Issue 5 • 2008
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LandForces P U B L I C AT I O N
T h e O N LY j o u r n a l i n A s i a d e d i c a t e d t o L a n d F o r c e s
Recurrent and tiring rounds of talks, agreements and discussions minus a significant breakthrough, or even the possibility of one, indicate that the border conflict has all the ingredients of becoming a major spoiler in Indo-China relations.
EEdi t orial d itorial
Unmanned ground vehicles hold great significance for militaries around the world, particularly the way in which military force is applied against insurgents in counter-insurgency operations.
India’s response to the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai has revealed glaring weaknesses. The country’s counter terrorism mechanism must be forged on lessons learnt in the past. We need to build on the existing strengths and not hesitate to throw out the dead wood. LT GEN (RETD) VK KAPOOR ?
Ex c l u s i v e I n t e r v i ew
Photographs: SP Guide Pubns
Independent India’s history has weathered challenges that would have fragmented nations with lesser intrinsic strength or national will. Reeling under the devastation unleashed by terrorists in Mumbai, the country is once again passing through one such complicated phase when the national security calculus is hugely impacted upon by a large number of imponderables. External security along India’s western border is adversely affected by an impoverished and destabilised Pakistan pervaded by Taliban, al-Qaeda and other home grown variety of terrorists. Jihadi groups in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, sponsored, trained and funded by Islamabad, are active in Jammu and Kashmir and the rest of India through her western and eastern borders. A never too friendly China is progressively and relentlessly continuing with its military modernisation. Their pace and scope of military transformation have increased in recent years fueled by acquisition of advanced foreign weapons, continued high rates of investment in domestic defence and science and technology industries, and far reaching organisation and doctrinal reforms of the armed forces. The third major challenge emanates from within. Addressing the National Integration Council on October 13, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said: “In the recent past, we have been witnessing signs of increasing fissiparous tendencies in areas like the Northeast, Jammu and Kashmir, in Orissa and Karnataka, in Assam and some other parts of our country... We see ethnicity and religion being used as arguments to stir divisions.” Fact is, politics—rather than effective governance—has sullied the administrative milieu in India. Even as the country reverberates with the gunshots that devastated and immobilised denizens of Mumbai for close to 60 hours, politicians of all hues and allegiances have begun to draw public ire by indulging in diversionary tactics and inflammatory rhetoric. Sadly, the nation’s top brass seems oddly out of sync with the nation’s aspirations and helpless in the face of the anger of its outraged citizens. The government has so far failed dismally in instilling confidence in the people in its ability to appropriately access and address the gravity of the situation. India has the political talent to provide this type of leadership but first, political parties will have to shed their pettiness and come together to steer the nation to its logical destiny.
In This Issue
Vo l 5 N o 5
influence worrisome’ General Deepak Kapoor took over as the Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) on October 1, 2007. On the completion of a year in office, he spoke to SP’s Editor-in-Chief Jayant Baranwal and Editor of SP’s Land Forces Lt General (Retd) V.K. Kapoor, sharing his thoughts and perceptions on the security challenges facing the nation and modernisation of the army. Excerpts.
Lt General (Retd) V.K. Kapoor 5/2008 SP’S LAND FORCES