■ Ponte di Veja
Le grotte naturali del Ponte di Veja Andrea Ceradini, David Hosking Gruppo Attività Speleologica Veronese
Riassunto Durante l’estate eccezionalmente asciutta del 2003, dopo un impegnativo lavoro di scavo nel detrito alluvionale del pavimento nella Grotta dell’Acqua – una delle cavità che fanno parte del complesso carsico del Ponte di Veja – gli speleologi del GAS Veronese sono riusciti a superare tre passaggi normalmente sifonanti, accedendo ad oltre mezzo chilometro di nuove gallerie.
Abstract The natural arch of Ponte di Veja is situated 600 metres above sea level in the mid.westerly part of the Monti Lessini plateau, in Verona province.The Arch is a remnant of the roof of a large cavern which dominates the western slope of the Marciora valley. The grandeur end picturesque setting of the Ponte di Veja make it perhaps the most spectacular Karst landform found anywhere in the Veneto region. The limestone from which the arch has been formed belong to middlie and upper Giurassic age. A considerable network of caves meets to form the original cavern. The most significant are: Bear’s Cave, Water Cave, B Cave, D-E Cave, Ochra Quarry.These caves are well known and have been the object of geological, palaeontological and archaeological researches since the 19th century. During the exceptionally dry summer 2003, members of the Gruppo Attività Speleologica Veronese, digging in fluvial debris in Water Cave, managed to pass beyond a series of three sumps and discover more than half kilometre of new passages.
Key words: Veneto, Monti Lessini,Verona, natural arch, caves.
Monti Lessini