The Fitz Billboard

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The Fitz Billboard

Ski residential Feb 11th-Feb 18th

Horatio, Rufus and Izzi

The Ski residential was between the 11th feb - 18th feb. In the evening there were fun activities like swimming and one day there was a disco. The ski residential was open to years 5 and 6. There was swimming on one of the days with games in the evening such as pool and table tennis! ‘On the 11th of February I woke up at 2AM! Just to get to trumpington park and ride to drive to the airport!’ Zachary Davis, an SPF student, said, ”The instructors were really helpful and they let us go down a lot of slopes.”

The Stephen Perse on Ski trip

The day started at 10 a.m. when every pupil is getting their skiing kit on. The senior school was there too but not interacting with the 5s and 6s.

Year 6 Bikeability

Horatio and Harry

Year 6 took their bikes out for a spin and spent some of their time learning how to cycle safely on the road. Year 6 started on the 6th of March where they did basic movement and general safety. The 2 classes were divided ,CTC went in the morning and CHV in the afternoon, they then divided again into groups based on ability.

The sessions started off with safety checks there A -air- B -brakes- C - chains - D - direction - Eeverything else. These are the A,B,C,D,E checks. Once year 6 had checked their bike was road-worthy, They could go cycling.

For the first day Y6 cycled on the netball court so they could getting back into cycling. The next day Y6 started getting off the court and getting to reality, The Road. Y6 practised on a quiet road and once Y6 was ready they went on the main road.

The KS1 play

KS1 let their inner actor come free, and performed the trial of goldilocks - a comedy about the crimes of goldilocks. Was she guilty? Or was she not. What do YOU think? Share your opinion at the following link.

Year 5 Performance

Tulsi and Yuqiao

On Friday the 10th of March 2023 the whole school from years 1 to 6 all got to watch an amazing play done by year five. The play was a classic Shakespeare play. Overall the performance had many jokes and cliff hangers, we can’t wait to see what Mrs Britton (the drama teacher) has in store for the next play.

Musical Instruments

In this article, we will be talking about musical instruments. We highly recommend these instruments and wish you to start learning these. These 4 recommendations were created by Jin, Ronit, Alex, Chloë and Georgie.

The violin can make a lot of different sounds; out of tune and in tune. It has a wide range of music notes. There are a lot of different violin repertoires such as pieces by Mendelssohn and Bach. I really like the violin because it is like a singer’s voice; it can make a crying sound and a happy sound. It expresses a lot of kinds of feelings and can touch the audience’s hearts.

I am on grade 6 violin and I passed my grade 5 around 2 years ago. I passed my Grade 3 violin when I was in year 2. Here is a quote from an American Violinist called Hilary Hahn:

“I remember when I gave my first recital. I thought, 'Oh, my goodness, people are coming to hear me.' I didn't expect anyone to come, and then the whole hall filled up. Of course, it wasn't a big hall, and some of the people were my friends and family.”

Violin by Jin (6CHV)

Drums by Alex and Ronit (6CHV/6CTC)

The drums is a musical and fun instrument

Did you know? The drums are the Oldest Instrument.

A drum is a type of musical instrument. In most cases it consists of a shell with a stretched skin, or covering. When the covering is hit with a hand or a stick, it vibrates and makes a sound.

Piano by Chloë Addley

I have been playing piano all my life, and although it can be challenging, it is a very enjoyable instrument to play! I am going to do grade 4, and even though preparing for piano exams can be hard, you always feel good once they are finished. In my opinion, the best thing about playing the piano is that it isn’t just one style of music it’s all. Personally I love playing happy music, but all music is fun!

Here is a quote, that mozart has inspired many people with:

“A man of ordinary talent will always be ordinary, whether he travels or not; but a man of superior talent will go to pieces if he remains forever in the same place.”

Bass Guitar by Georgie Abramson

The bass guitar is a great instrument if you want a simple 4 stringed device designed for rock n’ roll, this is just the thing for you! A few bands you may have heard of who have/ had a bass player are: The Beatles, Guns N’ Roses, Queen and The Rolling stones. I strongly encourage you to try the bass, it is helpful if you have had experience with a guitar or a ukulele before but it doesn’t really matter anyway, anyone could try the bass at any time you just need the correct equipment. Two famous quotes about the bass guitar are, ‘It’s played with the soul, not just the hands.’ And ‘Don’t use your brain to play it, let your feelings guide your fingers.


This segment is a collection of video game reviews written by Alex, Ani, Aaron and Ronit.

Fifa mobile

Fifa mobile is a good game for handheld devices and a great game for football fans. FIFA mobile is a licensed game, so it has the most up-to-date teams and players, giving the game a real feel. With the world cup just passing, FIFA mobile has introduced a world cup mode. You can play as a nation of choice, for example I love to play as Argentina as they have my favourite player, Lionel Messi.


The age rating is PEGI 3, suitable for all ages, there aren't many issues, just a few minor bug problems. FIFA mobile is owned and created by EA , owner of many great games, like:

● F1 2022

● NBA 2k23 etc.

Across the board FIFA mobile is a great game for little kids to start off. It has no violence or pain, it is a very good game for internet safety as they have a restriction to only chat with emojis. That’s why FIFA mobile is a great all rounder.

I believe Minecraft is good because it’s fun, and it teaches you to survive. The age rating is pegi 5 - some younger players might be frustrated because of the difficulty. It's overall really good.I believe that parents might want to buy it as it teaches about the world and it has its own equivalent to wires called redstone. It is limitless and my build proves that. For example, I built google docs into my world and it works and others have built Flappy Bird. So in conclusion it’s a really good game, and in other versions it even allows you to do chemistry. Enough with the education, let's get into games like bedwars. Bedwars is a really fun game and it's also multiplayer and there are even more minigames in minecraft.


Blooket is a interesting game as it has multiple features including tower defence, tower defence enables you to think of strategies and ways to give a swift end to the monsters and if the monster gets to the end then you take damage so you have to kill evil monsters and your parents might like it as it allows you do do quizzes about whatever you want and you can also strategize how you want to kill the bosses.

Brawl stars

Brawl stars is a free-to-play game which involves in-app-purchases. The age rating is 9+. Although it contains guns, they involve no blood, no violent graphic scenes and is a fun-to-play game. The bullets are very pixelated and will not make anyone scared. There are plenty of players to play with, including their friends. There are modes to this game, my favourite being duo showdown, as you can play duo’s with your friends competing against each other, seeing how you rank against the world.

Pokemon sword/shield

Pokémon is an interesting game and is about a trainer catching these magical creatures called Pokémon! There are lots of different types of Pokémon video games, but my favourite is Pokémon sword. In Pokémon sword you get to catch Pokémon and add them to your party, or send them on poké jobs.

There is always something to do, even after you finish the story.

Among us

There are many characters in the game, each with different traits, making the game more diverse. My favourite character is Dynamike. You can unlock different abilities as you go along the path of being the best gamer in brawl stars. It is also a fine game for adults, as it is suitable for adult gamers, who want to play on their phones.

Among us is a free-to-play game which is very exciting and intense. In fact, Among Us was the world's most downloaded Game In 2020. There are crewmates vs impostors, and there are different roles within them; for the crewmates there are scientists and engineers, and for the impostors there are shapeshifters.

Teacher Interviews

Mrs Marty

The story on how Mrs Marty became a teacher at the Stephen Perse Foundation involves a fascinating and inspirational back story. It started when Mrs Marty was a child where she lived in Bury Saint Edmund (Suolk) with a dream of being an actress. Although drama has nearly always been a part of her life, being a nurse was also on her mind for a small period of time. She spent her childhood with her two brothers, mum and dad. Her older brother was a very talented cartoonist who used his talent against her by drawing the UGLIEST drawings of her.

When Mrs Marty was ready for university, she had to spend one of her years in Germany (which was her favourite year) and Spain because she chose languages for her university course. As well as travelling for studies she also travelled to other places with her dad. Even though her favourite subjects are English, drama and languages, her favourite sport is swimming.

The teaching part of Mrs Marty’s life is complicated going from multiple schools and back again. It started with six years at the Perse Girls and then she left for another for seven years. After that, she returned to the Perse Girls which was now called the Stephen Perse. Before getting into the teaching profession Mrs Marty was an actress. She did a lot of touring and she performed at the west end and was a dresser. She was an actress for ten years before becoming a teacher.

When it comes to the funniest/most embarrassing part of Mrs Marty’s career, there was a really funny story to tell. This is what Mrs Marty has to say:

“We were at Hilltop Adventure Centre on the Year 5 residential trip. One of the activities was the high ropes. I decided that I was going to be really brave, (or maybe I was showing off a little bit..?) and I chose to go on the highest challenge, even though I was quite afraid. Everything went

quite well until we reached a long rope, like a tightrope. You had to move along the rope by standing on a skateboard which ran along the wire. I found it really difficult! No matter how hard I pulled myself along with my arms, my feet on the skateboard underneath me kept rolling away in the other direction. I was so scared that I screwed my eyes tight shut. When I - somehow- finally arrived at the safety platform at the other end of the wire, I was trembling from head to foot. I threw myself into the arms of the instructor and had a little sob. Way down below me, my Year 5 pupils were looking up at me, having a comfort cuddle from that lovely young woman. I think they must have been quite surprised to see their teacher as a sobbing wreck! It is funny when I look back on it now but it was scary at the time.”

Mrs Parker Questionnaire

What inspired you to become a teacher?

I wanted to be able to make a difference to other people and help them to enjoy learning.

Did anyone inspire you to be a teacher?

I did have an amazing maths teacher, Mrs Davis, when I was in Year 9- I was struggling with maths and she helped to build my confidence.

What is the funniest moment of your teaching career?

Probably doing the high ropes on residential- I was terrified but had to pretend to be brave and encourage the children who were with me that it wasn’t scary. It wasn’t funny at the time but it is looking back.

Have you ever struggled with your student’s work?

Not really- sometimes handwriting can be tricky to read but mine isn’t great either!

Do you have any siblings?

Yes, I have a younger sister.

Do/did you have any pets?

I have a rescue cat called Daisy.

Where are you from?

That’s a tricky question. I was born in Ely but lived in lots of different countries when I was growing up.

What subject were you best at as a child?

My favourite subject was History.

What was your dream job as a child?

I always wanted to be a nurse.

What is/was your favourite sport?

Skiing (but I can’t do it very often), swimming.


Here are some sports reviews written by Alex, Jin, Georgie, Ani and Ronit. We highly recommend these five sports and we hope you will be inspired.

Archery by Alex (6CHV)

All of my family does archery. In this article I’m going to tell you more about it. I like archery because you don’t always have to do competitions, and in fact, out of the 400,000 people that do archery, only 2,000 do competitions.

On most types of bows, a sight is attached to the front, above the arrow, so that you can aim easier. If the arrows don’t land where you want them to, you can adjust the sight to change where they go.

In archery, you need a lot of strength. This is so that your shot doesn’t go short. You can also have your bow personalised so that you don’t feel uncomfortable or have to pull too much weight.

Most arrows are made of carbon. Others are made of aluminium. Arrows have 3 fletchings. Fletchings are used to make arrows fly straight. Fletchings are 2 colours. There are 2 of one colour and 1 different coloured fletching. This is to remind you of which way they go.

My favourite quote about archery is “Archery does not get difficult or hard to understand until the arrow misses.”

Here is a picture of my bow.

Figure skating by Jin (6CHV)

I started learning ice skating 2 years ago. Currently, I am concentrating on learning my spins and jumps. For jumps, I am learning the Lutz and for the spins I am learning the camel spin. I am really passionate about ice skating because I am inspired by this figure skater called Yuzuru Hanyu. Yuzuru Hanyu is a 2 time Gold Olympic Medalist. Whenever he performs, he dances so elegantly. Not only is he known from his country, Japan, he is known worldwide! This is why I look up to him.

Figure skating is a very challenging sport because you need to make your moves elegant as well as making them correct. So this sport targets people who are elegant. You need to balance on a thin blade and that makes it hard to balance on the ice. For this sport, you need strong techniques for example edge control, and if you don’t have these things, your skating will go off. It is rewarding because it is fun and exciting.

Here is a quote from him:

“If I can't do it, I will work on it until I can. If I become able to do it, I will work on it until I can do it perfectly. If I become able to do it perfectly, I will work on it until I can do it perfectly any number of times.”

Horse riding by Georgie (6CTC)

We interviewed Georgie and she told us something about Horse Riding.

What do you like about horse riding?

“Horse riding can be calming, fun and dangerous. Sometimes if you are on a slow and easy trek it can feel relaxing and many will say it is therapeutic.”

What danger will you come across?

“Danger is on the rider's mind if they are jumping over a high pole or hanging down low to the ground on a galloping horse (trick riding).”

What are the different types of riding a horse?

“There are many different types of riding a horse including dressage, jumping, trick riding, racing and many more.”

Tell us about a famous horse rider.

“A well-known horse rider is Isabell Werth, Isabell is from Germany and is 53 years old. Isabell is known for her incredible dressage and her 6 Olympic trophies.”

Football By Ani (6 CTC)

Football is the most popular sport not just in the UK but also around the world. With the recent world cup passing, football is more popular than ever… Football is a fun sport, which can give many people career opportunities… It involves 2 teams, with the amount of players varying by age group.

I started playing football when I was 11 months old and have been addicted ever since, the sport is not biassed by gender. There is equal opportunity for male and females to go pro. This is the ideal sport for any kid, all you need are shin pads and football boots.

All in all Football is the best sport for any kid to play, as it builds teamwork and bonds with friends.

Table tennis by Ronit (6 CTC)

Table tennis is known as a hobby but is also an Olympic sport .

I started playing table tennis 2 years and 5 months ago, when I joined a table tennis club. I enjoy table tennis because it’s such a creative and fun sport with many aspects of the game to play.

I am mostly an attacking player, but there are defensive players as well .

Table tennis is a good sport for children and in some ways is a little bit easier, for example children are small so they don’t have to crouch down like adults.

My favourite table tennis player is Ma Long, and here is one of his quotes :

“Glory is obtained from hard work, step by step. No matter who I meet, I won't have any pressure. It was a great privilege for me and my teammates to follow in the footsteps of sporting greats like Roger Federer and Tiger Woods. I have to throw off the burden and the pressure.”

Year 2 trip

Year 2 went on a school trip to the Fitzwilliam Museum and they chose their favourite photo to write about. They made a sketch of it and made a description of it. Year 2 read ‘Katie’ and based a story on what picture they liked, if they were in the same trouble as Katie.

Interesting International Languages Week

For international language week, the whole school celebrated it mainly by having parent speakers.

Year 5

Recently, it was International Languages week, so we went a little bit off timetable, and had some speakers. They mostly consisted of parents, but Year 5 got a little lucky! Mrs Godfrey, one of the supply teachers, gave a German lesson to Year 5!

Year 5 focused on Germany, they learned about Germany, their culture and more importantly… THE FOOD! They were surprised at how fast they picked up some German words, as some sound similar to English. 5AJM is a very diverse class, they had 12 different languages such as:

● English

● Russian

● Mandarin

● Punjabi

● Spanish

● Turkish

● Afrikaans

● French

● Swedish

● Norwegian

Year 4

Year 4 has learned some words in Greece and Italy and also learned traditional foods in those two countries. I think that they had a great time learning and the activities kept them busy. They grew their knowledge of languages spoken by children in their group.

● Chinese ● Albanian

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