Portfolio Vasco NUNES FILIPE

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Vasco Nunes Filipe


Spéos 64 Weeks Entrepreneurial Photographer Program

Photo Reportage


Vasco Nunes Filipe


If we go to the roots of what is the landscape of our planet, we are left uniquely with the reliefs that it has traced itself along millions of years in which we are a minimal, almost invisible. And like that it should stay.

While our life fades away in some couple of decades, this planet will still be tracing its life at a speed and in a way we will never, ever be able to be even close to. I feel genuinely inspired by knowing that I live in a place that is so more gigantic in every aspect than me. It is in fact a blessing.

“Reliefs” is a long-term documentary project I have been working for the past 3 years that aims to approach the earth in every possible angle as the engraving of the history of this planet. In a monochromatic view of my eye of skies, mountains, forests, seas, deserts, coasts, I embrace, hug and show the beauty of the history self-engraved by the earth and the damage we are doing by attempting to be as big as our homeland.

Peace,AfterAll VascoNunesFilipe


Wordslike"Path"and"Process"aredifficulttotranslateintoimages,theyareeasiertofeel. Perhaps "Peace", "Problem" and "Trauma" might be slightly more objective concepts, but theyarestillmucheasiertofeelthantovisualise.AndwhenIrefertofeeling,Imeansoul wise.

In "Peace, After All" I intend to reveal with light what I consider to have been the Path/Process to individual Peace, after a Trauma/Problem related to something very concrete:OurBody.Toexplainthroughclose-upswhatishiddeninalargeframe;todelve intotherootofproblemsinordertovisualisehowthe"Finale"wasreached:"Peace".

In the words of one of my favourite poets, R. M Rilke "If you will cling to Nature, to the simpleinNature,tothelittlethingsthathardlyanyonesees,andthatcansounexpectedly become big and beyond measuring; if you have this love of inconsiderable things and seek quitesimply,asonewhoserves,towintheconfidenceofwhatseemspoor:theneverything will become easier, more coherent and somehow more conciliatory for you, not in your intellect perhaps, which lags marveling behind, but in your inmost consciousness, waking andcognizance.".

In this ongoing project, we visualise, honour and pay tribute to people (regardless of age, gender,colour,ethnicityorreligion)whohavefoughtandwonaninvisiblebattle.Abattle that nobody, apart from them, knew what it was. A battle in which, once victory is won, a harmony and a melody are achieved that will allow life to continue to unfold along more peacefullines.

...once victory is won...

...Peace, After All

Vasco Nunes Filipe is a Documentary photographer. He sees uniquely slow documentary photography as the only way that exists to communicate to the world what makes him breath: Helping, Loving and Observing. Anywhere where this three words can be applicable, are areas/thematics in which his work is focused on.

Born in 2000, in Lisbon, Portugal. After doing one year of photographic studies in the Portuguese Institute of Photography (IPF) he moved to France in 2021 to work so that in the year after he would continue his studies in Photography in Paris, at the Speos International School of Photography.

Currently he is based in Paris, France. France is the country in which he wants to stay with no determined time, although with preference in the Southwest. He plans, if possible, to go abroad to conflict areas soon to work on long term documentary projects.

© Emma Gautier

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