Stephen Perse
Sixth CurriculumForm Choices
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Sixth form study is challenging. There will be lots of occasions when you will have to step outside of your comfort zone, make mistakes and learn from them. You need to be prepared to be brave enough to get things wrong, offer an opinion, support a viewpoint and challenge the views of others in a mature and respectful manner. You are unlikely to be able to complete every task as perfectly as you would like to.
The Stephen Perse Sixth Form provides countless opportunities to try new things, join new clubs and learn new skills. Developing your leadership skills by joining a committee or the student president team, helping to organise a charity event, running a club, mentoring younger students, joining drama productions, choirs and orchestras are all fun and will help you to learn how to manage your time.
These are the times when you need to draw on the support of our community, your friends and importantly your tutor. At the Stephen Perse Sixth Form, tutors have a key role in supporting you academically and pastorally.
Choosing your sixth form path is an exciting time with lots of decisions to make and different aspects to consider. It will be important for you to seek advice from people that know you, your tutor, teachers, current sixth formers and the sixth form team. Everyone is here to help you make good choices for your future. If you have any questions, please email me!
Jacqueline Paris Head of Sixth Form

This booklet sets out for students and parents the options available for sixth form study at Stephen Perse. However, it is important to also emphasise that preparing for your future is about much more than choosing which assessed curriculum to follow.
the curriculum
Tutor groups stay together for both Year 12 and Year 13 and consist of around 12 students, becoming like an extended family. The tutor programme covers all the skills that you will need to prepare you for your sixth form studies, university and beyond: study skills, applying to university, living independently, managing your finances and various other elements of Personal, Health, Social and Economic education are all covered. The tutors are all part of the guidance team and together will support you through the most important stage of your schooling.
Employers and universities will be looking for candidates who can think beyond what they are taught, can manage their time effectively, are brave, independent, reflective, resourceful and resilient; candidates who are community minded, kind, principled and busy with activities that they are genuinely interested in. In many ways, what you are interested in is less relevant than the way in which you approach it. Whether it is sport, stamp collecting or Shakespearean sonnets, being able to talk animatedly about your interests and demonstrate your intellectual curiosity and capacity to learn more is highly valued. 3 For most students wishing to study in England, post-16 options comprise: • A Levels • International Baccalaureate • BTECs and Apprenticeships At Stephen Perse, we offer both the A Level programme of study and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, both of which provide students with qualifications that enable them to progress to higher education at Sixthuniversity.Form

Options for

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A Levels are graded A*, A, B, C, D, E, U. Grades are only one of the selection criteria used by universities.
Each A Level subject is an independent qualification and there are no restrictions on which subjects (or which combinations of subjects) are studied, though some university courses will specify particular subjects within their entry requirements.
A Level students at Stephen Perse can also choose to complete an Extended Project Qualification (referred to as ‘EPQ’). This is equivalent to half an A Level and is an independent research project. Students produce a production log, verified by the supervisor, a written report, supplementary evidence and a presentation. The course is assessed by Stephen Perse staff and externally moderated; students can achieve grades from A*-E.
UK universities generally make offers based on grades in three subjects. For this reason most students will opt to take three A Levels, though students can opt to study four subjects if they wish. A Level Further Mathematics can only be taken as a fourth A Level alongside A Level Mathematics.
A Levels remain the standard sixth form programme in England. A Levels are predominantly assessed by examination at the end of the course, with some subjects also including some nonexamined assessment or coursework.

A Levels

• Geography German History
• Latin Mandarin Chinese Mathematics Music Philosophy Physical Education Physics Politics Psychology Religious Studies
A Level students can choose from a wide range of subjects to suit individual goals and interests. You can opt to start with either three or four subjects; if the latter, you may then continue with all four or drop down to three during Year 12. 5
• Classical Greek
• Computer Science
• English Literature
• Design Technology
• Further Mathematics
• Classical Civilisation
• Drama and Theatre
A Level Subjects
• French
• Sociology Spanish
• Art
• Economics
• Biology Business Chemistry
A Level currentlysubjectsinclude:
The International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) was devised just over 50 years ago as a globally recognised pre-university course.
In addition to the core curriculum, students study three subjects in depth (Higher Levels) and three more to provide breadth (Standard Levels). These six subjects must be chosen from across the curriculum, including literature, maths, sciences, humanities and languages.
It consists of a core curriculum through which students develop the key academic skills required for, and highly valued by, higher education and beyond.
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Higher Level content is comparable to that at A Level and is recognised as providing the necessary knowledge and skills required to study a subject at university. Standard Level content is recognised as beyond GCSE but below A Level.
BaccalaureateInternational Diploma
Assessment in IB subjects is by both examination at the end of the course and through coursework. Coursework is typically worth around 25% of the marks. Each of the six IB subjects is graded out of seven with an additional three points for the core giving a maximum total of 45 points.
There is no direct conversion between IB grades and A Level grades, though some universities equate a Grade 7 as the equivalent of an A*, 6 = A, etc.
The design of the IB, with its combination of both breadth and depth of subject knowledge and its focus on the development of academic skills through the core curriculum, provides students with a structured preparation for independent study at university.

Grades are only one of the selection criteria used by universities. Some university courses will require particular subjects at Higher Level.
The core consists of an independent academic essay on a topic of the student’s choice, a critical thinking course focused on the nature and limitations of knowledge and a non-examined holistic element which encourages students to challenge themselves physically, intellectually and creatively, whilst becoming active members of their community.
• Philosophy
• Spanish
• Economics
Group 2 - Language Acquisition
• Visual Art
• Music
• Chemistry
BaccalaureateInternational Subjects
• German
Group 3 - Individuals and Societies

• Classical Greek
• French
• Latin
• Physics
• Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches
You also take the Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay and Creativity, Activity & Service components.
• Biology
• History
• Mathematics: Application and Interpretation
• Psychology Group 4 - Sciences
Group 6 - The Arts
• English Literature 7
Subject to sufficient interest, we offer all subjects at both Standard and Higher Level except Global Politics and Classical Greek, which are only available at Standard Level, and Mandarin Chinese, which is only available ab initio.
Group 5 - Mathematics
• Mandarin Chinese (ab initio)
Group 1 - Studies in Language and Literature
IB students must choose three subjects at Standard Level (or ab initio) and three at Higher Level - one from each of Groups 1-5, with the final choice coming either from Group 6 or as a second subject from Groups 2-4.
• Geography
• Global Politics
Although we do not offer these qualifications at Stephen Perse, BTECs and Apprenticeships are available at some other Cambridge sixth form colleges, including Long Road.

BTECs and
It is now possible to undertake apprenticeships at many levels including A Level, Degree and Master’s levels. Like BTECs, these are highly regarded in many vocations and are often an important educational route for students who prefer a more modular approach to education or an increased proportion of coursework as part of the assessment, or in particular areas where A Levels are not
Thereoffered.isagrowing trend for universities (mainly non-Russell Group) to accept these both alone and in a combination with A Levels for admissions onto degree programmes.
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There is, of course, no objective measure of which programme - A Levels or IB - is easier: this depends on you, your interests and skills and the subjects you have chosen. have lots of free time.” A Levels are better than three.” Levels are easier than the IB.”
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While A Levels do represent less of a structured time commitment compared to the IB (IB has more lesson time and fewer study periods), this places more of an onus on A Level students to be independent and responsible learners and to manage their own time effectively. A Levels students targeting the best grades they can achieve to access competitive universities will need to work just as hard as IB students.

University offers, even from the most competitive universities, will almost always be made on the basis of three A Levels. Except for the special case of Further Maths, therefore, there is unlikely to be a significant advantage to be gained from studying four A Levels in terms of university offers. However, demonstrating breadth may be of marginal advantage for some university courses, such as Medicine, where it may be of particular benefit if the fourth subject is a non-science subject
A Levels
Busting the myths
Universities no longer emphasise a need to have taken three similar subjects at A Level (or IB Higher) as they did 30 or more years ago. It is fine to mix humanities and the sciences - actually in today’s society where there is a premium on being able to demonstrate mental flexibility it may be seen as an advantage.
Similarly, if doing four A Levels for a linguistic or music degree then maths or physics as the fourth A Level subject may be considered demonstrative of helpful breadth.
Common myths
International Baccalaureate
As our university offers show, IB and A Levels are equally respected by universities, except in very specific cases (see below). Stephen Perse figures from the last ten years show that on average 28% of our Oxbridge offers have gone to IB students whereas on average only 24% of our students study the IB. 11
You do not need to be an all-rounder to take the IB, though you must be committed to the breadth the course requires. University offers will be made, in nearly all cases, based on your three Higher Level subjects, so you need to choose your Highers carefully and excel in these. Your Standard Level subjects serve to demonstrate your wider interests and broader knowledge and skills.
Some universities will specify particular subjects. For example, HL Chemistry for Medicine in the majority of cases. It is important to research the university courses that you might be interested in when choosing your A Levels or IB Higher Levels. These subjects are compulsory for a reason; bear in mind that it will be harder to motivate yourself to study a subject if you don’t enjoy it and you are unlikely to enjoy a degree that involves a substantial amount of further study or application of it.
Standard Level
“Universities don’t like the IB, especially Cambridge.”
Classics St John’s Greek, Chemistry, Psychology Chinese ab initio, English Literature
Geography Catharine's Chemistry, Biology, Geography English Literature, Maths
“It’s only for the academically able students.”
Medicine Chemistry, Biology, English Literature History,
Architecture Gonville and Caius Spanish, Physics, Art Literature, Economics, Maths
Busting the myths
The IB is hard - but then so are A Levels. How hard depends on your ability and approach. You will need to stay on top of your studies and work hard from the start to give yourself the best chance of success.
Higher Level
Common myths
History Jesus Chemistry, History, English Literature Philosophy,
Academically able students excel equally at both A Level and the IB. The most academically able students are often self-motivated and have the initiative to engage in activities, reading and experiences beyond their studies with minimal guidance. Our experience of the IB at the Stephen Perse Sixth Form is that it is students in the mid-ability range who can benefit hugely from the structured nature of the IB and it is this that raises their achievement. Most students find IB coursework helps them to develop the initiative and independent research skills that might otherwise be pushed to the bottom of the ‘to do’ list if it isn’t part of their course.
IB students have received Oxbridge offers to study Medicine, Law, Classics, Fine Art, History, Architecture to name just a few. The table below gives some examples of IB Cambridge places. Cambridge offers are generally higher than other universities as they generally ask for 42 points and 766 in Higher Level subjects. Oxford commonly asks for 39 points and 666 in Higher Level subjects.
A Levels afford free choice of the subjects you study, with lots of different combinations possible. In contrast to the IB, all A Level subjects are pursued to the same depth (with the exception of depth in Mathematics for those opting for Further Mathematics). By choosing certain combinations of A Levels students can really specialise in, for example, classics, languages, sciences, humanities or the creative arts.
A Level students generally have more flexibility during the week, with fewer timetabled lessons and more of the week available for self-directed study and other activities than is the case for those taking the IB. This places an onus on A Level students to use study time wisely, and to be well organised and self-disciplined.

Critical thinking skills and what would be classed as ‘extracurricular’ involvement for A Level students are therefore built into the core elements of the IB. Greater contact time with teachers is also a feature of the IB, which can help to support those who find it more challenging to organise and manage their own time.
may vary in their relative difficulty to achieve, however, and it is worth seeking specialist advice around the entry requirements for specific courses before committing to an A Level or IB programme of study for this reason.
It is worth emphasising that UK universities, including the most selective, value A Levels and IB equally as academically challenging qualifications, so it does not matter which programme is followed, as long as students have studied the appropriate subjects at the right level for their proposed degree
With the IB, students study more subjects (at either Higher or Standard Level) and a number of these must be chosen from designated groups, including English Literature and Mathematics. The three Higher Level subjects allow students to develop specialised knowledge in those subjects, while the three standard level subjects develop broader knowledge and a range of useful general skills.
Comparing and contrasting
While the IB provides greater breadth than the A Level course and means a more rounded experience, there is certainly a greater time commitment. There are also additional demands in the form of Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Activity and Service (known as ‘CAS’) and the Extended Essay.
A Levels and the IB
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A Levels and the IB are different, with each offering pros and cons depending on what and how a student wishes to study: the key is to consider which will work best for you.
If you are considering a broad-based degree such as Liberal Arts.
If you prefer assessment which includes coursework.
If there is a subject you would like to take that isn’t available at A Level. For example, Italian from scratch or the literature of a different language.
If you want to take three subjects from the same family of subjects. For example: Latin, Greek and Classical Civilization, History, Economics and Politics or Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Why the IB might be better for some than A Levels
If you want to continue with more than three subjects.
If you prefer a more guided/structured approach to your learning.
Certain subjects that are available at A Level are not possible to study as part of the IB, including: Further Maths, Business Studies, Classical Civilization, PE, and Sociology.
If you think that you would be able to make good use of the greater non-contact time offered by the A Level programme.
If you want to study Maths (or possibly Engineering) at a very competitive university. While Further Maths is not strictly compulsory in order to study Maths at a very competitive university, it would be unusual to apply for Maths from a school that offers strong Further Maths teaching at A Level without having opted for it. Such courses are likely to ask you to take additional Maths (STEP) exams as part of their entry requirements. Make sure you research university choices carefully and seek advice from the Maths Department if you are considering pursuing a Maths (or Engineering) degree.
For example, you might want to specialise in Maths, Physics and Chemistry but also want to demonstrate linguistic or essay skills. Similarly, you might want to focus on essay subjects but also maintain some Maths. Do bear in mind that many humanities subjects are increasingly using statistical analysis.
If you want to specialise in one area but want to demonstrate some skills in another.
If you want to avoid some subjects or skills. For example, you don’t want to study Sciences or Maths or wish to avoid essay subjects.
Why A Levels might be better for some than the IB
At Stephen Perse it is possible to start with four A Level subjects and drop one during Year 12. This allows students to try out subjects in the first term before committing fully to three or four for the rest of the course.

A Level Programme Options
The course starts with a series of taught skills. Amongst other things this includes:
Each A Level subject is allocated four double periods of teaching time per week so studying three A Levels will give students more self-directed time than if four A Levels were chosen.
• How to research and how to judge whether a source is reliable or not.
Three versus four and/or an EPQ
Artefacts (and a 1000-5000 word report): these can range from building bikes to filming music videos, teaching lessons etc. They must, however, be research-based (so you might look up how to design an ’80s pair of jeans). Whatever you choose, you should ensure that it is a subject you enjoy (as you will be spending 90+ hours on the topic) although perhaps not one you are too emotionally connected to as it could lead to bias. You may also want to consider something you want to study at Thingsuniversity.willnot
All A Level students at Stephen Perse have the option of taking an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). An EPQ is a piece of coursework that is equivalent to half an A Level and is completed in Year 12.
Essays (5000 words): these need to be analytical. E.g. a historical recount of something would not be suitable as you would just be describing events. However, if the history is contested then it might well be suitable.
A Level students will need to decide whether to pursue three or four subjects and whether or not to take an EPQ.
• Effective essay writing.
At Stephen Perse it is possible to start with four A Level subjects and drop one during Year 12. This allows students to try out subjects in the first term before committing fully to three or four for the rest of the course. 15
As the course progresses, you can start on your EPQ. You need to create a product. This can either be an essay or an artefact on a topic that you are not currently studying. Whichever you do, it has to be research-based, which means you have to find out the best ways of completing the project as part of the process.
always go to plan, so an ability to reflect and adapt is absolutely crucial (and is actually worth more marks than the product itself). This is written about in something called the production log. You are not taught any of the material: the whole point is that you find it out yourself. But you do have a supervisor who will guide you.
Extended Project Qualification
Completing an EPQ could help you with university applications. Many universities value the EPQ and offer lower entry requirements, but not all and not for all courses so this should not be your main reason for doing an EPQ. The main reason it is held in high regard is because this project is down to you. You need to research, you need to write it up and reflect on the process and you need to meet deadlines. Learning independence is invaluable for whatever you choose to go into in the future
• How to do a presentation.
A Levels
Law UCL, Durham, LSE Oxford, Durham, Bristol
Classics Cambridge, Oxford, Durham Cambridge
UCL, Exeter, Leeds UCL, Exeter, UBC, Canada
Tabulated here is just a small selection of our recent leavers’ destinations to illustrate the similarities between the choices and offers achieved by our A Level and IB students. of our students
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Biology, BiologicalBiochemistrySciences
Economics Oxford, Exeter, LSE, Bath Lancaster, Loughborough, Bucconi, Italy
This table is just a snapshot. The similarities in the destinations serves to demonstrate that both IB and A Level can enable students to study a wide range of highly regarded courses at excellent universities.
BaccalaureateInternational Diploma
Medicine, Vet Medicine Dentistry Nottingham, Imperial, Liverpool Nottingham, Cambridge, UCL
Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts
Modern Languages Durham, Oxford Newcastle
Psychology Manchester, Nottingham, Warwick Manchester, LSE, Aberdeen
English Literature Warwick, Durham Warwick, Oxford
UCL, Bath, Oxford, Manchester UCL, Bristol, Newcastle, York
Employers and universities will be looking for candidates who can think beyond what they are taught, can manage their time effectively, are brave, independent, reflective, resourceful and resilient.

Stephen Perse Sixth Form Bateman @SPFschools stephenpersefoundation stephenpersefoundation