Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Saturday, June 4, 2011
Androscoggin County Saturday, June 11, 2011 Sponsored by: Dunkin’ Donuts • Hannaford • Sea-Vu Campground • Amtrak Downeaster • Community Credit Union • Kennebec Equipment Rental • Chapman Trucking Northeast Savings Bank • Iberdrola USA • Mechanics Savings Bank • Poland Spring Water • Sun Journal • On The Fly DJ • Fox 23 • Pottle’s Work Catering • Wal-Mart Edward Little High School Track, Auburn • Kick-Off 12:15 p.m.
Letter from Relay For Life chairperson
s this year’s event chair for the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life committee, I would like to thank all the residents of Androscoggin County for t heir generosit y a nd suppor t.
In add it ion, I wou ld to t ha n k a l l of t he de d ic ate d Te a m C apt a i n s who have been out ra ising money and recruiting new tea m members over t he past f e w m o n t h s . Te a m C a p t a i n s ’ and Team Members’ commitment and drive is the heart of our event.
This is the 18th year we have held a Relay For Life event in our community. What started as one doctor in Tacoma, Washington making his pledge to fight back against this disease, has evolved into an event that spans more than 5,000 communities in the U.S. and 19 other countries. T h is yea r we a re excited for t he cont i nued g row t h of ou r e vent . We e x pe c t 30 -plu s te a m s to participate in this 18-hour event and hope to raise more than $80,000 to help the American Cancer Society’s fight for more birthdays, threatened by every cancer, here and throughout the world. The residents of Androscoggin County have shown continued support for this mission despite the troubled economic
Belinda Samson times we have undergone these past few years. I would like to thank our dedicated committee who has, through their hard work, helped bring our event together. The 2011 committee members are: Dawn Gordon, Nancy Moyer, Mark Fortier, Sue Stimpson, Tina Pilot, Sue Lussiere, Larry Gordon, Austin Pilot, Janet Miles, Bonnie Bickford, and our American Cancer Society staff Mac Watts and Allan Rowe.
We appreciate t he generosit y a nd support of our event sponsors who make the Relay event possible. The following sponsors for this year are: Dunkin Donuts, Hannaford, Sea-Vu Ca mpground, A mtra k Dow neaster, Community Credit Union, Mechanic Savings Bank, Northeast Savings Bank, Iberdrola USA, Chapman Trucking, Kennebec Equipment Renta l, SunJournal, Pottle’s Work Catering, Poland Spring Water, On The Fly DJ, Fox 23, and Wal-Mart. It is not too late to join Relay For Life of A ndroscogg in Count y! You m a y ge t i nv ol v e d w it h Rel a y at a ny t ime. Check out RelayForLife. or g/a nd ros c og g i n me or em a i l
Celebrate. to find out how to register or volunteer for our event! Sincerely,
Belinda Samson 2011 Relay For Life Chair
Fight Back.
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Luminaria: Lighting the way! One of the most moving, emotional, and motivating parts of Relay For Life is the luminaria ceremony. P rov id i ng t he oppor t u n it y to remember and to donate dollars to fight cancer, luminaria helps people come together to remember loved ones lost to cancer and honor those who have won their battle. As the sun sets over campsites and darkness falls, the night is broken by the flickering light of hundreds of white bags, each bearing the name of someone who has battled cancer and oftentimes decorated to represent the love of that person. Some celebrate cancer survivors, while others help us honor and remember those gone too soon. Each represents someone special who has been profoundly affected by cancer and the family and friends who continue to fight back in their honor.
Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Saturday, June 4, 2011
Donations: Where the dollars go Ever wonder what happens with your contribution to the American Cancer Society? With your help, we save lives. T he A mer ica n Ca ncer Societ y offers free lodging for those cancer patients who receive treatment far from home. It is called Hope Lodge, and there are three of them in New England – Boston and Worcester, MA and Burlington, VT. In 2010, a tota l of 120 Ma i ne pat ient s stayed at t he Boston Hope Lodge with a total of 2,921 free nights. Since they did not pay for lodging that is an estimated sav ings of $ 535,000. Excluding Massachusetts, Maine patients received more free nights than any other state. Money raised at Relay For Life helps support Maine families who stay at Hope Lodge. T he A mer ica n Ca ncer Societ y offers a free summer camp for children ages 4 to 18 who have been diagnosed with cancer, and t heir families. There a re t hree camps in New England, including Camp Rainbow in Maine. W hen asked what they liked most about Camp Rainbow, many participants rema rked t hat t he y l i ke how everyone cares about everyone else and how they were able to share their thoughts with others who have experienced cancer. W hen asked what they like least about camp, the general consensus was, “It wasn’t long enough!” Money ra ised at Relay For L i fe helps support Camp Rainbow which is celebrating its 24th year in 2011 of offering this free service for kids and their families. Ca ncer resou rce centers i n communit y hospita ls prov ided state-of-the-art information and referrals to cancer patients and their families. Current ly, there are five cancer resource centers in Ma ine : Mid Coast Hospita l, B r u n s w i c k ; Me r c y Ho s p i t a l , Por t la nd ; St. Ma r y ’s Hospita l, Lewiston; Harold Alfond Center for Cancer Care, Augusta; and EMMC’s Cancer Care of Maine, Bangor. Money raised at Relay For Life helps support these valuable resource centers in Maine. L a s t y e a r, o v e r 4 0 , 0 0 0 Ne w Englanders dialed the Societ y ’s tol l-f ree nu mber for comprehensive information and services. This cancer hotline is the
only one of its type in the world and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Nationwide, someone calls the American Cancer Society every 30 seconds! Money raised at Relay For Life helps support this impor ta nt resource for ca ncer patients and their loved ones. Ca ncer pat ients w it h complex needs of ten st r uggle to access support services. Hospital-based American Cancer Society Patient Nav igators a re being deployed in ma ny locat ions across New E ng la nd to g u ide pat ient s to socia l a nd emot iona l suppor t, transportation, and medical and f i na ncia l a ssi st a nce ser v ices. Maine has two Patient Navigators – one is located at Maine Medical Center’s Cancer Institute, and the other at the Harold Alfond Center for Cancer Care in Augusta. Money ra ised at Relay For L i fe helps support Maine’s patient navigator prog ra m. Si nce t he Pat ient Navigator program began, 2,100 cancer patients have been helped with requests for assistance. Maine offers three Liv ing With C a n c e r C on f e r e n c e s h e l d a t Augusta, Bar Harbor, and Presque Isle. The 33rd annual Living With Cancer Conference, held on May 4 in Augusta, is the longest running survivor conference of its type in the country. It is offered free to cancer patients and survivors, and money raised at Relay For Life helps support these amazing events. The American Cancer Society is the largest private funder of cancer research in the world. To date, the Society has invested $3.5 billion i n ca ncer resea rch, i nclud i ng $484 million in grants currently in effect. In New England institutions a lone, t he Societ y is current ly funding 139 researchers with $60.5 million in grants. A researcher at the Jackson Laboratory is currently funded with a three-year, $720,000 grant to study brain cancer. Maine has the highest incidence rate for brain tumors in the U.S. In addit ion to ACS g ra nts, t he Societ y’s advocacy efforts have been successf u l i n helpi ng to secure federal cancer research and prevention dollars from National Cancer Institutes and Center for Disease Control for Maine research faci l it ies. In 2010, t he Societ y helped secure $71.4 million in NIH funding for Maine organizations i nc lud i n g : B ow doi n C ol le ge, Maine Medical Center, UNE, USM, Jackson Laborator y, Mt. Desert Isla nd Biolog ica l Lab, UMa ine Orono, Bates College, and Collinge & Associates in Kittery.
Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Saturday, June 4, 2011
Money raised at Relay For Life helps fund life-saving research in Maine, New England, and in other states where important research breakthroughs will benefit Maine cancer patients. From another perspective, if your communit y could not afford to donate to the American Cancer Society, the programs and services would still be there because the Society is committed on a local, state, a nd nat ionw ide basis to eliminat ing ca ncer as a major health concern.
Cancer knows no boundaries, so funds are put where the need is greatest: in your neighborhood, a t o n e o f M a i n e ’s c a n c e r centers, or perhaps in t he lab of a resea rcher at Ya le or MIT who will unlock the myster y of cancer cell replication and save t he l i fe of someone you love. Bottom line: The more money you raise, the more likely the Society is able to help make breakthroughs in the fight to end cancer; and that impacts everyone, everywhere.
“Proud Supporters of Relay For Life”
1111 Lisbon Street, Lewiston • 207-786-0328 RELAY FOR LIFE OF ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY
Relay For Life of Androscoggin County
Track Schedule Relay For Life of Androscoggin County June 11-12, 2011
Teams and campsites • Blue Willow Counseling, 44
• Parker, 27
• carol’s cancer crusaders, 8
• Purple Passion, 26
• Cathy’s Crew, 6
• Room 214, 24
• Chase Crew, 14
• St. Mary’s d’Youville Pavilion, 22
• Community Credit Union, 33
• Stimpsons Parade, 3
• Fishin’ For a Cure, 11
• Stowe-Davis, 50
• Flutter Away, 4
• Sweet Dreams, Across from Gate
• Friends for a Cure, 31
• Giving Hope, 46
• team grampa phil, 49
12:15 p.m. Opening Ceremony
• Team JAH, 20
America the Beautiful and National Athem Welcome
• Team Labrecque, 17
• Hopes Angels, 5
• The Fiesta Divas and Divos Zumba Team 2, 45
• Hot Tamales, 52
• The Fiesta Divas Zumba Team, 48
1 p.m. Karate: Jeff Kenny
• Leopard Lallapalooza, 9
• The Highlanders, 16
1:30 p.m. Kids’ Hokie Pokie Lap
• Mechanics Savings Bank, 35
• The Phoenix Rises, 13
Campsite Judging – Voted by Survivors
• No Ka Oi, 29
• Walmart Store 1868, Right of Gate
Relay For Life campsites
Auburn Police and United Ambulance will be available 12 to 4 p.m., left of gate
9 a.m. Registration Photo contest
11 a.m.-12 p.m. Survivor/Caregiver Luncheon
12:30 p.m. Survivor/Caregiver Lap
2 p.m. Kids’ Karate: Sensei Wade Hoover 2-4 p.m. Pantene Beautiful Lengths: Roger’s Haircutters
Bank Night
2:30 p.m. Freezing T-Shirt Contest (Team Captains) Pantene Beautiful Lengths: Roger’s Haircutters
3 p.m. Kids Make Candles Secret Lap(s)* Pantene Beautiful Lengths: Roger’s Haircutters
Bank Night Wednesday, June 8 at 6 p.m. Kaplan University Classroom no. 5 Lisbon Street, Lewiston
3:30 p.m. Kids’ Happy Birthday Lap Pantene Beautiful Lengths: Roger’s Haircutters
4 p.m. Imari & The Sahara Desert Dancers: Lisa Cummings 4:30 p.m. Cake Walk (Sign up to participate at Relay Store)
6 p.m. Team Captain Dance Lap with teams joining in after 1st lap
12 a.m. Three-Legged Lap Pizza
Kids’ Artwork: What Relay Means to Me
12:30 a.m. Early sign up for next year and choose campsite
6:30 p.m. The Great Stephan Magical Mysteries presents Balloons
1 a.m. Jump Rope & Hula Hoop Lap
7:30 p.m. Karaoke
1:30 a.m. Water Balloon Toss Lap
8 p.m. Karate: Sensei Wade Hoover
2 a.m. Ice Cream Sundaes
8:30 p.m. Survivor/Caregiver Munchies
2:30 a.m. Crazy Hat w/ Pjs Lap
9-11 p.m. Luminaria Ceremony
3 a.m. Pjs Zumba: Adriane Kramer
11 p.m. Zumba: Adriane Kramer
3:30 a.m. Sharing Cookies or Candy Lap
11:30 p.m. All Purple Lap
Remember. Fight Back.
Helpful tips and reminders
4:30-5:30 p.m. The Great Stephan Magical Mysteries presents Balloons 5:30 p.m. Tai-Chi: John Jenkins
4 a.m. Conga Line Lap
As our Relay approaches, remember that safety is always the number one priority for all participants. The following rules have been put in place for the safety and enjoyment of all.
4:30 a.m. Bed Head Lap w/ Coffee
• No pets allowed.
5 a.m. Zumba: Adriane Kramer 6 a.m. Best Campsite Winners announced
• No roller blades, roller skates, or bicycles on track. • No alcohol or tobacco. • Grills allowed only in paved parking areas. Camp stoves will be allowed at campsites.
Winner(s) of Secret Lap(s) announced Team Drawings Winners announced
•P arking allowed in designated areas only. Please leave parking areas near field entrance for survivors.
6:30 a.m. Fight Back Ceremony led by Janet Miles
•N o vehicles allowed inside the fence area or on the track - planning committee members with golf carts will be available to assist in bringing gear to and from campsites.
7 a.m. Last Lap *The Secret Lap is/are the lap(s) that the committee members observe team members who most exemplify the spirit of the laps or of a specific lap. The more theme laps participated in, the more chances of winning.
• NEW THIS YEAR: Photo Contest. Submit 2 pictures: 1-What Relay Means, 2-Open Category, to Tina Pilot at the Team Captains’ wrap-up meeting on June 21, 6 p.m., at Pedro
For more information, visit
Volunteers needed We need more volunteers to help out with day-of-event logistics. Some of the areas that need more help include: Survivor support, clean-up, and parking. For more information or to sign up, please contact the American Cancer Society at 800-ACS-234 or email
O’Hara’s. Winning photos will be used in 2012 Relay For Life of Androscoggin County brochure.
Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Saturday, June 4, 2011
Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Saturday, June 4, 2011
Bates College: 2011 Relay For Life
Fundraisers at this year’s Relay For Life
On May 6 and 7, 2011, Bates College held a Relay For Life event. They had 17 teams with 124 students participating. With only 6 weeks to organize and raise funds, they brought in over $17,000 which, for this year, will be merged with Relay For Life of Androscoggin County. Thank you and great job, Bates!
Many of the teams sponsor fundraising efforts at the Relay and beyond. Included in these efforts are the following:
• Team Countryside, campsite #37, will be selling f r ied doug h Sat u rday a f ter noon a nd brea kfast sandwiches Sunday morning.
• Hope’s Angels, campsite #5, will have drawings for an iPod Touch, gift cards, and more.
• Fishin’ for a Cure, campsite #11, will be selling lap beads again, also fish sandwiches, bubbles, and t-shirts. Additionally, they will be having three drawings sponsored by Dag’s Bait Shop, Auburn for fishing poles and tackle.
• G reat Falls Credit Union, campsite #51, will be selling Relay Famous Fudge. • Cathy’s Crew, campsite #6, will have a drawing for a handmade quilt with suggested donation of $1 for one chance, $5 for six, or $10 for 13. They also will have temporary tattoos, baked goods, and chili. Additionally, Cathy’s Crew will have a grand drawi ng for t wo Red Sox t ickets, prem iu m seats, statehouse station valued at $170 each generously donated by James Howaniec. Suggested chance prices are $10 for one chance, $20 for three chances. For more information prior to Relay, contact Cathy Holt at 514-4734.
• G iving Hope, campsite #46, will have a drawing for a Ba sket of Ma r y K ay produc t s v a lue d at $100. • Hot Tamales, campsite #52, will be selling packages of plates, forks, and cake servers for participants of the cakewalk.
2010 Cancer statistics for Maine In 2010, it was estimated that 8,650 people would be diagnosed with cancer, and 3,170 would die from the disease. Every day, 24 Mainers were diagnosed with cancer, and nine died from the disease.
Bates College students organized a Relay For Life this year.
• L ung cancer accounts for more deaths in Maine and the U.S. than any other cancer in both men and women. Approximately 1,370 cases of lung cancer were diagnosed in Maine in 2010 and 960 deaths.
Remember to “Stand Tall” as you relay for life. 637 Minot Avenue Auburn, Maine 04210 (207) 783-3393
We support the good work the Androscoggin Relay For Life does in raising money for Cancer Research and supporting Cancer Survivors. 1975 Lisbon Road Route 196, Lewiston 783-0858 6
Also, 87 percent of all lung cancer can be directly attributed to the use of tobacco products and secondhand smoke. • B reast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed ca ncer i n Ma i ne women w it h a n est imated 1,160 new cases in 2010 and 170 deaths. • In Maine, prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed ca ncer in men, w it h a ppr ox i m a t e l y 1,410 ne w c a ses i n 2010, a nd t he second most com mon cau se of ca ncer death in men with approximately 200 deaths.
“Proudly supporting the American Cancer Society and Relay For Life.” 9 Depot Square, Mechanic Falls • 345-2091
• C olon ca ncer is t he t hird most common cancer in both men and women. It is also one of only two types of cancer than can be totally prevented by having a screening test; a colonoscopy will find small poly ps and remove them before t hey become ca ncerous. It was est imated t hat t here wou ld be 800 new cases of colon ca ncer diagnosed in 2010 and 270 deaths from the disease.
“We Proudly Support Relay For Life”
Help us fight cancer!
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Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Saturday, June 4, 2011
Making beautiful wigs for beautiful people
Cote Corporation The CRANE - RIGGING
rea l-ha i r w ig a l low s a woma n to look i n t he mirror and at least see a familiar face while she fights to regain a sense of normalcy in her life.
“Dedicated to Excellence�
You may donate you r ha i r at the Relay w ith cutting ser v ices provided by Roger’s Haircutters or read below to learn how you can donate your hair from home or your favorite hairdresser.
Good Luck 2980 Hotel Road, Auburn 783-0561 Walkers!
Creat ing a rea l-ha ir w ig ta kes a ppr ox i m a t e l y t h r e e t o f ou r months, and each wig requires at least six ponytails to make. As Pantene Beautiful Lengths wigs are created, they are distributed for free through select American Cancer Society wig banks across the country. Women facing cancer can find out about the availability of a Pantene Beautiful Lengths wig by calling the American Cancer Society at 1-877-227-1596. The Society can also help callers w it h a nu m b er of r e s ou r c e s prov id i ng educat iona l a nd emotional support.
Relay For Life
teasing of hair, as it can uplift cuticles, making them fragile and susceptible to breakage.
Ha i r prov ided by generous volunteers like you will be used to craft beautiful, high-quality wigs by our partner, HairUWear. Then it will go to a woman affected by hair loss from cancer.
DON’T overbrush hair; despite the common my th that 100 strokes a day are good for hair, this can lead to breakage. Regular, gentle brushing promotes hair health and natural oil distribution.
Pre-donation hair care
DO use deep-cond it ion ing treatments once a week, or as often as needed, to help minimize split ends and keep hair in top condition.
Pantene celebrity stylist Danilo gives great advice for growing long, healthy hair: DO use a conditioner after every wash to help keep hair moisturized and protected against damage. D ON ’ T u s e a b r u s h o n w e t ha ir when you step out of t he shower; once hair is washed and cond it ioned, use a comb w it h smooth, wide-set teeth to gently detangle hair, working from tip to root. D O u s e a s p r a y, l e a v e - i n conditioner for extra protection when using heated hair appliances. DON’T attempt to blow-dry soaking wet hair immediately; to expedite your blow-dr y process and help prevent thermal damage, towelwrap your hair for 10-15 minutes and remove excess water before using a blow-dryer.
Consider donating a ponytail length of hair to be used in a Pantene wig.
DON’T wait more than eight weeks to get hair trimmed; regular salon visits are essential in keeping hair healthy and beautiful.
Pantene Beautiful Lengths donation guidelines • Donated hair must be a minimum of 8 inches long (measure hair from just above the elastic band of the ponytail to the ends). • Wav y/curly hair texture is fine; y ou m a y s t r a ig ht en h a i r to measure. • H air should be freshly washed and completely dry, without any styling products.
DO look for new technology in your dr ying and styling tools to help minimize damage.
• H a i r m a y b e c o l o r e d w i t h vegetable dyes, rinses and semipermanent dyes. It cannot be bleached, permanently colored or chemically treated.
DO u se a root-l i f ter spr ay to achieve volume; avoid excessive
• H a i r may not be more t ha n 5 percent gray.
Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Saturday, June 4, 2011
Here’s why: It takes at least six ponytails to make a Pantene Beautiful Lengths w ig; in genera l, each pony ta i l comes f rom a dif ferent person a nd is a d i f ferent color. Even though some hair colors may look similar, including gray hair, each is completely unique. For a rea listic-look ing w ig that has consistent color throughout, donated pony ta i ls must be processed and then dyed to the same shade. It is critical for each pony ta i l to absorb dyes at t he same rate in order to create wigs of consistent, natural-looking color. Gray hair, as well as some chemica l ly-t reated or per ma nent lycolored hair, does not absorb dye at the same rate as other types of hair. It is much harder to color and, once colored, fades more quickly. Most permanently-colored hair, once it is processed and re-colored, is too fragile and breakable under the rigorous processing required during the production of a Pantene Beautiful Lengths wig. In appreciation of the sacrifice that a hair donation requires, Pantene Beautiful Lengths only accepts hair it knows can be used for its intended purposes.
PLEASE NOTE: Roger’s Haircutters of Auburn will be on hand to do the cutting and a simple neatening of the hair from 2 to 4 p.m.
Wishing Everyone The Best of Luck
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Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back.
Relay participants, above, are committed to helping the fight against cancer for such things as raising money to fund cancer research, to provide a home away from home for families who travel for cancer treatment, and other things related to cancer. Relay participants, right, are enthusiastic about the fight against cancer. The motto of “Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back.� is evident throughout the Relay.
Advertising Supplement, Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Saturday, June 4, 2011