December 2017-January 2018
Volume 12 No. 6
`100.00 (India-Based Buyer Only)
The only Naval magazine for Navies across Asia-Pacific Page 4 ‘The Indian Navy is actively engaged in ensuring safety and security in India’s maritime areas of interest’ —Admiral Sunil Lanba, Chief of the Naval Staff
c ov e r stor y photograph: Indian Navy
Rear Admiral Sushil Ramsay (Retd)
Page 6 Growing Prowess of Indian Navy It is a matter of national pride that Indian Navy has showed the way how best the advanced and technology intensive platforms from diverse sources could be acquired, absorbed and optimally exploited to augment its operational capabilities to emerge as a Blue Water Navy in true sense. Rear Admiral Sushil Ramsay (Retd)
Page 8 The First ‘Make in India’ Scorpene Commissioned
Admiral Sunil Lanba, Chief of the Naval Staff
Prime Minister said that it is also certain that the road to development in the 21st century goes through the Indian Ocean. That is why the Indian Ocean has a special place in the policies of the Government. The Prime Minister said this vision can be understood through the acronym SAGAR – Security and Growth for All in the Region. Rear Admiral Sushil Ramsay (Retd)
Page 10 Look East to Act East In accordance with India’s ‘Act East’ policy, relations with Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, and the Philippines have developed and strengthened significantly. Rear Admiral Sushil Ramsay (Retd)
Page 12 India-Singapore — Deepening Defence Relations, Source of Envy for China Ranjit Kumar
President’s Colour to the Submarine Arm
Rear Admiral Sushil Ramsay (Retd)
News in Brief
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‘We are confident that the SP model will enable faster technology absorption’ At the special request of Jayant Baranwal, Editor-in-Chief, SP’s Naval Forces, Admiral Sunil Lanba, Chief of the Naval Staff, consented to respond to the following questions exclusively: 6/2017