FLR-GWB-WALL conc floor to gwb connect

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August 7, 2015

Concrete floor to GWB connection

Spectrum Specialty Builders Attn: Dan Pridemore 3902 West Valley Hwy North, Suite 500 Auburn, WA 98001

Project: Lincoln Square II

C/S Project #: 156859

RE: Expansion Joint Fire Barrier Information

Location: Bellvue, WA

Dan, This letter is in reference to the Floor to wall fire barrier conditions that occur on the above mentioned project. See below for a matrix description:

Floor-Horizontal Fire Barriers Lincoln Square Phase II - Model & UL Directory Listing Fire Barrier Model MFX-6FW

UL Directory # FW-D-1062

UL Link 1062




Fire Barrier Model MFX-4FW

UL Directory # FW-D-1062

UL Link 1062




Deck to Wall Roof - Deck to Wall

Deck to Wall Roof - Deck to Wall

For the conditions listed above that reference the MFX type fire barrier, the typical floor to wall fire barrier listing shows the fire barrier connecting to concrete substrates on both sides of the joint. In the construction conditions that are present on this project it is necessary to connect the wall side of the fire barrier to rated gyp. wall board construction. It is our opinion that in this case as long as the fire barrier is connected to a rated substrate that the fire barrier will perform up to the rating of the adjacent construction, that the intent of the UL listing is being followed and that there will not be an adverse effect on the performance of the fire barrier product. In reference to the FB-97 fire barrier above, we are utilizing a floor to floor horizontal fire barrier in a floor to wall condition and connecting to a rated gyp. substrate. As above it is our opinion that this will not have an adverse effect on the performance of the fire barrier product.

6696 State Route 405 Muncy, PA 17756

Phone 570.546.5941 Fax 570.546.8022

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If you have any questions regarding the information herein or need anything additional please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Construction Specialties Inc.

Kevin W. Smith, PE Engineering Manager Expansion Joint Cover Systems Encl cc: file, Pam Weihermuller (C/S)

6696 State Route 405 Muncy, PA 17756

Phone 570.546.5941 Fax 570.546.8022

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