CLG-SHAFT-P146 Fire barrier in ceiling-shaft wall

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Letter # CLG-Shaft-P146 Ceiling joint at Rm -P146; garage storage Construction Specialties, Inc. 6696 State Route 405, PO Box 380 Muncy, Pennsylvania (570) 546-5941 Fax: (570) 546-8022

January 27, 2016 Spectrum Specialty Builders Attn: Dan Pridemore 3902 West Valley Hwy North, Suite 500 Auburn, WA 98001 Project: Lincoln Square II

Location: Bellevue, WA

C/S Project #156859 Re: Wall fire barrier in a ceiling shaft wall construction

Mr. Pridemore, It is our understanding that the above project requires fire protection at an expansion joint in a ceiling shaft wall application. The ceiling is constructed as a gypsum board shaft wall assembly. C/S has not tested any fire barrier in a ceiling construction application. The current building codes and applicable testing standards (ASTM E1966 and UL 2079) do not presently provide testing criteria for rated ceiling applications. C/S cannot provide an “engineering judgment� because there is no test data on this configuration on which to base a judgment. The C/S MFX product proposed (see the following listing, UL WW-D-2011) has been tested and proven to provide 2-hour rating performance in gypsum board, 2-hour applications. With the MFX installed from below the ceiling up into the joint and covered on the underside with 2-mil s/s foil or other metal cover, the tested configuration is maintained. It is my opinion that the proposed C/S MFX product, in the configuration, will perform as well as the adjacent construction. However, final acceptance of this application will be the responsibility of the authorities having jurisdiction. If additional information is required, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely,

Justin Moon Product Development Specialist Expansion Joint Cover Systems P: 570-546-4602 E: Encl Cc: file, Pam Weihermuller (C/S)


XHBN.WW-D-2011 - Joint Systems

System No. WW-D-2011 XHBN.WW-D-2011 Joint Systems

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Design/System/Construction/Assembly Usage Disclaimer Authoritie s Having Jurisdiction should be consulte d in all case s as to the particular re quire m e nts cove ring the installation and use of UL C e rtifie d products, e quipm e nt, syste m , de vice s, and m ate rials. Authoritie s Having Jurisdiction should be consulte d be fore construction. Fire re sistance asse m blie s and products are de ve lope d by the de sign subm itte r and have be e n inve stigate d by UL for com pliance with applicable re quire m e nts. The publishe d inform ation cannot always addre ss e ve ry construction nuance e ncounte re d in the fie ld. W he n fie ld issue s arise , it is re com m e nde d the first contact for assistance be the te chnical se rvice staff provide d by the product m anufacture r note d for the de sign. Use rs of fire re sistance asse m blie s are advise d to consult the ge ne ral Guide Inform ation for e ach product cate gory and e ach group of asse m blie s. The Guide Inform ation include s spe cifics conce rning alte rnate m ate rials and alte rnate m e thods of construction. O nly products which be ar UL's Mark are conside re d C e rtifie d.

Joint Systems Se e Ge ne ral Inform ation for Joint Syste m s

System No. WW-D-2011 March 20, 2006 A ssembly Ratings — 1 and 2 Hr (See Item 1) Nominal Joint Widths — 8, 10 and 12 In. (See Item 2A ) Class II and III Movement Capabilities — 50% Compression, Extension Or Vertical Shear

1. Wall A ssembly — The 1 or 2 hr fire rate d fram e d gypsum board wall asse m bly shall be constructe d of the m ate rials and in the m anne r de scribe d in the individual U300, U400 or V400 Se rie s W all and Partition De sign in the UL Fire R e sistance Dire ctory and shall include the following construction fe ature s: A. Studs — W all fram ing m ay consist of e ithe r wood studs or ste e l channe l studs. W ood studs to consist of m in 2 by 4 in. (51 by 102 m m ) lum be r space d 16 in. (457 m m ) O C . Ste e l studs to be m in 3-5/8 in. (92 m m ) wide and space d m ax 24 in. (610 m m ) O C . B. Gypsum Board* — Gypsum board she e ts to be installe d to a m in total thick ne ss of 5/8 or 1-1/4 in. (16 or 32 m m ) on e ach side of the wall for 1 or 2 hr rate d asse m blie s,…



XHBN.WW-D-2011 - Joint Systems re spe ctive ly. Additional gypsum board she e ts installe d to a m in total thick ne ss of 5/8 or 1-1/4 in. (16 or 32 m m ) within the ope ning on e ach side of ope ning for 1 or 2 hr rate d asse m blie s, re spe ctive ly. The hourly fire rating of the joint system is dependent on the hourly fire rating of the wall. 2. Joint System — Max width of joint (at time of installation of joint system) is 8, 10 or 12 in. (203, 254 or 305 mm). The joint system is designed to accommodate a max 50 percent compression, extension or vertical shear from its installed width. The joint syste m consists of the following: A. Mechanical Joint A ssembly — Fire barrie r m ate rial e ncase d in corrugate d m e tal and provide d with inte gral galvanize d ste e l angle s. Angle s are to be attache d to wall asse m bly with m in 1-3/4 in. (44 m m ) long drywall scre ws space d a m ax of 18 in. (457 m m ) on ce nte r. Asse m bly to be installe d on e ithe r side of wall in accordance with the installation instructions provide with the product. The following asse m blie s are to be use d with the diffe re nt joint size s: Nom Joint Width In. (mm)

Mechanical Joint Designation

8 (203)


10 (254)


12 (305)


CONSTRUCTION SPECIA LTIES INC B. Joint Cover — Min 0.034 in. (0.9 m m ) thick m e tallic cove r plate s se cure d to e ach side of wall, continuous ove r full he ight of joint. C ove r plate s attache d to wall on one side of ope ning only with m in 2-1/2 in. (64 m m ) long drywall scre ws space d a m ax of 18 in. (457 m m ) on ce nte r. As an alte rnate , in the are a from the finishe d ce iling to the floor above , a cove r consisting of a cre ase d she e t of m in 2 m il (0.05 m m ) thick stainle ss ste e l foil se cure d with 1 in. (25 m m ) wide continuous galv ste e l washe r strips along e ach side of the joint ope ning m ay be use d. *Be aring the UL C lassification Mark Last Update d on 2006-03-20 Q ue stions?

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W he n the UL Le af Mark is on the product, or whe n the word "Environm e nt" is include d in the UL Mark , ple ase se arch the UL Environm e nt database for additional inform ation re garding this product's ce rtification. The appe arance of a com pany's nam e or product in this database doe s not in itse lf assure that products so ide ntifie d have be e n m anufacture d unde r UL's Follow-Up Se rvice . O nly those products be aring the UL Mark should be conside re d to be C e rtifie d and cove re d unde r UL's Follow-Up Se rvice . Always look for the Mark on the product. UL pe rm its the re production of the m ate rial containe d in the O nline C e rtification Dire ctory subje ct to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Inform ation, Asse m blie s, C onstructions, De signs, Syste m s, and/or C e rtifications (file s) m ust be pre se nte d in the ir e ntire ty and in a non-m isle ading m anne r, without any m anipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The state m e nt "R e printe d from the O nline C e rtifications Dire ctory with pe rm ission from UL" m ust appe ar adjace nt to the e x tracte d m ate rial. In addition, the re printe d m ate rial m ust include a copyright notice in the following form at: "© 2013 UL LLC ".…


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