SP's Naval Forces 03-2007

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������������� The Navy at India’s 60th Year of Independence

4 page 4 2006 2007

Modernising the Navy: Imperatives & Strategy


3page 11

“Delays at the development stage of a weapon system run the risk of obsolescence by the time it is ready for production. Delays in production deprive the armed forces of timely deliveries, compelling the Government to look for external procurement.”—

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This issue of the SP’s Naval Forces coincides with 60 years of India’s independence and as such the editorial team thought it befitting to include a twin perspective on the Indian Navy since 1947. Admiral Arun Prakash underlines the evolution of strategic role of the Indian Navy in the last 60 years while Vice Admiral Ganesh takes a nostalgic look at the past, emphasises the current capabilities and outlines what the immediate future holds. This issue will also be distributed at the Air Show at Seoul (October 16-21) which will be attended by a team from SP Guide Publications. The lead article on China and the Indian Ocean region highlights the importance of the Indian Ocean for the country to maintain its oil supplies and the steps Beijing is taking to safeguard its SLOC. The article on maritime terrorism in which the writer traces the threat of terrorism, its effects on maritime trade and the response strategies required to counter it would be of interest to all nations. The articles on nuclear carrier borne force and modernisation of the Indian Navy present a lucid picture of the current transformation strategies. An update on the Indo-US Nuclear deal and the accompanying turbulence has been included with the fervent hope that it sees the light at the end of the tunnel. An overview of the enlarged Exercise Malabar—in which navies of India, Japan, Australia, Singapore and the US took part—with its security implications, together with an account of the Defense Systems and Equipment international (DSEi) exhibition held in London from September 11-14 make for interesting reading. Completing the picture is a report on the international seminar-cumexhibition on Naval Armament, which was held at Delhi from July 19-20, with the theme “Indigenous Armament—Challenges and Opportunities”. The regular section News Digest with key appointments have been included. Wishing you all a very happy 60th year of India’s independence.




Manmohan Singh, PM

SP Guide Pubns

36th Year of Issue

Order your copies at: guidepub@vsnl.com or via +91 11 24644763, 24644693, 24620130

‘Private presence in naval projects is growing’

The Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee and Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta interacted with a team from SP’s Naval Forces, outlining his hopes and vision for the rapidly modernising force. Excerpts from the interview. SP’s Naval Forces (SP’s): Having been at the helm for the last nine months, what according to you is the state of preparedness of the Indian Navy to meet its expanding role? Chief of Naval Staff (CNS): As the principal enabling instrument of the nation’s maritime power, the Indian Navy is a major contributor to the attainment of national objectives and functions in the four characteristics roles, namely, military, diplomatic, policing (or constabulary)

and benign, that are constructed around the central issue of the freedom for use-of-the-sea. The state of preparedness of the Indian Navy in all four of these roles is a matter of great personal and professional satisfaction. So far as the military role is concerned, our state of operational readiness remains high and we have honed our operational skills through the constant conduct of exercises and training, both internally as well as with the

navies of other friendly countries. As regards the diplomatic role, the past 20 months or so offer clear and unambiguous evidence of the skill and dexterity with which the government is using the Indian Navy as an instrument of the nation’s diplomacy, and our effectiveness in this role is a matter of very considerable satisfaction. The exercise of the constabulary role involves a near seamless integration of the resources of the Navy and the Coast Guard


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