2015 Annual Report

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National Speech & Debate Association

2015 Annual Report



From the Executive Director Dear friends and supporters, 2015 was the National Speech & Debate Association’s 90th anniversary, a remarkable accomplishment that few interscholastic organizations can boast. While much has changed since Bruno E. Jacob founded the Association at Ripon College in 1925, our mission of exciting students about speech and debate has remained the same. Our mission has sustained and supported the Association over nine decades of history. I’m convinced that this mission is more needed today than ever before. Speech and debate activities provide critical academic and leadership skills to students, empowering them to excel both inside and outside of the classroom. The Association’s work equips middle school and high school students across the country with the tools they need to become engaged citizens, skilled professionals, and leaders in their community. Yet far too few students are afforded the opportunity to join speech and debate. In difficult economic times, speech and debate teams are often one of the first programs to be cut. This is one of the reasons the Association has developed new programs like Communicators in the Classroom to help support speech and debate in low-income school districts. It’s why we waive membership fees for many of our Title I schools and why we’ve offered travel scholarships to many students attending the National Tournament. At the National Speech & Debate Association, we strongly believe that every student in America should have the opportunity to participate in speech and debate, and we will continue to work to make that happen. The benefits of speech and debate are clear. Studies regularly show that students who participate in speech and debate have higher grade point averages, score higher on standardized tests, and are more likely to graduate from high school and attend a four-year college. Alumni of the National Speech & Debate Association are engaged citizens, leaders in business, law, and medicine, and public servants who serve their communities from local school boards to the White House. We’ve accomplished a lot as a community over the past ninety years, thanks in large part to friends and supporters like you who recognize the value of giving students an exceptional opportunity to succeed. But rather than resting on our laurels, let’s redouble our efforts to ensure that every student in America has the opportunity to participate in speech and debate. Thank you for your commitment to speech and debate and for being a part of the National Speech & Debate Association. Sincerely, 2


National Speech & Debate Association Annual Review 2015 J. Scott Wunn

Contents 4 6 8 10 14 16 18 22

Mission and Vision Programs Speech and Debate Around the World 2015 National Tournament Membership at a Glance Spotlight on Coaches 2015 in Review Leadership

The measure of your power in life is the number of people you can persuade to join you. That is why speech is the most powerful gift you can receive. This gift we have is a gift that in the right hands can move the world. Investing in the National Speech & Debate Association has been my most s u cce s s f u l p h i la n t h ro p i c e n d e avo r. ­—Tom Rollins, 2015 Alumni Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient



Mission and Vision

Mission The National Speech & Debate Association believes communication skills are essential for empowering youth to become engaged citizens, skilled professionals, and honorable leaders in our global society. We connect, support, and inspire a diverse community of honor society members committed to fostering excellence in young people through competitive speech and debate activities.

Vision We envision a world in which every student has access to competitive speech and debate activities. We are the leading voice in the development of resources, competitive and ethical standards, curricular and co-curricular opportunities, and recognition systems for our vast network of student, coach, and alumni members.

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About the National Speech & Debate Association Speech and debate is an academic activity typically available to students in middle school, high school, and/or college. Similar to athletic sports, speech and debate activities are challenging, competitive in nature, and require regular practice, coaching, dedication, and hard work. Speech involves a presentation by one, two, or sometimes a group of students that is judged against a similar type of presentation by others in a round of competition. Speech events range from limited preparation events that require extensive knowledge of current events to dramatic and humorous interpretation, which challenge students to find powerful moments in literature and recreate them for an audience. Debate involves an individual or a team of debaters working to effectively convince a judge that his or her side of a resolution is, as a general principle, more valid. Students in debate come to thoroughly understand both sides of the resolution, having researched each extensively, and learn to think critically about every argument that could be made on each side. Each event in speech and debate features a different form of public speaking and requires a unique skill set and talent. While students often develop a passion for specific events, many compete in multiple categories throughout the course of their academic careers.

Speech and debate enhances my communication skills, prepares me for the real world, and t e a c h e s m e h ow t o p re s e n t m y s e l f c o n f i d e n t ly. I t ’s h a d a h u g e e f f e c t o n m y l i f e . –Milagros Pagan, Alumna | |

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Programs The National Speech & Debate Association provides the infrastructure for scholastic speech and debate competition in the United States and in 11 member countries around the world. The Association offers a number of programs to help advance participation in speech and debate activities inside and outside of the classroom. Our goal is to provide the right level of support at every level of participation, whether that’s advocating for and developing new speech and debate programs and classes, inspiring student leaders, or facilitating competition across the globe for the best student debaters in the United States.

Communicators in the Classroom Communicators

in the Classroom

Transforming Li ves Through Speech and Deb ate

Communicators in the Classroom was created in 2012 to provide tools, resources, and support to school districts with little or no access to speech and debate programs. The program encourages speech and debate activities inside and outside of the classroom to teach students the academic skills they need to excel in school, college, and the workforce. Communicators in the Classroom provides free resources such as textbooks, coursework, free membership, and resource packages comprised of learning tools, instructional webinars, and more for all students, teachers, and coaches involved. Implementing Communicators in the Classroom in Broward County, Florida has been a huge success. Thanks to our work with the Broward County school district, all 34 high schools and 13 middle schools now offer debate programming to their students.

Summer Online Institute The Association’s Summer Online Institute provides an opportunity for students to enhance their performance and learn new skills that will benefit them in the year ahead. Online institutes are taught by Association coaches and judges and cover many different debate categories. There is also an institute for

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coaches to learn best practices and grow their administrative and coaching skills. The Association’s Summer Online Institute is a particularly helpful program for students who cannot participate in a traditional summer debate institute. The travel, lodging, and tuition fees charged by most summer institutes make it prohibitively expensive for many students to attend. The Association’s online institutes provide these students with an opportunity to engage in the same helpful speech and debate instruction, but at a fraction of the cost.

Voices of the Future Voices of the Future is designed to encourage student involvement in democratic society using speech and debate skills inside and outside the classroom. Voices of the Future teaching tools and activities engage students in the four zones of literacy: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students are enabled to think critically, collaborate, and communicate creatively. In 2015 and 2016, Voices of the Future will focus on the 2016 presidential election cycle. The Association has created a number of resources to integrate the presidential debates into speech and debate education. Voices of the Future encourages students to become engaged in the democratic process by bringing their critical thinking skills to bear on the current events issues facing our nation as we go to the polls to select our next president.

Other Programs For a full list of the programs and resources available to members of the National Speech & Debate Association, visit speechanddebate.org/programs.

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Speech and Debate USA Debate USA Debate is the National Speech & Debate Association’s program for promoting international speech and debate competition to American students. USA Debate brings together twelve of America’s best debaters to further our country’s historic tradition of debate and represent the United States in international competitions around the globe. The 2014-2015 USA Debate team competed in seven international events, traveling throughout America, to Slovenia, Germany, and finally Singapore, where they competed against more than 50 countries in the World Schools Debate Championship Canada 4 and finished among the top ten teams. Participating in USA Debate provides students with a tremendous opportunity to compete against their peers from other countries, research and discuss topics of global importance, experience new cultures, and make new friends.


Dominican Republic Puerto Rico

The US Virgin Islands

1 Morocco

B e i n g s e l e c t e d a s a m e m b e r o f Te a m U S A D e b a t e h a s been one of the single most important and formative ex p e r i e n ce s o f m y h i g h s c h o o l c a re e r. Fe w o f m y p e e r s have the opportunity to connect with students from other countries, build relationships that span the globe, and examine issues from a variety of global perspectives. The opportunities afforded me by the supporters of the National Speech & Debate Association have allowed me to serve as a representative of all debaters in the US at international competitions. I can only hope that many more students will have this opportunity in the future. —Nikolas Angelopoulos, California 88

National Speech Speech && Debate Debate Association Association Annual Annual Review report2015 2015 || National



Around the World USA Debate events Holy Cross World Schools Invitational October 2014 New Orleans, Louisiana


Europen 2014 November 2014 Stuttgart, Germany

John Edie Holiday Debate Tournament December 2014 Minneapolis, Minnesota

HarvardWestlake World Schools Invitational January 2015 Los Angeles, California

International World Schools Debate Tournament March 2015 Ljutomer, Slovenia

National Speech & Debate Association World Schools Invitational June 2015 Dallas, Texas

World Schools Debate Championship July/August 2015 Singapore


Bulgaria 10 Lebanon 1 United Arab Emirates Kuwait 1




Korea Taiwan




Countries & Schools


36 4 Saipan Guam

International Speech & Debate Programs International members have access to the same resources the Association provides all of its students, coaches, and teachers. From enrollment in the Honor Society to training videos, tools, resources, classroom activities, and international competition—member schools have all they need to build a successful speech and debate program. With our help more schools are competing in speech and debate throughout the world than ever before!

Through speech and debate, South Korean students have progressed from a methodical education to o n e w h i c h f o s t e r s s t u d e n t s ’ c re a t i v i t y, c r i t i c a l t h i n k i n g skills, and civic engagement. This activity has become a gateway for Asian students to be exposed to diverse cultural and humanitarian issues that are pertinent to our societies. Furthermore, we have initiated a program to teach North Korean refugees and defectors h ow to d e b ate . We a re g rate f u l to b u i ld c ross - c u l t u ral re lat i o n s h i ps w i t h e d u cato r s t h ro u g h o u t t h e wo r ld . We lo o k fo r wa rd to a m b i t i o u s ly expanding our horizons with the National Speech & Debate Association. —Heidi Son, Executive Director National Speech & Debate Association, Korean Chapter ||


2015 The National Speech & Debate Association’s National Tournament is the capstone event of the year and the largest academic competition in the world. The 2015 National Tournament was held in Dallas, Texas. More than 4,000 middle school and high school students competed in the tournament, joining the 6,000 parents, coaches, and supporters who attended. The Association has hosted the National Tournament since 1931. Competing on the main stage at the National Tournament before an audience of thousands can change the life of a student and open opportunities for future success. The Association commends the hard work of these exceptional students and is pleased to support them with nearly $100,000 in scholarships.

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National Tournament Sponsor List Platinum Level Arthur N. Rupe Foundation

Gold Level Elizabeth Arden

Ruby Level Stennis Center for Public Service

Emerald Level A .C. Eley Fund Carmendale Fernandes Fund Donus and Lovila Roberts Jason Mehta and Family Lanny D. and B.J. Naegelin Fund Patrick Henry Memorial Pi Kappa Delta

Sapphire Level

Planet Debate

American Legion


Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation

Richard B. Sodikow Fund

Colorado College

Sandra Silvers Fund

Council on Foreign Relations

The Lanier Law Firm

Trinity University

University of Alabama

Western Kentucky University

Victory Briefs



2015 Middle School National Champions Congressional Debate

Jack Xiao, Velasquez Academy (CA)


Erin McDermott, Mt. Prospect Middle School (IL)

Dramatic Interpretation

Bella deRoos, Phoenix Country Day School (AZ)

Duo Interpretation

Ayush Agarwal and Tavish Mohanti, The Brooks Academy (CA)

Extemporaneous Speaking Lyna Kim, Wilshire Academy (CA)

Humorous Interpretation

Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Conal Thomas-McGinnis, West Des Moines Valley (IA)

Original Oratory

Kevin Wang, The Brooks Academy (CA)

Poetry Interpretation

Gabriella Garcia, Saint Mary’s Hall (TX)

Policy Debate

Atticus Glen and Julian Habermann, Montgomery Bell Academy (TN)

Prose Interpretation

Bella deRoos, Phoenix Country Day School (AZ)

Public Forum Debate

Evan Eiglarsh, University School (FL)

Sandeep Varun Shankar and Joseph Bernard Pinto, Ephraim Curtis Middle School (MA)

Impromptu Speaking


Ishan Lakhani, The Brooks Academy (CA)

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Ella Schnake, Raymore-Peculiar East (MS)

National Speech Speech && Debate Debate Association Association Annual Annual Review report2015 2015 || National

2015 High School National Champions Policy Debate Ryan Spector and Anthony Trufanov, Glenbrook North High School (IL)

Dramatic Interpretation Daniel Williams, Holy Cross School (LA)

Congressional Debate – House Nick Danby, Bangor High School (ME)

Duo Interpretation Stephen Durosaiye and Tavan Thomas, Bronx Preparatory School (NY)

Congressional Debate – Senate Kaitlyn Allen-O’Gara, Oxford Academy (CA) Lincoln-Douglas Debate Nicky Halterman, Norman High School (OK)

Commentary Jason Fisher, Highlands Ranch High School (CO) Expository Jacob Womack, Aberdeen Central High School (SD)

Public Forum Debate Will Arnesen and Sam Arnesen, Walt Whitman High School (MD)

Extemporaneous Debate Joey Schnide, Evanston Township High School (IL)

United States Extemporaneous Speaking Brian Yu, Monte Vista High School – Danville (CA)

Poetry Reading Erik Thomas, Southland College Prep Charter High School (IL)

International Extemporaneous Speaking Brian Anderson, Larue County High School (KY)

Prose Reading Austin Guritza, Cheyenne East High School (WY)

Original Oratory Kenon Brinkley, Andover High School (KS)

Impromptu Josh Mansfield, Highland High School (ID)

Humorous Interpretation Rohan Chatterjee, Munster High School (IN)

Storytelling Sean Miles, O’Gorman High School (SD)


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Membership at a Glance

2014–2015 Total ACTIVE


high schools

middle schools



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high sch students



l new

school students

Total new

Year Total active

middle school students

MIDDLE & HIGH school students




My advice to principals who are considering a speech and debate program is to go for it. It is such a transforming activity in the lives of students and in the culture of your school. It w i l l ad d a leve l o f acad e m i c r i go r, e xce l le n ce , and prestige to your school like no other a c t i v i t y. A s yo u r s t u d e n t s a c h i e ve s u c c e s s in speech and debate, your academic reputation will abound. In other words, it is such a game changer. It was for us. ­­‑Dr. Joseph H. Murry, Jr., 2015 Principal of the Year Holy Cross School, Louisiana.


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Spotlight on Coaches Across the country, more than 6,000 National Speech & Debate Association coaches have dedicated their time and efforts to instructing students in the practice of speech and debate. The Association recognizes the exceptional service these coaches provide to their students, schools, communities, and the national organization through the distribution of Diamond Awards to reflect excellence and commitment to speech and debate coaching. Truly outstanding coaches are elected to the National Speech & Debate Association Hall of Fame. Election into the Hall of Fame is the highest honor for any speech and debate coach. Nominations to the Hall of Fame come directly from fellow coaches who have seen the direct impact of their peers on students. In 2015, the Association welcomed five new coaches in a ceremony at the National Tournament.

[Speech and debate] attracts students who may otherwise not have a home for their talents, skills, and abilities in a high school setting. I am sympathetic to a student who is forced to listen for eight hours a day and not given the opportunity to engage, speak, and listen as an active participant in a conversation. Speech and debate has opened students’ eyes to the world beyond their immediate surroundings. It has given them context, purpose, and motivation to become more engaged, more learned, and more prepared for the world in which they live. I don’t have kids of my own. These are my kids. They are m y l i f e ’s w o r k . W h e n I s e e t h e m l o v i n g w h a t I l o v e , e n j o y i n g w h a t I e n j o y, i t re i n f o rc e s h o w much I care about them and how much I care about their success and growth. —Dr. Josh Anderson, named the James M. Copeland 2015 Coach of the Year, Director of Speech and Debate at Olathe Northwest High School in Kansas

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Speech and debate gives stud e n t s a v o i c e . I t ’s a wonderful feeling to see your students holding le ad e r s h i p ro le s at s c h o o l . R e g a rd le s s if they qualify for state or national tournaments, just seeing them exce l a n d h av i n g self-confidence is amazing. – Victoria Mathews, Coach

In Memoriam

Dr. Alfred C. Snider The National Speech & Debate Association was deeply saddened by the loss of Dr. Alfred C. “Tuna” Snider, one of the world’s best known debate figures, who passed away December 11, 2015. It is impossible to estimate the number of people who have learned from Dr. Snider as a coach, teacher, or colleague, either in person or from one of his many books, podcasts, television appearances, radio shows, and websites. A lifelong learner and teacher, Dr. Snider was also one of the community’s greatest servants. His 10 years of service to the operations of the National Speech & Debate National Tournament and debate training activities in more than 44 countries introduced thousands of students and coaches to his laid-back style and engaging instructional techniques. An international ambassador for global debating, Dr. Snider was instrumental in bringing World Schools style debate to the United States and served as a coach for the USA Debate Team for the past three years. The USA World Schools Debate Invitational champion trophy is named in his honor. Dr. Snider received nearly every U.S. award connected with debate coaching, including the 2008 NSDA Humanitarian Award. He dedicated the latter 40-plus years of his life to promoting debate and critical communication as an alternative to violence and as a method for achieving a true civil society. Dr. Snider’s vision for the role of debate in the greater world leaves a legacy in which we can all take part.


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Financials 2015 in Review 2014 – 2015 Revenue Total: $4,240,751 Middle School Programming $240,468 Sales $765,506 Financial Development $919,854 Dues and Fees $1,126,339 Events $1,188,584

2014 – 2015 EXPENSES Total: $3,886,639

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Board of Directors Governance $18,493 Building and Grounds $73,887 Equipment and Supplies $111,632 Fundraising $146,078 Education and Programs $917,263 Events $1,146,879 Membership Services $1,472,407

National Speech & Debate Association Annual report 20152015 | National Speech & Debate Association Annual Review

Supporting Debate: Ways to Give There are many ways to support the National Speech & Debate Association’s mission. To learn more about any of the following options, please visit our website at speechanddebate.org/giving. • Contribute to the Association’s Annual Fund

The Annual Fund provides the resources for us to empower 150,000 students with the communication and critical thinking skills they need to become engaged citizens and effective leaders in their communities.

• Remember beloved coaches and leaders with a special gift to one of the Association’s Memorial Funds

These funds honor the legacy of speech and debate leaders by providing the means to continue certain forms of debate.

• Make a planned gift to the National Speech & Debate Association

Remembering the Association in your estate plans ensures that your assets will foster excellence in young individuals and provides significant tax advantages for you and your loved ones.

I give to the National Speech & Debate Association because I believe that nothing—absolutely nothing— prepares youth to surmount the challenges of higher education and the workplace like speech and debate, and no other debate organization has the expertise and reach to positively impact tens of t h o u s a n d s o f l i ve s e ac h ye a r. ­—Sarah Knobloch, Donor

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supporter The National Speech & Debate Association is tremendously grateful to the many alumni, parents, coaches, Association is able to provide speech and debate opportunities to students around the world.

Up to $50,000 Anonymous James Copeland Tom Rollins

Up to $10,000 Kirby Chin Ed & Liz Holland Richard Sodikow

Jody & Matt Miller Deano & Vicki Pape Christopher & Paige Regan Verizon Foundation Ajay Waghray Joe & Pam Wycoff

Up to $500

Joshua Brumberg Travis Carter Don & Ann Crabtree Up to $5,000 David & Sherri Durica David & Katherine Abel In Memory of Kate Weigand Steve & Lynn Hanon Hunter & Michael Arton David & Judy Huston Robert J. Feldhake Robert Ickes In Memory of Mr. David T. Horn Carmendale Fernandes David Charles & Sophia Lynn Frederick Marlynne Beth & Patrick Ingram Kandi King Patricia Heard Dr. Tommie Lindsey Jr. Brent Hinkle Pam & Raymond McComas JEPS Foundation Margaret Owen Thorpe Victor Jih Richard & Margaret Primack Michael & Linda Langford In Memory of Joy Robbins & In Brian Pugh Honor of Jim Robbins Dr. Paulette & Bruce Reikowski Greg & Rochelle Lanier G. William Scherer Robert Levinson David P. Seikel David & Lilliana Lopez Loretta Sherblom Randall McCutcheon Eric & Susan Sutherland Orange County Bar Association The Janey Fund Charitable Trust Donus & Lovila Roberts WKU Forensics Steven & Anna Schappaugh Thomas Wells Bob & Salli Stockton Catherine Wood Joshua D. Swartsel Carol & Dave Zanto Kerry Maguire & Tom Stossel Carolyn Weinberger Up to $250 J. Scott & Megan Wunn Kristen Anderson Kyle Anderson Up to $1,000 Timothy C. & Lauren S. Averill David & Barbara Dansky Dean & Elaine Beaupain Barbara & Kristen Halverson Drs. Perry & Phyllis Black Cherian & Betsy Koshy Alden B. Chace Jr.

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William R. Curtis Deborah Davis Carole L Dickey Faye Dong Foundation for Economic Education Herschel Goldfield John Gregg Brett Hammon Betsy Hanmer Aaron Hardy Gail & Bob Ihrig Jennifer Jerome Charles & Gail Jones Emily M. Jones Liliana Katz Tim Luke & Kay Heidbreder Norisha Kirts Sarah Knobloch Edward & Barbara D. Knowles Robert & Sandra Krueger Mark E. Kulda Katy Ladner Ken & Michelle Law Eric Lehto Dawna Levang Judith & Samuel Mamet Art McMillion Gregory & Elaine Mersol Franklyn B Modell Gregg & Suzanne Munsell Sara Murray Student of North Allegheny Senior High School In Memory of Staceyanne Cawley Michael & Jackie Oakes Melvin Douglas Olson Dolores Klein Pascarelli Randy Patterson Sister Mary Patricia Plumb Warren Poschman Edward & Janice Purdy

National Speech & Debate Association Annual report 20152015 | National Speech & Debate Association Annual Review

list and friends who have supported our work. It is only through the generosity of our donors that the

John & Karan Rains Michael Reszler James W. Rye III Jeremiah Schuur Amy & Ray Seidelman Sanyogita Shamsunder Timothy & Christine Sheaff Jamey Siefert Christopher & Susan Sprung-Keyser Blake Stewart Michael & Lynn Sullivan Prasuna Tanchuk John E. Tarr Jean Taylor Marla Tepper Mark Utley Vintage Gardens II & III Board of Directors Lisa & Darrell Vossekuil Norma T. Vuckan Andrea Wahl Gregory F. Wells David A. Wendt Betty Whitlock Douglas Wilkins Melisa Wilson

Up to $100

Ronald & Sheryl Aiken Shawn K. Aiken Dr. Kenny & Nancy Barfield Jane Bernard Patrick Bishop Nancy A. Bradley Arthur & Emily Bratton Mary Brazier Jennifer Burton Cynthia Campbell Mel & Cookie Cantaloupi Stephanie & Richard Carano Meredith Cohen

Rebecca Cook Scott & Melody Crick Peters Cupertino De Oro Club Helene Dick Winifred & Henry Dick Matthew Dolillo Kathy & Dan Dumke Marianne Easton In Memory of Staceyanne Cawley B. A. Furseth Catherine & Peter Gerlach Marilyn Gilmer Russ Godek Carl F. Grecco Herman & Joyce Grubbs Jane Hagedorn Donna Hanover Cassandra Hill Janis & Milton Hill Leslie A. Hohmann Jonah Keough Sanghee Kim William & Valerie Koeber Emily Kriegel Ray B. Lambert Mario & Susan Lanna Clare Lascelles Philip W. Lord Robert A. Loss Eric & Jill Lubiner Scott Lush Julius & Gertrude Madey Peter W. Martin David & Diane Marx John & Susan Mathis Virginia J. Mayes Karen McHale Paul & Nora Meeker Daniel Miller Gary Miller

Eugene D. Mootz Ethan Morelion Colleen Morris In Memory of Staceyanne Cawley Deborah Olson Christopher Palmer PepsiCo Sarah Polinski Harrison Postler Karen Quisenberry In Memory of Staceyanne Cawley Diane & Jay Rasmussen Ashok Reddy Lynn Reed Annie Reisener Sharon G. Rhees James E. Riley Mary Donna Ross Madelon & J. David Sabine Ehud J. & Liora Schmidt Maria Nubia Serrano Elana Shneyer Micki W. Smith Matthew Stensrud Gregory Stevens Sunflower District Patrick Thibodeaux Joye Thomas Joe Truesdell on behalf of the English staff at North Allegheny Senior High School In Memory of Staceyanne Cawley Chad Wagner Nicole & Darrel Wanzer-Serrano Jeffrey & Rachel Warnecke John & Kathleen Whatley Betsy & Millar White, Jr. Dana Winslow Shelby & Ryan Young Justin P. Zabor Trish & Walter Zenczak


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Leadership Board of Directors Don Crabtree President Park Hill High School St. Joseph, MO

Jennifer Jerome Millard West High School Omaha, NE

Pam Cady Wycoff Vice President Apple Valley High School Apple Valley, MN

Kandi King Winston Churchill High School San Antonio, TX

David Huston Colleyville Heritage High School Colleyville, TX

Dr. Tommie Lindsey, Jr. James Logan High School Union City, CA

Activities like speech and debate create a unique forum for students t o h o n e p r a c t i c a l , l i f e l o n g s k i l l s o u t s i d e o f t h e c l a s s r o o m . I t ’s m a d e me a better citizen, student, and person. It taught me in ways not possible in traditional classes, and for that, I am grateful. —Harrison Postler, Alumnus, NSDA Programs and Education Coordinator 22 22| National Speech & Debate Association Annual report 2015 2015 | National Speech & Debate Association Annual Review

Pamela K. McComas Topeka, KS

Dr. Polly Reikowski Eagan High School Eagan, MN

Jay Rye The Montgomery Academy Montgomery, AL

It is so inspiring to serve as President at this moment in time. The creativity and drive of our students, the dedication and selflessness of our coaches, and the recognition by schools that speech and debate provides critical life skills all push our board and staff to challenge our assumptions about how to best deliver services and advocate for the activity in the l a rg e r c o m m u n i t y. We are thankful for the opportunity to be part of the life changes that speech and debate makes possible. —don crabtree, president


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National Speech & Debate Association 125 Watson Street, PO Box 38 |



National Speech & Debate Association Annual Review 2015


Ripon, WI 54971

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