ltltiontll JJ'or,nsit 1!ttl9u,
Ellen M. Shuart, Waupun, \Visconsin. Lina Blanchard, Columbus, Wisconsin. Harold F. Moor, Columbus, Wisconsin. Fredrick J. Stare, Columbus, Wisconsin. Shirley E. Green<!, Laconia, N. H. Catherine D. Braun, Ashland, Ohio. Morris H. Cohen, Laconia, New Hampshire. Otto Pecha, Cicero, Illinois. Alger J. Jacobs, Elko, Nevada. Carlyle Birkhold, Payne, Ohio. Carl L. Page, Stockton, California.
:',JO. 2
The Bulletin
Summary Statement Chapters ....................................... Members ....................................... . Emblems Ordered ........................ Reports of Contests .................... Memoranda Issued ........................ Degrees granted: Degree of Distinction .......... Degree of Excellence ............ Degree of Honor ..................
Previous Number 109 410 269 721 824 12 38 105
Number Added 16 515 389 1077 1010 3 9 39
125 925 658 1798 1834 15' 47 144
Addressed Envelopes Packets of envelopes addressed to the Secretary have been sent to every chapter. These are furnished to make it convenient to send in reports, appli, cation, or information of any kind. If any chapter fails to receive these please notify the Secretary.
For New Chapters Attention is again directed to a misinterpretation frequently placed upon Regulation No. 4. "Preliminary contests" refers to interscholastic prelimi, naries in which several schools take part and does not apply to local try-outs No contest in which students of one school alone take part can be reported for credit points. The ambiguity of this regulation will be corrected in the next printing of the constitution. THE JUNE MAGAZINE Members who subscribed for the June Magazine at 15 cents a copy se· cured a rare bargain. That price was based upon a 16-page pamphlet. The Magazine as published runs 5 4 pages! and actually costs three-and-one-half times as much! A limited number of copies remain and will be sold at cost -50 cents, postpaid. Members desiring copies of Vol 1, No. I, can secure ..hem while they last from the Editor or the Secretary.
"\Vi tl1 1his i1-;su0 '.hC' BL'.llrti1� will be p�1l :lishecl 1:egulal'ly from S C'p t0�nbc1 to ,JllnC'. Regulation No. 10 proY1dmg for its publication. Sllb _ nntted to �he Actn·� 11embr1·s, was adopt0d bJ· 1111 overwhelming votr. , On D00. 21th wh0n thC'rc w0rc 512 vot0s among the Ac1ivc member<,. 286 had bee�1 ca�t. Of these 270 were in faYor of the regulation an<l 0111.v 16 11gamst 1t. As a majority of all eligible Yotes had beC'n cast 111r ballot was rlosC'd m i d thr 1·egllla1ion drdar0cl adoptrd.
Annual Dues
As pro,·icl<'d }y _RC'gnlation u. 10 tlw annual dues /ll'C' now $1.00 pc1· ch11p1 C' r. "\\ 1cl11tn, '\Y ebs1cr Gro\'rs, Canton, and Elko antiripatr<l _ 1hc passage of 1hr 1·0�nh1twn and -;r nt their clu0s with thc. i r voirs. 1.'h C' other chapters 111·e 1·cqursted to send the dues to the S C'cr1a1T 11s soon w, C'Onvcn1rnt. hut not late1· 11,an J,rnuary 31.
The Amendment
The nmC'ndmC'nt to ihe constitution re<.lnC'ing ckgTer fr0s to 50 C'ents was pass<'d almos1 unanimous].,·; 283 Yotes fo1·. ,3 against. This amcnd n irnt also was drC'l11rrd effrctivr DC'c. 27th. 8evcn1l chaptC' rs who Jwv<' _ flllC'<' �ent th full doll,11· for <lr�t'C'<' fC'c ha,·(' had 50 c<'nts plMecl bacl� e: to ihe1r cr0d1t. "\Yith 1h? �·e<lnC'tion ?f this fee ihC'l'C' should hC' nothing prevC'n tini;( mC'mbe1· " rhg1hle for lng-her dC'g-rrrs applying- for 1hem. 'l'hc extra : vote' wlnch thr <JC'gi-�'<' c01w0rs will romr hand.,· to a good inany C'lrn pte1·s wlwn th,, 110111111nt1011 nnd rlrC'tion of Nn1ional Ofnce1 ·s takes n]nC'r ,, sho1tl�-.
The June Magazine
ThC'1·r aJ'<' still a good man�· copies of thC' .Tune )fagazinC' on Jwncl. _ l nl �ss th0r �ire takC't1 up b�· ihe C'hnpters 1h0 loss to the national or _ :2'nmzation will bC' hell\',\'. 'L'l1c magazine rum; over fift�, pa"'es. As it 1 " the first �eague publ!eation it will not onlr l.)c intercsti�g rr,1ding n?w, �m1 will takr 011 111cr0asNl signifieaneC' as tlw yrm·s 11dd to its _ lrn,1cmr m1rrrs1. Evrr.,· C'lrnplet· �honld ha\'C at lr11st one ropy fnr
its filrs. 'l'hc price is 50 C<'nts nncl <'opies cnn Jw ohtai11ecl eith<'l' from the Bditor or the Secretary.
Send in Your Reports
• and 'L'he contest season is on. Send the reports of your debates speaking contests to the National Secretary immediately after each event. Do not wait until the end of the season to srnd a whole packet. By sending them immediately you not only add to the interest of your m embers by letting· tlwm watcl1 their total C'rcdit points pile up on theil' memorandum slips, but you arc doing a real favor to the Secretary. Even last year with only 75 chapters at the time, reports came into this office during April and May at such a rate tliat prompt handling was almost impossible. One hundred reports a day was not uncom mon, and it takes a good deal of time to take rare of one hundred reports. This year with double the number of chapters the rush is going to be worse unless Chapter officc1:s relievr the situation by spreading the work over the entire srason. Several chapters arc doing this of their own accord and reports l are coming in rcgularlr. ''he rest of the Chapters a rc requested to do 1 he same to avoid :i 1·ush se:ison for themselws and for th<' Serretary. Membership Applications
The same applies to mcmberc.;hip applirations. As c.;oon as a ron testant has qualified for membership his application should be sent in. If his certificate and emblem are not to be awarded until the close of tJ1e season they can be retained meanwhile b:v the cha pter or school offi rials. Getting them now will greatly help the nationnl office and 11lso assure. the chapter that thrse thini:rs will be on hand when they arc wanted.
New Chapters
1'he following C'haptC'rs have hren authorizC'cl sincr Septembrr : 128 ] 2!) 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 ] 37
Cafasauqua, Pemrnylvania Downs, Kansas Rock Rapids, Iowa Menasha, ,Visconsin Hampton, Iowa Fayette, Missouri Manhattan, Kansas Rocky Ford, Colorado Passaic. New Jersey Arling-t-011, ,Vashington
140 141 142 143 1 44
Denvre. Colorado Manual High School l\'Iinncapolis, Minnesota Minnesota College Lawton. Oklnhorna Bowling Green, Ohio Baxte1· Sp1·ings. Kansac.; Newark, N<'w Jersey Gladstone, }IiC'hig:m
Twice Charter Members
Two rnemlwrc.; haY<' tlw diRtinC'tion of twiC'<' lwi n g- rhai·trr rnrmlwrs
of N.l�.L. Chapt<'rs. Mi·. R. N. 'l'hompson last year organized Chapter No. 33 at Allentown (Pa.) High School, and this fall organized the first chapter authorized this year, at Catasauqua, Pennsylvania. Miss Mm':}' lVI. }fatlick, who last yca.i· organized Chapter No. 96 at Camcl'on, 1\1.isHouri, this fall org:rni7.ecl Chapter No. 135 at Rocky Ford, Col01·ado.
Suspended Chapters
Three chaptcrx we1·e suspended June 1., for failing to reach a mem bership of five before that date : ,\Tilson, North Carolina ; Batavia, New York ; and New Richmond, vVisconsin. Batavia has taken steps to build up its membersllip m1d apply for reinstatement. Failm·c to send requested official information before September 30 1·esulted in a fine for a dozen chapters. Butte, Montana ; Lancaster, Ohio ; Sheboygan, vVisconsin, and \Yau pun, ,Yisconsin, were suspended on Dec. 15 for not paying the fine. Shebo;vgan and Butte have already iaken steps to secure reinstatement. Three other chapters were suspended December 31. by order of the Executive Council for failure to pay charter or membership fees owed b:v thm : Mankato, Kansas ; Eugene, Oregon, and Charleston, ,Vest Virginia. Clrnrleston l1;1c.; taken steps to be reinstated.
Summary Statement
New Chapters - ---·-----·-····-·······-·······-·······-·············-··-····-······· 17 J\t[em hers ···· ·······················-····-··-····-··-···--··-····-··-·········· 126 75 Emblems ordered -···············-·--······· ·· ·· ·············--·-······ Reports of Contest -···············-·······-············· · ·· ···-·-··· 381. .Memoranda J ssuC'd -·······-················· -········-··-·····-····· 348 Degrees Granted : Degree of Honor ···········-············ · ··-·········· ·· · · · ··· Degree of E.xcclknr.e ........................................ DC'gre<' of Distinrt"ion ··--····-····· ························
Advanced Degrees
21. 7 3
Total 142 1051 733 2179 2182
165 54 ]8
Th<' following Advanced Deg1·ecs h,ffe heen gr:intrcl c.;iner the pnh ]iC'ation of th<' SC'pt<'mbcr Bulletin : DEGREE OF l)fS'l'INCTIOK V<'l"lin Mcl\fahon, Clarion, Iowa. Ath lone MeGec, Fayette, l\Ii,;souri. S. L. }fryer, F:1�·rttc, l\,fo:;c.;ouri.
its filrs. 'l'hc price is 50 C<'nts nncl <'opies cnn Jw ohtai11ecl eith<'l' from the Bditor or the Secretary.
Send in Your Reports
• and 'L'he contest season is on. Send the reports of your debates speaking contests to the National Secretary immediately after each event. Do not wait until the end of the season to srnd a whole packet. By sending them immediately you not only add to the interest of your m embers by letting· tlwm watcl1 their total C'rcdit points pile up on theil' memorandum slips, but you arc doing a real favor to the Secretary. Even last year with only 75 chapters at the time, reports came into this office during April and May at such a rate tliat prompt handling was almost impossible. One hundred reports a day was not uncom mon, and it takes a good deal of time to take rare of one hundred reports. This year with double the number of chapters the rush is going to be worse unless Chapter officc1:s relievr the situation by spreading the work over the entire srason. Several chapters arc doing this of their own accord and reports l are coming in rcgularlr. ''he rest of the Chapters a rc requested to do 1 he same to avoid :i 1·ush se:ison for themselws and for th<' Serretary. Membership Applications
The same applies to mcmberc.;hip applirations. As c.;oon as a ron testant has qualified for membership his application should be sent in. If his certificate and emblem are not to be awarded until the close of tJ1e season they can be retained meanwhile b:v the cha pter or school offi rials. Getting them now will greatly help the nationnl office and 11lso assure. the chapter that thrse thini:rs will be on hand when they arc wanted.
New Chapters
1'he following C'haptC'rs have hren authorizC'cl sincr Septembrr : 128 ] 2!) 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 ] 37
Cafasauqua, Pemrnylvania Downs, Kansas Rock Rapids, Iowa Menasha, ,Visconsin Hampton, Iowa Fayette, Missouri Manhattan, Kansas Rocky Ford, Colorado Passaic. New Jersey Arling-t-011, ,Vashington
140 141 142 143 1 44
Denvre. Colorado Manual High School l\'Iinncapolis, Minnesota Minnesota College Lawton. Oklnhorna Bowling Green, Ohio Baxte1· Sp1·ings. Kansac.; Newark, N<'w Jersey Gladstone, }IiC'hig:m
Twice Charter Members
Two rnemlwrc.; haY<' tlw diRtinC'tion of twiC'<' lwi n g- rhai·trr rnrmlwrs
of N.l�.L. Chapt<'rs. Mi·. R. N. 'l'hompson last year organized Chapter No. 33 at Allentown (Pa.) High School, and this fall organized the first chapter authorized this year, at Catasauqua, Pennsylvania. Miss Mm':}' lVI. }fatlick, who last yca.i· organized Chapter No. 96 at Camcl'on, 1\1.isHouri, this fall org:rni7.ecl Chapter No. 135 at Rocky Ford, Col01·ado.
Suspended Chapters
Three chaptcrx we1·e suspended June 1., for failing to reach a mem bership of five before that date : ,\Tilson, North Carolina ; Batavia, New York ; and New Richmond, vVisconsin. Batavia has taken steps to build up its membersllip m1d apply for reinstatement. Failm·c to send requested official information before September 30 1·esulted in a fine for a dozen chapters. Butte, Montana ; Lancaster, Ohio ; Sheboygan, vVisconsin, and \Yau pun, ,Yisconsin, were suspended on Dec. 15 for not paying the fine. Shebo;vgan and Butte have already iaken steps to secure reinstatement. Three other chapters were suspended December 31. by order of the Executive Council for failure to pay charter or membership fees owed b:v thm : Mankato, Kansas ; Eugene, Oregon, and Charleston, ,Vest Virginia. Clrnrleston l1;1c.; taken steps to be reinstated.
Summary Statement
New Chapters - ---·-----·-····-·······-·······-·······-·············-··-····-······· 17 J\t[em hers ···· ·······················-····-··-····-··-···--··-····-··-·········· 126 75 Emblems ordered -···············-·--······· ·· ·· ·············--·-······ Reports of Contest -···············-·······-············· · ·· ···-·-··· 381. .Memoranda J ssuC'd -·······-················· -········-··-·····-····· 348 Degrees Granted : Degree of Honor ···········-············ · ··-·········· ·· · · · ··· Degree of E.xcclknr.e ........................................ DC'gre<' of Distinrt"ion ··--····-····· ························
Advanced Degrees
21. 7 3
Total 142 1051 733 2179 2182
165 54 ]8
Th<' following Advanced Deg1·ecs h,ffe heen gr:intrcl c.;iner the pnh ]iC'ation of th<' SC'pt<'mbcr Bulletin : DEGREE OF l)fS'l'INCTIOK V<'l"lin Mcl\fahon, Clarion, Iowa. Ath lone MeGec, Fayette, l\Ii,;souri. S. L. }fryer, F:1�·rttc, l\,fo:;c.;ouri.
)lational Jor,nsit 1!ea9ue
DEGREE OF RXCELT,F.NCE Kennc1 h Wolfe, Ashlnnd, Ohio. ' Burns, Sacramento, California. Victol' NL Gladys T. Staats, Sacramento, California. Velma Evans, Sacramento, Cali fornia. Donald F. Prince, Portl and , )ifaine. Athlene McGee, Fayette, Missouri. S, h )foyer, Fayette, �Missouri.
No. 3
New Districts The steady growth of the organization has again made necessary the creation of additional Districts. The first year there were three, last year there were five, and now there will be ten .. These are established by Gener a l Order No. 7. A significant change will b!': noted in the naming of the Districts. It was Jeerned hy the Council no longer feasible to assign direc tional names such as "'Northern" or "'Western" and consequently the Dis tricts have been named after the state in that District having the largest number of Chapters.
DEGREE OF HONOR :\fatthrw DeLany, Hornell, New York. \Villiam T. English, Homcll, New York. Ke1mrth ·w olfc, .Ashlaml, Ohio. Herbert Butzbach, Clinton, l owa. Ricliard T. Page, \Vatcrvillr, Maine. Miss Ruth K Wells, Saratoga Sp1·ings, N. Y . Frances Adinns, Sacramento, California. Victor }I. Burns, Sacramento, C1.l liforn ia. Glnd>·s 'l'. Staats, Sne1·anwnt o, Cnlifomin . Velma Evans, Sacram ento, California . Rnth L. \Voodnnl, Sacramento, Californ i n . Lucille Schwa rtz, 1\II enasha, \\Tisconsi n . Robert Schwartz, iVIenaslia, \Visconsin. Dorothy Craw ford, l\lcnash a , Wisconsin . T Vcrlc Bliss, Menasha, \\ isconsin. Henry Kreshock, :iV[enasha, \Visconsin. Herbert Fox, Alpf'na, Michigan. Neal F. Ross, Portland, }fa ine. Rizpah Davis, Portland, 11fainr. .Athlone McGee, Fayette, l\Iissouri . S . L. :;\Ic>·er,, }Iissouri.
General Order No. 7 For the purpose of the third general ele..::tion and until otherwise direct ed, the Chapters are divided into Districts in such manner that there shall be not less than ten nor more rhan twenty Chapters in any one District, a, follow.; : NE\V YORK DISTRICT-All Chapters i11 New York, New Hamp shire, and Maine, now twelve in number; PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT-All Chapters in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Florida, now sixteen in numbr; OHIO DISTRICT-All Chapters in Ohio, Indiana, and West Vir ginia, now sixteen in number; \\lISCONSIN DISTRICT-All Chapters in \Visconsin and Michi gan, now eighteen in number ; ILLINOIS DISTRICT-All Chapters in Illinois, Tennessee, and Mi� souri, now thirteen in number; IOWA DISTRICT-All Chapters in Iowa and Minnesota, now twelve in number; SOUTH DAKOTA DISTRICT-All Chapters in South Dakota, now fifteen in number. KANSAS DISTRICT- All Chapters in Kansas, now fifteen in number; COLORADO DISTRICT-i\ll Chapters in Colorado, Oklahoma, Tex as, and Louisiana, now twelve in number;
.Additional Copies
Additional copies of this B ulletin will he sent t o nny Chaptrr for the re;,t of t he >·ear for Hi cents n copy.
Chapters Not Organized
Scvei·1.1 l <·haptcrs authol'i?.cd last yrar have not yet m·ganiz('d. 'l'hey are again urged t o do so. To dcla�' further will appear to indicate lack of interest and will be prejudicial to the good standing of the Ultaptcr. If difficult'ics in nrnki11g· ont the 1·rports are encountered, W l'ite the Secrct a l'y.
CALIFORNIA DISTRICT-All Chapters in California, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Arizona, Utah and Nevada, now fourteen in number. States not included herein in which Chapters are hereafter established �hall be attached to the adjacent District which then has the smallest num ber of Chapters.