Year 2 Curriculum Outline Autumn 2022 the Woods - Fur, Feathers & Scales
Humanities - Social Understanding
During Thematic learning, pupils will be using the outside space as much as possible We will be doing field work, identifying trees and considering different habitats. We will be celebrating our natural world and learning how to be caretakers for it. We shall begin by focusing on our locality but as the term goes on we shall broaden our perspective to

consider places globally. Pupils will learn the impact humans can have on the environment, and how we can make a positive difference!
In RS pupils will be spending the term looking at festival celebrations across a number of different religions. Initially, we will look at celebrations such as birthdays and Harvest that the children will have experienced. Following this, we will consider the significance of light within various religions, such as the Jewish festival of Hanukkah and Christmas for Christians In each of these topics we will be using specific vocabulary, discussion, iPad research and will consider different ways of recording information learnt
Language and Communication
In English, the pupils will begin by exploring stories that happen in settings familiar to them. Children will be able to draw on their own experiences of the outside, what they can hear, see and feel, to help create exciting writing Building on their knowledge of sentence structure, which they established last year, children will develop their writing with more confident use of conjunctions They will reinforce their use of capital letters and full stops and learn to accurately apply a greater breadth of punctuation to their writing to impact the reader.
Reading will continue to be a priority, withYearTwo providing opportunity for group reading Through this speaking and listening focus, children will develop fluency and be encouraged to interpret punctuation and add expression
In addition, pupils will continue following the Read, Write, Inc (RWI) ‘Spelling’and ‘Phonics’ programmes, building on their strengths inYear One AsYearTwo begins children will practise more complex graphemes (letter combinations which make sounds) and we shall begin to expose them to spelling rules which shall underpin their writing
PTE (ProgressTest in English)
In Modern Languages, the primary focus is on listening, understanding, and speaking The pupils will learn through a range of songs, stories, rhymes and games. Lessons will link to the thematic learning topics.At the start of term, we introduce the pupils to classroom language and basic instructions whilst When Christmas approaches, they will learn about the differences between Spanish and French cultural traditions They will have plenty of opportunity to practise counting, whilst pronunciation practice will focus on the key vowel sounds In French this term, pupils will revise key basic information about themselves and learn to use the questions too, to find out about others. Pupils will explore woodland animals and read and hear The Gruffalo in French Finally, pupils will focus on revising and expanding their knowledge and use of colours In Spanish this term will focus on revisiting greetings, colours and numbers We will learn about family members, food and parts of the house reading traditional fairy tales like The Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs. We will also learn some Halloween vocabulary and we will talk about Christmas traditions in Spain and Hispanic countries.
We shall begin the term with a place value focus which will include counting objects to 100, and reading and writing numbers in numerals and words Pupils will also learn how to use a place value chart, and compare and order objects and numbers, as well as count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. This knowledge of number supports all the exploration of maths concepts for the year ahead!
Next, pupils will move onto addition and subtraction; specifically bonds to 20 and 100 They will be taught to check their calculations and work out 10 more and 10 less Pupils will also add and subtract 2 digit numbers with, and without, crossing 10, and three 1 digit numbers
We finish the term by learning about money This real life skill shall include counting, selecting, making the same amount, finding totals, finding change and 2 step problems Practising multiplication and division shall support this Pupils will study the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, multiplication sentences, use of arrays and recognising, making and adding equal groups.
Assessment PTM (Progress Test in Maths)Physical Education and Well-being
In PE this term, pupils at Dame B’s will be taking part in swimming and gymnastics. In the first half of term, Fitzwilliam pupils will be improving their racket skills, working on their hand-eye coordination and overall understanding of the game of tennis After half term, the focus will shift to gymnastics, with the children building on the fundamental movement skills of travelling, balancing and rolling, working towards composition of short routines For their games session, they will be learning multi skills through our major games of football and hockey; these lessons will focus on balance, agility, coordination, dodging and teamwork, as well as those sport specific skills associated with football and hockey
For PSHEE this term, the pupils will have the opportunity to identify their own responsibilities both inside and outside of school They will also discuss the areas of their lives for which adults are responsible and consider how this might change as they grow up.They will reflect on existing school rules and create new classroom rules, with a focus on why they have been made and what they mean in practice The children will explore simple reasons for why bullying happens, which includes exploring how bullying can occur if we do not celebrate and value diversity and difference While learning about mental health, the pupils will identify a basic range of emotions, develop language to describe them, and consider what prompts different feelings in themselves and others.They will explore how those emotions affect how we think, feel and behave and what strategies we can put in place to help with these big feelings The children will also discuss online safety and what to do if they are worried about anything online
Forest School is a superb way for our pupils to learn holistically through play and exploration, following their own curiosity Pupils learn to connect with their environment, manage risks and use their initiative to solve problems and cooperate with others whilst developing their resilience, creativity, confidence, and independence skills.This term they will be reconnecting with our Forest School site, establishing boundaries and focusing on what helps us stay safe in the Forest Pupils will be learning fire safety and tool talks, safe use of ropes and discussing how we would like to develop our site over the next term Pupils will be learning about trees, their seeds and common plants and flowers at our site Pupils will be foraging for blackberries to use to make paint/dye and creating natural art work on the forest floor.
Creative and PerformingArts
In Plan Learn Do Review pupils have the opportunity to lead and direct their own learning based on their interests Over a four session cycle the pupils will ‘Plan’what they want to produce which may also include digital projects via a video, or using pictures, words and labels along with 3D models or structures.The pupils then spend a session to ‘Learn’or research something that will contribute to the success of their ‘Do’session.This may include colour mixing, cutting cardboard, threading a needle, or finding out what a rocket really looks like Finally, in the fourth session, it is ‘Do’day; when the pupils execute their Plan You may be asked to bring in some specific resources to help on this day such as a cardboard box or some small cakes for decoration Often the pupils link their project to the theme, but it is up to them.
In Music, pupils will be learning how to notate well known songs by visually representing the rhythm and the pitch They will continue to play musical games to develop their singing and understanding of music Pupils will be playing the recorder and learning the notesAand B After half term, they will start to prepare for their SpringTerm musical production.
The pupils will be practising their Create Design and Engineering skills, during the thematic lessons There will be an opportunity for pupils to develop their sketching skills by focusing on observation to capture the shapes, size and features of the subject They will also explore making 3D sculptures by joining, assembling and combining a range of media including fabric and junk materials and learning to use various tools to produce their finished pieces This may include learning to use a needle and thread to sew a soft fabric woodland creature or investigating how to make joins that allow for movement in a junk model sculpture
Scientific Understanding
In our first term, pupils will consolidate their understanding of fair testing They will use their knowledge of the world to make predictions, and ask questions, about what we may like to find out about! Following on from this, our young scientists shall design and set up a fair test
in a range of investigations.They will be learning how to record their results in tables and graphs, reinforcing mathematical skills, and to reflect on these in a conclusion
With the Google apps at the heart of digital curation our pupils use Google Classroom to complete work digitally and hand in work that is produced in a variety of ways We have identified 7 main apps, our EverGreen apps, that help to showcase our pupils’learning An animation, movie or annotated piece of work provides richer feedback for the teacher and ultimately helps to make greater progress
Explain Everything wwwexplaineverything com Green Screen wwwdoink com Stop Motion wwwcateatercom Strip Design wwwvividapps com/Strip Designer/ Notability wwwgingerlabs com Book Creator wwwbookcreatorcom Puppet Pals wwwpolishedplaycom

The Outer Wheel
We have a number of apps that we use consistently throughout our curriculum that lend themselves to our creative approach. We avoid apps that are specific to a particular outcome, preferring content free apps that can help to enhance our pupils’work and understanding. Some examples are: Minecraft,

iMovie, KeyNote, Pages and Padlet.
Another aspect of our digital curriculum is the coding/programming skills that are embedded in all subjects or taught discretely inYears 5 and 6 We have identified a progression of apps that help to develop our pupils’ability to code The apps provide variety and challenge and help to develop the computation skills that are crucial learning in our digital work
We combine the coding experiences with physical output Using Spheros, BBC Micro:Bits and Ozobots provides visual outcomes that bring our code to life As our pupils develop further they transition on to written code

Alongside and underpinning our curriculum we ensure that our pupils are developing as active learners and active thinkers Throughout each subject area pupils are encouraged to use their range of thinking tools and reflect on when and how they are using them Pupils are encouraged to reflect on how their thinking tools underpin all aspects of their learning and not just in the more obvious ways. How are they creative in maths? How do they enquire in English? How are they critical in Music? How do they think computationally in PE?
This curriculum map outlines the core curriculum for each year group each term but at the heart of our wheel is the individual learner Each subject area has a progression of skills which enables staff to stretch or support individuals as and when they need a little help, a bit of a push or a just a different way in Within our classrooms through planning, teacher knowledge and interactions work is differentiated to suit the needs of each individual