry Week and Inc. Magazine. In fact, LewistonAuburn is perfect ly positioned g e o g r a p h i c a l l y t o t a p l a b or pools in nearby areas including Oxford and Franklin counties and surrounding communities where unemploy ment is t radit iona lly higher.
Look for our monthly in-store samplings 4-6 p.m. every 2nd Friday at our Minot Ave. location and every 3rd Friday at our Lisbon St. location
Lewiston-Auburn can joke about a lot of things, especially our four seasons – w i nter, st i l l w i nter, not w inter, and a lmost w inter. But when it comes to business and making L-A a destination of choice, we take our logistics and infrastructure seriously.
Success page 16 ‰
Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, August 5, 2011
Shaker village. The Poland Spring Preservation Society is worth the trip and is considered one of the many gems of the area.
THEATERS & MUSIC • Community Little Theatre, Auburn, 783-0958
• L/A Arts, Lewiston, 782-7228
CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT The charm and quality of life in the twin cities of Lewiston and Auburn is partly due to their picturesque location along the Androscoggin River w ith a sk yline of historic mills surrounded by small-town, neighborly communities. A not her pa r t of t he cha r m is the year-long list of events and activities that take place in the a rea. The Auburn Community Conc er t Ba nd p er for m s f r e e concer ts at a public venue a l l summer long. At the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray you can attend a Native American Pow Wow for two full days of dancing, drumming, and learning about the animals at the park. The Yarmouth Clam Festival is an annual event in July that features cla ms a nd ot her Ma ine foods, crafts, a carnival, entertainment, and lots of fun things to do and see. The Kora Shriners present a circus in Lew iston in April that offers great entertainment for the kids, adults, too. The Washburn Norlands Living History Center hosts the annual Ra l ly for Norla nds ! Civ i l Wa r Reenactment Weekend in June complete with Confederate and Union infantry actors playing their parts in a mock scrimmage. T he Blistered Fingers Fa mily Bluegrass Music Festival is held in Litchfield twice each year and boasts performances by musicians on banjo and fiddle that you won’t want to miss. The Moxie Festival in Lisbon Falls is held in July and is all about the soda by the same name, plus entertainment, crafts, fireworks, and food. T h e M o n m o u t h Fa i r i s a n agricultural fair held in August that celebrates rural life. The Great Falls Balloon Festival is held in August each year on the banks of the Androscoggin River and parks in the Twin Cities downtown areas and offers food booths, craft and trade booths, entertainment, live music, a carnival, demonstrations, contests, and hot air balloon rides. The Franco-American Heritage
Center in Lewiston is the former St. Mar y’s Church which is now the venue for a diverse array of top entertainment.
Lewiston is a treasure of historical a r t i facts f rom loca l m i l ls a nd factories and offers guided tours and educational programs.
The beauty of the area may be an inspiration to the local artists and photographers whose work you will see in some of the local venues. Come and see their work and other artists’ work at local museums.
T he At r ium Ga l ler y at t he University of Southern Maine’s Lew iston-Auburn College, t he Bates College Museum of Art, and Gallery 5, all in Lewiston, present fine exhibits and guided tours. The Maine Art Glass Studio in Lisbon Falls is a feast for the eyes where you will find gorgeous glass work on display and for sale.
T he A nd roscog g i n Histor ica l Societ y i n Aubu r n ha s a va st amount of historical information on t h is a rea. Museum L/A i n
The Shaker Museum and Library in New Gloucester is run by a small group of Quakers who offer many workshops and tours of their quaint
• Maine Music Society, Lewiston, 782-1403 • Maine State Music Theater, Brunswick, 725-8769 • Schaffer Theatre, Bates College, Lewiston, 786-6161
Instead of New...
Voted Best Dry Cleaner In 2010, 11th Consecutive Year, for Lew.-Aub. by Market Survey of America.
Refurbish Your Current Wardrobe!! Serving Lewiston-Auburn for Over 30 Years
• State of the Art Coin-Op Laundry • Bridal Gowns • Draperies (Fan Folded) • Wash-Dry-Fold • Suede & Leather • Shirt Laundry on a Hanger or in a Box
2 Convenient Locations - Plenty of Parking MINOT AVE. 786 CENTER ST. Across from Lee Auto Mall
In The Taylor Brook Mall Behind Sams
Mon.-Sat. 7 am-9 pm, Sunday 8 am-6 pm
Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am-7:30 pm, Saturday 8 am-5 pm
Tw ice a year, usua lly in March and November, many restaurants and eateries participate in t he Maine Restaurant Week in which customers are offered speciallypriced menu items. The Flavors of Freeport is held in March at various locations throughout the village. Maine Maple Sunday is held every Ma rch at va r ious suga rhouses t hroughout Maine where visitors are offered tastings and demonstrations, some offer sleigh or wagon rides, live music and other activities.
• The Public Theatre, Lewiston, 782-3200
Quality of life
• The Theater At Monmouth, Monmouth, 933-9999
page 6 ‰
Donna‛s Daycare and Preschool Center Helping Kids to Grow & Learn 977 Sabattus St., Lewiston
“When Quality Matters”
Lever’s Daycare Center "The BEST Care Daycare"
50 Mollison Way • Lewiston • Phone: 207-783-1552
Providing Care for Children 6 weeks - 12 years Transportation to Most Lewiston/Auburn Schools Experienced & Educated Staff Members of Quality for ME All Meals Provided Age Appropriate Curriculum Open Mon.-Fri. 6:30 am to 6:00 pm
HEALTHY STARTS HERE! • Over 50 Fitness Classes a week
When you shop at Percy’s Burrow
You receive gifts like this!
Specialty Toy, Book & Gift Store I love you, Mimi!
• Personal Training only $25/hr ~ Package of 5 sessions for $100 • New Expanded Hours: 4:30am-9:00pm M-F and 7am-2pm Sat & Sun
Auburn Mall, 550 Center Street 207-376-3058
40% OFF All Books In Stock
Now Thru Sept. 1, 2011
Next to County Building, Auburn 795 4095
Border’s Membership Cards Accepted
Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, August 5, 2011
•A uburn, Highway Division, 296 Gracelawn Rd., 783-1733 • Buckfield, Town Garage, 336-2526
• Verizon Wireless 786-6714 • FairPoint Communications 866-984-4001 •O xford Networks, www.oxfordnetworks. com, 800-520-9911, 491 Lisbon St., Lewiston •T ime Warner Cable of New England 800-833-2253
•M echanic Falls, Sanitary District, 56 Lewiston St., 345-3077 •M inot, Highway Department, 329 Woodman Hill Rd., 346-9096 •N ew Gloucester, Garage, 1036 Lewiston Rd., 926-4574
Regional School Unit No. 5, which covers the towns of Durham, Freeport, and Pownal, has information about the schools in its system at or call 865-0928.
•P oland, Public Works, 1231 Maine St., 998-2570 •S abattus, Public Works, Pleasant Hill Rd., 375-8702 •T urner, Transfer Station, Snell Hill Rd., 225-2980
GARBAGE REMOVAL Some municipalities provide garbage disposal in the Our Town area while some areas depend on private garbage collection services.
Foam Core Backing
8x10.............................$10 16x20...........................$20 20x24...........................$30 24x36...........................$40
807 Minot Ave., Auburn • 784-2499
0 00 2
0 25 ,
Expert Custom Framing! Quality Personal Service!!
Along withthe thebest bestselection selection Along with of of frames and mats for prints, frames and mats for prints, pictures or keepsakes. pictures or keepsakes.
,000 25
Feeds, Seeds & Other Needs for 140 years!
0,000 2500 250 2 ,
Framing Made Simple
,000 50 0 25 2 0 00
Regular Glass
Regional School Unit No. 36 covers the towns of Livermore and Livermore Falls. The superintendent’s office is located at 9 Cedar Street, Livermore Falls; phone 897-6722 or visit the site at http:// Limited information about Jay schools, RSU 73, can be found on the RSU 36 site.
0 00
(Shavings, Hay, Straw Also Available)
Metal Frame (silver, black or gold)
Regional School Unit No. 16 covers Mechanic Falls, Minot and Poland. Visit or call 998-2727.
0 50 , 0 0
Livestock & Wildlife Pets & Birds
Regional School Unit No. 4, covers Litchfield, Sabattus and Wales. Visit its website at or call the school department office at 375-4273.
• US Cellular, 730 Center St., Auburn, 777-0000
•L ivermore, Town Office, 10 Crash Rd., 897-3207
•C ellular of Maine, 352 Center St., Auburn, 784-3330
• L isbon, Public Works, Capitol Ave., 353-3016
•A T&T, att. com, 279 Center St, Auburn, 753-9301
•L ewiston, Public Works, 103 Adams Ave., 513-3003
M.S.A.D. #52, also known as RSU 52, covers the towns of Greene, Leeds, and Turner. The results of Results of the referendum held July 19 states that, “MSAD#52 voters defeated both articles in Tuesday’s special referendum vote. The first article requested approval for bonds not to exceed $600,000 to build a biomass boiler and related improvements for Turner Elementary School and Tripp Middle School, which would not have been undertaken unless the school district received a Department of Agriculture Grant for approximately $500,000. The second article requested approval to issue bonds or notes in an amount not to exceed $315,000 in order to finance the acquisition and renovation of property to house expanded adult education programming.” Visit their site at or call 225-3795.
00 0 2 5 0 0 , 000 25
Time Warner Cable provides digital telephone service. Visit each company’s site to learn whether or not a deposit is required.
• Greene, Town Offices, 220 Main St., 946-5146
Lewiston Public Schools: Lewiston Public Schools serve over 4,900 students with more than 600 certified and support staff in nine community schools. Administrators and teachers recognize the importance of students’ aspirations and are committed to the belief that all children can succeed. Collectively, we strive for high standards in learning as we develop and nurture students who will help lead our community in the next century. Visit its website at for this year’s school calendar or call 795-4100 more information.
0 25 0
Fa i rPoi nt Com mu n icat ions a nd Ox ford Net work s prov ide telephone ser v ice to customers in most of the Our Town area.
•D urham, Town Hall, 630 Hallowell Rd., 353-2561
Auburn School Department: The FY 2012 Auburn School Department budget is now officially approved at $34.7 million. This represents the third consecutive year of no tax increases for schools. It also reflects a decrease of $181,000 in property taxes raised for Auburn’s schools, which educate 3,600 local students. Visit the school department’s website for this year’s school calendar and more information about schools in your area, www. or call 333-6600.
Utility services are provided by both private compa n ies a nd gover n menta l agencies. Subscribe in person or by phone.
0 ,0
23 Cross Street, Auburn • 786-4333
per month visit
Dan Williams, owner
Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, August 5, 2011
t he telephone what a nd where t he emergenc y is, for exa mple, “My house is on fire at (STREET & TOW N)” or “There’s someone breaking into my home at (STREET ADDRESS & TOWN)” or “There’s a car accident at (STREET & TOWN).” The best and quickest way to get a response to your emergency is to patiently answer all questions asked. It can be difficult to be patient during an emergency, but remaining as calm as possible and answering questions clearly w ill enable help to get t here much faster. W hen seconds count, calmness helps.
Auburn 784-6469 Buckfield 336-2771 Freeport 865-0831 Gardiner 582-5500 Gray 657-3500 Hallowell 623-9151 Lewiston 782-8275 Lisbon 353-3020 Livermore Falls 897-3445
Even t houg h you r locat ion and telephone may display on the Enhanced 911, or E-911, system, you will be asked to verify these two crucial pieces of information. The incident may be occurring at some place other than your location and the system is not foolproof. Ensuring the correct address is obtained will ensure emergency units get to the scene of the emergency as quickly as possible.
Mechanic Falls 345-5351 Sabattus 375-4953 So. Freeport 865-0831 Winthrop 337-2712 Yarmouth 846-6402
If you called 911 by mistake, don’t hang up. Speak with the person answering the call and answer their questions. All 911 hang-up calls are called back, and if there is no answer further action may be taken.
ELECTRICITY AND GAS Central Maine Power 800-686-4044
For the D/deaf, late-deafened or hard-of-hearing, use your TTY device or the “Maine Relay Service.”
Unitil Gas 866-933-3821
Jose Leiva/Sun Journal
The new Lewiston-Auburn Ultraviolet Light Water Treatment Facility is symbolic of the cooperation between the water utilities of the two cities as is the creation of the Lake Auburn Watershed Protection Commission.
EMERGENCY RELATED PHONE NUMBERS When you call 911 from a cellular telephone it may not go to your local police/fire/medical dispatch center, so it is critical that you know where you are, including the town where the emergency is occurring so the emergency communications center can process and respond to your call quickly and effectively. Important things to remember when reporting any incident to 911: 1. Remain calm and speak clearly, 2. Answer questions patiently and as completely as possible,
DIAL 911 FOR ALL FIRE AND POLICE EMERGENCIES OTHER EMERGENCY NUMBERS •A lcoholics Anonymous 24-hour Hotline 800-737-6237 or 207-774-4335 •C hild Abuse 24-hour Hotline 800-452-1999 (Voice) or 800963-9490 (TTY) • Maine Statewide Crisis 888-568-1112 (Voice/TTY) •P oison Control Center 800-222-1222 (Voice) or 877-2994447 (TTY)
4. Never hang up on 911.
This is not an all-inclusive list of emergency numbers and these phone numbers are subject to change. The Maine Department of Health and Human Services provides a list of emergency services and phone numbers that can be found at
JILLSON’S FARM 9-6 Daily - Open all weekend!
Auburn Economic Development 333-6600 Freeport Merchants Marketing Association 865-1212
3. Understand that there is a reason for every question asked,
W hen you call 911 you will hear “911” or “911, what’s your emergency?” or “911, what is the location of your emergency?” Ideally, you should tell the person answering
Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments 783-9186
Gray-New Gloucester Business Association 657-2033 Jay-Livermore-Livermore Falls Chamber 897-6755 Kennebec Valley Chamber 623-4559 Kennebec Valley Council of Governments 453-4258 Lewiston Auburn Economic Growth Council 784-0161 Winthrop Area Chamber of Commerce 377-8020
LaBonte Financial Services
Jillson’s welcomes you to visit their 180 year old farm Farm Fresh Vegetables • Eggs • Ice Cream Annuals & Perennials • Herbs Hanging Baskets & Much More!
Jordan Bridge Road, Sabattus 375-4486 Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, August 5, 2011
Community info
page 10 ‰
follow us on
Bertrand G. LaBonte, CPA, MBA, MST
155 Center Street (Riverview Plaza), Auburn (207)782-9500 Fax: (207)782-9600 e-mail:
SHOULD YOU MOVE YOUR 401K? Worried about the volatile stock market? See what fixed annuities can do for you. Call for a free consultation. OUR TOWN
Quality of life from page 3
For nightly entertainment, try Club Texas, 150 Center Street, Auburn, 784-7785; The Cage, 97 Ash Street, Lewiston, 783-0668; Schemengees Bar & Grille, 551 Lincoln Street, Lewiston, 777-1155; and Gritty’s, LewistonAuburn’s brew pub that offers the very best in real ale, real food and real Maine hospitality, Main St., Auburn, 376-BREW, A short drive from Lewiston-Auburn, you can sit on a deck overlooking the Androscoggin River at Sea Dog Brew Pub. They offer Sunday brunch, big screen, trivia night, Open Mic, live entertainment, and karaoke. 1 Bowdoin Mill Island, Topsham. 725-0162, Gippers is an award-winning sports restaurant that offers casual dining and serves appetizers, lunch, and dinner. A function room is available. There are wide-screen TVs throughout the restaurant. Gippers is known for its variety of sports-themed burgers. 120 Center Street Plaza, Auburn, 786-0715, Mac’s Grill has a southwestern theme, and is known for its Black Angus beef, homemade barbecue sauces and dry rubs. 1052 Minot Avenue, Auburn, 783-6885, Good eats for the family can be found at Dubois Cafe which makes sandwiches, spaghetti & meatballs, breakfasts, and offers daily specials. 906 Sabattus Street, Lewiston, 7956688. The New China Super Buffet has a unique hibachi grill and sushi. The restaurant is known for its gigantic allyou-can-eat buffet which includes over 238 items ranging from appetizers to soups to entrees to desserts. Banquet facilities for up to 400. Take-out available, 40 East Avenue, Lewiston, 753-6868. The renovated Village Inn Restaurant & Capt’n Don’s Loft, 165 High Street, Auburn, is famous for its seafood and chowder, 782-7796. Pizza parlors are plentiful and you’ll want to visit as many as you can to find the pizza that your family likes best. Just a few of the pizza eateries in the Lewiston-Auburn area include Papa John’s Pizza, 850 Lisbon Street, Lewiston, 786-7272; Pat’s Pizza of Auburn, 85 Center Street, Auburn,
784-8221. George’s Pizza, 563 Center St., Auburn, has been voted the #1 pizza of Lewiston-Auburn. It is open 7 days a week. 782-7141, Sam’s Italian Foods offers casual family dining. Takeout is available. Sam’s is known for its Italian sandwiches, pizza, and pasta. Multiple locations in Lewiston, Auburn, Augusta, Lisbon Falls, Rumford, Brunswick, and Freeport; 268 Main Street, Lewiston, 782-9145, www.samsitalian. com. Another long-established pizza parlor is Georgio’s Pizza & Donut Shop which sells breakfast foods, coffee, sandwiches, fries, salads. Georgio’s offers delivery service in Auburn city limits. It is famous for its UFO sandwich. 740 Minot Avenue, Auburn, 783-2981, When you’re looking for fabulous dining experiences for your family or guests, try Fish Bones American Grill, which is open for lunch, dinner, and Sunday brunch. Steak, fish, sandwiches, wraps. Uses locally grown potatoes. Known for its seafood grill concept that blends American cuisine w it h internationa l f la ir. 70 Lincoln Street, Lewiston, 333-3663,; Fuel, at 49
Life! Make It Easier
Denise Scammon/Sun Journal
Behind Gritty’s Brew Pub in Auburn, left, is a walking trail that borders the Androscoggin River (above).
Lisbon Street, Lewiston, is divine, 333-3835; and try Marco’s Restaurant, 12 Mollison Way, Lewiston, 783-0336. Rolandeau’s offers complete lunch, dinner and low carb meals; specials ser ved daily. Child-size meals available. Patio open seasonally. Known for roast beef au jus. 775 Washington St., Auburn, 784-2110, w w w. The Sedgley Place has space for private wine tastings, weddings, rehearsal dinners, family functions, business meetings. Known for serving MOFGA certified organic vegetables, picked fresh daily. By reservation only. Off Rt. 202, Greene, 946-5990 or 800-9247778,
Give Your Home a New Look With Custom Window Treatments
We Make Dirt Look Good!
Schooner Estates • Independent Living Comfort in Community • Assisted Living Confidence in Care • Residential Care Looking For a Cruise to Boothbay Harbor?
There’s still more “Summer Fun” yet to come in 2011. Consider joining our community! Make your life easier and more enjoyable. Connect with us TODAY!
Free Top Down/Bottom Up Upgrade on Cellular Shades 995 Center St., Auburn
784-2900 • 1-800-924-9997
200 Stetson Rd., Auburn, ME 04210 • 207--784-2900
• Residential & Commercial • House Lots • Foundations • Concrete Slabs • D.E.P. Certified • Sand/Gravel • Demolitions • Free Estimates • Subdivisions • Driveways • Septic Systems • Lot Clearing P.J. Bedard
South Paris, Maine
FAX: 207.743.6400
Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, August 5, 2011
Worship Directory �
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Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, August 5, 2011
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ndroscoggin C ou nt y, incorporated in 1854, is situated i n t he sout hwester n pa r t of Maine and is bordered by Frank lin, Kennebec, Sagadahoc, Cumberland, and Oxford counties. Municipalities i n A nd r os c og g i n C ou nt y i nc lude Aubu r n, D u rha m, Gre ene, L e e d s, Lew iston, Lisbon, Livermore, Livermore Falls, Mechanic Falls, Minot, Poland, Sabattus, Turner and Wales. A ndroscogg in Count y hosts t wo of Maine’s largest cities, Lewiston and Auburn, also known as the “Twin Cities.”
Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce: The com munit ies of A ndroscogg in County boast festivals and other crowdgathering events. The population of Androscoggin was 103,793 in 2000 and grew by 3.8 percent to 107,702 in 2010. Its county seat is Auburn. The county is one-half hour from both Portland, Ma i ne’s la rgest cit y, a nd Aug usta, Maine’s capital. The Maine Turnpike cuts through Androscoggin Count y, offering easy access to its major cities via exits 75, 80, and 86. Auburn is host to the Auburn-Lewiston Airport and the Maine Intermodal Transportation rail lines.
While historic textile mills and shoe factories dot its landscape, Androscoggin County is experiencing an increase in economic development activity and new jobs.
Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, August 5, 2011
COUNTY BUILDING 2 Turner Street Auburn, Maine 04210 Tel: 207-784-8390 Fax: 207-782-5367
Maine's Publichere Highway System <Double-click to enter title> Graphic Emphasis on State-Aid Collectors Auburn’s popu lat ion of 23,055 in 2010 decreased by 0.6 percent from 2000 when its population was 23,203. The city sits on the banks of the Androscoggin River across from the city of Lewiston.
• Auburn • Durham • Greene • Leeds • Lewiston • Lisbon • Livermore • Livermore Falls • Mechanic Falls • Minot • Poland • Sabattus • Turner • Wales ANNUAL RETAIL SALES 2010 Taxable Retail Sales: $1,004,473 2009 Taxable Retail Sales: $1,001,430 Source: Maine Revenue Services
POPULATION BY SEX/AGE Male ............................52,716 Female ...................... 54,986 Under 18 .................. 24,308 18 & over .................. 83,394 20 - 24 ...........................6,966 25 - 34 .........................12,960 35 - 49 ......................... 23,147 50 - 64 .........................22,081 65 & over ................... 15,184 Source: U.S. Census (2010)
LABOR MARKET 2011 Civilian Labor Force: 58,697 2011 Unemployment Rate: 7.5% Source: Center for Workforce Research and Information
CENSUS DATA Population.............. 107,702 County seat........... Auburn Square miles.................. 459 Source: U.S. Census (2010)
V U 4
V U A picturesque litt le tow n w it h working farms and several parks with nature trails and access to t he A nd roscog g i n R iver. 2010 Population: 3,848.
V U 219
Greene T h i s sma l l, cent r a l ly loc ated community has much to offer its residents such as a recreational park and several ponds for outdoor activities, and businesses such as rail service from Guilford Railroad and a plan for future growth. 2010 Population: 4,350.
£ ¤ 202
V U 135
V U 117
From Monument Hill, hikers can see spectacular views of Maine and NH mountains. Trails start on North Rd. 2010 Population: 2,326.
£ ¤ 202
V U 132
Lewiston Lewiston’s population of 36,592 in 2010 increased by 2.5 percent from 2000 when its population was 35,690. The city sits on the banks of the Androscoggin River across from the city of Auburn.
V U 197
§ ¦ ¨ 95
V U 121
V U 26
V U 126
£ ¤ 202
V U 11
V U 121
V U 9
V U 196
Histor y a nd prog ress co-ex ist in t his communit y. Its histor y includes mills and railroads; today, its businesses prov ide diverse opportunities for employ ment. 2010 Population: 9,009.
V U 138
Mechanic Falls
http://mechanicfa lls.govoff ice. com/ Situated on the banks of the Litt le A ndroscogg in, t he tow n has gone from a mill town to an area successfully revitalizing its economy. 2010 Population: 3,031.
Minot This picturesque and rural town sits on t he ba n ks of t he Litt le Androscoggin. 2010 Population: 2,607.
Poland Pola nd i s su r rou nde d by si x lakes and ponds that make it a natural, beautiful resort area. 2010 Population: 5,376.
Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, August 5, 2011
V U £ ¤ V U 100
10 Crash Rd., Livermore, ME 04253 2010 Population: 2,095. Livermore and Livermore Falls are two communities geographically divided by the Androscoggin River. The communities were once supported by the lumber and logging industries.Today’s two top industries are manufacturing and health care. 2010 Population: 3,187.
£ ¤
Livermore Falls
V U 121
V U 231
V U 24
£ ¤U V 302
£ ¤ 1
§ ¦ ¨
Androscoggin County Federal Functional Class Interstate and Other Frwys, Expwys
Major Collector - State Aid
Other Arterials
Minor Collector
Major Collector - State Highway
Sabattus Martin’s Point Beach on Sabattus P on d i s a f a v or i t e s p ot f or swimming, boating, and fishing. 2010 Population: 4,876.
Turner Tu r ner is a r u ra l com mu n it y with forests, farmland, and apple
Mar 05, 2010
Map Scale: 1 inch = 3 miles
orchards. It boasts four seasons of outdoor activities, including water activities on 13 ponds. 2010 Population: 5,734.
302 Center Rd., Wales, ME 04280 The landscape of Wales is dotted with many farms. 2010 Population: 1,616.
Photo, opposite page, top: Balloons take to the sky over Lewiston and Auburn during the 15th annual Great Falls Balloon Festival. Photo, opposite page, bottom: The Minot Center Congregational Church was built in 1846 after the two story original was found too big and difficult to heat. It was torn down and many of the beams used to build this new one. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal photos.
HEALTH SERVICES Alcoholics Anonymous, in Maine, 24 Hour Hotline 800737-6237 or 207-774-4335. During business hours, your call will be taken by a member of Alcoholics Anonymous who knows exactly what you are going through and can give you all the information you need. At night, reach a well qualified answering service, who can give meeting information, or put you in touch with a recovering alcoholic, in your area, who will speak with you about your problem. There are over 700 meetings in Maine and southern New Brunswick every week. To find a meeting near you, visit American Red Cross-United Valley Chapter, 795-4004; 1180 Lisbon St., Lewiston Androscoggin Home Care and Hospice, 15 Strawberry Av e ., L e w i s t on , 8 0 0 - 4 8 2-741 2 ; w w w. a h c h .o r g , provides needed comprehensive health and health-
related services which help people remain safely and independent ly in t heir homes a nd com mu n it ies. Volunteer opportunities are plentiful for in-home visiting volunteers and hospice volunteers (training required). Healthy Androscoggin, w w w.healthyandroscoggin. org was created in 1995 as Tobacco Free L-A, a grassroots g roup of communit y members a nd orga nizat ions working to reduce tobacco use in the greater LewistonAuburn area. They have grown to include nearly 300 coalition members and over 2300 subscribers and have broadened their focus to include exercising, eating well and youth substance use. March of Dimes, The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. The Maine Chapter awards community grants
We invite you to discover everything that Androscoggin County has to offer! For more information about The Chamber and Androscoggin County, stop by and visit or give us a call. 415 Lisbon Street â&#x20AC;˘ PO Box 59 â&#x20AC;˘ Lewiston, ME 04243-0059
(207) 783-2249 â&#x20AC;˘ F - (207) 783-4481
E-mail: visit us on the web at
to provide preconception/prenatal education, support and intervention. ProtectME-Child Health Center, 782-5437, your resource for Preschool: Providing Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education Services for children Birth to Five years old. Big Brothers / Big Sisters: Community and Site-based Mentoring programs for children 6-18. The Parent Place: Parenting education for teens and adolescent parents. Tri-County Mental Health Services, Androscoggin County, 1155 Lisbon Street, Lewiston, 783-9141, 800787-1155, is an organization committed to providing the people of Maine with excellence in mental health, substance abuse, habilitation and life skills services, respecting consumer rights, persona l dignit y and maintaining agency financial stability.
FOREIGN CAR SERVICE CO. Expert Volvo Repair and Complete Volvo Service!
VOLVOSPECIALIST.NET 207-782-9300 â&#x20AC;˘ 140 Riverside Drive â&#x20AC;˘ Auburn, ME â&#x20AC;˘ Dave Sheloske, Owner
RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS Thanks for choosing a designated driver. ďż˝      Â? Â? Â&#x20AC; Â&#x201A;   Â&#x192; Â&#x20AC; Â?   Â&#x201E; Â? Â&#x201E; Â? Â? Â&#x2026; Â? Â? Â?  Â? Â&#x201E; Â? Â? Â&#x201E;  Â? Â&#x2020; Â? Â? Â&#x201E;  Â&#x20AC;  Â? Â?Â&#x20AC; Â&#x201E; Â?  Â&#x20AC; Â? Â?  Â? Â?Â?  Â? Â? Â&#x2020; Â? Â? Â?  Â&#x20AC; Â? Â&#x2021; Â?
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Federal Distributors Inc. 2075 Lisbon Rd., Lewiston, Maine 04240
207-783-1777 1-800-427-1777 Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, August 5, 2011
COMMUNITY SERVICES • Advocates for Children, 57 Birch St., Suite 204, Lewiston ME 04240, Mailing address: P.O. Box 3316, Auburn, ME 04212, Phone: 783-3990, Fax: 783-9402, Email: info@, Web Address: http://www. • A merican Red Cross of Southern Maine, United Valley Office, 1180 Lisbon Street, Lewiston, ME 04240, Phone: 795-4004, Fax: 795-4037, Web Address: http://w w w. • C ommon Ties Mental Health Coalition, 140 Canal St., Lewiston, ME 04240, Phone: 795-6710, Email:, Web Address: http://w w w. • C ommunity Concepts Inc., 79 Main Street, Auburn, Maine 04210, Phone: 795-4065, 17-19 Market Square, P.O. Box 278, South Paris, ME 04281, Phone: 743-7716, Toll free: 1-800-866-5588, Fax: 743-6513, Email: info@, Web Address: http://www. • G ood Shepherd Food-Bank, Ma in Wa rehouse & Administrative Offices, Mailing Address: PO Box 1807, Auburn, Maine 04211-1807, Phone: (207) 782-3554, FAX: (207) 782-9893, Web Address: • A ndroscoggin Home Care & Hospice, Lewiston Office, 15 Strawberry Avenue, P.O. Box 819, Lewiston, Maine 04243-0819, Phone: (207) 777-7740, Fax: (207) 777-7748, Toll-free: (800) 482-7412; Hospice House, 236 Stetson Road, Auburn, Maine 04210, Phone: 333-6300, Fax: (207) 333-6309, Toll-free: (866) 482-7131
• Greater Androscoggin Humane Society, 55 Strawberry Avenue, Lewiston, Maine 04240, Phone: 783-2311, Fax: 782-5521, Email:, Web Address:
• P athways Inc., P.O. Box 1267, 368 Minot Avenue, Auburn, Maine 04210-1297, Phone: 795-4085, Fa x: 753-0505, Email:, Web Address:
• Healthy Androscoggin, 130 East Ave (Lower Entrance to the YWCA) in Lewiston; Mailing Address: 300 Main St., Lewiston, ME 04240, Phone: 795-5990, Fax: 795-5992, Email:, Web Address:
• Rockin’ T Equine Rescue, 60 Edgecomb Road, Lisbon Falls, Maine 04252, Phone: 353-6581, Web Address:
• H ope Haven Gospel Mission, 209 Lincoln Street, Lewiston, ME 04240, General Inquiries: 783-6086, Donor Inquiries: 713-8217, Fax: 783-3904, Email: info@, Web Address: http:// • K IDS Consortium, 223 Main Street, Auburn, ME 04210, Phone: 784-0956, Fax: 784-6733, Email: kap@ k idsconsor t iu, Web Add ress : ht t p ://w w w. • L ifesprings, Inc., PO Box 121, West Poland, ME 04291, Phone: 998-4227, Email: ORMPOLAND@roadrunner. com • L iteracy Volunteers-Androscoggin, 15 Sacred Heart Place, Auburn, ME 04210, Phone: 333-4785, Email info@ literacy, Web Address: http:// • T he Maine Building Materials Exchange, 102 Lisbon St., Lisbon, ME, Phone 1-636-7670, Email: Info @, Web Address: http://www.mainebme. org/
• S afe Voices, PO Box 713, Auburn, ME 04212-0713, 24 Hour Helpline: 1-800-559-2927, Phone: Lewiston: (207) 795-6744, Norway: (207) 743-5806, Email: info@awap. org Web Address: • SeniorsPlus, 8 Falcon Road, P.O. Box 659, Lewiston, ME 04243-0659, Phone: 1-800-427-1241; 795-4010; TTY: 7957232; Fax: 795-4009, Email:, Web Address: • S ex ua l A ssau lt Cr isis Center, Aubu r n, Ma i ne, P h o n e : 1- 8 0 0 - 8 7 1-74 4 1 o r 1- 8 8 8 - 4 5 8 - 5 5 9 9 , Administrative Office: 784-5272, Web Address: http:// • S omali Bantu Youth Association of Maine, P.O.Box 7149, Lew iston, ME 04243, Phone: 344-5136, Web Address: • Support Solutions, 124 Canal St., Suite B, Lewiston, ME 04240, Phone: 795-0672 Ext. 2131, Fax: 777-1109, Web Address: • United Way of Androscoggin County, P.O. Box 888, Lewiston, ME 04243, Phone: 795-4000, Fax: 795-6100, Web Address:
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LOBSTER CLAMS • CRABS We Also Pack to Travel 784-2646 • 1-800-896-2646
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Come try our great selection of specialty dishes made with lamb, chicken or fish. Join us for Wednesday,Thursday, and Sunday Lunch Buffet 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday 11-3 and 5-9; Friday and Saturday 11-9:30; Sunday 12:00-9:00 Take Out and Catering Available
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Androscoggin Bank Colisee, 190 Birch St. Lewiston. FMI: 783-2009, Offers public skat i ng for a l l ages, i nclud i ng special skate nights for teens. A ndroscoggin Head Sta rt, en r ol l ment of f ic e : 26 9 Bat e s St reet, L ew iston, 795-4040 ; en rol l ment @ a nd rok Visit their site to learn more about their services and programs for children and their families at www. Auburn Municipal Beach, Lake Auburn Outlet, Route 4, Auburn. Auburn Parks & Recreation, FMI: 333-6600, Open from Memorial Day weekend t h roug h L abor Day we ekend. Bathhouses for changing and clean restrooms available. A u b u r n P u b l i c L i b r a r y, 4 9 Spr i ng St re et, Aubu r n . w w w. FMI: 3336640 x 2004, Storytimes for infants and preschoolers, kids’ activities, summer reading programs. Beaver Park, Pinewoods Road, Lisbon. FMI: 353-9075. A 337-acre wooded property with three ponds, managed as a family day-use park. Activities include hiking, fishing, cross-country skiing, picnicking and swimming. Seven-acre field w it h t w o r e g u l at ion s of t ba l l diamonds and a one-mile fitness trail. Ingersoll Arena, Auburn Parks & Recreation Department, Auburn. F M I : 3 3 3 - 6 6 0 0 x 2114 , w w w. Public skating, shinny hockey and figure skating. L ew iston Public L ibra r y, 20 0 L i s b o n S t ., L e w i s t o n . . F M I : Children’s Desk, 513-3133; http:// Programs aimed
Worry-Free Assisted Living Retirement Community
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at a range of ages and interests are offered throughout the year. L e w iston P ubl ic Sk ate Pa rk , Lew iston Department of Recreat ion, Kennedy Pa rk Lew iston. FMI: 513-3005, w w w. c i . le w i ston .me.u s /re c re at ion/ i ndex .ht m. Feat u res a 12,0 0 0 square foot concrete, in-ground skatepark with bowls, ramps, stairs and half-pipes; open 8 a.m.-9 p.m., weather permitting. Lost Valley Ski Area, 200 Lost Valley Road, Auburn, 784-1561. Although for much of its early history, Lost Valley was known primarily as a destination for skiers of all ages featuring night skiing and snowmaking long before those became popular at the larger resorts, Lost Valley can now be considered a fou r-sea son dest i nat ion, w it h nu merous com mu n it y a nd sporting activities on its calendar. Petteng i l l Pa rk /Un ion St reet Gully, Auburn Parks & Recreation Depa r t ment, Aubu r n . F M I : 333-660 0, w w w.aubu r n ma i ne. org. A 40-acre urban park, with a gymnasium at Hasty Community Center. Other amenities include a baseball field; a lighted softball field; basketball courts; a youth footba l l f ield ; horseshoe pit s ; playground areas; a multi-purpose building; and a scenic fishing pond. Ricker Hill Orchards and Farm, 295 Buckfield Road, Turner. FMI: 255-5552, w w w.r ickerh i l Pick-your-own orchard with fun activities for the kids such as a corn maze, petting zoo, hiking and biking trails, mini golf, obstacle cource, mini train ride and more! Roy’s A ll Steak Hamburgers & Golf Center, 2514 Turner Road, (Route 4). FMI: 782-2801 http:// Spacious golf driving range, 18-hole, mini golf course, four-station baseball and softball batting cages. Sparetime Recreation, 24 Mollison Way, L ew iston. FMI: 786-2695 A 34-lane bowling center featuring automatic scoring and bumper systems to allow fun for the youngest bowlers; also, Lew iston-Auburn’s largest
Retirement Community • 550 College Street, Lewiston
page 13 ‰
Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, August 5, 2011
Photo, far left: A young boy drops the stick of his toy next to his sister to join her in jumping around in one of the inflatable play structures at the midway during Mechanic Falls Community Day. Many people took part in races, paddles on the river, a free car wash, live entertainment, the midway, and dozens of local businesses, churches and public service groups opening up and putting on displays, selling crafts, raffles and demonstrations. Russ Dillingham/Sun
from page 12 arcade with pool tables, air hockey and foosball. Taberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 473 Lake Shore Drive, Auburn.. FMI: 784-2521. Mini-golf and driv ing range overlook ing Lake Auburn. Snack shack. Picnic tables. Overlooking Lake Auburn. The Toy Library, 134 College St., Lewiston, 782-1112, is a unique place for ch i ld ren a nd t hei r f a m i l ie s. Ac c ord i ng to t hei r website at www.toylibrarymaine. com, this community-oriented association offers toys and more toys as well as numerous play stations on the lower level, with a library corner, kitchenette, minislide and g ym mat, a dress up corner, musical instruments and more. Thorncrag Nature Sanctuar y, Ju n ior Nat u r a l i st P r o g r a m , Highland Spring Road, Lewiston. Contact: 782-5238. This 357-acre w i ld l i fe preser ve feat u res a n elevation of 510 feet, the highest poi nt i n t he c it y. Ac c ord i ng to t he web site w w w.avcnet. or g/s t a nton /t hor nc r g . ht m . T hor ncrag encompasses a variety of wildlife habitat such a s u p l a nd w e t l a nd s , m i x e d forest, restored farm meadows, ver na l pools, con i ferous oldgrowth forest, built environment (fireplaces, trails, foundations, walls, amphitheaters, etc.). These habitats support large, diverse popu lations of w ild life, t rees, and herbaceous plants. Passive recreation at Thorncrag includes bird-watching, picnicking, hiking, wa l k i ng, snowshoei ng, crosscountry skiing, sledding, skating, nature photography.
Photo, left: Students from Burchard A. Dunn Elementary School walk up to the ministryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shop during a tour of the Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village in New Gloucester. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal
Turner Square Apartments
Specializing in advanced treatment of musculoskeletal conditions or... simply "all your aches and pains"
41 Weston Rd., Turner, Maine
One and Two bedroom and handicap/disabled apartments DESIGNED FOR YOUR NEEDS Must be at least 62 years or older, handicap/disabled, regardless of age. Some income guidelines apply. Very low income households have priority. Rental assistance available OFFICE HOURS FOR TAKING APPLICATIONS TUESDAY 7:30-4:00 207-225-3880 TTY:711 MON., WED., THUR. & FRI. 207-562-8455 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer
Board Certified Orthopedic Physical Therapist Orthopedic Manual Therapist 17 years clinical experience
NEW LOCATION: 581 Main Street, Lewiston
Y MC A of A ubu r n-L e w i st on , 62 Turner Street, Auburn. FMI: 795 - 4 0 95, w w w.a l y mc a .c om . Besides program opportunities in childcare, youth sports, aquatics, teen center programs, and day camping (Camp Connor, a co-ed day camp for children ages 6-13), the YMCA has a complete fitness center, including a sw imming pool, basketball g ym, and teen center. YWCA of Central Maine, 130 East Avenue, Lew iston. FMI: P7954050. Comprehensive aquatics prog r a m s, i nclud i ng a s w i m team, instruction, therapeutic a nd recreat iona l classes. T he YWCA also offers a summer camp and other programs throughout the year. Visit their site at w w w.
Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, August 5, 2011
Surrounding communities Cumberland County
Population by Sex/Age
Cumberland County facts
Address: 142 Federal Street Portland, Maine 04101-4196 Tel: (207) 871-8380 Fax: (207) 871-8292 Cumberland County, incorporated in 1760, is home to Maine’s most populous city, Portland, which is also its county seat. The County was named after William, Duke of Cumberland, who was the son of King George II. The County is approximately 850 square miles in area.
Population: 281,674 Land area: 853 sq. mi. Incorporation date: 1760 County seat: Portland
Population by Ethnicity
Cu mberla nd Cou nt y i ncludes Ba ldw in, Bridg ton, Br unsw ick, Cape Elizabet h, Casco, Cumberland, Falmouth, Freeport, F r y e I s l a n d , G o r h a m , G r a y, Harpswell, Harrison, Long Island, Naples, New Gloucester, Nort h Ya r mout h, Por t la nd, Pow na l, Raymond, Scarborough, Sebago, Sout h Por t la nd, Sta ndish, We s t br o ok , W i nd h a m a nd Yarmouth.
White.................................. 261,396 African American................. 6,781 Asian...................................... 5,769 AIAN.......................................... 901 NHPI............................................ 87 Other...................................... 1,557 Identified by two or more.... 5,183
Every Battery for Every Need! Our NEW LOCATION:
1013 Minot Avenue, Auburn
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Male ...................................136,684 Female.............................. 144,990 Under 18.............................. 58,894 18 & over............................. 222,780 20 - 24.................................... 17,608 25 - 34................................... 34,158 35 - 49.................................... 62,140 50 - 64.................................. 60,868 65 & over............................... 40,157
Can’t find the battery you’re looking for? We can special order!
Hispanic or Latino................ 5,045 Non Hispanic or Latino... 276,629
Population in owner-occupied ( number of individuals )..195,532 Renter-occupied................. 38,794 Popu lat ion i n renter-occupied ( number of individuals )... 76,952
Households with individuals under 18............................... 31,035 Vacant.................................. 21,318 Vacant: for rent...................... 2,738 Vacant: for sale...................... 1,351 Vacant: for seasonal/recreational/ occasional use..................... 14,676
Population by Race
Housing Status ( in housing units unless noted ) Total................................... 138,657 Occupied........................... 117,339 Owner-occupied............... 78,545
Kennebec County Address: 125 State Street Augusta, Maine 04330 Tel: (207) 622-0971 Fax: (207) 623-4083
Kennebec County, incorporated in 1799, is located in inland Maine and covers 879 square miles of the state. Augusta, the state capital and one of the largest cities in Maine,
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as rated by engine manufacturer 2 Actual retail prices are set by dealer and may vary. Taxes, freight, setup and handling charges may be additional and may vary. Models subjest to limited availability.
Lufthansa Technik • Wahlco Metroflex • Auburn Industrial Park • Estes Express • Angostura • Bisson Transportation • World Harbors • Savage Safe Handling • Walmart Distribution Center
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is in Kennebec county and is the county seat. Government is the largest employer in the county, but other growing industries include high-tech manufacturing, utilities, retail, health care, and financial institutions. Much of the county is rural and abundant lakes, rivers, streams, ponds and rolling hills in the area provide recreational opportunities and attract summer visitors. Augusta offers cultural and historical destinations such as the State House, Old Fort Western, and the Maine State Museum.
Kennebec County facts Population: 122,151 Land area: 951 sq. mi. Incorporation date: 1799 County seat: Augusta
Mu n i c i p a l i t i e s i n K e n n e b e c County include Albion, Augusta, Belgrade, Benton, Chelsea, China, Clinton, Fa rmingda le, Fayette, Gardiner, Hallowell, Litchfield, Manchester, Monmouth, Mount Ve r n o n , O a k l a n d , P i t t s t o n , Randolph, Readfield, Rome, Sidney, Vassalboro, Vienna, Water v ille, Wayne, West Gardiner, Windsor, Winslow and Winthrop.
Population by Sex/Age Male ..................................... 59,529 Female................................ 62,622 Under 18.............................. 25,308 18 & over.............................. 96,843 20 - 24...................................... 7,211 25 - 34................................... 13,291 35 - 49................................... 25,856 50 - 64.................................. 28,251 65 & over............................... 18,960
Population by Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino................ 1,504 Non Hispanic or Latino... 120,647
Population by Race White.................................. 117,501 African American.................... 687 Asian......................................... 892 AIAN.......................................... 586 NHPI............................................ 45 Other......................................... 372 Identified by two or more... 2,068
Housing Status ( in housing units unless noted ) Total.................................... 60,972 Occupied............................. 51,128 Owner-occupied................ 36,451 Popu lat ion in ow ner-occupied ( number of individuals )... 88,764 Renter-occupied................. 14,677 Popu lat ion i n renter-occupied ( number of individuals )... 29,751
Households with individuals under 18............................... 13,112 Vacant................................... 9,844 Vacant: for rent...................... 1,382 Vacant: for sale ........................ 724 Vacant: for seasonal/recreational/ occasional use ...................... 6,188
207-784-0161 •
Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, August 5, 2011
HOUSING Androscoggin County 2010 Housing Status (in housing units unless noted ) Total..................................... 49,090 Occupied.............................. 44,315 Owner-occupied................ 28,544 Popu lat ion i n ow ner-occupied (number of individuals )..... 71,119 Renter-occupied................. 15,771 Popu lat ion i n renter-occupied (number of individuals ).... 33,823
Households with individuals under 18 . ............................. 12,244 Vacant.................................... 4,775 Vacant: for rent...................... 1,477 Vacant: for sale......................... 625 Vacant: for seasonal/recreational/ occasional use....................... 1,439 •T he latest statistics ava ilable relea sed by t he U.S. Census Bureau found that Maine and Vermont surpassed Florida and West Virginia as the states with the highest median age. •M aine has the highest median age in the country at 42.7. Vermont came in second with a median age of 41.5. • I n 2 010 , t h e m e d i a n a g e increased to 37.2 from 35.3 in 2000. The ag ing of t he baby boom popu lation, a long w it h stabilizing birth rates and longer life expectancy, have contributed to the increase in median age. Total existing-home sales, which are completed transactions that include single-family, townhomes, condom i n iu ms a nd co-ops, declined 0.8 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.77 million in June from 4.81 million in May, a nd rema in 8.8 percent below the 5.23 million unit level in June 2010, which was the designated scheduled closing deadline for the home buyer tax credit.
L aw rence Yu n, NA R ch ief economist, said this is an uneven recovery. “Home sales had been trending up without a tax stimulus, but a variety of issues are weighing on the market including an unusual spike in contract cancellations in the past month,” he said. “With problems including tight credit and low appraisals, 16 percent of NAR members report a sales contract was cancelled in June, up from 4 percent in May, which stands out in contrast with the pattern over t he pa st yea r.” E x ist i ng-home sa les eased in June as contract cancellations spiked unexpectedly,
although prices were up slightly, accord i ng to t he Nat iona l Association of Realtors. Sales gains in the Midwest and South were offset by declines in the Northeast and West. Singlefa mi ly home sa les were stable while the condo sector weakened. Regionally, existing-home sales in the Northeast fell 5.2 percent to an annual pace of 730,000 in June and are 17.0 percent below June 2010. The median price in the Northeast was $261,000, up 3.1 percent from a year ago. Source: 2010 U.S. Census
The History Of
LAPOINTE’S Lawn & Garden The Lapointe’ family built theirs from the basement up — in their Pond Rd. home. What Fernand and Cal Lapointe founded in 1953 as a humble lawn mower repair service has grown into the thriving Lapointe’s lawn & garden center, now owned and operated by their son, Paul, and daughter, Joline Lapointe Pelletier. The elder Lapointe’s, who developed a reputation for excellent customer service, are justifiably proud of their children for continuing their commitment. “We started from scratch and built this business from the ground up. We worked real hard at it, seven days a week, long hours every day,” Fern said. “We’re very happy and very proud of them, that they’re doing such a good job,” Cal added. Joline and her younger brother Paul both started working in the family business as teenagers. They purchased it in July 1987 and now share responsibilities as co-owners. Dad is now retired.
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Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, August 5, 2011
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Success from page 2
The tools any organization needs in order to make their business hum can only be found in L-A. In fact, excluding oil shipments, the Port of Auburn is the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest port of call. An inland port found 20 miles from the ocean, you could say L-A is redefining the shipping business. If you have product to move, logistically, Lewiston-Auburn is right for you. The areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s central location in the state is a major selling point, as nearly 60 percent of the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population or 786,000 Ma iners live w it h in a n hou râ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
drive of downtown. With multiple modes of transportation including rail, air, and highway access that connects L-A to a global market, the Twin Cities have strategically implemented incentive offers. For those shipping high value and high quantity products, consider w hat t he Foreig n-Tr ade Z one and Pine Tree Zone can offer you, because you wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t find an FTZ in southern Maine, but you can, right here, in Lewiston-Auburn. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been said that in upwards of 60 percent of A merica ns move at least twice after college, often times to a new state and frequently to a different city. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why L-A is br i ng i ng t hem back . Home
to five colleges â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Bates College, Kapla n Un iversit y, Un iversit y of Sout hern Maineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lew istonAuburn College, Southern New Hampshire University, and Central Maine Community College â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the Twin Cities are a thriving academic destination for those looking to continue their education. A prog ressive a nd diverse com mu n it y, L ew iston-Aubu r n is a hot destination for the young and ta lented. Earlier this year, the Lewiston-Auburn Economic Growth Council partnered with the Androscoggin County Chamber of Com merce to help a loc a l entrepreneur, who had left the area, relocate back to Lewiston-Auburn to open a business.
The winner of the competition, Revelation Massage, is a lready hiring a nd expects to open its doors in a newly renovated Auburn location this September. Now thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what we call community!
anot her look at t he Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul while driving though the cities and tell us itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not breathtaking. In fact, take another look at L-A and tell us youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not proud to call the Twin Cities home.
When it comes to quality of life, Lew iston-Auburn has much to offer as well. Rated as one of the 100 best small arts communities in the countr y, L-A has a lively arts scene. Performances by the Mid-Coast Symphony Orchestra, t he Maine Chamber Ensemble, the Androscoggin Chorale, The Public Theatre, Community Little Theater, communit y a r t wa l ks and gallery openings color L-Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cultural landscape. Our skyscape is even defined by the arts. Take
In closing, the Lewiston-Auburn Economic Growth Council, along w ith t he partnerships of many organizations, simply does what it ta kes to ma ke t he customer happy. From providing logistically feasible transportation options to attracting youth and development, we do it all. All it takes is a phone call, an email or a quick Google search and we will provide you all the information you need to know in order to make the best decision for your company. Ultimately and fundamentally, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s safe to say that i n L ew iston-Aubu r n, busi ness really is happening here!
FIRESIDE INN & SUITES Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re conveniently located just off the Maine Turnpike - come in and relax with us. Enjoy our pool, Danny Boyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Irish Pub & Restaurant that is open 7 nights a week and our beautiful banquet space available for all occasions. Also, stay in one of our 100 guest rooms/suites for your overnight needs.
Call for Reservation & Information 245 Center St., Suite 7, Auburn
Washington Avenue, Exit 75, Auburn
Open 7 Days
Keep Maine Strong. Buy Local.
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Club news, honor rolls, student and militar y notes, public activities, reu n ions, generat ions â&#x20AC;&#x201D; we want your community news and photographs. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what makes us your local news service.
Photos should be bright and clear. Identif y the people in the photo from left to right and make sure the names are spelled correctly.
Pressed Flower Jewelry by Ruth Wales of Casco
How to submit Community News to the Sun Journal
W hen writing your information, please include the 5 wâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s: Who, What, Where, When and Why.
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1110 MINOT AVENUE, AUBURN, ME 04210 (207) 782-8921 FAIRFIELD (207)453-7131 UNION (207)785-4464
Calvin Rinck is the marketing director for the Lewiston-Auburn Economic Growth Council and can be reached at 784-0161 or visit
Just one block from LL Bean
Send your community news item, i nclud i ng a contact na me a nd phone number, to Connect ions at our Lewiston address or email
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Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Friday, August 5, 2011