May 2015

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May 2015

Meet & Greet Chef Jarvis Executive Chef / Owner La Tropicale Café & Catering

Chef Jar


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From The Publisher’s Desk... WHAT HAPPENS TO BLACK WOMEN WHO BOLDLY SPEAK TRUTH ABOUT RACIAL INEQUALITY The controversies surrounding Michelle Obama’s commencement speech at Tuskegee and incoming Boston now targeted Grundy for punishment. University professor Saida Grundy’s tweets remind us of the ways in which intellectually provocative black women are forced to navigate the public world.

The irony here is that some in America remain violently frightened of intelligent black women who achieve greatly, act boldly and move forward courageously in a world that continues, no matter how great our achievements, to find us unworthy of being allowed to succeed or fail on our own terms. Adapted from reports at mediamatters. org and

Two remarkable black women made news in early May. Michelle Obama, the most scrutinized African-American woman in the 21st century, did so by acknowledging unspoken truths about race, class and gender in public during a landmark commencement speech at Tuskegee University in Alabama. The other, Saida Grundy, a spanking new Ph.D. from Michigan scheduled to begin a new job as an assistant professor of sociology and African-American studies at Boston University, did so through provocation, speaking loudly and impolitely about race, privilege and power in tweets that caused a national firestorm. The controversies surrounding the first lady’s speech and Professor Grundy’s tweets remind us of the way in which brilliant, intellectually provocative and bold black women are forced to navigate the public sphere. In her candid remarks, Michelle Obama discussed the major and minor assaults that she has endured since her husband, Barack Obama, ran for president. From being described as practicing a “terrorist fist bump” while celebrating a primary win with her husband and being depicted on the cover of the New Yorker in an Afro holding a machine gun, to being falsely accused of hating white people and America, Michelle Obama has emerged as the metaphorical black female body: under constant assault, surveillance and violence, but heroically able to transcend what tried to destroy her. Describing racism’s impact on President Obama and herself, she went into poignant detail: “We’ve both felt the sting of those daily slights throughout our entire lives—the folks who crossed the street in fear of their safety; the clerks who kept a close eye on us in all those department stores; the people at formal events who assumed we were the ‘help’—and those who have questioned our intelligence, our honesty, even our love of this country.” Conservatives have predictably responded by accusing the first lady of playing the infamous, and fictive, race card, but she should be applauded for speaking her truth—one shared by millions of black women—so loudly and proudly.


Phyllis Coley Phyllis Coley CEO/Publisher


If Michelle Obama’s Tuskegee speech resembled a complex jazz symphony, replete with highs and lows that took the Class of 2015 on a personal and political journey, Saida Grundy’s tweets about racism and white supremacy played out, in Twitter, as staccato outbursts of rage, humor and indignation. Some of her tweets—such as “Why is white America reluctant to identify white college males as a problem population?”—called out white male privilege on college campuses (especially in light of the epidemic of unreported sexual assaults against women), while others, quite humorously, rued her inability to boycott white-owned stores during the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Professor Grundy, who has since apologized for her tweets and will start at BU on July 1 despite efforts to fire her, tweeted words of fire that, although admittedly lacking in nuance, expressed a provocatively fierce freedom of expression not often seen from black women in the mainstream. Michelle Obama’s painful discussion of America’s racial inequality and deep misogyny exists, for many, on the same spectrum as Grundy’s blunt remarks about race, power and privilege. Where the first lady used her commencement speech at one of the nation’s premier HBCUs to deliver a seminar on institutional racism and our nation’s anti-black culture, Grundy’s social media commentary dispensed with complexity to deliver screams, sometimes angry, other times humorous, that reflect equally important truths about contemporary race relations, black women’s activism and the limits of freedom of expression in the 21st century. The piercing anger behind Grundy’s tweets is rooted in recent events in Baltimore and Ferguson, Mo., a mixture of protests, demonstrations and violence that have, as she reminds us, made race an unavoidable topic. On social media, Grundy removed the academic hat for the identity that black women, including Michelle Obama, are always accused of donning - that of an angry black woman. Neither Michelle Obama’s eloquence nor Saida Grundy’s passion can ultimately insulate them from the onslaught of criticism that, at its core, is based more on antipathy toward the messenger than on the meaning of her words. Allegations of reverse racism, hatred for America and a lack of patriotism are routinely wielded against America’s first lady, so it should come as no surprise that conservatives have | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE


COMMENTARY OOPS UPSIDE YOUR HEAD By Ada Fisher The current Baltimore riots are counterproductive but grabbed our attention for three reasons—1) the continued harm to black prisoners, 2) the threat of anarchy that riots can hold and 3) the inability of “safe” black people including the USA President to corral the anger in black communities except for the actions of one black mother who publicly took control of her son. On April 27, 2015 during the Baltimore riots, one Ms. Tonya Graham sensed her son Michael would be in the ensuing melee, went to the crowd where she identified her son, publically extracted him from the hopeless mentality of many gathered and whopped him upside the head and upper body. When I saw her I wanted to shout it is about time that black parents took back control of their children from the streets and from government agencies feeding us a lot of nonsense about the rights of kids with a need for their free expression and selfgovernance instead of requiring parents to be responsible for and raise their own children. There is no fine line between child abuse and discipline for all of us who have been spanked, whipped or physically disciplined know it is coming, what we did and either not to get caught or not to commit the offensive act again. Some do permanently hurt the child and that is abuse. But knocking some sense in their heads while knocking the fool out of them is not what was the issue. Laws leaning in favor of the child and against the parents right to discipline their children go against biblical teachings of spare the rod, spoil the child. The therapy which may help is beyond the pocketbook of most when what is needed is first to deal with the behavior. Watching Ms. Graham follow the Gap Bands dictate from the 1979 song, “Oops Upside Your Head” struck close to home. The hip hop generation parents quickly are appreciating that time outs, going to one’s room and much of this new age feel-good malarkey doesn’t work for childhood recalcitrant behavior. My oldest son occasionally has me in stitches talking about the time I beat



his behind in the hallway of his school for I had been called away from my job By Brenda Rogers one too many times to deal with his foolishness. I admonished the school The League of to call social services if they liked, but Women Voters if they came they’d better be prepared of NC has won to take him with them for as long as he a victory for the stayed with me, he must follow my rules citizens of North if he lived in my house. His Star of David Carolina! The U.S. tattoo wasn’t because we were Jewish Supreme Court but because he was undergoing ‘Gangsta has ruled that the Disciples’ initiation of which I was having 2011 redistricting none of it. I was trying to spare my son’s plan that packed life as was Ms. Graham against forces NC legislative not all see and which many aren’t often and US Congressional districts based realistically confronting. on race must be reconsidered by the NC Supreme Court in light of the recent Bill Hannity’s negative comments about ruling in the Alabama redistricting case. this mother’s six children by different men vividly points out the conservative The League has a long-standing position disconnect with the fabric of people’s lives and our willingness to label children in support of districts that are compact, convenient, and contiguous; that reflect so born as illegitimate or not worthy a community of interest; and that of our consideration in the larger comply with the National Voting Rights scheme of things. All G-d’s children are Acts. Furthermore, the responsibility legitimate and worthy of our support. for redistricting should reside with an independent agency that is not beholden When Ms. Graham told her son to look to a political party. In addition, the her in the eye I was proud of her for League supports an open, transparent making him stand up to her like a man redistricting process that allows for and face the music. She is a mother on the right path with her son and we need citizen input. to help find ways to be supportive of her When out of power, both parties efforts. Her son didn’t strike back but have supported legislation that would was respectful of her and that too was impressive. Education will be the key to unlocking the doors of opportunity for our youth. Our Historically Black Colleges and Universities have been vital to such efforts and need our support as we try to inculcate our kids with the right values of the larger society. These institutions know what to do with young black males if we can keep their doors open and get them admitted. Dr. Ada Fisher Dr. Ada M. Fisher is a physician who was a medical director in a Fortune 500 Company, previous member of a County Board Of Education, licensed secondary education teacher, author, poet, gifted public speaker and is the NC republican national committeewoman. Her book Common Sense Conservative Prescriptions Solutions Good For What Ails Us, book is available through amazon.Com. Contact her at P. O. Box 777; salisbury, nc 28145; drfisher@ dradamfisher.Org.

establish a non-partisan process for drawing districts. However, once in power, the parties have withdrawn that support and have gerrymandered the districts to protect incumbents and to ensure a legislative majority. In the 2014 election 67% of the NC legislative seats were not contested, meaning that the elections were won in the primary. Clearly the districts were drawn to give an overwhelming advantage to one party, thus making it impractical for the other party to wage an expensive campaign. It is time for the citizens to demand that the legislature adopt a fair process for drawing districts that give voters a choice over who represents them, rather than legislators choosing who will vote for them. Brenda Rogers is the President of the League of Women Voters of North Carolina, a nonpartisan political organization which encourages informed and active participation in government. It does not support candidates or political parties. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. Brenda Rogers, President League of Women Voters of Orange, Durham and Chatham Counties

OP-ED SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Spectacular Magazine accepts opinion articles on any topic, not only policy, politics or government. If it’s opinionated and you believe our readers will find it worth reading, please submit it. Submissions of any length will be considered but the more concise the better chance it will be selected for print. Submission must include your full name, address and phone number. Submissions may be sent in either of these ways: • By e-mail to: • Or by mail to: Spectacular Magazine Opinion Page P.O. Box 361 Durham, NC 27702


ATTACKING ECONOMIC RACISM by Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. Despite ill-intended efforts to do it for us, Black Americans have a responsibility to define our own reality. It is a fundamental human right recognized and respected by the United Nations. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to define, without apology, the deadly and debilitating manifestation of racial discrimination and injustice as “economic racism.” Why are so many Black Americans still mired down in intergenerational poverty, lack of health care, inadequate education, raging unemployment, disproportionate imprisonment, the highest rate of housing foreclosures and housing discrimination, the lowest rate of bank lending and overcall exclusion from access to sustainable wealth generation in every region of the nation? How is it mathematically possible for Black Americans to spend more than $1.2 trillion annually in the United States, and yet the overwhelming majority of the companies that make huge profits from the annual spending of Black Americans do nothing more than invest far less than 1 percent of their profits back into Blackowned businesses and grassroots organizations throughout the country?

color from economic policy-making at local, state and national levels in both corporate and governmental entities; and, it is economic institutionalization of racial oppression, stereotyping, and profiling coupled with the ignorance of racial prejudice and hatred. Yes, this is an admittedly complex definition of economic racism. The matrix of complexity concerning economic racism, however, does not make it impossible to challenge and to overcome. No one is born a racist. We can and will eventually liberate ourselves from all forms of racial oppression and economic racism. We have not concentrated on economic racism as much as we should have because of the overemphasis on politics. But we eventually had to recognize that even our political system is controlled by economics and politicians tend to be more responsive to those who support their campaigns economically. The economic liberation of Black America will require establishing more internal unity and more external coalition-building and partnering with those who stand for freedom, justice and equality with their money, words and deeds. Organizing and mobilizing an effective movement to challenge and overcome economic racism is long overdue

The perpetrators of racial injustice and discrimination are always reluctant to confess or acknowledge the reality of these centuries-old phenomena. In the United States, in particular, there is a historic and contemporary denial of how race plays a determinative role Why does the American economy in all aspects of society. As former U.S. remain racially segregated in 2015? Senator Bill Bradley (D-NJ) was fond of Why are Black Americans consigned to saying, “Slavery was America’s original poverty and economic inequality? sin, and racism remains its unresolved dilemma.” The answer is amazingly simple: It is the reality of economic racism, And we see that racism manifested in defined as the intentional racial so many ways. discrimination against Black Americans Today, it now appears that the only and other people of color to prevent way to get people to acknowledge economic equality, justice, parity, racially-motivated police misconduct advancement, and empowerment; it against Black Americans and other is the systematic racial exclusion of people of color is to have a video tape Black Americans and other people of

of the transgression. Thank God for the recent videotape of the police murder of unarmed Walter Scott in North Charleston, S.C. Sometimes, as was the case with Eric Gardner in New York City, we can have videotape and rouge cops still escape punishment.


By Eddie Bernice Johnson

Early childhood education is of critical importance to Racism in all of its oppressive the future of our manifestations must not only be children, and our consistently called out and challenged, nation. Children but also we must be vigilant and who experience diligent to make sure that we are seamless and effective in the elimination of the comprehensive services from birth undergirding factors that cause racism until age five are more likely to enter to exist and persist in the first place. kindergarten prepared for success with a strong foundation in both In my home state of North Carolina more than 32 years ago, while helping education and social domains. to lead civil rights protests against Research shows that quality early the digging of a massive toxic waste childhood education leads to a wide landfill in predominantly African American Warren County, I coined the range of short and long term benefits term “environmental racism.” Warren like better educational outcomes, higher job earnings and lower crime County was also the place where and delinquency as compared to Congress of Racial Equality Chairman Floyd B. McKissick Sr., the first African students who were not enrolled in similar programs. According to American to receive a law degree from the University of North Carolina, researchers, children who were enrolled in Early Head Start, Head attempted to build Soul City as an Start, or similar early childhood economic empowerment zone and education programs prior to the start a new city for Black Americans and of secondary school are able to grasp others who considered themselves educational concepts better than progressive. those who did not. Environmental racism is the I strongly urge all parents of young intentional racial discrimination in the deliberate targeting of ethnic and children to contact their local school minority communities for exposure to district and enroll their children in early childhood education programs. toxic and hazardous waste sites and facilities, coupled with the systematic During his state of the union address in January of this year, President exclusion of racial minorities in Barack Obama characterized the environmental policy making, expansion of preschool programs for enforcement, and remediation. As children as “ladders” into the middle a result of the definitive work that class. we did on this issue back in the 1980s, today there are effective and The FY2016 Presidential Budget transformative environmental justice Request included funding for several movements and organizations across early childhood education programs America and throughout the world. that offer grants to model programs that provide education in low-income One day, I hope we’ll be able to areas, and I am a strong advocate for look back and say the same about those programs being included in the economic racism. FY16 budget. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. is the President and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA). and can be reached at:

Eddie Bernice Johnson is a Texas State Representative (D-TX 30th District) | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE





SUPERSTARS SING PRAISES ON MOTHER’S DAY WEEKEND HAMPTON, VA - The gospel superstars of the “We Are One” tour filled the Hampton Coliseum with spiritual praise on Saturday (May 9) in honor of Mother’s Day. The lineup featured progressive gospel vocalist Deitrick Haddon, star of the reality show “Preachers of LA,” vocalist Marvin Sapp, actress and singer Tamela Mann-from Tyler Perry’s “Meet the Browns,” and gospel legend and Durham NC native Shirley Caesar. Portsmouth native Maurice Yancey and One Accord opened the nearly sold-out concert. (PHOTO: Randy Singleton)



CIS SPONSORS CARERR FAIR AT NORTHERN HIGH SCHOOL DURHAM, NC Communities in Schools(CIS) Graduation Coach LeJuan Walker organized a Career Fair at Northern High School in late April. WRAL –TV’s Ken Smith was one of the participants. (PHOTOS: Renaldo Jackson) | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE


COVER STORY Photo: Greg Coats

Spectacular Magazine 2015 Man of the Year Finalists and Semi-finalists at the Awards Banquet held on May 6th in Chapel Hill. Pictured (front row - left to right) are: Rev. Thomas O’Neal Nixon, Rev. Dr. Warren Herndon, Rodriquez Teal, Philip Harewood, Antonio Knox, Sr., Dr. Freddie Parker, Harold Chestnut & Rev. Larry Thomas; (back row - left to right): Dr. Jarvis Hall, Brandon A. Robinson, Kelsey Lodge, Dr. Dwight D. Perry, DeVonte M. Jenkins, Robert Crouch, Dr. Stanley Elliott & R. Edward Stewart. (Not pictured: Dennis Gaskins, Warrick Scott, Michael T. Wilson, Carmelo Montalvo & Dr. James R. Brown)

SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE 2015 MAN OF YEAR DURHAM, NC – On May 6, 2105 Spectacular Magazine recognized and honored the achievements of African American men with the Spectacular Magazine 2015 Man of the Year Awards. From nominations received from the community via an on-line nomination process, twenty-one African American men in six categories were selected by the Man of the Year Selection Committee (Committee) as Semi-Finalists for Spectacular Magazine Man of the Year Awards. Based on the results of on-line voting process that ran from Monday April 13th until Sunday April 26th, seven men received the title at the blacktie Spectacular Magazine Man of the Year Awards Banquet to be held at the Sheraton Europa Hotel in Chapel Hill, NC. (Due to the large number of nominations in the Community Service category, two awards were presented.) The recipient of the seventh category, Lifetime Achievement, is named exclusively by the Selection Committee. This year, for the first time, Spectacular Magazine presented three (3) Lifetime Achievement Awards. The recipients were Mr. R. Kelly Bryant, Dr. George Debnam and Dr. John Lucas. Each of these men strongly exemplify the criteria for the Lifetime Achievement Award which is a man who has made outstanding and significant contributions to the African-American community throughout his lifetime; he must have demonstrated dedication, leadership and commitment to the advancement, promotion and development of the cultural, educational, social, economic, political welfare and/or in any other areas that impact the lives of people in the African-American community; must be of African heritage. Learn more about Spectacular Magazine 2015 Men of the Year on the following pages. All Profile photos by Olen C. Kelley, III unless otherwise noted. | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE



2015 MAN OF THE YEAR LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Mr. R. Kelly Bryant has participated in both the making of Durham history and its preservation and study. Born in Rocky Mount, North Carolina in 1907, he graduated from high school in 1935. Mr. Bryant then attended Hampton University and received a degree in Business Administration in 1940 after participating in a Hampton and FDR National Youth Service program to fund his education. Mr. Bryant moved to Durham in 1941 and immediately began

Mr. R. Kelly Bryant

fighting for equal job opportunities in downtown Durham, public housing problems, unequal representation on boards, and education. He worked tirelessly to bring equality to scouting during 37 years as a scoutmaster. He served as secretarytreasurer of the Black Solidarity Committee for Community Improvement, which orchestrated the most successful boycott of Durham stores in the city’s history. Bryant was

also the driving force behind obtaining a historic marker commemorating Durham’s 1957 Royal Ice Cream Parlor sit-in. He worked for the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company for more than 40 years before retiring, advancing from Accountant to Assistant Secretary. Mr. Bryant was instrumental in integrating Kerr Reservoir, federal park land in Henderson, North Carolina--with one black site compared to the ten white areas. Planning a company department picnic, completely unaware, he reserved a white area for the all-black group. Some “concerned” white park-goers reported their presence to the local sheriff, who was powerless to do anything but guarantee no foul play occurred. Later, the Durham paper reported the North Carolina Mutual picnickers as playing a central role in desegregating the Reservoir.

of industrial scrap metal. According to R. Kelly Bryant, the city neglected the bridge, never cleaning or painting it, nor replacing its burned-out bulbs and, furthermore, it helped criminals by providing them a footway over the Freeway when they were pursued by police cars, which would lose chase. In 1995, the bridge was closed to pedestrians, rendering it not only ugly but useless as well—a total failure of public works. Perhaps most egregious, the bridge loomed as an ugly reminder of what had happened to Hayti, affixed there like a censor’s bar covering a history no one wanted you to see. It was a sorry welcome to Durham for drivers arriving from Raleigh-Durham International Airport.

The new bridge is appealingly simple. Close-set rails keep debris from escaping onto the roadway. But a closer inspection Bryant’s collection of approximately of the bridge reveals a good deal of 2500 funeral programs, obituaries and thoughtful design. At night, the bridge is other materials, housed in the North hard to miss as it is illuminated by blue Carolina Collection at Durham light on the outside and bright yellow Public Library, is a treasure trove lights on the inside. of information for researchers. “The abutments frame the bridge on These materials provide either side and are an important aesthetic an invaluable record of Durham’s black community. element of the design,” says Iona Thomas of Raleigh-based Stewart Engineering, His exceptional career is which undertook the project. “We wanted matched by a dedication to reference the iconic brick of downtown to his community. He has [Durham]. We kept coming back to the served as Trustee at White chimney stacks. As a subtle reference to Rock Baptist Church and the brick corbelling that is so abundant a Right Worshipful Grand throughout downtown buildings, we Secretary for the Most introduced a dogtooth band of brick Worshipful Prince Hall Grand where the column transitions from a taper Lodge of Free and Accepted to a flare. It is just enough detail to make Masons of North Carolina. it interesting, but not enough to make it fussy.” On Sept. 16, 2010 the City of Durham dedicated the R. Mr. Bryant has lived just a few blocks Kelly Bryant Jr. Pedestrian from the bridge for decades. The City Bridge, which spans the of Durham’s naming resolution gives an Durham Freeway near Alston impressive summary of Bryant’s civic Avenue. In 1973, a pedestrian contributions and adds this description of bridge was built over the his character: “Rather than just sit around freeway, but hulking thing and tell younger people how things used rusted over time and came to be done or share stories, Mr. Bryant to look like a large piece rolls up his sleeves and offers real work.”





Dr. George C. Debnam

Dr. George C. Debnam has the distinction of being known as the “dean” of AfricanAmerican physicians in Raleigh. A math whiz who graduated from Shaw University at age 15, Debnam enjoyed a medical career that spanned just over 50 years. After receiving encouragement from his professors at Shaw University, he decided to become a doctor. The Raleigh resident graduated from Meharry Medical College, a historically black school, in 1951, at age 23. He said he could not attend other medical schools in the state because at the time, they did not admit black students.

strategy to reduce poverty and homelessness in the area. Dr. Debnam is not only a strong supporter of health care but higher education. He has worked to promote higher education, serving as a trustee at Shaw University since 1964. He has tirelessly raised money to help keep the doors of Shaw University open and led the restoration of the historic Estey Hall.

Dr. Debnam and his late wife, Marjorie, encouraged young African-American men to make good In the early 1960s, he founded Debnam choices and to go to Clinic, which is still in operation. By the college. Together time he retired, he had delivered 11,500 they founded babies, performed more than 5,000 the Friends of surgeries and frequently followed the Distinction, lives of his patients from birth through which provided adulthood. The medical practice he mentoring established, and later shared with his twin daughters, Marie and Marjorie, who and life skills coaching followed in his footsteps as physicians, focuses on providing health-care services to over 700 young to a large segment of the Raleigh black men metropolitan area that was typically from the underserved. 11th grade In partnership with N.C. Community through Development Initiative partner Passage college Home, a new Debnam Clinic located on graduation. Poole Road in southeast Raleigh was They completed last year. With a growing even gave number of patients, the original clinic had financial outgrown its space. Passage Home bought assistance to the building and led clinic renovations, several young then leased it back to the Debnam family. men to go to college. Debnam’s daughters are carrying on their father’s vision. The new clinic allows In 2014, Dr. Debnam was them to remain accessible to current inducted into the Raleigh patients while opening services for a new Hall of Fame. Shaw has named group of patients. Passage Home and the the school’s administrative Debnam Clinic plan to collaborate on a building in his honor. comprehensive community development | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE




Dr. John Lucas, Sr.

John Lucas was raised in Rocky Mount, NC. His father was a reverend and his mother once wrote letters for Harriet Tubman. Lucas was one of seven children many of whom pursued careers in education. According to Lucas, “There was something within each of us that motivated us to be willing to go the extra mile and to work for success and achievement. (We were) interested in scholarship, perseverance and uplift.” Lucas received a Bachelor

of Science in Chemistry from Shaw University and a Master in Education from North Carolina Central University. He also did post-graduate work at New York University and Duke University. In addition, he received an honorary doctorate from Shaw University. John Lucas was married for almost 70 years to Glondola Powell Lucas and they had two children. Lucas passed his vision along to his children. His daughter, Cheryl became an educator and his son John Lucas, Jr who once played professional basketball, now leads his own foundation. Lucas is a World War II veteran and was the principal of three schools including Hillside High School which made him a Principal Emeritus. After Lucas retired from Hillside, he became the 11th President of Shaw University. When Lucas was an undergraduate student at Shaw University he had a work scholarship. Each morning after he cleaned the offices he would sit in the President’s chair, swivel and wonder what it would be like to be President. Never knowing that he would one day become a President Emeritus. Lucas feels that everyone has the ability to accomplish great things. He said, “There is something within each of us that is spiritual and is above us that gives us the ability to be extraordinary rather than just ordinary.” John Lucas has served on numerous

boards and organizations. He was the Vice Chairman of the Durham Schools Board of Education, Vice Chairman on the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging and President of the NC Association of Educators. He has been a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity for over 78 years. After serving several years as a Deacon Chairman at White Rock Baptist Church, Lucas was given the title of Deacon Chairman Emeritus. Lucas has received numerous awards including the Benjamin E. Mays Lifetime Achievement Award from the National School Board Association, Father of the Decade from the Old School Alumni and an Annual Award from the Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People. In the Treyburn community in Durham there is a beautiful middle school that bears his name. Lucas’ family provided an endowment that funded, in partnership with Duke Medical Center and Lincoln Community Health Center, the John Lucas Wellness Center. Located at Hillside High School, it provides students with free medical care. Today John Lucas serves on committees, volunteers and continues to make a difference. Lucas believes “Work without a vision is slavery. A vision without work is a dream and work with a vision is a success story.” In every facet of his life and by any measure, John Lucas has been successful in having a significant impact on his community. - By Sherri Holmes




R. Edward Stewart President/CEO

UDI Community Development Corporation

B.S. - Business, North Carolina Central University M.S. - Business Education, North Carolina Central University SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE (SM): Describe what makes you a successful leader in the category for which you were honored? R. EDWARD STEWART (RES): My experience of segregation and racial treatment while in the U.S. Army. The racial treatment at Camp Gordon U.S. Signal Corp. 1953, where I did my training in preparation for active duty in South Korea during the Korean War. It made me realize I had a very serious job ahead of me in working to change the intolerable conditions placed on Black men. Consequently, I became involved in activities that promote opportunities for the people.

SM: Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Maybe someone who has been a mentor to you? Why and how did this person impact your life? RES: I would have to name a minimum of two people: John Wheeler- Business Man and Community Leader and Kwame McDonald- Activist for the NC Fund Organization, a fighter for Human rights (even when putting himself in danger). He encouraged me to move from the classroom as a teacher to the community where the issues could be more forcefully addressed.

SM: What problem or condition in your respective field do you want to solve or improve? RES: While I don’t expect to solve them, my major interest is creating and promoting opportunities for those who have been oppressed and denied because of the color of their skin and/or their nationality.

SM: What legacy will you like to leave behind? RES: As I look at the development of UDI/CDC projects throughout Durham, N.C. I hope others will see and have certain since of accomplishments that occurred while I served as President of UDI/CDC. If they experience a positive impact behind those accomplishments, that will be my legacy.



Category: Business & Economic


Jarvis Alden Hall, PhD

Associate Professor of Political Science / Director, Institute for Civic Engagement and Social Change North Carolina Central University (since 1995) Durham, NC

Category: Civil & Human Rights

B.A. - Political Science, North Carolina A & T State University, 1979 M.P.P. - University of Michigan, 1982 Ph.D. - Political Science, Duke University, 1994 SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE (SM): Describe what makes you a successful leader in the category for which you were honored? Dr. Jarvis Hall (JH): I believe that my most important trait as a leader, educator, and activist is my strong sense of right and wrong. However, I am flexible enough in my beliefs that I am amenable to new ideas. This is because I understand that, in our complex world, everything is not black or white; there is significant gray. Hence the direction of my moral compass is steady. Importantly, I was pointed in that direction by my Christian faith, my faith in authentic democracy, my parents and family, my church, my teachers and mentors. It is continuously re-steadied by these vital components of my village and my witness to the extraordinarily courage and fortitude of grassroots people. This has guided both my professional and personal life. Consequently, I know that racism, injustice, and acute structural inequalities are wrongs. Moreover, I know that these ills can be overcome only by the active and sustained engagement of the poor, the marginalized, and other people of good will.

SM: Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Maybe someone who has been a mentor to you? Why and how did this person impact your life? JH: Besides the ancestors, there have been several specific people who have had a tremendous impact on me. First there was my Mother, Annie, J. Hall, who passed in 2009. All that I am, that is good— my sense of morality, my respect for the sacred humanity of others, and the imperative of service-is because of her. Second, my political mentors include Attorney Irving Joyner and Rev. William J. Barber. Through words and deeds they taught me what it means to be a scholar-activist and the importance of engaging the political system and its formal structures and processes. However, they also taught me about the importance and potency of grassroots activism. Lastly but not least, my wife, Rosalind Fuse-Hall has made me a better person by showing me that unqualified and unconditional love is indeed possible. Locally, I have learned so much from Joe Becton, Andrea Harris, Dr. E. Lavonia Allison, Sen. Jeanne Hopkins Lucas, and Dr. John Lucas. There are soo many more but these are the people who really influenced who I am.

SM: What problem or condition in your respective field do you want to solve or improve? JH: Of course, racism is an intractable problem. The vitriolic reaction to the first African American President of the United States, the criminalization of Black bodies, and, overall, our inability or in some cases, unwillingness to address structural and systematic factors repeatedly remind us that we are far from a post-racial society. Overall growing income and wealth inequality and the obscene role of money in politics form the backdrop for all of these issues. But the need for broader and deeper civic engagement by the people who are most impacted by these issues is what drives my work as a scholar-activists. I want to make sure that we are able to build and retain financial security for future generations.

SM: What legacy will you like to leave behind? JH: My hope and my prayer is that the legacy I leave will be one of servant-leadership. More specifically, I hope that, because I stopped by for moment, the breadth and depth of engagement by students at North Carolina Central University has increased significantly. | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE


Antonio Knox, Sr.

Category: Community Service

40th Grand Basileus - Omega Psi Phi Fraternity; Inc. / Chairman of the Board - Garner Road Community Center / Deputy Administrator - NC Credit Union Division BA - NC State University Mid Management Program - UNC School of Banking CCUS - National Association State Credit Unions SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE (SM): Describe what makes you a successful leader in the category for which you were honored? ANTONIO KNOX, SR. (AK): I follow Four Cardinal Principles every day…Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance and Uplift. My instinct to provide and protect and to stand for what I believe in guides me. My belief is that I can learn something every day. My willingness to apply what I have learned and to share the wisdom and knowledge with others helps me to develop a team concept, with working together being a priority and key to whatever success we may have. Nothing comes without sacrifice and my ability to understand that, along with my willingness to commit to something and stick to it until a goal is accomplished or the job is done. This has allowed me to be a part of success within our organization and the community. However, what may be most important in the area for which I have been honored is my desire and willingness to help others. That is in my spirit and is what I have always done since becoming a man and then becoming a member of Omega Psi Phi. If there is one thing to be said about me is ‘he will help you if he can.’

SM: Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Maybe someone who has been a mentor to you? Why and how did this person impact your life? AK: It would be difficult for me to single out one person. I have been blessed to have characteristics of the men in my family. My Great Grandfather was a minister and community leader; my Grandfather was all about family and providing and protecting; and my dad was about working with the youth, coaching and mentoring. They all inspired me in different ways and we share many of the same characteristics. Then when I became a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., The Brothers of Iota iota took me under their wings and inspired me and guided me in the direction that I was wanting to go and they felt I could make a difference in. They guided me in the fraternity, the community, and professionally. They all had led and continue to lead. I believe in listening, learning, and leading when there is a need.

SM: What problem or condition in your respective field do you want to solve or improve? AK: I want to change the plight of our young men. We are on the wrong side of statistics. We must improve the graduation rates in high school and increase the numbers going to college versus prison. There must be a commitment to getting them to understand their choices and how to make decisions. The lives of young Black Men do matter and more of them must become a part of creating the positive change within our community and our country. Slowly but surely we will make it happen.

SM: What legacy will you like to leave behind? AK: If my legacy is such that others realize that I was strong in my faith, stood for what I believed in, and did my best to make the lives of other better, then my living will not be in vain. Thank you, Spectacular Magazine, for recognizing my efforts to make a difference. Photo: James Witherspoon / Courtesy of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.



Kelsey L. Lodge

Category: Community Service

Human Resource Generalist/Recruiter Durham Public Schools

B.S. - Criminal Justice Elizabeth City State University SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE (SM): Describe what makes you a successful leader in the category for which you were honored? KELSEY LODGE (KL): I believe what makes me a successful leader in the area which I am honored would be my diligence and compassion for those I help. My mother instilled in me to always give back and never forget where you come from. So many of our young people are lost and misunderstood. Having compassion and understanding for them, helps make me successful.

SM: Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Maybe someone who has been a mentor to you? Why and how did this person impact your life? KL: I have several people I can name that has had a tremendous impact on my life and who has mentored me from Freddie McNeil, Executive Director of Human Resources at Durham Public Schools to my pastor Rev. Dr. Michael D. Page, Chairman of the County Commissioner; however, the one person who helped shaped my life was my mom, Selma Bunn. My mom has been the inspiration and the driving force in my life from day one. She has taught me strong core values from respecting my elders, to saying yes ma’am, yes sir, to respecting and honoring women. My mom encouraged me to always put my best foot forward and no matter where I am to always give thanks to the Almighty, from which I receive all of my help. She has impacted my life by telling me that I can be anything that I want to be and that it does not take millions of dollars to be a leader or to shape the world, but it takes drive, determination, and a little faith to make a difference and give to those that cannot provide for themselves. My mom has been a tremendous influence in my life by her strength and courage, this past weekend at the age of 62, she graduated with honors from Shaw University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Social Work. Watching her walk across that stage and receiving here degree after 5 years of stress, disappoints, a total knee replacement, the loss of her mother, her brother, her aunt, and 6 months ago her son, she never gave up. Her resilience, faith, and determination made me reevaluate my life; to strive to continue the race and see what the end may bring.

SM: What problem or condition in your respective field do you want to solve or improve? KL: There are several issues that are plaguing our communities. One would be to help improve the resources and services provided to teenagers that are in jail awaiting trial. There are many young men incarcerated without a high school diploma. I want to serve as a liaison between the judicial and education system. Far too often our youth get caught up in the wrong things, but we can’t just leave and forget about them. We must be willing to educate our young men whether they are in the classroom, the street, or in jail. I want to be able to teach reading and writing classes while they wait for trail or sentencing. I want to be able to provide weekly Bible study for the young men to help lift and encourage them. We must remind this population that this is not their Lot in life and that we all go through things, However it’s our faith and relationship with God that will see us through.

SM: What legacy will you like to leave behind? KL: The legacy I would like to leave behind is that I was always willing to help my fellow man. I want people to remember me, Kelsey Lodge, as the jovial, inspiring, encouraging, and motivating man that always was willing to lend a hand; that I was humble and caring in all my affairs, and that I encouraged someone to pick up where I left off and continued my work. As the old song goes “if I can help somebody as I pass along, if I can cheer somebody, with a word or song, if I can show somebody, how they’re traveling wrong, then my living shall not be in vain.” | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE


Rodriguez A. Teal

Category: Education


Durham Public Schools; Pearsontown Elementary B.A. - Public Administration M.A. - Education SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE (SM): Describe what makes you a successful leader in the category for which you were honored? RODRIGUEZ TEAL (RT): I have been working in the field of education for 22 years. I have had the wonderful experience of working at each level of schooling; elementary, middle, and high school. Each of these professional experiences has shaped my perspective on K-12 education and has allowed me to foster lasting relationships with my students, my staff(s), and parents. To be a great educational leader, you have to have vision, be willing to stand on the side of righteousness, make the tough decisions, and willing to go the extra mile for your students and staff. A great leader can’t lead if there is no one willing to follow.

SM: Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Maybe someone who has been a mentor to you? Why and how did this person impact your life? RT: My life has been impacted by so many people. My father, John Teal, taught me the value of hard work, a strong work ethic, and integrity. He was my first example of how a man takes care of his responsibilities. Alice Jones, my Black Experience College Professor at NCCU, demanded that I understand my value as a black man and what I had to offer to this world. I was also impacted by the veteran principals and executive administrators who took a chance on me and took me under their wing when I became a principal at the age of 25. Lastly, I have a personal relationship with God who knows me and guides me every day. I could go on and on, but the reality is I am a sum total of all the relationships and experiences that I have had…good and bad.

SM: What problem or condition in your respective field do you want to solve or improve? RT: The plight of the young black male is of great importance to me and something I will continue to work towards improving. My goal is to try and impart a sense of hope and urgency in every young man I come in contact with. Mentoring has become an avenue for me to accomplish this work. I started my mentoring program, Brother to Brother, back in 1993 at W.G. Pearson Elementary School with Dwayne Washington. Dwayne, a NFL player at the time, made a small investment in my dream and it allowed me to expose inner city youth to things they wouldn’t ordinarily see or experience. I have been fortunate enough to partner with some wonderful community partners over the years. My fraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi, members of the local government, members of the Durham clergy, and industries in Research Triangle Park, have served as mentors and funded excursions for these boys that in some cases are life changing. Durham Public Schools has greatly assisted me in keeping the mentoring program funded in schools where I have been the principal and I am grateful for that.

SM: What legacy will you like to leave behind? RT: The legacy that I want to leave behind is that I have a deep love of God, that I adore my family and friends, and that I believe in our children and have a passion for their success.



Category: Emerging Leader

Devonte Jenkins Student Ambassador Saint Augustine’s University

B.A. – English, Saint Augustine’s University SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE (SM): Describe what makes you a successful leader in the category for which you were honored? DEVONTE JENKINS (DJ): To me the characteristics that makes a successful leader in the area I am honored is determination, accountability, and humility. Determination to keep going when times get tough, accountability to govern yourself with the responsibilities of the decisions and choices you make, and humility to always be thankful for your blessings. Without these, I believe, you cannot be an effective leader. True leadership is not what happens in your presence but what happens in your absence..

SM: Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Maybe someone who has been a mentor to you? Why and how did this person impact your life? DJ: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is the man that has impacted my life the most. I modeled my like from his activism, understanding of the importance in academia, and fight against injustice. His success showed me that I can accomplish anything I want to if I work hard and have enough passion for it.

SM: What problem or condition in your respective field do you want to solve or improve? DJ: I want to work towards fixing the pipeline to prison issue in the African American community which is why I am pursuing a graduate degree in English so that I can work towards eventually receiving my teaching license.

SM: What legacy will you like to leave behind? DJ: I want to leave behind a legacy that says to the young generation “I am somebody! Education matters! And most importantly, I matter!” I want to be someone’s inspiration for finishing high school and pursuing a college degree. When you speak my name I want it to be because I changed the world for the better. | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE


Category: Health

Dwight D. Perry, M.D. Ophthalmologist / President North Carolina Eye, Eye, Nose & Throat

B.S. - (Summa Cum Laude) North Carolina Central University M.D. - University of North Carolina School of Medicine SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE (SM): Describe what makes you a successful leader in the category for which you were honored? Dwight Perry, MD (DP): I attribute my success to careful attention to details for excellence in execution of my professional care of my patients.

SM: Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Maybe someone who has been a mentor to you? Why and how did this person impact your life? DP: My father, the late Reverend Lawrence P. Perry, had a tremendous impact on my development as a leader. Through precept and example, he taught me the value of a strong work ethic, focus on what is important, discernment of good and evil, service to humankind, and faith in God.

SM: What problem or condition in your respective field do you want to solve or improve? DP: I would like to solve the problem of inadequate attention to primary prevention in eye health. Too often, treatment is sought long after the onset of symptoms which indicate serious disease. Habits of good care of the eye are rarely taught.

SM: What legacy will you like to leave behind? DP: I would like to leave a legacy of a strong work ethic among African American males buttressed by the knowledge that serious study and hard work lead to success in one’s chosen endeavor.















slave quarters honors the story of the emancipation of the 900 enslaved people whose lives were turned upside down in May 1865. They were free, but where could they live? How would they work? How could they worship and go to school? What would become of them?

DURHAM, NC - For weeks, Durham, the Triangle and North Carolina have been commemorating the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War. But what did the end of that war mean to the 4.5 million enslaved African Americans throughout the South and beyond? What about their story? Only one historic site in the Triangle area is telling this story. Freedom 150 at Historic Stagville’s Horton Grove

We know that as soon as they heard the news of their freedom, the African American Stagville community opened up the food stores and feasted. Some moved into the newly forming town of Durham for lives as paid artisans. Many of them settled down to live in the still extant slave dwellings and signed sharecropping agreements with Paul Cameron, to take up a life not much different from before the

war. However back-breaking their work, the African American farmers founded churches and started schools, some of which continue in use today.

At the Freedom 150 event on May 30th, 10 am – 4 pm, visitors can listen to historic interpreters evoke those exciting, uncertain days. Sample food the newly freed people might have savored. Meet US Colored Troops reenactors demonstrating the tactics that helped to win liberty for their kin. Historic Stagville is located at 5828 Old Oxford Hwy and Horton Grove is on Jock Road, off Old Oxford Hwy. Visitor Center phone: 919-6200120. Website: | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE




DURHAM, NC – North Carolina Central University (NCCU) has joined the Maker Movement. In collaboration with the Media Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), NCCU officially opened a Fabrication Laboratory, or Fab Lab, in May 2015. The Fab Lab was established in November 2014.

said NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White. “The Fab Lab increases our presence not only in the science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) community, but also enhances our reputation as a first-choice, premier global institution. It is truly a center of innovation, creativity and collaboration.”

The MIT Media Lab defines the Maker Movement as “…treating atoms like bits—using the powerful tools of the software and information industries to revolutionize the way we make tangible objects…”

A Fab Lab is a technical prototyping platform for innovation and invention. It is a place to create, play and invent, providing stimulus for entrepreneurship. The Fab Lab creates a space to promote STEM education through use of digital fabrication technology. The NCCU Fab Lab provides all departments of the College of Arts and Sciences with facilities for courses and activities related to digital fabrication. The Lab will be open to the community to offer services and access to our tools for people interested in learning about and using digital fabrication technologies.

The NCCU Fab Lab joins a network of such laboratories worldwide. NCCU is the first Historically Black College and University (HBCU) to open a fully operating Fab Lab registered with the Fab Foundation’s global community of researchers, makers and innovators. “The opening of NCCU’s Fab Lab marks a milestone for the university,”

REGISTER OF DEEDS PARTNERS WITH NC DEPARTMENT OF VITAL RECORDS FOR STATEWIDE ISSUANCE OF BIRTH RECORDS of identification (driver license, Department of Motor Vehicles issued identification card, passport, or military identification). North Carolina citizens born prior to 1971 must request their birth record from the county where they were born. This information can be found on line at CountyMap.htm. Another option is to contact the North Carolina Vital Records Office by visiting www.

DURHAM, NC – Effective March 2, 2015, citizens born anywhere in the State of North Carolina, from 1971 to the present, will be able to obtain their birth certificates at the Durham County Register of Deeds Office. A charge of $24.00 is required to obtain the record. Applicants will need to provide proof of relationship, and a current state-issued form


Accessibility to these birth records are a result of a new partnership aligning with Durham County Government’s Partnership Goals created as joint initiatives aimed at increasing collaboration between employees and sharing resources for increased efficiencies, and Strategic Plan Goal #5 – Accountable, Efficient and Visionary Government. For more information about services offered by the Durham County Register of Deeds, visit www.dconc. gov/rod.



CHAPEL HILL, NC – Attorney General Eric Holder, before leaving office, presented the 2015 Special Courage Award to Chapel Hill resident Jennifer Thompson and her friend and colleague Ronald Cotton on April 21st, as part of its annual National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Ceremony and National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. The Special Courage Award, which

was presented during a ceremony in Washington, D.C., recognizes a crime victim or survivor who has exhibited exceptional perseverance or determination in dealing with his or her own victimization. Thompson and Cotton are the first recipients ever from a wrongful conviction case. On the same day, Thompson announced the formation of a new nonprofit organization with a unique mission: Helping everyone grappling with the aftermath of wrongful convictions. Thompson and Cotton’s criminal justice advocacy grew out of a brutal crime against Thompson in North Carolina in 1984, after which Thompson inadvertently identified

Cotton as her attacker. Cotton always maintained his innocence and, in 1995, was exonerated and freed after DNA testing proved another man, a serial rapist named Bobby Poole, was the actual perpetrator. Cotton had spent more than a decade in prison. Thompson subsequently reached out to Cotton, and the two forged a deep friendship out of their related tragedies. Thompson and Cotton have since told their story to hundreds of audiences around the world in an effort to reform eyewitness identification procedures and increase the reliability of the criminal justice system. In 2010, they published a book, Picking Cotton, describing their journey together. Thompson’s new nonprofit organization, Healing Justice, will address the aftermath of wrongful convictions for all involved. Among other goals, the organization aims to promote restorative justice principles in wrongful conviction

cases; assist with the provision of services to those harmed; and create opportunities to unify the voices of the diverse individuals affected by wrongful convictions – from the innocent to crime victims to police and prosecutors to jurors. Healing Justice will initially work within North Carolina, with plans to expand nationally. The award came in recognition of Thompson and Cotton’s long line of work to bring about meaningful criminal justice reforms. Together they have successfully lobbied state legislators to change compensation laws for the wrongly convicted and to revise police line-up procedures, among many other causes. They have also spoken before audiences about race, class, judicial reform, human error and forgiveness. Thompson is an alternate member of the N.C. Innocence Inquiry Commission, worked with the North Carolina legislature to pass the Racial Justice Act.


RALEIGH, NC – During the City of Raleigh City Council’s May 5th meeting the board for the Raleigh Hall of Fame announced its 2015 Hall of Fame inductees. Four of the twelve honorees have ties to Saint Augustine’s University and/ or Shaw University – Dr. Robert E. Bridges, Rev. Arthur James Calloway, Bishop Henry Beard Delany and Dr. Henry Martin Tupper. Dr. Bridges’ service to the City of Raleigh began in 1961. Upon earning a degree in elementary education from Saint Augustine’s College (now University), he was hired by Raleigh City Schools to teach fourth grade at Hunter Elementary School. In 1984, he became the school system’s first African-American superintendent. During his 28-year career, he helped integrate the school system, participated in the merger of the Raleigh School System and

Wake County School System into one, and oversaw unprecedented growth. Aware of the need for African-American male children to have mentors and encouragement in achieving academic success, he created the Helping Hands Program which the school system still operates.

After retiring in 1989, Dr. Bridges served as provost at SAU and chaired the NC Advisory Commission on Raising Achievement and Closing Gaps. He continues to work with the Helping Hands Program and mentor young African-American men. His impact on the community and the school system has been recognized throughout the years by numerous awards including the Wake Education Partnership Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013.

City Schools and supported the election of African Americans to political office. Rev. Calloway was elected to the Raleigh City Council representing Southeast Raleigh for three terms from 19791985. He was also involved with the PTA, Save Our Community Association, Southside CAC and Southeast Optimist Club. In 1998, Rev. Calloway retired from St. Ambrose. He passed away in 2001.

For thirty-nine years, Rev. Calloway served the citizens of Southeast Raleigh as rector of St. Ambrose Episcopal Church. Under his leadership, the church established after-school programs, provided meeting space for Alcoholic Anonymous, and provided grants for senior citizen programming all to the benefit of Southeast Raleigh. During this time, he also took on the role of community organizer, civil rights activist and college instructor at SAU. During the 1960s, he helped organize efforts to integrate Raleigh

Bishop Delany, a centennial inductee, was born an enslaved person on February 5, 1858 and died April 14, 1928 as a Bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina. Delany, a Georgia native, arrived in Raleigh in 1881 to enroll as a student at St. Augustine’s Normal School to study theology and music. After graduating in 1885, Delany immediately joined the staff. He served as the chaplain, vice principal and supervisor of building projects. He and his students helped construct several buildings on the

campus including the Historic Chapel, which still is a place of place of spiritual guidance for the campus and the community. Ordained in The Episcopal Church in 1889, Bishop Delany’s legacy continues in the churches he helped found as well as at SAU’s Historic Chapel.

Dr. Henry Tupper was the founder, builder and creator of Shaw University in 1865. Following the Civil War, former Union Army chaplain Dr. Tupper came to Raleigh seeking to reach the freedmen of the area. In addition to his regular ministry, he also wanted to create a school to train AfricanAmerican church leaders. Tupper began holding theological classes on Dec. 1, 1865, in the Eagle Hotel on Edenton Street. These classes paved the way for what is the current day Shaw University, making it the oldest AfricanAmerican university in the South, and the third university to open in Raleigh. The new facility opened for its first official day of classes on October 15, 1866, a year after Tupper first arrived in Raleigh. In 1866, the university also began allowing women to take classes, making it the first to allow women in the South. | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE


SIX RECEIVE PRESTIGIOUS MASSEY AWARDS FOR MERITORIOUS SERVICE CHAPEL HILL, NC – In recognition of their “unusual, meritorious or superior contributions,” Chancellor Carol L. Folt selected six University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill employees to receive the 2015 C. Knox Massey Distinguished Service Awards, one of the most coveted distinctions earned by faculty and staff. The late C. Knox Massey of Durham created the awards in 1980, and in 1984, joined the families of his son, Knox Massey Jr., and daughter, Kay Massey Weatherspoon, in creating the Massey-Weatherspoon fund. This year’s recipients are: •Faydene Alston, a housekeeper assigned to UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School •Dr. Claudio Battaglini, Associate Professor, Exercise and Sports Science •Ma Charina Brooks, a housekeeper assigned to Grimes residence hall •DeVetta Holman Nash, Assistant Director, Student Wellness Services •Christopher Payne, Associate Vice Chancellor and Senior Operating Officer, Student Affairs •James Spurling, Director of Kenan Stadium and Football Facility, Athletics Faydene Alston’s inspiring and extraordinary work ethic extends beyond her job as a housekeeper in UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School. Since joining the University in 2001, and as a single parent rearing a daughter, she earned her GED and began classes to pursue a degree in early childhood development. Ten nominators commended her tenacity, determination and positive attitude, and praise her passion for and dedication to Carolina.

Christopher Payne promotes the whole student— academic performance to wellbeing—encouraging students to engage in meaningful dialogue, participate in service and make a difference in the lives of others as they pursue their career path and degree. In his current position as Associate Vice Chancellor and Senior Operating Officer for Student Affairs, he oversees many offices that in turn affect all Carolina students. Colleagues praise his leadership, work ethic and attention to detail. To the colleagues who nominated James Spurling, his high standards, strong sense of responsibility, commitment to quality and dedication to teamwork make him the embodiment of honesty and integrity. Spurling joined the University in 2000 and currently serves as Director of Kenan Stadium and Football Facility. For his exceptional work ethic, Spurling has been recognized with the Facilities Extra Effort award and as a Star Heel.

Income from the fund supports the Massey Awards and Carolina Seminars. Chosen from campus-wide nominations, the Massey Award recipients were honored at a luncheon hosted by Folt on April 25. Each received a $7,500 stipend and an award citation.

Survive to thrive: as director of the Integrative Exercise Oncology Laboratory (IEOL) and the Get REAL & HEEL Breast Cancer Rehabilitation Program, Dr. Claudio Battaglini researches the physiological, psychological and physical effects of exercise to restore mind and body. “Dr. B” as he is affectionately known, joined Carolina in 2004 and since then, earned numerous awards for his teaching, research and service, including a Tanner Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. Inspired by her outstanding job performance and extraordinary warmth, compassion and friendliness, more than 100 members of the campus community nominated housekeeper Ma Charina Brooks. In her five years with the University, Brooks held previous assignments in Cobb and the Lower Quad, working to improve quality of life for her co-workers, staff and residents and engendering goodwill among all. Colleagues and students commend her dedication to creating a “home away from home” for her community. Nominated by administrators, faculty, colleagues and students, DeVetta HolmanNash is heralded at every level of the academy as a caring leader, skilled counselor, outstanding role model and a driving force for change. She is a double graduate of the University with a B.A. in recreation administration and a master’s degree from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. In her 30 years of service, Nash held leadership positions in counseling, wellness and diversity. She currently serves as Assistant Director of Student Wellness Services. A champion for students and colleagues, she founded Diversity and Inclusiveness in a College Environment (DICE), Sister Talk, Unique Heels and is faculty advisor for UNCChapel Hill’s chapter of the NAACP.




CHAPEL HILL, NC – Coretta Sharpless has been named the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools’ (CHCCS) Assistant Principal of the Year. Ms. Sharpless has been with the school district since 2003, and is currently the assistant principal at Northside Elementary. Following six years of teaching in Burlington NC, Sharpless came to CHCCS as a classroom teacher. She also served as an intervention specialist, gifted education specialist, lead teacher and administrative intern. Prior to joining the team at Northside, Sharpless served as assistant principal at Estes Hills Elementary. After graduating from Chapel Hill High, Sharpless went on to receive her Bachelor’s degree from North Carolina Central University and her Master’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


DURHAM, NC - DeWarren K. Langley was awarded the 2015 Hero of Hope Community Advocate Award in recognition of his commitment for going above and beyond to advocate for Durham families, helping individuals, families and children succeed in their schools and communities and experience safety and stability in their homes. The Award was presented in May at Durham System of Care’s Annual Making A Difference Breakfast. Langley, a Durham NC native, holds a degree in Business Management and Economics from Hampton University and Juris Doctor with a Concentration in Civil Rights & Constitutional Law from North Carolina Central University School of Law. He is also a graduate of the Durham Neighborhood College and Citizen Police Academy of the Police Department. Currently, Langley is the Executive Director of the Charles Hamilton Houston Foundation, Inc. which provides academic and vocational mentorship to high school and college students to improve academic and professional success.


DURHAM, NC - Dr. Elaine Hart-Brothers recently retired from Duke Primary Care and is now actively pursuing Preventative and Population-Focused Health Care. She continues to be devoted to the goals of Healthy People 2020, an national initiative which aims to improve access to comprehensive, quality health care services for all people. “I cannot imagine a more fulfilling career than the one I have had as an internal medicine physician,” said Dr. Hart-Brothers. “In retirement I’m excited to spend time with my 3 children and 2 grandchildren, golf, garden, and collect buffalo nickels. Additionally, I look forward to focusing my efforts for the Community Health Coalition. I believe that everyone should be an ambassador for a healthy lifestyle for themselves, their family, and their community.” Currently the Community Health Coalition (CHC) creates monthly health tips for more than 31,000 people, 140 churches and organizations, as well as sponsors health fairs with education and triage services. The CHC was recently awarded grants to promote the Affordable Care Act and to recruit organ donation. They also provide education, workshops and classes for a range of health topics such as nutrition, improving diabetes, hypertension management, childhood obesity, breast health and men’s health. For more information on becoming a donor, attending our annual meeting on May 21st or attending one of the many free health workshops, please e-mail or call 919-470-8685.


CHAPEL HILL, NC – Alfrë Wimberley is among three UNCChapel Hill sophomores who have earned 2015-2017 Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarships from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The scholarships, which also come with a 10-week, full-time internship during the summer at a NOAA facility, provides up to $8,000 in academic assistance per year, a total $16,000 over the twoyear scholarship. The internship between the student’s undergraduate junior and senior years provides practical experience in NOAA-relation science, research, technology, policy, management, and education activities. Awards also include travel funds to attend a mandatory NOAA Scholarship Program orientation, conferences where students present a paper or poster, and a housing subsidy for scholars who do not reside at home during the summer internship. Wimberley, from Raleigh, is an environmental science major and chemistry minor, concentrating her studies in energy and sustainability. She is the first African-American student at UNC-Chapel Hill to win the Hollings Scholarship. She has served as an undergraduate researcher in the Dempsey Research Group at Carolina, researching proton coupled electron transfer. During the summer of 2014, she interned with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, a NOAA facility, in Charleston, South Carolina, conducting marine toxicology research of grass shrimp culminating in scientific writing and symposium experience. Wimberley presented her research from last summer at the Association for the Sciences of Limnology & Oceanography Symposium in Granada, Spain during February of this year. Established in 1970, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a Federal environmental science agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Hollings Scholarship Program was established in 2005 to increase undergraduate training in oceanic and atmospheric science, research, technology, and education and foster multidisciplinary training opportunities.


DURHAM, NC –Durham County Commission Vice Chair Brenda Howerton has been appointed to the National Association of Counties (NACo) International Economic Development Task Force for the 2014-2015 term. The appointment was made last month by NACo President Riki Hokama. The International Economic Development Task Force facilitates the exchange of information, ideas and resources, and guides NACo programming, concerning county-level engagement in international economic development activities. Howerton was first elected to the Durham Board of County Commissioners in 2008 and is currently serving her second term. She has served as vice chair of the Commission since December 2012. She serves on a number of local, state and regional commissions, including NACo’s Community, Economic and Workforce Development Steering Committee.


DURHAM, N.C. – North Carolina Central University (NCCU) has named Dr. Nicole Gibbs as director of Undergraduate Admissions for the Division of Enrollment Management. Gibbs began work in her new role May 1. As director of Undergraduate Admissions, Gibbs is responsible for the overall management of the office of Undergraduate Admissions. She will supervise and manage the department’s federal, state and institutional funds. In addition, Dr. Gibbs will develop and manage recruitment programs within the Division of Enrollment Management. Gibbs holds a Bachelor of Science in psychology from Georgia Southern University, Master of Science in English education from Columbus State University and doctorate in educational leadership from Clark Atlanta University. She has more than 20 years of experience in student engagement and enrollment management in higher education in the United States and internationally, working for a time in the West Indies. Previously, Gibbs has served as vice provost of Access and Enrollment Services and interim dean of Student Affairs at the University of the Virgin Islands. | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE



is in the International Baccalaureate Programme and is Salutatorian of the graduating Class of 2015

CHAPEL HILL, NC - On Saturday, April 25, 2015 at East Chapel Hill High School in Chapel Hill, a new Miss Jabberwock was crowned representing the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter. Over $63,000 was raised by these eight young ladies to support educational scholarships to further their education and the chapter’s scholarships and program. The theme of the pageant was DeSTination to Education: Capturing the Promise. Miss Kiara Monique Thorpe was crowned the winner. She is a senior student at Hillside High School in Durham, NC and is the daughter of Tim and April Thorpe. Miss Thorpe also won the award for highest GPA and received the V. Dianne Pledger Leadership Award. She will receive a scholarship award of over $13,000 from the Chapter to further her education.

She is active at Hillside where she is the reigning Miss Hillside High School (2014-15),Varsity Cheerleader (football and basketball season), and President of the Theta Phi Delta Community Service Organization. She is a member of the New Hope Church and

volunteers with the Children’s Ministry, the NC Sickle Cell Enrichment Camp, Durham Rescue Mission, Triangle Champions Track Club, and UNC TV. She is a member of the Delta G.E.M.S Program. Additional scholarships were awarded to the following participants: Arianna Monique Hinton, 1st Runner Up. Eric Nicole Tate- 2nd Runner Up Erin Nicole Thompson- 3rd Runner Up, Miss Congeniality Cydni Denise Baldwin- Highest Attendance Certificate, Jabberwock Scrapbook Award Winner Ashlyn Tamara McIver- Certificate of Participation Fahsyrah Kumasi Knight- Certificate of Participation Lauren Ashley Norris- Certificate of Participation The Delta Jabberwock program spans over a period of six months or more featuring a plethora of cultural,

She will be attending Spelman College upon her graduation. She aspires to be a high school or middle school teacher and is the recipient of the 2014 Lamplighter Youth Scholarship Award. A member of National Honor Society, Miss Thorpe



educational, and social opportunities for participants comparable to a rites of passage experience, culminating in an evening of absolute sophisticated elegance. The program represents a comprehensive approach designed to instill inspiration and aspiration with no goals being beyond reach when consistently passionate dedication and persistence remain in the forefront. These activities are designed to minimize the challenges encountered with the transitions from high school to young adulthood, while promoting harmonious relationships among the participants and their families, friends and the community-at-large. The ultimate goal rests with assisting young women of color in becoming productive contributing future leaders in their communities and beyond. The 2015 Jabberwock was produced under the leadership of Jemma Boler, Chair and Jacqueline Platt, Co- Chair,V. Dianne Pledger is the chapter president. For more information view our website at

LAWRENCE & ARTELIA PERRY SCHOLARSHIP FUND THIRD ANNUAL LEGACY LUNCHEON TO BE HELD MAY 23 Honoring Nonagenarians (Persons Ages 90-99) With A Legacy DURHAM, NC - The Lawrence & Artelia Perry Scholarship Fund (L&APSF) will sponsor its Third Annual Scholarship Fund Legacy Luncheon on Saturday, May 23rd at the Washington Duke Inn. The Legacy Luncheon was established to honor persons in Durham and vicinity who walk in the pathways of faith, family, history, and love of the late Rev. Lawrence Perry and Mrs. Artelia Marsh Perry (the axiom of the Scholarship Fund). Honorees for 2015 are “Durham Area Nonagenarians (persons ages 90-99) with a Legacy” who have developed a significant legacy through their contributions in education, religious, medical, business and civic endeavors. This year’s program will be dedicated in Memory of Bishop David H. Bell who died a few weeks after being selected as a 2015 Honoree.

The 15 Nonagenarian Honorees are Mrs. Lou Davis Suitt Barnes, Dr. Thomas Bass, Mrs. Laura M. Boone, Mr. R. Kelly Bryant, Mrs. Alice Williams Davis, Mr. John T. Fearrington, Dr. Howard M. Fitts, Jr., Mrs. Mary Elizabeth J. Frasier, Mr. Carl D. Hodges, Sr., Dr. John H. Lucas, Mrs. Gladys Roberts Mack, Mrs. Hortense K. McClinton, Mrs.Vivian Rogers Patterson, Mr. Spencer Augustus Wynne I, and Mrs. Nettie Burt Young. The Lawrence & Artelia Perry Scholarship Fund (L&APSF), an IRS 501(c) (3) public charity, was established in 2011 to provide annual support for meritorious, needy students at Bennett College, Livingstone College, and North Carolina Central University. The 2015 Perry Scholarship Fund Awardees will also be presented and recognized. Proceeds from the annual luncheon and the sale of the book Artelia: Portrait of an African American Matriarch are the primary scholarship fundraising methods. The Legacy Luncheon Co-Chairs are Stilwyn Perry Brown and Rev. Dr. Michael D. Page. Dr. Joyce Perry Edwards is the L&APSF Board Chair. The L&APSF Board of Directors invite you to join in this celtebration by purchasing a luncheon ticket ($40) or by purchasing an ad for the Legacy Souvenir Journal.

What is Friends of Scouting? Friends of Scouting is the annual campaign where the Occoneechee Council asks Scouting families, businesses and civic-minded citizens to support our mission of providing the Scouting program to tens of thousands of young people in our Council. Please donate to Durham Scouts Mawat District. Call today 919-675-5916 or visit www. and donate!!!! Thank you for helping tomorrow's future today. | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE


OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY TO BE BUILT IN CHICAGO The Barack Obama presidential library will be built in his adopted hometown of Chicago, the Barack Obama Foundation announced in a video message posted online on May 12th. A bid by the University of Chicago, where Obama taught constitutional law before turning to politics, beat out rival proposals from Hawaii and New York to host the location of Obama’s presidential archives and museum. “All the strands of my life came together, and I really became a man when I moved to Chicago. That’s where I was able to apply that early idealism to try to work in the communities in public service,” Obama says in the nearly three-minute video. “That’s where I met my wife; that’s where my children were born; and the people there, the community, the lessons I learned, they’re all based right in this few square miles where we’ll be able to now give something back and bring the world back home after this incredible journey.” But in Chicago itself, the announcement closes a chapter on months of political drama. The Obama Foundation says it is still undecided on the location and will make the announcement in roughly the next six to nine months. The University of Chicago doesn’t actually own the land it wants to use — one of the two city parks near the University of Chicago’s campus on the South Side are being considered: Washington Park, a 380-acre space that borders several neighborhoods, including Washington Park and Hyde Park; and Jackson Park, which hugs both the neighborhood of

Woodlawn and Lake Michigan, and is the site of the Museum of Science and Industry, a golf course, soccer fields and a children’s hospital. Citizens groups have objected to taking away local green space. It took the personal intervention of Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s former chief of staff, to broker a deal with the Chicago Park District to transfer about 20 acres where the library could be built. The University of Chicago has touted the economic benefits of the library, which would be near one of the epicenters of the city’s gun violence epidemic. According to its proposal, the center would generate millions of dollars in annual economic growth, drawing 40 new restaurants and stores to the community and creating 1,900 jobs. The foundation’s next steps include choosing an architect, opening an office in the South Side by the end of the year and intensifying fundraising to pay for the center. The Obamas won’t help with that effort until after he leaves office, the White House said. The foundation has promised to adhere to Obama’s campaign pledge not to accept money from lobbyists or PACs — at least before Jan. 20, 2017. “With a library and a foundation on the South Side of Chicago, not only will we be able to encourage and effect change locally, but what we can also do is to attract the world to Chicago,” Obama says in the video. “I consider myself a South Sider,” first lady Michelle Obama adds.

450 YE SMITH STUDENTS SELECT 4,500 SUMMER BOOKS FROM POP-UP BOOKSTORE DURHAM, NC - More than 450 YE Smith Elementary School students’ filled string backpacks with 4,500 books to take home and keep at the second annual Books on Break event in the school’s media center. Books on Break, the three-day summer reading event, is a signature program of Durham-based Book Harvest, a nonprofit which collects donated books and uses them to combat summer learning loss among lowincome children. The Downtown Durham Rotary Club served as Book Harvest’s service partner for the event, recruiting 53 volunteers from Rotary, Book Harvest, the Y.E. Smith parent and local business


community and Duke Continuing Education. Volunteers who staffed Books on Break logged 145 hours of service, serving as personal shoppers

to the students as they selected their 10 books each. “This worked again and it could export,” said volunteer Rotary organizer Mimi O’Brien. “Book Harvest provides the books. Civic partners like Rotary offer volunteer coordination and staff to make it happen. The partner school adds the site and plenty of students.” YE Smith teacher and project organizer Morgan Hunt reported that more than 21 pre-K through 5th grade classes rotated through the pop-up bookstore. School


officials say students who take home summer books demonstrate improved reading retention skills. “By providing plenty of books during the vulnerable long weeks of summer, we’re pushing back hard against summer reading loss,” said Ginger Young, founder of Book Harvest. “Students from YE Smith are taking home nearly 5,000 books to enjoy this summer. Our partnership with Rotary is making it possible to maintain hardwon classroom gains. We’re grateful.” The Durham Rotary Club is promoting “100 Acts of Service Above Self ” as part of its Centennial year. Visit for more information




By Lawrence “King Law” Davis


“Servicing Auto Dealerships in Durham, NC & Detroit, MI”


919-680-0465 | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE


LIFESTYLES SNEAKY WAYS EMPLOYERS ASK JOB SEEKERS ILLEGAL QUESTIONS When conducting job interviews, hiring managers try to learn as much as possible about the job candidate. Many of the questions may seem innocent; however, they can be completely illegal. In a new CareerBuilder survey conducted by Harris Poll, it was revealed that a staggering 20% of around 2,200 hiring human resource managers in the United States disclosed they had asked a candidate an illegal question. Making matters even worse, when this large segment of hiring managers was shown a list of illegal questions and then asked if they were legal or not, 33% revealed they were unsure. Although laws regarding job interview questions depend on the state, some specifically prohibit certain questions, while other states merely prohibit discriminatory policies based on candidates’ answers. Here are some illegal interview questions you may not have known about -- from CareerBuilder: 1. While federal law does not inhibit states from asking about your criminal history, it is illegal within some states to inquire about your arrest record. Depending on the state in question, a conviction record should not be able to automatically disqualify you for employment unless it has a substantial connection to your job. An example would be if you were applying for a teaching position, but you had previously been accused of statutory rape. 2. Asking about your marital status is illegal, since it can also reveal your sexual orientation. Yet, in certain states, discrimination based on sexual orientation is still legal. 3. Employers are also not allowed to ask about your religious affiliation. However, to circumvent this, they could ask if you are available to work on Sundays, or certain other days. 4. Denying people employment on the basis of them having or planning to have children is unlawful; therefore, potential employers can only ask questions such as “What hours can you work?” or “Do you have responsibilities other than work that will interfere with specific job requirements, such as traveling?”



“Before you go and criticize the younger generation, just remember who raised them.” – Unknown Is history repeating itself? There’s a bright side somewhere! We cannot rest until we find it. Everybody needs love, forgiveness, peace, understanding and respect. The civil rights movement can attribute its success to the tactic of nonviolence contrasting with the exposure of violence with policemen, sheriffs, vigilante groups, and other defenders of practicing justice for all. Yet, the tactic of armed self-defense was indispensable in order to protect lives and property since the courts and law enforcement officials often stood silent or protected the perpetrators of racist violence. Thus, blacks and their supporters were compelled to fight the evils of segregation with nonviolence as well as with force. While this may seem paradoxical, it worked to advance their struggle for freedom, equality, and justice. The leaders of the civil rights movement chose the tactic of nonviolence as a tool to dismantle institutionalized racial segregation, discrimination, and inequality. They followed Martin Luther King Jr.’s guiding principles of nonviolence and passive resistance — not aggressive. Non-violent conflict such as sit-ins, targeted economic disruption, blockades, petitions, boycotting, parades, walkouts, demonstrations, strikes mobilizes civilian participation unlike destruction and violent acts such as burning and looting. News and entertainment media focus first on violent incidents during broadcasting. Fostering the mistaken impression that changes are made because of the violent destruction. The publicity reinforces the belief that violence is the form of power. The truth is that when violent actions cease a better plan is the use of strategic non-violent actions. During the recent protests across the country there were numerous acts of kindness that were not mentioned by the media. Our children are witnessing violence. Think about this: if we all were born blind—there would be no skin color recognized—only judged on merit!

5. Running a credit check is something employers must ask permission for, and just like your criminal history, it is not prohibited to disqualify you from potential employment unless it has a direct influence on your ability to perform the tasks of the position for you which you are being interviewed.

Continued education will enable our youth to break the cycle of not knowing how to handle insults, conflicts, dislikes, authority and police encounters. Education adds value to the mind—a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Education is empowering for financial independence. Breaking the cycle of generational dependence and entitlements benefits our youth for their futures.

6. Employers do not have permission to ask you about your drinking habits, since it violates the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you are a recovering alcoholic, being treated for alcoholism is protected under this act.

Del Mattioli

7. Age discrimination is also illegal. The Older Workers Benefit Protection Act forbids potential employers to ask questions about a person’s age and other factors during the hiring process. Furthermore, you cannot be asked about your birthday or in what year you graduated from high school or college. Asking about how long you have worked in a certain industry is allowed though. 8. It is also unlawful to ask a veteran to disclose the nature of his or her discharge because this is considered private information tantamount to inquiring about one’s disability.

Del Mattioli MBA, LUTCF, CLUTCH, CSA—Financial Services Professional/ LifeBridgesmMassMutual’s FREE LIFE INSURANCE /FOR ELIGIBLE PARENTS 919 401 9988, Telephone 919 201 2404 email applicant is authorized to work in the US. 10. Asking about disabilities, whether they’re physical or mental, may affect a candidate’s ability to do the job, but potential employers cannot ask such questions, since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination in the workplace based on a person’s physical disabilities, including a prohibition against inquiries of such matters in the pre-employment phase.

9. Asking about your race, color, ethnicity or first language is prohibited, since they all fall under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It is not allowed to ask if an applicant is a citizen of the United States, but an employer may ask if the (Source:





The best thing about summer is vacation. Tropical climates and beaches are ideal for relaxation and recreation. Unfortunately, escaping the daily routine (work, school, etc,) requires mapping out major details. The budget, the destination, method of transport to the destination, activities, and weather are important factors to enjoying this time of leisure. But, for women with textured hair, there is another major issue - selecting a stylish, low maintenance hairstyle that will sustain humidity and the activities of tropic and coastal atmospheres.

op top cut ry short cr Amber’s veormed into a modern was transf ted pompadour (a from the day twis nged high ive style a rr a le y st hair This protect forehead). d by securing twisted was createn® (synthetic-fiber) Kanekalo ponytails down the hair to five e head. For aquatic center of thmber will use a wrap e activities, Are the sides and nap cap to secu an after five outing, area. For lightly spray her do she shouldlive oil sheen spray. with an O

Brianna has the very high fashion yet still low maintenance protective style. Her natural hair was cornrowed. Then curly, coiled wefts (hair extensions) were sewn to the cornrows. The results…a beautiful textured tress that looks great wet or dry. Because the extensions were chemically treated with a permanent wave solution to achieve the curls and coils an essential oil (carrot or jojoba) should be used on the hair to keep the chlorine and salt water from drying out the curls. Preparing for the evening events requires a quick shampoo and a leave -in conditioner to define the curls, and you are on your way.

Whitney’s u extension ndetectable braid continuous were created byed sly addin amounts g sm create fla of Kanekalon® h all w are extre less cornrows. Bair to mely low raids hairsty mainte aquatic ales that translate nance fro cti ease. A h vities to nightlife m with it o f O li spray and ve Whitney oil sheen is the evenin ready for g.

Samantha Huntley Ladies, when planning your next vacation plan to visit ZIEN SALON for the perfect vacation hair solution. Our salon professionals will provide you with a chic, aquatic friendly, on-the-go hairstyle, making the transition to each phase (shopping, water activities, and nightlife) of your vacation effortless. ZIEN SALON is located at 323 West Main Street in Durham, NC. Phone #: 919-667-1752 | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE



It is spring and summer is just around the corner. Now is a wonderful time to keep that promise to yourself to exercise more. Benefits derived from exercise are numerous and well documented in the medical literature. Benefits derived from exercise are: 1) Exercise controls weight: Exercise causes you to burn the calories that you consume eating. The more calories burned the more weight you lose. If you can’t dedicate a set time to exercise then try to do simple things like taking the stairs rather than the elevator or parking further from the entrance to the store, mall or workplace. 2) Exercise decreases the risk of developing common conditions: Increased physical activity can assist in lowering blood pressure, controlling cholesterol and blood sugar. Independent of weight loss being active boosts the good HDL cholesterol and decreases triglycerides. Blood sugar levels are lower in diabetics who exercise in addition to following their prescribed medication regimen. Think about it, patients who have actually had a heart attack participate in cardiac rehabilitation programs that encourage and teach exercise! 3) Exercise improves mood: A brisk walk or vigorous work out boosts brain chemicals (endorphins) that help control mood and relaxation. 4) Exercise improves energy: Stop feeling tired all the time. Exercise strengthens your muscles and trains your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen and blood more efficiently to your tissues. As a result, you will feel less fatigued. George Brothers, Jr., MD, a retired Rheumatologist/ Internist states, “Exercise and physical activity are a great way to feel better, gain health benefits and have fun. Aim for at least


30 minutes of physical activity every day. If you want to lose weight or meet specific fitness goals, you may need to exercise more. Remember to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you haven’t exercised for a long time, have chronic health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes or arthritis, or you have any concerns.” - George Brothers, Jr.

REMEMBER YOUR ABC’s Always be aware of the Advantages of exercise and physical activity Benefit from any fun activity Check with your doctor for vigorous exercise

STROKE Stroke is the Number 4 cause of death, and the leading cause of adult disability in the U.S. Each year in this country people suffer 795,000 strokes. Stroke can happen to anyone at any time, regardless of race, sex or age. American Heart Association and CDC list stroke or “Brain Attack” risks the same as Heart Attack risks including lack of exercise, eating unhealthy diet, and smoking. With this in mind, our community should increase physical activity to decrease weight and blood pressure. Strokes occur because of a sudden failure of the brain to receive the oxygen and nutrients it needs to thrive. Lack of oxygen can be caused by; a blood vessel in the brain being blocked by a clot or plaque or if a blood vessel in the brain ruptures. If you are in the presence of someone who is exhibiting symptoms of stroke, use the B.U.S.Y. method to do a layperson’s diagnosis. B = Body. Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? U = Uneven. Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop? S = Speech. Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence, such as, “Most grass is green.” Does the speech sound slurred or strange? Y = Yes? If you observe any of these signs, it’s time to call 911 immediately. Every second counts in dealing with Stroke.





NEWPORT BEACH, CA. - Tina Knowles

(Beyoncé’s mom) and Richard Lawson tied the knot Sunday April 12th aboard the yacht Eternity as it cruised around Newport Beach for the entire affair. In a picture taken by Cliff Watts, both Tina and her new husband are elegantly dressed in white for the exciting occasion.

married?’” Tina told People. “Richard said, ‘Oh, Blue, soon. Do you approve?’ And she said yes,” Tina added. “That’s the first time we talked seriously about getting married.” This is the second marriage for Tina, who was previously married to Matthew Knowles. After divorcing in December 2011, Tina, 61, found love again with Richard, 67, who is best known for his work on All My Children and the 1982 film, Poltergeist. The couple has known each other for 33 years but only just rekindled their connection a year and a half ago, after finalizing her divorce.


Mattel has turned Ava DuVernay into a Barbie doll. According to reports, Mattel revealed that they’re honoring six “Sheroes–” women who inspire girls by “breaking boundaries and expanding possibilities for women everywhere.” DuVernay, the director of civil rights drama Selma, is the poster child of breaking boundaries. She is the first Black female director to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture. She also has the type of power that lifts other just like her up. Ava founded the AfricanAmerican Film Festival Releasing Movement, which promotes filmmaking among people of color. If anyone deserves to be labeled a shero, it’s her. Other Sheroes who are being honored are Emmy Rossum, Eva Chen, Kristin Chenoweth, Sydney “Mayhem” Keiser and Trisha Yearwood.

About 300 people, including Solange, Beyoncé, Jay Z, Richard’s actress daughter Bianca, and Kelly Rowland, attended the wedding, according to reports. But it was the night’s littlest guest who actually made the biggest splash: According to People, Blue Ivy is actually the reason Tina even considered marrying again in the first place.

About 100 people, including her closest family, witnessed the longtime lovers become husband and wife. “It was important to me to have a wedding and “In September we went on a boat with walk in white, because sometimes we Beyoncé and Jay Z for her birthday, and feel that at a certain age you should when we came out one night dressed act a certain way,” Tina told People. to go to dinner, Blue said, ‘Oh, ya’ll “You can find love at any age. You just look beautiful. When are ya’ll getting have to go for it.”


BET has signed two music stars to new shows. Former “Destiny’s Child” singer and founder Kelly Rowland will be shaping the destiny of future singers as a judge on her singing competition show. “Chasing Destiny” will be a showcase strictly for young women as the show seeks to find “the next blazing hot singing sensation”. BET is also bringing back another familiar face to prime-time TV. Singer/actress Brandy is set to star in “Zoe Moon”…a romantic comedy that focuses on the life of a cosmetics mogul who is dealing with big business, a recent divorce from a husband who doesn’t want to let go and a precocious 10 year old son. BET has not yet released premiere dates on either of its two big shows. | May 2015 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE


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