the sphs mediators present
fresh starts a “note to self� zine
cover by adam kwoh
Note to Self “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” - Martin Luther King Jr. After a year of traumatic firsts, with the first global pandemic in a century and the first terrorist attack on our nation’s capitol, how do we now face our first steps at moving forward in 2021? It’s scary taking that first step blindly. But, as MLK Jr. said, we don’t always have to see the whole staircase ahead of us. A fresh start is never really completely fresh; we take with us the knowledge and growth of our past. Most of all, we also take our hope for better, and our ability for constant improvement. We hope that this collection of art, writing, and mental wellness tips will give you the courage to have faith in your own self and to step into 2021 with the hope for a year of self-improvement and self-love.
love always, the peer mediators
by maya turun
by brandon how
photo courtesy of kahlen miao
impact & legacy by joshua ramirez
artin Luther King Jr. was a revolutionary figure in American history who fought to achieve equal rights for African
Americans. His methods of using civil disobedience and nonviolent protest to achieve equal rights were successful. Being opposed to racism and capitalism, King pushed for equal society in both economics and rights. The movement he helped lead would be challenged by the United States government, who at the time still enacted Jim Crow laws. The struggle for equal rights was not fought alone, however, as millions of non-African Americans joined the fight for equal rights. He held countless speeches to inspire people, most notably his “I Have a Dream.� Sadly, as the success of his movement achieved rights for all, he was assassinated in 1968. Following this, many riots broke out against the U.S. government yet again in response to the assasination. These riots resulted in the last civil rights act being passed, the final victory of the civil rights movement. Overall, King had rallied and movement of equal justice and saw through to the end to make it happen.
Andrew C: Focus more on health and mindfulness Liam S: Get into dream college and also read more Aurelia J: Read more (not by choice) Joshua R: Read more
Twyla M: Eat mindfully and build more connections Annette W: Continue being active
Melissa H: Buy more sustainably Sadie M: Drink more water and stop eating red meat
Mia R: Lower my screen time and stop procrastinating
Adam K: Practice better self-care in the morning, like meditation and journaling
Shaylee Y: Spend more time with family Ellie M: Be more productive
Claire W: Spend less time on phone, spend more time on tarot and meditating, and learn how to paint Max J: Do more yoga, read more, and also get better pants Sophie M: Keep reading and walking
Iris B: Stop eating red meat, read more, and be kinder to myself
Ms Kadri: Be more mindful and get vaccinated
Isha Z: Get into a better sleep schedule
Zoe W: Keep up my gratitude journal
by charis cheung
into the NEW YEAR”
by isha zafra
easy ways to reduce
STRESS by twyla metcalfe
1) Do a quick little movement Little bursts of movement help if your stress is making you jittery. It can be ten jumping jacks, or even a little walk around a table.
2) Think positive thoughts When you are stressed, you think of the worst outcome. To get out of that mindset, you can encourage yourself by thinking positively. This also means thinking reasonably if your mind spirals and goes to the worst possible outcome.
3) Have a stress “outlet� It is important to make a stress outlet for yourself. It is doing something that will help you not think about stress. It can be talking to a friend, reading, doing an activity, etc.
4) Take time to relax We usually plan our days with what activities and homework we have to do. You should carve out some time for yourself to relax and do something you want to do that will help you relax.
5) Take breaks when you need to During school, you may feel overwhelming stress. It is important to realize when you are stressed and overloaded with stress. If you feel overwhelmed, you can always take a break and get back into a stress-free mindset. Try some deep breathing exercises or drink some water and get in touch with how you are feeling.
6) Talk to someone If you ever feel stressed or overwhelmed, you should find somebody you trust to talk to.
7) Make a craft Making a craft helps you get back in touch with your senses. It helps you be more aware of yourself and your surroundings.
check out our spotify playlist!
chillax with us
by ellie kim
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