1927 February National Forensic League Bulletin

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)lational Jor,nsit 1!ea9ue

DEGREE OF RXCELT,F.NCE Kennc1 h Wolfe, Ashlnnd, Ohio. ' Burns, Sacramento, California. Victol' NL Gladys T. Staats, Sacramento, California. Velma Evans, Sacramento, Cali fornia. Donald F. Prince, Portl and , )ifaine. Athlene McGee, Fayette, Missouri. S, h )foyer, Fayette, �Missouri.

No. 3


New Districts The steady growth of the organization has again made necessary the creation of additional Districts. The first year there were three, last year there were five, and now there will be ten .. These are established by Gener­ a l Order No. 7. A significant change will b!': noted in the naming of the Districts. It was Jeerned hy the Council no longer feasible to assign direc­ tional names such as "'Northern" or "'Western" and consequently the Dis­ tricts have been named after the state in that District having the largest number of Chapters.

DEGREE OF HONOR :\fatthrw DeLany, Hornell, New York. \Villiam T. English, Homcll, New York. Ke1mrth ·w olfc, .Ashlaml, Ohio. Herbert Butzbach, Clinton, l owa. Ricliard T. Page, \Vatcrvillr, Maine. Miss Ruth K Wells, Saratoga Sp1·ings, N. Y . Frances Adinns, Sacramento, California. Victor }I. Burns, Sacramento, C1.l liforn ia. Glnd>·s 'l'. Staats, Sne1·anwnt o, Cnlifomin . Velma Evans, Sacram ento, California . Rnth L. \Voodnnl, Sacramento, Californ i n . Lucille Schwa rtz, 1\II enasha, \\Tisconsi n . Robert Schwartz, iVIenaslia, \Visconsin. Dorothy Craw ford, l\lcnash a , Wisconsin . T Vcrlc Bliss, Menasha, \\ isconsin. Henry Kreshock, :iV[enasha, \Visconsin. Herbert Fox, Alpf'na, Michigan. Neal F. Ross, Portland, }fa ine. Rizpah Davis, Portland, 11fainr. .Athlone McGee, Fayette, l\Iissouri . S . L. :;\Ic>·er, Fnyct.tr, }Iissouri.

General Order No. 7 For the purpose of the third general ele..::tion and until otherwise direct­ ed, the Chapters are divided into Districts in such manner that there shall be not less than ten nor more rhan twenty Chapters in any one District, a, follow.; : NE\V YORK DISTRICT-All Chapters i11 New York, New Hamp­ shire, and Maine, now twelve in number; PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT-All Chapters in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Florida, now sixteen in numbr; OHIO DISTRICT-All Chapters in Ohio, Indiana, and West Vir­ ginia, now sixteen in number; \\lISCONSIN DISTRICT-All Chapters in \Visconsin and Michi­ gan, now eighteen in number ; ILLINOIS DISTRICT-All Chapters in Illinois, Tennessee, and Mi�­ souri, now thirteen in number; IOWA DISTRICT-All Chapters in Iowa and Minnesota, now twelve in number; SOUTH DAKOTA DISTRICT-All Chapters in South Dakota, now fifteen in number. KANSAS DISTRICT- All Chapters in Kansas, now fifteen in number; COLORADO DISTRICT-i\ll Chapters in Colorado, Oklahoma, Tex­ as, and Louisiana, now twelve in number;

.Additional Copies

Additional copies of this B ulletin will he sent t o nny Chaptrr for the re;,t of t he >·ear for Hi cents n copy.

Chapters Not Organized

Scvei·1.1 l <·haptcrs authol'i?.cd last yrar have not yet m·ganiz('d. 'l'hey are again urged t o do so. To dcla�' further will appear to indicate lack of interest and will be prejudicial to the good standing of the Ultaptcr. If difficult'ics in nrnki11g· ont the 1·rports are encountered, W l'ite the Secrct a l'y.



CALIFORNIA DISTRICT-All Chapters in California, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Arizona, Utah and Nevada, now fourteen in number. States not included herein in which Chapters are hereafter established �hall be attached to the adjacent District which then has the smallest num­ ber of Chapters.

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