Just your business partnership with us
About Just Mortgages...
We are one of the largest Mortgage & Protection Brokers in the country, we operate nationwide and have no plans to stop growing.
We are part of the Spicerhaart family who were established in 1989. Spicerhaart is one of the UK’s most innovative estate agency groups, combining the largest independent residential sales and residential lettings branch network with a rapidly growing mortgage and protection services, legal business and wealth services.
We know that choosing a home for your Mortgage & Protection Business is no easy task. Our aim, put simply, is to provide you with an environment to enable you to develop and grow your business to the level you want.
From our unique support offering to our ground breaking Digital Marketing packages, everything we do is geared around supporting you to be successful!
We will offer you an unrivalled package including:
• Business development expertise (over 200 years of combined experience!)
• Marketing
• Unique Social Media solutions
• Training
• Lead generation
• Recruitment (growing your business)
• Wealth
• Equity Release
• Business Protection
• Technical support
On your own but not alone.
Due to our stratospheric growth and success, we are able to offer all of this, coupled with some of the highest levels of income.
Our support starts the day you apply and you will be allocated your very own Business Manager who will provide you with support and development to help you take your business to the level you want it to be. Our Business Managers only look after a maximum of 30 Brokers, compared to a typical 100-150 with other firms, so you can be assured of their attention as and when you want it.
I have personally selected each Business Manager for their experience and knowledge and I know they will make a positive impact on your business.
Finally, I sincerely hope you choose Just Mortgages as a home for your Mortgage & Protection Business and look forward to working with you.

Polls suggest support is the number one priority for brokers when selecting a new network, making it our priority too!
Our core beliefs
We work together as a family for the benefit of the whole. We communicate freely, are open, honest, passionate and transparent about what we do.
Customer Obsession
We are obsessed with delivering an industry leading service both internally and externally.
Independence through Profitability
We value our independence which is maintained by generating profits sufficient to invest in our business and reward our stakeholders.
High Performance Culture
Together we aspire to the highest professional standards in our industry. We will develop our people to fulfill their potential, have a winning mindset and achieve our standards of behaviour and performance. Profitable market share is our mantra.
Our reputation is built on our high standards of honesty, integrity and professionalism, which we seek to apply in everything we do.
Continuous Improvement
We continuously strive to improve, and have a thirst for enterprise and innovation.
We treat everyone as an individual; we care about each other, our partners and our communities.
On your own but not alone.

Our strategic partner
Just Mortgages is proud to partner with one of the UK’s largest financial advice businesses, Openwork.
Openwork launched in 2005, but has been present in the UK financial advice market for more than 40 years. The company is owned partly by the 600+ financial advice firms that it comprises, including Just Mortgages’ parent company Spicerhaart.
Openwork provides us with a range of great solutions for our clients, as well as an environment that allows you to thrive as a member of the Just Mortgages team:
For clients:
• A broad based panel of some of the best of the UK’s lenders
• Access to specialist lenders in areas such as buy-to-let, high- net-worth, self-build, adverse, equity release, secured loans and bridging finance
• Access to mortgage products, not otherwise available on the high street
• An award winning panel of general insurers, via Paymentshield
• Award winning protection products, via Openworks multi-tie panel
• Trusted brands known by clients and industry alike
• Choice of cover giving you and your clients extra flexibility
For you:
• Telephone based support to help you place more complex cases and sort out lender issues
• Market-leading technology
• A compliance infrastructure to help keep us all safe
• Online marketing support
Unprecedented opportunities
Being a Self-Employed Mortgage and Protection Adviser not only means you decide when and where you work, it also gives you the opportunity to set your own earnings levels.
As a Just Mortgages Business Partner you have the opportunity to earn from a varied number of Income streams:
• Mortgage procuration fee
• Mortgage broker fee - at a level you decide
• Life commission
• General insurance commission
• Income from legal referrals
• Will referral income
We will also work with you to identify and establish Introducer Agreements with local Estate Agents and other lead sources.
Implementing our Digital and Social Media package is another lead generating source helping you to gain quality leads.
As a Just Mortgages Business Partner we will encourage you to exceed your client’s expectations, delivering a first class service and providing the highest professional standards.
You will already know that working in Mortgage Services is hard work but as a Self Employed Mortgage and Protection Broker you will need to be extremely self-motivated as you are your own day-to-day manager. This gives you complete flexibility in when and how you work. Which is why our support will be there when you need it; importantly without any additional charges.
On your own but not alone Just

Shey Wade
Digital Marketing Manager
The Just Mortgages Marketing team are here to support your set up, grow and maintain your business. Amongst other services bespoke for you we offer an industry unique digital marketing package, offering marketing agency level support to our self-employed brokers in order to improve your brand awareness locally, and further as you grow.
Supervisions & Regulatory support

Liz Yates
ManagerThe compliance team at Just Mortgages exists to support you. Whatever your problem, whether it’s to do with a complex debt consolidation case, an issue with fraud, or what protection to recommend, there is somebody on hand to help. Our job is to keep your licence safe and your business running.
Business support

Ben Allkins
Business Management Support
We have a highly experienced team of business managers who are on hand to support your business needs in all shapes and sizes. Each broker will receive dedicated support and with each of the management team having been personally selected for Just Mortgages. Our managers look after a maximum of 30 brokers meaning they are always available for you.
The Just Support team

Tamihka Graham
Support Manager
The teams support involves all things from bringing you on board, bringing your admin & team members on board, hosting and arranging events & supporting your business managers in their quest to help & support you. We are a conscientious team are dedicated to creating a smooth journey for your new venture as a Self-employed Mortgage & Protection Advisor alongside continued to support in the growth and maintenance of your business.
Training and Development

The Learning and Development department recognise that advisers join Just Mortgages with a wide range of experience and skills. We also appreciate that L&D needs to be both accessible and convenient. The emphasis therefore is on offering a broad range of topics including skills, product knowledge and IT familiarisation in a range of ways from traditional training room format through to online learning or using remote video conferencing. We are here to help with your business growth and learning and bespoke our training to your needs.
Just your FREE support packages
Initial consultation with Just Wealth for both you and your customers using our in house wealth firm. Pensions, investment, Inheritance tax planning and much more is available through your Just Wealth Financial Advisor.
We provide regular free training throughout the year covering various subjects based on adviser’s feedback and demand.
Our Business Managers have a plethora of experience in the mortgage industry. Each Business Manager has no more than 30 advisers allocated to their team, meaning they are dedicated to supporting you and your business.
An IAP is a free and confidential benefit package designed to support you with personal and professional problems affecting your general well-being, health, home life or work life. We know of no other firm offering this support to their self-employed brokers.
Our dedicated Business Managers will help you put together a Business Plan each year tailored to your business goals. They will review this regularly and provide valuable advice and guidance to aid you in reaching your goals.
On demand content provided via our in house content library SPOS. We support you in creating & using pre-approved content to build your business and our aim is to constantly supply you with new, fresh marketing.
Aimed at helping you start up we supply Business Stationery, Leaflets & Document Wallets– free of charge. There are various other items available at cost price.
We are dedicated to supporting you in growing your business. We support you in recruiting the right people along with Accounts support making things easier for you. We pay you weekly to help with cashflow for your business.
We support you with tools for lead generation. From Introducers, social media to discounts with Lead provision companies.
Our Annual conference is a great way to network with your colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere, with opportunities to learn from many lenders and business partners attending the event.
Dedicated IT support to aid you in keeping everything online up to date and working as it should be, you can carry on doing what you do best.
Proving positive compliance support to the Just Mortgages family of brokers and supervisors to ensure that their business targets are met and all our clients receive a 5 star service.
Just your extra licences
Commercial Licence
• We have partnered with Commercial Finance Brokers UK (CFBUK)
• Training course required to gain the licence
• Monthly fees payable to maintain license
• Leads available from the wider Just Mortgages broker team
Equity Release Licence
• We offer a course to help you gain your CeRER qualification if required
• Bespoke training course to help you place business & gain leads
• For those with the qualifications induction training & ongoing training is part of the package
• Annual licensing and initial fees payable*
• Leads available from the wider Just Mortgages broker team
• Supervision included
*waived for the following year if business levels are over a certain level
Business protection licence
• One day course
• Initial set up licence fee
• Leads available from the wider Just Mortgages broker team
• Supervision included
Just Wealth
• Retained Fee income of 50% - 70%
• Professional Indemnity Insurance
• Access to investment solutions
• Business Development Directors working alongside you
• Leads available
On your own but not alone.

Digital Marketing Package & Own Brand Proposition
Just Digital Marketing
Build your reputation and client base with a unique industry offering at Just Mortgages
Facebook and Google Page
Access to scheduling, reviews and analytics tools
On demand marketing team to create requested social media content
Personalised adviser page on Just Mortgages website
Unique online marketing library with personalised content
Our Own Brand Offering

On your own, but with the same dedicated support tailored just for you... with a few bonuses.
Logo and Branding
Have a vision for a logo but just not sure how to put it together? We can help!
Have your own little area of the internet with a website, built and custom to you.
Social Media
Bespoke social media to your liking, all approved and ready to go!
On your own but not alone.

Marketing Examples
We offer on demand bespoke marketing via our portal.
Furthermore, we will deliver you an intial marketing pack free with items you need to get started.

[07950 245265] [jonathan.smith@justmortgages.co.uk] [justmortgages.co.uk]

Hosted by [Lauren Smith] T [07903032816] E [lauren.smith@justmortages.co.uk]
[1pm-3pm], [Saturday 7th March 2020] at [18-20 Head St, Colchester CO1 1NY]

Why choose Just Mortgages?
Additional income
There are even more ways to earn additional income through our Referral Schemes:
Credit Report
Private Medical Insurance
Homebuyer Report
Second Charge
Survey Utility Warehouse
Your Business Manager will explain how you can make the most of these referral opportunities.

On your own but not alone.
Testimonials from some of our Advisers

Just Mortgages Self Employed gives you access to 58 lenders, including all the main high street names, 7 insurance companies, a Business Manager, a Compliance Officer and with the support of Openwork provides you with all of the tools to become a professional mortgage and protection adviser giving a first class service to your clients. You never feel alone as the team ethic is a major part of the company ethos and there is no limit what you can achieve personally or income wise if you maximise all of these elements.

When I first started with Just Mortgages and on top of that, as self-employed, it was naturally a very daunting experience and being a cautious person did not help. However, I still made this choice and am pleased to say I will not look back even without the safety of a guaranteed basic income. Why? It’s simple, with the number of hours and cases I submit, even if I were to do less than half as an employed broker I would still make roughly the same amount. You work, you get paid except the difference is the profit you make is approximately double per case and why would you not work?

However, what makes this possible is the unbelievable support I get from my Business Manager and the team. We are talking about connecting to like-minded, hard-working individuals who value each other and are genuine. The opportunities are also endless, what more could you ask for?

Having worked with Just Mortgages on an employed basis for several years but wanting the flexibility and freedom to manage my business how I felt it best to without targets and management, when just mortgages opened the self-employed arm of the business I jumped at the opportunity to take what I felt was the next step. I haven’t looked back! I have the flexibility to run my business and hours how I need to for my family and the support behind the scenes to gather more knowledge through regularly organised training events, whether it be for refreshing product knowledge or like recently adding a string to the bow with learning the skills to approach businesses for their protection to make sure they can continue if something happened to one of its key figures. A great place to start your self employed life and continue learning and growing. Adam Rockall

My journey started here back in September 2016. It was a scary place in the beginning, as I went from knowing what I’d be paid at the end of the month to the unknown. Looking back now, I can say I have made the right decision. I work when I want to, meet who I want to, and the rewards are excellent.
Shahed Zaman

Being a self-employed advisor with Just Mortgages has given me the best of all worlds! I am able to earn a substantial income from working on days and at times that fit around my family. It allows me to plan my diary around my home commitments whilst knowing that I have full support of my sales manager. There is no one looking over your shoulder monitoring your business levels but I also have an approachable team that I can call on for help and advice whenever I need it. Come and join the team, you won’t regret it!
Barbara O’Brien

Next steps
Your local Business Manager is keen to talk to you to answer any questions you have and to arrange an initial face to face introductory meeting. Our commission structure is bespoke to your business and potential business levels, the more business you generate the higher the level of remuneration.
My work career started as a butcher and fishmonger which I still have those skills today, my move into financial services began with Nationwide BS as a cashier. My first venture into mortgages was when the adviser in the office was off sick and my manager at the time asked if anyone would cover the appointments for the day and I jumped at the chance – before regulation. From there I worked my way up to Mortgage and Protection Adviser and thoroughly enjoyed the role. In 2002 I moved to be a broker at Reeds Rains, going on to finish Top in the west for banked commission.
An opportunity came up to become an Area Financial Services Manager, which I applied for and got the job. I covered the North West and Northern Ireland and the team finished top in the company. I then moved to be a self employed broker for 5 years as I always had the bug to get back to seeing clients and then Just Mortgages came to me and offered me a role as Business Manager, the role had the best of both worlds of developing self employed advisers business and also having the structure of being employed and it was the best move I made. At the beginning of 2023 I have been promoted to be a Regional Director and I am responsible for the delivery of results and development of not only our brokers business but our Business Managers.
Outside of work I coach kids football at a high level and enjoy spending time with my two boys George and Harry who both play football and are avid fans too. I am married to the phenomenal Helen who is a successful business owner in her own right and we like nothing better than playing golf together or going out for meals and drinks.
If you would like to chat in the strictest of confidence then please contact me through LinkedIn or call me on 07709 410708 or email me at mark.ferneyhough@justmortgages.co.uk

Just Mortgages is a trading name of Just Mortgages Direct Ltd, which is an appointed representative of The Openwork Partnership, a trading style of Openwork Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.