)lational Jor,nsit 1!ea9ue
DEGREE OF RXCELT,F.NCE Kennc1 h Wolfe, Ashlnnd, Ohio. ' Burns, Sacramento, California. Victol' NL Gladys T. Staats, Sacramento, California. Velma Evans, Sacramento, Cali fornia. Donald F. Prince, Portl and , )ifaine. Athlene McGee, Fayette, Missouri. S, h )foyer, Fayette, �Missouri.
No. 3
New Districts The steady growth of the organization has again made necessary the creation of additional Districts. The first year there were three, last year there were five, and now there will be ten .. These are established by Gener a l Order No. 7. A significant change will b!': noted in the naming of the Districts. It was Jeerned hy the Council no longer feasible to assign direc tional names such as "'Northern" or "'Western" and consequently the Dis tricts have been named after the state in that District having the largest number of Chapters.
DEGREE OF HONOR :\fatthrw DeLany, Hornell, New York. \Villiam T. English, Homcll, New York. Ke1mrth ·w olfc, .Ashlaml, Ohio. Herbert Butzbach, Clinton, l owa. Ricliard T. Page, \Vatcrvillr, Maine. Miss Ruth K Wells, Saratoga Sp1·ings, N. Y . Frances Adinns, Sacramento, California. Victor }I. Burns, Sacramento, C1.l liforn ia. Glnd>·s 'l'. Staats, Sne1·anwnt o, Cnlifomin . Velma Evans, Sacram ento, California . Rnth L. \Voodnnl, Sacramento, Californ i n . Lucille Schwa rtz, 1\II enasha, \\Tisconsi n . Robert Schwartz, iVIenaslia, \Visconsin. Dorothy Craw ford, l\lcnash a , Wisconsin . T Vcrlc Bliss, Menasha, \\ isconsin. Henry Kreshock, :iV[enasha, \Visconsin. Herbert Fox, Alpf'na, Michigan. Neal F. Ross, Portland, }fa ine. Rizpah Davis, Portland, 11fainr. .Athlone McGee, Fayette, l\Iissouri . S . L. :;\Ic>·er, Fnyct.tr, }Iissouri.
General Order No. 7 For the purpose of the third general ele..::tion and until otherwise direct ed, the Chapters are divided into Districts in such manner that there shall be not less than ten nor more rhan twenty Chapters in any one District, a, follow.; : NE\V YORK DISTRICT-All Chapters i11 New York, New Hamp shire, and Maine, now twelve in number; PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT-All Chapters in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Florida, now sixteen in numbr; OHIO DISTRICT-All Chapters in Ohio, Indiana, and West Vir ginia, now sixteen in number; \\lISCONSIN DISTRICT-All Chapters in \Visconsin and Michi gan, now eighteen in number ; ILLINOIS DISTRICT-All Chapters in Illinois, Tennessee, and Mi� souri, now thirteen in number; IOWA DISTRICT-All Chapters in Iowa and Minnesota, now twelve in number; SOUTH DAKOTA DISTRICT-All Chapters in South Dakota, now fifteen in number. KANSAS DISTRICT- All Chapters in Kansas, now fifteen in number; COLORADO DISTRICT-i\ll Chapters in Colorado, Oklahoma, Tex as, and Louisiana, now twelve in number;
.Additional Copies
Additional copies of this B ulletin will he sent t o nny Chaptrr for the re;,t of t he >·ear for Hi cents n copy.
Chapters Not Organized
Scvei·1.1 l <·haptcrs authol'i?.cd last yrar have not yet m·ganiz('d. 'l'hey are again urged t o do so. To dcla�' further will appear to indicate lack of interest and will be prejudicial to the good standing of the Ultaptcr. If difficult'ics in nrnki11g· ont the 1·rports are encountered, W l'ite the Secrct a l'y.
CALIFORNIA DISTRICT-All Chapters in California, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Arizona, Utah and Nevada, now fourteen in number. States not included herein in which Chapters are hereafter established �hall be attached to the adjacent District which then has the smallest num ber of Chapters.
Nomination of Candidates
The time for election of National Officers to serve for the ensuing school year is again at hand. According to the provisions of the constitution the Executive Council by General Order No. 8 has prescribed the time and :nanner in which that election shall be held. As only nomination of can didates take place at this time only that part of the Order concerning nomi nations is published at this time. The order will he published in full next month. The chapters are asked particularly to note that the nominations ;nust be in by March 1 .
General Order No. 8
Election of National Officers for 1927 shall be held as follows : 1. Before March I , 1 927, each Chapter shall nominate as candidate for National Officer one member and submit with the nomination a state ment not exceeding two hundred words setting forth the person's qualifica tions. 2. The National Secretary shall mail to each Chapter before March I O a list of the persons nominated in that District and a copy of the state ment accompanying each nomination. The names of the candidates shall be arranged in the order in which the nominations were received by the National Secretary.
The Annual Magazine
Under the editorship of President Ray Cecil Carter the N.F.L. will :"oon publish its second annual Magazine. In order to avoid the heavy financi:t! loss which resulted last year the Executive Council, however, has agreed upon these propositions to govern the publication. 1 . The issue shall b e appwximately fifty pages. 2. The price shall be fifty cents a copy. 3. Only the number subscribed for before May I , plus fifty copies shall be published. Orders for copies of this publication should be sent as soon as convenient to the Editor, President Ray Cecil Carter, High School, Albany, New York. Chapters should get together on this at once and send in their subscriptions and remittances so that sufficient copies will be desired to war rant publication.
Dedication of the Magazine
So long \NC have referred to our annual publication simply as the Mag ::izine. We now want a more suitable, more distinctive name. To encour age the thought processes which might lead to a fortunate sugge'Stion the Council has decided to dedicate this year's annual to the person who sub mits the best name for the publication. The collegiate forensic honor socie ties have publications named '·The Gavel," "The Forensic," and "The Speaker." A name for our publication should in some similar manner· refer to the public speaking art and still should obviously be quite distinctive. Send your suggestions to the Editor. There is no restriction as to how many names n'ay he suggested by any one member.
Debate Reports
In making out reports of dcb:i.tes in which only two people part1c1pate the line for first speaker should be left blank. Some chapters have been filling in all three lines by writing the name of the team leader twice. This is confusing to the Secretary's 1)ffice and observation of the above sugges, t1on will be appreciated.
Credit Points
A good many chapters do not apply for the extra point to which the team leader is entitkd. The practice is so prevalent that it seems many chapter must overlook. the provision giving this extro point and their atten tion is directed to it.
Summary Statement
New Chapters ............................... .................................................... 'j 1\,1embcrs .................................................................................. 5 1 Emblems Ordered ........................................ ........................... 57 Reports of Con tests ... . ........................... ................ ....... .......... � 2 1 Memoranda Issued ....................... ............ .. ..... ......... .. ............... '.! 72 Degrees Granted: Degre._c: of honor .................................................................. J 3 Degree of Excellence ............................. .......................... 5 Degree of Distinction ........................................................ 4
Total 1 47 1102 790 2500 245'4 178 59 22
ADVAN CED DEGREES The following have been grnnte<l Advanced Degrees during January: DEGREE OF DISTINCTION
Ralp11 S. Frantz ............................................ ...Rocky Ford, Colorado E. Frank Walker .......................... ...............................Clarion, Iowa Merwin Murphy ....................................................Phoenix, Arizona Eclwyna M. Fonyth .. .........................................Maryville, Missouri DfGREE OF EXCELLENCE
Ralph S. F rantz .............................................. Rocky Ford, Colorado Bernice Bernard ............................................... ............Clarion, Iowa Merwin Murphy ......................................................Phoenix, Arizona Eclwyna M. Forsyth ....................................................Maryville, Mo. Arthur L. Knoblauch ...................................... .........Blissfield, Mich. DECREE OF HONOR
Lena Hollingsworth . ..............................................Arlington, Wash. Ann Novelle Nettles ..............................................Arlington, Wash. Josephine M. Schmidt ..............................................Plymouth, Mich . Meyer Rothwacks .......................................................... Passaic, N. J. Samuel Wechsler ............................................................ Passaic, N. ]. Ruby M. Thomas ............... ....... ... ...... ................ Rocky Ford, Colo. Ralph S. Frantz ....................................................Rocky Ford, Colo. Clarice Harber .......................................... .........Sacramento, Calif.
Nomination of Candidates
The time for election of National Officers to serve for the ensuing school year is again at hand. According to the provisions of the constitution the Executive Council by General Order No. 8 has prescribed the time and :nanner in which that election shall be held. As only nomination of can didates take place at this time only that part of the Order concerning nomi nations is published at this time. The order will he published in full next month. The chapters are asked particularly to note that the nominations ;nust be in by March 1 .
General Order No. 8
Election of National Officers for 1927 shall be held as follows : 1. Before March I , 1 927, each Chapter shall nominate as candidate for National Officer one member and submit with the nomination a state ment not exceeding two hundred words setting forth the person's qualifica tions. 2. The National Secretary shall mail to each Chapter before March I O a list of the persons nominated in that District and a copy of the state ment accompanying each nomination. The names of the candidates shall be arranged in the order in which the nominations were received by the National Secretary.
The Annual Magazine
Under the editorship of President Ray Cecil Carter the N.F.L. will :"oon publish its second annual Magazine. In order to avoid the heavy financi:t! loss which resulted last year the Executive Council, however, has agreed upon these propositions to govern the publication. 1 . The issue shall b e appwximately fifty pages. 2. The price shall be fifty cents a copy. 3. Only the number subscribed for before May I , plus fifty copies shall be published. Orders for copies of this publication should be sent as soon as convenient to the Editor, President Ray Cecil Carter, High School, Albany, New York. Chapters should get together on this at once and send in their subscriptions and remittances so that sufficient copies will be desired to war rant publication.
Dedication of the Magazine
So long \NC have referred to our annual publication simply as the Mag ::izine. We now want a more suitable, more distinctive name. To encour age the thought processes which might lead to a fortunate sugge'Stion the Council has decided to dedicate this year's annual to the person who sub mits the best name for the publication. The collegiate forensic honor socie ties have publications named '·The Gavel," "The Forensic," and "The Speaker." A name for our publication should in some similar manner· refer to the public speaking art and still should obviously be quite distinctive. Send your suggestions to the Editor. There is no restriction as to how many names n'ay he suggested by any one member.
Debate Reports
In making out reports of dcb:i.tes in which only two people part1c1pate the line for first speaker should be left blank. Some chapters have been filling in all three lines by writing the name of the team leader twice. This is confusing to the Secretary's 1)ffice and observation of the above sugges, t1on will be appreciated.
Credit Points
A good many chapters do not apply for the extra point to which the team leader is entitkd. The practice is so prevalent that it seems many chapter must overlook. the provision giving this extro point and their atten tion is directed to it.
Summary Statement
New Chapters ............................... .................................................... 'j 1\,1embcrs .................................................................................. 5 1 Emblems Ordered ........................................ ........................... 57 Reports of Con tests ... . ........................... ................ ....... .......... � 2 1 Memoranda Issued ....................... ............ .. ..... ......... .. ............... '.! 72 Degrees Granted: Degre._c: of honor .................................................................. J 3 Degree of Excellence ............................. .......................... 5 Degree of Distinction ........................................................ 4
Total 1 47 1102 790 2500 245'4 178 59 22
ADVAN CED DEGREES The following have been grnnte<l Advanced Degrees during January: DEGREE OF DISTINCTION
Ralp11 S. Frantz ............................................ ...Rocky Ford, Colorado E. Frank Walker .......................... ...............................Clarion, Iowa Merwin Murphy ....................................................Phoenix, Arizona Eclwyna M. Fonyth .. .........................................Maryville, Missouri DfGREE OF EXCELLENCE
Ralph S. F rantz .............................................. Rocky Ford, Colorado Bernice Bernard ............................................... ............Clarion, Iowa Merwin Murphy ......................................................Phoenix, Arizona Eclwyna M. Forsyth ....................................................Maryville, Mo. Arthur L. Knoblauch ...................................... .........Blissfield, Mich. DECREE OF HONOR
Lena Hollingsworth . ..............................................Arlington, Wash. Ann Novelle Nettles ..............................................Arlington, Wash. Josephine M. Schmidt ..............................................Plymouth, Mich . Meyer Rothwacks .......................................................... Passaic, N. J. Samuel Wechsler ............................................................ Passaic, N. ]. Ruby M. Thomas ............... ....... ... ...... ................ Rocky Ford, Colo. Ralph S. Frantz ....................................................Rocky Ford, Colo. Clarice Harber .......................................... .........Sacramento, Calif.
lfttionol Jorensir lm9ue
---------- Clari x on, Iowa Bernice Bernard -----·------ ----- ---------------- -------- - --h�eni Ari zona P · · ···--···----------·- i � Merwin Murphy -------- ------------- ------ --Burl ng on, Iowa Milton E. G. Muelder --------- -------- ------ ·····-··-----· ·-· · ·---- Mar ville Mo.. sl Edwyna M. Forsyth -- ----------------- ------------ -- -- ---- · · -----·- ------- --Blis eld' Mich Arthur L. Knoblauch ----------- -····--- ·· ··--------
NO. 4
New Chapters
authorized during the past month : The following Chapters have been 145 Howell, Michigan l 46 Austin, Minnesota 147 Canton, South Dakota 148 Presho, South Dakota 1 49 Oakland, Nebraska
Nomination of Candidates
MARCH, 1927
Nomination of candidates for National Council has now been closed. In tho:-:e Dist1·ict s where several candidates h ave been nominated the names a re being referred at this time to the Active l\Iembcrs for pref crent ial voting. Attention is especially directed t o the fact that the votes must be in 1 he Secretary's office before April 1st. Tn Districts whel'e only one candidate has been nomi11ated t he per son 's name will go directly onto the final ballot and there will, of Petitions Referred course, need to be no vot ing at this time. The petition referred to the Northern District was approved by a vote The candidates chosen at this time will be voted ou by th e entire of 9 o Active Membership during April for the election of Nationa l Officers. ih � ��ition referred to the Eastern District was r_ejected by a vote of General Order No. 8 providing for this election is vublished in full 46 Yes a�d 2 8 No, a thrP.e · fourths affirmative vote bemg required. herewith. As it will not be published again this year it is requesterl t hat chapter officers preserve the copy for guidance in the voting pro cedure in the election taking place in April. Chapter Reinstated with the cons6tuti�nal P_�ov1, plied com ng havi pter Cha GF.NEHAL ORoEu No. 8 n oyga The Sheb pter by the Executive ounc1 on Election of National Officers for 1 !127 shall be held as follows : �ions was reinstated as an Active Cha January 3 1 st. 1 . Bdol'e March 1, 1927, c.nch Chapter sl1all nominate as candi date for National Offic�1· one member and submit with the nomination es Du l An nua a statement not exceeding two hundred words setting forth the per the ency curr in dues ual ann r thei son 's qualifications. As a number of Chapters are payincr been received and that the dues t "'h a 2. 'fhe National Secretary shall mail to each Chapter before March Secretary wishes to acknow1edge tha� i. F � lowing is a list of the Chapters 10th a list of the persons nominated in that District and a copy of the for that Chapter have been recorde send ld not on this list, .shou dues have . bcen received. Cha,pt�rs :-tatement accompanying each nomination. The names of the eandi whose e th "d pat g h av_1n not . . month the list of chapters , . Next clatcs shall be arranged in the order in which the nominations were their dues at once list er 11 sma e t h e b ld shou tedly received b.r the l.rational Secretary. dues will be published as this undoub Laconia M on ort 3. The Acti ve members of eaeh Chapter :-:hall then vote by prefer Wichita Wagner g nm Can ballot upon the candidates in that District, indicating on each ential Elko Norwich Burlmbton . fi rst, second, and third choice, a11d retu rn the ballots to the hallot Webstcr Groves Centerville o Ohi , land Ash N" a tional Rccrctary before April 1. · o Canton, Ohi Lucas Sh�boygan 4. 'rhc rational Seeretai;y shall count the ballots as provided in Plano Phoenix Niles Regulat ion No. 9 and immediately report the result to the Chapters. Columbus Ford an� Shaw listing all the pm·sons voted for and the 1rnmbcr of votes emit for each. phia adel Phil New Win netka Wheatndge 'rhe person receiving the highest number of votes slrnll be the candi Clarion Calvert l3lissfield date from th at District. Cic.::;ro Nazareth Allentown (High) 5. If the candidates from all the Districts do not contain the names East Orange Cameron Asbury Park of at least two students then the necessary number of students shall hr Howell Guthrie added to the list from the students receiving the highest number of 'Votes in the previous ballot. s Additional Copie 6. The names of all the candidates shall then be listed on the ballot of , wi 11 IJe sent for the remainder :four times, the order to lbe determined by lot. once for each of the fonr Additional copies of this Bulletir a copy. s Pffi cel's to be ch osen. ''hc Active Members sl,all then vote for one to the year to any ch,tpter for I 5 c<.:nt