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When I started Heart and Home Mortgages I always knew I wanted to do equity release. It’s a real joy to help clients explore their options. It can be very moving and in nearly all cases spreads a lot of joy and happiness by making life a lot easier for my clients.

If I look back over my last cases the two that stand out for me. My clients were desperate to move closer to their children in retirement but couldn’t as it was a more expensive area. They took an equity release mortgage and moved into a slightly more expensive area to be near their family and spend time with their grandchildren.

Prior to that one of my clients was retirement age but needed to work to carry on paying the mortgage. After being diagnosed with cancer and getting the all clear after treatment he was desperate to retire. So they paid off the mortgage with equity release and booked a lifetime dream cruise. They decided they wanted to spend time together, not spend it working through their retirement.

It’s always a pleasure helping, whatever the reason.

I started studying for Equity Release during lockdown! I really enjoyed the study material and learning about the benefits it can bring to people looking to unlock equity within their property.

It’s amazing to think about how many people have so much wealth in assets and little or no cash in savings and having assisted customers over the past couple of years it really is a pleasure to see how it can benefit not only the customers applying for Equity Release but their families also.

The majority of referrals to myself are from other advisors based in Scotland and I will always travel to meet clients face to face for all appointments to ensure they are comfortable with the process and put their minds at ease. Normally I do all my appointments over Video, so I have to remind myself not to go out with my tracksuit bottoms on and shirt and tie!

I have recently joined up with two local bowling clubs to provide some advertising. Whilst it’s not the weather for bowling just now in Scotland I’m hoping this will generate some business next summer. In the meantime, I don’t mind dropping into the “Social Club” to show a presence!

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