Spectacular Magazine

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to 5 percent of the state’s portfolio in commodities such as timber, real estate and treasury inflation protected securities, or TIPS. The bill does not allow investments in derivatives or other risky assets.


TALKBACK II JUNE ‘09 LEGISLATIVE REPORT In May, House lawmakers continued the difficult task of writing North Carolina ’s budget for the coming fiscal year. In an attempt to shore up our state’s expected $4 billion shortfall, House members are considering a number of money-saving measures. It is challenging to decide where and how to save money, but we must make these hard decisions to meet our Constitutional duty to balance the budget in the face of a 20 percent drop in revenues. These budget measures may be painful in the short term, but they are necessary if we are to protect programs and services that enable us to provide a quality education at all levels, meet the health needs of our most vulnerable citizens, maintain and cultivate jobs, and keep us safe in our homes, neighborhoods and schools. As the economy gets better we must not forget who sacrificed. The last week of May, to spur the economy, we approved several bills that could help the state attract new investment and new building. I have included some information about those bills below. Also, since we just celebrated Memorial Day, it is fitting to acknowledge some measures we have taken this legislative session to improve the lives of veterans and members of the Armed Forces in North Carolina. These measures include everything from making it easier for them to renew their drivers’ licenses and cast timely ballots to protecting our severely injured veterans from being denied unemployment insurance benefits if they lose a job as a result of injuries sustained in war.

ECONOMY - The House approved a bill in May that may help North

Carolina bring in a new company that would be required to invest $1 billion. The bill (SB 575) changes the way corporate income tax liability is calculated for multi-state taxpayers by considering only the company’s sales in the state when determining their tax bills. The existing formula also accounts for companies’ property holdings and payroll. The change applies only to companies that invest $1 billion or more over a nine-year period. No company in the state currently qualifies for the incentive. The proposal also requires companies to locate in one of the state’s poorest counties, provide health insurance, meet a wage standard, and forego other state grants or tax breaks before they can qualify for the incentive. _Counties and municipalities in North Carolina would be authorized to provide development incentives in exchange for reductions in energy consumption under a bill that passed the House this month (SB 52). More specifically, counties and municipalities would be able to grant incentives to a developer or builder if they agree to construct a new development or reconstruct an existing development in a way that significantly reduces energy consumption. _The State Treasurer’s office would be given more flexibility to increase investment income and better manage risk under a bill that passed the House this week (SB 703). The bill would allow the treasurer to invest up 4 SPECTACULAR June/July 2009

Honor Fallen Soldiers - Members of the House honored the life and memory of the fallen soldiers who served our great nation in Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan with a House Joint Resolution (HJR 1652). In the resolution, the General Assembly expressed profound gratitude to the North Carolinians who were killed in the line of duty during these military operations. Each North Carolinian who was killed in the line of duty while carrying out these operations is named in the resolution.


_The Division of Motor Vehicles would be allowed to waive the commercial motor vehicles skills test for qualified military personnel who have operated similar vehicles for at least two years prior to applying for a commercial driver’s license under a bill that has passed the Senate (SB 423 - HB 271). The legislation would also waive the requirement if the applicant has completed a similar skills test while in the military if finally approved. _Two bills would make it easier for members of the military reserves to renew their drivers’ licenses after they receive deployment orders. A bill that has passed the Senate (SB 809) would allow members of the Armed Forces to renew their drivers’ licenses upon receipt of deployment orders and give them a 60-day grace period for an expired license after they are released from military duty outside of the United States. _Legislation meant to ensure that certain special license plates that are available to military veterans are issued to the right people has passed the House (HB 1094). The bill is intended to prevent impostors from purchasing military awards license plates.

EMPLOYMENT _House lawmakers have passed legislation regarding unemployment

insurance compensation for certain severely disabled veterans who have been discharged due to a service-connected disability (HB 1124). If enacted, severely injured veterans could receive unemployment benefits if they lose their job because of a disability incurred or aggravated during active military service or because of the veteran’s absence from work to obtain care and treatment for that disability.

MISCELLANEOUS _ North Carolina ’s absentee voting laws would be improved under a measure that has passed the House (HB 614). The bill is specifically intended to improve the ability of military and overseas voters to cast timely ballots. The bill is now in the Senate Committee on Judiciary I. NOTES -

_Members of the General Assembly honored former Insurance Commissioner Jim Long this week for his nearly 30 years of service to the state. Long was Insurance Commissioner from 1985 until his retirement last year. His 24 years on the Council of State was the third-longest tenure of any official. Long also served two terms in the House of Representatives. He died in February as the result of a stroke. He was 68.

Larry D. Hall

Please remember that you can listen to each day’s session, committee meetings and press conferences on the General Assembly’s website at www.ncleg.net. Once on the site, select “audio,” and then make your selection – House Chamber, Senate Chamber, Appropriations Committee Room or Press Conference Room.

From The Publisher’s Desk... WHAT IS JUNETEENTH? That’s the response I get quite frequently when I mention the upcoming Juneteenth Celebration, which by the way is taking place on Saturday, June 20 in Forest Hills Park in Durham. Juneteenth, often cited as the African American Independence Day, has been the subject of city, state and federal legislation in recent years, establishing it as a special day of recognition, and as one of the fastest growing events in the country. The celebration of Juneteenth originates from Galveston, Texas, where on June 19, 1865, the word of the Emancipation Proclamation reached the enslaved, two and one half years after the signing. Today, Juneteenth is embraced and celebrated by all races and ethnicities in honor, and in commemoration of African American culture and achievement. In 2007, North Carolina became the 26th state to recognize Juneteenth as a state holiday or a state holiday observance. President Obama is proclaiming June 19 as the Second Independence Day in America. The first one, July 4, 1776...that day is not our independence day. As we work to make Juneteenth a national holiday and for Juneteenth to be taught in schools, I ask that you read the following litany (written by Dr. Daphne Wiggins-Obie, Associate Pastor, Union Baptist Church and Dr. Archie Logan, Executive Vice President - Apex School of Theology), past it on to others and request that your church incorporate it into your service on the third Sunday in June.


LEADER: Today, we remember Juneteenth the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. Juneteenth commemorates the day freedom was proclaimed to all slaves in the south by Union General Granger, on June 19, 1865, in Galveston, Texas, more than two and a half years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln. The legacy of the past and our hope for the future compels us to remember this day and to invoke the presence of God to equip us to continue the struggle for emancipation that was inaugurated on that day. Therefore, let us pray: LEADER: Almighty God, we thank you for this day when we stop to remember the survivalist impulse, strength and determination of our African ancestors who were brought to this country stacked in the bottom of slave ships across the Atlantic during the Middle Passage. PEOPLE: We thank you for our African-American ancestors who pos-

sessed a thirst and struggle for liberation that could not be quenched by chains on their bodies, attacks against their spirits or promises unfulfilled.

LEADER: We rejoice that Phyllis D. Coley, Publisher Juneteenth is celebrated annually in over 30 states of the United States; that this day celebrates African-American freedom while encouraging self-development and respect for all cultures. PEOPLE: We pray that Juneteenth becomes a national observance throughout the United States, a day which emboldens and maintains our commitment to justice and renews our ability to turn the tide of bondage into a door of opportunity and unity. LEADER: We pray you free us from a spirit of isolation, that we may know ourselves united to one another and to all people under heaven. PEOPLE: We pray for courage and determination for those who are oppressed and struggle for liberation; for those who look for our assistance as change agents, for those who need us to provide a hand up not merely a hand out. LEADER: Grant us strength to move from our seats of apathy, and the sidelines of complacency. Make us people whose past is fuel for their future, whose present is a time of participation not relaxation, people willing to address the plagues and create possibilities in our community. PEOPLE: May we be people who are not silent in the face of oppression and inequality, but disturbers of the status quo rather than complicit with injustice. ALL: Therefore, in faith we commend ourselves and our work for justice to Almighty God, we support the National Juneteenth Holiday Campaign and encourage our families and communities to live the spirit of Juneteenth and Unity beyond this day. AMEN.


Phyllis Coley

June/July 2009



SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE www.spectacularmag.com














LAWRENCE DAVIS III LELIA ROYSTER CHARLES STREET Spectacular Magazine enlightens, empowers and entertains African Americans in Durham, Wake Orange, Granville, Vance and Person counties with features, columns, commentaries and calendars. Spectacular Magazine is published monthly and distributed free in Durham, Wake, Orange, Granville, Vance and Person counties. Deadline for all submissions is the 22nd of each month. Contact us at: info@spectacularmag.com or by mail at: Post Office 361 Durham, NC 27702 919-680-0465 Mail subscriptions are available for $25.00 per year. Second class postage is paid in Durham, NC. 6


June/July 2009

In This Issue Another Perspective Creative, Colorful People Entertainment

49 38 48

Features Dr. Bruce Bridges


Rene Daughtry


Philip Freelon


Larry Hall


Brad Thompson


Randy Trice


From The Publisher’s Desk FYI Granville County Health Legal Eagle Advisor Lifestyles Living Your Faith News Briefs Partners in Health Political & Civic Affairs Profile

5 23 39 43 36 45 30 33 44 36 7

Religion Rightchus Truth Talkback, Too This Is Your Life What’s Up Doc?

28 7 4 45 43

Juneteenth Special Section


COVER DESIGN Tamara Hinton & Marilyn Fisher All Things Media Inc.

The Rightchus Truth by Lamont Lilly aka ‘Rightchus’ Recently it seems that every paper I read and newsreel viewed, possesses some new report of black outcries for “justice and equality.” Whether it’s poverty, police brutality or the poor treatment of black kids in public schools, we always askin’ and beggin’. In the May 12th issue of The Final Call there was an article written by a Bro. Askia Muhammad detailing quite a horrendous case of “Excessive Use of Force.” The case involved two Mississippi officers (neither one named ‘Mister Tibbs’) and six unarmed black kids riding the school bus home down in Desoto County, Miss. Not only were the two young girls who were fighting arrested; those filthy pigs made it their business to intimidate, threaten and arrest four other youth by force whom weren’t even involved. As usual, there was an outcry among neighboring parents, churches and community activists. Since then, the ACLU has filed a federal “complaint” against both the school officials and the Southaven Police Department. I’m not condoning the behavior of those young people, but when our kids do wrong, they go to jail. When their kids do wrong, “they’re just being kids.” I don’t understand why we as people of color keep sending our children off to educational institutions that mean them nothing but harm and Mis-Education. I know most of us don’t wanna hear the truth, but the fact is that the American educational system expects our children to fail!! By the 4th grade, they pick out a few “Good Negro” exceptions, while the remaining are left doomed for poverty and prison. Yet, we still beggin’ to be part of a system that doesn’t want us around! Think about it. Why else would they suspend your son two whole weeks for wearing a hat in class? That’s called [subtle segregation], but Booker T. said “Build your own!” I say that to say this: Anytime you’re a minority within a land mass in which you don’t control a thing; to the majority you’re nothing. And to an oppressive majority that controls and dictates the educational system, political system, economic system, and the judicial/justice system, why you don’t stand a chance! We get one black man in a high office and we lose our minds, (as if we had them in the first place). I’m sorry but it’s the truth. In odds as these, even the “exceptional Negro achievers” are nothing but pawns. To the power structure, we’re all nothing but pawns. We go to work, drive our nice little cars, we got our nice little homes and jazzy apartments, and watch TV until it’s time for bed. We’re nothing but programmed pawns! You’re either working for them or chasing your tail working against them. And if one more elder tells me, “Son, you got to change the system from within,” I’m gonna (respectfully) tell them something. That’s B-S! You don’t

SLAVE TALK: CAN I GET AN AMEN? change The System! The System changes you! What American Negro on the inside has REALLY changed the system? Do your research! Thurgood Marshall was the most dangerous Negro in America at one point. The brotha was using their books and winning cases left and right. So they gave him a black robe and made him shut right on up. Real change agents refuse to be quiet! They’re either killed, exiled or imprisoned. **King/Malcolm/BigKennedy/Lil’ Kennedy/Evers/Hampton/even Lincoln…you do the math. Oh, and white folks yall slaves too. We Negroes might be sleepin’ in the cotton crops, but to the power structure, yall ain’t nothing but some high-yellow house niggers! Yeah, I said it. We all slaves, but the worst type of slave is the kind that doesn’t know they’re a slave. They eat good—they dress good but never own themselves. You see, over the last several months I’ve seen poverty and struggle first hand and I’m tellin’ you right now… it has no color! Anytime injustice screams out loud and isn’t heard, you’re nothing but a slave! Whether you’re a crack slave, a 30 year mortgage slave, a slave to the pigs or the Federal Reserve; you still full blood slave. Now don’t get it twisted, the system certainly has its preference of oppressees, but the greed we serve will eat its own kin and not give a damn! The white folks I work with, struggle just like me. Hell, I wish I was gettin’ food stamps. Dem’ folks got EBT cards, drawin’ unemployment, and governmental living assistance. And this ain’t new! They know the system better than we do. White folks just keep their business onda-low. While us Negroes been struggling so long and hard, we dun made heaven from hell! However, fact still remains that it is our nation (those of African descent), who bear the blunt of the load. It is us, the field darkies who have lost the most and gained the least. You see, us humans are nothing more than advanced animals; the most complicated mammal known to our existence. As man or woman, our most important and basic goal is simply survival. Classic thinkers such as Herbert Spencer, Charles Darwin, and Francis Galton all dissect this “goal of survival” quite practically. And for the brothas and sistas who may be wondering what do those old white farts have to do with us; tap into some of their work and teachings, and you’ll see. Our plight as Black and Brown could very well be examined and better understood through terms and phrases such as Natural Selection, Survival of the Fittest, and Social The Rightchus Truth continues on page 38

June/July 2009




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June/July 2009

N.C. STATE REP. LARRY D. HALL A POSITIVE BROTHER SERVING AS CHAIRMAN OF 2009 N.C. JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION How does one define a P o s i t i v e Brother? A glimpse into the life of Larry D. Hall will give you an answer. DURHAM The Honorable Larry D. Hall is serving as the Chairman of 5th Annual D u r h a m Juneteenth Celebration & Unity March that will be held June 20 at Forest Hill Park, which will include a Unity March and festival. Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. Hall recognizes the significance of the celebration and is willing to take time from his schedule to give back to the community, making him a true Positive Brother. Hall currently serves in the North Carolina House, 29th District, where he is: Chairman of the Homeland Security and Military/Veteran Affairs Committee and Vice Chair of the Financial Institutions Committee. He is a member of several legislative committees: Education, Education Subcommittee on Universities, Finance, Science and Technology and Judiciary I. He is also an Economic Development Board Member, affiliated with the Canada Rising State Leaders Program and a 2008 Henry Toll Fellow. Hall is a native of Durham and attended Hillside High School in the 10th and 11th grades where he was an honor student. In his senior year he attended Laurinburg Institute (prep school) graduating as the Salutatorian of his class. He continued his education at North Carolina Central University and Johnson C. Smith University, graduating with honors with a double major in Political Science and Business.

By Grace Graham Features Editor After college, Hall joined - “The Few. The Proud. The Marines”. The catchy slogan clearly describes Hall’s tour in the Marines.. He earned several medals, attended the Staff Training School in Norfolk, Virginia and completed the intense Officers Training School at Quantico, Virginia, which placed him in a leadership position as a United States Marine Corps Infantry Officer. It was during a NATO operation in Norway that Hall was granted the distinct honor of escorting the Norwegian King. Then, back at Camp Lejume, NC, he again had the privilege of escorting another distinguished visitor. The person was not quite a king, but carried the impressive title of governor, the then Governor James (Jim) Hunt, Hall said, “ After once serving as Hunt’s escort I later had the opportunity to serve with him on a committee.” Hall continued to serve in the Marine Reserves, obtaining the rank of Major as a logistics and communications officer until 1998; giving him a total of 16 years, active and reserves duties combined. He is currently Commandant of the Durham Marine Corps League Detachment. The Marine Corps League provides support and assistance to Marines reentering civilian life in the triangle area. And, Hall has served as an instructor and administrator in the Young Marines Program since 2001; a program that targets chil-

Rep. Larry Hall makes remarks on the floor of the NC State House.

June/July 2009



Rep. Larry Hall continues dren between the ages of 8-18. Passage Youth Mentorship After his active duty stint Program. He recently served with the Marines, Hall as keynote speaker for a attended the law school at Durham Companions’ event UNC–Chapel Hill where he and was honored with an earned a Juris Doctor degree. award for his service. His interest in law was An adjunct professor at sparked as a boy. His uncle, a NCCU School of Law, Hall practicing attorney was a has been recognized by the great inspiration to the young George White Bar Association Hall. “I would listen to cases as Attorney of the year for discussed during family visits 2007. He said, “I enjoy teachand my uncle’s law books realing young people, they are our ly impressed me.” An incident leaders of tomorrow and that occurred while he was a tomorrow is just around the student in middle school also corner.” He also worked as a gave him a valid reason to constructional law instructor lean toward law. While by providing instruction Christmas shopping , he was through City of Durham unfairly accused of shoplifting Equity Assurance Office on with no chance for an explabasic construction law bidding nation, and had to be process, bonding regulations, searched by a store official to state and local qualification Two positive brothers together: prove that he had not taken process and change orders for Rep. Larry Hall & President Obama anything. the Durham Minority and Hall began his career as an attorney in 1986 Women Business Enterprise Program. with Michaux & Michaux, and opened his own law Other current and past community activities practice in Durham in 1989. When Hall was asked include: Durham Branch NAACP Executive the question, “What do you contributed to your Committee member and Economic Committee many accumulated successes?” He gave a refreshing Chairman; Legal Counsel for Triangle Association of response, “There would not have been any excuse for Minority Contractors; Durham Business & me not to succeed in life; I had supportive parents, Professional Chair Board Chairman (97); Executive teachers, and friends offering me support and Secretary for Durham Committee on Affairs of encouragement.” Black People; and Durham Minority Women It was encouragement from associates and Business Enterprise Advisory Board; The Durham friends in the early 90s that Hall became affiliated Legal Board of Directors and as a volunteer attorwith the radio show Talk Back. When the position ney. He served on the 2nd Congressional District of host became vacant ,Hall was not immediately Small Business Advisory Committee and currently interested; he said, “ I was asked to host the show, is a member of the Durham Renaissance Group. because I knew so many people in Durham,” And Hall lives in Durham with his wife, Mary and most likely he was encouraged to accept because of they are the proud parents of two daughters, his ability to captivate an audience. Hall also LaToya and Jessica. writes a column, Talk Back II for Spectacular Magazine. An avid sports lover, this positive brother broadcasted football and basketball games for North Carolina Central and Shaw Universities from 19962002. While in high school he played basketball and football and limited himself only to basketball while in college. He also is a trained scuba diver and a past runner. He has given his time and resources in support of children and children’s issues. From 1995 to 1998 he was an active participant in the Durham Companions Youth Mentorship Program as a board member and later became chairman of the board. He continued his support and work for youth serving as a business mentor and instructor in the Rep. Hall with U.S. Rep. David Price, serving the local Durham Business & Professional Chain’s Rites of community.



June/July 2009


LOCAL ARCHITECT’S WINNING STREAK EXTENDS WITH D.C. PROJECT DURHAM - Local architect Philip Freelon has just scored a plum project in Washington, a city whose bricks and mortar tell the history of a country. Freelon is the leader of a team of architects that has been chosen to design the Smithsonian’s Museum of African American History and Culture on the National Mall. But this man, who has helped define and redefine many an urban landscape, traces his inspiration to a quiet moment many years ago in the woods with his grandfather. Freelon, the leader of a team of architects chosen to design the Smithsonian’s Museum of African American History and Culture on the National Mall, vividly recalls his trek along the wooded banks of Wissahickon Creek in northwest Philadelphia. He was only 6 and in awe of his grandfather, Allan Freelon Sr., a pioneer AfricanAmerican impressionist painter and profound thinker who taught art in Philadelphia public schools. “We sat down on some stones,” recalled Freelon, 57. “He told me, ‘Just close your eyes and listen.’ You become very aware of what’s around you.” That astute awareness of his surroundings guides Freelon each time he sits down to a blank blueprint with a sharpened pencil. The young student had no idea those five decades ago that the lesson handed down through the generations would guide him as an architect. That certainly was not his aspiration back then. Black architects, far from common today, were truly rare in the 1960s, so it was not a profession that his family bandied about as an outlet for his artistic side. “I’d never met an architect until I went to college,” Freelon said. Drawn To Design, Drafting Had Snuffy Morris, a friend of Freelon’s older brother, not showed up at their house one day with a draftsman’s pencil, the gifted artist might not have found his way to the high school drafting class that changed the direction of his life. “I thought I might be an industrial artist,” Freelon said. “But I found this thing called design

The Smithsonian Institution chose a team led by the Freelon Group to design the National Museum of African American History and Culture, scheduled to open on the National Mall in 2015. The museum is expected to cost $500 million and will be built on a site near the Washington Monument. They beat out five other teams. Pictured above is the winning design concept. Photo: Courtesy of Freelon Adjaye Bond/SmithGroup

and drafting that was the perfect blend of art and science. Fortunately for me, architecture turned out to be something I love.” The recent commission in Washington continues a rising swing for Freelon, who is considered one of the most successful mid-career AfricanAmerican architects in the country. “I don’t want to be the Spike Lee of architecture, I want to be the Quincy Jones of architecture,” Freelon told Baltimore Sun architecture critic Edward Gunts in 2005. In his elegant, art-filled home in one of Durham’s stately neighborhoods, Freelon, a tall, thin man with graying temples, expanded upon his comment. “Spike Lee, when you think of artists, a lot of it is thematic to our culture — at least his early works were,” Freelon said. “Quincy Jones does that, too, but he also does more. He did the score

June/July 2009



Freelon continues

for ‘In Cold Blood.’” In a profession where no more than 2 percent of the architects are African-American, Freelon added, “I don’t shy away from working in the African-American experience, but my belief is I have something to offer beyond that. ... I look to artists like my grandfather. He painted in the impressionistic style when others were doing tribal scenes. In our firm, we compete in the mainstream.” Freelon Group’s Portfolio The Freelon Group, which he started 19 years ago by himself, now employs 55 people. The company portfolio includes buildings up

and down the East Coast — from the Durham Bulls Athletic Park, Diamondview at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park (above) and Sonja Haynes Stone Black Cultural Center in the Triangle (left) to the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African-American History and Culture in Baltimore and the Atlanta Center for Civil and Human Rights. “Phil has really built that practice from scratch,” said Marvin Malecha, president of the American Institute of Architects and dean of the N.C. State University College of design. “He’s had partners along the way, but he’s always had a greater vision of what he can be.” Within the profession, museums are regarded as a special kind of challenge, one that the Freelon Group has met head-on. “Museum buildings are not like other buildings,” said Vernon Courtney, president of the Association of African-American Museums. “My sense is that they’re well up to speed on that whole slate of specialized knowledge. That has to do with



June/July 2009

environmentals, natural light — where you can have it and where you can’t have it. It has to do with audience flow and how you move people from one part of the building to another part of the building if you want them to move at a particular speed and in a particular way.” Steeped In Education, Art Freelon grew up in a family that placed strong value on education and art. He went to Philadelphia’s Central High School, a celebrated magnet school that lists such notables as Bill Cosby and 20th-century architect Louis Khan among its alumni. His father marketed medical supplies and equipment. His mother taught elementary school. His grandfather’s emphasis on the arts was continued by his parents. Freelon and his two brothers and a sister all went into professions with an artistic bent. One brother is a filmmaker and videographer, the other a culinary artist. His sister is the head of cultural arts in Baltimore. After buzzing through the drafting classes in high school, Freelon went to Hampton University in Virginia and then N.C. State University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in architecture in 1975. Two years later he got a master’s in architecture from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He found his way back to North Carolina, where he met the partner with whom he would make what he says are his greatest creations — his three children. In his reserved and measured speech, Philip Freelon described the first time he met Nnenna (below), his wife of 30 years. Chinyere Nnenna Pierce, a rising senior at Simmons College in Boston, was visiting a friend in Carrboro as she looked at a graduate program in public health at UNC-Chapel Hill. Freelon was moonlighting on a job with a friend. They ended up in Carrboro one night, and the young architect was smitten. “I said, ‘Gosh, who is Nnenna Freelon this beautiful woman?’” Freelon recalled as a smile spread across his face. “I found a way to go back the next three days.” The romance blossomed as the two “correspond-

Freelon continues

ed the old-fashioned way, through the mail.” They bonded over a shared passion for science fiction and soon became partners in life. They were married in 1979 and began to build a family that would continue the creative streak. ‘Nnenna’s Husband’ Nnenna Freelon, of course, is now a jazz singer of international renown and multiple Grammy nominations — and the noted architect is described in some circles as “Nnenna Freelon’s husband.” She was not a famous performer, however, in the early years of their marriage. “I never saw her perform on stage until she was pregnant with our third child,” Freelon said. “Of course, I knew she could sing. I heard her sing in church and in the shower, but she was at home with the children for 10 years.” The Freelons’ home is filled with musical instruments — a piano, guitars and the drums he played in Site Unseene, a band that Freelon and his brother started in high school. The walls are filled with paintings and other artwork by the family. His hobbies include furniture design and photography. With the children grown and out of the house, the Freelons like to travel and take in jazz shows. He likes to fish at a local reservoir and points to a large mounted bass on the wall as one of his prize catches. He is designing a new house on a larger plot of land in Durham with a pond. His vocation is his avocation. “It’s my passion,” he said.

HE WON’T BUILD: Prisons. ‘We don’t do prisons for a lot of reasons. Our buildings, at the end of the day, we feel they should contribute in a positive manner to society.’ By Anne Blythe and Barbara Barrett, Staff Writers (News & Observer). Reprint permission granted by the News & Observer.

Philip G. Freelon BORN: March 26, 1952, Philadelphia FAMILY: wife, Nnenna, a jazz singer of world renown; three children: Deen, 28, doing graduate work at the University of Washington in Seattle; Maya, 26, an artist in Baltimore; and Pierce, 25, a hip-hop artist, N.C. Central University professor and founder of Blackademics, a Web site with interviews of such notable figures as Angela Davis, Maya Angelou, Nikki Giovanni and Jesse Jackson. NOTABLE PROJECTS: International Civil Rights Center and Museum in Greensboro; Museum of the African Diaspora in San Francisco; Amistad Research Center at Tulane University in New Orleans; the Durham Bulls Athletic Park (with HOK Sport) and various academic buildings in the UNC system. A FAVORITE PROJECT?: That’s like asking a parent if he has a favorite child, he says. ‘There are no favorites because they’re your creations. They’re part of you. Each project has its own story.’

June/July 2009





June/July 2009


Grace Graham Features Editor

DURHAM Located on Fayetteville Street across from the St. Joseph AME Church stands the oldest A f r i c a n American bookstore in N o r t h Carolina, and the first in the city of Durham—The Know Book Store. The charming, cozy facility offers a wealth of Dr. Bruce Bridges, pictured inside of The Know Book Store, African American History. The founder and owner, is not only an entrepreneur, he is a college professor, lecDr. Bruce Bridges, one of the most Positive turer and author of three books. Photo: www.soulofamerica.com Brothers around greets customers in a warm, corcall-in show known as, The Cultural Awareness dial fashion; a genuine greeting that make it easy Seminar. As the demand for this type of Black hisfor one to hang around and to return again and tory grew, friends encouraged Bridges to open a again. bookstore. He also hosted the radio show, Talk The Know Book Store (2520 Fayetteville St.) is Harambee. The two radio programs became the more than a place to purchase books, it is a gatherfirst in Bridges local listening area to be hosted by ing place for the Black community, and is known an African American. for spirited debates between regular visitors. The Dr. Bridges is not only a entrepreneur, he was dual restaurant/bookstore also provides a pleasant the first professor to teach African American atmosphere for culture events. Studies at North Carolina State University in The bookstore was birthed out of a summer hisRaleigh, and was tory course that instrumental in develBridges taught in the oping its African early 80s, and the American Studies curradio show that he riculum. He also hosted. At the end of served as a professor summer, the people at North Carolina did not want the Central University course to end and it and Saint Augustine’s was continued at St. College. He has travJoseph Church. eled extensively in the Because of its popUnited States as well ularity, Bridges asked as West Africa and people to call a radio the Caribbean. station to see if the Dr. Bridges has station would consider lectured on campuses broadcasting a show across 30 states. After on location. The Dr. Bruce Bridges stands in front of his business, The Know a speaking engageresponses prompted Book Store, located at 2520 Fayetteville Street. It is more than ment at Bates College a place to purchase books, it is a gathering place for the Black the radio station to community. Photo: www.soulofamerica.com in Lewiston, Maine, offer Bridges a live

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Dr. Bruce Bridges continues James L. Reese, an Assistant Dean, stated, “Bridges challenged the audience with so many facts that several of them headed for the library shortly after the question and answer period. Besides his thorough wealth of knowledge, his delivery and style were both entertaining and personable. It was a very enjoyable evening for all.” Most recently, an NCCU professor brought his students to the bookstore/restaurant where a buffet dinner was served and Dr. Bridges provided the class a stimulating lecture (His lectures are done without notes). In addition to teaching history, Bridges has authored three books, The Ghetto Mind, The Roots of Geography and his latest book is titled, Recapturing the African Mind. An excerpt extracted from his last book reads: “We’ve been trained to see everything from the European perspective, whether it is math, drama, law, biology or psychology. In science, in geography, in the arts, in music, and in poetry we’ve been taught to see things through the eyes of the European, my book, Recapturing the African Mind, is about our training in Euro-Centrism.” This wellwritten and well-researched book is an informative piece of history and can be purchased at the Know Bookstore. The book blends well with Bridges motto, “Know Thy Self”. Dr. Bridges is a native of Durham and the eldest of seven siblings. His love for history began as



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a teenager. While in his teens he participated in the civil rights movement working along with Ann Atwater and other great activists. According to Bridges, the people interest in Africa started in the 1920s and lasted about ten years. However, during the 20s the interest was found mostly among the intellectuals, artists, writers, etc. It was during the 60s when the movement toward a cultural connection with Africa was evident among the people in the streets of this country. Young people got rid of their former scorn and contempt for Africa that had been created in their psyche. The slogan, “Black is Beautiful”, was a constant reminder of their heritage; people began to seek their roots. Bridges received degrees from North Carolina Central University and the University of Cincinnati (both through academic scholarships). He received a Ph.D. in African History from the University of West lndies. He has continued the pursuit of knowledge through independent study and research. His extensive studies and research is the basis for his recognition as an expert in the fields of history, geo-politics and multi-cultural systems. He has been featured in the Arts and Entertainment Network Documentary, A Dream of the South. He has received congratulatory letters from Beverly Purdue, then Lt. Governor of North Carolina, and has hosted a numerous of celebrities in the Know Bookstore.


THE MEASUREMENT OF SUCCESS By April Mial Contributing Writer RALEIGH - Sometimes success can be measured from the starting point of alpha and ending with the point of omega, but what happens when it cannot be measured in terms of a beginning to an end? Brad Thompson knows that answer. His life has revolved around this concept with no plans of ceasing. I had the opportunity to speak with Brad Thompson the same day I received my writing assignment. Upon my phone call, he was inviting, direct and accommodating. He scheduled my interview the following morning. I got off the phone excited about interviewing a man, who had accomplished many great things in his career path. But aside from that, I wanted the opportunity to get to know a more personal side of who he is and what motivates him to do what he does. I phoned Mr. Thompson around 9:30 and he

“where (business and community) advocates could converge to identify and discuss the challenges facing the AfricanAmerican community.” This year, the Summit focused on ‘Solutions’ to preventive healthcare, mobilizing people to vote, closing the gap in education, increasing Black economics, as well as other challenges. Over 250 representatives from 70 communities were present. Thompson wants the Summit to not only bring the business and community advocates together to solve the challenges that the overall community faces, but he also wants to challenge each business and community advocate to do just ‘a little bit more’ than what they are currently doing for their community. In addition, he believes that the Summit is a platform that will inspire leaders to inspire others and help others who are at a stumbling block with their own progress in the community. He believes that the measurement of success will take some time, but little step by little step will allow the Summit to grow and become a viable force for the community. These little steps, as Thompson states, “Hold people accountable (for) pulling on the load.” He further explains that we all need to be “on the same page, commitment, regardless of our [individual] missions. We control what we do ourselves. We can do better, (especially) our effort to build alliance of advocates.” Thompson believes that with any entity of fulfilling a purpose or goal, the measurement of its success is based upon a three-step process:


you must ask yourself is it something that you believe in.

.Second, is it something that can add value to the community?

Brad Thompson addresses audience at the 4th Annual NC Black Summit that he organized that was held in Raleigh in April. Thompson believes that the Summit is a platform that will inspire leaders to inspire others. Photo: Karl Blake

was ready to answer my questions. We first discussed the North Carolina Black Summit (www.ncblacksummit.org), which he developed about five years ago. He states that the purpose of the Summit was to create a forum


is it something that can be a viable (and sustaining) entity in the community?

If you’ve answered yes to all three questions, then you can understand the reason that the North Carolina Black Summit exists. Thompson will be the first to admit that his community comes first. In 1970, he moved into the Southeast Raleigh neighborhood and eventually became the Chair of the Southeast Raleigh Assembly, which improved

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Brad Thompson continues the lives of the citizens in the Southeast Raleigh community. This devotion to service has spanned over his political career, which allowed him to easily create the Summit. Second, the Summit adds value to the community because it brings advocates together for the purpose of exposing and erasing the challenges faced by the community. Third, the Summit is a viable entity within the community because it encourages the flexibility and inspiration of advocates to interact and work on solutions to the challenges faced by the community. Thompson’s career spans over three decades and he still continues to give back to the community. Since 1970, when he moved into his home in Southeast Raleigh, Thompson has been an advocate for the community for which he lives. He has been Mayor Pro Tem of Raleigh, a member of the NC Black Legislative Caucus, a participant in the Raleigh Wake Citizens Association, Lead Member for the Black Parents Association, Lead Member for the Raleigh Community, Lead Member for the Transit Board, president of the Southeast Community Development Corporation, Member of the Wake County Democratic Community and the list goes on. Now, Thompson has scaled down his time to include his Public Relations firm and his family and friends. When Thompson wanted to start his own Public Relations firm, he did so by asking himself the same questions (to measure its success) that he begins any conquest. Is it something he believes in? Will it add value to the community? Will it be a viable (and sustaining) entity in the community? … As a result, in 2004, he opened the doors of Brad Thompson and Associates [www.bradthompsonandassociates.com]. His company specializes in helping business owners to plan, define goals, frame issues, identify relevant trends/challenges and develop actionable strategies…with measurable results. In addition to his business, Thompson has always been heavily involved in his church, First Baptist in Raleigh. For years, he occupied the positions as president of the choir, church clerk, member position in the church leadership division and teacher for Sunday school. Above all, his favorite position was being president of the layman’s league, which was a group of men coming together and doing service. He currently holds the position of Emeritus. Thompson believes that “Everything happens with a sense of what’s around you. You cannot have a broader vision without understanding what’s around you.” Further, he confirms that you must improve the conditions of your family, friends and neighbors and how things affect you. Even as Thompson climbed the political and business ladder, his time was limited with his family. And yet, they watched as their father grew into



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a man who they are proud of and who they emulate. He is married to Dorothy Shaw-Thompson and has four children; Brad, Jr., 38, Vikki, 34, Stephen, 28 and Evan, 24. Brad, Jr. and Stephen are following in his footsteps of entrepreneurship spirit. They own and manage “The Basement Studios”, in downtown Raleigh, which is a music and recording studio for artists and recording groups. Vikki is employed at a major cloth/material franchise and Evan, who, Thompson states, got his creativity from his mother, is a rapper named YAGG FUFRONT. In such economic hardships, Thompson encourages us to band together and give back to the community. He wants younger people to see that they are valuable and have a lot of potential in fulfilling their ambitions. Just as his children have seen first hand of his successes, Thompson hopes that the next generation will learn from his example. He also encourages them to spread happiness and peace with a sense of personal worth and valor. Overall, he states that by understanding that we are “creatures made by God, [our] purpose becomes important.” He also explains that as we continue living life, our “purpose will be more clear.” So, Thompson measures success by the way we learn from our mistakes and make the community around us better. April Mial, writer/producer/director with Lilac Films, Inc. (www.lilacfilms.com), currently lives in Raleigh, North Carolina.


IS MAKING DURHAM A BETTER PLACE By April Mial Contributing Writer DURHAM - It has always been with a sense of pride when the folks I know have declared “Yes, I am a Durhamite.” There is often an inquisitive and curious look given whenever it is acknowledged, especially in mixed company (to a non-resident of Durham) that you are a Durham citizen. For some, living in the Bull City hasn’t always been looked upon as a good thing, but Randy Trice is trying to change that image. As Executive Director of The Durham Raiders, Trice has been a strong component in getting youth to view the game of football as a way to have a better life. Since 2003, The Durham Raiders have enforced the importance of academics, exercise, better food choices, and an overall good health for their mind, body and soul. Trice states that he tells his players “[that] without doing well in academics, then there is no football activity.” He further stresses to his players that in order to achieve greatness in their lives, then academics must be a priority. Trice does more than talk about its importance, by providing tutors if needed. Life skills are also incorporated, such as how a player should act on and off of the playing

field. The Durham Raiders football team is under the umbrella of The Carolina Football Development League (CFD League), a 501c3 non-profit organization that was created in 2003. The League was developed as a way for youth to showcase their talents and look towards a brighter future. That brighter future for them was the opportunity to play among football teams under the CFD League, which consists of Raleigh, Durham, Johnston County and Wilson, as well as the university teams UNC Club Team, Clemson Club Team and Southern Columbia. As a result of this opportunity, Trice states that “he is very proud that two raiders have walked onto the football teams of East Carolina University and Johnson C. Smith.” The Durham Raiders football team consists of a diverse group of males in high school and out of high school. For high school, the age range is from 15-18 and out of school, the age range is from 18-23. For high school graduates, they can either be working or in college. If the player is between the ages of 18-23, but does not have a high school diploma, he can still be a part of the team. However, he is encouraged to participate and graduate from their GED program. The diversification of the group makes this team unique. All players come from different walks of life – some are in gangs, some college bound, some college players, some doing well in school, some doing poorly in school, some coming from low income families and some coming from middle income families, to name a few. But the thing that

The Durham Raiders 2009 June/July 2009



Randy Trice continues

Randy Trice (top row, right) with members of the Durham Raiders organization at the Awards Banquet.

makes this team unique is the idea of “family”. For those who do have, they help the ones who do not have, with the idea of them passing along their knowledge and skills back to the community that does not have. Leavie Davis, a Board member of the Durham Raiders, states that Trice is the right man for the job and a great mentor for the youth. “Trice is a regular guy that saw that something needed to be done and is doing it. Our kids need the Durham Raiders… [and] The Raiders make Durham better.” In making Durham better, it is a requirement of each player to give back to the community through service. Much of their service has consisted with helping non-profits and businesses, such as The Bridges Point Sickle Cell Health/Wellness Event, The Durham Rescue Mission, The City of Durham Parks/Recreation Events and Another Coley Event,

Members of Durham Raiders building robots and assigning task at Cisco RTP.



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(submitted photo)

which promote positive images and awareness in the African-American community. The doors of the football team are not opened only to the males, but to the females… to be participants in their cheerleading squad. Currently, there are only about four members, but The Durham Raiders encourage more to join. Trice even encourages cheerleaders to become leaders through the development of their own cheers. His favorite cheer starts off, “Hey, all you Raider fans…” and that’s all he knows – he confesses it’s because he’s so focused on the game. To show their appreciation and dedication to a team of players, both young males and females, for the hard work that each has given to their academics and their extra-curricular activities, The Durham Raiders coordinated an awards banquet this past March 15. At the banquet, players received trophies, $500 scholarships for college bound and current college students (provided by McClintock Professional Insurance Company) and a “Whole Player Award” for the one exceptional player who did well in both academics and football. Overall, Trice says that The Durham Raiders “has made a positive impact on him. It has given [him] the opportunity to reach young people… [and] it has [allowed him] to provide encouragement in their situation because [he] knows how tough it is.” … and he wants each player to take the skills and knowledge learned from the organization and do their part in creating a safer community. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, you can find The Durham Raiders working out at the Sherwood Park from 6-8 in the evening. To learn more about the Durham Raiders and game times, visit www.durhamraiders.com.


INSPIRING OTHERS WITH HIS INNOVATIVE LEADERSHIP RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK - A 13-year veteran of the company, Rene Daughtry has inspired many at Cisco with his innovative leadership on the R e s e a r c h Triangle Park campus and in communities across North Carolina. Rene Daughtry has started various supports teams in Cisco within the World Wide T e c h n i c a l Rene Daughtry Support organization as well as in Advance Services (High Touch Technical Support). His role in Cisco Advanced Services is to be innovative and creative in the way we support our customers and to find better ways to enhance the service offering. He has concluded working with Cisco’s Focus Technical Services (FTS), which is a high-touch technical support organization that expedites issue resolution and helps improve operational efficiency with personalized priority network support.

Under Rene Daughtry’s (far right) leadership, Cisco Black Employees Network won the WNNL Radio One Cathy Hughes Award for Community Services in December 2007 and December 2008. The award recognizes a business or corporation that has made significant community service contributions. Pictured (l-r) Joel Hopkins (Dominion Healthcare), Callie Douglas, Tamela & David Mann & Daughtry.

Rene Daughtry (left), dedicated to youth, is pictured with members of the Carolina Football Developmental League (CFDL) during the 2nd Annual Cisco Black Employee Network - CFDL Technical Career Day at Cisco’s headquarters in Research Triangle Park. Daughtry has documented his passion in the white paper “Cisco n Da’ Hood”. He writes...”It takes a village to raise children....The village is a global village consisting of family, churches, businesses, schools and industry. The Cisco Black Employee Network (CBEN) has taken steps to help to “Shrink the Digital Divide”. The youth had the unique opportunity to experience and learn about robotic technology. Additionally Rene looks at Cisco’s FTS customers best practices and consults with them to refine their process and procedures to improve their support experience. His current role is that of a Technical Project Manger overseeing testing of Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) and IP Switched Digital Video. Rene’s contributions to Cisco, however, extend far beyond his work in technical support. As the leader of Cisco’s Black Employees Network (CBEN), Rene has inspired hundreds of students across North Carolina to pursue higher education and consider a career in science and technology through an aggressive outreach effort that brings students to Cisco’s campus and takes Cisco employees into public schools. He also serves as Interim Directory of CBEN US. Under his leadership, CBEN won the WNNL Radio One Cathy Hughes Award for Community Services in December 2007 and December 2008. The award recognizes a business or corporation that has made significant community service contributions. Among CBEN’s proudest achievements is the establishment of Cisco Network Academies

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at Halifax Community College, Elizabeth City State University, North Carolina Central University and North Carolina A&T State University. The Networking Academies offer students an educational foundation in information technology, which can be used to enter the field immediately or as a platform for higher education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. On July 29th, 2008, Daughtry and CBEN RTP held the 2nd Annual Cisco Black Employee Network - CFDL Technical Career Day at Cisco’s headquarters in Research Triangle Park. Members of the Carolina Football Developmental League (CFDL) were given an overview of Cisco and a discussion of the many opportunites that exist within the high tech market. Daughtry expressed Cisco’s commitment to our Youth, explaining that they will be the future engineers, analysts, and developers that Cisco will employ to maintain our number one position within the industry. A leading Project Manager in Advanced Services, Daughtry has documented his passion in the white paper “Cisco n Da’ Hood”. He writes...”It takes a village to raise children....The village is a global village consisting of family, churches, businesses, schools and industry. The Cisco Black Employee Network (CBEN) has taken steps to help to “Shrink the Digital Divide”. This was truly an eye opening experience for many of the Students attending. For many, it was the first time they even considered a career in the high tech/IT industry. Rene Daughtry was the key note speaker for the Clarence Lightner Foundation Banquet on November 20, 2008 and spoke to 400 elected officials, community, corporate and educational leaders for the triad Area. As a result of his continued leadership, Rene Daughtry was nominated and won the distinc-



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tion as one of the 2008 Movers and Shakers in the Business Leader Magazine. Rene Daughtry now is part of North Carolina Central University’s family as the Chairman of the Computer Information Systems Advisory Council.


DURHAM – As the temperature rises and the summer approaches, Durham Parks and Recreation will provide a place for residents to cool off. The spray grounds (except Hillside) are now open. Please see the spray ground sites below:

For more information, pick up a Play More at the DPR main office (400 Cleveland Street) call (919) 560-4355 or visit www.durhamnc.gov/departments/parks/.

SUMMER JAZZ JAM DURHAM - Durham County Library presents SUMMER JAZZ JAM, Sunday, June 28, 2009, 2-6 pm, at the East Regional Library, 211 Lick Creek Lane, Durham, North Carolina. The event, “Express Yourself at The Library,” will celebrate summer reading and will include a jazz jam session led by guitarist Scott Sawyer, vocalist Bobby Hinton, drummer Peter Joyner, bassist Freeman Ledbetter, keyboardist Bob Baldwin and reedman Stanley Baird. Young musicians, Tyler Montgomery and Alan Thompson are also scheduled to perform. Musicians are invited to come and participate in the jazz jam.

Spray Grounds Edison Johnson (500 W. Murray Avenue) East End Park and E.D. Mickle Community Center (1200 N. Alston Avenue) Forest Hills (1639 University Drive) Spray grounds close after dark. The outdoor pools will open for the season on Saturday, June 13. Please see the list of outdoor pools below: Outdoor Pools Hillside Pool and Spray Ground: 1300 S. Roxboro Street (919) 560-4783 Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday (1 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.) Saturday (11 a.m. – 5 p.m.) Sunday (1 p.m. – 5 p.m.) Extended Hours of Operation (Free Swim): Wednesdays (3 p.m. – 7 p.m.) Long Meadow Pool: 917 Liberty Street (919) 560-4202 Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday (1 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.) Saturday (11 a.m. – 5 p.m.) Sunday (1 p.m. – 5 p.m.) Extended Hours of Operation (Free Swim): Mondays (3 p.m. – 7 p.m.) The fees for the outdoor pools are as follows: Ages 4-17: $2 (city residents) and $4 (non-city residents) 18 and older: $2.50 (city residents) and $4.50 (non-city residents) Please note: The Forest Hills Pool will be closed due to repairs. FAST FACTS Spray grounds were closed last summer due to water restrictions. All four spray grounds will be operational in compliance with the city ordinance. Services are offered at 4 of our 5 pools this summer without restrictions. Schedules are subject to change.

Stanley Baird

Bob Baldwin

Freeman Ledbetter

It will also include a lecture, power point presentation called The Carolina Jazz Connection with Larry Reni Thomas, a

writer/radio announcer based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. It highlights the fact that there are over 75 native North Carolina jazz personalities and elaborates on their Larry Reni Thomas impact on the development of jazz in America and the world. SUMMER JAZZ JAM is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be provided by Meineke Car Care Center. The host will be Ron “Big E” Eldridge of WNAA-FM, Greensboro, North Carolina. For more information call (919) 5600213 or visit www.durhamcountylibrary.org.

DURHAM TECH TO HOST CAREER AND TECHNICAL PROGRAMS FAIR DURHAM - Whether you’ve lost your job or are considering a brand new field, learn more about in-demand careers by attending Durham Technical Community College’s Career and Technical Programs Fair. The event takes place on Tuesday, July 14, from noon to 1:30 p.m., and from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the Phail Wynn Jr. Student Services Center Multi-Purpose Room. College representatives will be available to discuss programs of study within the Career and Technical department. These include Accounting, Architectural, Automotive Systems, Basic Law Enforcement Training, Business Administration, Computer Programming and Applications, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood, Electrical/Electronics, Electronic Engineering, Emergency Preparedness, Environment, Health, and Safety; Fire Protection, Health Information, Industrial Systems, Machining, Networking, Office Systems, Paralegal, School-Age Education, and Web Technologies. The Wynn Student Services Center is on the Main Campus, located off the Briggs Avenue exit of the Durham Freeway. Parking is available in the parking lot in front of the White Building. For more information, call 919-536-7235, ext. 8156 or email westc@durhamtech.edu.



Scott Sawyer

by the 15th of the month prior to the month of the event June/July 2009





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Saturday June 20, 2009

Forest Hills Park - Durham, NC


The Carolina Times June/July 2009




Have you ever thought about how tradition and customs have evolved over the years in our churches? It has not been too many years ago when no one would consider standing when scripture is read. As a matter of fact, one would be looked upon strangely. Now a day, when scripture is read, those who sit seem to be looked upon strangely. Oh, I am not for or against either one. Personally, I believe in the freedom to worship as one pleases. If you are led to stand, then stand. If you are led to sit, then sit. I had a member who suggested to me that our congregation consider standing when scripture is read. I told the member that I had no problem with it and the following Sunday, I stated that members should feel free to worship as he/she desires. If you wish to stand or sit when scripture is read, it is fine with me. I read the scripture and no one stood, including the person who made the suggestion. Well, I am not raising this issue to be critical of standing or sitting when scripture is read but to highlight something that I think is important. Think about this. A minister comes to your church and he is asked to read the scripture. He stands to read the scripture and says to your congregation, "Will you stand for the reading of God's word." "Will you stand in reverence to God's word." Well, your congregation is not use

to standing for scripture so his/her members stand and your members stay seated. Or on the other hand, you attend another minister's church and you are asked to read scripture and because your members are not accustomed to standing for the reading of scripture, you announce, "Will you remain seated for the hearing of God's word." In both of these instances, some members are standing and some are sitting. Now, it may not be anything wrong with that but it just doesn't look good. I have heard both, those who stand and those who sit, quote scriptures in support of their position. Nehemiah 8:5 states, "An Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people; (for he was above all the people;) and when he opened it, all the people stood up:" Matthew 26:55 states, "In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes, Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and staves for to take me? I sat daily with you teaching in the temple, and ye laid no hold on me." In conclusion, to me it is not about standing or sitting for the reading of scripture. I did an exhaustive scripture search and saw the folk both standing and sitting. However, would not it be better if we ascertained from the Pastor what the custom of his church is before imposing our will on his congregation. Dr. James W. Smith,

Church Consultant, Inspirational/Motivational Speaker Author, “Deal By Me Email: revsmith@spectacularmag.com

FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN FEMALE RABBI ORDAINED (CNN) - When Alysa Stanton officially becomes a rabbi in August, she’ll be walking into history. Alysa Stanton, 45, she will become the first AfricanAmerican woman rabbi to lead a majority white congregation, according to the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Rabbi Alysa Stanton Religion (HUC-JIR). She is also the first African American woman to ever to be ordained as a rabbi. Stanton was ordained June 6th in Cincinnati, Ohio, where she received her master’s degree from the HUC-JIR, which is the rabbinical school of the Reform



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movement. Then in August, she will begin her new job at Congregation Bayt Shalom in Greenville, North Carolina — long a Conservative synagogue and now affiliated with both the Reform and Conservative movements. She describes her new position with great enthusiasm, saying the congregation — while small — has a lot of children, a sign of a bright future. And she says the congregation is vibrant and the region, where East Carolina University and a major medical center are located, is dynamic as well. “My goals as a rabbi are to break down barriers, build bridges and provide hope,” Stanton told CNN. “I look forward to being the spiritual leader of an inclusive sacred community that welcomes and engages all.”

UNITED CHRISTIAN CAMPUS MINISTRY HONORS SUPPORTING PASTORS WITH BRUNCH PROGRAM DURHAM - The United Christian Campus Ministry (UCCM) serving North Carolina Central University hosted a Pastoral Appreciation Brunch on April 18th at the Radisson Hotel. The brunch recognized faith leaders and their respective congregations as well as religious organizations for the countless hours of support, prayers and financial contributions given to the administrative and operational support of UCCM. Through the generosity of the supporters, the UCCM has been able to provide scholarships for students to attend various conventions and retreats, participate on mission trips, sponsor religious programs, services, and activities, and participate in outreach services in the Durham community. Established in 1962, UCCM is a United Christian Campus Ministry at NCCU honored area pastors (pictured 501c(3) non-profit corporation organ- above) with a Pastoral Appreciation Brunch. Submitted Photo ized for the purpose of establishing Johnson, Kyles Temple AME Zion Church; Rev. and maintaining a united Christian ministry to Clarence Laney, Jr., Monument of Faith Church; the academic community at North Carolina Rev. J. C. Cheek, Mt. Calvary United Church of Central University (NCCU). Its mission is to proChrist; Rev. Herbert Davis, Nehemiah Christian vide religious guidance for the faculty and stuCenter; Rev. Wesley Elam, Northeast Baptist dents at the university. For the past 10 years, Church; Rev. W. E. Daye, Peace Missionary Rev. Michael D. Page has served as Executive Baptist Church; Rev. Dr. Stuart Hoke, St. Titus’ Director of UCCM. Episcopal Church, Rev. Melvin Lindsay, Jr., The The Pastoral Appreciation Brunch began with Well Fellowship; and Rev. Michael D. Page, Jason Rutherford and Tim Faison, students at Antioch Baptist Church. NCCU, giving the invocation and a tribute to the Also honored, but unable to attend were: Rev. honorees respectively. Music was provided by Rick Trexler, Baptist State Convention; Rev. Phyllis Gillespie, Minister of Music at Beacon Denise Long, Olin T. Binkley Baptist Church; Light Missionary Baptist Church. Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, Rev. UCCM Board members participated on the Rachel Green, President; Methodist State program. Rev. Joseph Clontz gave the occasion. Commission on Campus Ministry; Rev. Jerome Rev. Herbert Davis, board chair, gave remarks. Washington, Mt. Vernon Baptist Church; Florine Roberson blessed the food. The benedicNewman Catholic Campus Ministry (formerly tion was given by Rev. Clarence Laney, Jr. Louise Holy Cross Catholic Church); Rev. Ginger Weeks presided. Rev. Michael Page thanked all Bradsher-Cunningham, Pilgrim United Church of the honorees for their support of the ministry and Christ; Presbytery of New Hope; Rev. Philip presented a trophy to each person. Cousin, Jr., St. Joseph’s AME Church; Rev. Duke Honored during the program were: Rev. Lackey, Trinity United Methodist Church; Rev. Clarence Burke, Beacon Light Missionary Baptist Mel Williams, Watts Street Baptist Church. Church; Rev. Percy Chase, Community Baptist Members of the Pastoral Committee were: Church; Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, Covenant Louise Weeks, chair; Dr. Howard M. Fitts, Mary Presbyterian Church; Rev. Frederick Davis, First E. Hawkins, Juanita B. Massenburg, Gertie B. Calvary Baptist Church; Rev. Jane W Mitchell, Tatum, Robert White and Rev. Michael D. Page. Full Gospel of Christ Ministries; Rev. Lorinzer

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June/July 2009


THE ELEPHANT IN THE AFRICAN AMERICAN CHURCH Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! June is the month that many AfricanAmerican Churches honor Rev. Dr. Archie D. Logan, Jr. men and fathers for their accomplishments, successes and contributions to the Faith-Community. I join them in praising the men and fathers of the church for their service, sacrifices, evangelism and Christian witness. However, a closer look at the church and FaithCommunity indicate that there is an “elephant in the church.” The saying: “There is an elephant in the room,” is an idiom that means an obvious truth; a difficult issue; is being ignored, not talked about or addressed. The HIV/AIDS pandemic is THE ELEPHANT IN THE CHURCH. Many Christians are aware of the pandemic our families, friends and people we know are infected. Church members are concerned; yet no one talks about the elephant. The pastors do not preach about the elephant. Christian Educators do not teach about the elephant but everyone is thinking about the elephant. I advocate that proactive leadership concerning the HIV/AIDS pandemic must come from the African-American Church? Historically, the Faith-Community, or its remnant has been the source of leadership for the race. From the antebellum era; through Reconstruction, “Jim Crow” lynching’s, Separate but Equal, and the Civil Rights Movement church leaders male and female have championed the causes of liberation, justice, deliverance, equality and freedom. The HIV/AIDS pandemic is another demon that must be “bound” by the power of God in Jesus Christ and the “CHURCH.” Many advocates of gay rights believe that the African-American church has not done enough to fight the pandemic. They often point to the silence of African American ministers and con-

gregations. For those who have acquired the virus waiting on the Faith-Community to act is like waiting on death. As long as the “the elephant in the church” is allowed to occupy space in the building - the church is apart of the problem. The tragedy of this problem goes far beyond religious SILENCE. The stigma of the disease; the stereotypes associated with it and the theology of sin all combine to render the majority of our religious institutions POWERLESS. The place of power; the home of the Holy Spirit, the center of Hope, the Balm in Gilead and the haven of healing: SILENT AND POWERLESS? Jesus Christ came that we might have life (John 10:10)! The “CHURCH” must continue to be the one place, the one institution, the one refuge where regardless of our past sins, negative baggage, our unholy “stuff ”, our modern-day leprosy, were there is a welcome voice; a word of hope; and evidence that God is ABLE, even, to receive HIV/AIDS pandemic survivors (Luke 6:19-49; John 3:16). As long as we have life, we have hope and those who die in Christ have an eternal hope of everlasting healing. The African-American Faith-Community must remove the HIV/AIDS elephant from the church. Our leadership is needed and critical to end this pandemic. With determined, focused and anointed leadership this season of sickness and sorrow will end. In the words of Thomas Moore, (1779-1852), “COME, YE DISCONSOLATE”, 1816: “Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.” “Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot cure.” “Earth has no sorrow that God cannot heal.”

Rev. Dr. Archie D. Logan, Jr.

Executive Vice President Apex School of Theology 2945 South Miami Boulevard, Suite 114 Durham, NC 27703 June/July 2009


Graduation Day at Union Baptist Church in Durham - Union Baptist Church honored Class of 2009 graduates ranging from those from kindergarten to those earning post graduate degrees. Photo: Ron Tabron


June/July 2009

NEWSBRIEFS JAMES SPEED NAMED TRIANGLE UNITED WAY BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ CHAIRMAN RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK – James H. Speed Jr., president and chief executive officer of N o r t h Carolina Mutual L i f e Insurance Company, w a s James H. Speed Jr. appointed chairman of Triangle United Way’s Board of Director’s recently. He succeeds Bob Greczyn, president and chief executive officer of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina, who was chair in 2008-2009. “I am very excited to take on the challenge of leading the board of the Triangle United Way. This organization has a significant role and rich history shared by North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company – to serve the underserved. It is my sincere honor to take on the role of encouraging others to answer that call,” said Speed. In announcing Speed’s chairmanship, Triangle United Way’s president and CEO Craig Chancellor said, “James is one of the most respected businessmen in the RTP area. He brings a wealth of knowledge to the board as well as years of experience in public service.” Speed assumed the position of President and Chief Executive Officer of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company in January 2004. Headquarters in Durham, NC North Mutual is the oldest and largest insurance company in America with roots in the African-American community. A Certified Public Accountant, Speed formerly served as the company’s Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.

Speed was born and reared in Oxford, N.C. and attended the public schools there. He received his undergraduate degree at North Carolina Central University, and in 1979 he received the MBA degree from Atlanta University. He joined the accounting firm of Deloitte & Touche, in 1979, and one of his clients was North Carolina Mutual. In 1991, Speed joined Hardee’s Food Systems as Vice President and Controller. In 1993, Speed completed the IMASCO Limited (Hardee’s parent company) Senior Management Development Program at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada and was promoted to Senior Vice President in 1995. In 1997 when Hardee’s was purchased by CKE Restaurants, he was named Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and became a member of the five-person senior executive management team. He joined NC Mutual as a Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer in 2002, while the company’s strategic plan was being developed. He helped guide that process, and in April 2003, was named acting President and Chief Executive Officer. In facing the challenges of current times, Speed said, “It is my hope that corporate and community leaders will continue to give sacrificially toward the organizations that make a world of difference in the Triangle.” Triangle United Way Board Approves Name Change Triangle United Way’s board of directors unanimously approved changing the organization’s name to United Way of the Greater Triangle, effective immediately. The name change better reflects and represents the far reaching efforts of the organization and all those who give, advocate and volunteer.

Briefly... EUNICE O’NEAL SANDERS TO LEAD EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS DURHAM – Longtime Durham educator Eunice O’Neal Sanders, Executive Director of Student Services, has been promoted to Assistant Superintendent of Exceptional Children’s Programs. The position Sanders she held will not be filled. Sanders has been Executive Director of Student Services for three years. Before that she was principal of Hillside High School for four years. Prior to Hillside, she was principal of RogersHerr Middle School for two years. Sanders was formerly principal at C.C. Spaulding Elementary School, where she had served since 1995. Before that she was an assistant principal at Neal Middle School and a teacher at several schools throughout the district. Sanders was selected by her peers as the 2002 Wachovia Principal of the Year for Durham Public Schools. Sanders holds two master’s degrees – one in special education and the other in administration - along with a bachelor’s degree in sociology and psychology, from North Carolina Central University. She is currently pursuing a doctorate in educational leadership from NCCU. KECIA L. ROGERS TO LEAD W.G. PEARSON ELEMENTARY DURHAM - Kecia L. Rogers, Assistant Principal of Carrington Middle School, has been named the Principal of W.G. Pearson Elementary Magnet School. She replaces Sandy Chambers, who has accepted a position in the Rogers Wake County Public School System. Rogers has been assistant principal at Carrington for two years. She performed her principal internship at Pearsontown Elementary School. She was a teacher at Southwest Elementary School for 11 years. Rogers holds two master’s degrees – one in elementary education and one in school administration – from North Carolina Central

June/July 2009

Briefly continues on page 34


Congratulations to the 2009 Miss Jabberwock and Little Miss Jabberwock Scholarship Program Participants held May 30, 2009 at A.L. Stanback Middle School sponsored by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Delta Foundation and Chapel Hill - Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Jabberwock Program co-chair persons Jane Garrett and V. Dianne Pledger, Chapter President LaQuinta Parker Perry and Delta Foundation President, Sybil Henderson announce winners and their court. From left to right: (Back Row) Nickolas French, Jr. Escort, Miss Marlinda C. Dowdy (Moncure, NC), Raheem R. Royal, Jr. Escort, First Runner-Up, Miss Maya P. Lewis (Durham, NC), Miss Jabberwock 2009, Erin E. Price (Durham, NC), David M. Clarke, Jr. Escort, Miss Ashanti A. Foy (Chapel Hill, NC), Ahmad D. Smith, Jr. Escort, Miss Jessica P. Watson (Chapel Hill, NC), William Jennette, Jr., Jr. Escort. (Front Row): Miss Halle B. Upchurch (Moncure, NC), Little Miss Jabberwock 2009 Miss Idara Frances Page Carmichael (Durham , NC)

Briefly continues

Amber was elected president of the student representatives at the event.

University, where she also received her bachelor’s in elementary education. Joyner is a rising senior business administration major with a minor in Real Estate. Joyner is workSTUDENTS REPRESENTING SAINT ing for the NC General Assembly this summer. AUGUSTINE’S COLLEGE AT BLACK Lockett is a business administration major with a EXECUTIVES’ CONFERENCE concentration in real estate and started working RALEIGH - Saint Augustine’s College Student for the NC Department of Transportation in June. Government Association President Amber Thomas has been chosen for the second consecutive year BEEP stages an annual four-day conference to to represent Saint Augustine’s College at the review and evaluate the past year’s programs and National Urban League’s annual Black Executive activities, exchange ideas, plan for the new acaExchange Program (BEEP) conference this summer. demic term and discuss current issues and trends She will be joined by her peers Marquice Joyner in professional development. This year’s conferand Jacqui Lockett, business majors who are ence was held on June 1-5 in Atlanta, Georgia. paving their way to success after graduation. NCCU NAMES VICE CHANCELLOR FOR Thomas presented at the conference, promoting INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT the benefits of getting involved, taking leader- DURHAM - LaTanya D. Afolayan has been appointship roles, and the effectiveness of the BEEP pro- ed vice chancellor for Institutional Advancement gram. Involved with BEEP since 2007, last year, at North Carolina Central University effective June 34 SPECTACULAR June/July 2009

1. Most recently, Afolayan served as vice chancellor for development at Elizabeth City State University. At Elizabeth City, she also served as director major and planned gifts and associate Afolayan vice chancellor for development. Afolayan began her career in development at Emory University where she served as the assistant director of corporate relations. Afolayan earned the bachelor of science degree at Indiana State University and a master of arts from the University of Missouri. She is currently pursuing the Ed. D. in higher education at East Carolina University.

SUMBIT ANNOUNCEMENTS BY 15TH OF MONTH: info@spectacularmag.com

NCCU MEN’S BASKETBALL INKS TWO RECRUITS LeVelle Moton announces his firstever signees DURHAM - North Carolina Central University Head Men’s Basketball Coach LeVelle Moton has announced the signings of two guards to his firste v e r recruiting class since being hired on March 2 5 t h . L o c a l products C . J . C.J. Wilkerson Wilkerson (Oxford, N.C.) and Landon Clement (Raleigh, N.C./UNC Greensboro transfer) have signed to attend NCCU and don the maroon and gray uniforms of the Eagles. C.J. Wilkerson, a 6-3, 205-pound guard, played at J.F. Webb High School in Oxford, N.C., where he was named AllConference in the MidState 3-A three times, along with Player of the Year honors his senior season. He was also named the “District Player of the Year” by the Henderson Daily Dispatch. Wilkerson led the Warriors to the playoffs three years in a row and averaged 18.7 points per contest his senior year, including 26.7 points per outing in the playoffs. He spent the last two years at both Clinton Junior College in Rock Hill, S.C. and Southeastern Iowa Community College in West Burlington, Iowa. In his first year at SICC, he started 29 of 31 games

as a freshman for the Blackhawks. After moving closer to home to Clinton Junior College, he got the nod in all 33 games for the Golden Bears and earned First Team All-Region 10 honors after pouring in 14.0 points, 4.0 rebounds and 2.0 assists per outing. “C.J. is one of the most important signees at NCCU,” said Moton. “He is very versatile, can play and defend all three guard positions on the floor, is super athletic and will make an immediate impact on the Division I level. He was very impressive during the Greater Pro Am Summer League last year, holding his own against NBA and ACC stars. C.J. is a great kid from a strong family background and we couldn’t be happier to have him here at NCCU.” The second student-athlete played

under Moton during his AAU coaching days and also at Sanderson High School for three years, earning all-conference recognition his last two seasons. Landon Clement, a 6-2, 180pound shooting guard, left Sanderson second in alltime scoring along with finishing his high school career No. 1 in career Landon Clement three-pointers made and free throw percentage. Clement took his game to UNC Greensboro, playing two seasons. He contributed almost immediately, playing in 27 of the 31 contests his freshman season. His sophomore campaign began

strong after getting the nod in the first three games. Clement showed flashes of his shooting ability throughout the season with 15 points in a home loss to The Citadel, and 17 points against NCAA Tournament participant Chattanooga. When asked about bringing Clement in to NCCU, Moton compared him to former Duke standout J.J. Redick. “I have had the fortune of coaching this young man since he was 12 years old, so obviously there is a lot of emotion involved here,” said Moton. “I have said this from day one, he is the best shooter that I have ever coached and we welcome that ability here at NCCU.” Per NCAA transfer rules, Clement will have to sit-out the 2009-10 season.

June/July 2009



THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT: AT A CROSS ROAD ON MINORITY RIGHTS AND PROTECTIONS On May 1, 2009, Associate Justice David Souter of the United States Supreme Court announced his resignation from that Court. Justice Souter’s decision will now provide President Barack Obama with his first opportunity to select and appoint a replacement. Not only is this the President’s first appointment to the Supreme Court, but it provides an opportunity for Obama to define for the country his vision of the political philosophy Irving Joyner which he wants the Court to follow. This opportunity has already sparked significant interest, speculation, threats of a filibuster and robust opposition from conservative Republicans. Whatever choice President Obama makes, it will certainly differ from the right-wing conservative trend which the previous Bush Administration sought to impose upon the nation. The importance of the United States Supreme Court to the guarantees of individual rights and the protections of minorities and minority groups can not be underestimated. The Supreme Court interprets the constitution and decides when legislative and other efforts mandated by the majority infringe upon basic and fundamental rights which are guaranteed by an updated constitution and federal laws. Had it not been for favorable interpretations of this document by the Supreme Court, minority groups and women would still be relegated to “second class citizenship.” As a result of bold rulings by previous Supreme Court, right wing conservatives in this country have been fighting to gain control of this Court for the purpose of returning it to the philosophy of the founding fathers. Those persons who initially drafted the constitution did not care about the interest and concerns of minorities and women. These conservatives hang their political interpretation of the constitution behind the banner of “original intent” which is designed to capture the racist and sexist views of those person who drafted the first United States Constitution. We can not go back to that era. As with every appointment to the federal court, there are many interest groups who may be affected by the political leanings and judicial philosophy of members of the Supreme Court. That interest is especially strong with President Obabma’s first appointment. Presently, the Supreme Court is almost evenly split between four conservative leaning Justices, four moderate to liberal leaning Justices and one member, Justice Anthony Kennedy, who alternately votes with either of 36 SPECTACULAR

June/July 2009

NC NAACP President Dr. William Barber addresses crowd at press conference.

COALITION ASKS LEGISLATORS TO PASS NC RACIAL JUSTICE ACT RALEIGH, NC – On May 21st, the NC-NAACP, the Historic Thousands on Jones Street Coalition and the NC Coalition for a Moratorium - with support from recently polled voters - called on North Carolina legislators to pass a clean version of the NC Racial Justice Act, free of amendments that would restart executions before the courts can sort out important legal questions. “Any attempt by legislators to use the Racial Justice Act - a bill that simply allows defendants facing the death penalty to present evidence of racial bias in their cases-as a pretext to restart executions, is unconscionable,” said NC-NAACP President Rev. William Barber. A poll conducted the week before in Mecklenburg and Pitt Counties by Public Policy Polling shows overwhelming support for the Racial Justice Act, as well as strong support for a bill that exempts people with severe mental illness from the death penalty. Polling in these counties provides a bellwether as to opinions of voters in other parts of the state; Mecklenburg County is North Carolina’s largest, urban county, located in the western part of the state, and Pitt is a large rural county in the east. .76% of Mecklenburg County voters said that capital defendants should be able to present evidence, including statistical evidence, of racial bias to the court; .69% of Pitt County voters said the same; .63% of Mecklenburg County voters said NC Racial Justice Act continues on page 38

Legal Eagle Advisor continues these groups. Usually in controversial or high profile cases, Justice Kennedy’s vote creates a five-four majority decision. Because Justice Souter is a member of the four member moderate-liberal voting bloc on the Court, it is widely anticipated that President Obama will appoint someone to the Court who has demonstrated a judicial and political philosophy and leaning which is similar to that exhibited by Justice Souter. The confirmation process for the President’s appointee will be brutal as interest groups ——- particularly right wing conservative groups —— will attempt to closely scrutinize every aspect of the nominee’s personal and professional life. As presently constituted, the United States Supreme Court is reviewing several legal challenges which will likely have a profound impact on the immediate future of Civil Rights protections in the United States. While it is important for us to monitor the nomination process, we can not forget that the present Supreme Court is going about its business as usual and those decisions will have a profound impact upon each of us. Based upon prior rulings from the Court as it is presently constituted, it is highly likely that some civil and political rights protections which are presently in place will be dismantled when these decisions are rendered. Court-watchers are waiting for the decisions with bated-breath and resigned anticipation. The dismantling of these protections has already begun. In a recent 5-4 decision issued by the Court, it was determined that high ranking George Bush officials can not be the subject of a civil rights claim for their role in authorizing abusive and discriminatory practicing directed at persons of Arab descent and Muslims. The plaintiff in that case, Javaid Iqbal, argued that he should be able to sue these officials because they created investigative policies and practices which targeted Arabs and Muslims for intensive investigations and abusive treatment which included strip searches and beatings. In a significant set-back for other civil rights claims against high ranking federal policy-makers and officials, the Court ruled that targeting people for intense investigative purposes even where the policy was directed at a particular race did not amount to race or religious discrimination. This decision prevented Iqbal, in this case from discovering and reviewing records and files which would support Iqbal’s immediate claim of a purposeful discrimination by Bush White House officials. This decision will also serve as a precedent to prevent others from asserting similar claims when there is evidence which demonstrates that the constitutional rights of any citizen has been violated. Within the next few weeks, the Court will issue a decision in a Texas case which directly attacks Congress’ re-authorization of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. The Voting Rights Act was extended for an additional 25 years in 2006. An important provision of that Act requires voting jurisdictions which have a history of racial discrimination to obtain a pre-clearance of new voting related laws to insure that new laws do not negatively impact the ability of racial minorities to register and vote. Most of the States which are required to undergo Section 5 pre-clearance are located in the South and had a history of denying the right to vote to African-Americans and Hispanics. The specific challenge before the Supreme Court seeks a ruling that Congress did not have the constitutional authority to extend the Voting

Rights Act. Four members of the Court —- Chief Justice Roberts, Justices Alito, Thomas and Scalia — have already indicated that they will vote to dismantle the Act. It is anticipated that Justices Ginsburg, Souter, Breyer and Stevens are expected to uphold the Act. Justice Kennedy, who has voted in earlier cases to limit the reach of the Act and, is expected to vote with the conservatives bloc to declare the Section 5 provision as unconstitutional. Such a decision will have a tremendously negative impact on voting rights in the United States. In another case, a challenge to Title VII of the Civil Right’s Act, firefighters in New Haven Connecticut are challenging that town’s decision to re-test applicants for promotion to supervisory roles in the Fire Department. The town reviewed the initial test which was administered after they discovered that only White test-takers scored high enough on the test to qualify for promotions. The review of the initial test led to a conclusion that the test was discriminatory. Efforts to devise a new test were blocked by a law suit filed on behalf of the higher scoring White firemen. New Haven officials concluded that they were required by Title VII to invalidate the results of the earlier tests once they determined that the test was racially flawed. The Supreme Court will decide if the Title VII requirement not to discriminate on the basis of race serves as a valid justification for a town or employer to order new testing to determine who should be considered for employment promotions. In this case, the Civil Rights Act required the town not to use a promotional or employment tests which had a disparate impact on minorities. Already, the same four conservative Justices have indicated their vote to support the White firemen who were the highest scoring individuals on the original flawed tests. The deciding vote will again be cast by Justice Kennedy who is not a friend of the requirements of Title VII and generally disfavors efforts to promote affirmative action efforts for minority applicants or workers. It is widely anticipated that the Court will rule against the City of New Haven which wanted to conduct a new test to determine who should be on the list to be promoted to the supervisory positions. This decision will also have national implications. Decisions in the latter two important cases will be issued before June 30th. The stakes which are presented by these cases are also present as President Obama decides who to nominate to replace Justice Souter. At best, that individual will not enhance the strength of the moderate-liberal bloc on the Court. Hopefully, Obama’s appointee will not join the conservative voting bloc. If so, minority rights and protections will be doomed. It is hoped, but not highly anticipated, that one or more members of the conservative bloc will leave the Court during the next four years. Since all of these Justices are relatively young and in good health, it is unlikely that the President will have an opportunity to replace either of that “gang of four,” but anything can happen. You should know that the stakes are extremely high with upcoming actions from and related to the United States Supreme Court. In coming discussions, we will explore the outcome of these cases as well as the Obama Supreme Court appointment.

Irving Joyner June/July 2009


NC Racial Justice Act continues

they did not support the death penalty for people who were seriously mentally ill at the time of the crime; .58% of Pitt County voters said the same. “The poll reflects what we already know,” said Charmaine Fuller, Executive Director of the Carolina Justice Policy Center. “North Carolinians support efforts to fight racism in our capital punishment system. They also believe that people who suffer from severe mental illness should not be subjected to the ultimate punishment.” While executions have been on hold, three African-American death row inmates were exonerated in North Carolina. In all of the cases, at least one of the victims was white. One of them had an all-white jury. A UNC study found that a defendant’s odds of getting the death penalty increase by 3.5 times if the victim was white. “The legislature need not interfere with the courts,” said NC Coalition for a Moratorium Campaign Coordinator Jeremy Collins. “Before executions are restarted, the legislature must address a broken death penalty system that risks executing innocent and severely mentally ill people, and one that uses race as a deciding factor in whether someone lives or dies,” added Collins. “All we are asking is that efforts to reduce wrongful executions be considered and passed on their own merits.”

The Rightchus Truth continues

Darwinism. How so you may ask. Well, what is the purpose of racism, classism, and sexism…..POWER; the preservation of power and control. Not only black folk, but women and people of color worldwide have been enslaved, beaten and lynched so that one group may thrive over another. When the British invaded South Africa, they easily defeated all surrounding nations except one. When they encountered the great Zulu Nation, there was no question in their mind which group was more “fit.” The Zulu were the most well-trained, highly disciplined warriors throughout southern Africa. Yet, they were defeated by way of gunpowder and a lack of adaptation. My question to US today, is why has the American Negro not evolved in both thought and action regarding our treasured pursuit of FREEDOM? We’ve been here 400+ years but still recognize not what we fight, why we’re fighting, nor how we should be fighting!! Now ask yourself what’s the real reason so many brothas are locked up? And what’s the real reason why the American Negro isn’t taught factual World History? Keep a nation dumb and discouraged; and you’ll control their mind and bodies. That…brothas and sistas equals POWER! And power equals SURVIVAL. Till Next Month - Peace and Blessings,

Bro. Rightchus 38


June/July 2009


GRANVILLE COUNTY Out of the darkness...

...INTO THE LIGHT By Minister Curtis Gatewood


Stirring up ‘New Righteous Souls of the South’ As with God’s help, this column seeks to continuously take readers “out of the darkness and into the light”, I would like to take you to the scene of a new battle as it relates to Granville County and the confederacy. It started around 1909, during the same year a certain diverse group of moral and righteous citizens were giving birth to an anti-lynching campaign that later became known as the “National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)”. Rev. J. A. Stradley, an “ancient Baptist divine” who had served as a Confederate soldier, gave the invocation on October 30, 1909, as Augusta Landis, the youngest daughter of Captain Augustus Landis, wartime commander of the “Granville Grays”, came from Durham to unveil a confederate statue. However, the statue was late arriving and confederate flags were displayed in front of the Granville County courthouse instead. But approximately five years later, The Honorable A. W. Graham would present the monument on behalf of the Granville Grays Chapter of the “United Daughters of the Confederacy”. For the next sixty years, the statue would remain erected in the middle of one of Oxford’s main intersections, at the north end of Main Street, “a stone’s throw from the courthouse” and in the heart of the business district. The greatest known rebellion against the statue came nearly sixty years after its arrival to Oxford, during the aftermath of the murder of Henry “Dickie” Marrow, a twenty-three year-old black veteran with two daughters and another on the way. According to Oxford native and best-selling author, Dr. Tim Tyson in his book, “Blood Done Signed My Name”, Tyson’s true accounts of the murder begins “on a May day in 1970”, where he recalls being told as a ten year-old white youth by another one of his white friends: “Daddy and Roger and ‘em shot ‘em a nigger.” Dr. Tyson (who now serves with us on the Executive Committee for the North Carolina NAACP) goes on to explain how Marrow had been shot, beaten, and killed after a series of events not yet fully known, whereby “tempers flared between white shopkeeper, Robert Gerald Teel, his son, 18-year-old Robert Larry Teel, and Marrow”. Amongst other things the killing sparked protests and calls for the removal of the confederate monument. The horrific injustice also allowed new national leadership to emerge such as Oxford native, Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, who was then a youth who led protests and calls for the removal of the confederate statue as part of their response to the Marrow lynching. In 1971, the statue was moved from the Main Street location, to where it now sits prominently on West Spring Street, in front of the downtown

Richard H. Thornton Library. The library is located at the corner of W. Spring and Main Streets. Meanwhile, Eddie McCoy, who also grew up in the middle of the Marrow and monument controversy, is now a neighbor of mine. McCoy recently came over to invite me to a meeting relative to new concerns involving the removal of the monument since the library, the current home of the statue has laid out plans for renovation after receiving a bond that was supported by Granville County voters. McCoy, myself, certain other ministers and concerned citizens are questioning a plan which would provide a prominent place for the confederate monument as part of the renovations. To the contrary, those of us who seek justice, for once and for all, see this as an opportunity to surgically remove this racially offensive monument from the disease-infected heart of Oxford, NC. As Second Vice President of the NC NAACP and one who has assumed the responsibility of rebuilding the local Granville Branch of the NAACP, Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II, who serves as President of the NC NAACP has expressed his and the NC NAACP support for our efforts. Consequently, Dr. Barber granted me permission to speak on behalf of the NC NAACP as I addressed the Granville County Board of Commission on Monday, June 1, 2009. Others who spoke at the commissioner’s meeting in support of removing the monument included Former City Commissioner Eddie McCoy, long-time Oxford activist and author, Rev. Bernard Holliday, and longtime activist Joan Bert. Therefore, the new movement to remove this confederate monument from the heart of Granville County is growing. Furthermore, as I seek your prayers for God’s healing medications of justice for Oxford and the Granville County community, I am sharing with you, the address the Lord laid upon my heart to speak to the Granville County commissioners. Meanwhile, through the Lord’s “spirit” of “power, love, and a sound mind”, we envision a new south, and intend to raise up NEW RIGHTEOUS SOULS of THE SOUTH. Southerners who intend to use our strength to uproot the foundation of hatred and division and rebuild using the concrete of God’s love and the shelter of his peace. We subsequently ask that you join us (call me at 919 939-6311) as we continue “fighting the good fight”, and attracting “new righteous souls”, and recruiting new members for the Newly Charged Granville County Branch of the NAACP (within weeks we have grown from 10 to 80 members, driving toward 100, and with 100 we can grow to 1,000 and become the largest in the state)!

Curtis E. Gatewood’s address to the Granville County Board of Commissioners RE: The Removal of the Confederate Monument from Downtown Oxford DATE: Monday, June 01, 2009 Chairman and Board of Commissioners, I am Curtis E. Gatewood , and would like to go on record today, first as a minister who greets you with the love and peace of Christ Jesus; secondly as a resident of Oxford and Granville County, where as of June 11th I would have been here six years; thirdly, I bring greetings from the oldest and largest civil rights organization in this nation, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - the North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP, where I serve as 2nd Vice President, and where I have also assumed the responsibility of rebuilding the local Granville County Branch of the NAACP, as we celebrate our 100th year anniversary. With that I am pleased to report as of May of this year, with the support of the local Ministerial Conference, and others, the local branch of the NAACP has grown to surpass the number of NAACP members required to June/July 2009


Into The Light continues have a legitimate and bona fide branch of the NAACP for the first time during the six years I have lived in the county. With this said, I have shared my local interest in this issue before you today with our State NAACP President, Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II. He has subsequently assured me that I speak for the more than 100 branches of the North Carolina NAACP as I share these views with you today. First let me express my concern for the unbalanced, one-sided, and seemingly hypocritical tone that is being set within our city and county as it relates to the armed confederate soldier-statue and confederate monument that has through the grace of God resurfaced as an issue in light of the proposed renovation of the Richard H. Thornton Library here in Oxford. I have observed and heard with great interests, certain voices who claim those of us who have been long offended by the city and county’s aggressive, bold, and conspicuous erection of such a divisive symbol in the heart of our city, to remain complacently silent by a defeated voice of consent, or tippy-toe through the tulips of confusion to supposedly avoid socalled “division” or a “great divide” if we were to ever raise our voices. Let me first say, any conscious elected officials concerned about avoiding divisive messages and avoiding a great divide within our city, should not have, in the first place, allowed our tax dollars, our sidewalks, or our public facilities to be contaminated by the conspicuous promotion of a monument which on a daily basis represents and reminds us of the ugliest and most divisive chapter in our nation’s history. I remind you, this is a monument which amplifies the one time our nation was so divided that it took up war against itself; the monument celebrates those who had the audacity to violently rebel against these united states because amongst other reasons, they did not want to see the abolishment of slavery and white supremacy. Need I go on to remind you of the division this monument represents? And must I remind you of the inappropriateness of a such a symbol when for the first time, this nation has elected an African American president, while racist-hate-radio talk-show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh are openly calling for a race war; a rebellion against the government; and a desire to see the President “fail”, or see our nation fail under what thus far has been a demonstration of moral, compassionate, and competent leadership. In other words some have made clear they are willing to



June/July 2009

undermine this African-American president at all cost. Even if it means seceding certain states and/or inciting others to take up arms against our federal government in ways this monument represents. Then there is the “heritage” argument. Do you understand there were also violent rebellions which were part of the African-American “heritage” such as those who fought slave merchants and took over their slave ships? There were rebellions such as the one led by Nat Turner. So if our city and county want to get into the business of glorifying violent rebellions for the sake of “our heritage”, there were rebellions on both sides. Contrary to what has been portrayed by the mass media, all African Americans were not tap dancing and bowing to “Massa”. Therefore, if we want to talk about “heritage”, it did not begin or end with the Confederacy. We have black soldiers who during the peak of racism, slavery, or Jim Crow, who were not fighting against the American flag, but dying to defend the American flag and this country. Yet we choose to honor those who rebelled against this country in defense of institutionalized slavery and white supremacy. This has been a mistake and an injustice for years and it is time that our city officials recognize it. I conclude by saying the monument must be moved, period, and never again be put in a prominent part of our city, especially when there are no monuments honoring events, individuals, or soldiers who represent a unifying, inspirational, and moral perspective while fighting a “good fight” as Paul the Apostle; or as a “Good Shepherd” as Jesus the Christ; or like those who courageously fought on the right side of history, toward building this nation toward the beacon of light it has now become, for the world to see. Again, I say, the monument represents a one-sided and divisive era in our history at a time we desperately need to unite culturally, politically, morally, and spiritually. Let us not fail in this great opportunity to do whatever is necessary to remove this divisive symbol from the heart of what could be a city that welcomes love, diversity, and tolerance.

Minister Curtis E. Gatewood

Gatewood serves as Founder of “Save Our Little Ones (SOLO)” based in Oxford, NC and is 2nd Vice President of the NC NAACP State Conference of Branches/Units. Minister Gatewood has a Bachelor of Theology Degree, an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education, and currently working on a Master of Arts in Christian Counseling at the Apex School of Theology.

BE THE ROCK IN SOMEONE’S LIFE When his wife died in 1971, he was ready to call it quits. Gladys was a big part of him. She was the love of his life…his sweetheart. For thirty five years, she was not only his companion, but his business manager, accountant, and therapist. She gave him every kind of guidance he needed. But now she is gone. He turned into one sour note. For many days after her untimely death, he didn’t care to live. He just stared at her photography all day while his vibes collected dust. He had no reason to live. His despair was do great that he even though about chucking away the biggest dream of his life, a housing project and music school, he wanted to build in Harlem. This dream began thirty years earlier in the 1940’s. He would visit southern towns and visit Black colleges and ask why they did not have courses in Black music and its place in American History. “That’s all behind us,” was the usual answer he got. For many years, he was able to raise support from colleges, government agencies and from private sources. The vision was to create a complex that would promote the music of Bach and Mozart to Louis Armstrong to Fats Waller. Once the project got started, racial tension arose in the Black community over the fact that a lot of the construction was done by Whites and that Whites would attend the school. He said, “You know, Harlem can a bitter place and some residents threatened to tear the place down after it was built.” One evening he was sitting at home, alone and discouraged, he wondered what Gladys would have done. He wished she was there to give him the answers. Then all of a sudden, he remembered the many things they had in common, like their tastes in music, food, friends, and shows. Not only were they able to share their joys, they could share their sorrows. “Dear I could hear her say, let’s forget our troubles tonight and rub them out by reading the Psalms.” Gladys favorite was Psalm Chapter 40 verse number 2. So he remembered that and sat in their love seat and he began to read “He brought me up also our of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. He read it over and over. “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. Something miraculous happen. This confession of faith seemed to be a turning point. Soon there after he got what it seemed to be a new burst of energy. He got strong all of sudden like a four-bar rest. He began to write letters again and all sorts of people began to support the project and soon money began to pour in. Now when persons began to complaint, he would tell them, like in music, “You got to have

Nifty 90's Dinner

Granville County Senior Services will be hosting the 3rd annual Nifty 90's Dinner on July 14, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. Due to the increasing number of 90+ seniors, this year's event will be held at the Oxford Public Works Building. There will be a catered meal and entertainment. There is no charge for our 90+ attendees. Attendees may bring one guest at a cost of $6.00. If you are 90 or older, or know someone who is, please call the Granville County Senior Center at 693-1930 to give us your information. Invitations will be mailed.

Cell Phone & Small Electronics Recycling:

Granville County Senior Center in Oxford is collecting old cell phones, digital cameras, MP3 players, video game systems (hand held), and ipods as a fundraiser for the center. We have set up a collection box in the center. If you would like to donate any of these items, please drop it off with us. This is an easy way to raise money for services for the 60 population of Granville County. the White keys as well as the Black ones to make harmony.” Somehow they brought this and the hatred began to fade. Finally on November 31, 1971 through the help of God, he pulled himself out of the horrible pit that he had been stuck in. On that day during the ground breaking ceremony he told the crowd that once the buildings were completed there will be a motto nailed up out front with old second verse of Psalm 40 verse number 2, “He set my feet upon a rock and established my goings.” Oh, by the way, Gladys husband was Lionel Hampton, the jazz great who played with Louis Armstrong and Benny Goodman before forming the Lionel Hampton Orchestra in 1940. By Dr. Alvin Augustus Jones

As an expert of achievement and folly, your success is important to me. If I can assist you in any way, please write me at Dr. Alvin Augustus Jones P.O. Box 9, Oxford, NC 27565, email me at ayeayejay@aol.com, call 919-693-3540 or listen to me daily from 6AM-10AM on WCBQ-AM 1340/WHNC-AM 890 or www.dralvin.com.

June/July 2009




June/July 2009


KNOW YOUR NUMBERS Health tests and screenings make it possible for you to detect and treat disease. The earlier a problem is caught, the better. Health care professionals also use the information to see if you are at risk for certain medical conditions that can be prevented. On June 20th at the annual Juneteenth Celebration we will be providing you with numbers that can save your life and make a difference in your overall health. The first number is your weight. Your weight affects more than just how you look. It can be a contributing factor to many diseases. Get on the road to weight management by recording your weight at regular intervals. You'll be able to see whether you are gaining weight, losing weight or staying at the same weight. Then you can decide what actions to take. BMI (Body Mass Index) It measures your weight in relation to your height. It can be useful for gauging whether you are overweight or obese. The levels are as follows. Below 18.5 is underweight, 18.5-24.9 normal, and 25.0 to 29.9 over weight and 30.0 and over obese. Next you need to know your waist measurement. The location of fat on your body affects your risk for disease. If you carry your fat mainly around your waist, you are more likely to develop health problems than if you carry fat mainly on your hips and thighs. You should determine your waist circumference by placing measuring tape snugly around your waist. For men over 40 inches indicates increased risk for weight- related problems. For women over 35 inches it indicates increased risk for weight related problems. High blood pressure called hypertension is a cunning thief, left unchallenged it can steal a decade of quality life. The average American's blood pressure in middle age is about 130/80 but since the average American dies of heart disease that number isn't good enough. Instead aim for 120/80. Measure your blood pressure monthly at the same time of day. To lower your blood pressure, exercise hard enough to sweat for at least an hour each week. If you are use to 30 min work outs, this means you will need to do three, since it takes at least ten minutes to start sweating. Cholesterol is a type of fat made by your liver and carried to your blood. You also get cholesterol from certain foods. Cholesterol

readings measure your total blood cholesterol level and your levels of the two main types of cholesterols LDL, and HDL. They also measure your triglycerides, fat found in the body LDL is known as bad cholesterol because it carries cholesterol from the liver to the rest of the body. When too much LDL is in the blood, it gets deposited as plaque on artery walls, which can lead to heart attack and stroke. A high triglyceride level plus high LDL speeds up the clogging of arteries. HDL is known as good cholesterol because it carries cholesterol to the liver for elimination the higher your HDL level, the more cholesterol can leave your body lowering your risk of heart disease. Total Blood Cholesterol less than 200 mg/dl is desirable, 200-239 mg/dl is borderline high risk, 240mg/dl and over is high risk. LDL goal 70 mg/dl very high risk, less than 100mg/dl is high risk, less than 130 mg/dl moderate risk, less than 160mg/dl low risk. The HDL guide lines are less than 40mg/dl increased risk for heart disease, 60mg/dl and over lowered risk for heart disease. Triglycerides guidelines are less than 150mg/dl normal, 150199mg/dl borderline high, 200-499mg/dl high, 500mg/dl and over very high. Before you get out of bed to commune with the coffee maker, take your pulse. Put two fingertips on your wrist or carotid artery (on your neck, under jaw) and count the beats per minute. This is your resting heart rate. Anything higher than 83 means you're at increased risk for a heart attack. The other danger of fat is that it can block insulin's blood sugar and puts you at risk for Diabetes. Your blood sugar should be less than 100 after an overnight or eight hour fast and less than 125 if you aren't fasting. The fasting glucose tells the amount of sugar in your blood. The test is used to diagnose Diabetes and Pre Diabetes as well as to monitor existing cases of Diabetes. Less than 100 mg/dl is normal, 100125mg/dl is Pre Diabetes, 125 or more is Diabetes. It is also a good idea for post menopausal women to get a bone density scan, especially those who are not on a hormone replacement. If your mother had Osteoporosis you should be tested around age 50. Above -1 is normal, between -1 and -25 Osteopenia, below -2.5 means you have osteoporosis. Keeping up with these numbers should provide you a baseline for your overall health. Please talk with your health care professionals if your numbers are abnormal. Advocate for your own health, because your health outcomes begin with you. God Bless,

Sharon Elliott-B Bynum "Beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in Good Health‌."

June/July 2009


PARTNERS IN HEALTH brought to you by


Until recently, life without reading glasses or bifocals was not an option for most cataract patients. Now there’s a leading edge procedure in vision surgery being performed at Granville Health System that enables people undergoing cataract surgery to have the chance to achieve independence from eyeglasses. The advanced procedure, performed by Vinod Jindal, M.D., board certified ophthalmologist, involves implantation of a multifocal presbyopic intraocular lens (IOL) during cataract surgery. The advantage of this cataract treatment compared to single lenses is that the multifocal lens improves vision at all distances – up close, far away and everything in between. Said Dr. Jindal, “I am proud to be on the leading edge of this technology, which will be beneficial to so many of my patients who have cataracts and presbyopia.” A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s naturally clear lens. When the lens becomes cloudy, light rays cannot pass through it easily, and vision is blurred. If left untreated, it can slowly, but significantly, cause visual symptoms; these typically include blurred vision, glare, halos around lights, and double vision. A cataract may not need to be treated if your vision is only slightly blurry. Simply changing your eyeglass prescription may help to improve your vision for a while. However, surgery is the only way to remove a cataract. When you are no longer able to see well enough to do the things you like to do, cataract surgery should be considered. Many people have presbyopia along with cataracts. Presbyopia is a problem that is due to an aging process occurring in the natural lens of the eye. As we perform daily activities such as reading, watching television or working at the computer, our eyes are constantly focusing on objects at varying distances. But once a person reaches about 40 years of age, the lens expands, becomes harder and is less pliable. Consequently, the lens is not as capable of changing its shape so it can quickly focus. The usual way to correct this problem is to use bifocal lenses or reading glasses. However, many people with presbyopia are now opting for the multifocal presbyopic intraocular lens (IOL). While lens implants have been available for over 50 years, the multifocal lens is manufactured from a third-generation solid silicone to attain maximal strength and flexibility. A unique innova44


June/July 2009

tion that has been approved by the FDA for presbyopia and cataracts, the multifocal presbyopic IOL is placed at the time of cataract surgery. The lens is available in different powers to suit different patients’ needs; about 80% of patients reported never needing glasses after the procedure. During the multifocal presbyopic IOL procedure, the cloudy cataract lens is removed from the eye through a tiny surgical incision. Next, the natural lens is replaced with a permanent intraocular lens (IOL) implant through the same tiny incision. “We perform highly sophisticated, ‘no-stitch’ surgery to safely remove your cataracts,” said Dr. Jindal. “Because this procedure is performed through a very small incision, your eye will be able to heal rapidly with little or no discomfort,” he continued. Cataract removal and IOL implantation are generally performed in the hospital, as an outpatient procedure, under local or topical anesthesia. The procedure usually takes 15 to 45 minutes. Following the procedure, you will be able to return home within an hour or so. Vision is restored immediately in most cases, and usually continues to improve in the weeks following the procedure. “Currently, multifocal presbyopic IOLs offer the most promising results with improved optics and designs that appear to effect changes in optical power,” said Dr. Jindal. “Multifocal lenses require less eye movement to achieve the same level of accommodation when compared with single-focal designs,” he continued. While practicing in Oxford for the past 7 years, Dr. Jindal has performed over 1,500 cataract surgeries with lens implants and has provided ongoing state-of-the-art medical and surgical eye care for patients at Granville Health System. “We strive to supply the most sophisticated technology and solutions to our patients, and are committed to providing them with all the options and information available,” said Dr. Jindal. Specializing in diseases and surgery of the retina-vitreous, macula, cataracts and glaucoma, Dr. Jindal has a particular interest in intraocular lens implants. He has attended extensive continuing medical education courses, remaining current in such topics as presbyopic corrective, astigmatic and aspheric IOLs. Dr. Jindal is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, a Fellow of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, a member of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, and a member of the NC Medical Society since 2002. If you struggle with vision problems, find out your options. Learn more about Dr. Jindal’s services by calling New Century Ophthalmology at 919-693-6661, or visit Granville Health System online at www.granvillemedical.com.


This is Your Life... BY

Del Mattioli



As you watch the value of your property, home or retirement investment savings struggle in the current economy, you may be wondering about ways to protect your family in the event of an unforeseen event. One option you may not have considered is the purchase of a whole life insurance policy. It may not be something you’d automatically turn to, but whole life insurance offers guaranteed death benefit protection in addition to multiple tax advantages and flexibility. Owning a whole life policy can be a great financial alternative, not only for the protection of your loved ones but also a financial option for your living needs. INVEST IN YOUR LOVED ONES The primary promise of life insurance, of course, is that your loved ones will be protected in the event of your death. And with a whole life policy, your death benefit is guaranteed,1 whether the payout comes in a matter of years or decades. This is an investment that provides protection in the long-term interests of those you care for most, as well as your own peace of mind. INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE But, what you may not know is that a whole life insurance policy is much more than protection against the unknown. It also provides you with tax-deferred cash value that accumulates over time. In the event of sudden unforeseen or happily anticipated expenses, it provides a readily available source of funds. And in the long run, it can also supplement your retirement income.2,3 Any kind of financial strategy these days seems fraught with uncertainty, so it’s important to consider carefully what vehicles work best for your own circumstances.

Del Mattioli This educational third-party article is being provided as a courtesy by Del Mattioli. For additional information on the information or topic(s) discussed, please contact Del Mattioli at 919.401.9988 or delmattioli@ft.newyorklife.com 1Guarantees backed by the claim-paying ability of the issuer. 2If your life insurance policy is paid up and your need for a death benefit decreases. 3Loans against your policy accrue interest and decrease the death benefit and cash value by the amount of the outstanding loan and interest; withdrawals reduce the available death benefit. Neither New York Life Insurance Company, nor its agents, provides tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal or accounting professional before making any decisions.

L-R- Brett Chambers, Charlies Nelms, Roosevelt Elivert, Charece Williams, Timothy Lucas, Winnona Swayze, Tommy T. Mc'Neill, Sandra Thompson Chambers, Gregory Davis (NBMBAA Board) Photo: Stephenie McLean

CHANCELLOR OF NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL UNIVERSITY CHALLENGES BLACK MBA'S TO "EXCELLENCE" Durham - The National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA) Raleigh Durham Chapter held its Annual Open House 2009 on May 7 at the Durham Arts Council art gallery located in downtown Durham. The event, attended by NBMBAA members, guests and diverse business professionals, was open to the public. Keynote speaker, North Carolina Central University (NCCU) Chancellor, Charlie Nelms challenged and inspired NBMBAA members and guests to strive toward achieving excellence in business and in one's personal life. Dr. Nelms delivered a keynote address entitled "Creating and Sustaining a Culture of Excellence." He stressed that excellence should remain a goal, even during these difficult economic times. First, he challenged the group to "Encourage" and to "Raise Our Expectations," in our daily business practices and in our daily messages to young people. Dr. Nelms stressed that excellence can be achieved, adding that, sometimes, encouragement makes the difference in getting excellent results. The Chancellor's challenge toward excellence and service was well received. Brett E. Chambers, President of the RDU Chapter, and Timothy Lucas, VP of Administration, announced several scholarships that will be awarded to deserving undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in Business Administration. In the spirit of giving back, local entrepreneurs, Tommy and Gail McNeill, ownNBMBAA continues on page 47

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June/July 2009

EBONETTES HOST 37TH FOUNDERS DAY club’s motto is DURHAM “Lend a helpThe Ebonettes ing hand today, Service Club, see a smiling Inc. of Durham face tomorcelebrated its r o w ” . 37th Founders Founders Judy Day on B. Dillard and Saturday, Carolyn J. March 21st. Thomas are The theme was still active “Celebrating members fulThirty Seven filling many Years of club leadership Service in the roles. Community”. T h e This event was 2009 “Dare to held at the Make a D u r h a m Difference” Hilton Hotel located at 3800 Ebonettes “Dare to Make a Difference” Honorees: (seated from left to right): Tecla honorees listed Ivy Taylor, Shirley G. Lassiter, Louise McKoy Shipman, Mary H. Crutchfield with their Hillsborough McFadden, and Marian Starnes; (standing from left to right): Ebonette Gayle Harris, Fund raising Road. A spe- Chair; Ebonette Founder Judy B. Dillard, Nellie F. Riley, Shirley T. Burroughs, James “Jay” s p o n s o r i n g cial highlight Rogers, Lorraine James Stith, Ebonette President – Cora Cole-McFadden and Ebonette o r g a n i z a t i o n are as follows: of the event Founder Carolyn J. Thomas. Shirley T. Burroughs – Service to Seniors; Mary H. was the “Dare to Make a Difference Honorees Crutchfield - Service to Youth; Mary Rogers Recognitions”. Eleven nominated civic and comFlores – Service to Community; Shirley G. Lassiter munity individuals “who dare to make a difference” – Service to Youth and Seniors; Tecla McFadden – in the community were honored during the proService to Youth; Nellie F. Riley- Service to Youth; gram for their leadership and support in providing James “Jay” Rogers- Service to Youth and services to one or more of the following categories: Community; youth, seniors, education and political involveLouise McKoy Shipman – Service to Youth and ment - during the program. Education; Marian Starnes – Service to Youth and The Ebonettes Service Club, Inc., a 501 (c) 3 Education; Lorraine James Stith – Service to organization, was founded in March 1972 by four Youth and Seniors; Ivy Taylor – Service to Seniors African American women who wanted to make a and Youth. difference in their community. The founders, Judy Each year the founders are given the opportuByrd Dillard of Durham, Dr. Susanna Gentry-Bell nity to select a service organization that is commit(currently living in Greensboro), Carolyn Jones ted to making a difference in the lives of the citiThomas of Durham and Marjorie Lester Monroe zens in the Durham Community and surrounding Thorpe (deceased), founded the organization focusareas. The 2009 Founders’ Award was presented ing on four broad objectives. The objectives are to to the “After School and Youth Enrichment” efforts enhance the development of black youth, to become at Neal Middle School in Durham. more aware of our cultural heritage, to become Cora Cole-McFadden is President of the politically astute and relate to issues that affect Ebonettes Service Club, Inc. and Mrs. Gayle Harris our lives, and to become meaningfully involved served as the 2009 Fund Raising Chair. with the senior citizens of our community. The NBMBAA continues

ers of Gail's Hair Salon in Durham and NBMBAA members, announced their sponsorship of a multiyear scholarship award to a qualified student attending NCCU, Mr. McNeill's alma mater. Corporate and Event Sponsors for the 2009 Open House included: Artful Greetings, Durham Art Guild, Gail's Hair Salon, Fast Frame, Spectacular Magazine and State Farm Insurance. National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA) is a

premier professional organization among diverse business professionals. The Raleigh-Durham Chapter is an organization which was chartered in 1990 as one of the now 59 chapters (44 professional, 15 collegiate) of the National Black MBA Association Inc., headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. The chapter is composed of minority MBAs, MPAs, JDs, business professionals, business students and entrepreneurs in both the private and public sectors throughout the country.

June/July 2009


ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT CELEBRATE JUNETEENTH AND BLACK MUSIC MONTH AT HAYTI HERITAGE CENTER DURHAM - The African American Jazz Caucus, Inc. (AAJC) in partnership with the National Association of Juneteenth Jazz Presenters, Inc. (NAJJP) will celebrate Juneteenth and Black Music Month with a symposium at the Hayti Heritage Center, (804 Old Fayetteville Street) June 26 & 27. This joint project was initiated by the AAJC, which is an affiliate of the Music Department at North Carolina Central Dr. Larry Ridley University. Dr. Larry Ridley is the Executive Director of AAJC. The organization has an office at Durham's historic Golden Belt as part of a community outreach program within the Triangle area. The outreach program's focus is on jazz education at the K-12 and college and university levels. The AAJC mission is to preserve jazz as a rare and valuable American treasure that has influenced the social, economic, political and religious aspects of society globally. The symposium will be launched on Friday, June 26 at 2:00 pm with an interactive workshop

The W.E.S. Group

entitled"Jazz and Hip Hop - Musical and Historical Connections". The workshop will be conducted by Dr. Will Smith, Executive Director of the W.E.S. Group, Coordinator of Music Industry at North Carolina Central University,



June/July 2009

Jazz musician and Hip Hop artist. The workshop will demonstrate the connections between jazz and hip hop music. Workshop activities will provide students, teachers and other participants with a clear understanding of the unifying features of cultural creations that emanate from the African American community. Sample curricula will be provided to participating teachers that can be adapted to their lesson plans. An evening performance by Dr. Smith and the W.E.S. Group at 7:00 pm will incorporate the educational, musical and storytelling principles that will be demonstrated during the afternoon workshop. On Saturday, June 27th at 2:00 pm there will be a panel discussion entitled "Jazz, the Church and the Community". The panelists will explore the relationship between sacred versus s e c u l a r music, how each is perceived by the A f r i c a n American c o m m u n i t y Dr. Larry Ridley, AAJC, Executive Director and how the and Rev. Dr. Ronald Myers, Chairman, Association of Juneteenth Jazz music has National Presenters (NAJJP), at press conference at i n f l u e n c e d Schomburg Center for Research in Black the political, Culture. Photo by Magdalena Benitez-Ridley Jazz Symposium continues on page 49

Cr ea ti ve C ol orf ul Pe op le

and will have other African American stamp series on display as well.


Valerie Whitted & Karl Blake We are what some would call folks a b o u t town…if it is i nte rest i n g to us, hopefully you will enjoy hearing about it, too! Cr e a ti v e C ol or f ul P e op le lets us share impressions of what we have seen and done recently and what is coming up that you might want to check out. Warning: A Durhamite and a Philly transplant may not always agree! Coming up is the 5th Annual NCDurham Juneteeth Celebration & Unity March. Some folks have no clue what Juneteenth is, but there is no better time to learn than at the NC official festival coming up Saturday June 20th. (OK, here is your hint, the Emancipation Proclamation that ended slavery was not the end…folks in Texas did

not find out until June 19th the following year…thus the n a m e Juneteenth) Forest Hills Park, the big park lined with the stately old trees on University Drive in Durham is where it will be held this year. Look for all the tents, vendors, soundstage, cars; listen for the sounds and if all else fails, follow your nose and surely you won’t miss it. The kids have an area where they can bounce and play until they are worn out, the Durham Art Guild and friends will host an Art Pavilion for artists to give hands on instruction and talk about their work you’ll find on display and for sale. The US Postal Service is dedicating a new stamp

Jazz Symposium continues

social and economic aspects of American culture. The Moderator will be Keith McKinley, Esq., AAJC President. The members of the panel will be: Rev. Marvin Chandler - Lecturer, Pianist, Indianapolis, IN; Rev. Jean-Luc Charles Associate Pastor, White Rock Baptist Church, Durham; Rev. Ronald Myers, Sr., M.D. - Director, Fellowship of Creative Christian Jazz Musicians (FCCJM) & Chairman, National Association of Juneteenth Jazz Presenters (NAJJP), Belzoni, MS; Rev. Michael Page - Executive Director, United Christian Campus Ministry at North Carolina Central University and Pastor of Antioch Baptist Church, Durham; Rev. Canon, Edwin E. Smith - Retired Episcopal Minister, Glen Mills, PA; Dr. Will Smith - Executive Director, W.E.S. Group, Coordinator of Music Industry, North Carolina Central University, Durham. A "Juneteenth Jazz Worship Concert" will be given at 7:00 pm. The performers will be National Juneteenth Jazz Director, Rev. Dr. Ronald Myers, on piano and trumpet and the "Juneteenth Jazz Praise Ensemble", featuring

Also there is a health fair with wellness and diagnostic screenings from highly qualified medical professionals, so again, there is no excuse not to look out for yourself and the ones you love. But before all this, the day begins with a Unity March, where the adults march with their children, biological or not, down Enterprise Street from Roxboro Street to the park. And you ask, how much is admission? All together now, can we say it is FREE, the medical advice is FREE, performances and mini-concerts are all FREE too, featuring local favorites, regional sensations and one that is probably still a favorite of your mama, and auntie’s, national recording groups from way back when will be there live too. That would be none other than Ray, Goodman and Brown...you know their hits, of course you do, one goes like this “You must be a special Lady, and a Creative, Colorful People continues on page 50

Derrick Brown on bass, Wilton Knott, on percussion and Aye Aton, on drums. The performance will also feature the "The Love Christian Center Male Chorus", directed by Audie Heard. The chorus is supported by Pastor Bishop W. Ronald and Mother Lotus Hash. The Center is located in East Spencer, NC. The works of Jim Alexander, noted photojournalist and AAJC Official Photo Documentarian, will be on exhibit throughout the two day symposium. His exhibit "Those Who Praise Him" will include a selection of jazz and hip hop artists such as Duke Ellington, Mary Lou Williams, Dizzy Gillespie, Donald Byrd and Russell Gunn whose musical works reflect the deep spiritual roots inherent in black music. Alexander's work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. They can be found in many public and private collections, including the Smithsonian. This event will prove to be not only educational, but inspiring and entertaining. The workshop and panel discussion are free and open to the general public. Evening Performances: $15, Students and Seniors $10.

June/July 2009


Creative, Colorful People continues

very exciting girl…cause you got me sitting on top of the world…sitting on top of the world” Bimbe 2009 had the best attendance ever, according to the folks that have been here for the previous 39 festivals. Performances from poets, dancers, Johnny White and the Elite Band, Kirk Keyes and the Hillside drum section carried the beat. The old school was well represented by the man himself Whodini, and now it is confirmed, the freaks do not just come out at night, especially when the admission is free! Artsplosure in Downtown Raleigh made it through Saturday, but the bottom fell out and Sunday was a complete washout. As is always the case for the younger festival (this was their 30th year) you could find fabulous art, handcrafted items of all types and crafts. I hope you did something that made you smile this past month like we always try to do. One of the things we must do is support our students and future artists. Even if you missed the performances of the C.E. Jordan High School Band know that they hosted an evening of outstanding music at the historic Carolina Theatre, to raise funds to Save the Band. It is not too late, if you would like to help out now, just go to www.jordanband.org. Proceeds from this Gala allowed the band to make a dent in the funds necessary to repair and purchase much needed instruments. They still need help from our community in order to keep this band program alive and thriving. Perhaps I feel this one personally having benefited from the wonderful experience of being a Marching Hornet back in another century, but we must fight to keep music and the arts a part of the public school educational experience! Speaking of the Carolina Theatre, not one but three of the most influential bassists ever to wrap hands around the neck of the instrument. SMV aka Stanley Clarke, Marcus Miller and Victor Wooten thunder unto the stage June 8th bringing with them skills that will show the hand is quicker than the eye. That sound will have you joining in, dancing wherever you are seated but without question, I will not be in my seat long so I need to apologize to the person behind me in advance. Rock & Roll Hall of Fame members Walter Becker and Donald Fagan of Steely Dan will bring their 2009 U.S. tour to the DPAC on June 9. It’s Steely Dan sounding like Steely Dan from their heyday in the 70s, 80s and 90s giving their fans an opportunity to hear their classic catalogue of music live. Yes, they will rock their signature collection of hits and fanrequested favorites from throughout their threedecades-plus discography, so some old memories 50 SPECTACULAR June/July 2009

are bound to come back to you. I remember what I was doing when Steely Dan came into my life, but if you don’t tell on me then I will not tell on you…deal? Warning, this next show is just for adults. I’m talking about the Big Black Comedy Show hosted by Michael Colyear, featuring Tommy Davidson, DeRay Davis and Earthquake that will be delivering hilarious insights into life in America from a uniquely afrocentric angle. It’s set to hit the stage at the DPAC on June 13th. You will hear more than a colorful word or two if history is any indication, so be prepared. It makes some uncomfortable when they hear a racy joke, so just leave the little ones and the folks that cannot take it at home. Now this is something educational that can be fun as well for the young ones in your household. The Art of Storytelling for ages 13-17; is where they get to learn the history of hip-hop, lyrical break down, artist backgrounds and new school/old school comparisons. It happens Thursdays, from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Weaver Street Community Center, 3000 Weaver St, Carrboro. Call 560-0155 and then be impressed with what they come back with and how it may impact their lives and find their own lyrics that would make even Tupac and Biggie proud. HYPE Youth Program, Hayti Youth for Progress & Enrichment, is another program that provides a stimulating environment for youth, ages 13 to 17. It is held every Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. in the W.D. Hill Recreation Center located at 1308 Fayetteville St in Durham. We all know a teenager that could really benefit from having the mentoring and positive environment this program offers. Tell their folks about it and see what it takes to be a part. You have to agree, it is definitely preferable to watching television, surfing the net and texting mindlessly or worse yet getting in trouble just because they are bored and think no one cares what they are doing! Believe it or not, there are always book readings for the youth going on at our public libraries that are at no cost. You can check out Barnes and Noble and other booksellers to get their schedule if you just want to attend their free readings. Children, teens, and adults should be able to find something intriguing to read on any given day. We could go on and on, for there are so many cost effective activities that can be done with your families, friends and mates. We stand behind our statements, just look around, use the resources that are available to you and you are sure to keep your self entertained with a price tag you can handle. Until next time,

Valerie & Karl

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