April: Change

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the sphs mediators present

CHANGE a “note to self” zine

cover by adam kwoh

Note to Self “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not fighting the old, but on building the new.” - Socrates Looking back on the old, it is evident that the world around us has changed dramatically during a global pandemic. Yet at the same time, many things remain the same — injustice continues. How do we fight injustice, though? Do we listen to Socrates and focus on building the new and not fighting the old? It’s a question that is continually asked today and has no straightforward answer. However, one thing is clear from both these assumptions: change comes with active ACTION and ATTITUDE. We hope that this collection of art, writing, and mental wellness tips will inspire you to take your own action and adapt your attitude, whether that be in situations where you face change or where you want to BE THE CHANGE. And so we say: keep building.

love always, the peer mediators

BUT I AM NO ORDINARY VIRUS by adam kwoh I find myself numb In San Gabriel Valley. Its broad mountains can’t Persuade or protect. My flat nose is A societal threat. Their fists beg To punch it in flatter. My grandma can’t Walk without fear. The virus is now Our American identity. But I am no Ordinary virus. For I spread Love not hate. For I seek to Awake to change.

adjusting to


by joshua ramirez


hange can always be scary. Something or someone different, a completely new environment or doing something you’ve never done can be frightening. However change can always be a good idea. Humans are always changing: in teaching, in ideas, in actions. It is natural for us to do so, but not always easily. Perhaps a new job across the country, going to a college with totally new people or simply moving five miles west in the city. Here are some tips to help adjust to change Discover your fear: Find out what part of the change makes it uncomfortable or scary in this situation. When you can find it, address why you fear it. If you break down the problem to its core you will see that you have far less fear and can soon find the help you need for that problem alone. Get someone to help you: If perhaps the situation is not necessarily but you still need help contact an friend to help. They can talk you through the situation and overall help you adjust too the new change you are undertaking Find what’s good: If you can, find the parts of the situation that you’re ok with. This can help you adjust to what you see as good so that you can adjust to the change easier and move forward into you’re new situation Be the change: Things can always be changed. If you can change something about the situation that you don’t like or feel you can handle, change it. Sometimes it just takes an new perspective to make an situation better.


there has been


a lot of good

by isha zafra

teacher’s pet: a spotlight on ms. kadri’s BEAR! courtesy of ms. kadri click the middle image to see watch a sweet treat!

“How dedicated they are to providing me my education! And also how they make an effort to know me.” “ T he y a l l tried th eir best t o a d a pt to teac h ing on Z o o m a nd h elped u s to g et us ed to it. ”

“That they continue to grade and assign things even though students have been lazier.”

SURVEY SAYS: what do you appreciate most about your teachers? “ T he y a re pu ttin g lots of e f f o r t in to balan c in g their a t t e n t i o n between h y b rid a nd in - p ers o n s tu dents.”

“When they make an effort to know me as a person instead of just another student.”

“Their persistence and effort.”


click on the image above to hear ellie kim’s piano rendition of “fantasia”


send to @sphswellness on instagram or to sphsmediators@gmail.com

Resources SPHS Wellness Linktree Wellness Website Counselors + Ms Prime Contact AAPI Resources Peer Support Referral

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