2019/2020 Spéos
32-week intensive program
Memory Food sparks deep and detailed memories, not just of where I was and who I was with. Sometimes the memories are very interesting, sometimes very sad. But all of it is precious.
Electrical There are many ways to cook food. If you use electrical appliances, will the effect be better ?
My Life In my daily life, I often find that some items look like food. If you put food in the place of certain things, you even won't notice. Food is always around our lives.
If food could speak, what do you think it would say? When you waste food, it will say don't throw me out. When you cook it, it will say they're burning me.
Cyber Bullying
Although the advancement of technology has brought many conveniences to modern people, it has also become a hurting tool. For example, young people can use malicious methods such as email, social media, and newsletters to perform malicious harm. a 14-year-old Australian female model could not endure cyberbullying for a long time, and finally chose to end her life by suicide.
In front of power, money, and women, how do you choose?
In the eyes of the greedy, these three things are in fact essential, and some regard power as a carrier for obtaining money and women, so they desperately acquire power, buying officials, running officials, asking officials, bribing, paying tribute unscrupulously. It's all about flattering flattery, some people even use their own women to bribing their bosses, or collect some beautiful women to enjoy for their bosses. In the eyes of these people, power, money, and women are all in one, each other progressive, causal relationship.
TZUYU WANG Photographer
Phone:+886936919766 Birthday:1995/02/17 Nationality:Taiwan Ins:@fotounknown