Images 2006 4 page 10
Growing Indo-US Cooperation 3page 7
I s s u e
“Uranium could also lead to the construction of bombs. A single bomb of this type, carried by boat and exploded in a port, might very well destroy the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory.”
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V o l
N o
- Albert Einstein in a letter to US President Franklin Roosevelt on August 2, 1939
It can be said with great pride that the Indian Navy is modern, vibrant and versatile. The focus of the Indian naval leadership is to build the service into a balanced three-dimensional force with the ability to respond promptly to military threats or benign situations. These and many other insights on the Indian Navy were given by the Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Sureesh Mehta in an interview with SP’s Naval Forces (SP’s NF). Even as the Navy looks back with pride on its achievements in 2006, we at SP’s NF celebrate one year of publication with the fourth issue of the year. And in keeping with our past track record, SP’s NF brings to readers several exclusive and thought-provoking articles
The then CNS Admiral Arun Prakash releasing SP’s NF ingaural issue on January 12, 2006.
We do look forward to your feedback on making the journal more interesting and topical. Happy reading and Happy New Year!
Exclusive Interview
and features in this issue. A highlight of this issue is a photo-feature, Images 2006 that vividly captures the key naval events of the year that went by. An added attraction is a graphic description of Europe’s largest naval exhibition, Euronaval, that was held in Le Bourget, Paris.
Admiral Sureesh Mehta, Chief of the Naval Staff believes that in the coming years the navy will be increasingly called upon to fulfill India’s national aims and objectives. Full interview on page 3...
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