������������� ‘Regional cooperation essential for total awareness of maritime domain’–Navy Chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta
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Glimpses of 2007: Reminiscing over the key events in the year gone by
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“I must compliment the Indian Navy for the professionalism and dedication it has displayed in the preservation of our security at sea. The Indian Navy has the largest presence in the Indian Ocean after the US.” —A.K. Antony,
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On December 8, 1967, the Indian Navy (IN) commissioned its first submarine, INS Kalvari, the event thereupon being commemorated as Submarine Day. Vice Admiral R. Ganesh, one of the original crew members of INS Kalvari, reminiscences over four decades of evolution of submarines in the IN. Vice Admiral A.K. Singh analyses the strategic impact of the Chinese Navy launching a more modern Shang Class (Type 093) nuclear attack submarine. The edition also carries the concluding part of the interaction with CNS Admiral Sureesh Mehta as well as an interview with Rear Admiral P. Chauhan (ACNS, Foreign Cooperation and Intelligence), besides the salient aspects of briefing by the CNS on the eve of the Navy Day and the regular industry news, news digest and appointments. Wishing you all a happy sailing in 2008!
Exclusive Interview
Launched by the then Chief of Indian Navy, Admiral Arun Prakash, as a quarterly in January 2006, SP’s Naval Forces goes bimonthly from 2008 in response to a pressing demand from readers and leaders of the industry. In an interesting development, SP’s Naval Forces was invited to conduct an interview with the French Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Alain Oudot de Dainville. Talking exclusively to SP’s, Admiral Dainville, said: “I am convinced of India’s growing role as a stabilising power in the region. Naturally, our area of cooperation is likely to be extended.”
SP Guide Pubns
Indian Defence Minister
Admiral Alain Oudot de Dainville, born on March 15, 1947 in Marsat (Puy de Dome), is the French Chief of Naval Staff. Talking to SP’s Naval Forces, the Admiral outlined his country’s close ties with India and the French Navy’s interests in the region.
Caption: Cum nulla feuip eum ex ex Editor-in-Chief Jayant Baranwal interacts eugiatem dolenim dolenim quat with the French Chief of Naval Staff
SP’s Naval Forces (SP’s): How has relations between the French and Indian navies progressed in the past decade or so? Do the senior leaders enjoy a good understanding? French Naval Chief (FNC): To assess the progress of relations between our two navies, we can let the facts speak for themselves. Even 10 years ago, our navies hadn’t worked together at sea. On both sides, there remained some distance and reserve—a fruit of the past. Today, regular trainings are held between our
‘We are keen on strong ties with the IN to secure Indian Ocean access routes’ respective naval forces, which include even high-level annual exercises, particularly involving aircraft battle groups with submarines. Communications networks (SAFRAN NET) have been set up and will be established permanently. Above all, this year we conducted a coordinated activity during the security patrolling off Africa, in the Gulf of Aden. Our Navy Chiefs have met each other on various occasions in France, India or other countries. These exchanges have turned out to
be increasingly constructive and marked with growing warmth. We share a vision which is very similar in terms of strategic context and the contribution of the navy. My visit to India and French participation in the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) being organised in India in early 2008 illustrate the good level of our “mutual understanding”. SP’s: Compared to its ties with the US or British navies, how would you rate the