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Summer 2013

Spice is the UK’s leading adventure, social and leisure group. Enjoy a jam-packed social life with over 100 events every month to choose from. All events are arranged for you, all you have to do is book and turn up. Spice membership is equivalent to a glass of wine or a ‘designer’ coffee a week.

Be part of it and join today to make friends, meet people, have fun 6/18/2013 8:01:39 PM


,ĞůůŽ ĂŶĚ ǁĞůĐŽŵĞ ƚŽ ŽƵƌ ^ƵŵŵĞƌ EĞǁƐůĞƩĞƌ͕ ĂŶĚ ĂŶŽƚŚĞƌ ďĂƚĐŚ ŽĨ ĨƵŶŬLJ ĂŶĚ ĨƵŶ ĞǀĞŶƚƐ ĨŽƌ LJŽƵ ƚŽ ŐĞƚ ŽƵƚ ƚŚĞƌĞ ĂŶĚ ŚĂǀĞ ƐŽŵĞ ĨƵŶ͕ ŵĞĞƟŶŐ ƉĞŽƉůĞ ĂŶĚ ĞdžƉĂŶĚŝŶŐ LJŽƵƌ ŚŽƌŝnjŽŶƐ͊ Ɛ ƵƐƵĂů͕ ƚŚĞ ĨƌŽŶƚ ĂŶĚ ďĂĐŬ ĐŽůŽƵƌĞĚ ƐĞĐƟŽŶƐ ƌĞůĂƚĞ ƚŽ the wider world of Spice Groups around the UK, with all the holidays listed at the back, and the black and white ŵŝĚĚůĞ ƐĞĐƟŽŶ ƌĞůĂƚĞ ƚŽ LJŽƵƌ ůŽĐĂů ^ƉŝĐĞ 'ƌŽƵƉ͘ Ɛ ĞǀĞƌ͕ ƚŚĞ WƌŽŐƌĂŵŵĞ ŝƐ ĂůƌĞĂĚLJ ŽƵƚ ŽĨ ĚĂƚĞ ďLJ ƚŚĞ ƟŵĞ LJŽƵ ŐĞƚ ƚŚŝƐ͕ ǁŝƚŚ ŶĞǁ ĞǀĞŶƚƐ ďĞŝŶŐ ĂĚĚĞĚ ĞǀĞƌLJ ĚĂLJ ŽŶůŝŶĞ͕ ƐŽ ĚŽ ŬĞĞƉ checking your website to keep up to date – we’d hate you to ŵŝƐƐ ƚŚĂƚ ǁŽŶĚĞƌĨƵů ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJ LJŽƵ ŚĂǀĞ ĂůǁĂLJƐ ƉƌŽŵŝƐĞĚ yourself you will do! KƵƌ &ƌŽŶƚ ŽǀĞƌ ĨĞĂƚƵƌĞƐ ŽŵŝŶŝĐ͕ ŽƵƌ dŚĂŵĞƐ sĂůůĞLJ Θ Solent Co-ordinator, on the summit of North Americas ,ŝŐŚĞƐƚ DŽƵŶƚĂŝŶ ĞŶĂůŝ Ăƚ ϲϭϵϬD ;ϮϬ͕ϯϬϬŌͿ ũƵƐƚ ƉƌŽǀŝŶŐ ƚŚĂƚ ^ƉŝĐĞ ʹ tĞ ƌĞ ,ĞƌĞ͕ ŐĞƚƐ ĞǀĞƌLJǁŚĞƌĞ͊ ŽŶŐƌĂƚƵůĂƟŽŶƐ ƚŽ ŽŵŝŶŝĐ ŽŶ ĂŶ ƐƵĐŚ ĂŵĂnjŝŶŐ ĂĐŚŝĞǀĞŵĞŶƚ͊ Ɛ LJŽƵ ƌĞĂĚ ƚŚŝƐ ǁĞ ƐŚŽƵůĚ ŚĂǀĞ ũƵƐƚ ƌĞƚƵƌŶĞĚ ĨƌŽŵ ŽƵƌ ĂŶŶƵĂů ƐƵŵŵĞƌ ͚ĐŽŶĨĞƌĞŶĐĞ͛ ;ǁĞůů ƚŚĂƚ͛Ɛ ǁŚĂƚ ĞŶƚĞƌ WĂƌĐƐ ƚƌĞĂƚ ƵƐ ĂƐͿ͘ dŚŝƐ LJĞĂƌ ǁĞ ŚĂǀĞ ƐŽůĚ ŽƵƚ ĞĂƌůLJ ǁŝƚŚ ŽǀĞƌ ϱϬϬ ĂƩĞŶĚŝŶŐ͕ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĂƚ͛Ɛ ŵŽƌĞ ƚŚĂŶ ƚŚĞ ƉĂƐƚ ĨĞǁ LJĞĂƌƐ͕ ƐŽ ǁŝƚŚ ƌĞƉŽƌƚƐ ĂƌŽƵŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƌĞŐŝŽŶƐ ƚŚĂƚ ŵŽƌĞ ĞǀĞŶƚƐ ĂƌĞ ƐĞůůŝŶŐ ŽƵƚ ŝŶ ƋƵŝĐŬ ƟŵĞ͕ ǁĞ ŐĞƚ ƚŚĞ ĨĞĞůŝŶŐ ƚŚŝŶŐƐ ĂƌĞ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ͚ƵƉ͛ ŽƵƚ ƚŚĞƌĞ͘ dŚĂƚ ŵĞĂŶƐ ŽƵƌ ^ƉŝĐĞ ŵŽƩŽ ŽĨ ͞zŽƵ ^ŶŽŽnjĞ ʹ LJŽƵ ůŽƐĞ͕ LJŽƵ ƌĞƐƚ Ͳ LJŽƵ ƌƵƐƚ͟ ŚĂƐ ŶĞǀĞƌ ďĞĞŶ ƚƌƵĞƌ͊ / ƚŚŝŶŬ ǁĞ ĂƌĞ all fed up with doom and gloom and bad weather, so

Lauren Fawkes


Neal Morris ^ƉŝĐĞ zŽƌŬƐŚŝƌĞ

Dianne Livingstone Dominic Renshaw ^ƉŝĐĞ >ŽŶĚŽŶ ĂŶĚ ^ƉŝĐĞ

^ƉŝĐĞ dŚĂŵĞƐ sĂůůĞLJ Θ Solent

spice newsletter july 2013.indd 3

ƌŝƐƚŽů ͬ ĂƌĚŝī

now the summer sunshine is ŚĞƌĞ͕ ŝƚ͛Ɛ Ă ŐƌĞĂƚ ƟŵĞ ƚŽ ƚĂŬĞ ĂĚǀĂŶƚĂŐĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ǁĂƌŵ ĂŶĚ lighter nights, get out on some ďƌŝůůŝĂŶƚ ŽƵƚĚŽŽƌ ĞǀĞŶƚƐ͘ dŚĞƌĞ are some real gems amongst the programme, so do take a good look and see what ƚĂŬĞƐ LJŽƵƌ ĨĂŶĐLJ͕ ĨƌŽŵ dŚĞ Worlds Wackiest Races where LJŽƵ ĚƌŝǀĞ Ă ďĞĚ ĂŶĚ ŽĸĐĞ ĚĞƐŬ͕ >ůĂŵĂ ĂŶĚ tŽůĨ ǁĂůŬƐ͕ Ğ Ă ^ƉLJ ĂLJƐ͕ 'ŚŽƐƚ tĂůŬƐ ĂŶĚ ůĂĐŬƐŵŝƚŚ ĂLJƐ͘ tĞ ĐŚĂůůĞŶŐĞ LJŽƵ ƚŽ ďůŽǁ ƚŚŽƐĞ ĐŽďǁĞďƐ ĂǁĂLJ ĂŶĚ ĚŽ ƐŽŽƚŚŝŶŐ ƵŶƵƐĂů͕ ĨƵŶŬLJ͕ ĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚ Ͳ ͕ ĂŌĞƌ Ăůů͕ ŝƐŶ͛ƚ ƚŚĂƚ ǁŚLJ ǁĞ Ăůů ŐŽƚ ƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ͊ /ƚƐ ĂůƐŽ ^ƵŵŵĞƌ Ăůů ƐĞĂƐŽŶ͕ Ă ŐƌĞĂƚ ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJ ƚŽ ŐĞƚ ŽƵƚ LJŽƵƌ ŐůĂĚ ƌĂŐƐ͕ :Ɛ͕ ĂŶĚ ĐĞůĞďƌĂƚĞ ŝŶ ƐƚLJůĞ͕ ƐŽ ǁĞ ŚŽƉĞ ƚŽ ƐĞĞ LJŽƵ Ăƚ ŽŶĞ ŽĨ ƚŚŽƐĞ͘ Some good news is that our fee’s remain the same this year ǁŝƚŚ ŶŽ ŝŶĐƌĞĂƐĞ͕ ĂƐ ǁĞ ŚĂǀĞ ǁŽƌŬĞĚ ŚĂƌĚ ƚŽ ŬĞĞƉ ƚŽ ƟŐŚƚ ďƵĚŐĞƚƐ ĂŶĚ ŵĂŬĞ ƐĂǀŝŶŐƐ ǁŚĞƌĞ ǁĞ ĐĂŶ͘ tĞ ĂƌĞ ĂůǁĂLJƐ ůŽŽŬŝŶŐ ĨŽƌ ŵĞŵďĞƌƐ ƚŽ ĨĞĂƚƵƌĞ ŽŶ ŽƵƌ ŵĞŵďĞƌ WƌŽĮůĞƐ͕ ƐŽ ŝĨ you are up for sharing your story, please drop an email to me Ăƚ ĚĂǀĞΛƐƉŝĐĞƵŬ͘ĐŽŵ ĂŶĚ / ǁŝůů ƐĞŶĚ LJŽƵ ƚŚĞ ůŝŶŬ ƚŽ ŽƵƌ ŽŶ ůŝŶĞ ĨŽƌŵ͘ ^Ž ŚĂǀĞ Ă ŐƌĞĂƚ ƟŵĞ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ĞǀĞŶƚƐ LJŽƵ ĐŚŽŽƐĞ͕ ĂŶĚ ƌĞŵĞŵďĞƌ ƚŽ ůĞƚ ƵƐ ŚĂǀĞ LJŽƵƌ ĨĞĞĚďĂĐŬ ʹ ĞƐƉĞĐŝĂůůLJ ŝĨ LJŽƵ ƚŚŝŶŬ ǁĞ ĐĂŶ ĚŽ ƐŽŵĞƚŚŝŶŐ ďĞƩĞƌ͕ ǁĞ ƚŚƌŝǀĞ ŽŶ ŝƚ ĂŶĚ ŝƚ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ ďĂĐŬďŽŶĞ ŽĨ ^ƉŝĐĞ͘ ĂǀĞ EĂƟŽŶĂů ĐŽͲŽƌĚŝŶĂƚŽƌ

Richard Coulter


Steve Dell


meet the team Jamie Morris ^ƉŝĐĞ ^ĐŽƚůĂŶĚ

6/18/2013 8:02:24 PM

We are excited to put the spotlight on our greatest asset, the members ĂŶĚ ǁŝůů ďĞ ĨĞĂƚƵƌŝŶŐ ƚǁŽ Žƌ ƚŚƌĞĞ DĞŵďĞƌ WƌŽĮůĞƐ ĞĂĐŚ ĞĚŝƟŽŶ͘

:ĂŶĞ Θ DŝŬĞ 'ƌŽƵƉ͗ DĂŶĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ DĞŵďĞƌ ĨŽƌ͗ :ĂŶĞͲ ϭϰ LJƌƐ DŝŬĞͲϳ LJƌƐ tŚĂƚ ŚĂƐ ďĞĞŶ LJŽƵƌ ĨĂǀŽƵƌŝƚĞ ĞǀĞŶƚ͍ tĞ ŵĞƚ ĞĂĐŚ ŽƚŚĞƌ Ăƚ ĞŶƚƌĞ WĂƌĐƐ ;^ŚĞƌǁŽŽĚ &ŽƌĞƐƚͿ ŝŶ :ƵŶĞ ϮϬϬϲ͕ Ă LJĞĂƌ ůĂƚĞƌ ǁĞ ďĞĐĂŵĞ ĞŶŐĂŐĞĚ͕ ĂŶĚ Ϯ LJĞĂƌƐ ĂŌĞƌ ƚŚĂƚ ŵĂƌƌŝĞĚ͘ ůƐŽ͕ ďĞĐĂƵƐĞ ŝƚ͛Ɛ Ă ŐƌĞĂƚ weekend away of course-Loads of people to meet/ ĨƌŝĞŶĚƐŚŝƉƐ ƚŽ ŵĂŬĞ Θ ůŽƚƐ ƚŽ ĚŽ͕ ĂůƚŚŽƵŐŚ LJŽƵ ĐĂŶ ĚŽ ĂƐ ůŝƩůĞ Žƌ ĂƐ ŵƵĐŚ ĂƐ LJŽƵ ǁĂŶƚ ƚŽ ƐƵŝƚ LJŽƵƌƐĞůĨ͘ tŚĂƚ ŚĂƐ ďĞĞŶ LJŽƵƌ ŵŽƐƚ ĐŚĂůůĞŶŐŝŶŐ ĞǀĞŶƚ͍ DŝŬĞͲ ďƐĞŝůŝŶŐ͕ ĂƐ / ŚĂǀĞ Ă ĨĞĂƌ ŽĨ ŚĞŝŐŚƚƐ͊ :ĂŶĞͲ ƌĚĞĐŚĞ ĂĐƟǀŝƚLJ ŚŽůŝĚĂLJͲ ƌŝůůŝĂŶƚ ŚŽůŝĚĂLJ͕ ƉƵƐŚŝŶŐ ŵLJ ƉŚLJƐŝĐĂů ůŝŵŝƚƐ ŽŶ Ăůů ĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐͲ ƌŽĐŬ ĐůŝŵďŝŶŐ͕ ĐĂǀŝŶŐ͕ high ropes and of course the white water canoeing tŚĂƚ ǁŽƵůĚ ďĞ LJŽƵƌ ĂĚǀŝĐĞ ĨŽƌ Ă ŶĞǁ ŵĞŵďĞƌ͍ &ƌŽŵ ŽŶĞ ŽĨ DŝŬĞƐ ŵĂŶLJ ŵƵƐŝĐĂů ŚĞƌŽ͛ƐͲ ůƚŽŶ :ŽŚŶ ͞ dŚĞƌĞ͛Ɛ ƐŽ ŵƵĐŚ ƚŽ ƐĞĞ͕ ƚŚĂŶ ĐĂŶ ĞǀĞƌ ďĞ ƐĞĞŶ͕ ƐŽ ŵƵĐŚ ƚŽ ĚŽ͕ ƚŚĂŶ ĐĂŶ ĞǀĞƌ ďĞ ĚŽŶĞ͟ ; ŝƌĐůĞ ŽĨ ůŝĨĞͿͲ^Ž ŐĞƫŶŐ ďŽŽŬŝŶŐ ƚŚŽƐĞ ĞǀĞŶƚƐ

'ƵLJ ^ŵĞĂƌĚŽŶ 'ƌŽƵƉ͗ >ŽŶĚŽŶ DĞŵďĞƌ ĨŽƌ͗ ϭϯн LJĞĂƌƐ tŚLJ ĚŝĚ LJŽƵ ũŽŝŶ ^ƉŝĐĞ ͍ dŽ ĚŽ ƵŶƵƐƵĂů ͬ ĐŚĂůůĞŶŐŝŶŐ ĞǀĞŶƚƐ tŚĂƚ ŚĂƐ ďĞĞŶ LJŽƵƌ ĨĂǀŽƵƌŝƚĞ ĞǀĞŶƚ͍ So many to choose from the most ƌĞĐĞŶƚ ǁŽƵůĚ ďĞ ƚŚĞ ŇLJ ďŽĂƌĚŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ĮƌƐƚ ŽŶĞƐ ǁŽƵůĚ ďĞ njĂƉ ĐĂƚƐ Žƌ njŽƌďŝŶŐ tŚĂƚ ŚĂƐ ďĞĞŶ LJŽƵƌ ŵŽƐƚ ĐŚĂůůĞŶŐŝŶŐ ĞǀĞŶƚ͍ Probably water skiing tŚĂƚ ŝƐ LJŽƵƌ ĨƵŶŶŝĞƐƚ ŵĞŵŽƌLJ ŝŶ ^ƉŝĐĞ͍ >ŽĂĚƐ ƚŽ ĐŚŽŽƐĞ ĨƌŽŵ ͘​͘​͘​͘ ŐŽŝŶŐ ĂƐ ĞĚĚŝĞ the eagle at centre parcs is up there tŚĂƚ ǁŽƵůĚ ďĞ LJŽƵƌ ĂĚǀŝĐĞ ĨŽƌ Ă ŶĞǁ ŵĞŵďĞƌ͍ >Ğƚ LJŽƵƌƐĞůĨ ŐŽ ĂŶĚ ŚĂǀĞ ĨƵŶ



tŚĂƚ ŝƐ LJŽƵƌ ůŝĨĞ ƉŚŝůŽƐŽƉŚLJ ŝŶ ŽŶĞ ƐĞŶƚĞŶĐĞ͘ We don’t stop playing because we grow old- we grow ŽůĚ ďĞĐĂƵƐĞ ǁĞ ƐƚŽƉ ƉůĂLJŝŶŐ͘

,ĂǀĞ LJŽƵ ĂŶ ĞŵďĂƌƌĂƐƐŝŶŐ ^ƉŝĐĞ ŵŽŵĞŶƚ͍ zĞƐ Ăƚ ƐĐŚŽŽů ĚŝŶŶĞƌƐ ďƵƚ ŶŽƚ ƚĞůůŝŶŐ you why

&ŽƵƌ ƉĞŽƉůĞ ;ĂůŝǀĞ Žƌ ĚĞĂĚͿ LJŽƵ͛Ě ŝŶǀŝƚĞ ƚŽ LJŽƵƌ ĚƌĞĂŵ ĚŝŶŶĞƌ ƉĂƌƚLJ͍ DŝŬĞͲ ĞƌƌĞŶ ƌŽǁŶͲ/͛ǀĞ ƐĞĞŶ ϯ ŽĨ ŚŝƐ ƐƚĂŐĞ ƐŚŽǁƐ͕ / ƚŚŝŶŬ ŚĞ ǁŽƵůĚ ďĞ Ă ƋƵŝƚĞ ĨĂƐĐŝŶĂƟŶŐ ĐŚĂƌĂĐƚĞƌ͘ ^ŝƌ ZĂŶƵůƉŚ &ŝĞŶŶĞƐͲdŚĞ ŵŽƐƚ ƉƌŽůŝĮĐ ĂĚǀĞŶƚƵƌĞƌ ĂůŝǀĞ ƚŽĚĂLJͲ Ŷ ŝŶƚƌŝŐƵŝŶŐ ŵĂŶ͘ :ĂŶĞͲ ^ƚĞƉŚĞŶ &ƌLJͲ tŚĂƚ ĂŶ ĂŵĂnjŝŶŐ͕ ŝŶƚĞůůŝŐĞŶƚ͕ eccentric, English gent-What he doesn’t know isn’t worth knowing! ŝůů ĂŝůĞLJͲ,Ğ ŝƐ Ă ǀĞƌLJ ƚĂůĞŶƚĞĚ ŵƵƐŝĐŝĂŶ Θ ĐŽŵĞĚŝĂŶ͕ ĐŽŵďŝŶŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ƚǁŽ͘ ,Ğ ĐŽƵůĚ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞ ƚŚĞ ĞŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶŵĞŶƚ͕ ĂƐ ǁĞůů ĂƐ ŚĂǀŝŶŐ Ă ĨĞǁ ŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƟŶŐ ƐƚŽƌŝĞƐ ƚŽ ƚĞůů͘

spice newsletter july 2013.indd 4

tŚĂƚ ŝƐ LJŽƵƌ ůŝĨĞ ƉŚŝůŽƐŽƉŚLJ ŝŶ ŽŶĞ ƐĞŶƚĞŶĐĞ ͍ dƌLJ ƚŽ ĚŽ ĞǀĞƌLJƚŚŝŶŐ Θ ůŝǀĞ ůŝĨĞ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ maximum zŽƵƌ ĨĂǀŽƵƌŝƚĞ ŵŽǀŝĞ͍ ^ŚĂǁƐŚĂŶŬ ZĞĚĞŵƉƟŽŶ DŽƐƚ ƚƌĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ ďĞůŽŶŐŝŶŐ͍ DLJ ĨƌŝĞŶĚƐ ĂƌĞ ǁŚĂƚ ŵĂƩĞƌ ŵŽƌĞ than any belonging

,ĂnjĞů ^ĂŶĚĞƌƐŽŶ 'ƌŽƵƉ͗ zŽƌŬƐŚŝƌĞ DĞŵďĞƌ ĨŽƌ͗ ϭϯ LJĞĂƌƐ tŚLJ ĚŝĚ LJŽƵ ũŽŝŶ ^ƉŝĐĞ ͍ ZĞĐŽŵŵĞŶĚĂƟŽŶ ĨƌŽŵ ĨƌŝĞŶĚ tŚĂƚ ŚĂƐ ďĞĞŶ LJŽƵƌ ĨĂǀŽƵƌŝƚĞ ĞǀĞŶƚ͍ Barn weekends, great fun tŚĂƚ ŚĂƐ ďĞĞŶ LJŽƵƌ ŵŽƐƚ ĐŚĂůůĞŶŐŝŶŐ ĞǀĞŶƚ͍ Zorbing - scary! tŚĂƚ ǁŽƵůĚ ďĞ LJŽƵƌ ĂĚǀŝĐĞ ĨŽƌ Ă ŶĞǁ ŵĞŵďĞƌ͍ ŽŶ͛ƚ ƚŚŝŶŬ ƚǁŝĐĞ Ͳ ũƵƐƚ ũŽŝŶ͕ ƚŚĞƌĞ ĂƌĞ ƐŽ ŵĂŶLJ ĞǀĞŶƚƐ ƚŽ ĐŚŽŽƐĞ ĨƌŽŵ͘ ,ĂǀĞŶ͛ƚ ďĞĞŶ ŽŶ Ă ŚŽůŝĚĂLJ as such, but on many weekends ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ Ϯ Ăƚ ĞŶƚĞƌ WĂƌĐƐ ǁŚŝĐŚ ǁĞƌĞ ũƵƐƚ ŐƌĞĂƚ͘ ^ƵīĞƌĞĚ embarrassment at Center Parcs ǁŚĞŶ ŵLJ ŵĂŬĞƐŚŝŌ ƐŬŝƌƚ ĨĞůů ĚŽǁŶ͊ tŚĂƚ ŝƐ LJŽƵƌ ůŝĨĞ ƉŚŝůŽƐŽƉŚLJ ŝŶ ŽŶĞ ƐĞŶƚĞŶĐĞ ͍ ŽŶ͛ƚ ŚĞƐŝƚĂƚĞ͕ ƚŚĞ ŵŽŵĞŶƚ ǁŝůů ďĞ ŐŽŶĞ ŝŶ Ă ŇĂƐŚ͊ &ŽƵƌ ƉĞŽƉůĞ ;ĂůŝǀĞ Žƌ ĚĞĂĚͿ LJŽƵ͛Ě ŝŶǀŝƚĞ ƚŽ LJŽƵƌ ĚƌĞĂŵ ĚŝŶŶĞƌ ƉĂƌƚLJ͍ Oscar Wilde for the wit and humour, Patrick Moore, for one ŽĨ ŵLJ ĨĂǀŽƵƌŝƚĞ ƐƵďũĞĐƚƐ͕ ĂǀŝĚ dĞŶŶĂŶƚ ĂŶĚ DŽƌƌŝƐƐĞLJ͕ ĂůƐŽ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ǁŝƚ ĂŶĚ ŚƵŵŽƵƌ͘ zŽƵƌ ĨĂǀŽƵƌŝƚĞ ŵŽǀŝĞ͍ DŽŶƚLJ WLJƚŚŽŶ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ,ŽůLJ 'ƌĂŝů͘ on DŽƐƚ ƚƌĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ ďĞůŽŶŐŝŶŐ͍ DLJ ĐĂƚ WŽƐLJ͘

6/18/2013 8:02:25 PM

Key Spice Holiday Partners &Žƌ ŵĂŶLJ LJĞĂƌƐ ^ƉŝĐĞ ŚĂƐ ĞŶũŽLJĞĚ ĂŶ ĞdžĐĞůůĞŶƚ ^ŽůŽ͛Ɛ ,ŽůŝĚĂLJƐ ĂƌĞ ƚŚĞ ŵĂƌŬĞƚ ůĞĂĚĞƌ ŝŶ ƌĞůĂƟŽŶƐŚŝƉ ǁŝƚŚ ŽƵƌ ƚƌĂǀĞů ƉĂƌƚŶĞƌ džŽĚƵƐ ŽīĞƌŝŶŐ ŚŽůŝĚĂLJƐ ǁŝƚŚ ƐŝŶŐůĞ ĂĐĐŽŵŵŽĚĂƟŽŶ ,ŽůŝĚĂLJƐ ʹ ƚŚĞ h<͛Ɛ ůĞĂĚŝŶŐ ĂĚǀĞŶƚƵƌĞ ƚƌĂǀĞů ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ƐŽůŽ ƚƌĂǀĞůĞƌ͘ ĐŽŵƉĂŶLJ͘

ϱй ĚŝƐĐŽƵŶƚ ĨŽƌ ŝŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶƚ ĚŝƌĞĐƚ ŬŝŶŐƐ͊ tĞ ŬŶŽǁ ŚŽǁĞǀĞƌ ƚŚĂƚ ƐŽŵĞƟŵĞƐ ŽƵƌ ƐĐŚĞĚƵůĞĚ ŐƌŽƵƉ ĚĞƉĂƌƚƵƌĞƐ ǁŽŶ͛ƚ ĂůǁĂLJƐ Įƚ ŝŶ ǁŝƚŚ ĞǀĞƌLJŽŶĞ͛Ɛ ƉĞƌƐŽŶĂů ƚƌĂǀĞů ŶĞĞĚƐ͘ tĞ ĂůƐŽ ŬŶŽǁ ƚŚĂƚ ŽŌĞŶ ŵĞŵďĞƌƐ ǁŽƵůĚ ůŝŬĞ ƚŽ ǀŝƐŝƚ ƐŽŵĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƉůĂĐĞƐ ǁĞ ĂƌĞ not featuring in the group holiday programme… dŽ Ŭ LJŽƵƌ ŝŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶƚ ŚŽůŝĚĂLJ ǁŝƚŚ džŽĚƵƐ ĂŶĚ ĐůĂŝŵ LJŽƵƌ ^ƉŝĐĞ ŵĞŵďĞƌ ĚŝƐĐŽƵŶƚ ĐĂůů Ϭϴϰϱ ϴϲϯ ϵϲϬϲ͘ dŽ ƋƵĂůŝĨLJ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ^ƉŝĐĞ ŝƐĐŽƵŶƚ͕ ƐŝŵƉůLJ ĂĚǀŝƐĞ ƚŚĞŵ LJŽƵ ĂƌĞ Ă ^ƉŝĐĞ DĞŵďĞƌ d d, d/D K& KK</E'͘ dŚŝƐ ĚŝƐĐŽƵŶƚ ĐĂŶŶŽƚ ďĞ ƵƐĞĚ ŝŶ ĐŽŶũƵŶĐƟŽŶ ǁŝƚŚ ĂŶLJ ŽƚŚĞƌ ĚŝƐĐŽƵŶƚ͕ ŝ͘Ğ͕͘ LJŽƵ ĂƌĞ ƵŶĂďůĞ ƚŽ ĂĚĚ >ŽLJĂů ƵƐƚŽŵĞƌ ŝƐĐŽƵŶƚ ǁŝƚŚ ĂŶ ĂƌůLJ ŽŽŬŝŶŐ ĚŝƐĐŽƵŶƚ ƚŽ LJŽƵƌ ^ƉŝĐĞ ŝƐĐŽƵŶƚ͊







^ŚŽƵůĚ ^ƉŝĐĞ ĂŶĐĞů ĂŶ ĞǀĞŶƚ͘​͘​͘​͘​͘








spice newsletter july 2013.indd 5

6/18/2013 8:02:26 PM

Upcoming Events Butlins 70s Weekend t, E ͗ &ƌŝ ϭϭƚŚ KĐƚŽďĞƌ ʹ DŽŶ ϭϰƚŚ KĐƚŽďĞƌ ϮϬϭϯ t, Z : Butlins Skegness, Lincolnshire K^d͗ άϵϵƉƉ

Dragon Boat Racing


ŶĞǁ EĂƟŽŶĂů ^ƉŝĐĞ tĞĞŬĞŶĚ especially for the party animals in ^ƉŝĐĞ͘ džƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ Ă ǁĞĞŬĞŶĚ ŽĨ ŐƌĞĂƚ ŵƵƐŝĐ ĨƌŽŵ ϭϬ ůŝǀĞ ďĂŶĚƐ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ ϳϬ͛Ɛ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ dŚĞ dŚƌĞĞ ĞŐƌĞĞƐ͕ ^ůĂĚĞ͕ DƵĚ͕ ƌŽƚŚĞƌŚŽŽĚ ŽĨ DĂŶ͕ ůǀŝŶ ^ƚĂƌĚƵƐƚ͕ :ŝŵŵLJ :ĂŵĞƐ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ǀĂŐĂďŽŶĚƐ͕ ĂŶĚ ƚƌŝďƵƚĞ ďĂŶĚƐ ĨŽƌ ůŽŶĚŝĞ͕ dŚĞ ^ƚLJůŝƐƟĐƐ ĂŶĚ d ZĞdž͊ ƚŚƌĞĞ ŶŝŐŚƚ ϳϬ͛Ɛ ŵƵƐŝĐ ƚŚĞŵĞĚ ǁĞĞŬĞŶĚ ĨŽƌ ĂĚƵůƚƐ ŽŶůLJ ;ŶŽ ŬŝĚƐ͊Ϳ͕ Ă ƉƵďůŝĐ ĞǀĞŶƚ ǁŝƚŚ ŽǀĞƌ ϱϬϬϬ ĂƩĞŶĚŝŶŐ͕ ƐŽ Ŭ ĞĂƌůLJ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ĂƐ ŝƚ ƵƐƵĂůůLJ ƐĞůůƐ ŽƵƚ͘ &Žƌ ƚŚƌĞĞ ŶŝŐŚƚƐ͕ ƚŚĞ ŚĞĂĚůŝŶĞƌƐ ĞŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶ ŝŶ ǀĂƌŝŽƵƐ ǀĞŶƵĞƐ ĂƌŽƵŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƌĞƐŽƌƚ͕ ĂůŽŶŐ ǁŝƚŚ ĚŝƐĐŽƐ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ĞĂƌůLJ ŚŽƵƌƐ͘ ϳϬ͛Ɛ &ĂŶĐLJ ƌĞƐƐ ŝƐ ĞŶĐŽƵƌĂŐĞĚ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ ŶŝŐŚƚ͕ ĂŶĚ LJŽƵ ŬŶŽǁ ŚŽǁ ƵƐ ^ƉŝĐĞƌƐ ůŽǀĞ ĚƌĞƐƐŝŶŐ ƵƉ͘ ƵƌŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ĚĂLJ ƉůĞŶƚLJ ŽĨ ĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ ƚŽ ŬĞĞƉ LJŽƵ ďƵƐLJ͕ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ^ƉůĂƐŚ ǁĂƚĞƌǁŽƌůĚ͘ ǁĂůŬ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ͚^ŬĞŐŶĞƐƐ ŝƐ ƐŽ ƌĂĐŝŶŐ͛ ďĞĂĐŚ͕ ŇLJŝŶŐ ŬŝƚĞƐ ĂŶĚ ŚĂǀŝŶŐ Ă ƉĂĚĚůĞ͊ tĞ ƐƚĂLJ ŝŶ ĐŽŵĨŽƌƚĂďůĞ ƐŝůǀĞƌ ƐĞůĨ ĐĂƚĞƌŝŶŐ ĂƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚƐ͘ Plenty of places to eat on the resort, and/or you can ƐĞůĨ ĐĂƚĞƌ ƵƐŝŶŐ ƚŚũĞ ^ƉĂ ƐƵƉĞƌŵĂƌŬĞƚ ŽŶ ƐŝƚĞ͘ tĞ ŚĂǀĞ ϭϬϬ ďĞĚƐ ƌĞƐĞƌǀĞĚ͕ ĂƐ ƵƐƵĂůůLJ ĮƌƐƚ ĐŽŵĞ ĮƌƐƚ ƐĞƌǀĞĚ͘ WůĞĂƐĞ ďŽŽŬ ǀŝĂ LJŽƵƌ ůŽĐĂů ^ƉŝĐĞ 'ƌŽƵƉ͘



Edinburgh festival Weekends ĨĂďƵůŽƵƐ ǁĞĞŬĞŶĚ ŚŽƐƚĞĚ ďLJ ^W/ ^ĐŽƚůĂŶĚ


t, E͗ ϯ ĂLJ ;Ϯ ŶŝŐŚƚͿ &ƌŝ ϵ ƵŐ ϮϬϭϯ Ͳ ^ƵŶ ϭϭ ƵŐ ϮϬϭϯ ϰ ĂLJ ;ϯ ŶŝŐŚƚͿ &ƌŝ ϮϯƌĚ ʹ DŽŶ ϮϲƚŚ ƵŐ ϮϬϭϯ t, Z ͗ WŽůůŽĐŬ ,ĂůůƐ͕ Eƌ ,ŽůLJƌŽŽĚ WĂƌŬ ,ϭϲ ϱ Y K^d͗ ϯ ĂLJ͗ άϭϲϰ DĞŵďĞƌ dǁŝŶ ^ŚĂƌĞ͕ άϭϴϰ 'ƵĞƐƚ dǁŝŶ ^ŚĂƌĞ͕ ^ŝŶŐůĞ ƐƵƉ άϳϬ K^d͗ ϰ ĂLJ ͗ άϮϮϵ ŵĞŵďĞƌ dǁŝŶ ^ŚĂƌĞ͕ άϮϰϵ 'ƵĞƐƚ dǁŝŶ ^ŚĂƌĞ͕ ^ŝŶŐůĞ ^ƵƉƉ άϴϬ /ƚ͛Ɛ ƚŚĂƚ ƟŵĞ ŽĨ LJĞĂƌ ǁŚĞŶ ƚŚĞ ǁŽƌůĚ͛Ɛ ďŝŐŐĞƐƚ ĂŶĚ ďĞƐƚ ĐŽŵĞĚLJ͕ ŵƵƐŝĐ ĂŶĚ ĂƌƚƐ ĨĞƐƟǀĂů ƚĂŬĞƐ ƉůĂĐĞ ŝŶ ĚŝŶďƵƌŐŚ ŵĂŬŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ĐŝƚLJ ƚŚĞ ŵŽƐƚ ǀŝďƌĂŶƚ ǀĞŶƵĞ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ƉůĂŶĞƚ͘ dŚŝƐ ŝƐ ŽŶĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ǁŽƌůĚ͛Ɛ ŐƌĞĂƚ ƐƉĞĐƚĂĐůĞƐ ĂŶĚ ƐŚŽƵůĚ ďĞ ŽŶ ĞǀĞƌLJ ŽŶĞƐ ͚ƚŽ ĚŽ ďĞĨŽƌĞ / ĚŝĞ ůŝƐƚ͛͘ /ƚ͛Ɛ ƐŽ ŐŽŽĚ LJŽƵ͛ůů ǁĂŶƚ ƚŽ ĐŽŵĞ ďĂĐŬ ĂŐĂŝŶ ĂŶĚ ĂŐĂŝŶ͘ dŚĞ ĚŝŶďƵƌŐŚ &ƌŝŶŐĞ ƉƌŽŵŝƐĞƐ ƚŽ ďĞ ďŝŐŐĞƌ ĂŶĚ ďĞƩĞƌ ƚŚĂŶ ĞǀĞƌ ǁŝƚŚ ƐƚĂƌ ŶĂŵĞƐ ĂƉƉĞĂƌŝŶŐ ĨŽƌ LJŽƵƌ ĞŶũŽLJŵĞŶƚ ĂůŽŶŐ ǁŝƚŚ ƐŽŵĞ ŶĞǁ ƵŶĚŝƐĐŽǀĞƌĞĚ ƚĂůĞŶƚ͘ tĂůŬ ƚŚĞ ZŽLJĂů DŝůĞ ĂďƐŽƌďŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ĂƚŵŽƐƉŚĞƌĞ ǁŝƚŚ ŵƵƐŝĐ ĂŶĚ ƐŽŶŐ Ăůů ĂƌŽƵŶĚ LJŽƵ͕ ŝƚ͛Ɛ Ă ƌĞĂů ĐĂƌŶŝǀĂů͘ sŝƐŝƚ ŽŶĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŵĂŶLJ whiskey outlets for a taster session from the experts or sit back and relax at ŽŶĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŵĂŶLJ͕ ŵĂŶLJ &ƌŝŶŐĞ ǀĞŶƵĞƐ ƐĐĂƩĞƌĞĚ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŽƵƚ ƚŚĞ ĐŝƚLJ͘ dŚĞƌĞ ĂƌĞ ŵĂŶLJ ĞdžƚƌĂ ^ƉŝĐĞ ƐŚŽǁƐ ĂŶĚ ĞǀĞŶƚƐ ŽīĞƌĞĚ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŽƵƚ LJŽƵƌ ǁĞĞŬĞŶĚ͘

spice newsletter july 2013.indd 6


6/18/2013 8:02:29 PM

Spice Gallery

spice newsletter july 2013.indd 7

Recent Events

Bee Keeping Afternoon

Tank Battle Experience

Diamonds are Forever Party

Walkwise Weekend

Activity Weekend

Mountain Biking

Rafting Bala

Camel Riding

6/18/2013 8:02:40 PM

Richard’s Roundup Firstly, congratulations to Dominic (Coordinator of Spice Thames Valley & Solent) on his ascent of Denali (aka Mount McKinley) in Alaska. He makes our front cover and probably gains the record for the highest point on land that a Spice Banner has ever been displayed (20,320 above sea level). Dom now has Everest in his sights and we wish him well. Rest assured that I shall not be trying to compete with Dominic! Singing at Has Spice Got Talent in May was quite scary enough for me! Thanks to all of you who contributed to that amazing charity night at The Jam House including our winners, Dave Weaver & Ian Cole, Chris Jackson and Mark Phillips. For another contestant, Pip Gorringe, it was her first time on stage performing stand up comedy. But it wasn’t her last. The following week she went to see Jimmy Carr with Spice and ended up on stage doing a routine with him! I hope that all these talented Spice members will remember us when they’re famous! Best of all, I have had a big thank you from Edwards trust for the £1500 that our talent night raised. As I write this, I am enjoying all the stories from the hundreds of Spice members who made it to our huge national Spice weekend at Center Parcs, Sherwood Forest. Be it the amazing “back to school” fancy dress .. the appearance of a streaker at the end of the “School Sports Day” .. or just the brilliant “festival” atmosphere that you only get when lots of Spice members get together. The next chance to sample a big national Spice event will be our very own National Dragon Boating Weekend this month – so make sure you’re there! We have a brilliant programme of events for the next quarter and hope you enjoy them as much as we have enjoyed finding them – as it wouldn’t be the same without you!

See you on the events ..

Coming Events July 2013 Monday 1 July

Badminton For Fun - Worcester Snooker Night & Buffet Spice Book Club*


Tuesday 2

Badminton for Beginners Basketball & Netball Intro Meditation for Beginners & Improvers


Badminton For Fun - Worcester Preview Evening (Bromsgrove)

Badminton for Beginners Run in the Park Solihull Pub Night Ten Pin Bowling



Badminton For Fun - Worcester Bromsgrove Pub Night

Badminton for Beginners Basketball & Netball Intro Circuit Training Intro to Short Tennis Kings Heath Pub Night Meriden Ramb.



Wednesday 3

Alrewas Ev Ramble Badminton in Coventry & Wolverhampton Badminton NIA Drumming for Beginners Ice Skating Fun Tamworth/Lich Pub Night


Badminton for Fun - Coventry & Wolves Badminton NIA Clarins Beauty Night Fiesta del Asado Dining Jogging in Solihull Sutton Pub Night The Lion King*


Badminton for Fun - Coventry & Wolves Badminton NIA Curry & Quiz Harborne* Gliding Evening at Needwood


Saturday 6

Barn Dance & Supper Blists Hill Victorian Town Behind the Scenes Colour U Confident* Come & Try M’tain Bike Cosford Proms in the Park Overnight Forest Exp Stained Glass Workshop Ultimate Dog Owners Day Western Style Rifle Shooting Afternoon

Sunday 7

Bosworth Moderate Steam Train Ramble Cinema Night Cleeve Hill Ramble FlyBoarding - Northampton Hoola Hooping Multi Water Sports Afternoon Spice Choir - Develop your Singing Ability

Birds of Prey W’end* Sailing W’end around the Solent Serenity W’end

Capoeira Workshop Gliding Evening at Stratford Unihoc (Mixed Indoor Hockey)



Crossbow & Pistol Shooting at Garlands Field Archery Day Preston Bagott Easy Ramble & Lunch Rally Driving Lesson* Summer Ball 2013 Survival Sleepover Symonds Yat Adventure Mission Wing Walking Experience


Adventure Caving Ash End House Farm Experience Burlesque Dancing Chatsworth Estate Ramble Easy Cycling Tour of Cannock Chase Forest Segway Go Ape in Cannock SAS Laser Combat The Importance of Being Earnest Watercolour Painting Day


Boathouse at Bracebridge Rounders & Social Night Volleyball for Beginners Warwick & Leamington Pub Night


National Dragon Boat Camping Spice Hits Town at the Jam House


Fire Eating Workshop Guided Climb Up & Over the O2* In Search of Snakes Dragon Boat Camping National Dragon Boat Party Severn Way Ramble Spaceguard Centre Visit St Mary's Convent Visit White Water Kayaks


Abseiling for the Terrified* Haughmond Hill Ramble National Dragon Boat Racing Day

Sailing W’end around the Solent Scarborough & Yorkshire Coast Walking W'end Welsh Ridge Walking W’end


Badminton for Beginners Indian Fine Dining - Delhi6 Run in the Park

Badminton for Fun - Coventry & Wolves Badminton NIA Jogging Evening in Solihull




Badminton for Beginners Football Training (Men) Indoor Climbing

Halesowen & Quinton Pub Night Newhall Mill Private Evening Visit

Friday 5

Cycle Camping in the Peak District Beddgelert Classics Walking W’end South West Cotswolds Walking W’end

Badminton For Fun - Worcester Preview Evening (MAC)

Badminton For Fun - Worcester

Thursday 4


Indoor Shooting Unihoc (Mixed Indoor Hockey)


Cinema Night in Rubery


Bath Exp Day by Coach Canadian Canoe Adventure Dinghy Sailing Dog Owner for a Day Flight Simulator Exp* Introduction to Sculpture McLaren MP4-12C Thrill Powerturn Buggy Racing Supercar Track Experience Tour of Eton College & Tuck Shop Tea White Water Rafting Winchcombe Ramble


Assault Course Experience Boogie Woogie, Real Ale & Supper Cruise Brinklow Easy Ramble Crown Green Bowling Dry Stone Walling Day Henley in Arden Moderate Ramble Hindu Temple Visit Ladies Football Training Navigation - in 4 Steps! The Big Abseil - 200 Feet Straight Down

Surfing W’end - Croyde Bay Zoo Safari Overnight Log Cabin Winchester & South Downs Walking W'end

Badminton for Fun - Coventry & Wolves Badminton NIA Quiz

Spice Birmingham, 6A Burnett Road, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B74 3EJ Tel: 0121 353 6161

Fax: 0121 353 6861 Email: richard@spicebham.com * Denotes event is full – wait list only

Web: www.spicebham.com

Coming Events August 2013 Monday


American Pool Night & Buffet Badminton For Fun - Worcester




New Members Easy Evening Ramble Ten Pin Bowling (Broadway Plaza)




Badminton in Coventry & Wolverhampton Badminton NIA Bodega Dining Curry & Quiz Wolverhampton Jogging in Solihull Tamworth & Lich Pub Night


Thursday 1 August

Halesowen & Quinton Pub Night

St Nicolas Place Evening Tour



Dr Feelgood Live at the Jam House Rounders & Social Night


Badminton in Coventry & Wolverhampton Badminton NIA Middleton Ev Ramble Sutton Pub Night

BBC Behind the Scenes Drop Forge Dining Quiz - Lichfield The Christians at Jam House Warwick & Leamington Pub Night





Badminton NIA Catton Hall Tour & Supper Jogging in Solihull Karting & Burger Evening Trampolining

Sunday 4

Ballroom Dance Masterclass - Samba Beekeeping Afternoon Bidford On Avon Moderate Ramble & Picnic Firework Championships Polo Indoor Lesson Prestiegne & Offas Dyke Ramble Rally Driving Lesson Scuba Taster Morning Experience


Abseiling for the Terrified Bristol Balloon Fiesta Civil War Tour of Lichfield Climb Longstone Pinnacle Kayak River Adventure Pole Dancing with Pure Joy Riverboat Party Night Sandbach Fake Festival Worcester Cathedral Tour & Tower Climb


Cinema Night Hatton Easy Ramble Helicopter Lesson* Kayaking for Fun Llama & Mule Trekking Power Kiting & Kite Buggy Quad Bike Intro & Woodland Trek Surfing Beginners Lesson at Scarborough

Ascot Races, Concert & Windsor W’end Edinburgh Festival W’end One Kings Lynn & Norfolk Coast Walking W'end Spice National Murder Mystery & Disco W/e

BMX Taster Birmingham Evening Walk Gliding at Stratford Soirée Gastronomique in Leamington Solihull Pub Night

Balsall Common Evening Ramble Kings Heath Pub Night Unihoc (Mixed Indoor Hockey)

Saturday 3

Bag a Welsh Summit with Hamish Caving for the Terrified Croquet Party Glass Art Workshop Mickleton Ramble Race Tuition with a Pro Singing for Beginners Spice Choir Sutton Park Discovery 2 with Afternoon Tea Tank Battle Experience The Big Abseil Tutbury Easy/Mod Ramble Walk with Welsh Pit Ponies Waterworld Day Canoe Cruising W’end on the River Wye Masham Beer & BBQ W'end Sailing W’end around the Solent Strolling & Sketching W’end

Badminton For Fun - Worcester Run in the Park

Badminton For Fun - Worcester Bromsgrove Pub Night Darts Night & Buffet New Members Mix & Mingle

Friday 2



Bidford on Avon Ramble Digital Photography for Beginners Guide Dog Centre Visit Medieval Jousting Offchurch West Ramble Spies & Deception Bletchley Park Visit Staunton Harold Hall Easy Ramble


Beginners Horse Trek Berkeley Castle Heirs Tour Church Stretton Ramble Dog Walk in Sutton Park Go Ape in The Wyre Forest Learn to Drift! Mountain Bike Beginners Priors Marston Ramble Sence Valley Easy Ramble Stock Car Racing

Robin Hoods Bay W’end Away* Surfing W’end - Croyde Bay, Devon

Botanical Gardens & Nursery Tour Girls Roller Skating Lesson Morris Dancing for Beginners!


Spice Hits Town at the Jam House


Abseiling for Beginners at Symonds Yat Afternoon Tea at Althorp Greek Night- Zorbas Dance Helicopter Lesson Makeover Photo Session Mountain Bike Intro/ BBQ Zip World Zipline Exp*


Bearley & Stratford Canal Easy Ramble Cupcake Decorating Workshop Learn to Horse Ride in Day Newmarket National Stud & Afternoon Tea The Big Abseil - 200 Feet

Adrenaline Cocktail W’end London Social W’end Edinburgh Festival W’end North Cotswolds Hills Walking W’end Sailing: Channel Islands* Snowdonia Walking W’end South Devon Walking Break The English 3000's Walking Break Welsh Camping Long W’end


Badminton For Fun - Worcester Knowle Easy Ramble Warwick VIP Race Day





Cinema Night Rubery Dinner Shuffle around the World - Stop 1: Moroccan Plymouth & South Devon Midweek Walking Break

Indoor Bouldering Taster Session Run in the Park

Badminton at NIA Quiz

Mormon Church Centre Tour Rounders & Social Night


Bourton on Water Ramble Gorge Walking Adventure Subterranean Dudley Tour & Supper Warwick Town Walk White Water Rafting

Spice Birmingham, 6A Burnett Road, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B74 3EJ Tel: 0121 353 6161

Fax: 0121 353 6861 Email: richard@spicebham.com * Denotes event is full – wait list only

Web: www.spicebham.com

Coming Events September 2013 Monday






Sunday 1 September

Cornden Hill Ramble Coton in the Elms Ramble Don't Diet - Change the way you Eat Hangliding - Tandem Microlighting Experience Mountain Biking Paragliding - Tandem Paragliding Day Course


Badminton For Fun - Worcester Spice Book Club


Badminton For Fun - Worcester Run in the Park



Cafe Ceramica Experience Preview Evening (Arden Hotel) Ten Pin Bowling (Broadway Plaza)


Drumming for Beginners Indoor Climbing at Redpoint Solihull Pub Night St Giles Hospice Charity Talk


Bromsgrove Pub Night Preview Evening (Sutton)

Cookery School Evening & Dinner Educating Rita Kings Heath Pub Night



New Members Mix & Mingle

Run in the Park Sex & Contraception in 1580



Badminton NIA Ben E King Earlswood Ramb & Supper Jog in Solihull Makeup Lesson My life with the Corgis/ Royals Only Spice on Horses! (starts) Tamworth & Lich Pub Night


Badminton NIA Breadmaking at Hindleys Magic for Beginners Sutton Pub Night


Badminton NIA Chinese Meal & Quiz - Sutton Fencing for Beginners Jogging Evening in Solihull Secrets of the Holy Grail


Curry & Quiz Solihull Halesowen & Quinton Pub Night Hedgehog Appreciation Jewellery Q’ter Evening Walk Scottish Dance Tennis for Beginners


Oddfellows Dinner Shuffle


Acting for Beginners Auto Stunt School Colour U Confident Lichfield Proms & Chorley Easy Ramble Marvellous Mammals Tour Ramble, Scramble, Dangle Jewellery Making (Beads) Static Trapeze Workshop Western Style Rifle Shooting Afternoon White Water Rafting Bala


Abseiling for the Terrified Bewdley & Arley Ramble Cinema Night Croquet Party Golf - Play in a Day Ragley Hall Walk & Sketch Six Dales Ramble Spice Choir Tandem Skydive Walk with Wolves Zip World - Ultimate Zipline Experience

Bath Cycling W’end Halton Gill Barn W’end Ironbridge & Shropshire Hills Walking W’end Sailing W’end around the Solent


Assay Office Tour Dining at The Marwood Nine Steps to Happiness Unihoc (Mixed Indoor Hockey)



Barn Dance & Supper


Ballroom Dance - Waltz Chestnut Centre Otter Tour Chocolate Experience Farm Talk & Walk Itihaas Dinner Shuffle Nat Memorial Arboretum Rally Driving Lesson Silly Dale Ramble The History Boys White Water Kayaks

Camping Afloat Sea Kayaking with the Seals

Beer & Skittles in Tamworth Beggar & Co Living with Dogs Tapas & Flamenco Show Warwick & Leamington Pub Night


Greek Dance Workshop Morgan Motors Visit Spice Hits Town at the Jam House


Aerial Silks Workshop BBC Behind the Scenes Canadian Canoe Adventure Caving at Symonds Yat Chocolate Experience Meet your True Soul Mate New Members Bridgenorth Treasure Hunt Saturday Night with Shakespeare


Abbots Bromley Ramble Adventure Trekking Day Bridgenorth & Severn Way Ramble Clay Pigeon Shooting Hovercraft Driving on Land & Water Jazz & Blues Cruise New Members Easy Morning Ramble

Hastings & East Sussex Coast Walking W’end Sailing W’end from Poole


Quiz Badminton NIA Martial Arts for Beginners


Unihoc Bullet Proof Confidence Rodizio Rico Dining Sporting Night & Supper


Cinema Night Rubery Treasure Island


Get the life you want .. Bridge Abseil & Ladders Bushcraft for Beginners Field Archery Day Helicopter Lesson Lazy Cow Private Dinner Makeover Photo Session Poker Night at Lea Marston Tenbury Ramble


Archery & Rifle Shooting Balloon Flight Compton Verney Gallery Visit & Tea Eyam Moderate Ramble Forest Segway on Cannock Chase Go Ape in Cannock Moseley Walk & Banquet Victorian Garden Walk/Tea


Acrylic Painting Intro. Day Astwood Bank Ramble Cheerleading Workshop Llama & Mule Trekking Malvern's Explorer Ramble Peak Classic Caves Day World's Wackiest Racers

Elan Valley Walking/Social W’end Chill Out Bike Amble W’end

Adventure Golf

Spice Birmingham, 6A Burnett Road, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B74 3EJ Tel: 0121 353 6161

Fax: 0121 353 6861 Email: richard@spicebham.com * Denotes event is full – wait list only

Web: www.spicebham.com

Notice Board

If you have a notice, members may place it here free to an audience of around 4000 motivated people. Notices will be deleted after approx 3 months - earlier if space dictates. Contact richard@spicebham.com

Sales & Wants:

Honda Accord 2.0 se 5 Door in dark blue. 2002 51 plate, 81000 miles, MOT August 2012. FSH, A/C, C/C, remote CDL, Alloys, upgraded CD player, Nokia HF car kit.Nice comfortable high spec car. Not owned for long but never let me down since bought in May. £895 ono. Phone Pete on 0121 313 0453 or 07971 038843. Email pete@all-fit.co.uk//

Holiday Accomodation:

Sicily, Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment, with wonderful views, seperate lounge and well fitted kitchen. Just 10mins from beach near Taormina, Sicily. Decorated to high standard with all modern amenities. See property ref IT1470 on Owners Direct. 10% discount against advertised rates for Spice members. Just mention Spice in your enquiry email from website// Interested in Crewing a 55ft Yacht in Croatia? Costs shared between group. Professional skipper. May & August dates available. Call Malcolm Hunt on 07966 204289 or malcolm.hunt66@btinternet.com // Ellie’s Place, dog friendly chalet by beach in N E Lincolnshire. Secure enclosed garden; Dog friendly beach; 2 Bedrooms, en suite & sofa bed (can sleep 6); No limit on dogs!; Prices to suit. Visit: www.elliesplacecleethorpes.co.uk or Contact woof@elliesplacecleethorpes.co.uk // Lake District, 3 bed/ 2 bath modern house on holiday village near Keswick. Pool/ gym & restaurant on site. contact Mike 079676 38989// Auvergne Region of France - 2 gites/studios for rental in this beautiful region. Two one bedroom studios,each with kitchen, lounge and bathroom, each sleeping 4 people. Wonderful views & perfect for walking and site seeing. Cost £300 per week per studio. For details visit https://sites.google.com/site/rocheenregnier/ or contact Andrew Dare 07757467115 e-mail andrewdare1@virginmedia.com // B&B in Blackpool - ensuite rooms, conveniently situated near the Central Pier, 2 mins from the Promenade & 10 mins from the centre and all its attractions. Contact 01253 622735 and mention Spice for 10% discount, www.midlandhotel.co.uk// Olhos d'Agua, Albufeira, Portugal, Ground floor 1 bed apartment, sleeps 4. Facilities include pool, childrens pool, tennis courts & air con. 5 mins to beach, rates from £175 - £395pw. Email joyc2008@live.com// Villa Southern Dunes - 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom villa with private pool in golf community near Disney, Florida. Quote 'Spice' for 10% off when booking via www.villasoutherndunes.com or call Di Gorton on 07952 408964// Holiday Cottage to let right on the beach in Cornwall between Newquay & St Ives. Sleeps 6 comfortably, all mod cons, own garage, school holiday dates now available due to cancellations. Call Jayne 01827 706524 or 07952 863803// Antigua, Caribbean; Luxury apartment on beach., 4 poster bed. Sleeps upto 4 call Sheila 07958 930598. Other Antigua properties available// La Manga Spain, 2 bed apartment, sleeps 4-6. 50m from beach. For details, visit www.spainlamanga.com. Discount for Spice// Apartment in Sta Eulalia area of Albufeira, Portugal Sleeps 4-6. Excellent facilities inc pool & children's pool. Short walk to beach/ old town. Easy access from airports. £250/week. Email Keith: 2fatcats@lineone.net// Padstow, Cornwall, luxury holiday cottage, sleeps 4. Visit www.padstowpad.co.uk. 10% discount//

Residential Accommodation Offered:

Room to rent in Kingstanding, £70 p.week including utilities.Large kitchen and pleasant garden. House cleanish but a bit old fashioned in decor, much like it's owner. .Nearby bus routes.for Brum etc. Sharing with easy going gay owner. Non smoker preferred. Please contact Andy on 0121 350 1033 or 07758 930 931 //

Personal Announcements, Employment, Charities & Opportunities:

Divorce Recovery Workshop Is a charitable organization that many Spice members have recommended to us. It offers anyone at any stage of divorce or separation a way forward. It enables participants to gain a better understanding of what they are going through and also seeks to provide them with support from others in the same situation and assists in the process of readjustment in their lives. There are no experts just people who have experienced divorce or relationship breakdown and have themselves completed the workshop. There are 2 groups in our area: Barnt Green contact Heidi Twilley 0121 445 4396 or Sutton Coldfield contact David & Helen Bennett 0121 308 0739 email: SuttonC@drw.org.uk National Enquiry line 07000 781889 - web www.drw.org.uk


National Spice Cancellation Policy Evening and one day events: Providing you give us more than 7 days (includes weekends and bank holidays) notice you will receive a full refund as a Credit Note, less a Cancellation Fee of 20% (minimum charge £3). Except where stated otherwise in the event description. Ticketed events: Note: Theatre, Concerts, etc. These are non-refundable unless we can resell your place, as tickets will have been purchased (but please talk to us as we can often re sell tickets for you). Overnight events and events costing over £100: Note: This excludes overseas trips which have a separate Holiday Cancellation Policy. Providing you give us more than 28 days (includes weekends and bank holidays) notice you will receive a full refund as a Credit Note, less a Cancellation Fee of 20% of the cost of the event or loss of the deposit paid (where applicable). Except where stated otherwise in event description. Holidays and Overseas trips: Note: More than three overnights or outside UK. Cancellation is as per the Tour Operators Terms and Conditions as supplied with Holiday Information Packs. Cancellation must be in writing. A back up phone call is recommended. You should assume you are still booked until you have written confirmation of your cancellation. General: Where cancellation is received within the cancellation period prior to an event, you will lose all monies paid (and also be liable for any balance) unless we can replace you. If you simply do not turn up for an event without contacting us you will automatically forfeit any monies paid, and will be liable for any balance. Should Spice Cancel an event: Should Spice cancel any event you will be refunded directly back by the payment method used or credit note (as preferred). Our policy is that wherever possible we will always issue a refund. Credit Notes: Should be used within 12 months of issue and can be refunded (in the way you paid) at any time.

Spice Discounts & Services Spice members can offer discounts and services to other Spice members through this page. If you would like an entry on here, just email richard@spicebham.com. Please also feed back if you are happy or unhappy with a contact made from this page. Clinical hypnotherapy and NLP concessional rates for members. contact Denise Morgans 07891947206// Save up to 50% off Entry to Warwick Castle, To book please call 0871 222 4001 and quote “days out” (terms/conditions apply)// Couselling/ life coaching sessions. BACP Qualified. In a relaxed and friendly environment. Competitive rates. Call Sheila 07799 791537// Face Painting by Saras Parlour, 10% off. Glitter tattoos, themed & pamper parties for every occasion - children, adults, Birthdays, Weddings etc. www.sarasparlour.co.uk or email contact@sarasparlour.co.uk or Tel: 07964081325// HR & Training Services: From a Chartered FCIPD HR professional. Discounts for Spice members. Contact Kreuk Consulting on 07957 347324 kreukconsulting@gmail.com // The Childminding Shop is an online shop offering a wide variety of educational toys, craft materials and ideas. Spice members can obtain 10% discount by entering the discount code SP3103 in the discount box at the checkout. It’s run by a Spice member www.thechildmindingshop.co.uk // Highbury Theatre, Sutton Coldfield will give you “members rates” without having to take out a Theatre Membership if you are a member of Spice. Call 0121 373 2761 or visit www.highburytheatre.co.uk// Roman Cars (Taxis) 10% discount to Spice members. Based Streetly/ Aldridge area. Call 0121 353 1616 (yes almost the same as Spice!)// Odd Jobs, Tiling, flat pack assembly etc at reasonable prices by the ever friendly Simon Turner call 07966 179473 or simonb.t@tiscali.co.uk// Julie Ray, aromatherapy, reflexology, indian head massage, hopi ear candling. energy field healing, NLP empowerment courses, guided healing meditations, psychic/channelled readings and much more 10% Discount! - see www.julierayliving.com or contact her on 01530 271123 or 07729 282930// Four Oaks Tutors small group and individual tuition (KS3 GCSE & A level tuition) phone Mark on 07875 742805 or visit www.fouroakstutors.co.uk // Business Coach - Not enough hours in the day? Staff problems? I'm a qualified Business Coach and experienced manager. Call Maria 07501 086235. 10% discount// Strattons Fashion Jewellery & Watches on Upper Level, Merry Hill by New Look, Debenhams & Sainsbury's. Run by Spice Member Andrew Stratton. 10% discount// Dietcare, lose weight fast. One to one advice. No gimmicks. Special offers to Spicers. Call Judith 0845 1904310 Est 30 years// Bicycle Recycle makes great bikes from parts of old/ damaged bikes. Run by Spice member Irwin Lavery, they would be delighted to sell you a bike or receive/ collect donations of unwanted bikes for recycling. Call Irwin on 0121 440 6835// Liz Crozier Complementary Therapist offers 10% discount on all treatments booked with her at Natural Balance 0121 422 6151 www.naturalbal.co.uk or contact Liz direct on 07708506109 for more information// Shear Success Avada Salon & Spa, Sutton Coldfield & Tamworth. At 296 Clarence Road Four Oaks B74 4LT, 0121 353 2738 & Fontenaye Road, Coton Green, Tamworth, B79 8JT, 01827 62998. 15% off all hair & beauty treatments to Spice Members. Visit www.shearsuccess.co.uk// Residential Jewellery Making Courses. Ideal for those looking to develop a small business. Call Anwar on 07707 517278 (Spice Supplier)// Driving Lessons in Wolverhmapton, Walsall, Cannock area. Special offer for Spicers. Call Wayne 0800 949 6034// Vibro-Suite Health & Wellness Club near Brindley Place is based on a new concept, focused around human performance using vibration training, therapy and massage which is designed to cater for everyone no matter there age, ability or medical conditions. Spice Wellness Package: Joining fee 50% off; reduced monthly fees & free 10 week Wellness Programme. Visit www.vibro-suite.co.uk// French, German & Spanish tuition from Spice member at great rates for Spicers. Call Irwin on 0121 440 6835// Business & Executive Coach. Work with a professional coach to develop YOU. Improve your business performance. Work less hours & enjoy quality YOU time. Discounts for Spicers. Mike Slattery 07917663764. http://coachingsupportprogramme.com // Aromatherapy Massage, Reiki, EFT & Indian Head Massage. Discounts for Spicers call Stella on 07834 777980 email stella@stellawilcox.co.uk or visit www.stellawilcox.co.uk// Personal Trainer/Nutrition Advisor specialising in fat loss, reshaping and healthier living. Call Sally 07915 647 873// Homeopath & Shamanic Practitioner, Carol Bowler, S.Warks. Holistic help for a wide range of physical conditions and life situations. Consultations in person or on phone. Spice discount. call 07831 447746 or visit www.peacefulenergy.co.uk // Home Improvements/ Builder, Mick Jordan, tel: 07940372225 or email mick@springhillmodels.co.uk // Martin Grogan, professional handyman. Great for all those little jobs you never get around to! Tel 354 8343 or 0794 9448786// Holistic Therapies inc Aromatherapy, Reflexology & Indian Head Massage. Also Feet & Hand Massages. Very good prices call Nick 07861 704477// Self Employed Courier, parcels/letters/pallets & “man with van” for house removals/clearances. Call Phil 07958 387818// Mountainshack outdoor shops, Worcester & Cheltenham 10% off www.mountainshack.com// Stress & Pain relief in the Workplace Linda will come to your office or corporate event and offer a choice of massages. Call 449 9109// Happiness is your Birthright, Live a life of happiness, joy & laughter instead of stress, fear & doubt! White Dove Healing 01902 482488 info@whitedovehealing.co.uk// Female Driving Instructor in Streetly, Call Anna 07971 086922// Walkies Birmingham, dog walking, cat & small animal home care, pet taxi & home security covering Sutton area. www.walkiesbirmingham.co.uk call Cheral 0788 7755634// M’ore 2 Life Coaching, Reiki Therapy, Skin & Make-up consultations and Bridal Make-up. Call Marcia 07838 079947 or visit www.more-2-life.com// Your Favourite Photo turned into a stunning artwork by established artist using latest technology. Very affordable rates to Spicers. Original gift idea. Call David 329 3663// Mobile Skittle Alley for hire. Suit any venue. Steve 07813 690801/01827 60421// Graphic Design for print & web. Fast, friendly & affordable. Call John-Lee 07971 988152 or jl@pragmaticdesign.co.uk// Career Coaching, for cv's, interview coaching & how to get a job you'll love, ahughes@careerconsultancy.eu for free 30min consultation or call Amanda 07753 819309 // Holistic/ Complimentary Therapist, Reiki, Aromatherapy, Indian Head & Swedish Body Massage, Crystal/Gem Therapy, Reflexology, Ear Candling & Reiki attunements. Discount. Lynne 07989 414002 or 01384 894132// Achieve your lifes desires! For a complimentary coaching discussion call Robin Camps 07850 258603// PR & marketing: Raise the profile of your business or event. Free consultation for Spicers. Roseanne 07711 416 663// Qualified Plumber Big reductions to members. Neil 0121 258 4114// Personal Development career, life, business – unlock your potential contact vickypowell@msn.com or Call 624 3010 also interview advice and cv writing// Teachers, bring creativity into your classroom! visit www.richard-ellis-artist.co.uk or call 766 6236/ 07760 295279// Professional IT Support, solutions & support for small businesses. Home support & training also available for members at competitive rates. Ian Cole 07767 498238 or ian@idcsystems.co.uk // Qualified Reiki Practitioner De-stress & gain harmony. 01827 706956 or Linda.buckingham@ntlworld.com // Caricaturist Richard Ellis will entertain guests & give them a unique souvenir of your wedding/company event. 15%. www.cartoondick.co.uk or 766 6236// Complimentary medicine (Shiatsu) 10% Call Margaret 07976 523493// Integrative Counsellor BACP Accredited PG DipCoun Fees £30- £35. Call Patricia 0771 0410 182// Qualified plumber most work undertaken Discounts. Call Mark 07790 888354 or 748 6406 after 6pm// Gardener, Leamington, Warwick & Kenilworth areas. One off or regular maintenance, mowing, weeding, pruning, bedding etc. Also creative gardening & improvements. RHS Qualified. Call 01926 316229 or 07763 193882// Anna, an Accountant who speaks your language, specialising in small businesses 10% off 07711 805183// Life Coaching achieve goals the easy way, 10% off, call Anna 07711 805183// Qualified Teacher offers small group tuition for Grammar School Entrance Exams (11+). Call Tril 357 7347//

Meals and Party Nights Party Nights are a big part of our programme. Throughout the year we alternate between posh affairs & simple disco’s to try and cater for every taste and pocket. As some of our party’s have around 500 capacity, they can be a little daunting if you don’t already know a few people and it’s difficult for us all to look after people individually. That’s why we don’t recommend them as good ‘first events’ to go to on your own unless you are very confident and outgoing. Dining with Spice is always an experience, and we seek to provide you with experiences that are unusual, and, where possible absolutely unique and exclusive to Spice. All our meals are very sociable, so don’t worry if you don’t know many people – most of us are in exactly the same boat - but the group soon develops into one ‘happy family’. If you are brand new to Spice, however, let the office know and we’ll try to introduce you to some new friends on the night. F

Barn Dance & Supper


.. a cracking night in a the barn with Fiddler's Elbow!

Date: Sat 6 July, Fri 13th September or Friday 8th November 2013 Place: Wishaw Country Sports, just off the A446 near The Belfry Hotel Easy access from Sutton, Solihull & Tamworth via M42 (B76 9PQ) # Meet: Arrive from 7.30pm, Band 8.00pm to 11.00pm. Food 9.00pm Cost: £20 (£23 Guest) includes hot buffet or bbq supper (depending on weather) We've had so many requests to run this night again, again & again! The same successful formula of great music, an authentic rural location and great food has been arranged. Music is provided live by 4 piece band Fiddlers Elbow, who bring us the best jigs and country sounds from Irish and Scottish roots. They’ll explain all the moves – which we all get wrong – and it's a great opportunity to mix, as you are never with one partner for long. Don't worry if you can't dance, none of us can … and it’s great fun trying! There are even fine country ales on tap. All in all, it's about as much fun as you can have in a barn with your clothes on!

Private Dining with a Celebrity Chef .. an exclusive evening including private cooking demo

Date: Thursday 17th October 2013 (Check for future dates online) Place: Shortbutts Lane, Lichfield (WS14 9BU) # Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £49 (£52 Guest) Includes: demonstration, four course dinner & wine Your invitation to join the ultimate dinner party, hosted by celebrity chef Simon Smith. This intimate evening for just 8 people is at a private address in Lichfield and will start with a drink on arrival and canapés. We’ll then enjoy a one hour light-hearted cookery demonstration of dishes for easy entertaining and food presentation. This includes wine and tastings. This is followed by a 4 course dinner with wine either served in the dining room or outside on the dining terrace (if warm). Menu: To see the menu for each date, see the online version of this writeup at www.spicebham.com Simon Smith has had a varied worldwide culinary career over the past 40 years. He trained in Switzerland and then Paris before becoming chef saucier at the exclusive “Inn on the Park” on Park Lane. He has worked at the British embassies in Paris and Vienna. He has appeared on several TV shows including This Morning and Market Kitchen. Simon can also entertain you with stories and photos from his assignments on yachts of the rich and famous or of his legendary margarine sculptures! For more information on Simon visit: http://www.simonsmith-chef.com/

Lasan Indian Banquet

.. experience one of the UK's Top 10 Indian Restaurants

Date: Thursday 17th October 2013 Place: James Street, St. Pauls Sq, Birmingham (B3 1SD) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £29.50 (£32 Guest) includes two courses & service £30 for an Indian! Sounds a lot, but trust us. This is not just any other Indian restaurant. Voted one of the Top 10 Indian Restaurants in the UK by The Independent & The Times, Lasan’s success is further reinforced by the restaurants inclusion in the Michelin Guide and glowing praise from many food critics and journalists. Lasan has also recently won the prestigious Gordon Ramsey F Word title. So we thought it was time that Spice experienced Birmingham’s ultimate Indian night! They seeks to offer Indian food with a light contemporary edge. No need to pre order, as we get the lot! All items on a long menu are presented across the table, so that we’re able to share and taste each and every dish. The menu that we will enjoy is too extensive to print here but may be found at www.spicebham.com.

Rodizio Rico Dining Experience at The Cube Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


.. sociable, brazillian dining

Thursday 26 September 2013 The Cube, Birmingham (B1 1RS) 7.30pm £27.50 (£29 Guest) includes all you can eat package as described (£23.50) plus 10% Service charge and Spice Coordinator. Extras: Dessert if required Welcome to a truly unique dining experience at Rodizio Rico, Birmingham’s first and only authentic Brazilian Churrascaria (pron. shoe-hass-korea). Here, an extensive selection of grilled meat is served directly from the charcoal grill by experienced passadors (meat carvers) passing from table to table slicing grilled meat from their skewers right into your plate. You choose what you would like from a wide selection of grilled meats, including Leg of lamb, variety of cuts of Beef, from Picanha (Cap of Rump steak), rump steak, ribs, Pork (ribs, leg of pork steak), Chicken (Legs, wings, hearts), homemade pork or chicken Sausages and many more! The waiters will gladly continue to slice up their freshly grilled meats until you can eat no more. A pure carnivore’s delight – all you need is a hearty appetite! How it works: (1) Take a plate to the gourmet salad and sides bar, enjoy many items from Brazilian street food, to fresh cut vegetables and varied Brazilian side dishes (2) Once back at your table and ready for meat, turn your card green side up, to let the Passadores know you are ready to begin tableside service. Choose from the many different cuts of delicious charcoal fire roasted meats, brought straight to your table, sliced, and served by the Passadores. (3) When you are satisfied or need a break, flip the card to the red side until you are ready for more. Optional Dessert: We haven’t included dessert, liquors or espresso but you can order these and pay directly on night.

Boathouse at Bracebridge


.. exquisite lakeside dining in Sutton Park

Date: Thursday 18 July 2013 (Note date change from last newsletter) Place: Four Oaks Gate, Sutton Park (B74 2YR) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £22.50 (£24 Guest) Inc 3 course meal, teas/coffees &10% service charge This restaurant must have one of the most fantastic settings in our area. We’ll dine overlooking Bracebridge Pool in Sutton Park in a great restaurant that boasts well cooked, well presented modern English food in a simple yet rustic décor. Fish dishes are a speciality and there’s a good wine list and friendly efficient service. Menu: The August menu has not been finalised, but expect a choice of at least 3 starters, 3 main courses (including, fish, meat and vegetarian options), 3 dessert options and coffees to finish. If you need the exact menu, please call nearer time. Cost Note: The Boathouse do not make any allowances for groups, so as well as the coffees and service, we have had to allow a small “admin fee” to cover our costs such as the coordinator place. Directions: Please see the detailed directions at our website www.spicebham.com

Summer Ball 2013


.. don't miss out on our legendary annual Ball!

Date: Saturday 13 July 2013 Place: Botanical Gardens, Edgbaston, Birmingham (B15 3TR) Meet: Reception 7pm meal called at 8pm Cost: £49 Member, £55 Guest (Deposit £10) The Spice Summer Ball is a stylish affair in Birmingham’s foremost banqueting venue, with stylish cuisine and fine entertainment. Demand for tickets is always huge and this year will be no exception. Elegant dining in these unique surroundings is a wonderful experience, set in the midst of some of the most exquisite and beautifully landscaped formal gardens in Britain. You are invited to join us in The Garden Suite, approached through the magnificent Tropical House and Terrace Glasshouses. If it is fine weather, we will meet our fellow Spice guests outside. Dinner will be called at 8pm. Entertainment: We have now confirmed the live band will be the highly recommended Ultimate DeAmour. They are all great musicians with a wide repertoire to delight all tastes and keep us dancing. They will be complimented by a great DJ. Menu: The menu is now available to view on our website. Accommodation: For our “Spice Hotel Partner” click link on the left of our website at www.spicebham.com. Some are probably cheaper than a cab ride home – particularly if you’re able to share.


Fiesta Del Asado Argentinian Dining th

.. discover the taste of Argentina

Date: Wednesday 10 July 2013 Place: 229 Hagley Rd, Edgbaston, Birmingham (B16 9RP) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £29 (£32 Guest) includes 3 courses & service Extras: Tips on night Birmingham's first Argentine Asado restaurant has arrived in Birmingham and claims to be the most fun, colourful and fiery dining experience this side of Buenos Aires. Asado is a broad Spanish term not only for a range of barbecue techniques, but also describes the social event itself. Food is placed on grills and lowered over the embers of special applewood chips where it acquires its distinct smoked taste by absorbing the aromas and sealing in the flavours. Asado dishes are typically no-nonsense, rustic and honest, yet colourful and fiery - you could say the culinary equivalent of the Argentine Tango! Entertaining family and friends at mealtimes is essentially how Asado dining culture emerged in Argentina and, the life-affirming feelings of togetherness it creates is why it has become so popular around the world. Its rich cuisine benefits from many influences; mainly the diverse immigrant nationalities that have helped it shape and evolve throughout its colourful and, often chequered history. Menu: All items on the menu will be served across the table for everyone to share. Details with on line.

Itihaas Contemporary Indian Dinner Shuffle th

.. exquisite Indian cuisine for a Saturday night

Date: Saturday 14 September 2013 Place: 18 Fleet Street, Birmingham (B3 1JL) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £28.50 (£32 Guest) includes 3 course set meal & service charges Itihaas is widely recongised as the pioneer of exquisite Indian cuisine in the Midlands. It has won numerous accolades for its food, service and decor including The Cobra Good Curry Awards for the Best UK Restaurant and The British Curry Awards 2012 for Best Restaurant in the Midlands. Itihaas is a stunning restaurant where contemporary meets traditional. No expense has been spared in achieving this, and as you step into this £2m restaurant, you will certainly see just that. The decor is clean and crisp with plate glass and slate finished walls. This smart and sophisticated interior is complimented by the 18th and 19th century Indian artefacts, including original paintings, carved stone elephants and 300 year old doors. Downstairs, the Maharaja Suite is luxurious with opulent mood lighting and decorated with more Indian treasures. Behind 300 year old Indian wooden doors is the Tiffin Room which seats 12, complete with a bar, library and your very own dedicated butler! Cuisine in this fine establishment is created by award winning chefs and staff who come from Indian Five-Star Hotel backgrounds. They have a single aim - to be able to deliver authentic Royal Indian dining with utmost courtesy and hospitality. The menu will take you on a culinary journey through the North of India with a couple of stops through Kenya and vibrant Mumbai. At this royal eatery, indulgence is paramount. Menu: please see the menu with the online version of this writeup at www.spicebham.com Car Parking: On street car parking available on Newhall Street & Fleet Street (free parking in evening – but check payment times when parking as they do change). Also NCP Car Parking available on Newhall Street

National Dragon Boat Party th

.. enjoy our traditional "night before" party

Date: Saturday 20 July 2013 Place: Pershore Working Mens Club, High Street (WR10 1EU) # Meet: 8.00pm to midnight Cost: £12 (£15 Guest) Includes: Venue hire, fish & chip supper & DJ A lot of people (rowers and spectators) traditionally stay over the night before to make a weekend of our Dragon Boating. Some camp at Pershore Rugby Club (see above) and others find accommodation nearby. The atmosphere is always great on Saturday night, with a DJ and bar, for a very special Spice exclusive party with fish & chips (served the proper way – out of the paper!).We can take around 150 people, but I suspect that the tickets will go fast! For those camping, the Rugby Club is around 2 miles up the road, there will be an optional minibus transfer at 7.45pm and 11.45pm at £1 each way.


Indian Fine Dining at Delhi 6 .. discover excellent Indian cuisine in Streetly

Date: Tuesday 23rd July 2013 Place: Delhi 6, Burnett Road, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield (B74 3EJ) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £18.50 (£21.50 Guest) Incl: 2 courses plus appetizers Note: For our “Delhi 6 regulars” please note we have an enticing new menu for this visit (view details online). Delhi 6 is a very different kind of Indian Restaurant – and well worth discovering. They have a deliberately small menu, but each item is designed to be dramatic, innovative and authentic. They use fresh and authentic ingredients that not only taste better but are more healthy as well. Of course this costs a little more than a traditional “curry house”, however, we think you will enjoy the difference. Menu: Please check on line for details. Note: We have not included desserts, but these can be ordered/ paid on night. Directions: Parking is available on the roadside in Burnett Road and Leslie Road, or in the car park behind Spice/Boots

Bodega South American Dining Experience th

.. an evening of South American cuisine

Date: Wednesday 7 August 2013 Place: 12 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham (B2 5RS) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £22 (£24 Guest) Includes: 3 course meal, Service discretionary, tea/coffee extra Bodega is a contemporary cantina bringing fresh, homemade South American inspired cuisine to Birmingham city centre. They also offer one of the best drinks selections in the city, offering mouth watering cocktails, a handpicked range of South American wines and a comprehensive selection of regional bottled beers. Menu: Please see online and let us know your choices

Soirée Gastronomique in Leamington Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


.. enjoy 6 courses of authentic French cuisine

Tuesday 13 August 2013 Le Bistrot Pierre, 28 Park Street (CV32 4QN) 7.30pm £28 (£32 Guest) Includes: 6 course menu with teas/ coffees, private dining room (subject to numbers), service charges and event coordinator This is our fourth of what have become regular Spice bookings for the Soiree Gastronomique – as the feedback is excellent. Discover 6 courses of hearty and robust provincial French cooking with this Soirée menu from the chef’s of Le Bistrot Pierre. The meal seeks to achieve balance and variety at a reasonable price. Le Bistrot Pierre is is one of small independent group of 7 French restaurants. They specialise in simple, fresh French cooking and freshly prepare and cure all their ingredients on the premises, including their our own breasola. Much of their fresh French food comes from the Rungis market in Paris. They try and source our produce responsibly. They buy fully traceable, 21 day-aged beef from Scottish pastures. The fresh chickens and eggs are free-range. All the pork is outdoor reared RSPCA Freedom Food approved. We have booked a private Spice dining area upstairs, where we will enjoy the following menu (meat eaters just need to make a choice from the 2 main courses when booking. If you tell us in advance that you are vegetarian, the chef will make a vegetarian alternative wherever meat or fish appear). Menu is shown online together with detailed directions

Important Note about Dinner Shuffles Some of our meals are run as “dinner shuffles”. On these occasions we move people around between courses so we all get to meet and talk to lots of people. It works really well. However, I just wanted to stress that you should only book one of these events if you are prepared to enter into the spirit and move when asked to by the coordinator. These nights will not work otherwise. We do understand that you may be in an interesting conversation or click with someone. But it spoils the night for everyone if you let this get in the way of the shuffle. If you think this may be a problem to you, please don’t book a meal with “shuffle” in the title.


Drop Forge Dining Experience th

.. Spice get inside this unusual new restaurant

Date: Thursday 15 August 2013 Place: 6-10 Hockley St, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham (B18 6BL) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £29 (£31 Guest) includes 3 course dinner Extra: Tips discretionary and coffee We’re delighted to have discovered this historic and unusual restaurant which is housed in a brilliantly converted industrial building. Hot metal has now given way to innovative British cooking with a really characterful backdrop. The Drop Forge is situated in a fascinating area of our Jewellery Quarter. The chef has promised to delight us with a 3 three course meal. On our website we have an example menu. We will add the actual menu once this has been agreed.

Greek Night at Zorbas Dance

.. great food, dancing & Mediterranean partying Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Saturday 24th August 2013 167-170 Stafford St, Wolverhampton (WV1 1NA) 7.30pm for 8.00pm £19.50 (£23.50 Guest) Includes: Meal, entertainment, Spice Coordinator, Service Charges (although informal tips always welcome) & disco afterwards. An evening in true Mediterranean style at a brand new venue for spice that has been highly recommended! We’re at Zorba's Dance Restaurant on Stafford Street in Wolverhampton, for an evening with plenty of atmosphere, music, Greek Dancing (participative!), singing and belly dancing from “the Spice Girls”, all on top of a great meal .... Menu: We have a set, 3 course menu. Please make your choices from the online menu: Location: There are good parking options by the restaurant. They recommend the Broad Street (Wolverhampton) car park which around £3 for the night, but you may not want to be a driver tonight!

Dinner Shuffle around the World - Moroccan th

.. discover the wonderful flavours of Arabia

Date: Friday 30 August 2013 Place: Marston Farm Hotel - directions below (B76 9JD) Meet: 7.30pm for 8.00pm Cost: £24 (£27 Guest). Includes themed dinner & Spice coordinator This is the first in what we hope will be the first of many dinner shuffles in the delightfully secluded, historic hotel. We have discovered that the chef at Marston Farm has worked in many fine restaurants around the globe, so we have given him the challenge of “dining around the world” and choosing a different country each time. The hotel was formerly a private home of Sir Robert Peel and also has a beautiful courtyard. We have our own private area to dine and shuffle. Our Next Country: We will be dining “American” here next on Friday October 11th – see on line. Our Moroccan/ Arabic Menu is shown online together with detailed directions

Oddfellows Dinner Shuffle


.. discover fabulous food from local ingredients

Date: Friday 6 September 2013 Place: Oddfellows at The Boat, Muckley Corner, near Shenstone (WS14 0BU) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £26 (£29 Guest) includes: 3 course meal, private dining area, coordinator Oddfellows is one of the rising stars of the Midlands restaurant scene and receives lots of press attention, both nationally and locally. First appearance is that of an anonymous looking pub (The Boat) on the side of a bleak stretch dual carriageway. But those “in the know” realise that what lies inside is far from ordinary – quite a hidden gem! Oddfellows is privately owned, so their highly regarded chef, Gary, has the freedom to create wonderful food using the freshest Staffordshire ingredients. Menu is shown online together with detailed directions 5

Dining at The Marwood th

.. fun dining in Worcester

Date: Thursday 12 September 2013 Place: 40 The Tything, Worcester (WR1 1JL) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £29 (£31 Guest) Includes: three course dinner. Extras: Tips discretionary. Coffees Many of our Worcester members have mentioned this venue to us for it’s great food. So we’re off to sample three courses at this atmospheric and fun restaurant. The Chef really does know how to put some wonderful dishes together using complex and unusual ingredients. Atmosphere is very relaxed and there is a great bar with real ales and ciders. Menu: We will add the menu to our on line write up as soon as we receive this.

Tapas Evening & Flamenco Show .. a fabulous Evening of Spanish food & entertainment

Date: Thursday 19th September 2013 Place: Don Diego, 5 Manor Road, Sutton Coldfield (B73 6EJ) Meet: 8.30pm Cost: £29 (£32 Guest) Includes: Entertainment and Tapas Buffet Don Diego is a Spanish family run authentic tapas bar and “Michelin approved” restaurant. The owners are passionate about tasty and fresh Spanish food. This evening we are in for a treat of authentic Spanish food, culture and entertainment. Our evening will start with dancing by the renowned flamenco dancer Ana Garcia, a 30 minute show with live music. This will be followed by a standing tapas buffet (seats are available), with a chance to chat to the Flamenco experts. Pricing note: Please bear in mind that this is a buffet rather than a formal meal. The cost reflects the price of the entertainment (dancer and live musicians) which Spice have commissioned for this event.

La Scala Italian Dinner Shuffle rd

.. the real Italian Experience

Date: Thursday 3 October 2013 Place: 2, Maney Corner, Sutton Coldfield (B72 1QL) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £29 (£32 Guest) includes 3 courses, tea or coffee Extra: Service not included (tips on night please) Named after the famous opera house Teatro Alla Scala in Milan, La Scala is a genuine Italian Restaurant which offers the simple flavours of Italian Cuisine in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The restaurant prides itself on using only the freshest and finest ingredients. Tonight we can enjoy a 3 course dinner including tea or coffee. Menu: Menu awaited, Check for updates on the online version of this writeup at www.spicebham.com

Lazy Cow Private Dinner

.. discover this "Sunday Times Hotlist" restaurant Date: Saturday 28th September 2013 Place: The Lazy Cow, 10 Theatre Street, Warwick (CV34 4DP) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £29 (£32 Guest) Includes: 3 course menu & hire of "Boardroom" Inspired by its rural and unique setting, The Lazy Cow Hotel & Steak & Ale House serves award- winning meats and fresh seafood in cosy surroundings. There is also a terrace for al fresco dining, and the bar offers local ales and fine wines. . They are famous for regional and internationally influenced dishes with inspirations taken straight out of New York City all gracefully executed by Head Chef, David Philpot. All dishes are crafted from fresh, seasonal ingredients. To make this a very special Saturday Night, we have booked the Boardroom. Depending on numbers, we will either sit around an imposing boardroom table or (if demand requires) we will have 3 circular tables of 10 in the boardroom. Menu: is shown online (please choose when booking): together with detailed directions

A Spice Newsletter is just a Snapshot in Time

We are booking new events into the Spice programme all the time as new opportunities occur. Please make sure that you also check our schedules on line at www,spicebham.com so you don’t miss a thing. We also update members on a weekly basis with out “Weekly Bulletin” by email and via our Facebook Page.


Toboggan & Fondue Night th

.. this legendary Spice event is back!

Date: Saturday 5 October 2013 Place: Swadlincote Ski Centre (DE11 8LP) Meet: 4.45pm for 5pm start (food at 7pm) Cost: £19.50 (£22.50 Guest) Incl: 1 hour each of toboggan & viper run tubing followed by fondue meal This legendary Spice event has a new format for this visit. As well as the Tobogganing, this time we are doing our tubing on the “Viper Run”. Will be there at the same time as a freestyle skiing tournament is taking place at Swadlincote, so the atmosphere at the centre should be great. We will be split into 2 groups and spend an hour on their toboggan run (you should get at leat 2 runs in) and 1 hour tubing down the Viper Run. By 7pm we should have worked up an appetite to spend the rest of the night in The Alpine Lodge where we’ll enjoy a wonderful alpine fondue feast and a well stocked bar till 10.30. It’s a fun, sociable event that you really can’t miss! The Tobogganing: The Alpine Toboggan Run makes a breathtaking 650m descent, winding and twisting its way around and under the ski slope and the only thing in control of your speed is gravity and you! The Tubing: Instead of tubing down the main ski slope we are trying out the “Viper Slide”. This is a bumpy zig-zagging tubing that we think you will enjoy. It’s crazy, it’s out of control .. and you will laugh - lots! The Fondue: After all this fun, we'll move onto the apres ski. On the tables will be pork, beef and cheese fondues. We can try a little of each. There are also chips, salad, French bread and tasty dips. Dessert of the day is also included. The Freestyle Tournament: This evening there is also a freestyle skiing championship going on at the centre (ramps, somersaults etc). This will add to the atmosphere of the evening and you may stay on to spectate.

Halloween Sleepover Party Date: Place: Meet: Cost: Incl:



.. drink, dance & sleepover!

Saturday 2 - Sunday 3 November 2013 Arden Hotel, by NEC/ Airport (B92 0EH) # Check in any time from 2pm - meet 7.15pm £49 (£55 guest) sharing twin/ double or £65 (£75 guest) for Single Occupancy of a double room Party, buffet meal, accommodation (we will link up shares of twin rooms unless you state otherwise), breakfast plus use of hotel leisure facilities. Deposit of £10 holds your slot Spice party nights are quite an experience and this Halloween extravaganza will be no exception! These events are always popular – and I’m not surprised! For a very reasonable price we get a buffet, disco and overnight accommodation. Our venue this time is the lovely Arden Hotel. Each bedroom is en suite and has all the facilities you would expect from an international standard business hotel. Check in on Saturday is from 2.00pm with an opportunity to enjoy the Leisure facilities which include a stylish leisure pool, solarium, jacuzzi and steam room before meeting up for our Halloween Party. We can then enjoy dancing and partying for the rest of the night before retiring to bed. Spice have quite a reputation for dressing up so anything “Halloween” eg pumpkins, bats, grim reapers, skeletons etc is fine! Don’t worry, dressing up is not compulsory if this isn't your style. The next morning we can enjoy a relaxed breakfast before heading home. We will link up same sex shares in twin rooms unless you state someone you wish to share with.

Christmas Dinner Dance 2013

.. places limited - don't delay in getting your deposit down!

Date: Saturday 14th December 2013 Place: Burlington Hotel, New Street, Birmingham (B2 4JQ) Meet: 7.00pm for 8.00pm Cost: £46 Member, £52 Guest (Deposit £10)  Exclusive Spice Event – limited to just 320 guests - so don’t delay in booking!  4* Hotel – Centrally located with lots of options for transport and accommodation  Entertainment package including DJ and live band  Booked for Spice on the most sought after date in the Christmas party calendar Christmas may seem a long way away, but we’ve been negotiating this one since well before last Christmas. As a result we return to the fabulous Macdonald Burlington Hotel on the prime Saturday – and it is exclusive to Spice. It’s a great venue and a stylish night with live entertainment. Accommodation: We will have room options pre bookable at the Burlington on our website from mid July. ______________________________ 7

Airborne Adventures A collection of events all connected with flying and flying machines!

Helicopter Lesson .. you've got to try this one!

Date: Saturdays: 24th Aug or 28th Sept 2013 (sorry all earlier dates now full) Place: Wellesbourne Airfield near Stratford on Avon (CV35 9EU) # Meet: 12.45pm for 1pm Briefing Cost: £99 (£105 Guest) Paid as £9 (£15 Guest) deposit to Spice, plus £90 balance paid on the day This is a classic Spice event - you've just got to fly a helicopter one time in your life! We're just sorry we can't make it cheaper, but helicopters are extraordinarily costly to run! This isn't a pleasure flight, it's a lesson - and real occasion. Your session starts with a briefing on helicopters in general and the controls of the Robinson R22 you’ll be flying. These machines are touch sensitive and challenging. You’ll be in the air for approx. 15 memorable minutes. Note: Event is weather dependent and a weather check number will be provided. Weight limit 15½ stone (98kg).

Tandem Skydive from 12,000ft .. treat yourself to the ultimate adventure!

Date: Sunday 8th September 2013 Place: Hinton Skydive Centre, Oxfordshire/ Northants border (NN13 5NS) # Meet: 12 for 12.30pm Cost: £239 (£245 Guests) inc BPA membership To get the full freefall experience on your very first jump, and with maximum safety, a Tandem Skydive is just the thing! Following a short pre-jump briefing, you will experience the thrill of freefall and even learn the basics of steering and landing a modern 'square' gliding parachute, while securely attached to a highly experienced Instructor. Tandem Skydives normally take place from 10,000 to 12,000 feet - and sometimes even higher! After exiting the aircraft - securely attached to your Instructor! - you will freefall until the Instructor opens the main parachute at about 5000 feet. You will spend about 30 seconds in freefall (depending on exit altitude) and reach a speed of around 120 miles per hour! The descent under the large square parachute will take several minutes, during which time you will help to steer it down to the landing area. Please Note: Your weight must not exceed 15 stone (95kg). You will need to complete the BPA “Student Tandem Parachutist Declaration of Fitness” (download from online event writeup). If you’re over 40, or suffer from any of the conditions listed, the form will need signing by your GP. Video and stills of your jump can usually be arranged on day

Balloon Flights


.. the altogether more civilised way to fly!

Date: Sunday 15 September 2013 (other dates can be arranged on request) Place: Choose: ● Tissington, Derbyshire or ● Shugborough Hall, Staffs # Meet: Early morning - to be confirmed with joining details Cost: £145 Member, £149 Guest An experience of a lifetime! You arrive at the launch site. Nothing is happening. A van arrives, towing a huge wicker basket. People gather in groups, look skywards mutter about clouds & met reports. Then suddenly it’s all action with people running everywhere as our pilots decide we're going for it! Checks are made, you hop in and are away, rising majestically, with an eagles view of the fields & hills spread in a tapestry below. Your memorable flight lasts 30-60 mins. Location: Choose from 2 beautiful locations: Either Staffordshire (Shugborough Hall), or Derbyshire (Tissington Hall). Please note: flights are weather dependent, so dates cannot be guaranteed. If you’re unable to fly on the date chosen, our supplier Wickers World will offer another date that is mutually convenient. Their special terms & conditions will be sent.

What’s is a “Guest”?

Some events have a separate price that applies if you want to bring a “guest” along to an event. The “guest” option is there for members to use to introduce new people to the group and for friends/ family for whom membership is not practical (eg visiting from another area). The Guest arrangements are offered at our discretion and cannot be used to avoid membership (eg by lapsed members). A “guest” must come along to the event with you (unless specifically agreed otherwise) and you are responsible for their good conduct. A “Guest” may accompany you at up to 3 events – after which we consider it fair to expect them to join themselves.


Microlighting Experience Flight .. enjoy a 20 minute flight above Ashbourne!

Sunday 1st September 2013 Darley Moor Airfield near Ashbourne (DE6 2ET) # Timeslots to be allocated Total cost is £49 (£54 Guests) PAID AS £5 (£10 Guest) deposit to Spice when booking PLUS a balance of £44 directly to the supplier on arrival. These flights are with an instructor, in a dual controlled microlight, so you can have a go with the controls if you wish or just sit back and enjoy the experience! We start with a full briefing on safety procedures & equipment. The flight counts as a training flight, so if you want to continue flying by taking up a full course you already have some time which will count towards your full qualification. Unless you state otherwise we book a “flexwing” flight. They do have “3 axis” microlights as well if you prefer, which look more like a conventional aircraft but still have all the benefits of ultra light flight! Note: Event is weather dependent and a weather check number will be provided. Weight limit 17stone (110kg).

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Paragliding Day Course

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


.. a perfect days introduction to the sport!

Sunday 1 September 2013 Darley Moor Airfield near Ashbourne (DE6 2ET) # 9am to 5pm Total cost is £199 (£204 Guests) but this is paid as £20 (£25 guests) deposit when booking PLUS the balance direct to the supplier on arrival Paragliding is a fabulous experience. Technology now allows packs so compact and light that it is possible for experts to climb a mountain then jump from the top – gliding serenely back to earth! This day is designed to provide all the info you need to decide if flying is for you and they are normally able to get students flying low solo flights by the end of the day. This is also the way to start if you’re interested in Paramotoring, as you need to be able to paraglide before you can progress to motors. If this interests you, let the team know and they’ll show you some motor units and let you try them on! Note: Event is weather dependent and a weather check number will be provided. Weight limit 15 stone (95kg).

Paragliding - Tandem Experience Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


.. experience a short but dramatic paraglide!

Sunday 1 September 2013 Darley Moor Airfield near Ashbourne (DE6 2ET) # Timeslots to be allocated Cost is £55 (£59 Guests) PAID AS £5.50 (£9.50 Guest) deposit to Spice when booking PLUS a balance of £49.50 directly to the supplier on arrival Get the closest feeling to everyone’s dream of truly free flight. Flying with an instructor and towed up by a winch to around 500 -700 feet, you can either help to pilot the paraglider, or just sit back and admire the views of the beautiful Derbyshire countryside. The experience starts with a full briefing then a 5-10 minute flight depending on conditions. Note: Event is weather dependent and a weather check number will be provided. Weight limit 15 stone (95kg).

Hangliding - Tandem Experience by Air Tow Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


.. an awesome experience at 3000 feet!

Sunday 1 September 2013 Darley Moor Airfield near Ashbourne (DE6 2ET) # Timeslots to be allocated Cost is £199 (£204 Guests) PAID AS £20 (£25 Guest) deposit to Spice when booking PLUS a balance of £179 directly to the supplier on arrival Fly with the birds in a specially designed tandem hang glider. The Spice flights take you to a height of 3000ft (or cloudbase – whichever comes first) towed behind a microlight withan experienced BHPA instructor. After an introduction and pre flight briefing, you’ll be harnessed in. Once the towline is jettisoned you’ll glide free and silent in complete awe of the spectacular views overlooking the beautiful Peak District. You may even take the controls or enjoy the thrill of limited aerobatics. A member said, it’s “rather like flying with Superman”! The hang glider has its own undercarriage which eliminates the need for running on take off and landing. Total flight time is approx. 20-40mins depending upon conditions. Notes: Cost reflects the need for both a crewed hanglider and a crewed microlight. There is a weight limit of 95kg. 9

Wing Walking Experience .. a 'once in a lifetime' Spice experience


Date: Saturday 13 July 2013 Place: Damyns Hall Aerodrome, Essex (RM14 2TN) # Meet: Details to be advised Cost: Total cost is £435, paid as £50 deposit to Spice & balance paid on the day This is one of the most requested Spice events ever and it is back in the programme! Why not come and take a walk with us on top of a Boeing Stearman Biplane. You will take part in display training, with you as the wing walker, on top of the plane, smiling and waving to your friends below. After a full safety brief and training session you will be strapped into the 5 point safety harness on top of the biplane. You will then be taken skywards on an aerial adventure of a lifetime lasting approximately 10 minutes. You will take part in a display practice including fly pasts at various angles of bank and finish with a zoom climb from 135 mph. You even get a certificate confirming you are a trained wing walker. Special Notes: Please read the full writeup at www.spicebham.com before booking as there are height/ weight restrictions.

Gliding Evenings at Needwood th

.. see rural Staffordshire by glider!

Date: Wednesday 17 July 2013 Place: Needwood Forest Gliding Club, between Lichfield & Burton # Meet: 6.30pm Cost: £35 (£37 Gst): paid as £5 (£7) deposit + £30 on arrival by cash or cheque Brilliant, Superb, Tremendous, no one forgets their first flight in a glider! Accelerate from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds as you experience the thrill of being launched by Winch to around 1500’. From there you can gaze down upon the beautiful Staffordshire landscape as the glider gently slips through the air. Your instructor will demonstrate the use of the controls and give you the chance to fly. Alternatively you can just relax and enjoy the view – you choose! If time allows, there may ne time for a second flight at a reduced price if you wish. Due to cockpit restrictions, maximum weight is 16 stone.

Gliding Evenings at Stratford .. see Stratford by glider!

Date: Thursday 11th July or Tuesday 13th August 2013 Place: Stratford on Avon Gliding Club, Snitterfield (CV37 0EX) # Meet: From 6.00pm onwards Cost: £35 (£37 Gst): paid as £5 (£7) deposit + £30 on arrival by cash/ cheque Gliding is one of the adventures which Spice members rave about most. Flying gracefully and quietly, you are at one with your environment, following the air currents and thermals which nature provides - quite a contrast to powered flight. The pilot will offer you a go at the controls which provides a great sense of achievement. They also offer a second flight (time permitting) at a reduced price for those who want to get back up again. You can choose to have this second flight as an even more exciting demonstration of what a glider can do! Due to cockpit restrictions, maximum weight is 16 stone.

Flight Simulator Experience th

.. could you pilot a 737?

Date: Saturday 12 October 2013 Place: Sywell Aerodrome in Northamptonshire (NN6 0BN) # Meet: Slots from 2pm Cost: £59 (£64 Guest) Here is an ultimate experience that’s on most of our ‘must do’ lists and we have a deal, much less than the public price. Possibly the ultimate challenge, could you fly a complete circuit of a major airport including take off, climb to height and landing with one of your colleagues sat next to you and the instructor in the back seat? Add an element of competition with points out of 100 scored for performance and the pressure will be on! How does it work? Every session starts with a briefing by one of our qualified pilots, covering in detail cockpit layout, speeds and everything you will need to know to fly the aircraft. Briefing complete and it’s off to the simulator, those waiting for their session can relax in our airport themed reception with complimentary drinks. Each pilot will get 20 minutes as captain and 20 minutes as first officer giving everybody 40 minutes at the controls time. More Information: Find a fuller description of this event and the Simulator we’re flying at www.spicebham.com ______________________________ 10

Animal Encounters & Equestrian Lots of fun in the animal kingdom

Beginners Horse Trek


.. a 2 hour beginners trek experience

Date: Sunday 13 October 2013 Place: Bagginswood Stables, Shropshire (DY14 8NB) # Meet: 1pm for 1.30pm – 3.30pm trek Cost: £49 Member, £54 Guest (Optional pub lunch afterwards) A 2 hour trek organised by a quality, family run stables on the Shropshire/Worcestershire Countryside and is designed for beginners or novice riders. This will be a very gentle ride on kind easy horses with fully trained escorts on foot for those that wish. After the ride we will go to the pub for a drink. Absolute beginners are welcome.

Adventure Trekking Day nd

.. a day's trekking for confident riders

Date: Sunday 22 September 2013 Place: Bagginswood Stables, Shropshire (DY14 8NB) # Meet: 9.30am -10am - 4pm Cost: £95 Member, £99 Guest (pub lunch is extra) A day's trekking organised by a quality, family run stables on the Shropshire/Worcestershire border. This is a fantastic opportunity to ride through herds of wild ponies in the Beautiful South Shropshire Hills across common land and spectacular ridges with magnificent views. We will stop at a pub which serves food (not included) around lunchtime. This day trek is restricted to confident riders who are prepared to canter as the instructor will be on horseback and the terrain is sometimes steep. Riding hats are provided but please wear sensible footwear and comfy, old warm clothes.

Polo Indoor Lesson at Rugby rd

.. another exciting opportunity to play polo

Date: Saturday 3 August 2013 Place: Willoughby, Rugby (CV23 8AJ) # Meet: 10.45am for 11am to 12noon Cost: £52 Member, £55 Guest Polo is becoming more and more accessible (which means you don’t have to be related to The Queen to play any more .. although of course it helps!). Be warned though – Spice members tell me it’s highly addictive! Polo demands a different type of skill to any riding you may have tried before and the horses can accommodate any standard of horsemanship. We get a 1 hour lesson at an indoor school by polo professional Philip Baker on easy to ride ponies. The lesson is more suited to those with basic horse riding skills than absolute beginners.

Only Spice on Horses!

.. learn to ride in 6 weeks at an indoor school!

Date: Every Wednesday from 4th September - 9th October 2013 Place: Middleton Equestrian Centre see below (B78 2AT) Meet: 6.45pm for 7pm to 8pm session each week Cost: £156 Member, £166 Guest (Deposit £50) Incl: Lessons: 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th Sept and 2nd & 9th October Can you learn to ride in 6 weeks? These hour lessons will be on consecutive Thursdays. No experience is necessary to take part and the school is indoors. It’s a great opportunity to learn a skill pretty thoroughly with the support of a group of friends (8 max) who will go through the whole experience with you and no doubt “debrief” afterwards at the pub! Directions to Middleton Equestrian Centre: See detailed directions with writeup at www.spicebham.com.

For All Horse Riding Events Wear footwear with a small heel/ ankle support & gloves as reigns rub your hands. Riding hats are provided and must be worn. Max rider weight: Middleton 13st, Warwick International 20st, Stottesdon 15st. Rugby not stated.


Medieval Jousting

.. join the special few who have tried this event!

Date: Saturday 17th August 2013 Place: Warwick International, Guys Cliff (CV34 5YD) # Meet: 9.15am - 5.00pm Cost: £175 Member, £185 Guest A unique opportunity to learn the ultimate medieval art, with The Knights of Middle England. Our day is run by Karl UdeMartinez who has years of experience performing live jousting shows all over Europe. For obvious safety reasons, we’re not allowed to actually hit each other as death often results from that – and such bravery is not deemed culturally appropriate to the modern age! However, they use a quitaine (or dummy) to take the impact. On arrival we’ll be given a safety briefing and your riding will be assessed. You’ll learn basic jousting skills such as hitting the quintaine and learn basic sword and staff fighting. Being a knight also involves being dressed in medieval costume. No real riding experience is needed, but would be an advantage. For safety, if the instructor feels your riding is not strong enough for certain tasks, you’ll make it up in other activities. Reasonable fitness is required as you’ll be in the saddle for most of the day.

Carriage Driving Experience Day th

.. let the experts show you how!

Date: Saturday 5 October 2013 Place: Darley Dale near Matlock (DE4 2ER) # Meet: 10.30am for 11am to 3pm session Cost: £79 Member, £85 Guest Today we have a wonderful opportunity to experience the world of carriage driving at Redhouse Stables Working Carriage museum nr Matlock, Derbyshire. On arrival take a good look around the unique collection of horse drawn carriages and memorabilia in the carriage museum. There will then be a coffee and an introduction to the day followed by a demonstration of harnessing up and ‘putting to’ with a Single pony. Following a lunch break we will then enjoy a hands on carriage drive with a selection of single turnouts and your instructors. This will be followed by a drive out with a pair and watch them working in harness. After a well deserved cup of tea there will be a presentation of individual certificates.

Walk with Wolves - Bedford

.. exclusive Spice visit with opportunity to feed wolves


Dates: Sunday 8 September or Saturday 23rd November 2013 Place: A428 between Bromham & Turvery # Meet: 10.15am (ends 1.30pm) Cost: £47 Member, £52 Guest This event and the introduction to wolves will allay any pre-conceived ideas we may have about these beautiful animals! We meet the wolves and their handlers at the Anglian Wolf Society which is a private sanctuary for wolves and they support and raise funds for wolf conservation. They are not open to the public but have agreed to allow Spice members to accompany the wolves on their walk and to have a wolf experience where you can help feed them. You will be introduced to the wolves before setting off on the walk. We’ll feed the wolves and have some hands on experience.

Learn to Horse Ride in a Day th

.. a beginners fun day

Date: Sunday 25 August 2013 Place: Warwick International, Guys Cliff (CV34 5YD) Meet: 10.30am to approx 2.30pm Cost: £57 Member, £65 Guest Set in the heart of Shakespeare’s county Warwick International School of Riding prides itself in its professional attitude, with a friendly atmosphere. Today is a great opportunity to be introduced to the wonderful new skill of horse riding. The day is based at complete beginners with plenty of fun. There will even be a chance to win a rosette at the end of the day. The full writeup for this event can be found on our website including detailed directions (or call us for more).

For All Horse Riding Events Wear footwear with a small heel/ ankle support & gloves as reigns rub your hands. Riding hats are provided and must be worn. Max rider weight: Middleton 13st, Warwick International 20st, Stottesdon 15st. Rugby not stated.


Beekeeping Afternoon .. learn all about bees & honey!

Date: Saturday 3rd August 2013 Place: Finchfield, Wolverhampton (WV3 8EN) # Meet: 2pm to approx 4.30pm Cost: £12 Member, £15 Guest Bees are fascinating creatures who inhabit an amazing ‘society’ all of their own – complete with organised labour, nursery system and even their own monarchy! Today you will get a chance to enter that world with Phil, who is a retired lecturer also a keen bee keeper in his own right. We will meet Phil at his home address (supplied to those who book), just 3 miles from Wolverhampton City Centre where we will have an introductory chat before sharing cars to the hive location about a mile away. You will get to see a busy hive opened up with a full explanation of what it’s all about (and with all necessary safety kit provided!). Exactly what will be covered will depend on what there is to see on the day, but we’re likely to learn the basics of how to build your own hive and how to extract and bottle honey (in case you get hooked and want to take up the hobby!). After that, we return to Phil's house, where he will put the kettle on (and may even treat you to some honey!). Note: Please avoid wearing makeup (perfumes/ aftershaves in particular) as it effects the behaviour of the bees

Ash End House Farm Experience

.. wake up the animals with a tour, breakfast & lots of extra treats!

Sunday 14th July 2013 Middleton Lane, Tamworth (B78 2BL) 9am start (breakfast at around 10am) £18.50 (£22 Guest) Incl: Guided tour of farm (with animal feed), shire horse experience, falconry experience, tractor ride & their 'big breakfast' in the cafe Here’s a wonderful opportunity to wake up the farm animals at Ash End House Farm! Arriving at the farm for 9am (before the farm opens at 10am) we get our very own guided tour when we can feed and cuddle their goats, sheep, ducks, rabbits pigs etc. We will hear the history of the farm and lots of interesting facts. We will visit their Falconry Centre and meet Craig who will chat about the birds followed by a display. If not flying, the birds are on static display, giving you the chance to enjoy the close up beauty and elegance of these wonderful birds. After feeding the animals we will be getting hungry as well, so we’re off to the café for a full English breakfast (included). We will then go onto meet the Shires which will include sitting on a shire horse as well as long reining, and helping harness up. Ash End House Shire Horse Centre is a purpose built busy working yard, although it is part of the children's farm it is now becoming popular with visitors in it's own right. For those of you that fancy it we can then enjoy a bumpy tractor trailer tide around their paddock. You are then free to spend the rest of the day at the farm at your leisure.

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Marvellous Mammals Tour

.. find out about some of our more secretive wildlife

Date: Saturday 7th September 2013 Place: RSPB Middleton, Nr Tamworth (B78 2AE) see detailed directions online Meet: 10.30am - 12.30pm Cost: £11.50 (£13.50 Guest) Includes guided walk, drink & cake Join Nick Martin as he surveys this beautiful and wildlife rich part of the Tame Valley. We will be looking for signs of animals from deer to badgers and foxes to voles. Using a variety of methods we’ll have a great chance to find out about some of the secretive wildlife that lives all around us but is so seldom seen. Nick also promises a special wildlife treat! And if that’s not enough there will be a chance to relax with a welcome al fresco drink and cake.

Chestnut Centre Otter Tour & Posh Picnic th

.. a relaxing wildlife experience

Date: Saturday 14 September 2013 Place: Chapel-en-le-Frith, High Peak, Derbys # (SK23 0QS) Meet: 10.30 for 11am Cost: £22.50 (£24.50 Guest) Incl: Entrance, 2 hour tour, Spice Host & Posh picnic The Chestnut Conservation Centre has Europe's largest groups of multi-specied otters, owls and other indigenous wildlife. Today we are guests of Spice Manchester who have also organised a special picnic for us all. More Details: This is an edited writeup. Full details of this event can be found at www.spicebham.com 13

Horse Whisperer Monty Roberts Live .. witness this inspiring evening with the master!

Date: Thursday 17th October 2013 Place: Rodbaston College, Penkridge # (ST19 5PH.) Meet: 7.00pm - 7.30pm Cost: £30 Member, £32 Guest World-famous horse whisperer Monty Roberts is touring again. Maggie went to see him demonstrate his techniques live last time and said it was one of the most inspiring evenings that she had ever witnessed. Monty has built a huge following for his methods of talking to horses and training by kindness. His work has gained him the name “horse whisperer" and his teachings have captivated millions of horse-lovers all over the world, including the British Royal Family and inspired the Robert Redford film of that name. He has helped more than 10,000 no-hope horses and tonight will demonstrate his techniques on a range of horses their owners have brought along with a range of difficulties to overcome. You don’t have to be a horse lover to enjoy this evening. But please book quickly, as any unsold tickets can be recalled at any time.

Walking with the Welsh Pit Ponies .. an unusual opportunity to meet these rare animals

Date: Sunday 4th August 2013 Place: Welsh Pit Pony Centre, Pontypridd (CF37 1PS) # Meet: 11am Cost: £14 (£16 Guest) This is a fabulous chance to meet the last few Welsh Pit Ponies as we visit the Pony Rehabilitation Centre, & The Pit Pony Sanctuary, and we will be guided for a quiet walk in the high pastures with a magnificent panoramic backdrop. More Details: This is an edited writeup. Full details of this event can be found at www.spicebham.com

Llama & Mule Trekking with Lunch th

.. an idylic new trek in the Wye Valley

Date: Sundays: 11 August or 29th September 2013 Place: Mallards Pike, Forest of Dean (GL16 7EL) # Meet: 11.00am Cost: £42 (£45 Guest) Includes: Picnic lunch There’s nothing more stress relieving than trekking with animals, and today we’re out with pack animals from various continents! We will definitely have llamas with us, plus a Bulgarian Donkey (called Geoffrey) who we will all get to drive from his trap. We’re the guests of Alasdair and Moira Fraser, who have nurtured an unusual collection of pack animals in a most scenic and unspoilt area of calm and natural beauty. On arrival, we’ll be introduced to the animals and our guide will show us how to handle them. The animals carry all our provisions and kit for the day. The llamas will then, in their own lovely way, proceed to teach you anything that Alastair has forgotten! Our route takes us past Speech House, various lovely lakes, under railway bridges which used to service the numerous mines reminding us of an industrial heritage of not so long ago. We often enjoy fleeting glimpses of small herds of deer in delightful woodland glades. We’ll stop for our picnic (included with the trek) at one of the beauty spots. The return journey follows a different trail back to our start. This trek is 7 miles of very easy walking and if you do get tired, you can always ride in the trap!

Deer Walk with a Ranger at Bradgate Park .. a deer walk in search of the magnificent Red Deer Stag!

Date: Saturday 12th October 2013 Place: Bradgate, Leceistershire (LE6 0HE) # Meet: 10.50 for 11am Cost: £5 (£6.50 Guest) Extra: Take £3 for car parking We have arranged for a Bradgate ranger to take us on a guided deer walk at rutting time, when we have a chance of spotting their famous red stags. It’s an easy walk of around 1½ hours. Deer with Attitude: Other than the Scottish Glens, Bradgate Park is the best place to catch a glimpse of those “hard”, powerful red deer stags. And there’s no better time to visit than during their annual rut when these magnificent, handsome deer will be looking their best. Despite standing over 6 feet tall and being the largest British land mammal but beware that these beautiful animals are wary and can be very elusive. Note: The walk can be hilly and rocky so wear good footwear. ______________________________ 14

Spice Makes a Difference Spice members love supporting the community – either in practical help (like on litter picking walks) or by raising huge amounts of cash for good causes. Our involvement with charities also enables us to offer some absolutely unique experiences – so with these events everyone wins! As well as these, you will find other events under other categories which promote social awareness and support selected charities, including some of our Behind the Scenes visits.

Spice Book Club

.. discuss a book each month over tea & cakes!


Dates: Mondays: ● 1 July ● 2nd Sept ● 7 Oct ● 4 Nov 2013 (No Book Club in August) Place: Meet inside The Spice Office – see below (B74 3EJ) Meet: 8pm Start (ends around 9.30pm) Cost: FREE, but collection for Book Aid on day. In order to have a sociable literary evening each month and raise money for Book Aid International (www.bookaid.org) we have a monthly meet up at the Spice office. The idea is that each month we discuss a set book that we have read in preparation. The conversation will be lead by our volunteer, Kate Coulter, but is very informal. Kate will provide teas/ coffees/mineral water and some home baked treats. A voluntary collection will be taken each month which we will send to Book Aid International who send books to schools and libraries in third world countries and are endorsed by celebrity writers such as Michael Palin and their patron is The Duke of Edinburgh. It costs just £2 to send one book to readers in sub-Saharan Africa and beyond so every penny we raise can make a difference. Preparation: You will need to have read each book beforehand. You can buy or try your local library. The Venue: The Spice Office is above Boots Chemist at 6a Burnett Road in Streetly, Sutton Coldfield B74 3EJ. Press the buzzer on the green door which is to the side of Boots. There is parking on the road, and around the back. The Books (there is a précis of each book on the on line version of this write up at www.spicebham.com): ● July: Florence and Giles – John Harding. ● September 2013: Call The Midwife - Jennifer Worth. ● October 2013: Me Before You – Jojo Moyes. ● November 2013: The Greatcoat – Helen Dunmore.

St Giles Hospice - Charity Talk

.. be inspired by the pioneering work of this brilliant charity Date: Tuesday 10th September 2013 Place: Royal Hotel, High St, Sutton Coldfield (B72 1UD) Meet: 7.30pm Extras: No charge but voluntary donations on night please to St Giles Hospice We’re delighted to welcome Lyn Shiel to talk about the incredible work of a charity which touches many lives. She’s a talented presenter who really generates enthusiasm for a subject that many might avoid talking about. So please don’t be put off booking because you expect the subject of palliative care to be dull or depressing – believe me, you’ll be inspired.

Dog Walk in Sutton Park th

.. a gentle walk with our dogs!

Date: Sunday 18 August 2013 Place: Outside Bistro at Blackroot, Sutton Park (B74 2YU) Meet: 10.30am FREE but collection for The Cancer Support Centre on day Just for fun we’re having a different type of walk today – one were dogs are included. We’ll meet by the Bistro at Blackroot and take a walk for around 1½ hours at the pace of the slowest canine. There will be hills and varied terrain. Richard will give a few bits of info along the way if his 2 naughty Yorkies let him share his attention! To read more about this event, please visit www.spicebham.com ______________________________


Cycling & Mountain Biking Biking is great fun and our instructors, will ensure you have fun whether you're peddling along a country lane, or trying to reach the summit of a craggy peak! The rides are lead by experienced guides (unless otherwise stated) who also act as bike doctors should anybody's bike fall poorly. If you use your own bike it must be in reasonable condition and suitable for the type of event described. Also, you MUST bring & wear a helmet (usually provided with hire bikes, but check).

Mountain Biking - Follow the Dog Trail .. a ride for those with some off road experience


Date: Sunday 1 September 2013 Place: Birches Valley Forest Ctr nr Rugeley (WS15 2UQ) # Meet: 10.00am Cost: £12 (£15 Guest) Extra: Bring mountain bike & helmet or hire with Swinnertons 01889 575170 Simon has received brilliant feedback from his “Beginners” events, so we’ve asked him to run an “Improvers” ride this time. We’re looking to conquer one of the UK’s foremost off road cycle trails. Simon is a qualified and experienced Mountain Bike Instructor and will help you improve your riding technique and to get the very best out of your biking.

Mountain Biking for Beginners th

.. basic skills plus a taste of the "Follow the Dog"

Date: Sunday 18 August 2013 Place: Birches Valley Forest Ctr nr Rugeley (WS15 2UQ) # Meet: 10.00am Cost: £12 (£15 Guest) Extra: Bring a bike & helmet or hire with Swinnerton Cycles 01889 575170 Discover just how much fun Mountain Biking can be by joining Simon (son of Mark Fenton and leader of our Coast to Coast Rides) at one of the UK’s foremost off road cycle trails. Simon is a qualified and experienced Mountain Bike Instructor and very patient and skilled at helping people improve their riding techniques to get the very best out of their biking whilst staying safe. Our morning will be spent learning lots of vital skills together. After this, Simon will take us on the famous “Follow the Dog” mountain bike trail under his close supervision. Bikes: You will need a “proper” mountain bike with chunky tyres. Hire bikes can be pre ordered (see above) .

Come & Try Mountain Biking th

.. a great way to get started

Date: Saturday 6 July 2013 Place: Carsington near Matlock, Derbyshire # Meet: 10.30am Cost: £16 (£18 Guest). To hire a bike, call 01629 540478 The area around Carsington Reservoir is ideal for learning the art of cycling off-road it offers some relatively easy cycling terrain in glorious, rural Derbyshire countryside. The centrepiece of the riding is the 8.5 mile route round the reservoir on undulating, smooth, clean, wide bridleways - this is a very popular and well ridden route for cyclists and within the capability of most people who can competently ride a bike. Carsington is one of Britain’s newest reservoirs and besides its scenic attraction, it has a top class Visitor Centre offering you the chance after the cycling to browse around a variety of shops, an exhibition centre plus the obligatory trip to the restaurant or cafe. Any questions – contact Jez on 07974 967209.

BMX Taster Session


.. awesome indoor entertainment!

Date: Tuesday 13 August 2013 Place: Creation Climbing, 582 Moseley Rd, B'ham (B12 9AA) Meet: 7.15pm for 7.30pm - 9pm Session Cost: £24 (£27 Guest) includes bike & safety equipment This is a brand new event where you will be taught by a professional instructor how to compete in BMX riding and learn all the tricks of the trade. Our 1½ hour session includes all equipment and instruction and will cover specific techniques such as foot position, turning clockwise, riding the ramps and speed control. As we progress more advanced techniques will be introduced such as bunny hops or small jumps. It’s a fun packed adrenaline event which can’t be missed. 16

Mountain Bike Intro & BBQ th

.. the perfect start for off road novices

Date: Saturday 24 August 2013 Place: Wyre Forest Discovery Centre (DY14 9XQ) # Meet: 10am Cost: £39 (£45 Guest) Includes bikes, helmets & BBQ food. Enjoy an easy/moderate ride for ‘off-road’ mountain bike experience for novice riders followed by a BBQ. We will receive full instruction before embarking on our morning. Bikes and helmets can be provided at no extra cost or you are welcome to bring your own bike if it is suitable for off road riding.

Easy Cycling Tour of Cannock Chase th

.. includes German Military Cemetery visit

Date: Sunday 14 July 2013 Place: Meet by Go Ape, Birches Valley (WS15 2UQ) Meet: 1pm for 1.15pm Start Extras: No charge to book, but voluntary collection for The Cancer Support Centre on the day Some more “cycling for softies” today with Richard – and all in a good cause! Ideal for those who like to take it easy, or perhaps haven’t cycled for some time and want to test their ability at a very relaxed pace. We meet by the Ape statue in front of the Go Ape reception where Richard will have seen off our groups booked on Go Ape and Forest Segway before meeting you all for the cycle ride. We will follow the “blue” forest trail which is an easy walking and cycling track that takes in many of the lakes and most beautiful spots on the chase. It is 7½ miles long on good cycle paths. If it is wet, it can be a little muddy in parts, so dress accordingly. Added to this, we plan to make a detour (approx 2 miles on tarmac) to visit the German Military Cemetery where Richard will give background information on this tranquil and poignant reminder of the young Germans who lost their lives on British territory in WW2 including the crew of a Zeppelin Airship. We might also visit the nearby Katyn Massacre Memorial, which commemorates the Polish victims of Stalin’s forces in 1940, before returning to complete the forest trail. After the ride we will no doubt visit the Forestry Commission café together. The ride is lead by Richard (Spice Coordinator) who is not a qualified cycle leader, just an enthusiastic amateur. So please do not expect anything more than a leisurely ride with friends. The Cancer Support Centre: Before we set off there will be a collection for The Cancer Support Centre, who do brilliant work with cancer sufferers and their families. They have been a tremendous help to many Spice members over the years who have diagnosed (or had a family member diagnosed) with cancer. They are based in Sutton Coldfield from where they serve people from all over the West Midlands. Important: Please bring a bike (anything serviceable is fine) and a cycle helmet. Helmets must be worn for safety and insurance reasons. Please also bring a bike lock so we can leave our bikes unattended where necessary. Bike Hire: Bikes can be hired from Swinnerton Cycles (just next to our meet point) but we recommend reserving well in advance as they get busy. Visit http://www.bikechase.co.uk/index.php?pid=103 ______________________________

Give an old newsletter a trip to the Doctors! Spice Birmingham would not operate without the generous efforts of keen volunteers. This keeps costs down, numbers up, and ensures that other members are ‘bonded’ into the group as quickly as possible. There are lots of simple things that members do to help their group. One of the most valuable ways you can help spread the word about Spice is to leave an old newsletter in a waiting room. We get calls from intrigued people who have started reading about us in a Doctors, Hairdressers, Takeaways, MOT Centres or .. just about anywhere!


Dance Workshops VENUES : ● Midlands Arts Centre, Cannon Hill Park, Edgbaston B12 9QH ● Pole Dancing: 156 - 157 Warstone Centre, Warstone Lane, (B18 6NZ) ● Morris Dancing: Jubilee Scout Hall, High Holborn, Sedgley (DY3 1SS) You don't need any experience to enjoy these fun events. If the dance involves partners, we'll pair you up on the night - and as we change partners frequently you get to tread on everyone's toes!

Burlesque Dance Afternoon!

Pole Dancing with Pure Joy

Date: Sundays: 1) 14th July or 2) 13th October 2013 Place: MAC: 1) Randal Studio; 2) English Studio Meet: Sessions: 1) 1.30 - 3.30pm 2) 1pm - 3pm Cost: £18.50 (£22 Guest) Ladies, join us for a couple of hours of fun and excitement – a true indulgence into the art of being feminine. We all have the ability to be sexy, no matter what our shape, age or size and this session will fill us full of all the tips and treats we need to let our ‘inner goddess’ glow. Be prepared to laugh, flirt, dance and dress up as your inner burlesque starlet blossoms. The session includes an insight in to working with props including hats, gloves, feathers, fans, chairs and tassels! (all props provided by the dance teacher) We will learn how to peel the glove, unroll the stocking and tease our audience as with the rest of the group we transform in to a burlesque diva troupe all in the space of a couple of hours! Becky from Blush comes highly recommended and has promised us a truly indulgent girlie experience that will have us laughing endlessly and strutting for the rest of the day. Bring comfortable, loose clothing that is easy to move in, or if you prefer dress in your favourite ‘sexy’ clothes! shoes are essential but what type is up to you; whatever gives you that extra strut!

Date: Saturday 10th August 2013 Place: 156-157 Warstone Centre B18 6NZ Meet: Arrive 1.20pm for 1.30pm - 4.00pm Cost: £20 (£23 Guest) incl. refreshments & snacks Join us today in a purpose built studio, fitted with 6 poles, in the heart of Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter. Pole dancing has become one of the most exciting and empowering forms of exercise that you can encounter. This experience is for ladies and gentlemen who can think of nothing worse than slaving away in the gym and for all shapes, sizes and ages. The great thing about the experience is that it is fun! See fuller details of this event at www.spicebham.com

.. a fun introduction anyone can try!

.. your chance to become a sexy starlet!

Ballroom M’class - Cha Cha Cha .. learn the Cha Cha Cha just like the celebrities

Date: Saturday 19th October 2013 Place: Midlands Art Centre - Performance Studio Meet: 3.30pm for 3.45pm - 5.45pm session Cost: £9.50 Member, £10.50 Guest Today we’ll be dancing with Christopher and dance partner Vicky. They are amazing dancers and teachers, very patient and making the whole experience a lot of fun. This is aimed at complete beginners, but beginners/improvers are most welcome too.

Greek Dance Workshop

.. great fun, sociable dancing!

Morris Dancing for Beginners!

Date: Friday 20th September 2013 Place: The Midlands Art Centre- Randle Studio Meet: 7.15pm for 7.30pm to 9.30pm Cost: £8 Member, £9.50 Guest Greek Dance is a vivid expression of everyday life. Weddings, family celebrations .. and Spice nights at Greek restaurants. It's easy to learn for guys and girls alike and is sure to be a giggle. We've a specialist tutor called Darius (yes really!) who takes this workshop into schools! It's unbeatable fun, so don't miss it!

.. have fun keeping an eccentric tradition alive!

Date: Thursday 22nd August 2013 Place: High Holborn, Sedgley (DY3 1SS) Meet: 7.45 pm for 8pm - 10pm session Cost: £12 (£14.50 Guest) You've jumped from 12,000', dived with sharks, and 'ridden the Zorb! but have you taken up a challenge like this before? First Sedgley Morris Men have put together this introduction to their art for all budding morris men and morris girls! Despite Stephen Fry’s famous advice that “you should try everything once…except incest and morris damcing”, we're going to give it a go (well the dancing anyway!). We can look forward to: ٠ 2 display dances by First Sedgley ٠ Teaching of a handkerchief dance ٠ Talk on the history of the morris ٠ Teaching of a stick dance ٠ and (best bit!) a drink with the morris men at a local hostelry. Wear any comfortable clothing which allows movement and bring two large handkerchiefs. Footwear should be trainers or similar. Just bring a camera and a sense of humour!

Ballroom Masterclass - Samba

.. learn the Samba just like the celebrities!

Date: Saturday 3rd August 2013 Place: Midlands Art Centre - Randle Studio Meet: 10.15am for 10.30 - 12.30pm session Cost: £9.50 Member, £10.50 Guest Have you ever envied the celebrities on Strictly Come Dancing being taught by top professional dancers and wished you could have a go too? Have you always wanted to have a go at Latin/ballroom dancing but didn’t know whether you’d like it enough to commit to a course? We’ll be dancing with Christopher and his dance partner Vicky. They are both amazing dancers and teachers, very patient and making the whole experience a lot of fun.As usual there’s no need to bring a partner (unless you have one handy!) as we’ll pair off at random within the group when necessary which always adds to the fun and social nature of these lessons. This is aimed at complete beginners, but beginners/improvers are most welcome too. Take along a drink and some spare cash for the café afterwards.


Ballroom Masterclass - Waltz!

Salsa Dance Workshop

.. latin magic for beginners & improvers

.. learn the Waltz just like the celebrities!


Date: Friday 4 October 2013 Place: Midlands Art Centre - Randle Studio Meet: 7.30pm for 7.45pm - 9.45pm session Cost: £8 (£9.50 Guest) Quite a few members have been asking for more Salsa classes, Steve is a great teacher, so why not come along and learn some cool Salsa moves for all your Christmas parties! Steve is getting great feedback for these special Spice Nights. His classes are fun and easy to follow, so come on lets give it a go!

Date: Saturday 14th September 2013 Place: Midlands Art Centre- Randle Studio Meet: 10.45 for 11.00am - 1.00pm Cost: £9.50 Member, £10.50 Guest Learn this elegant dance with Christopher and his dance partner Vicky who are highly regarded in the world of ballroom dancing. The Waltz is an elegant and graceful dance, that epitomizes romance and exudes grace. This is aimed at complete beginners, but beginners/improvers are most welcome too.

Cheerleading Workshop!

Scottish Dancing Workshop

Date: Sunday 29th September 2013 Place: Midlands Art Centre - Randle Studio Meet: 1.15pm for 1.30pm - 4.30pm session Cost: £15.50 (£17.50 Guest) Incl: pom poms! Ladies, the one you’ve all been asking for! Give me an "F", give me a "U", give me an "N"! and grab a couple of ludicrously oversized pom-poms (provided) to join Sheena for this Cheerleading workshop! You don't have to be able to form a pyramid, cartwheel, or do the splits to still look brilliant (but she'll give you the opportunity to do them if you like). Two left feet, lots of enthusiasm, and a dazed look will do just fine! So form a disorderly queue and shake those pom-poms!

Date: Thursday 5th September 2013 Place: Midlands Art Centre - Performance Studio Meet: 7.15pm for 7.30 start finish at 9.30pm Cost: £9.50 Member, £10.50 Guest How about trying some Scottish Dancing for a change! Our teacher is Nicola, who regularly calls for ceilidhs and teaches beginners the basics of Scottish dancing around the Midlands. It's fun, energetic, and the lively jigs and reels are bound to get your feet moving. You'll have the chance to dance with plenty of other people, just bring comfortable shoes and enthusiasm! Once you’ve learned some of the basics of Scottish and ceilidh dancing, you'll be fully prepared for your next party north of the border! It's not quite such hard work as highland dancing (we don't have swords) and kilts are optional (although very welcome!)

.. shake your pom poms!

.. discover some fun & energetic dancing!


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Ian Jelf's England Ian is a legend within Spice. He’s a Blue Badge Guide who’ s really entertaining. His tours are very different from what you might expect, with lots of offbeat observations and crazy stories that he has researched for us! Allow a couple of hours - more if you get him talking about busses, phone boxes or 2CV’s .. or accept his invitation to the pub afterwards!

Bath Experience Day by Coach

Warwick Town Walk

Date: Saturday 27th July 2013 Place: Coach pick ups 7.30am, 8am & 8.30am # Meet: Local pick ups Cost: £35 Member, £39 Guest ● Sutton Parade 0730 – Outside Macdonalds ● Colmore Row 0800 – bus stops on Colmore Row by Cathedral ● Rubery 0830 –Great Park by Chiquitos We plan to make drop offs from around 7.00pm Here’s another of our popular day trips by coach to one of Englands most beautiful cities. From pick ups in the West Midlands we go straight to Bath where Ian will introduce us to the city with a walk lasting a couple of hours. Bath is one of the great sights of Britain, a City whose hot springs (unique in Britain) have fascinated visitors since Roman times. Our walk around the City not only allows time to admire the Georgian and Regency terraces and the Roman Baths but also allows Ian to tell some of the stories behind the elegant façades: early letters, the importance of acorns, the Macaronis and the shorthand all feature! You might even want to taste the Bath Water!

Date: Saturday 31st August 2013 Place: Outside the Tourist Information (CV34 4EW) Meet: 10.30am Cost: £8.50 Member, £10.50 Guest Never mind Warwick’s huge Castle! Did you know that Birmingham used to be administered from Warwick? Or that it was once a walled town? That it had its own Great Fire? Or that it was the home of a great sporting hero? If not, then you need to go on Ian Jelf’s two hour walk around historic Warwick, which covers “everything but the Castle”! We’ll spend a 2 hours wandering around the places that the hordes coming by coach never see. You might even want to visit the Castle afterwards. Meet in front of Warwick’s Tourist Information Centre, which is in the old Court House on the corner of Jury Street and Castle St.

.. discover the wonder of this beautiful city

.. everything but the castle

Jewellery Quarter Evening Walk .. discover this fascinating and unique area

Date: Thursday 5th September 2013 Place: Outside Station in Vyse Street (B18 6HA) Meet: 7pm Cost: £8.50 Member, £10.50 Guest Birmingham’s celebrated Jewellery Quarter is unique in Britain. It started off as a plush Georgian suburb before succumbing to the advance of small-scale industry. Today, jewellery workshops rub shoulders with retail outlets and modern apartments but the alleyways and squares of this most individual of areas still resound with a past just waiting to be discovered. And we know who’ll discover it .. Meet in front of the Jewellery Quarter Metro and Railway station in Vyse Street (Trams, trains, Inner Circle Bus 8, Bus 101 and various places to park nearby)

Sutton Park 2 & Afternoon Tea

.. discover Streetly & the delights of Mocha Cafe

Date: Sunday 4th August 2013 Place: Outside Spice Office, Streetly (B74 3EJ) Meet: 2pm Cost: £18.50 (£21.50) includes afternoon tea Ian’s been promising us a second walk around Sutton Park for ages and here it is. Plus, we’ve added in a sumptuous private afternoon tea at a lovely independent coffee shop after. This time we enter the Park through Streetly Gate and discover that Britain’s largest urban park is teeming not just with wildlife but also with history and stories. Ian promises us Romans, Saxons, Scouts and Lord Donegal (who?)! After approx 2 hours in the park we will finish at Mocha Coffee Shop (just under The Spice Office) where our afternoon tea will include traditional sandwiches, cakes and tea/ coffee etc. Wear good outdoor clothing and footwear. Meet: We meet outside the Spice Office at 6a Burnett Road.

Moseley Village Walk & Banquet .. a walk that could be 'Hobbit forming'!

Date: Sunday 15th September 2013 Place: The Green, Moseley Village (B13 8HW) Meet: 12noon Start Cost: £18.50 (£21.50 Guest) includes meal This is one of Ian's most-requested tours! Sylvan Moseley is a place apart with a village atmosphere and is to Birmingham what Hampstead is to North London. With its connections with the author J.R.R. Tolkien, Moseley has been in the limelight more than ever since the "Lord of the Rings" films. But we find that there's much more to this elegant suburb, which boats hidden houses (large and small) an ancient church, and even an example of Anglo-Saxon humour. After our walk (approx 1½ - 2 hours) we will move to Moseley’s Kababish for some authentic, Asian cuisine. The food is been created with an exotic collection of herbs & spices distinctively blended in the traditional ways of the Punjab and North West Frontier of Pakistan. Our lunch banquet is served as an unlimited “taster” menu. Meet: On the Green in the middle of the Village (Junction of St Mary's Row, Alcester Rd & Salisbury Rd). Bus 1, 1C, 35 & 50 go right there. We end at the Kababish near by.

Birmingham Evening Walk

.. think you know Birmingham .. think again!

Date: Tuesday 13th August 2013 Place: Victoria Sq. (by Council Hs/ Art Gall (B3 3DH) Meet: 7.00pm Cost: £8.50 Member, £10.50 Guest This is the ultimate introduction to one of the world's most surprising cities, a voyage through time from mediaeval field lines to a twenty first century redevelopment to match anything else in the world. En route we hear of Georgian gentry, Victorian social reformers, and postwar planners. Not to be missed! (This is still regarded as the "definitive Ian walk that started this series of tours off for us a few years ago. We still get asked for it a lot and it's ages since we've done this one in the evening. So if you've not had the chance yet, or you're looking for something to do after work now that the nights are getting lighter, book on this one and prepare to be very surprised about our own City.) Meet at the statue of Queen Victoria in Victoria Square


Nottingham City Walk

Ghostly & Grisly Birmingham Walk

.. discover the Queen of the Midlands

.. discover the wicked, cruel & spooky goings on!


Date: Thursday 31st October 2013 Place: Statue of Victoria in Victoria Square (s (B3 3DH) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £8.50 Member, £10.50 Guest A very special Birmingham walk, ideal for the darker nights. For tonight we go in search of the unexplained, the unexpected and the plain unpleasant as we go delving into Birmingham’s more grisly, ghoulish past! Through the darkened streets we go, hearing tales of a murder (or two), some ghostly theatrical goings on, stories of digging up bodies, the angel of death, ghostly monks .. and the tale of Birmingham’s most (in)famous corpse. Bring a stout heart, warm clothing and a sense of adventure! Directions: Victoria Square, is in front of the Council House & Town Hall, near the “floozy in the jaccuzi” water feature.

Date: Sunday 6 October 2013 Place: Tourist Info Centre, Smithy Row (NG1 2BY) Meet: 10.30am Cost: £8.50 Member, £10.50 Guest The latest Midland city to get the Ian Jelf treatment is Nottingham - somewhere where there's loads to discover. Yes, you'd expect stories of Robin Hood and lace (evidently the rumours are true!). But this is also the city that gave us Boots the Chemist, Raleigh Bikes and even the invention of the cigarette. And it also has trams, which means it's been hard to keep Ian away! There are some splendid old buildings to see too, lots of hidden corners and some great stories. Ian Jelf is a Blue Badge Guide and is very entertaining. His walks last approx 2 hours. Meet outside Nottingham Tourist Information Centre at 1-4 Smithy Row, Nottingham, on the North side of the Council House.

Birmingham at War Walk

Smethwicks' Amazing Canal Walk

.. an atmospheric walk for remembrance Sunday!

.. I can't believe it's not Venice!

Date: Sunday 10th November 2013 Place: Meet by statue of Bull in the Bull Ring (B5 4BG) Meet: 1.30pm Cost: £8.50 Member, £10.50 Guest To mark Remembrance Sunday we have a special Walk. Bearing in mind the date, we’ll be looking at how our City has been touched by war through the ages. As well as hearing about the Blitz and the home front, we’ll have a few surprises. War has left us with the curious name of a building, a special place in the history of rationing and several narrow escapes. And this is by no means confined to the two World Wars, as we learn how the Boer War came to Birmingham, a link with the Crimea and going further back where Brummies once fought on their own doorsteps. Even by Ian standards, we reckon this one will be a bit different! Meet at the statue of the Bull in the Bull Ring. The afternoon start follows neatly on from the morning’s ceremonies in Centenary Square which some people might like to see). We end in the Centenary Square area, too.


Date: Saturday 19 October 2013 Place: Smethwick Galton Bridge Station (B66 1HU) Meet: 10.30am Cost: £8.50 Member, £10.50 Guest The historic canalside in Smethwick, always aroused a lot of interest and surprise! So here’s a full tour of this important industrial area. This includes not only the original Birmingham Canal but also the spectacular Galton Valley, in its day the biggest earthwork in the world! There are some practicalities. You need to bring sensible "off road" boots as the towpath can be muddy in places. Secondly, this is a long walk (allow up to three hours) as its one which can't be rushed. It also involves a fair bit of climbing in places. And finally there are no toilets! So why would you want to come? Well, the historic Galton Valley is simply brimming with industrial history; two grade I listed monuments (the same listing as Westminster Abbey or Saint Paul's Cathedral!), stories of the working people who made our region and - yes, even in Central Smethwick - an amazingly rural area which is hardly ever discovered. So if you're looking for something a bit different and with a surprise around every corner, this is a walk for you! Meet: Detailed directions are given at www.spicebham.com.

Ghost Walk of Sutton Coldfield .. a brand new walk from Ian Jelf

Date: Wednesday 23rd October 2013 Place: Outside MacDonalds - The Parade (B72 1XX) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £8.50 Member, £10.50 Guest The Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield has its share of ghost stories and the unexplained, from spectral Roman soldiers to covens of Druids, from a Tudor King to a mysterious Victorian gentleman. So why not come along and find out more? Bring warm clothing, good shoes and a sense of adventure and discover the darker side of the "Royal Town", a town that was once far more important than Birmingham itself. Come and find out more! Notes: This is not one of those walks where actors in fancy dress jump out from behind gravestones! It is a tour of real reports and grisly happenings. Meet: Outside McDonald's which is at the junction of The Parade and Victoria Road.

A Spice Newsletter is just a Snapshot in Time We are booking new events into the Spice programme all the time as new opportunities occur. Please make sure that you also check our schedules on line at www,spicebham.com so you don’t miss a thing. We also update members on a weekly basis with out “Weekly Bulletin” by email and via our Facebook Page.


Motor Sport

Lots of crazy driving experiences to try!

Rally Driving Lesson


.. spend half a day at the London Rally School

Date: Saturdays: 3 August or 14th September 2013 (Sorry, earlier dates now full) Place: Bicester Oxfordshire (OX27 9AJ) # Meet: Choose ● AM 9.30am or ● PM 1.30pm (each is a half day course) Cost: £145 (£150 Guest) Have a go at one of the most exciting sports in the world! No previous experience needed! Top skilled and experienced competition drivers will be passing on their knowledge and expertise to YOU! All the behind-the-wheel tuition takes place in rally specification Ford Escort Rs2000’s unrestricted in speed, revs or gears. The event starts with coffee and a talk on the techniques of handling rally cars. It is then time to put this to test on the circuit set in the heart of the Oxfordshire countryside. Take away some improved and advanced driving skills. Extra option: Accident Damage Indemnity which reduces the potential cost of accident damage from £500 to zero is available to purchase for £15 per driver. If you require the accident damage indemnity it can be paid on arrival. Please Note: This event is shared with public bookings. Therefore, we cannot guarantee you will be with other Spicers.

Powerturn Buggy Racing .. crazy fun, down on the farm!

Date: Saturday 27th July 2013 Place: Mythe Farm, Atherstone (CV9 3PF) # Meet: 11.15 for 11.30am session* Cost: £36 Member, £39 Guest The Powerturn Buggy is a vehicle unlike any other – having 2 drive wheels are powered at different speeds by 2 engines to make the Powerturn "turn". The buggies are operated only by 2 levers - there is no steering wheel or pedals involved! This enables the buggies to do things that normal buggies can’t, such as spinning on the spot and wheelies while you drive - even around corners. Two people can drive this amazing vehicle at once by operating a lever each, though good communication is needed if you want to get anywhere! For the more serious driver going alone, the Powerturn Buggy can reach speeds in excess of 30mph. They can often be driven round a track quicker than a conventionally steered vehicle but it's also great fun sliding it and spinning it in all directions. You can move through more angles with more speed than anything else you can control yourself. Basically they are just brilliant fun!. *Depending on the number of people who book this event, our session will last between 1 – 2 hours and you we’ll get to learn and laugh together in a variety of fun scenarios. Notes: Wear warm clothing and strong boots or trainers. Appropriate equipment such as coveralls, helmets, gloves and goggles will be provided, along with full waterproof clothing if showers are likely.

Quad Bike Intro & Woodland Trek th

.. a trek on woodland trails in Sutton Coldfield

Date: Sunday 11 August 2013 Place: Bassetts Pole, Sutton Coldfield (B75 5SA) Meet: 9.30am for 10am – 11am session Cost: £35 (£39 Guest) Situated in the heart of the beautiful countryside at Bassetts Pole, Sutton Coldfield, the huge NPF adventure site has opened its woodland trails for quad bike trekking. Under expert instruction, we will develop our riding skills and take part in a trek throughout undiscovered trails in over 120 acres of beautiful woodland on 150cc KYMCO quad bikes. This 1 hour experience starts with a full safety briefing and training session with an instructor, teaching us how to ride and control the Quad safely. As soon as we have successfully completed this compulsory safety training our Quad trek will begin. The experience includes all kit and equipment including coveralls and helmets and a full 30 minutes riding the awesome quad bike. Note, this is a Quad Trek experience not racing.

Are you officially Amazing?

You could be once you have completed 10 challenging events. What better talking point for your CV! See your member handbook or visit www.spiceuk.com/amazing.asp or call us for details. 22

McLaren MP4-12C Thrill .. drive this brand new supercar

Date: Saturday 27th July 2013 Place: Prestwold Driving Centre, Loughborough (LE12 5SQ) # Meet: 8.00am for 9.00am on track Cost: £125 Member, £135 Guest The McLaren MP4-12C is the first production car wholly designed and built by McLaren since the McLaren F1. It’s the current (at time of writing) holder of the Top Gear fastest lap time. This spectacular speed machine is capable of 0-60mph in just 3.3 seconds and boasts a top speed of 207mph and is manufactured by the F1 specialists here in the UK, not Italy! You get: ●Welcome, Introduction and Safety Briefing ● 2 laps with instructor driving performance training car ● 4 laps driving a McLaren MP4-12C ● Individual Driving Experience Certificate to finish Please Note: This event is shared with public bookings. Therefore, we cannot guarantee you will be with other Spicers.

Forest Segway on Cannock Chase th

.. trek by Segway on a forest trail

Date: Sundays: 14 July or 15th September 2013 Place: Birches Valley Forest Ctr nr Rugeley (WS15 2UQ) # Meet: 11.25 for 11.40am Start Cost: £30 Member, £35 Guest Get off the beaten track and experience an hour of fun on these amazing machines. We’re off exploring the forest on the latest in green technology – self-balancing electric Segways. It’s a totally unique way to tackle the trails in the forest. Our experience with us lasts an hour, and that includes a brief bit of safety and instruction before we head out with an instructor. You’ll need to weigh between 7 and 19½ stone but other than that, virtually anyone can do it. This experience is run by Go Ape who also run the popular “treetop experience” from the same location. The site has its own metered car-parking (around £2) which is payable on the day. There are toilet facilities but suggest that you bring a packed lunch to eat before or after your visit as food on site is very limited. We will send joining details/ map, but you can also find lots of information at www.goape.co.uk.

Hovercraft Driving on Land & Water nd

.. get to grips with these crazy machines!

Date: Sunday 22 September 2013 Place: Rednal Airfield, Rednal, Oswestry (SY11 4HS) # Meet: 11am Cost: £35 (£39 Guest) Anybody can “fly” a hovercraft. As long as you are able to stay upright and on your knees, you can do it. We’ve got together with the experts to provide a fun introduction at a dedicated venue. This track even includes a short stretch (10 meters) where you cross a pond and get to feel the difference in performance when you take to the water. The length of our visit will depend on the numbers that book, but everyone will get to cover 4 kilometres in a hovercraft. If we have enough bookings to justify, the suppliers will also provide an extra event such as archery or blindfold driving to fill in the time between turns. The instructors will give a very full briefing and training throughout. This is always a popular and fun event, so please book early and bring a huge sense of fun.

Race Tuition with a Professional Racing Driver th

.. 4 hours of race coaching from ex F1 drivers

Date: Sunday 4 August 2013 Place: MIRA, Nuneaton, Warwickshire (CV10 0TU) # Meet: 9.00am for 9.15am Cost: £249 (£269 Guest) Includes: cars, circuit damage and personal injury cover and tuition. This is a fantastic Spice opportunity to join the Supercar Lifestyle team for 4 hours of 1-on-1 full race tuition. This is the “real deal”, as your tutor will be an ex Formula 1 driver such as Ian Ashley or Mike Wilds and we will be using the prestigious MIRA Test facility. Starting off in a BMW M3’s Ian or Mike and the team will coach you both through practical and theory tuition the art of racing, working you up to a Porsche GT3 cup car standard. The day will include such vital skills as negotiating corners, achieving perfect racing lines, managing over steer and under steer, advanced breaking techniques and much more. If you are serious about your driving, don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from the best. 23

Tank Battle Experience

.. challenge your fellow teams to a tank paintball battle!

Date: Sundays: 4th August or 6th October 2013 Place: Lutterworth, Leicestershire (LE17 6NW) # Meet: Session runs 10am – 12noon Cost: £95 Member, £99 Guest This event has had great feedback. We have booked 4 tanks, each of which take a crew of 3 Spice members who will be with their tank throughout (so no waiting around on this one!) We start with a practice session, where we put the tank through it’s paces on the 1 mile track and firing range. We will alternate the 3 positions in the tank so that each person gets a chance to drive, a chance to load the gun and a chance to fire. The gun is adapted to fire paintball ammunition, and can be fired with the hatch up or down. In battle, of course the hatch has to be down and aimed by periscope. After the practice, the four tanks will do battle, with each tank attempting to out manoeuvre and “knock out” the others with their huge, paintball firing guns. For this part, teams will not be able to switch positions, so you will need to decide between you or toss a coin to decide who will drive, who will load and who will fire. Extra notes: The organisers sell a disc of photos for an additional £15 (sent by post). There is a Kiosk that sells a small range of hot food (burgers etc) and tea, coffee, coke etc

World's Wackiest Racers

.. experience the world's most outrageous vehicles!


Date: Sunday 29 September 2013 Incredible Feedback Place: Northampton Raceway (NN7 2BA) # Read it on our feedback page Meet: 11.45am for 12noon (event lasts 3 hours) or at www.spicebham.com Cost: £95 Member, £105 Guest Be Chauffeured through country lanes in the World’s fastest street-legal bed*. Thunder round a race track on an 87 mph Sofa*. Tame the Double Decker car, as seen on BBC’s Top Gear. Pull up a seat to the World’s hottest desk, experiencing life in the fast lane on the World’s Fastest Office*. This has to be the most memorable motorised experience ever! These cars are designed by Wheeler Dealer’s Edd China (Discovery RealTime) and are the most astonishing ride of your life! *certified by the Guinness Book of Records Itinerary: You will be in a group of 12 participants, who will hopefully all be Spice members although this will depend on the bookings we receive. The 3 hours runs as follows: ● Arrival - Light Refreshments / Race Overall fitting / event programme ● World’s Fastest Office! ● World’s Fastest Sofa! ● Drive the fantastic Double Decker Cars. ● Head out into the Countryside in the World’s Fastest Bed! ● Return to the Wacky Racer HQ – Certificates, refreshments More Information: Please read the full write up for this event on our website www.spicebham.com

Supercar Track Experience Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


.. drive the cars of your dreams at MIRA

Saturday 27 July 2013 MIRA, Nuneaton, Warwickshire (CV10 0TU) # 9.00am for 9.15am start £139 (£159 Guest) Includes a choice of 2 fast cars for 3 laps each (5.4 miles each car) plus a passenger "hot lap" in a sports saloon. Spice have linked up with Supercar Lifestyle who have a unique collection of fast cars waiting in the pits for us! Today we have an amazing opportunity to drive two of these cars. The Track: MIRA (Motor Industry Research Association) is one of the world’s most advanced driving facilities. It is usually only used by manufacturers such as Aston Martin and the MOD. We will drive on Dunlop’s very own test circuit which is 1.8 miles per lap. Full instruction will be given by a qualified ARDS and MSA instructors with two orientation laps to get familiar with the circuit, cars and safety equipment. The Cars: You will drive a choice of 2 cars for 3 laps each (ie 5.4 miles each car). Supercars to drive include a Ferrari 360 Challenge, Nissan GTR, Lamborghini Gallardo, Porsche GT3, Porsche GT2, Aston Martin DB9, TVR Sagaris, TVR Tuscan, BMW M3, Jaguar XKR and Aston Martin Vantage. You will also get a passenger “hot lap” included in a sports saloon (normally a BMW M3 V8) Optional Extras: On the day you will be offered an Accident Damage Indemnity which reduces the potential cost of accident damage. The cost of this is £35 per driver. Other options include digital in car filming and professional photos available at a Spice discounted promotional price. You can also buy extra laps and extra cars. 24

Karting Evening & Burger at Priory Park st

.. a fantastic evening under the floodlights!

Date: Wednesday 21 August 2013 Place: Tamworth Karting, Priory Park, Alvecote (B78 1AR) # Meet: 6.30pm prompt start Cost: £29 (£32 Guest) includes drink & burger Tonight we’re back at Tamworth Karting, Priory Park. This time we’ll be racing under their halogen floodlights which create a great atmosphere. Don’t worry about the weather either, as they provide us with full waterproof suits and great indoor facilities. In fact, the wetter the track is – the more fun we have! This place is a great find! Only 2 mins from M42 J10, you’ll discover a 495 meter floodlit outdoor racetrack with full facilities and a new fleet of 270cc karts. You may have seen the circuit on the TV series Fifth Gear, as Tiff & Vicki used it regularly for testing small cars. We’ve got a great evening ahead which will be on a team endurance basis, to ensure that we all get lots of driving and friendly competition between teams. We’ll put you into teams, and please don’t worry if you haven’t done anything like this before as it’s just for fun! The evening starts with a safety briefing and issuing of race suits and helmets. We then have a practice before the team race that takes around an hour.

Stock Car Driving & Racing

.. 6 hours of exhilaration plus some amazing extras!

Date: Sunday 18th August 2013 Place: Northampton Raceway (NN7 2BA) # Meet: 10.00am to approx. 4.30pm Cost: £149 Member, £169 Guest A brilliant day, run by The Incarace Team at their fast Northampton circuit. It’s a 400yd asphalt BriSCA F2 track attracting racers from across the world with wide corners and ultra fast straights. So strap yourself in to one of these beasts, stamp on the clutch, grab the gears, ‘pedal to the metal’, spin those wheels and you’re off! This is the only opportunity in the UK to compete in fast races in the real cars. It’s totally thrilling. The surge of power is immense and the performance impressive. Our professional coaches will have even the most inexperienced and timid drivers raring to go. It all starts with a briefing in the clubhouse, where you will also be issued with full protective clothing including helmet, neck brace and fireproof suit. Then we’ll have instruction in driving and take practice laps in the cars until everyone is race prepared. Races, heats and finals follow which will involve all drivers, with four per race. The finale is a showdown to discover the top driver. Trophies and bubbly will follow. We have places held. There will also be public participants joining us. LOTS MORE FUN!: In addition to the Stock Cars, there are some brilliant extra events available throughout the day which ensure you are never left waiting between races. See full details with writeup on line.

Learn to Drift

.. the art of controlling an out of control vehicle!

Date: Sunday 18th August 2013 Place: Birmingham Wheels Park, Saltley (B8 1AD) # Meet: 12noon for 12.30 to 4.30pm time slot Cost: £89 Member, £99 Guest Incl: Car, tuition & spare tyres! Popularised by films such as Fast and Furious: Toyko Drift and considered a modern day sport, Drifting can actually be traced back to the 1930s as a technique used in motorsport, developed to help the drivers navigate corners faster! Drifting has evolved over the years into it's own competitive sport, initially developed in Japan before taking the rest of the world by storm. It is now one of the fastest growing grass root sports in the UK. Drifting challenges the drivers ability to navigate the course sideways for as long as possible, executing the drift in the most controlled and stylish manner they can. Drifting is dancing for cars. For the driver, Drifting provides thrills and an adrenalin rush, as well as enjoyment of a grass roots sport. You will be driving a modified Nissan 200SX . If you wish to check out a video please go to the online version of this writeup and click the Youtube link Our session today is 4 hours of fun for the absolute beginner and includes: ● Drivers briefing with tea/coffee & niggly bits ● Doughnut session – practicing the art of doughnuts with an instructor ● Figure of 8 Session – practicing figures of 8 with instructor alongside ● Special short circuit – Learning weight shift, handbrake (3 attempts of short circuit) This day is suitable for everyone with a licence for a manual car. Bring your driving licence on day. ______________________________ 25

Outdoor Pursuits What Spice are most famous for!

Abseiling for the Terrified st


.. a great way to get started

Dates: ● Sun 21 July ● Sat 10 August ● Sun 8th September ● Sat 12th October Place: Black Rocks, Matlock, Derbyshire # Meet: 10.00am Cost: £29 Member, £32 Guest Many members would love to do an abseil, but are too petrified to book the ones we normally offer. After seeing Mark Fenton's ability to gently coax even the most frightened, or physically disadvantaged people into achieving brilliant outdoor feats, I started these special sessions which have proved extremely popular! You just need to bring a little faith, and the will to succeed! The feeling you’ll get from your success is well worth it all. Mark will get you to overcome any fears by building up your confidence gradually. First we get used to the equipment and how to use it on a few very short descents, before tackling some bigger abseils if you feel able. You’ll not be forced to do anything you are uncomfortable with, or feel stupid if you back out of any stage. So go on…you’ve nothing to lose but your fears! Medical Note: If you have any medical conditions that could prevent you taking part in abseiling, please contact your GP in advance to check. If you’re unsure, please call the instructor, Mark Fenton directly on 07798 790766 or the Spice office.

Indoor Climbing at Redpoint th

.. try this excellent new centre!

Date: Tuesdays: 30 July or 10th September 2013 Place: Redpoint Climbing, 77 Cecil St, Birmingham (B19 3SU) Meet: 7.00pm for 7.15pm to 9.15pm session Cost: £16 Member, £18.50 Guest Climbing is one of the fastest growing sports. It's great fun and anybody can do it. It's a really exciting way to improve physical fitness combining strength, balance, flexibility and concentration. It’s the ideal place to learn about this sport, with an opportunity to develop your skills under expert tuition. Your instructors are S.P.S.A. qualified or equivalent and the emphasis is, as always, on safety. This new venue also works to a ratio of 6:1 instructor, which is the ideal set up for maximum climbing. You will need to wear cool, loose (but not baggy) clothing and training shoes. There are also refreshments and full changing facilities available. The huge main wall is the first thing you'll see ..but don't worry, there are a variety of other faces for beginners to develop their skills on. Sessions begin with a warm up on the bouldering wall, then we can tackle something bigger. For more details, photos and location maps visit www.redpointclimbingcentre.co.uk Location: From Dartmouth Circus on the A38, take the ring road (Newtown Middleway) anti clockwise. At the next set of traffic lights turn left towards the City centre. Very shortly on the right you should see the centre. It is red and pointy and next to the big pink Tiles 2 Go building.

Canadian Canoe Adventure th

.. enjoy a day out in 'canoe country'

Date: Saturdays: 27 July or 21st September 2013 Place: Symonds Yat, Forest of Dean (HR9 5QT) # Meet: 10.00am to approx 3.30pm Cost: £52 Member, £59 Guest The team from Forest Adventure have come up with a varied route for Canadian style open canoes - enjoyable for absolute beginners and practiced paddlers alike. They have planned out for us, one of the most scenic, most photographed, stretches of the Wye, from Kerne Bridge to Huntsmans Bridge taking in views of Symonds Yat as we go. Having allowed four and a half hours for the trip, it should be a leisurely day and will include a stop for coffee and a stop at a pub! The open canoes minimise our chance of getting wet, which is just as well at this time of year! All specialist equipment is provided.

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Go Ape in Cannock Chase

.. discover the thrill of aerial trekking high above the forest floor

Date: Sundays: 14th July or 15th September 2013 Place: Birches Valley Forest Centre near Rugeley (WS15 2UQ) # Meet: 12noon (to be confirmed with details) Cost: £30 Member, £35 Guest Go-Ape provides a truly exhilarating, adrenalin pumped experience in the tree tops. It’s an awardwinning high wire forest adventure course of rope bridges, Tarzan Swings and zip slides up to 40 feet up in the trees. We are fitted with a climbing harness, given instructions, and then trek from tree to tree high above the forest floor. Safety is paramount and all participants wear safety harnesses with which to attach themselves to the safety system. Everyone receives a safety briefing from a trained instructor at the start. Participants will then be responsible for attaching themselves to the safety system as they move around the course. Please note that Go Ape sites are substantial and physically testing high ropes forest adventure courses. The course normally takes a very enjoyable (and perhaps a little scary) 3 hours to complete. The site has its own metered car-parking (around £2) which is payable on the day. We will send joining details/ map, but you can also find lots of information at www.goape.co.uk.

Symonds Yat Adventure Mission .. a fab multi activity day wrapped up in a journey!

Date: Saturday 13th July 2013 Place: Forest of Dean # Meet: 10am to approx 4pm Cost: £49 Member, £55 Guest Have you ever been on a walk through the forest that starts with you being kitted out with harness and helmet? If not, you've never been on one which starts with a 100 foot abseil down the Buttress at the Yat! Fuelled on adrenaline we then slide down to the river and walk along the disused railway line to the Bibblings Wire Suspension Bridge where we cross the Wye. We then ramble onto Pancake Caves, which we enter by being lowered on a rope through a hole in the roof - wow! Our ramble then takes us onto King Arthur's Cave on the Doward, an ancient dwelling place, and on to the Seven Sisters, a rock outcrop with great views of the Wye Valley, which is classified as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. You will need a basic level of rambling fitness, boots and waterproofs. Bring a daysack with food and flask for the day.

Caving for the Terrified .. a great way to get started


Date: Sunday 4 August 2013 Place: Matlock Bath, Matlock, Derbyshire # Meet: 10am to approx 1.30pm Cost: £35 (£39 Guest) Another of Mark's brilliant events for those who really want to conquer an outdoor pursuit, but need some extra 'loving care' to help them in their ambition. This day is an ideal introduction in an interesting cave system, but one where you have the peace of mind that you could quickly be brought to the surface if the experience proves too much!

Bridge Abseil & Ladder Climb th

.. it'll scare you to death - but you'll love it!

Date: Saturday 28 September 2013 Place: Millers Dale, Peak District # Meet: 10.00am Cost: £35 Member, £39 Guest Ever fancied the idea of a freefall abseil (like the SAS do out of a helicopter!) from a precipitous 80' viaduct to the river bank below .. and then climbing back up using a metal caving ladder which swings and sways! We thought you might! Once you've plucked up the courage to do it once, there will be no stopping you. It's a great confidence booster. This day is run by Mark Fenton so you can be sure that there will be lots of fun, a relaxed atmosphere where absolute beginners will find lots of nurturing and encouragement and a totally commitment to your safety at all stages. This is a brilliant first or second abseil experience. It is also an ideal training for anyone wishing to do our more advanced caving trips as you will be able to learn some of the techniques above ground rather than under! 27

Scuba Taster Morning Experience .. a fun introduction to scuba diving!

Date: Saturdays: 3rd August or 5th October 2013 Place: Aquasport Dive Centre, 50 Lincoln Rd, Olton, Solihull (B27 6PA) Meet: 9.50am for 10am - 12noon session Cost: £12 Member, £14 Guest If you’ve always wanted an easy taster of what scuba is all about, this is for you. You will learn all the basic skills required to enjoy this exciting sport and be able to judge if scuba is for you. There will be a full briefing & film before pool session, which takes place in an excellent new diving pool on within the centre. Just bring a tee shirt to wear in the baths as well as your swimming costume. In line with PADI regulations, you need to complete a simple medical declaration in order to take part in the pool session. This can be downloaded from the link on the on line version of this writeup or posted to you. Directions: The Centre is at 50 Lincoln Rd, Olton. For full directions, check the on line write up at www.spicebham.com.

Indoor Bouldering Taster Session Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

.. indoor climbing without ropes!


Tuesday 27 August 2013 Boulder Central - Richmond Street South, West Bromwich (B70 0DG) 7.00pm for 7.15pm to 9.15pm session but we can stay to 10pm £14 (£20 Guest at public price) Incl: rock shoes, chalk & instructor Also, the Spice arrangement allows us to stay on to 10pm if we wish This is a brilliant Spice opportunity to try a new sport at a brand new centre (opened in May 2012). Bouldering is the same as climbing, but is all carried out at a much lower level and if you fall you will land on thick crashmats. This means it’s less scary (if you don’t like heights) and you have much more sense of freedom without having to use harnesses and ropes. Bouldering is not only fun but is a great activity to build your strength and fitness. This special Spice taster session allows our group of first timers to learn the techniques with a qualified instructor. The session will last 90 minutes and includes: 1) A 30 minute group lesson giving important tips about the fundamentals of climbing; 2) 45 minutes of going through all the aspects needed to get you signed off as a competent climber. The majority of this session will be practical learning with most of the time being spent climbing. 3) 15 minutes of a free climbing session with instructors taking questions as you put your new skills into practice. Also, we have agreed with the Centre that Spice members can stay on as long as they like after the session (centre closes 10pm) to continue bouldering and enjoying the facilities so long as we have passed the initial assessment. Rock shoes and chalk are included and this extends to the whole evening, not just the taster session. Location: For detailed directions including public transport options see the online version of this writeup.

Kayak River Adventure Day th

.. enjoy a day out in 'canoe country'

Date: Saturdays: 10 August or 12th October 2013 Place: Symonds Yat, Forest of Dean (HR9 5QT) # Meet: 10.00am to approx 4.00pm Cost: £52 Member, £59 Guest This area really is canoe country! The team from Forest Adventure have come up with a varied route for single seat kayaks - enjoyable for absolute beginners and practiced paddlers alike. They have planned out for us, one of the most scenic, most photographed, stretches of the Wye, from Kerne Bridge to Huntsmans Bridge taking in views of Symonds Yat as we go. It’s a leisurely day and a great first timers event, but will also be fun for those of you who have some experience.

Climbing & The Longstone Pinnacle th

.. learn how to climb this amazing outcrop!

Date: Saturday 10 August 2013 Place: Symonds Yat Rock, Forest of Dean # Meet: 10.00am – 4.30pm Cost: £52 Member, £59 Guest Climbing is great fun and almost anybody can do it. It’s a really exciting way to improve physical fitness combining strength, balance, flexibility and mental focus. Read fuller details of this event at www.spicebham.com 28

Zip World - Ultimate Zipline Experience .. fly for 1 mile at nearly 100mph & 500 feet up!


Date: Sunday 8 September 2013 (sorry, August date now full) Place: Penrhyn Quarry, Bethesda (LL57 4YG) # Meet: 1.30pm for 2pm (ends by 5pm) Cost: £49 (£55 Guest) Includes: 2 x Zipwires, flying suit, goggles, quarry tour by truck This is an unbelievable new event! You may have seen it on The One Show, BBC News or Blue Peter (if not click the links at www.zipworld.co.uk to watch them via YouTube!) So why should you travel to Wales for this one? Well, Zip World has the longest zip line in Europe and is claimed to be “the nearest thing to flying like Superman”. The Zip World site contains two specially constructed and spectacular zip lines, the first will take you down to the bottom of the quarry where you will pick up your specialised vehicle for a magnificent quarry tour, before zip lining back (one mile!) to the start. You will be going at speeds of around 100mph and you will be travelling 500ft above the mountain lake so be ready for a ride of a lifetime! How does our afternoon work: We will meet up for briefing and for kitting up with flying suits, helmets and goggles. We then get to experience “Little Zipper”, a mere 500 meters of fun that will whet our appetites for what is to come. At the base of “Little Zipper” we join our trucks (15 per truck) that take us on a guided tour of the quarry, ending at the very top. This is an exciting trip, using vertiginous quarry tracks from the days when hundreds of men worked quarried slate at Penrhyn. The views are dramatic. We eventually reach the summit and the mighty “Big Zipper”. This we descend one after another at approx 2 minute intervals. Be prepared to be terrified, invigorated and awed .. all at the same time! Book Early: We have held 30 places but will need to confirm well in advance and hand back any unsold places. So don’t delay if you want to secure a place on this one. Notes: Max weight 120kg (min 30kg); Max height 2 meters (min 120cm). If you have any health concerns or disabilities, please clear with Spice in advance. The joining details will include a weather check number to call before setting out.

The Big Abseil - 200 Feet Straight Down th

.. oh yes, the big one is back again!


Date: Sundays: 28 July, 4 August or 25th August 2013 Place: The Avon Gorge, Bristol # Meet: 1pm at layby on The Portway Cost: £34 Member, £37 Guest Go ahead and impress your family and friends with this classic Spice event. We start off with full instruction on the techniques needed before our instructor builds our confidence and calms our nerves for an impressive 200-foot descent.

Caving at the Symonds Yat Caves st

.. sample several of the Wye Valley caves

Date: Saturday 21 September 2013 Place: Mitcheldean, Forest of Dean # Meet: 10am to approx 1pm Cost: £35 Member, £39 Guest An unusual morning of caving at this idyllic location, where there are 18 caves on offer. This means that we should get to experience short trips into 4 or 5 different systems. We’ve asked Forest Adventure to aim the caving at beginners level Read fuller details of this event at www.spicebham.com

Power Kiting & Kite Buggy Full Day th

.. do something truly amazing!

Date: Sunday 11 August 2013 Place: Holt, Worcester (WR6 6NH) # Meet: 10am to approx 5pm Cost: £99 Member, £105 Guest Power kiting is one of the fastest growing sports we’ve ever seen. Encompassing recreational flying to the adrenalin filled heights of Kitesurfing. Either way there is something for everyone. In the morning we’ll learn how to control a kite. In the afternoon we’ll experience the thrill of kite buggying - tacking upwind, linking turns and of course stopping! Experts race at speeds in excess of 110kph. Then there’s the amazing trickery of freestyle buggying with spins, 2 wheel action or buggy jumping in this wild, fast evolving and fun sport. Qualified instructors will be with us all the way. 29

Kayaking for Fun


.. an afternoon of fun on the water

Date: Sunday 11 August 2013 Place: Top Barn Activity Centre, Nr Droitwich (WR6 6NH) # Meet: 12.30pm - 1.00pm until 4.00pm Cost: £22 Member, £25 Guest Top Barn Activity Centre is situated close to the River Severn with a large lake for plenty of water based activities. This afternoon we can try our hand at kayaking on their purpose built lake which is perfect for beginners and more advanced individuals. The qualified instructors will guide you through and improve your ability whatever your level.

White Water Kayaks

.. learn how to set your skills against moving water

Date: Saturdays: 20th July or 14th September 2013 Place: Symonds Yat (HR9 6EG) # Meet: 10am to approx 4.30pm Cost: £49 Member, £55 Guest Your small, streamlined craft becomes an extension of your body – totally manoeuvrable, totally in your control. You navigate lines which are seemingly impossible, in natures three-dimensional world that is white water. To succeed against such power is the most satisfying experience. Today maybe just a beginning for you – but you’ll be back. Todays session is run by the team from Forest Adventure and is an excellent opportunity for anyone wanting to experience the thrill of white water kayaking. Whether you're a total novice or have done this before, you'll have loads of fun developing your basic skills, and getting used to the feel of the moving water. If you've kayaked in a pool or on 'flat water' before you'll find this quite different as the movement of the water makes your paddle stokes and turns more interesting. If you're up to it, you'll get a chance on the rapids where you'll have the chance to ' play ' the river - or is it playing with you! Under the expert guidance you'll soon be using the eddies to your advantage and discovering how to manoeuvre round all sorts of obstacles. All necessary equipment is provided.

White Water Rafting

.. an adrenaline charged adventure experience!

Dates: Saturdays: 27th July or 31st August 2013 Place: Nene White Water Centre (NN4 7AA) # Meet: ● 2.30pm on 25/5 & 27/7 ● 12noon on 29/6 & 31/8 Cost: £45 Member, £49 Guest An exhilarating session on the UK's first purpose built 'pumped' white water course on the River Nene. If you've never been rafting before, you'll love it! We hurtle down the course in large inflatable rubber rafts paddling like mad to avoid capsizing - it's terrific fun. Then we just lift out the raft, carry it back up the hill then back in the river for another go. The team are extremely safety conscious and give you a great time. As the course is controlled by a 'monster' pumping system, the difficulty/ skill level of the runs can be altered for optimum fun. Bouyancy aids and helmets are included. Just bring a swimming cossie and old pair of trainers (they’ll get wet!) Safety regulations also dictate that you need to be able to swim 50m to take part and weigh less than 18st. Once finished there’s a hot shower and hot drinks to warm you up too.

Rock Weaseling Day


.. scramble, squeeze, wriggle & giggle!

Date: Sunday 20 October 2013 Place: The Roaches, Nr Leek, Staffordshire (ST13 8TY) # Meet: 10.30am to approx 3pm Cost: £17 Member, £22 Guest The hardest bit with weaselling is that if you get stuck you start laughing , and then the more you laugh the tighter you get! Luckily, Mick Cornfield is there to pull you out! Weaseling is a bit like caving only it's above ground with all the same squeezing through tight spaces and crawling on your belly only it's in the light most of the time …

What’s the # ?

If a location is followed by an # it’s secret Spice code that means you are going to receive further joining details nearer the time.


Gorge Walking Adventure .. a fabulous multi activity journey!

Date: Saturday 31st August 2013 Place: Abergavenny, Monmouthshire # Meet: 10am to approx 4pm Cost: £52 Member, £59 Guest Incl: Waterproof overalls, buoyancy aids & helmets This is a really fun experience that provides the opportunity for scrambling, climbing and abseiling in order to travel up a beautiful gorge. It sounds a challenge – and it is – but anyone of reasonable fitness who is prepared for anything (including getting wet) should be able to enjoy this wonderful day with our instructor from Forest Adventure. We will be kitted out with waterproof overalls, buoyancy aids & helmets before entering the gorge with a thrilling viaduct abseil. We then walk to the base of the gorge and then navigate a section by following the stream up hill. Along the way we will master such obstacles as a waterfall, beautiful pools and even a natural tunnel. Where necessary we will be roped together for safety. All in all, it is a wonderful opportunity to get really intimate with the environment is a stunning location. Don’t miss it!

Overnight Forest Experience .. hike in the dark & sleep in a cave!

Date: Sat 6th to Sun 7th July or Sat 5th to Sun 6th October 2013 Place: Symonds Yat area of Forest of Dean # Meet: 8.00pm Cost: £52 Member, £59 Guest Anyone with a sense of adventure will love this brilliant multi activity hike after dark. Let’s hope it’s one of those eerie moonlit nights when the deer are out in force and stars that you can reach out and touch - but whatever happens you can be sure it’ll be one of those Spice experiences which you’ll remember for a long time. We start with a bracing hike, which includes some navigation tuition. Paths may be discarded as we bash through bush intent on a compass bearing despite any obstacles - so we can play at being Special Forces on manoeuvres in the jungle with a little imagination! If our compass work serves us, we should find a cave system at around 1.00am.Life inside is a little more 'normal' as darkness is permanent in these fascinating places, and we will light a fire inside to lift the spirits. As we'll be a little tired by now, we'll sleep till dawn in the peace of the cave system. Refreshed and invigorated, we'll plan our final route back. A café breakfast (not included) will be a priority stop for 'refuelling'.

Multi Water Sports Afternoon .. try a range of fun water activities

Date: Sunday 7th July 2013 Place: Top Barn Activity Centre, Nr Worcester (WR6 6NH) # Meet: 12.30pm for 1pm until 4pm Cost: £22 Member, £25 Guest Top Barn Activity Centre is situated close to the River Severn with a large lake for plenty of water based activities. This afternoon we will have the opportunity to experience a variety of water sports, activities could include sailing, windsurfing, canoeing, kayaking and raft building, find out which one floats your boat!

Go Ape in The Wyre Forest

.. discover the thrill of aerial trekking high above the forest floor Date: Sunday 18th August 2013 Place: Callow Hill, 3 miles west of Bewdley (DY14 9XQ) # Meet: Probably 11.30am for 12noon start (exact time slot to be confirmed with details) Cost: £30 Member, £35 Guest Go-Ape provides a truly exhilarating, adrenalin pumped experience in the tree tops. Set in beautiful Cannock Chase, Go Ape is an award-winning high wire forest adventure course of rope bridges, Tarzan Swings and zip slides up to 40 feet up in the trees. Appealing to a wide age range, customers are fitted with a climbing harness, given instructions, and then trek from tree to tree high above the forest floor. Safety is paramount and all participants wear safety harnesses with which to attach themselves to the safety system. Everyone receives a safety briefing from a trained instructor at the start. Participants will then be responsible for attaching themselves to the safety system as they move around the course. Please note that Go Ape The course normally takes a very enjoyable (and perhaps a little scary) 3 hours to complete. 31

Dinghy Sailing


.. learn how on Edgbaston Reservoir

Date: Saturday 27 July 2013 Place: Edgbaston Reservoir, Icknield Port Road (B16 0AA) Meet: 10am to 12.30pm session Cost: £15 (£18 Guest) Dinghy sailing is a great sport, and an ideal introduction to sailing for any kind of craft. You will have intensive instruction, and by the end of the session, even a complete novice will have grasped the basics of sailing. The team provide buoyancy aids, but the greatest danger of all with sailing is that you may get addicted! You just need to take a complete change of clothes, a towel and waterproof gear - a simple cagoule is a great help on windy days. Take old footwear to sail in (eg. an old pair of trainers). If weather is very cold, the supplier may issue wetsuits, so take swimwear for underneath.

Abseiling for Beginners at Symonds Yat th

.. try some easy abseils in a beautiful setting!

Date: Saturday 24 August 2013 Place: Symonds Yat area of Forest of Dean # Meet: 11.45am for 12noon - 3pm session Cost: £39 Member, £45 Guest The team from Forest Adventure have designed a rock session in this area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Abseils vary from a sheltered 40 ft to an exposed 110 ft depending on how you wish to progress. No one is made to do anything, progress at your own pace in an encouraging environment or enjoy the view and support your fellow Spicers. The instructors are confident that anyone can conquer these cliffs with a little encouragement. “Our most senior lady this year from the local WI was 87 – so I’m sure no one from Spice should find it difficult!”

Ramble, Scramble & Dangle th

.. a great day out with Mark

Date: Saturday 7 September 2013 Place: White Peak area of Derbyshire # Meet: 10.00am Cost: £29 Member, £35 Guest We get the most brilliant feedback from these days out with Mark Fenton! So why not go along and find out what they’re getting up to in the Peak Park? Meeting in the White Peak, we embark on a 7 mile hike but along the way we encounter and overcome (hopefully!) various obstacles! It could be a climb ,a river crossing ,an abseil or it could be all three. You might be asked to disarm a bomb, climb a tree or ascend a steep embankment using jumars (fixed rope ascenders) you could even be asked to find your own way back to the cars using “Marks’ special maps”.

Bushcraft for Beginners th

.. a fun introduction to forest survival

Date: Saturday 28 September 2013 Place: Forest of Dean # Meet: 10pm to approx 4pm Cost: £49 Member, £55 Guest The art of Bushcraft has had a real revival due to the popularity of the exploits of such celebrities as Bear Grylls and Ray Mears. So we’ve teamed up with the experts at Forest Bushcraft who promise to show us just how much fun you can have with what nature provides for you in the Forest of Dean. We’ll learn such vital survival skills as building fires and lighting them using modern and primitive fire technology. Shelter building. Tree and plant appreciation. Foraging for food. Knife and axe skills and basic woodcraft ..and much more. It’s a very sociable day, as we learn a lot of our skills as a group around the campfire. Any you never know when those skills might save your life or someone elses! Bring a packed lunch (to supplement our foraging!). Hot drinks are provided throughout.

A Spice Newsletter is just a Snapshot in Time

We are booking new events into the Spice programme all the time as new opportunities occur. Please make sure that you also check our schedules on line at www,spicebham.com so you don’t miss a thing. We also update members on a weekly basis with out “Weekly Bulletin” by email and via our Facebook Page.


Peak Classic Caves Day th

.. enjoy two caves in a day

Date: Sunday 29 September 2013 Place: Hope, Peak District (SK17 8ET) # Meet: 10am to approx 4pm Cost: £49 (£54 Guest) plus £2.00 to Farmer on the day Another day with Mark Fenton plus a support instructor, this time primarily for those who have been on a beginners or “terrified”caving day, but is also suitable for a first time caver who has the fitness and confidence to go straight in at this level. We start the day by tackling the famous Giants Hole cave, which is famous for having the lowest point in England at the bottom of this system! After a break for lunch, we move on to Carlswark Cavern, one of the most fun and best-known caves in the Peak District. Adventure from the word go, we access the cave by abseiling down a 40 foot shaft. For the most part it’s a low, wide cave with many junctions to negotiate and explore. There’s a nice easy exit. All in all, a brilliant adventure day. Caving suits and all special equipment provided. Grade ‘MODERATE

Surfing Beginners Lesson at Scarborough th

.. a brilliant spice adventure

Date: Sunday 11 August 2013 Place: Scarborough (YO11 2HD) # Meet: 1pm Cost: £29 Member, £32 Guest We’re joining Spice Yorkshire to offer this beginners introduction to the “coolest” sport known to man. We realise that it’s a long way to the sea from Birmingham (and you can’t surf without the sea!) and that you may well prefer to book one of our surfing weekends rather than this one off lesson. However, it’s a great way to discover whether surfing is for you. To read more about this event, please visit www.spicebham.com

White Water Rafting at Bala .. try this sport at this legendary location!

Date: Saturday 7th September 2013 Place: Tryweryn River, Bala, Wales # (LL23 7NU) Meet: 1.30pm for 2pm session Cost: £55 Member, £60 Guest Extras: £5 Wetsuit & boot hire (if you don't have your own) - payable on the day This is always one of the highlights the Spice programme! It’s your chance to experience the thrills and spills of real white water rafting. This time we are off to the fantastic Tryweryn River at Bala. The Tryweryn provides one of the longest stretches of river for rafting down in the country, with rapids such as “The Graveyard”, “The Ski Jump” and “The Fingers”. Each purpose-built raft will hold seven brave Spicer’s as you battle against the flow of the river with 6 of you rowing and one sitting in the middle cheering them on with a rousing rendition of Hawaii Five-O! To read more about this event, please visit www.spicebham.com

Adventure Caving - Cheddar Gorge .. It's Hard, It's Dirty, It's Fun!

Date: Sunday 14th July 2013 Place: Cheddar Gorge, Cheddar, Somerset (BS27 3QF) # Meet: 11:15am to 1pm session Cost: £32 (£34 Guest) Includes: 1½ hour Caving Expedition, Coffee & Panini Join Spice today in this real caving expedition deep inside the Mendip Hills where we climb, crawl and squeeze our way through the Cheddar Gorge Caves. With the unique safety features provided – fixed ladders, an underground telephone system, first aid supplies, spare torches and back-up staff – it’s an ideal choice for a first caving expedition. We will be led ¼ mile, past the admiring tourists in Gough's Cave to start the Level 2 multi-pitch caving expedition. We switch on our head lamps for the easy climb to the Mushroom Chamber, crawl into Sand Chamber, use a lifeline down a 40ft steel ladder into the Boulder Chamber, then climb up the Far Rift. Finally, we emerge through April Fool's Squeeze, clip onto a wire traverse and crawl across The Bottomless Pit, then slip headfirst through The Letterbox, before returning to the Sand Chamber on the way out – muddy, but proud! 33

National Dragon Boat Racing ..because nothing beats the atmosphere of when Spice race the dragon!

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Sunday 21st July 2013 Pershore, Worcestershire (WR10 1AF) # 9.30am £29 Member, £32 Guest

“No Spicer should miss a Dragon Boat Day. It really sums up what Spice is all about – fun, friendship, excitement & the chance to try an activity that anyone can enjoy!” MEMBER QUOTE These are great days out - Enter the Dragon! Up to 18 people sitting side by side in a 40 foot long boat, with a carved dragon's head and tail attached. A drummer in the prow beating time, a helmsman in the stern keeping the boat on course with a giant paddle, the crew, ten each side speeding the boat down the river to the finish line! The atmosphere is brilliant, which is why this is one of the essential events in the Spice calendar! Today we’ll be racing for fun with other Spice groups from all over the UK. We have our own trophies and medals to go for, and the races will be run on a timed basis over the day. Don't worry if you've never been in a Dragon Boat or anything similar before, as we'll have plenty of time to practice before the racing begins in earnest (and as this is Spice, it’s all just for fun anyway!). For colour, spectacle and excitement Dragon Boat Racing has it all and is also rapidly becoming the mass participation sport on water. If you want to know what a great day out this is ask any of the members who've attended previous events. Dragon Boat Racing caters for all ages, male and female, in one crew and requires no experience. It's great fun and totally unlike any other kind of canoeing with team work being the key, not strength. Get the start right and you can feel the boat lift out of the water and start to plane to give you a fast racing start, it's amazing how fast a 18 person canoe can travel! Each boat is provided with an expert helmsman to keep you on the right track, and with the help of your drummer beating out the time of the strokes you are sure to get the rhythm right...well that's the theory anyway! The venue for this years event is the river Avon at Pershore, on the northern edge of the Cotswolds. This is a beautiful setting in one of Englands' most picturesque areas so you may want to make a weekend of it. Changing facilities are available and there will also be food for sale during the day. Parking is available on site and a transport list with directions will be sent out to all those who book. No experience is necessary but you must be able to swim at least 50 metres in light clothing.

Dragon Boat Camping

Date: Friday 19th and/or Saturday 20th July 2013 Place: Pershore Rugby Club, Wyre Piddle (WR10 2JE) Cost: £8 (£9 Guest) per person per night Piddle Park is the home to Pershore Rugby Club – and due to restrictions put on our previous venue this year it’s home to Spice as well! The facilities are very good, and we just ask that members respect the rules laid down by their licence, such as rules regarding fires, and no music to be played (except live musical instruments) after 11pm. We have use of a lovely club house and facilities. There will be a Spice staff member or volunteer on site to ensure things go smoothly.

Dragon Boat Party th

Date: Saturday 20 July 2013 Place: Pershore Working Mens Club, 55- 57 High Street, Pershore (WR10 1EU) #

New Venue

Time: 8.00pm to 11.30pm Cost: £12 (£15 Guests) including venue, DJ & fish & chip supper A lot of people (rowers and spectators) traditionally stay over the night before to make a weekend of our Dragon Boating. Some camp at Pershore Rugby Club (see above) and others find accommodation nearby. The atmosphere is always great on Saturday night, with a DJ and bar, for a very special Spice exclusive party with fish & chips (served the proper way – out of the paper!).We can take around 150 people, but I suspect that the tickets will go fast! For those camping, the Rugby Club is around 2 miles up the road, there will be an optional minibus transfer at 7.45pm and 11.45pm at £1 each way.


Survival Sleepover

.. spend 24 hours in the forest learning some wild living!

Date: Saturday 13th - Sunday 14th July 2013 Place: Bewdley, Worcestershire (DY14 8JG) # Meet: 10am Saturday, finishing 10am Sunday Cost: £69 Member, £75 Guest We have received requests for a survival weekend and to experience a night in a remote location in the forest. Our day will start with creating our shelters from natural materials, lighting our fires with a bow drill, learning to find and filter water and try some wild food before cooking dinner. The following morning we will enjoy breakfast before heading home. There is a cabin and composting toilet just in case!

Assault Course


22 obstacles & the notorious zipwire over water!

Date: Sunday 28 July 2013 Place: Woodlands Camp, Bourne Vale off Little Hardwick Rd, Streetly (WS9 0SH) # Meet: By reception area at 1.45pm for 2.00pm start Cost: £25 (£29 Guest) Get seriously battered and worn out over an assault course built by the army! The course is not overly tough for anyone with basic fitness, as it is mainly used by children - but it is a whole lot of fun. You'll need to wear tatty old clothes with boots or trainers, as you will get pretty mucky as you learn how to walk along cables, climb walls, tackle a 'Burma Bridge' and finish off with the 'Death Slide' - a frightening zipwire which will shoot you over the lake! Warning: You will laugh a lot and get muddy! Directions: Woodlands is on Bourne Vale, off Hardwick Rd, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield. Important: Bourne Vale is a small lane, easy to miss. It’s on the opposite side of road to Streetly Crematorium and has a small green sign for Woodlands.

Navigation - in Four Simple Steps! th

.. a fun basic map reading day with Alan Roberts

Date: Sunday 28 July 2013 Place: Cannock Chase, Nr Cannock (WS15 2UQ) # Meet: 10.30am Cost: £12 Member, £15 Guest The aim of the day with Alan is to introduce members to the concept of using a compass, reading a map and understanding what can be described as basic map reading and navigation. There will be four parts to the exercise; setting direction using map and compass, calculating distance, calculating time and understanding the importance of recall in order that you can retrace your steps. The day is very much hands on with just a short briefing session at the start, before getting out and putting the theories into practice. There will be four teams of four so that all teams get an opportunity to practice each part of the exercise. Another key aim of the day is to have some fun and enjoy what Cannock Chase as to offer; lovely scenery and the opportunity to see some of the wild deer that wander the forest. The distance is approximately 5 miles. You will require a reasonable level of fitness as there are a couple of long but steady ascents ______________________________


Previews & Pub Nights Unlike the other events in this newsletter, most of these events (except Spice Hits Town) are offered on an informal 'just turn up' basis.

Preview Evenings!

.. presentations aimed at those looking to join, just joined, or introducing a friend to the group Bromsgrove


Dates: Mon 8 July 2013 Place: Holiday Inn Hotel Kidderminster Rd Bromsgrove B61 9AB Time: 8.00pm Cost: Free

Dates: Mon 22 July 2013 Place: Midlands Arts Centre Edgbaston Rd Cannon Hill Park B12 9QH Time: 8.00pm Cost: Free

Sutton Coldfield

Solihull/ NEC Date: Tue 3 Sept 2013 Place: The Arden Hotel Coventry Road, Bickenhill B92 0EH Time: 8.00pm Cost: Free

Date: Mon 16 Sept 2013 Place: Ramada Hotel Penns Lane, Walmley, B76 1LH Time: 8.00pm Cost : Free

You don’t have to come to a Preview Night in order to join Spice, but if you can, it’s a great way to make your start with us and the easiest way of meeting a few people and finding out how it all works. Richard, Maggie and other team members and volunteers will be there to welcome everybody. We’ll show the Spice Video, talk through the basics of membership, give you more info' on the programme, and explain how it all works. It's very casual and everyone is welcome; those thinking of joining who want to find out more, and existing members who might like to come along with any curious friends. It's very informal, and many members have joined after attending one of these as it's a great opportunity to meet other new members who also want to add some SPICE to life! Those who can’t wait to get started will also have the opportunity to book any events they'd like try. We’ve chosen venues with good free parking areas immediately outside. Once in the venue just ask at reception which room we’re in. All venues have a bar, and you can bring a drink into the room. Hope you can make it - no need to book, just turn up on the night and we'll see you there.

Spice Hits Town at The Jam House! .. a great free Spice get together with live music!

Dates: Fridays: ● 19 July ● 23 Aug ● 20 Sept ● 18 Oct 2013 Place: The Jam House, St Pauls Square, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham (B3 1QU) Meet: From 7.30pm (arrive by 8.30pm LATEST or you’ll be charged). Meet upstairs Cost: Free (but you have to book this event). Members Only – No Guests Incl: Spice exclusive area & discounted bar to 9pm ● 19/7 - B'Spoke (Funky young ten piece of talented musicians with a range of soul & R'n'B classics) ● 23/8 - Mr Ben (Rock anthems from the likes of the Police & Proclaimers to Stereophonics & Snow Patrol) ● 20/9 - Solid Soul (Soul Greats - featuring classic James Brown, Motown, and even Hendrix & Kravitz.) ● 18/10 - Detroit Soul (All of your Tamla Motown, Atlantic Soul and funk favourites) Our monthly night out now offers more! We have our own area from 7.30pm to 9pm and if numbers permit, the venue will provide a simple buffet (crisps/ sandwiches) free of charge at 8pm (so don’t arrive late!). The bar that serves our area will also have a Spice discount in place for our exclusive time, so go straight to our area on arrival! Booking: There is no charge if you arrive before 8.30pm, but your place has to be booked in advance so that your name is on the list for security to allow you into our private area. Please dress night club wise (ie no trainers, jeans etc). If you haven’t been to a Spice Hits Town before, you’ll find it a great opportunity to renew acquaintances with other Spice Members who you’ve met on events, and generally mingle in an informal but busy environment. New Members Note: Whilst everyone is welcome to attend if they wish, it is easier when you know a few people in the group. We only say this because it is a busy, loud, unstructured meet up with minimal coordination, so it can be difficult for members to spot or look after people who are new. Once you have been to a few events, and know some faces, however, you’ll find SHT a great way to renew friendships and get into the social life of our group.

Our Regional Pub Nights – an Important Explanation Don’t worry, Spice has not become (nor ever will be!) a group who meet up in pubs! In fact, many people join Spice as an antidote to spending their time in pubs! Spice is all about the events and the fun we have on them. That said, a network of pub nights have developed, aimed at enabling members to get to know other members in their area over a drink (or three!) each month. These nights are run “by the members - for the members” and have no other purpose other than providing a corner of a pub for Spice friends to drink and chat together. The reason I mention this, is that I keep getting reports of new members and people interested in joining, turning up at these nights expecting something more - such as a “meeting”, “an opportunity to join”, “the chance to book events” or “the chance to see what Spice is like” etc. Also, those who go along not knowing any faces and walk straight out again before any introductions can be made. I don’t mean to put you off, as these nights are a great resource for people who have been in the group for some time and who know a few faces to look out for. However, they are not really designed for people who are brand new to the group. They work best as a form of reunion for people who have already met on events. They are certainly no substitute for our organised events or the Preview Nights that we put on for those who want to find out more about the Group or to join us. These are busy pubs (not closed to the public) and can be difficult if you don’t already know some faces to look out for. Sorry to be a little negative, but we would hate for you to judge Spice based on an informal night at a pub!

Tamworth & Lichf’d Pub Night

Sutton Pub Night

Date: Weds: 3 Jul, 7 Aug, 4 Sept or 2 Oct Place: The Gate, Tamworth Rd, Amington (B77 3BY) Meet: 8.00pm onwards Members only Always a popular night! Look out for Mike (Tigger), who will introduce you to other people if you don’t know any faces. Tigger will be wearing a Spice polo shirt to help you spot him. Food is available. The Gate is a cosy canalside pub/restaurant and a great new venue for us. Beer garden with regular guest ales! Contact Mike on 07949 747 272 with questions. ● Please read notes above before attending a pub night. Directions: The Gate is on Tamworth Road, Amington, Tamworth, Staffs. B77 3BY.

Date: Weds: 10 Jul, 14 Aug, 11 Sept or 9 Oct Place: The Bottle of Sack, Bham Rd (B72 1QG) Meet: 8.00pm onwards Members only David and Rob are your volunteer contacts for this night for members who live in Sutton. David will be near the bar and (to help you spot him) will be drinking out of a pewter tankard (also note his arty sideburns!). Any questions, call Dave on 329 3663. ● Please read notes above before attending a pub night. Directions: This large Wetherspoons Pub is on the A5127 Birmingham Rd, by the island at Brassington Av/ Manor Rd.

Bromsgrove Pub Night

Solihull Pub Night

Date: Weds: 15 Jul, 19 Aug, 16 Sept or 21 Oct Place: Crown at Wychbold, nr M5 J5 (WR9 7PF) Meet: 8.00pm onwards Members only Meet & socialise with members from Worcestershire. John Matchett will be there to meet and greet everyone. Any questions, call John 07833 327483 or john.matchett@reynaers.com. ● Please read notes above before attending a pub night. Directions: The Crown is very easy to find by car. From M5 J5, take the Bromsgrove exit (Worcester Rd). The pub is approx ½ mile along this road on the left. There’s a big car park and food is available. Enter through side door by car park. John will be wearing a Spice T Shirt and/ or carrying a Spice Newsletter.

Date: Weds: 9 Jul, 13 Aug, 10 Sept or 8 Oct Place: The Woodmans Rest, Union Road (B90 3DB) Meet: 8.00pm onwards Members only This pub meet for members in the Solihull area has a new home. It is run by local Spicer Mark Thursfield. He will be looking out for you in the bar from 8pm, or you can get there earlier if you want to eat first. It's an informal opportunity to meet up with other people in your area. Any questions, please contact Mark on 07943 944514 or email mark.thursfield@btinternet.com ● Please read notes above before attending a pub night

Kings Heath Pub Night

Halesowen/Quinton Pub Night

Date: Weds: 16 Jul, 20 Aug, 17 Sept or 15 Oct Place: Red Lion, Vicarage Rd, Kings Heath (B14 7LY) Meet: 8.00pm onwards Members only Dave & Nicki are our friendly hosts at this spacious pub with it's own parking/ on the no11 bus route! There’s also a good menu if you want to eat. If you have any questions or are nervous about attending, why not call them on 07789 002109 or 07748 976496 ● Please read notes above before attending a pub night

Date: Weds: 4 Jul, 1 Aug, 5 Sept or 3 Oct Place: Amber Tavern, Hagley Rd West, (B32 2AL) Meet: 8pm onwards Members only Come and have a drink and a laugh, in a friendly atmosphere with a few Spice friends from your area. There’s food available if you wish. Hosts are Fiona & John. Fiona can be contacted on 07929 357 880 with any queries. ● Please read notes above before attending a pub night Directions: On junction of Hagley Rd West & Wolverhampton Road West. Car park access on Hagley Rd West.

Warwick/ Leamington Pub Nt

Date: Weds: 18 Jul, 15 Aug, 19 Sept or 17 Oct Place: The White Horse, Leamington Spa (CV32 5PZ) Meet: 7.30pm onwards Members only Mike Dudley is your host and will be looking out for you in the bar from 7.30pm, or you can get there earlier if you want to eat first (They currently offer 2 meals for £10!). Any questions, please contact Mike at mikedudley1@aol.com White Horse is at 4-6 Clarendon Avenue, Leamington Spa ● Please read notes above before attending a pub night


Quiz Nights Come along and pit your wits against the other teams at our fun Quiz nights. It's a good way of getting to know people, as we randomly arrange teams on the night. There’s a bar (unless otherwise stated), so it will be easy to bribe the Quiz Master! Prizes are awarded to winners & runners up and the losers may get a surprise too! Our quizzes are original 'one- offs', and written specially for us. It’s all just for fun, so please please don’t book if you’re too serious about winning!

Quiz Night (Birmingham)

.. our fun, general knowledge quiz with Richard

Date: Wednesdays: ● 31 Jul ● 28th Aug ● 25 Sept ● 30 Oct 2013 Place: The Old Royal, 53 Church Street (B3 3DP) Meet: 7.30pm for prompt 7.45pm start Cost: £3.00 (Guests £5) A fun general knowledge quiz written for us by Pete with so many categories that we hope everyone will know something! This is usually presented by Richard, but we also have “guest presenters” from time to time.

Curry & Quiz (Harborne/ Solihull/ Sutton & Wolves) th

.. a great social evening with Steve Dell

Dates: ● Wed 17 Jul or ● Wed 23rd Oct - Bangla Lounge, 152a High St, Harborne (B17 9PN) ● Thur 5th Sept - Shades of Raj 52,Station Road, Solihull (B91 3RX) ● Wed 7th Aug - Purbani Tandoori, 41 Birch St, Wolverhampton (WV1 4JW) ● Thur 10th Oct - Bollywood, 28 Birmingham Rd Sutton Coldfield (B72 1QG) Meet: 7.00pm Cost: £3 (£5 Guest) plus cost of food on the night (see each deal below) Great nights with Steve Dell, combining two favourites; a curry and a quiz! There will be all the usual rounds such as general knowledge, music etc. These are great events to meet fellow spicers and not taken too.seriously – this is Spice! ●Bollywood: We have a special deal for £11: A popadom (with onion salad, dips etc), a starter, a main and rice or naan.

This restaurant isn’t licensed so you need to bring your own alcoholic drinks.

●Purbani Tandoori: We have a great deal; A popadom (with the onion salad, dips etc), a starter, a main and rice or naan – all for just £9.95. There is some free street parking by the restaurant but it is limited. ● Shades of Raj: A contemporary Indian Restaurant. Our deal is £10.95: Popadom (with onion salad, dips etc), a starter, a main and rice or naan. There’s limited street car parking nearby or several multi story car parks including Touchwood. ●Bangla Lounge: We have a great deal for £8.95: Popadom (with onion salad, dips etc), a starter, a main and rice or naan. There is a limited amount of street car parking near the restaurant or a public car park behind the High Street.

Chinese & Quiz (Sutton Coldfield)

.. another meal with a difference from Steve Dell

Date: Wednesday 18th September 2013 Place: Lee Garden, 59-61 Birmingham Rd, Sutton Coldfield (B72 1QF) Meet: 7.00pm Cost: £3 (£5 Guest) plus cost of food (£16.50) on the night Today, Steve will run one of his quizzes whilst we enjoy a varied Chinese Meal. There will be all the usual rounds such as general knowledge, music etc. A set meal has been booked (vegetarian on request): ●Yuk Sung ● King Dou Spare Ribs ● Chicken Wings ● Roast Duck & Plum Sauce ● Sizzling Chicken, Black Bean Sauce & Green pepper ● Sweet & Sour Pork ● Spicy Crispy Beef Fillet ● King Prawn, Chinese Mushrooms & Bamboo Shoots ●Young Chow Fried Rice ● Ice Cream

Sound & Vision Quiz (Lichfield) .. enjoy this “quiz with a difference”

Date: Thur 15th August 2013 Place: Kings Head, Bird St, Lichfield (WS13 6PW) Meet: 7.15pm in function room Cost: £3 (£5 Guest) This is a quiz with a difference. There will be the usual rounds like music and general knowledge and new rounds with film clips on a big screen and observation so there will be something for everyone. The pub does food if you wish to eat.

Spice Rambles Dress to suit all weathers and avoid jeans as they hinder you once wet. You'll need boots, spare clothing, waterproofs and a drink. Our guides are experienced leaders and qualified first aiders so you'll be in good hands. We'll send directions including a mobile number to call if the weather is extreme or if you cannot attend - so we don't hang around waiting. Rambles set off promptly at the time given.

Chatsworth Estate Ramble

Bosworth Steam Train Ramble

Date: Sunday 14th July 2013 Place: Chatsworth, Derbyshire # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) A 10 mile walk with Mick starting from Chatsworth House. We cross the river to Edensor village taking the footpath across the parkland to Calton houses. Here we pick up the bridleway through Rowsleymoor Wood to Rowsley for the chance for a cup of tea in the Outlet Village. From here we follow the bridleway and footpaths through Smeltingmill Wood to the village of Beeley. Climbing through the woodland to the open Beeley Moor we’ll get fine views of the Derwent Valley. Crossing the moor into the woods, we’ll pass the Swiss Lake & Cottage and on to Emperor Lake, built for the Tzar of Russia and to feed Emperor fountain.

Date: Sunday 7th July 2013 Place: Market Bosworth, Leicestershire # Meet: 11am start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) Extra: Train ticket £6.30- £7 depending on numbers Here is a unique ramble with Steve Dell. We catch the steam train on The Battlefield Line Heritage Railway and walk back. The walk is around 7 miles is fairly flat with a couple of gentle gradients. This moderate ramble is at the request of many regulars; the pace will be the same but we will be going a little further. We start at Shackerstone and catch the train to Shenton. From there we use the Leicestershire Round over the battlefield site and on to Sutton Cheney (the church here is where Richard III reputedly had his last mass before the battle). Then we go Market Bosworth Country Park (formerly part of Bosworth Hall deer parkland. There are fine, mature trees, a lake, a planted arboretum with exotic species, a wildflower meadow and community woodland) and then to the market town itself. And finally continuing along the Leicestershire Round through the village of Carlton and back to Shackerstone where we will look for a pub to eat and drink.

Meriden Evening Ramble

Date: Tuesday 16th July 2013 Place: The Bulls Head, Meriden # Meet: 7pm Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) + meal on day if requ’d A 4 mile evening ramble from Meriden, the centre of England with Steve Dell. We follow the Heart of England Way towards Berkswell and quiet lanes and field paths through farmland towards Eastern Green. We return following a brook and finally past Millison’s Wood to find the pub for a drink or food.

Cleeve Hill Ramble

Date: Sunday 7th July 2013 Place: Cleeve Hill, Nr Broadway, Cotswolds # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) A 10 mile walk with Alan Roberts aimed at regular Walkers with a good level of fitness. There is one ascent of particular note. The rest of the walk is rolling countryside. This time the walk starts at the top of Cleeve Hill which overlooks Cheltenham and Gloucester. We start by following the Cotswold way on the eastern side of the Cleeve Hill where we get great views of the pretty Cotswold Village of Winchcombe. We continue heading across country to the southern end of the Cleeve Hill ascending back to the top of the hill where we get tremendous views of Cheltenham, Gloucester and toward the Malvern Hills in the distance. At the end of the walk we will find a pub for a drink.

Severn Way Ramble

Date: Saturday 20th July 2013 Place: Much Wenlock, Shropshire # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) Aimed at regular Walkers with a reasonable level of fitness, this 10 miler with Alan is generally, moderate but with one steep ascent. Our gentle stroll takes in the sights of Much Wenlock Priory, Buildwas Abbey, Ironbridge and Benthall Hall, all of which are in an area of outstanding natural beauty. From Much Wenlock we follow the Olympian Way, made famous by William Penny Brookes, the originator of today's modern Olympic Games. We then join the Severn way, passing alongside Buildwas Abbey and following the river Severn onto Ironbridge, where we can stop for lunch. After lunch we join the Shropshire way, which takes us back past Benthall Hall, before returning to Much Wenlock.

Preston Bagott Easy Ramble & Lunch

Date: Saturday 13th July 2013 Place: Preston Bagot, near Henley, Warwicks # Meet: 11am Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) + meal on day if requ’d We return to the lovely Crabmill pub for another ramble with Steve Dell who will lead us on a route of around 4 miles, which is mostly flat with some gentle gradients. We initially head towards Henley and then join the Heart of England Way as we go through farmland using field paths. The last section is along the pretty Stratford upon Avon canal towpath. After the ramble we can replace lost fluids in the comfort of the pub! Or eat if you wish.

Haughmond Hill Ramble


Date: Sunday 21st July 2013 Place: Shrewsbury Sports Village # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) Aimed at regular Walkers with a reasonable level of fitness this 10 mile walk with Alan is perfect if you want to step up from the ½ day walks and tackle a small hill! There is one small ascent. We start at the Sports Village in Shrewsbury where we head out across country to the small village of Upton Magna before making the short ascent to the top of Haughmond Hill. From the top of the hill we have lovely views of the Shropshire Country Side. After a rest we descend and head out past the impressive Augustinian Abbey at Haughmond, cross country back to Shrewsbury.

Winchcombe Ramble

Prestiegne & Offas Dyke Ramble

Date: Saturday 27th July 2013 Place: Winchcombe near Cheltenham # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) This is a 10 mile ramble with Mick suitable for anyone with an average level of fitness. Starting from the pleasant market town of Winchcombe this is a classic walk with fantastic views of unspoilt countryside. The routes takes in sections of the Cotswold Way and places like Hailes, the Monument, Beckbury Camp with tremendous views north towards Stanway and Stanton, Deadmanbury Gate and back through parkland in front of Sudeley Castle. The castle dates from the 10th century and is the burial place of Henry’s sixth queen, Catherine Parr. After the walk we can have a drink in one of Winchcombe’s inns.

Date: Saturday 3rd August 2013 Place: Nr Tenbury Wells, Shropshire # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest This 12 miler with Alan Roberts is aimed at regular walkers with a very good level of fitness. There are a number of steep ascents. From the pretty Welsh village of Prestiegne we will make our way west heading off lovely open country side before making our first ascent onto the Offas Dyke footpath. There are a number of splendid hills on route; Herrock Hill and Rushock Hill which are quite steep and demanding a good level of fitness. We will eventually leave the Offas Dyke path and join the Herefordshire way in order to make our way back to the village of Prestiegne, where we can find a pub for a well earned drink or two.

Brinklow Easy Ramble

Bag a Welsh Summit with Hamish

Date: Sunday 4th August 2013 Place: Near Bala, Wales # Meet: 10.30am Start. Cost: £12 Member, £14 Guest Hamish loves taking walkers up mountains, so we’ve chosen a Welsh peak in the cosest area of Wales to the us. Arrenig Fawr is 2801feet (854m) and lies close to Llyn Celyn reservoir alongside the A4212 between Trawsfynydd and Bala. The cost of the walk is a little higher than normal as numbers are restricted. You may wish to stay the night before in the Bala area. It’s 7- 8 miles and 600- 700m ascent. Summiting is subject to weather conditions.


Date: Sunday 28 July 2013 Place: Brinklow, near Coventry # Meet: 12noon Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) + meal on day if requ’d A lovely ramble with Steve Dell finishing off with an optional carvery, a very civilised way to finish a ramble! We walk from the village of Brinklow, which boasts several pubs and the site of a Motte & Bailey castle. From the village we have a peek at the site of the castle and then go onto the Coventry canal. Then we make our way to the village of Easenhall before returning to Brinklow using bridleways and field paths through farmland and woodland. Back in the village we can replace any lost fluids at the pub, where we can also have a carvery lunch if desired.

Mickleton Ramble

Date: Sunday 4th August 2013 Place: Mickleton, Cotswolds # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest Aimed at regular Walkers with a good level of fitness this 10 mile ramble with Alan has one ascent of particular note. The rest is over rolling countryside. The start is the pretty Cotswold village of Mickleton. We begin by following the Heart of England Way to Upper Quinton. From here we then head East across country to Ilmington, where we will stop for lunch. After we reach the top of Knowlands Hill for great all round views. We then continue back to Mickleton where we can find a pub for a well earned drink.

Henley in Arden Moderate Ramble

Date: Sunday 28th July 2013 Place: Henley in Arden, Warwickshire # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) Enjoy an interesting, 7 mile picturesque walk with Mick near the historic town of Henley in Arden. The first part is surprisingly hilly but we’ll take it very easy. Along this walk, we will visit the hilltop church at Preston Bagot, the Stratford on Avon Canal and the River Alne. Mick knows this area really well and will do his best to show you the best of Warwickshire! Depending on what is open today, we’ll try to find a tea room or pub as well.

Tutbury Easy/Moderate Ramble

Bidford on Avon Ramble & Picnic

Date: Sunday 4th August 2013 Place: Tutbury. Near Burton On Trent # Meet: 12noon Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest At the request of many regulars here’s another easy to moderate ramble with Steve. The pace is the same but we go a little further, around 7 miles. We start in Tutbury with its impressive castle. The ramble has some gradients but we’ll take our time. The route takes us through undulating farmland as we make our way to Fauld, with its unique crater (created by an explosion of bombs being stored in 1944), and then on to Hanbury and a half way stop at a lovely pub. The return takes us through some delightful woodland and finally past the River Dove as we return to Tutbury.


Date: Saturday 3 August 2013 Place: Bidford on Avon, nr Alcester/Stratford # Meet: 11.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest At the request of several members Steve Dell is running some moderate rambles. The pace and style will be the same but the ramble will be a little further than usual. Today we will walk from the lovely Warwickshire village of Bidford and finish off with a picnic by the river. The ramble is around 6½ miles and is relatively flat. We start following the river along the Heart of England Way to the village of Barton and then through farmland to Dorsington Manor. The return follows the picturesque Avon Valley footpath as it follows the banks of the river back to Bidford. Bring whatever you like with your picnic - either something simple or more extravagant like bubbly or strawberries & cream. Plus your table & chair or just a picnic blanket.NOTE: The earlier start time so we can get back for our afternoon picnic.

Give an old newsletter a trip to the Doctors! One of the most valuable ways you can help spread the word about Spice is to leave an old newsletter in a waiting room. We get calls from intrigued people who have started reading about us in all sorts of places!


Staunton Harold Hall Easy Ramble

New Members Easy Evening Ramble

Date: Saturday 17th August 2013 Place: Staunton Harold, near Ashby de la Zouch # Meet: 12:45 for a 1pm Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest A new ramble with Steve Dell in a lovely area where we are spoilt for choice with some great features such as the historic Staunton Harold Hall and church, the pretty Dimminsdale woods and nature Reserve and the delightful Calke Abbey House and Park (compete with tea shop!). If that wasn’t enough we start from The Ferrers Centre of Arts & Crafts where you will find a bakery, tea shop and Garden Centre. The walk is around 5 ½ miles and is fairly flat. There are woods, lakeside paths and the majestic parklands of Calke Park with some open farmland with great views.

Date: Tuesday 6th August 2013 Place: Sutton Park, Sutton Coldfield # Meet: 7pm Start Cost: £3 Member, £5 Guest Want to try a ramble with Spice but not sure what it involves? This is an ideal opportunity to join Richard for a couple of hours gentle rambling in Sutton Park. We will aim to see some of the lakes and different habitats in this lovely urban park. There are no hills of note and we will take it very easy. Richard will explain a bit about what rambling involves in Spice, kit issues etc.

Hatton Easy Ramble

Date: Sunday 11th August 2013 Place: Hatton, Near Warwick # Meet: 1pm Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) + meal on day if requ’d We return to this popular canal side pub and ramble. It is an easy 4½ miles led by Cecilia who works with Steve Dell so the pace will be the same as Steve’s. We use farmland and bridleways to skirt around Hatton and a short road section takes us to the Grand Union canal. We return along the canal passing the famous Hatton flight of locks, which has 21 locks! The pub does great food and serves all day so you can eat after the ramble.

Church Stretton Ramble

Date: Sunday 18th August 2013 Place: Church Stretton, Shropshire # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest Aimed at regular Walkers with a reasonable level of fitness this 8 mile walk with Alan is generally moderate with one steep ascent. This time we’ll walk around the Long Mynd area and follow the low route to Little Stretton and Minton, before climbing up Minton Hill onto the Long Mynd. Once on the Mynd, we will head off toward the Gliding Club where we can see fixed wing and hang gliders soaring above the west edge. The walk then joins the Shropshire Way, which we follow up to Pole Bank - the high point for the walk - with tremendous all round views of Shropshire and out toward Wales. We continue along the Shropshire Way before descending via the Jack Mytton Way in to Cardingmill Valley, where we can catch tea at the National Trust Coffee Bar.

Middleton Evening Ramble

Date: Wednesday 14th August 2013 Place: Middleton between Sutton & Tamworth # Meet: 7pm Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) + meal on day if requ’d This easy evening ramble of about 4 miles is with Steve Dell. We start in the lovely village of Middleton and walk through farmland towards and then through New Park Wood. Then we go towards Wishaw, through the tiny hamlet of Stoke End. Returning to the village (and pub), again using field paths through farmland and quiet country lanes. Back at the pub we can eat if we wish.

Priors Marston & Hellidon Ramble

Date: Sunday 18th August 2013 Place: nr Southam, Warwickshire # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest A delightful 7 to 8 miles with Hamish, criss crossing the ground between Hellidon and Priors Marston. There are a few ups and downs and some woodland walking, mainly on good tracks

Bidford on Avon Ramble

Date: Saturday 17th August 2013 Place: Bidford, between Stratford & Evesham # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest Today we find Alan in the picturesque village of Bidford-onAvon. From the village we will follow the Heart of England footpath through the pretty villages of Barton and Dorsington, with their old world charm and thatched cottages. We continue across country to Long Marston, where we join up with Monarchs Way and head north toward Weston-on-Avon, again a beautiful riverside village with an abundance of pretty thatched cottages. We stop here for lunch and drinks at the Shakespeare Pub. After lunch we follow the Avon Valley Footpath alongside the Avon River, where we can walk past pretty weirs and see barges navigating the many locks, eventually returning back to Bidford. Although flat and easy walking, this is a full days walk of 14 miles, so is suited to regular Walkers with a good level of fitness.

Sence Valley Park Easy Ramble

Date: Sunday 18th August 2013 Place: Near Appleby Magna & Measham # Meet: 11.45am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest Located on the Derbyshire / Leicestershire borders Sence Valley Forest Park is a 60 hectare former open-cast coal site, now managed by the Forestry Commission and has been transformed with extensive tree planting and the creation of lakes, interlinked with a series of paths. The ramble initially explores the Country Park and then ventures out into the surrounding countryside taking in local farmland using field paths, bridleways and Byways. The ramble also visits the village of Heather.

Balsall Common Evening Ramble

Offchurch West Ramble

Date: Tuesday 20th August 2013 Place: Balsall Common, Nr Solihull/Coventry # Meet: 7pm Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) + meal on day if requ’d Steve Dell will lead us on this easy 4 mile ramble. The route uses field paths through farmland as we go to the Heart of England Way, passing a disused railway track and Beechwood tunnel on the Bham to Coventry line. We follow the Heart of England Way for a while before returning to the village. Back at the pub we can have a drink and an option to eat. The pub does great food.

Date: Saturday 17th August 2013 Place: Offchurch, Nr Leamington Spa # (CV33 9AQ) Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest Having explored the territory to the West of Offchurch in our early June walk, we shall strike out on this 7 to 8 mile ramble with Hamish, to the east of the village following in part the course of the river Leam. This is a cross country route that meanders just out of sight of the road for the most part. There are no significant hill sections but it could be muddy if wet.


Bearley & Stratford Canal Ramble

Coton in the Elms Easy Ramble

Date: Sunday 25th August 2013 Place: Bearley, Nr Henley in Arden # Meet: 1pm Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) + meal on day if requ’d A great new ramble with Cecilia from Bearley. The ramble is around 5 miles and uses farmland, quiet country lanes, Bridleways and the Stratford Upon Avon canal. We start by heading towards Langley and then head north passing the lake at Edstone Hall and then through the lovely Austy Woods, using the Monarchs Way (a long distance footpath of over 600 miles tracing the route that Charles II took to France after his defeat at Worcester in 1651). The return uses the Stratford Upon Avon Canal, where we go over the famous Aqueduct as we skirt around Wootton Wawen. We can reward ourselves with a Sunday Lunch is desired.

Date: Sunday 1st September 2013 Place: Rosliston, nr Burton on Trent/Tamworth # Meet: 1pm Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest A lovely ramble within the National Forest with Steve Dell – this time starting from Rosliston Forestry Centre. As well as taking in some of the forestry centre we will go through the lovely village of Coton in the Elms. The ramble is around 4½ miles, is mostly flat with a couple of gentle gradients and as well as woodland we will use field paths though farmland. There is a café at the end.

Earlswood Twilight Ramble & Supper

Date: Wednesday 4th September 2013 Place: Earlswood, near Solihull # Meet: 7pm Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) + meal on day if requ’d Enjoy an easy 3½ mile ramble with Steve Dell on good paths around Earlswood Lakes and Woods. Twilight rambles start in the light but finish in the dark. The woods and the lakes are quite atmospheric in the dark so make the ramble quite interesting. Back at the pub we will have an area reserved for us whilst we enjoy our pre-ordered food. Don’t forget your torch!

Knowle Easy Ramble

Date: Monday 26th August 2013 Place: Knowle, near Solihull # Meet: 1pm Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) + meal on day if requ’d Enjoy a pleasant afternoon 5 mile ramble from the popular village of Knowle with Cecilia. We leave the village and join The Grand Union canal and then make our way to the village of Barston, using footpaths through farmland and some woods. The return follows the River Blythe for a while as we make our way back to Knowle. We start at the Toby Carvery so if you want to eat after the ramble, they will still be serving and they do a great carvery!

Lichfield Proms & Chorley Ramble

Date: Saturday 7th September 2013 Place: Chorley, near Lichfield # Meet: 1pm Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest Here is a great ramble with Steve Dell finishing with the Lichfield Proms, picnic and fireworks display. The ramble takes in some lovely countryside near Lichfield, including Gentleshaw common just south of Cannock Chase. It is an easy 4½ miles and uses bridleways, farmland and also part of the Heart of England Way. There are a couple of gradients but nothing too strenuous and we will take our time. After the ramble we can take in the Lichfield proms which is a free live music event finishing, once it gets dark, with a spectacular fireworks display. Proms / Picnic: Bring your own picnic - this can be as simple or extravagant as you like from sandwiches & nibbles to strawberries and champagne. Some bring tables and candles or you could just bring a picnic blanket. Parking will be fairly close by so you can bring a table. We can enjoy our picnic when we are watching the live music.

Bourton & Slaughters Ramble

Date: Saturday 31st August 2013 Place: Guiting Power, Cotswolds # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest Due to the distance and two ascents this 14 mile walk with Alan is aimed at regular Walkers with a good level of fitness. We start in the pretty Cotswold village of Guiting Power. From the village we join the Windrush Way which runs alongside the River Windrush. On route we will pass by the sites of the medieval villages of Aylworth and Lower Barford, eventually reaching Bourton-on-the Water where we can stop for lunch. After lunch we join the Wardens way passing through the pretty Cotswold villages of Upper and Lower Slaughter. We will then continue across country back to the village of Guiting Power.

Bewdley & Arley Moderate Ramble

Cornden Hill & Stone Circle Ramble

Date: Sunday 8th September 2013 Place: Bewdley, Worcestershire # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest Extras: With the option of a ride on a steam train We return to the wonderful Severn Valley and Wyre Forest with Steve Dell. You have the option of a 6 mile moderate ramble in the morning, getting the steam train back from Arley, or you can walk back making it a 10 miler. We start from the lovely town of Bewdley and head towards Arley following the river Severn. We then head up into the Wyre Forest following Dowles Brook. After discovering some of the forest we return to the river and follow it into Arley, passing the famous Victoria Bridge. Arley is a wonderful riverside village with a great pub. From here you have a choice of getting the steam train back to Bewdley on the Severn Valley Railway or walking back. The route back takes us though the delightful Eyemore Wood and then back to the river, which we follow back to Bewdley. No doubt we will find a pub to finish.

Date: Sunday 1st September 2013 Place: The Bog, Shrewsbury area # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest A 12 miler with Alan aimed at regular walkers with a good level of fitness as there are two steep ascents. From the Bog Car Park, we will head out west to across the beautiful rolling Shropshire country side to the foot of Cornden Hill. A steep climb to the stop where we can enjoy our packed lunches and absorb the all round views of the Welsh and Shropshire Marches. We then descend and head to Mitchell’s Fold Stone Circle. The stone circle is approximately 1000ft above sea level and was erected 2000-1400 BC by a local Bronze Age community. The circle of thirty stones is approximately 30 metres wide. Today only fourteen survive, ranging in height from one to two metres. Once we have explored the stone circle we will head back east across country to find a local pub for a well earned rest and a pint or two.

What’s the # ?

If a location is followed by the # symbol it’s a secret Spice code that means you are going to receive further joining details by post or email such as tickets, maps, directions, emergency numbers etc


Six Dales Moderate Ramble

Bridgenorth & Severn Way Ramble

Date: Sunday 8th September 2013 Place: Nr Buxton, Derbyshire # Meet: 10.30am Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest Starting from the Wye Dale car park we join Mick for a 10 mile walk following Wye Dale to join the Pennine Bridleway. For a short while we follow the footpath through Flag Dale to the hamlet of Tunstead. Here we follow footpaths to Dale Head to begin the descent on the Limestone Way through Peter Dale, then through the rocky Monk's Dale which is part of the National Nature Reserve. We join the old railway at Miller's Dale for a short distance to descend to the river and follow through Cheedale, with the towering cliffs a haven for climbers, back to the railway for the return to the start.

Date: Sunday 22nd September 2013 Place: Bridgenorth Worcs # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest Note: There are two opportunities at 6 and 8 miles to catch a steam train on the Severn Valley Railway back to Bridegnorth so you can shorten this ramble if you wish. This 10 mile walk with Alan is aimed at regular walkers of reasonable fitness. It is suited to people who want to step up from the ½ days walks and tackle a longer walk with some small hills. The walk follows the Severn Valley along the banks of the river to Hampton Loade. After lunch it’s a gentle meander over rolling countryside passing Chelmarsh Reservoir before returning back to Bridgnorth for a drink or two.

New Members Easy Morning Ramble

Silly Dale Moderate Ramble

Date: Sunday 22nd September 2013 Place: Lickey Hills Visitor Centre # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £3 Member, £5 Guest Want to try a ramble with Spice but not sure what it involves? This is an ideal opportunity to join Richard for a short ramble (1½ hours approx 3 miles) in the Lickeys. We will aim to see some of the Sculpture Trail, some lovely views and different habitats along the way. We will take it very easy and Richard will explain a bit about what rambling involves in Spice, kit issues etc.

Date: Saturday 14th September 2013 Place: Monsal Head, Derbyshire # Meet: 10.30am Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest This ten mile moderate ramble with Mick starts from Monsal Head. We descend to the viaduct to go through Headstone tunnel and follow the Monsal Trail for a while before taking the footpath to Little Longstone, keeping northbound through the mining area of Longstone Moor passing the stud farm to Housley, Foolow and Grindlow. Turning south through the short Silly Dale to Wardlow Mires, we pass the predominant Peter's Stone rock and follow Cressbrook Dale passing Cressbrook Mill to Water - cum - Jolly Dale and to re join the Monsal Trail back to the start.

Tenbury Ramble

Date: Saturday 28th September 2013 Place: Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest This 11 mile walk with Alan is aimed at walkers with a good level of fitness. The countryside can be best described as rolling, rather than any steep/ long ascents. We start in the historic market town of Tenbury Wells with the famous pump rooms and spa. The walk will be in the lovely countryside to the south of the river Teme, taking in Kyre Country Park and the beautiful Kyre Pools where we can stop and watch the many birdlife in that area. Although in general we will be following tracks and footpaths this area is quite remote and will offer a very peaceful and scenic walk.

Eyam Moderate Ramble

Date: Sunday 15th September 2013 Place: Eyam, Derbyshire # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest We start from the centre of the village of Eyam, famous for isolating itself from the rest of the population when the plague arrived in 1665. We head off to the village of Foolow then Grindlow, on this 10 mile walk with Mick, before traversing under Foolow edge to climb to Bretton. From this viewpoint we descend into Bretton Clough to Stoke Ford where we follow the Highlow brook to the hamlet of Hazelford. From here we climb to cross the open expanse of Eyam Moor and onto the bridleway of Sir William Hill Road leading to the radio mast. A gentle climb over Bole hill and Ladywash Mine leads us to Mompesson's Well from the plague era where money was left in vinegar for food and goods, we then descend back to the village to explore the cottages with their plaques and the church of St Lawrence which has a magnificent sun dial, C9th Saxon cross and a plague exhibition.

Astwood Bank Easy Ramble

Date: Sunday 29th September 2013 Place: Astwood Bank & Sambourne, nr Redditch # Meet: 1pm Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) + meal on day if requ’d We return to this lovely area with Cecilia for a 5½ mile ramble starting from the village of Astwood Bank. We start east to the lovely village of Sambourne, with its pretty green and then towards Coughton Court, the impressive National Trust property. We return through Coughton Park woods and part of Monarchs Way. There will be the option of Sunday Lunch after the walk.

Abbots Bromley Moderate Ramble

Date: Sunday 22nd September 2013 Place: Abbots Bromley, Nr Rugeley # Meet: 11am Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) + meal on day if requ’d A new moderate ramble with Steve Dell. At the request of many regulars this is a bit longer, around 7 mile but still at Steve’s relaxed pace and of course Steve will no doubt find a pub for Sunday Lunch afterwards! The outward section of the ramble largely follow the Staffordshire Way as we head south past Blithfield Reservoir and on to the village of Colton. The return uses a mixture of bridleways and local farmland, passing Newlands Grange as we return to the village with its lovely pubs for a well earned drink and lunch if required.

Malvern's Explorer Ramble

Date: Sunday 29th September 2013 Place: Malvern Worcestershire # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest A ten mile ramble with Alan aimed at regular walkers with a good level of fitness. There are a number of steep but short ascents. The walk starts from the Malvern's and heads out across country towards Ledbury, exploring the many villages and lovely rolling countryside away from the Malvern Hills. This ramble offers the opportunity to look back at the Malvern Hills and see this part of the countryside from a different perspective.


Cannock Chase Moderate Ramble

Shugborough Easy Ramble

Date: Saturday 5th October 2013 Place: Cannock Chase, Staffordshire # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest A walk on Cannock Chase starting at the northern end close to Brocton. This is a walk of approx 11 miles with Hamish on undulating ground largely on good tracks, taking in many aspects of the Chase. There are some up and downhill sections and it could be muddy in places. Dogs welcome if kept on lead.

Date: Sunday 13th October 2013 Place: Shugborough, South Staffordshire # Meet: 1pm Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest Today we return to this lovely area surrounding the Shugborough Estate, which is on the northern tip of Cannock Chase. The ramble with Steve Dell is 5 miles and mostly flat with one gradient, but as usual we’ll take our time. It will include the woodlands of Stafford Plantation and part of the Shugborough Estate where we will get views of the hall. We cross the River Trent, a short section of the Trent & Mersey canal and part of the Staffs & Worcs canal, with great views of the surrounding countryside.

Braunston to Flecknoe Ramble

Date: Sunday 6th October 2013 Place: Braunston, Warwickshire # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest This is 7 – 8 mile delightful walk with Hamish is on good tracks with a section of canal walking. It crosses the nascent River Leam which runs by the medieval village of Wolfhamcote. Wolfhamcote was abandoned around 600 years ago but earthworks remain and there is an isolated church (used twice a year) at the site. The walk is mainly on flat ground and dogs are welcome if kept on a lead

Lathkill Dale & Magpie Ramble

Date: Saturday 19th October 2013 Place: Bulls Head, Monyash,Derbyshire # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest This 10 mile walk with Mick starts from the village of Monyash, a former centre for lead mining. We enter Lathkill Dale, a wide open dale which soon narrows. After Lathkill House Cave we may see the start of the river said by Izaak Walton to be the purest he had seen! further down the valley we visit Mandale Mine with some of the workings and the old viaduct still to be seen as can Bateman's house, built over the water pump. We climb out of the dale to Over Haddon famous for the fasting damsel, Martha Taylor, and the head of MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield. From here we cross fields to pass Bole hill and the lesser known Magshaw Mine to arrive at Magpie Mine recorded in 1739 but said to be older. It was the most important mine in the area eventually closing in 1958 with a lot of stories and a curse! It’s then a gentle return.

Kinver Edge Moderate Ramble

Date: Sunday 6th October 2013 Place: Kinver, Nr Stourbridge # Meet: 12noon Start Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) + meal on day if requ’d At the request of many regulars here is another easy to moderate ramble with Steve Dell. The pace will be the same but we will be going a little further, around 7 miles. This is an extended and revised ramble in the lovely area of Kinver Edge with its spectacular views and pretty woods. There are a couple of gradients but as usual we will take our time. We start by walking to the cave houses at Holy Austin Rock. Then to the top of Kinver edge. Once at the top we walk along the edge following the Staffordshire Way and through woodland in Kingsford County Park to the hamlet of Drakelow. The return passes by the remains of an old fort, returns to a different part of Kingsford County Park and quiet lanes back to the pub for Sunday Lunch if you wish.

Moira & Donnisthorpe Ramble

Date: Sunday 20th October 2013 Place: Moira, nr Swadlincote & Burton on Trent Meet: 11:45am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest Join Steve Dell in the National Forest. The pace will be the same as usual but we’ll cover 6½ miles. A lot of conservation has been done in this area and there’s plenty of historical interest, such as Ashby Woulds Heritage Trail which runs along the former line of the Ashby & Nuneaton joint railway, the Ashby Canal and Moira Furnace. There will be woodland and reservoirs to admire along the way. This time we include the pretty Saltersford Valley pools.

Barnt Green & Lickey Hills Ramble th

Date: Saturday 12 October 2013 Place: Barnt Green/ Lickey Hills # Meet: 1pm Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest We return to this lovely area & pub. The ramble is around 4½ miles with Steve Dell. We start at a lovely pub in Barnt Green and venture firstly towards Bittell reservoirs. Then we follow the North Worcestershire Path to the Lickey Hills Country Park, which have some great views of the area, the final leg is through the lovely wooded park. There are a couple of gradients but nothing too strenuous and as usual we will take our time. Back at the pub you can have a drink and lunch if you wish.

Mam Tor Ridge Ramble

Date: Sunday 27th October 2013 Place: Castleton, Derbyshire # Meet: 10.30am Start Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest This 10 mile walk with Mick Cornfield starts from the village of Castleton at the head of the Hope velley and the home of Blue John and Peveril Castle. We first take the steady climb to the top of Lose hill with commanding views in every direction, and legends of giants, then follow the undulating ridge descending Back Tor to Hollin’s Cross where the coffin route passes from Edale to Hope. From here it’s a steady climb to Mam Tor an Iron age hill fort from 1200BC. We then circle the end of the valley to descend steeply down Cave Dale to the side of the castle.

See Also – Ramble, Scramble & Dangle th

This is a ramble with Mark Fenton on September 7 and has a lot of added adrenaline! So if you want a ramble with a difference look it out under “Outdoor Pursuits”



Shooting & Target Sports Whether you want to be John Wayne or William Tell, we’ll show you how!

Clay Pigeon Shooting

.. enjoy a morning at a country shooting lodge

Date: Sunday 22nd September 2013 Place: Tardebigge, nr. Redditch (B97 6RB) # Meet: 9.30am to 1.00pm Cost: £45 (£49 Guest) includes teas/ coffees and all instruction & equipment A fabulous morning in the heart of the Worcestershire countryside learning this wonderful country sport. The friendly team of instructors claim they can get most of our Spice beginners up to a score rate of 70% on their first attempt! And as they use high tech' low recoil cartridges, anyone can do it. The shooting ground is “state of the art” with electronic clay pigeon traps and competition “over and under” shotguns. You will encounter targets simulating flights of pheasant, duck and pigeon and even a bolting rabbit. Instructors are on hand at all times, so you'll soon find your aim improving! There’s a beautiful hunting lodge, for us to use once the shotguns are safely back in the cabinets. Here we also start the day with coffee while our instructors brief us before we set out as a 'shooting party'.

SWAT Training Mission


.. an incredible special forces style experience

Date: Sunday 13 October 2013 Place: Bassetts Pole, Sutton Coldfield (B75 5SA) Meet: 9.30am for 10.00am session Cost: £45 Member, £49 Guest Ever wondered how you would cope as part of a SWAT team storming a building! Well this is your chance to find out! And rest assured - you don’t need any special training or fitness to be a special forces hero with Spice, as we’re just doing this for fun! This unique CQB (Close Quarters Battle) experience has been developed using new and specialised 'Kill House' style SWAT training facilities which has been purpose built on this site. Upon arrival we’ll be issued with our SWAT uniforms and tactical gear (these weapons are powerful but only fire paint) and be transported by military convoy to the briefing centre near to the “embassy” where we can strategically plan our assault and receive basic weapons training. Prior to breaching the “embassy” we'll test our skills on the 'Pit' an accurate replica of the training facility using several of the “Call of Duty” Games, and then wait for the signal. Go Go Go! And we're in! The games are played using a 1200sqm “Kill House” which has 40 rooms, where our scenarios will include: “Hostage Rescue”, “Sweep & Clear” and “Stop the Bomb”. Don’t miss this very special Spice experience, that you’ll be talking about for a long time to come. Directions: NPF is at Bassetts Pole, which is the traffic island of A38, A453 & A446 in Sutton Coldfield. Take the (A446) turning for McDonalds and find entrance off the slip road betweeh McDonalds and the Bassetts Pole Pub.

Indoor Shooting

.. learn to shoot air rifles at this world class centre

Date: Thursday 25th July 2013 Place: National Indoor Shooting Centre, Aldersley Stadium, Wolverhampton (WV6 9NW) Meet: 7.45 for 8pm start Cost: £15.50 Member, £18.50 Guest Did you know that the top indoor shooting facility, where our Olympic teams train is here in the West Midlands? Air rifle shooting is great fun and after learning the basics everyone should be able to hit the target. A team of qualified instructors will take you through the basics. The evening will start with a safety talk and demonstration before you'll be divided into small groups. We then have a chance to put theory into practice on the ten metre range, firing rifles at fixed and moving targets. Cost includes everything you need and the range is indoors, heated and well lit. Directions: NISC is off Aldersley Rd in Wolverhampton. As you drive into the Stadium, it’s the building on the far left.

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Western Style Rifle Shooting Afternoon .. fire "the real thing" with the experts

Saturdays: 6th July, 7th September or 2nd November 2013 Birmingham Shooting Centre, Hockley (B18 7RL) Choose time when booking (4 slots each at: 1.45pm, 2.45pm or 3.45pm) £29 – PAID AS - £4 deposit to Spice to book. Balance of £25 to club on arrival (no credit cards) Members only (no guests) for security and due to limited numbers. Incl. approx 50 rounds of ammo. Bring photo ID With extremely tight firearms laws, it is rare to find opportunities for our members to fire live ammunition. However, under close expert supervision, here’s an opportunity to fire Western Style Lever Action Rifles (like John Wayne used!). They are 357 Magnum Calibre, but recoil is similar to that of a full power spring action air rifle, so you don’t need to be built like a cowboy! After booking in (bring photo ID such as passport or driving licence), we will have a safety talk including range rules and weapon handling safety and etiquette. We’ll then be introduced to our weapons and have time honing our skills on the range. Rules dictate that tuition has to be 1:1 when you are using this class of rifle. Depending on what is going on on the day, we should be able to meet other club members and learn about their firearms. Important Notes: This event must be approached with respect and in line with firearm legislation. Anyone who is not judged to be of sound mind or is suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be allowed to take part. If you think that anything in your past might prevent you taking part (eg ex offenders) then please check your eligibility under section 21 of the Firearms Act. By law, we will need to pass your name and address to the Club at least 48 hours before the event. Despite all this regulation, be assured that our hosts are friendly and you’ll have a great time! Directions: Coming from A38M, stay on A4540 into City towards NIA/ Jewellery Quarter. Straight accross 2 islands (both have petrol stations) then 1st right under railway bridge into Pitsford St. Take 2nd turning into All Saints St and immediate right onto service road (follow sign on low wall for “All Saints Ind Estate & Hockley Business Centre”) which takes you around a 2 storey building. Park on left (near blue railings). If lost, call centre on 0121 523 7232

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

SAS Laser Combat

.. like paintball but without the pain!


Date: Sunday 14 July 2013 Place: SAS Paintball, Wolverhampton (WV8 1QR) # Meet: 1pm for 1.15pm - 3pm session Cost: £14 Member, £15 Guest Mark Phillips has come up with a unique SAS laser combat session at the newest laser combat facility in the West Mids. We’re using the latest digital laser guns in woodlands where we take on missions designed for maximum adrenaline. These games will be convey, medics, hostage rescue, fuel dump and the best of all the trenches all available built in the complex. Unlike laser quest this is much bigger and can be played as a team game while using a completely harmless red beam. This is ultimate realism and the experience lasts just under 2 hours. Just bring a sense of fun and your oldest clothes!

Crossbow & Pistol Shooting at Garlands th

.. learn to use these powerful weapons!

Date: Saturday 13 July 2013 Place: Atherstone near Tamworth (CV9 3PF) # Meet: 11.15 for 11.30am - 1.00pm session Cost: £34 Member, £39 Guest Whilst crossbows have their origins in medieval times, they are some the most powerful that you can legally shoot in the UK. Our instructor will therefore give a thorough safety briefing before we start to shoot anything! After weapon familiarisation and a practice shoot to hone your skills and boost your confidence, the activity moves onto a competition. We will also come into the modern times with air pistol shooting. Approximately 45 minutes will be allowed for each weapon. The competition includes various targets to hit to really put your skills to the test. To win this you need nerves of steel, a steady hand and the ability to stay calm under pressure! Medals for first, second and third place awarded.

“Like” us on Facebook & get more from the Group If you use Facebook, make sure you visit “Spice West Midlands” and press the “like” button.


Field Archery Day


..shoot at targets that think they're animals!

Date: Saturdays: 13 July or 28th September 2013 Place: Near Lount, Ashby de la Zouch (LE65 1SD) # Meet: 9.30am Cost: £45 Member, £49 Guest Spice & Long Eaton Field Archers present a fantastic day of field archery! This very successful event always fills fast and many return many times. This year we have just four dates, so book soon! Field archery takes place in a woodland location, where archers shoot various styles of bow, ranging from the ancient longbow to the modern high-tech compound bow. We place a number of inanimate animal type target faces at a range of unknown distances throughout the wood and then, following a predetermined course, shoot and score each target in turn. First you will be taught how to shoot a bow & arrow safely. Then put your new skills to the test on a tournament field archery course. Try to beat your friends & colleagues and gain the winners trophy! You will come away with a certificate, whatever your score; everyone is a winner! During the day, members of the club will also give demonstrations of several styles of bow. For a flavour of this excellent event go to: www.lefa.org.uk and click on Gallery. Programme: ● 9:30am Arrive at the Wood. Get measured up for a bow. Bacon or sausage roll (or veggie opt) and hot/cold drinks ● 10am bow basics, setting up & shooting tuition ● 10:45am on the competition course ● 12:30pm Lunch ● 1:30pm Out on the competition course again ● 3:30pm Presentations and awards ● 4pm Finish, and home for a bath! The archers breakfast on arrival and lunch are included. As the team at LEFA need to make sure they have the right quantities of food for the day (no shops in the wood!) we need to know (when booking) of any special dietary requirements (vegetarian or other special dietary requirements will be catered for as long as pre-notified). Lunch is a good one, including plenty of accompaniments and a selection of tasty desserts, so you won't be going hungry! Please state the full names of any guests you book onto this event as certificates are prepared in advance by our supplier.

Archery & Rifle Shooting


.. a morning of target shooting at Top Barn

Date: Sunday 15 September 2013 Place: Top Barn Activity Centre, Nr Worcester (WR6 6NH) # Meet: 10am to 1pm Cost: £22 Member, £25 Guest Do you think you’re the next Robin Hood or the next Olympic rifleman? enjoy a fun filled morning at Top Barn Activity Centre for a half day of Archery and Rifle Shooting, an experience on purpose built outdoor ranges, You will be tested across our 25metre Archery range and our 10m shooting gallery guided by fully qualified instructors – that are bound to have you shooting for gold in no time. Top Barn Activity Centre is situated close to the River Severn with a large lake for plenty of water based activities and acres of open space and woodland for lots of fun activities to try out, from archery to zip wire. ______________________________


Social Pursuits You don’t have to jump out of planes to enjoy Spice! This is the category where you find all manner of strange, sociable ways to have fun as a group. Enjoy!

Ten Pin Bowling (Broadway Plaza) th

.. another new bowling venue to enjoy!

Dates: Tuesdays: ● 9 July ● 6th August ● 3rd September ● 8th October 2013 Place: Broadway Plaza, Ladywood Middleway Meet: 8.00pm meet for 8.30pm start Cost: £10 (£12 Guest) Here’s an impressive new bowling alley next door to the AMC Cinema. This alley is run by Bowltech and has all the computerised gizmo’s you would expect. There’s food & drink available on site plus a video games area. We form fairly random teams of 6 and have two games during the evening. Don’t worry if you can’t bowl – we’ll just have fun trying! Directions: Broadway Plaza is just off Five Ways. For those driving, there is a good quality car park underneath.

Adventure Golf at Star City! .. it's crazy golf .. but not as you know it!

Date: Monday 30th September 2013 Place: Tiki Café, Adventure Island Mini Golf, Star City, Nechells, Birmingham (B7 5SB) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £10 (£12 Guest) for 2 games (one on each course) with a bar break in between This is a fantastic new facility for us to enjoy. Adventure Island Mini Golf is England’s first Indoor Adventure Golf Complex featuring 2 brand-new themed 18-hole courses! They are located on their our own lush tropical ‘adventure island’ at Star City Leisure complex. They also have their own bar for us to enjoy. The courses have been built across 3 levels and wind past palm trees and volcanoes, through caves, behind waterfalls and through Tiki Villages providing a fantastic experience. Obviously you don’t need any skills as it is all just for fun! See also www.adventureminigolf.co.uk We’ll assemble in Tiki Café and put people into teams of 4 and send them out to one of the two 18 hole courses.

Glastonbury Day with "The Professor" .. discover the secrets & wonders of this mystical place

Date: Saturday 12th October 2013 Place: Coach pick ups 7.30am/ 8.00am & 8.30am # Cost: £45 (£49 Guest) Deposit £10. Incl: Coach travel, guide & all entry fees Pick ups: ● Sutton Parade 0730 ● City (Colmore Row) 0800 ● Rubery (Great Park) 0830 Great Park by Chiquitos . This is a magical day, discovering the age old mysteries and wonders of the sleepy little market town of Glastonbury, with its ancient streets and ruins of its once great Abbey. This town lays claim, to some of the most astonishing and extraordinary traditions in the world and we have an equally extraordinary man to bring them to life for us. Prof Dr Roland Rotherham was born in Glastonbury and has devoted much of his life to studying its mysteries. This quintessential Englishman is also great fun to be around and we are sure that you will really enjoy his lively presentation of the stories that will unfold in this action packed day! Why Glastonbury: Well it certainly feels very special and “other worldly” and is a mecca for “new agers” studying it’s sacred places. But there is a reason for all of that. It is widely believed that that it is here that St Joseph of Arimathea came here bearing the Cup Of The Last Supper and founded in the centre of the community a holy place that became the first place of Christian worship above ground in the world. It is also stated that here lies the body of the fabled Arthur and Guenivere his queen. On the outskirts of the town lie the Chalice Well where some say that Joseph buried The Holy Grail and where the water runs always runs red. The well is at the foot of Glastonbury Tor an enormous hill with an ancient maze cut into its side that was once an ancient processional route. The Tor is one of the most fascinating sites in Britain and figures largely in the country's folklore. Many believe it to be one of the "Hollow Hills" or gateways to the Celtic other-world, a realm said to exist on a dimension and time parallel to our own and ruled over by a mysterious king. Roly will take us away from the usual tourist routes to show secret symbols and special places that make this day really special. Prof Dr Roland Rotherham (aka Roly or The Doctor), a world respected scholar and lecturer in the legends of King Arthur and The Holy Grail. He also writes on allied subjects such as The Glastonbury Legends, The Ark Of The Covenant and The Spear Of Destiny. His career also includes 3 decades with the Royal Household and as a food historian. 48

Cafe Ceramica Experience .. a creative yet 'potty' social event!


Date: Tuesday 3 September 2013 Place: Mitchells Craft Centre, Weeford Road, Sutton Coldfield (B75 6NA) Meet: 7.00pm to 9.00pm Cost: £14.50 (£16.50 Guest) inc all equipment/firing, and exclusive booking of the venue out of hours. A Spice experience at a cafe with a difference! You choose a piece of unglazed pottery from a selection of quality Italian designs (our deal limits you to items up to £8 but if a big item takes your fancy, just pay the extra) and then sit around the tables to create a masterpiece. The instructor explains the simple techniques with brushes, glaze, sponges etc. She also has books to give you some ideas on designs. It is all very fun and sociable, with teas/ coffees on sale (or you can bring a bottle of wine if you prefer). We socialise while painting. By 9pm we should be finished and be ready to go to the pub, but if you’re still at work you can always arrange to call back to finish off. Your work will be fired for collection later.

New Members Mix and Mingle th

.. a great way to get started with Spice!

Date: Mondays: 19 August or 23rd September Place: The Arden Hotel, Coventry Road (by NEC) (B92 0EH) Meet: 7.30pm (allow approx 2 hours) Cost: £5 Member, £6 Guest The Spice Team have got together with Roy Martin (an expert in the field of personal awareness & development to develop a sociable evening of fun and games – designed to help you get to know as many likeminded people as possible in a short time. You may never have to attend another Spice event without knowing someone again! With lots of games and sharing you will be taken on a journey of meeting new people. You will also have the opportunity to share contact details so you can either arrange to meet others on future Spice events, socially or just keep in touch. All in all, it’s a great way to ‘get into’ the club. The heart of Spice is the spirit of fun & friendship, which members get from experiencing events together. Breaking the ice is no problem with Spice – particularly when you know how!

Poker Night at Lea Marston .. and the BIG PRIZE is back!

Date: Saturday 28th September 2013 Place: Lea Marston Hotel, just off the A4097 near J9 of M42 (B76 0BY) Meet: 7.30pm for a prompt start with training session Cost: £10 Member, £12 Guest A fun night starting off with a training session aimed at absolute beginners. We’ll find out how to bid, what is a good hand and what isn’t, what is bluffing and other secrets of success. Then you get a chance to try out your new-found skills in a competition. We’ll be playing for chips, not money, so you don’t need to worry about losing your house and car! At the end prizes will be awarded to the most successful (and least successful!) players. There is a bar close by where we can get drinks throughout the evening. The big prize will be a £100 voucher towards a Spice West Midlands weekend break.

Afternoon Tea at Althorp th

.. a very special Spice experience!

Date: Saturday 24 August 2013 Place: Althorp Estate, Northants (NN7 4HQ) # Meet: 12.00noon Cost: £35 (£39 Guest). Inc: entrance to House, Grounds & Exhibition and Afternoon tea Althorp has been home to the Spencer family for nearly 500 years. Since the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, Althorp has become a house known across the world, but before that event Althorp was also known to connoisseurs on account of the magnificence of the artefacts and the beauty of the setting. Its house and grounds are open each year and include an exceptional exhibition celebrating the life of the late Princess. Of course Spice always like to arrange something a little bit different to what tourist see, so how about this: We have 3 hours to tour the house, stables, Diana exhibition and enjoy the special atmosphere of a grand country seat. Then, at 3pm, Spice has booked the State Dining Room to enjoy afternoon tea. The room is not normally open to the public and is known as the great Dining Room and was added to the house in 1876. It was inteneded to be a replica of the ballroom in Buckingham Palace – so is incredibly grand and atmospheric. The afternoon tea consists of a selection of sandwiches, cakes and scones with unlimited tea and coffee. 49

Ice Skating Fun Night

.. an evening of learning, laughing & larking around!

Date: Wednesdays: 3rd July or 2nd October 2013 Place: The Leisurebox, Pershore St, Bham (B5 4RW) Meet: 6.45pm Cost: £9 Member, £12 Guest Includes: Group coaching session, Spice coordinator, admission to 10pm Ice Skating always makes for a sociable, fun Spice evening and Mark Phillips has found a great package for us that also includes coaching. So if you've always wanted an easy taster of what ice skating is all about, this is for you. We'll learn the basics of ice skating with a professional ice skating coach who will brief us and teach the basics of skating before being “set free” to ice skate together for the rest of the evening. Refreshments are available downstairs when we need a break. The Spice Itinerary: ● Arrive 6.45pm - 7.00pm for equipment kit up ● 7.00-7.30pm Ice Skating Coaching Session ● 7.30-10.00pm Ice skating free session Venue: The Leisure Box is next to the Arcadian Centre on Pershore Street. We suggest the Arcadian Car Park rather than the multi storey next door. The venue has previously been Planet Ice and Silver Blades if you are old enough to remember!

Firework Championships

.. firework companies compete for most spectacular


Date: Saturday 3 August 2013 Place: Stanford Hall, Lutterworth (LE17 6DH) # Meet: from 6pm (but you can enter site from 5pm) Cost: £16.50 (£18.50 Guest) Includes: ticket, £1.50 booking fee, Gazebo, Coordinator ● 4 professional firework companies ● 4 spectacular shows choreographed to music ● One winner! This fabulous pyrotechnic spectacular has been recommended by Spice members who go every year and tell us it is a brilliant night. It’s a summer evening in the grounds of one of England’s finest stately homes, with some of the best fireworks displays you will ever see! For the companies concerned, being the best, most creative and most technologically advanced is a serious business. They have to delight you as at the end, the spectators will cast their votes by SMS (normal text rates apply and only one vote accepted from each phone number so it is fair). Arrival: Gates open at 5pm, but the Spice coordinator will be ready to meet you from 6pm (you can come later, but the roads in will get pretty congested by 7pm). Bring picnic and chair and we will relax in the grounds & soak up the unique atmosphere. Preshow attractions include the opportunity to learn how music shows are produced and hear interviews with the teams. Food and drink can also be purchased on site if you prefer. We hope to have a Spice gazebo as a focal point. Demonstration: When it’s dark the real fun begins. There will be a demonstration show at 9pm where we learn about the different fireworks as the experts fire a selection of effects with voice commentary explaining how it works. Displays: At 9.30pm the 3 competing teams fire a 10 minute display set to music with 5 minute intervals between shows. Text voting opens once the 3rd show has finished. There’s is a closing (4th) display by the previous champions as a finale!

Warwick VIP Race Day with Meal & Tour .. a very special experience at the races

Bank Holiday Monday 26th August 2013 Warwick Races, Hampton St, Warwick (B13 8HW) # 11am £55 (£59 Guest) Incl. use of Private bar & box facility, Private Balcony, lunch & personal behind the scenes tour by the Managing Director This special event has been put together specially for Spice by Warwick Racecourse. We will be treated to a behind the scenes tour from racecourse Managing Director Huw Williams to allow access into areas that become restricted once racing commences (first race scheduled for 2.10pm). This will include a walk out onto track and a 'history of Warwick' talk, visit to Weighing Room, stable yard tour (they have Stables to hold 120 horses pre race), visit to Commentators Box and Parade Ring access. There may even be a few Jockeys to meet. We have our own box facility with private bar and balcony where we will enjoy lunch and enjoy the racing from a priviledged vantage point! Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


Saturday Night with Shakespeare .. eat, drink, explore & immerse yourself in the Bard

Saturday 21st September 2013 Shakespeare Birthplace, Stratford (CV37 6QW) # 7pm (ends 9pm) £32 (£34 Guest) Includes entry to the ‘Life, Love & Legacy’ Exhibition, wine & canapé reception, entertainment from Shakespearian actors, guided tour of Birthplace, traditional mead to finish People come from all over the world to Shakespeare's Birthplace. It is the ultimate celebration of the Bard and his works. Tonight we are enjoying our own special Spice evening at the Birthplace where we can enjoy a civilised and fun night of “all things Shakespeare”. Our evening will begin with an opportunity to enjoy the Life, Love & Legacy Exhibition. This promises a fascinating and immersive journey from his early life in Stratford-upon-Avon to his time in London. We’ll discover the inspiration for the great dramatic works the world has enjoyed ever since. This is followed by a wine and canapé reception and entertainment from the Shakespeare Aloud Actors. We will then begin an intimate tour through Shakespeare's childhood home with a costumed guide. Actors will also perform speeches/excerpts themed by room throughout the house to bring the tour to life. The evening will finish with a sample of traditional mead. Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Crown Green Bowling


.. a civilised event on a famous green!

Date: Sunday 28 July 2013 Place: The Green, Kings Norton (Behind The Bull Pub) (B38 8RU) Meet: 2.00pm for 2.30pm start Cost: £9 Member, £10.50 Guest Kings Norton Club was founded well over 100 years ago, the first Green was at the 'Knob' in Kings Heath. The club is now situated behind the Bull Public house off their car park on Kings Norton Green, a friendly club who don't bowl in any leagues. We will be divided into small groups for basic instruction and of course experience a game. Directions: The club is behind The Bull, which is on a road called The Green, just off the Pershore Road/ Redditch Road.

Croquet Party


.. enjoy a very civilised Summers afternoon!

Date: Sundays: 4 August or 8th September 2013 Place: Edgbaston Croquet Club, Richmond Hill Road (B15 3SA) Meet: 2pm to 5pm Cost: £12.50 (£15 Guest) includes instructor, equipment & glass of wine An excellent opportunity for absolute beginners with Edgbaston Croquet Club who have been here in this leafy area of Birmingham since 1915. The club has 3 excellent full-size lawns and its own clubhouse. We will be guided through the basics of a simple form of croquet and suggest some devious tactics to outwit your opponents. Games can be arranged to suit everyone's wishes and we may even have a mini tournament. You can choose to play as much or as little as you wish. Please dress as you like but players must wear flat-soled shoes. Ladies are best wearing slacks or shorts as it's not easy to play in a long or tight skirt! We’ll celebrate our afternoon succeses with a glass of sparkling wine!

Waterworld Experience Day .. discover a whole world of watery fun!

Date: Sunday 4th August 2013 Place: Festival Way, Stoke on Trent # (ST1 5PU) Meet: 11.30am Cost: £12 Member, £14 Guest If you love water, you’ll love Waterworld. It attracts over 400,000 visitors a year making it a leading visitor attraction in North Staffordshire and the UK’s No.1 indoor tropical aqua park! We've arranged this special Spice opportunity to spend a day at Water World where we can expect a great sociable and fun filled day. We’ll be able to unleash our “inner child” on wave machines, flumes and gigantic rides! There are many more features available in this wonderful arena or you may just wish to relax around the tropical poolside where there’s food and drink available. We will all meet in the cafe beforehand to plan our action packed day. Please note: Sadly we will not have exclusive use of Water World as it will open to the public on the day too. However, the Spice Coordinator will do his best to keep the group together and make sure everyone has a splashing time! 51

Snooker Night & Buffet st

.. Spice do "Pot Black"!

Date: Monday 1 July 2013 Place: Rileys, 21-22 Essex St, Birmingham (B5 4TR) Meet: 7.45pm for 9.45pm Cost: £12 Member, £14 Guest This evening we have hired 5 snooker tables to run a ‘pot black’ tournament famous from the 1980’s for scoring as many points as possible. You’ll have the rules explained to you and then be entered into the tournament with a trophy for the winner. There will be a buffet for you to enjoy and we will have a exclusive area for us. A sociable and great fun evening.

Boogie Woogie, Real Ale & Supper Cruises .. sociable voyages with live music, Enville Ale & Fish & Chips!

Date: Sunday 28th July - “Boogie Woogie” theme with Phil Sayer Date: Sunday 22nd September – “Jazz/ Blues” with The Original Backroom Boys Place: Gas Street Basin (off Broad St) (B1 2JT) (detailed directions on line) Meet: 2.30pm to approx 5.30pm Cost: £17.50 (£19.50 Guest) Incl: Live music, basket meal & Spice coordinator This afternoon, we’re enjoying the waterways of Birmingham in the company of entertainers and a cask of Enville Ale! (the bar also sells other drinks). It’s great fun, particularly when you watch the reaction of the shoppers and pedestrians to a concert floating by! These are always popular events and this time we will have live music of the boogie woogie genre. We will make our way from the City Centre to Selly Oak where a local fish and chip shop will have our meals ready for us to enjoy on the return journey - served in the traditional fashion (straight from the paper!). When booking please indicate your meal choice of either Fish & Chips, Chicken & Chips or Vegetarian Option & Chips (usually pizza).

American Pool Night & Buffet .. try our special knockout competition & buffet

Date: Monday 5th August 2013 Place: Rileys, 21-22 Essex St, Birmingham (B5 4TR) Meet: 7.45pm for 9.45pm Cost: £12 Member, £14 Guest Here’s a fun social event that everyone can enjoy whether you’ve played before or are new to the game. We’ve put together a special opportunity to try pool and enter a knockout competition at Riley's Pool and snooker hall. This is a brand new evening including a fun tournament with 16 other members who will compete for our very own Spice trophy. There will be an opportunity to learn and practice on the tables for up to 30 minutes beforehand with a practice partner before being drawn against your opponent on a one game knockout format. Can you make it to the end and be our winner? American pool is easy to learn and this is for all ages and abilities a great social evening. Don't worry if you’re knocked out early as there is a buffet to enjoy and we can cheer on our fellow friends to the end.

Civil War Tour of Lichfield

.. unlock the secrets of Lichfield with an enthusiast!

Date: Saturday 10th August 2013 Place: Main door of Lichfield Cathedral (WS13 7LD) Meet: 10.15pm for 10.30pm tour (Tour lasts approx 1½ hours) Cost: £9.50 Member, £12.50 Guest Today we turn the clock back to March 1643 with a very special guided walk on the theme of the Civil War. Three hundred Royalist soldiers under the command of the Earl of Chesterfield are besieged within the fortified walls surrounding Lichfield cathedral. Over the course of a few days the people of Lichfield would experience the start of a devastating period in the city’s history. Lichfield suffered greatly during the Civil War, for it was a Royalist stronghold with a fortified Close at a strategic location between north and south. The cathedral was desecrated by the Parliamentarians in 1643, and the central spire collapsed under bombardment from Parliamentarian forces in 1646. A surprising amount of evidence of this period still remains and in this walk with Don Porter around the Cathedral, Cathedral Close and other areas nearby, you will discover a really fascinating story that shaped Lichfield. We end at Chapters Coffee Shop. . 52

Bristol Balloon Fiesta & Lunch th

.. enjoy this amazing event with Spice

Date: Saturday 10 August 2013 Place: No1 Brunel Lock Rd, Cumberland Basin (BS1 6XS) # Meet: 12noon (ask for Spice table) Cost: £15.50 (£17.50 Guest) Includes: 1 Course Meal, Service, Host from Spice Bristol & Cardiff The Bristol International Balloon Fiesta is a world-class hot air ballooning festival and recognised as one of the UK’s top five outdoor events. Join Spice today for this fantastic festival where we watch over a hundred balloons take to the sky in a mass ascent and view some of the weird, whacky and downright incredible special shape balloons! There’s arena entertainment, over 240 stalls in the Trade Village and Arts and Crafts Marquees, Bristol’s musical talent appearing live at the Bandstand, an aerobatic display by the Blades team, the wonderful Nightglow where 30 or so balloons glow in time to music and a spectacular Firework Finale. You can’t afford not to be at Bristol’s event of the year! More Information: Find the online version of this writeup at www.spicebham.com

Darts Night & Buffet


.. a fun evening for players of all abilities

Date: Monday 19 August 2013 Place: Rileys, 21-22 Essex St, Birmingham (B5 4TR) Meet: 7.45pm Start (ends 9.45pm) Cost: £8.50 (£12 Guest) Includes: Buffet, trophy & coordinator We've arranged a great night out in a private room playing darts on 3 hockey's. Mark will be hosting the evening and will arrange you into teams to have a fun filled sociable evening. We will play many more different varieties of dart games including “around the clock”. An evening buffet will also be provided and a trophy on hand for the evenings winner

Catton Hall Private Tour and Supper .. an evening of history & food in a fabulous location

Date: Wednesday 21st August 2013 Place: Seasoned/Catton Hall, Nr Lichfield (DE12 8LN) # Meet: 6.45pm for 7.00pm Cost: £29 (£32 Guest) Includes: Private tour of Catton Hall by the owner & Moroccan Supper We have persuaded Katie Neilson, the owner of Catton Hall to give us a private tour of this historic property and show us what they are doing to keep Catton as a thriving private estate. Catton has been in the hands of the same family since 1405 and the present Hall (built in the 1740s) is the home of Robin & Katie Neilson. Whether inside this family home with its beautifully proportioned rooms, pictures and antique furniture, or outside in the gardens and parkland, as guests of the Neilson family we can appreciate it’s elegance and beauty. The Hall was originally designed by James Gibbs and built by Smith of Warwick for Christopher Horton and stands on the banks of the River Trent. It remains virtually unchanged as does its original collection of fine family and royal portraits and 17th and 18th century Dutch and Italian paintings. There are also fascinating family connections with Lord Byron, Napoleon and the Duke of Cumberland, George III’s brother. After our tour we will head across the beautiful courtyard to Seasoned Cookery School where we will enjoy a delicious informal style buffet along a Moroccan theme with different tagines, vegetarian options, salads and flat breads. Being prepared by the chef of such a reputable cookery school we expect a very high standard!

New Members Bridgenorth Treasure Hunt st

.. a new fun treasure hunt in Bridgnorth

Date: Saturday 21 September 2013 Place: Bridgenorth, Shropshire (WV16 4QN) # Meet: 9.30am - 10.00am prompt Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest A great opportunity for new members (and old) to mix, mingle, socialise and have a few hours exploring the historic town of Bridgnorth. This lovely market town sits on the banks of the river Severn. The town is in effect split into two, high and low town, but both with fascinating insights into the history of this area. The treasure hunt has been designed to be simple and fun, encouraging you to go and look and seek out some fascinating insights into the history of Bridgnorth. The hunt should take approximately two - three hours to complete. 53

Compton Verney Gallery Visit & Tea .. a guided tour including Turner & Constable works

Date: Sunday 15th September 2013 Place: Compton Verney, near Stratford on Avon (CV35 9HZ) # Meet: 10.45am for 11am Tour Cost: £22.50 (£25 Guest) Incl: Admission, exhibition tour & afternoon tea. Compton Verney houses a historic permanent collection of art, much of which has never been on public view before, and also runs a programme of temporary exhibitions and specially commissioned contemporary art. Today we have arranged a tour to visit this major exhibition which includes approximately 60 works by Turner, Constable and their contemporaries. These works from the Tate collection provide a unique exploration of how the art of oil sketching in the landscape, rather than in the studio, became fashionable in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The exhibition gives an insight into the different approach each artist used for oil sketching, illustrating how different artists approached similar subjects – at a time when oil sketching en plein air was still comparatively unusual. After the tour there will be time to enjoy the other collections and facilities of Compton Verney and indulge in a delicious afternoon tea.

Victorian Gardens Walk & Afternoon Tea .. discover the secrets of this beautiful place

Date: Sunday 15th September 2013 Place: Coombe Abbey, Brinklow (CV3 2AB) Meet: 1.30pm Cost: £19.50 (£21.50 Guest) Includes: Guided walk & afternoon tea Enjoy a guided tour of the grounds of Coombe Abbey followed by a traditional afternoon tea. We will visit the gardens of the Abbey which is set in 500 acres of parkland and overlooks formal gardens with a tranquil lake which was originally built as a Cistercian Abbey in the 12th Century. Our tour of the beautiful Victorian Gardens tells us about how the partnership of Miller and Nesfield shaped the garden landscape we see today. Discover how Miller with his 43 year service to the abbey transformed Nesfields designs into the formal gardens and arboretum. We will then enjoy a quintessential English Traditonal Afternoon Tea in the Abbey, which is now a very nice country house hotel.

Beer & Skittles Night in Tamworth th

.. a great social night with Steve Dell

Date: Thursday 19 September 2013 Place: The Globe Inn, Lower Gungate, Tamworth (B79 7AT) Meet: 7.15pm Cost: £7 (£9 Guest) plus cost of meal if required Spice beer and skittles evenings are always fun and with all the usual ingredients as well as a great bunch of Spice members it's bound to be a memorable night! Steve Dell will bring along his full size alley and organise us into teams and run the evening. There's also a bar where you will be able to purchase the 'beer' part of the event and you can order a bar meal if you wish. For directions, see online version of this writeup. Parking: There is a car park next to the Globe (Pay & Display but free after 6pm) or there is another just across the road on the corner of Aldergate and Hospital St.

Race Night with Fish & Chips rd

.. enjoy a Night at the Races!

Date: Thursday 3 October 2013 Place: The Arden Hotel, Coventry Road (by NEC) (B92 0EH) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £14 (£16 Guest) includes fish & chip supper A great evening event – a night at the races but with no financial risk – just loads of fun! We won’t be using real money as it is run as a social event – but there will be a prize for the most successful player on the night! We will also have a fish & chip supper. Race nights are great fun as you can enjoy the thrills and spills of a night at the races without the chance of loosing your shirt! Each person will be given an amount of ‘money’ to bet on the races. You will have a Race Card with horses and odds. There will be several races selected at random and run on a big screen throughout the evening which will create a great atmosphere. In between each race you can collect your winnings and place any bets on the next race. 54

Lichfield Pub Treasure Trail .. a fun, sociable discovery of Lichfield Pubs


Date: Wednesday 16 October 2013 Place: Lichfield (WS13 6PW) # Meet: 7.00pm Cost: £6 (£7 Guest) plus optional supper after With the darker evenings here is a Treasure Hunt with a difference – all the clues are in the comfort of a number of pubs. As well as having fun you will also discover some of Lichfield’s pubs with a Treasure Hunt with Steve Dell. We will meet in the first / last pub and work in teams of four. Together with a set of clues and questions to solve in each of the pubs you will move around Lichfield. Some will be simple observations but some will be a little more cryptic!There will be the opportunity to eat if you wish in one of the earlier pubs. These are very social events and a great way to meet other Spicers as they are “team” activities. The hunt ends up back at the last pub where you can have a drink whilst the scores are being

Ghostly Goings On & Supper .. a thrilling ghostly tour


Date: Friday 18 October 2013 Place: Coombe Abbey, Brinklow (CV3 2AB) Meet: 6.45pm for 7.00pm Cost: £29 (£32 Guest) Includes: Guided tour, two course supper and a glass of wine Set in 500 acres of parkland Coombe Abbey was originally built as a Cistercian Abbey in the 12th Century and steeped with history. This evening we will discover Coombe Abbey's past and enjoy a thrilling tour of the hotel including a ghost walk, ghost stories and a two course hot and cold buffet supper with a glass of wine in the elegant Stuart or Walnut Room.

Ghost Hunting & Supper


.. a fabulous evening of history, fun & fear!

Date: Thursday 24 October 2013 Place: Tutbury Castle, north of Burton on Trent # Meet: 7.30pm (ends 10.45pm) Cost: £23.50 (£26 Guest) includes supper & tour by Lesley Smith A thrilling foray into one of the countries most historic (and most haunted!) castles. Tutbury Castle: was established in 1066 by William the Conqueror and visited by Richard the Lionheart, Margaret D’Anjou (who lived there), The Black Prince, Charles 1st (during the Civil War, when the Castle held siege for 6 weeks), Henry 4th (who was declared King there), Edward 1st , Mary Queen of Scots (as prisoner 3 times), Prince Rupert and Eleanor of Aquitaine. Legend has it that some of these people are still there, so come and find out! Our Evening: We will be met and be shown through to the castle for our evening buffet of Steak and Ale pie followed by a dessert. A vegetarian option is available. There will also be a tour of the castle by Lesley Smith, who some of you will remember as the TV historian on the “Most Haunted” series. After dark, the Castle transforms to a more forbidding place and the real adventure begins. I promise not to tell you any more, as we want it to be a scary surprise, but trust me, you’ll meet some ghosts! We should be finished in time to catch last orders at the Dog & Partridge …for those in need of revival!

Murder Mystery Evening and Buffet .. a sociable evening of murder & intrigue!

Date: Friday 25th October 2013 Place: Walsall Leather Museum (WS2 8EQ) Meet: 7.15pm for 7.30pm prompt start Cost: £25 (£27.50 Guest) Incl: Teas/ coffees, buffet & entertainment (can bring own alcoholic drinks) We’re back in the atmospheric surroundings of Walsall’s Leather Museum for a fun evening of murder mystery with a team of actors. We’ll pit our wits against the players as a drama of mysterious deaths unfolds around us. The aim is to see who can unmask the killer at the end of the evening! The evening will begin at 7.30pm prompt and will finish at around 10.15pm. A buffet will be served during the evening. Tea, coffee and soft drinks are included. There is no bar, but we are welcome to bring our own wine etc if we wish. These are popular and sociable evenings, so please book early! Directions: The Museum is on Littleton Street West Ring Road (A4148) and is sign posted from all major routes into Walsall and from M6 junctions 7, 9 & 10, which are minutes away. A large car park by the museum is free from 6.30pm. ______________________________ 55

Spice Go Behind the Scenes Spicer’s always want to know that bit more about things, so here’s a series of opportunities to go ‘behind the scenes’ and ask questions at some interesting places. If you have any ideas or inside leads into interesting places (where you work for instance?) do please let us know - and we'll see if we can come to visit.

BBC Birmingham Behind the Scenes .. enjoy a tour of BBC Birmingham's home in The Mailbox

Date: ● Thu 15th August (6.45 for 7pm tour) ● Sat 21st September (12.45am for 1pm tour) Place: BBC, The Mailbox, Birmingham (B1 1RF) Meet: Meet in BBC reception at time given above Cost: £7.50 members £8.50 guest (includes £1.50 booking fee) BBC Birmingham has thrown open its doors, offering you the chance to go inside the state-of-the-art studios situated in The Mailbox. Take a peek behind the scenes of programmes which are made here and try your hand at some interactive fun! During the tour there is always the chance of bumping into a favourite presenter or radio DJ, hearing some trade secrets or being party to some juicy gossip while passing the actors' green room... They'll take you inside as many studios as business allows but please remember that BBC Birmingham is a working building and no two tours are the same.

Spaceguard Centre Visit


.. discover how they predict earth strikes

Date: Saturday 20 July 2013 Place: Knighton, Powys (LD7 1LW) # Meet: 1.45pm for 2pm Tour Cost: £10 (£12 Guest) Includes: 1½ hour private tour, Spice coordinator & VAT The Spaceguard Centre is located at the former Powys County Observatory in mid-Wales. Sited at the top of a hill, the observatory offers outstanding panoramas in all directions, and a clear 360 degree horizon. It is the only organisation in the UK addressing the hazard of Near Earth Objects. NEOs are asteroids and comets that come close to, and sometimes collide with the Earth. Such impacts can have devastating effects – they have in the past and will in the future unless we use available technologies to prevent them. The aim of Spaceguard is to develop and maintain a world-class facility for astro research and science education. It’s privately owned and funded mainly through visitors like us. Our Tour: We have booked a tour of approx 1½ hours with the centre owners. They will explain the importance of the work they do and how they do it. We will see a range of telescopes including a 13” apochromatic refractor. There is also a planetarium for us to experience and the Robotic Telescope Control Centre. Spice Comment: This is a brand new visit for Spice so we don’t know exactly what to expect! We think it will appeal to those with an interest in astronomy who enjoy the more “quirky” side of it all - as there is something of the “Armageddon Preppers” about this subject area! You decide if you think it’s worth the drive!

Hindu Temple Visit

.. discover this spectacular place & learn about the Hindu faith

Date: Sunday 28th July 2013 Place: Dudley Road East, Tividale (B69 3DU) # Meet: 11am Cost: £4 (includes meal during visit) We have previously enjoyed visiting a number of places of worship and learning about the faiths that they represent. This is a return visit to the local Hindu community – and we’re in for a real treat! The Hindu Temple of Shri Venkateswara (Balaji) in Tividale (near Tipton) is the culmination of deeply felt spiritual aspirations and one of the most remarkable achievements of the Hindu communities in the UK. The temple is set in a 21.5 acre site, with a number of different shrines and other facilities and it has grown over a 10-year period to become the largest South Indian temple precinct in Europe. Much more than simply a physical complex, it brings together a remarkably wide cross-section of Hindus into a vibrant, thriving organization, and is now recognized as one of the leading Hindu institutions in this country. We will have a guided tour and opportunity to ask lots of questions about Hindu belief, customs and society. We have also arranged to eat at the Temple and a contribution for this has been allowed in the fee. Important: Arranging this type of event is very dependent on goodwill. Therefore, we ask that if you book you do turn up on the day (or let us know in good time if you can’t make it) and that you are respectful to our hosts and their traditions. 56

St Nicolas Place Evening Tour

.. a special Spice tour of a winner of BBC's "Restoration"

Friday 2nd August 2013 Outside St Nicholas Church, Kings Norton (B38 8RU) 7.15 for 7.30pm Tour £10 (£12 Guests) Includes: Spice exclusive tour of Old Grammer School, Saracens Head & the 12th Century St Nicholas Church. Includes refreshments after of tea/ coffees and a pastry. Today we have a guided tour of one of the West Midland’s foremost heritage sites. They are opening out of hours for an exclusive Spice tour that will include all 3 historic buildings: The Old Grammar School, Saracen’s Head and the 12th century church. Allow a couple of hours, as there is lot’s to see. Background: King's Norton Green is a medieval village oasis surrounded by the urban mass of Birmingham. On the green stands one of the oldest grammar schools in the Midlands, a 12th-century church and a 15th-century timber-framed house. It is the Old Grammar School and the medieval house, known as the Saracen's Head, which are of considerable historical and architectural importance. The Old Grammar School is a wonderful-looking, timber-framed structure that had sadly fallen into decay and on English Heritage's "at risk" register. The nearby Saracen's Head was quite possibly the largest house of the royal manor during the 15th century. Currently being used as Parish offices and structurally intact, the house boasts highly decorative medieval workmanship, and the sophisticated building techniques confirm that the property held high status. These buildings have been saved for the nation thanks to winning a BBC Restoration programme vote. Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Blists Hill Victorian Town Behind the Scenes th

.. a tour & lunch at this recreated Victorian town

Date: Saturday 6 July 2013 Place: Coalport, Ironbridge Gorge (TF8 7DQ) # Meet: 10.00am to 2.00pm Cost: £26.50 (£28.50 Guest) includes a guided tour, light lunch & admission Enjoy a glimpse behind the scenes at the recreated Victorian town in the Ironbridge Gorge. Here you’ll travel back over 100 years to experience the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of ‘Victorian’ England. This visit will include a guided tour of the 52-acre Museum, coffee on arrival and a cone of fish and chips.

Guide Dog Training Centre Visit

.. how can a dog become the eyes & ears of a human?

Date: Saturday 17th August 2013 Place: Edmondscote Manor, Leamington Spa (CV32 6AH) # Meet: 9.45am for 10.00am to 12.30pm tour Cost: FREE to book, but please make a donation of at least £3.00 on the day This wonderful organisation provides guide dogs, mobility and other rehabilitation services that meet the needs of blind and partially sighted people. They breed 1000 puppies a year nationally, which makes them the largest breeder of working dogs in the world. The really interesting bit though is how they transform these pups into highly trained adults who you could trust your life to on the busy roads of Birmingham. 130 dogs are taught to this standard each year in Leamington. Our visit starts with a talk & video, before we’re off to meet the dogs on a guided tour.

Subterranean Dudley Tour & Supper .. an underground voyage of discovery with fish & chips!

Date: Saturday 31st August 2013 Place: Dudley Canal Trust (DY1 4SQ) – Detailed directions online Meet: 6.30pm for 6.45pm prompt Cost: £18 Member, £21 Guest A fascinating two hour, one way trip - through the complete length of the Dudley tunnel. We will start the evening with a Fish and Chip Supper before leaving by coach from our meet point to take us through to The Southern Portal where we will meet up with our skipper for the tour. The trip is through an amazing tunnel, into a cavern network and its limestone mines. Included in the caverns will be a video show, music and light show. We will then proceed through an ivy curtained canal basin into the last tunnel .There will then be a choice either to observe practical demonstrations of "legging" or have a go, the original method of propulsion in canal tunnels. 57

Berkeley Castle Heirs Tour & Tea .. a fabulous opportunity to meet Charles Berkeley


Date: Sunday 18 August 2013 Place: Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire (GL13 9BQ) # Meet: 11.15am – Tour at 11.40am Cost: £29 (£33 Guest) includes private tour with Charles Berkeley & afternoon tea Berkeley Castle is an ancient fortress home where the Berkeleys have lived since their ancestor, Robert Fitzharding, completed the Keep in 1153. Berkeley Castle is one of the most remarkable buildings in Britain and possibly the most outstanding example of Mediaeval domestic architecture in the country. Where other Castles were romanticised or “modernised” by the Georgians or the Victorians, Berkeley quietly survived as what it is: a Norman fortress with an enclosing curtain wall, built and enlarged through the mediaeval period and beyond into a secure, comfortable home. We have arranged a special tour of the Castle by Charles Berkeley (heir to Berkeley Castle). On arrival we will meet up with Charles who will take us on a private tour and give you a full history of the Castle and some of his many family stories! After the tour there will be afternoon tea with scones, jam & clotted cream with time to look around the gardens.

Botanical Gardens and Nursery Tour .. see the beautiful gardens & glasshouses with an expert!

Date: Thursday 22nd August 2013 Place: The Botanical Gardens, Edgbaston (B15 3TR) – directions online Meet: 6.45pm for 7pm Start Cost: £11.50 Member, £12.50 Guest New for 2013: This is a new tour for Spice, so well worth coming back for if you have done a “standard” tour before. As well as showing you around the gardens and glass houses, our guide tonight manages the Nursery, which enables the Gardens to be self sufficient in many plants and will show you how they do it. He will also show us the Butterfly House. Birmingham Botanical Gardens were opened in 1832, designed by J. C. Loudon, a leading garden planner, horticultural journalist & publisher and still provide a remarkable haven of peace, tranquillity and Victoriana close to the City centre. The Glasshouses have always been a major attraction: The Tropical House was built in 1852 to house the famous tropical water lily; the (8 metre high) Palm House in 1871 and the present range of Terrace Glasshouses were added in 1873 and include an Orangery, Cactus House and Succulent House. Together these houses represent a broad variety of climatic zones, displaying plants from throughout the world, including the flora of the tropical rain forests and desert regions. Tropical House Palm House Orangery Cactus & Succulent House The Gardens are laid out to Loudon's original design. The main lawn is an amphitheatre, with its axis running from the Terrace to the Bandstand. There are historic gardens (Roman Garden, Medieval Garden & Tudor Garden), the magnificent West Lawn and Herbaceous Border as well as The Herb Garden and National Bonsai Collection to see. Our Guide: Wayne Williams is one of the highly skilled horticultural team who manage the gardens. He promises a real insight into the gardens – from a historic and 21st century perspective.

Mormon Church Centre Tour th

.. learn what their faith is really about

Date: Thursday 29 August 2013 Place: Penns Lane, Walmley, Sutton Coldfield (B76 1JU) # Meet: 7.30pm to approx 9pm Cost: Free The Mormons (or to be correct, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) are having an interesting year in the media this year with a satirical play (The Book of Mormon) and film poking fun at their unusual lifestyle. However, you may also have some very positive perceptions of the faith with famous devotees including The Osmonds, Brandon Flowers and others who are famed for their polite, clean living personas. Also the huge intelligence on family history that the Church provides to the world. Oh, and then there are the popular misconceptions such as the idea that all Mormon men have many wives and wear strange undies .. We thought it was time for Spice to find out the truth about this Church and have an opportunity to make up their own minds, so we have arranged a visit to a large Church centre in Sutton Coldfield where our contact Kerry will be our guide. She has promised to explain the basics of what Mormons believe and the ways that they live their lives in the modern world. She will also show us their chapel, the Family History Unit and demonstrate the tremendous welfare work they are involved in which includes helping people into employment. Of course, you are also invited to bring your most difficult questions. As ever with Spice, the aim is to increase understanding between communities and banish popular misconceptions. More Details: Please find detailed sirections and visit notes online at www.spicebham.com. 58

Assay Office Tour


.. a fascinating insight into this famous trade

Date: Thursday 12 September 2013 Place: Newhall Street, Birmingham (B3 1SB) Meet: 2pm Cost: £11.50 (£12.50 Guest) includes tour,tea and coffee & booking fee Over 235 Years of Birmingham’s History The Birmingham Assay Office was formed in 1773 as a result of a successful lobbying campaign led by Birmingham industrialist, entrepreneur and silversmith Matthew Boulton. Since then it has grown to become the largest Assay Office in the world and still continues to carry out its statutory duty of hallmarking articles manufactured in platinum, gold, silver and palladium. Housed in an impressive Grade II listed, late Victorian building, located on the edge of Birmingham’s historic Jewellery Quarter. These unique visits are designed to be both enjoyable and informative and provide the only opportunity for the public to see inside the Assay Office. The Silver Collection tour includes refreshments in the domed grand entrance hall on arrival : A concise history of Hallmarking and the Birmingham Assay Office, Precious , Metal Assaying and Hallmarking, a film of the traditional and modern processes employed by the Birmingham Assay Office, a tour Of the Silver Collection Accompanied by The Curator and also a tour of the Birmingham Assay Office Library to view the collection of rare books and manuscripts in their historic setting.

Farm Talk & Walk


.. enjoy this talk & walk with tea & cake!

Date: Saturday 14 September 2013 Place: Moor Lane, Coleorton, Coalville, Leics (LE67 8FQ) # Meet: 12:45 for 1:00pm Cost: £4 (£5 Guest) Includes: Tea & Cake A unique opportunity to see behind the scenes of a small farm. Our very own farmers Alan & Brian Webster have kindly invited us to have a look around their farm, go for a walk and then back for tea and cakes. We start off by having a look around their farm buildings and toys (err tractors). Alan and Brian will give us an informal talk about the farm and how some of the things run. After that we will have a walk of 4 to 5 miles around the wider farm and local area. Back at the farm we will have tea and cakes to round it all off. Last time some of us even went to the pub to make an evening of it

National Memorial Arboretum & Lunch .. a place of beauty, tranquillity & remembrance


Date: Saturday 14 September 2013 Place: Alrewas, nr Burton on Trent (DE13 7AR) – detailed directions online Meet: 10.30am Cost: £18.50 (£20.50 Guest) Includes: Entrance, tour & 1 course lunch The National Memorial Arboretum is a living tribute to the wartime generations of the 20th century and as a gift in their memory for future generations to reflect upon and enjoy. It is a huge and major undertaking, with 56 gardens and monuments created by the various forces and regiments involved in our recent history. It includes the UK's newest tree collection, the beautiful Golden Grove, Millennium Chapel, a growing collection of sculptures and a wealth of wildlife. Our Visit: We meet at 10.30am and then we can attend a homage service in the Chapel at 11.00am. At 11.30am we will join an hours guided tour. Following on from our tour we will then enjoy a Roast lunch. Desserts are available at an additional cost. Please advise if you prefer a Vegetarian option. The remainder of your visit will be free to wander.

Morgan Motors Visit


.. a wander around a motoring legend!

Date: Friday 20 September 2013 Place: Morgan Motor Works, Malvern Link, Worcs (WR14 2LL) # Meet: 10.30am for 11.00am Cost: £14 Member, £16 Guest (includes booking fee) The Pickersleigh Road Morgan Factory is a unique 'time capsule' where little seems to have changed since it opened in 1918! And that is probably the reason why the cars are still in such demand. The chassis is still constructed with seasoned wood and the metalwork is cut, beaten and polished by (loving) hand. We can only visit in working hours, so I'm afraid these times will not suit everyone, but if you love classic English sports cars, we figured a few of you might find a way to get there. We get a factory and visit the new visitor centre that has been built to celebrate 100 years of The Morgan. 59

Masonic Temple Visit

.. discover the truths about this secretive organisation

Date: Tuesday 1st October 2013 Place: Warwickshire Masonic Temple, Edgbaston (B16 9SB) Meet: 7.30pm Extras: No charge - but charity collection on day. The Free Masons are a secret society of around 5 million men* – nearly 10% of whom are in the UK. Because of this secrecy, myth and rumour have abounded through many centuries and the controversy continues today. We probably know that Freemasonry involves ritual, robes and religious symbolism. Also that Masons meet in secretive buildings which often have no windows. We may not know that Freemasons raise lots of money for charities and are committed to high moral standards and a care for those in society who are in need. So are they sinister or saintly – it’s time to find out! To this end, we were delighted to be invited to see behind the scenes and ask questions at a large “Temple”, so that Spice members can decide for themselves what the Masons are all about. *English Freemasonry is predominantly male, (though there is a separate “Ladies Organisation”) but women are welcome to come today. Please allow approx 2 hours for the visit. More Details & Directions: See the online version of this writeup at www.spicebham.com

Staffordshire Search & Rescue Talk rd

.. learn about their valuble work

Date: Thursday 3 October 2013 Place: Royal Hotel, High St, Sutton Coldfield (B72 1UD) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: Free, but a voluntary donations on night please to SSART The Staffordshire Search and Rescue Team is a team of dedicated volunteers, with specialist training to locate and rescue missing people in urban and rural lowland areas. They also provide fully equipped 4x4 vehicles to assist with evacuation, recovery & logistics during adverse weather, wherever they may be required. They are trained for searching in and alongside water hazards and flood evacuation. Three search dogs are in training. Their specialist skills include effective missing person searching in rural and urban lowland environments, first aid & casualty care, map reading & navigation, 4x4 driving in adverse conditions, aircraft crash site management, radio communications, missing person behaviour, and a host of other essential skills. They have also been called upon to assist with the severe flooding of Hereford & Gloucestershire during the summer of 2007 to move essential supplies and personnel through flood water with 4x4s and to provide additional support to Police in Warrington during a major warehouse fire. Every member of SSART is a volunteer and the team is funded entirely through donations from the public and local business. This evening we will learn about their invaluable work.

Bellfoundry/ Bell Casting Experience th

.. get inside a fascinating heritage industry!

Date: Thursday 10 October 2013 Place: John Taylor Bellfoundry, Loughborough (LE11 1AR) # Meet: 1.30pm Prompt Start (Tour lasts approx 2 hours) Cost: £13.50 Member, £16 Guest John Taylor & Co. continues a line of bellfounding which has been unbroken since the middle of the 14th Century, when Johannes de Stafford was active only 10 miles from the site of the present foundry. Since 1784 the business has been in the hands of the Taylor family. In 1839 the business settled in Loughborough and is now proud to operate the largest bellfoundry in the world. Centuries of experience, together with up to the minute advances in technology, has put Taylors at the forefront in the design and manufacture of bells, their fittings and frameworks for all methods of sounding bells. Taylors were also the first bellfounder to adopt "true-harmonic" tuning in the late 19th century. Thursday is casting day at The Foundry and we hope that we will see metal poured and a bell being cast during our visit, although this is dependent on production timetables being met. What we will definitely enjoy is a tour of the foundry which includes an extensive bell museum. We will also learn how bells are tuned and the intricacies of building and maintaining a carillon (if you don’t know what one of these is, you will find out today – and you may be able to hear the nearby Loughborough Carillion giving its weekly 1pm recital as we arrive for our tour!) This is a very special place. Many churches & cathedrals across the world have used bells cast at Taylor's. In 1881 they cast the largest bell in Britain, "Great Paul", for St Paul's Cathedral in London, weighing 17,002 kilograms (37,483 lb) or more than 17 metric tons! We are sure that you will find this a fascinating afternoon. Note: Strong shoes must be worn. By HSE regs, anyone wearing open toed sandals will not be allowed in working areas. 60

Eastnor Castle Heirs Tour & Lunch .. discover the Castle with it's owner


Date: Sunday 13 October 2013 Place: Ledbury/ Malvern Hills area (HR8 1RL) # Meet: 11.15 for 11.30am Cost: £22 (£25 Guest) Incl: Light lunch of sandwiches, cake, tea/coffee Our Heirs Tours of our regions stately properties have proved very popular. Sir Richard Fitzherbert has shown us around Tissington Hall; Charles Berkeley has shared Berkeley Castle with us; Lord Cobham has welcomed us to Hagley Hall and now James Hervey- Bathurst is going to show us his home, Eastnor Castle. On Spice rambles you may have caught a glimpse of Eastnor Castle in the dramatic setting of the Malvern Hills, surrounded by a beautiful deer park, arboretum and lake. You may have wondered who lives in such a castle and how they came to be there! Well, the castle remains the home of the Hervey-Bathurst family and James splits his time between his castle and his business interests in London. James has a particular interest in trains and steam engines which is why he and his castle appeared on several Fred Dibnah TV Programmes in the 1990’s. The castle was built in 1812 in to resemble a medieval castle guarding the Welsh borders and its lavish interiors contain medieval armour and fine art. Particularly of note is the stunning Gothic Drawing Room added in the 1850’s by AW Pugin. After our tour we will be treated to a light lunch. This includes a selection of sandwiches, homemade cake and a pot of tea or coffee. You will then have free time to explore the extensive grounds. Note: If for any reason James becomes unavailable on the day, the tour will still go ahead but with a castle steward.

Worcester Cathedral Tour & Tower Climb th

.. see it from a more adventurous angle!

Date: Saturday 10 August 2013 Place: main door of Cathedral (WR1 2LA) # Meet: 10.30am to approx 12.30pm Cost: £12 Member, £14.50 Guest Worcester Cathedral is an incredible landmark, situated on a bank overlooking the River Severn. Today we will find out more about it with a two part tour. Our first hour is with a tour guide who will show us around all the main points of interest of this huge, historic place of worship. We’ll see the work of generations of fine craftsmen and learn of some of the adventures that the building has witnessed through the ages. We’ll then be taken to the Tower which we climb to enjoy it’s internal features and (after lots of steps) the finest views of the Cathedral and of Worcestershire! Read more: See the online version of this writeup at www.spicebham.com

Funeral Home Talk & Tour .. get inside a state of the art funeral home!

Date: Wednesday 16th October 2013 Place: 346-354 Foleshill Rd, Coventry (CV6 5AJ) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: Free. Refreshments provided on arrival Over the years we have had several talks from undertakers as part of our behind the scenes programme. This time we have something a little different as we are actually visiting a large, modern funeral home. Because of it’s location, the team have particular skills in serving Coventry’s Asian communities as well as all other sections of society. As one of the largest funeral service providers in the area, Darryl Smith the General Manager of the Heart of England Co-operative Society Funeral Division has invited us to an open and informal discussion all about funerals, including customs and practices across a range of cultures. The talk will take place at their 'state of the art' £1.2m funeral home in Coventry and is followed by a tour around the premises. It is an opportunity to dispel the myths and ask questions about anything to do with death and funerals, whilst gaining a valuable insight into how a funeral home works. The aim of tonight is to open our eyes to an important yet little talked about industry and how it adapts with understanding and sensitivity to the multicultural needs of our modern society. We also hope that it will banish some of the myths, taboos and misconceptions associated with funerals and help us cope and understand if we are in the situation of needing to arrange a funeral for a loved one. Important: Arranging this type of event is very dependent on goodwill and on the high integrity of the members attending as representatives of Spice. Therefore, we ask that if you book you do turn up on the day (or let us know in good time if you can’t ) and that you are very respectful to the dignity of this profession and the traditions of the customers they serve. Location: Cooperative Funeral Services is at 346-354 Foleshill Rd, Coventry, CV6 5AJ. There is plenty of parking behind the premises in their own car park (which is off Webster Street). ______________________________ 61

Sport & Fitness Try a new sport or rediscover an old one! It’s a great way to get fit, make friends and socialize. With Spice, it’s all just for fun. All ages & abilities take part and no skill is expected.

Hoola Hooping


.. have a hoopla workout with a Hoola Celebrity

Date: Sunday: 7 July 2013 Place: Midland Arts Centre, Edgbaston - Randle Studio (B12 9QH) Meet: 10.45am for 11am – 12noon session Cost: £6 (£8 Guest) Ever fancied trying Hoola Hooping properly – and learning how to have fun and tone up at the same time? Well Spice men & women - here’s your chance! We've arranged a beginner’s class where you can improve your self confidence, body tone and most of all do a team activity that will make you friends and learn everything you need to know about this fantastic new fitness craze. Julia will be looking after you for this exciting session where she in the past has performed at Glastonbury Festival and many public events across the world showcasing her wonderful talent. She’s an expert in her field and will show you all sorts of tricks and techniques, then progress into music and a fitness experience.

Volleyball for Beginners

.. try it at The University of Birmingham

Date: Thursday 18th July 2013 Place: Munrow Sports Centre, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston (B15 2TT) Meet: 7pm for 7.15pm start (1 hour session) Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest Have fun developing your ball skills at our new taster session of volleyball. We've hired a court out and equipment to learn the game and have some fun meeting other spicers along the way. Volleyball is great for building up a team spirit while getting fit and trying new sports out. We’ll have a co ordinator on site to make you welcome and explain the basics and keep the event structured, fun and organised. This is a great event to start with if you want to introduce yourself to sport for the New Year. For a map & directions see link on online version of this writeup.

Fencing for Beginners

.. try your hand at this Olympic sport! th

Date: Wednesday 18 September 2013 Place: The Budokan, Sutton Street, Birmingham (B1 1PE) see directions online Meet: 7pm prompt start (ends 9pm) Cost: £15 Member, £17.50 Guest Fencing is particularly trendy at the moment, following many recent appearances in the movies. It is a skilful and surprisingly energetic activity, stretching muscles you never knew you had! Using the coordination of hand, eye and psyche, makes for a great ‘workout’. This workshop gives you the chance to try out basic skills and manoeuvres with a fighting session at the end! Once kitted up you'll be shown safety procedures and warm up, then you'll be shown the correct stance and way of holding your sword before you face your first opponent!

Golf - Learn to Play in a Day th

.. learn at this premier golf & country club

Date: Sunday 8 September 2013 Place: The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club, Leek Wootton (CV35 7QT) Meet: 9am to 3pm Cost: £35 (£39 Guest) Includes: tuition, teas/ coffees & light lunch Today this prestigious golf club is providing us with an opportunity for complete beginners or relative newcomers to have a day of golf coaching with an experienced PGA Professionals on all major aspects of the game. Outline of the day: ● 9am – 9.15 coffee ● 9.30 – 12pm coaching on the range with PGA pros covering all the basics ● 12pm – 1pm soup & sandwiches in club house ● 1pm – 3pm Play the Par 3 course with the professionals for on course experience. The day is open to anyone who has never played, novice players plus those who’ve attended one of these days before and need more.

Sporting Night and Supper

.. a sociable night of food, fun, sporting quiz and entertainment

Date: Thursday 26th September 2013 Place: The Arden Hotel, Coventry Road (by NEC) (B92 0EH) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £10 (£12 Guest) Incl: Buffet, quiz & £5 to spend on Sport & Fitness events on the night We are now more than 6 months into our year of Sport and Fitness that we launched in January. So far so good – we have an extensive range of new venues, sports and fitness activities we are most definitley on the move. To celebrate we have organised a fun social evening which will include a hot buffet, sporting themed quiz and of course a surprise or two!

Unihoc (mixed indoor hockey) .. come and join our friendly unihoc players

Dates: ● Thu 11 Jul ● Thu 25 Jul ● Tue 20 Aug ● Thu 12 Sep ● Thu 26 Sep ● Thu 10 Oct ● Thu 24 Oct Place: NIA (Community Hall) St Vincent St. (B1 2AA) Meet: 8pm – 10pm Cost: £6 (Guests £7) “EARLY BOOKER” Rate £5 (members only)* Unihoc is a traditional, much loved Spice activity. It is a type of indoor hockey played with plastic sticks. It’s a lot of fun – particularly as we don’t take it too seriously. Don’t worry if you have never played before as you will soon pick up the basic from the friendly regulars. It is a great choice for those who want a fun way to get fit and stay fit, as you use up a lot of energy chasing that ball around the court! *It helps for us to know numbers well in advance (we can’t play with less than 2 teams!). Therefore we offer an “early booker” rate of £1 discount if you book over 14 days before.

Badminton at the NIA

.. a sociable evening & a great workout! Dates: Every Wednesday through July, Aug, Sept & Oct Meet: 7 to 9pm ( 2 hour session) Book 4 Sport dates at th Place: NIA (Community Hall) St Vincent St. (B1 2AA) NIA & get a 5 free Cost: £6 (Guests £7) including all equipment A fun evening of badminton, with nothing taken too seriously and the chance to play with a whole new bunch of players. You just need a basic grasp of the game to play. Players rotate to give everyone a Variety of games.

Badminton for Fun

.. regular sessions at Coventry, Wolverhampton & Worcester Date: ● Coventry: Every Weds ● Worcester: Every Mon ● Wolverhampton: Every Weds Place: ● Coventry: Alan Higgs Centre, Allard Way, Coventry CV3 1HW ● Worcester: Perdiswell Leisure Centre Bilford Rd, Worcester WR3 8DX ● Wolverhampton: Aldersley Leisure Village, Aldersley Rd, WV6 9NW Meet: 1 hour session at each venue: 8.00pm to 9.00pm Cost: £4 (£5 Guest) including all equipment We have a number of regional badminton venues. At each one, you’ll find a fun evening, with nothing taken too seriously and the chance to play with a whole new bunch of players. You just need a basic grasp of the game to play.

Badminton for Beginners .. try it at University of Birmingham

Date: Every Tuesday in July 2013 Place: Munrow Sports Centre, Birmingham University, Edgbaston (B15 2TT) Meet: 6.45pm for 7pm – 8pm session Cost: £5 Member, £6 Guest including all equipment We've secured excellent modern facilities for you to play Spicers of all abilities. You don't need great skill, as the object is just to have fun.There's free parking at weekends. Note: Sorry, no professional coaching is provided with this event. 63

Ladies Football Training .. it's a beautiful game!


Date: Sunday 28 July 2013 Place: Barr Beacon Leisure Centre (WS9 0RF) – directions with on line writeup Meet: 1.45pm for 2.00pm - 3.00pm Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest Due to lots of requests, we’ve arranged a ladies only football training session with a top qualified ladies FA coach to put you through your paces and learn the basics of the game. The session will end in a friendly game. As it’s an all ladies event you can relax whilst learning the rules of football and have some fun. You don’t even need to explain the offside rule to those troublesome men! Come along whatever fitness level you are and develop our very own Spice girls football team. It’s an indoor session, so you don’t need football boots either. If there is enough demand this could be a regular event.

Rounders & Social Night th

.. a fun evening of sport and sociability!

Date: Thursdays: 18 July, 8th August or 29th August 2013 Place: ErinGoBragh Sports/Social Club, Holly Lane, Erdington (B24 9LH) Meet: 7pm prompt start Cost: £5 (£6.50 Guest) Includes: all equipment & instruction Spice Rounders nights are great. They’re all about getting out in the light nights and acting like kids again! Everyone can have fun playing, even if you don't know how to hold a bat! Clare & Lisa are Spice members who are also in the local Mixed Rounders League and put together these fun evenings. They act as umpires, sort us into teams, tell us the rules and make sure everyone has a great night. As the light fades we retire to the social club bar where we can quench our thirst!

Circuit Training with Mark th

.. enjoy an hour of circuit training!

Date: Tuesday 16 July 2013 Place: Midland Arts Centre, Edgbaston – Randle Studio (B12 9QH) Meet: 6.45am for 7pm – 8pm session Cost: £6 (£8 Guest) We've put on a circuit training session at the MAC with our very own sports and fitness co ordinator Mark who has taught circuits for over 9 years to all groups and levels and is a vastly experienced personal trainer and nutritionist. He will put you through your paces learning, ladder work, stomach and body exercises, ball work and interesting fitness activities.

Basketball & Netball Introduction

.. a taster session for men and women to learn the sports

Date: Tuesdays: 2nd or 16th July 2013 Place: Barr Beacon, Barr Beacon (WS9 0RF) – directions with on line writeup Meet: 6.45pm for 7- 8pm session Cost: £5 Member, £7 Guest For this brand new event we've hired a sports basketball court for a special taster session of netball and basketball. We’ll discover these popular games of skill and match play but make the games easier, safer and fairer for both make and females who take part. Afterwards we can socialise in the local pub and get to know everybody.

Trampolining Evening with Coaching .. a good nights entertainment open to all

Date: Wednesday 21st August 2013 Place: Barr Beacon Leisure Centre, Barr Beacon (WS9 0RF) Meet: 6.45pm for 7pm - 8pm session Cost: £8.50 Member, £10.50 Guest A fun Trampolining session with a coach that anyone can enjoy. Two trampolines will be available and an experienced coach on hand to help. You will be able to develop your skills and moves or just bounce around to get fit! 64

Run in the Park

.. some easy excercise in the evening! Dates: ● Tue 9 Jul ● Tue 23 Jul ● Mon 12 Aug ● Tue 27 Aug ● Mon 9 Sep ● Tue 24 Sep Place: Meet by Streetly Gate of Sutton Park (B74 3EN) – directions online Meet: 7pm Start (ends around 8.30pm) Cost: Free*, but please book so we can contact you if anything changes An opportunity to get fit and active by enjoying an easy run, jog or fast walk with us in the evening. After some stretching we set off on a route of around 3 – 4 miles. So that everyone can go at their own pace, we use a simple “easy to follow” route on the quiet roads towards Powells Pool and back with set breaks and to put a faster runner at the front and someone slow (probably Richard!) at the back. These evenings are for anyone who wants to increase their fitness in a sociable group. As a minimum, you should be capable of a fast walk as this is what the “back marker” will be doing. *The evenings are free, but there will be a collection for our Fun Run Charity – the Young Persons Unit at QE Hospital.

Jogging Evening in Solihull .. some easy excercise in the evening!

Date: Weds: ● 10 Jul ● 24 Jul ● 7 Aug ● 21 Aug ● 4 Sep ● 18 Sep 2013 Place: Brueton Park car park, Warwick Road (B91 3HG) Meet: 7pm Start (ends around 8pm) Cost: Free*, but please book so we can contact you if anything changes An opportunity to enjoy an easy run, jog or fast walk with us in the evening. We are indebted to Mark Thursfield who has offered to run these evenings as a volunteer. So that everyone can go at their own pace, he uses a simple “easy to follow” route on quiet roads. These evenings are appropriate to anyone who wants to increase their fitness in a sociable group. *The evenings are free, but there will be a collection for our Fun Run Charity (the Young Persons Unit at the QE Hospital)

Capoeira Workshop

.. try this Brazilian martial art with dance & music

Date: Thursday 11th July 2013 Place: Rogue Play Unit 8, Minerva Works Digbeth (B5 5RT) – directions online Meet: 7.15pm for 7.30pm to 9.30pm Cost: £12 (£14 Guest) Capoeira is a Brazilian art form involving defence, offense and acrobatic moves. You will learn the movements of Capoeira, be introduced to the instruments used for playing, learn the names of movements in Portuguese and be able to play a traditional Capoeira 'roda' by the end of the session. No experience needed and all levels of fitness welcome.

Introduction to Short Tennis .. an introduction to a fun game

Date: Tuesday 16th July 2013 Place: Billesley Tennis Centre, Wheelers Lane (B13 0ST) Meet: 6.45pm for 7.00pm - 9.00pm Cost: £8 (£12 Guest) Incl: 2 hour hire of courts and one hour coaching session, rackets & balls Here is an opportunity to be introduced to Short Tennis. The game is played on a half size court with shorter nets and with sponge balls. The game is great for beginners who have never played tennis before and focuses on the fun aspect. We have arranged a hours coaching for you to get started and then you will be able to play for a further hour.

Football Training for Men .. rediscover the joy of football!

Date: Tuesday 30th July 2013 Place: Barr Beacon Leisure Centre (WS9 0RF) Meet: 6.45pm - 7.00pm until 8.00pm Cost: £6 Member, £7 Guest We've put together a football session run by an FA coach, for men only. There will be training on all skills, shooting and tactical. At the end of the session there will be an indoor football match so have hired the complete hall this evening. This has been asked for by popular demand and will be running this alongside our ladies only sessions. 65

Girls Roller Skating Lesson Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

.. a great opportunity to discover skating


Thursday 22 August 2013 Doug Ellis Sports Ctr, Perry Barr (B42 2SY) 6.45pm for 7pm to 9pm session £12 (£15 Guest) Includes: Skates, pads, helmets and full instruction

Another great opportunity to find out about Roller Skating with Central City Rollergirls who are a feisty bunch of enthusiastic skaters who are keen to pass on their love of the Sport. We've put on a taster session where you will learn to indoor skate around a velodrome. You will be shown all the tricks of the trade on indoor roller skates from basic to the more advanced overtaking moves. Our instructors compete in a full contact sport, but we will not be doing this today! You will however be taught to skate around the track and have lots of fun. Important: This session is for girls only sorry. You must give your shoe size when booking so that skates can

Tennis for Absolute Beginners (Indoor) .. a great way to get started - with friends!

Date: Thursday 5th September 2013 Place: Billesley Tennis Centre, Wheelers Lane (B13 0ST) Meet: 6.45pm for 7pm - 9pm Session Cost: £8 (£12 Guest) Incl: 2 hour hire of courts, 1 hour coaching session, all rackets & balls Learn something new for New Year! We've set up a coaching and playing experience to introduce you to the wonderful game of tennis. Our group of Spice “first timers” will enjoy a one hour group coaching session with a Professional LTA coach on the basics of the game. Once this session is over we've laid on 2 indoor courts for you to put your practice into play with the fellow Spicer’s for a further hour. It will all be in fun and prepare you to join a new sport while getting fit and having fun at the same time. You will not be expected to be on court for the whole time as there will be opportunities to “sit out”and take a break as you wish. For directions & transport info. See online version of this writeup.

Martial Arts for Beginners th

.. have fun trying Karate, Judo & Aikido!

Date: Wednesday 25 September 2013 Place: The Budokan, Sutton Street, Birmingham (B1 1PE) – directions online Meet: 7pm prompt start (ends 10pm) Cost: £23 Member, £27.50 Guest If you have always fancied trying a martial art, but have never been sure how to get started and which one is for you – this is a great opportunity to have a go. We’re learning with Eugene Codrington and his team, who are quite simply the most expererienced instructors you will find (Eugene was one of the world champion British team who were the first ever to beat the Jananese “at their own game!”). After a general introduction, we’ll be trying out three of the most popular and easy to learn styles, spending around an hour on each. The approach is non aggressive, and mind is as important as body! We’ll be in bare feet, and you need to wear loose, light clothing. Tracksuits, leotards, leggings or anything similar is fine. Karate: Translated as ‘empty hand’, this system of self defence has it’s roots on a Japenese island where weapons were banned. Instead we use punches, strikes, kicks, deflections, blocks, takedowns etc. Judo: The principal of Judo is to displace an opponents point of balance by using the attackers’ weight and strength against them. Techniques include arm and leg locks, floor restraints etc. Aikido: This is a self defence principal taken from ancient sword and spear fighting techniques. You harmonise with an attack both mentally and physically in order to exhaust an opponent before neutralising them with a throw. ________________________________


Theatre, Comedy & Concerts We have good relations with all the venues in our region, and try to secure good seats for a wide range of shows. Often we are holding tickets for a very limited period, and with the most popular shows, tickets are finalised months in advance of the performance. We post out tickets around a week before the event, including a meet up point (generally the bar!). Important: as we have to purchase your ticket well in advance, these types of event are non refundable unless we can resell your seat to someone else. Sorry. Social Note: By it’s very nature, (you sit quietly in the dark!) these types of event are not particularly sociable. There will be a volunteer coordinator who’ll do their best to “meet & greet” and to get people together in the interval. However, please don’t book these events for a social evening as you may be disappointed.

Concert Nights at the Jam House .. see famous acts at this intimate venue

Place: Jam House, St. Pauls Square, Birmingham (B3 1QU) Meet: Bands due on around 9pm but you can arrive any time These music nights are a rare opportunity to see musical icons in the intimate setting of The Jam House. These are public events, but our friends at The Jam House have arranged special rates for Spice members (but please note that non members have to pay the public price including booking fees so we dont compete with their public pricing). ● Dr Feelgood – Thursday 8th August - Cost to Spice Members £3 (guests at public price of £5) Touring pretty much continuously since 1973, Dr Feelgood always give 100% of the finest British rhythm and blues to make you feel good. Performing such hits as including "Milk & Alcohol", "Down at the Doctors" and "Roxette". ● The Christians - Thursday 15th August - Cost to Spice Members £3 (guests at public price of £5) The funky chart-toppers, the Christians, take the stage at the Jam House with the full range of their hit singles from the 'eighties and 'nineties including Forgotten Town, Hooverville, Ideal World, and Born Again, and their versions of Harvest for the World, and Ferry 'Cross the Mersey. ● SuperStars of Soul: Ben E King & Jimmy James - Wednesday 4th Sept - Cost to Members £6 (guests £17.50) Two true “Superstars of Soul”, Ben E. King & Jimmy James are joining forces this summer to present a stunning series of concert dates throughout the length & breadth of the UK. After a memorable show two years ago, Ben E. specifically requested that he came back to Birmingham to play the Jam House! Accompanied by The Vagabonds, a fabulous six piece live band, they will be performing the songs that have provided the soundtracks to so many people’s lives ...’Stand By Me’, ‘There Goes My Baby’, ‘Save The Last Dance For Me’, ‘Spanish Harlem’, ‘Amor’, ‘I’ll Go Where The Music Takes Me’, ‘Now Is The Time’ plus many, many more. ● Beggar & Co - Thursday 19th September - Cost to Spice Members £3 (guests at public price of £5) The original founder members of Light Of The World and pioneers of UK jazzfunk / dance had a run of hits in the early ‘80s as Beggar & Co with such classics as “Somebody Help Me Out”, and Mule (Chant No 2). As individual musicians, they have become some of the mainstays of the UK Jazz / Soul scene, playing & recording regularly with the likes of Paul McCartney, Simply Red, Gabrielle, The Style Council, Tina Turner, Billy Ocean, Alexander O'Neal, and others, as well as following their own projects – Incognito, Central Line, and recently, The Funk Jazz Collective. This show will reflect not only the hits from Beggar & Co and Light of the World, but the work and influences that have shaped their careers. ● Sadie & the Hotheads - Wednesday 23rd October - Cost to Spice Members £3 (guests at public price of £5) Fronted by the international star of stage and screen Elizabeth McGovern, who appears as Lady Cora in the hit ITV series Downton Abbey, Sadie & The Hotheads create a spectrum of sound on their second LP. ● The Stylistics - Wednesday 20th November - Cost to Spice Members £5 (guests at public price of £18) PhillySound Hitmakers, the Stylistics, return to the Jam House with their back catalogue of Soul masterpieces, including "You Are Everything," "Betcha By Golly Wow," "Stop Look Listen", "Break Up To Make Up," "Children of the Night," "You'll Never Get to Heaven," "You Make Me Feel Brand New," "Na Na is the Saddest Word," "Can't Give You Anything," and "Can't Help Falling In Love" Arrival: You can arrive any time, but we do not plan to have a Spice Coordinator at all of these events, so there will not be the usual “Spice social vibe” I’m afraid. However, we will get Spice members together if we can (but bear in mind that there will be several hundred members of the public there as well, so this may not be easy). As you are pre booked, you can ignore any queue and go straight to the entrance where your name will be on a list (there are no tickets). Dress: Smart dress - no trainers or ripped denim. Shirts for gentlemen please. The Spice Deal: This is a special “Spice Offer” to Spice members for just 50 tickets .. when they’re gone – they’re gone!

Cancellation Terms – Ticketed Events Please remember when booking any ticketed events in this section, that refunds on cancellations can only be offered if we resell


Cinema Nights

.. informal get togethers for film lovers


Date: Sundays: 7 July, 11th August or 8th September 2013 Place: Cineworld, Broad Street (corner of Broad St & Bishopsgate St) (B15 1DA) Meet: Meet 5.50pm in foyer (Meet volunteer coordinator Jay Hazel) Extra: No cost to book, but you buy your film ticket on the night. This is an informal opportunity for film lovers to get together each month at Birmingham’s prime multiplex cinema. Most of the films have screenings starting between 6 & 7pm, so we will meet our coordinator, Jay in the Foyer and decide which film to see. We expect that most people will join the coordinator at a film that she recommends, however, you can see a different film if you wish. Once we’ve bought our tickets we have access to the cafe bar upstairs which we’ll use as our base before and after the films. After our film, we can enjoy discussing what we’ve seen as a group of “Spice Critics”. Venue Details: Full directions by, car and public transport are with the writeup on our website www.spicebham.com including details of an arrangement for 3 hours free parking for cinema users with the multi storey next door.

The Importance of Being Earnest .. excellent outdoor theatre in a lovely setting


Date: Sunday 14 July 2013 Place: Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens (B36 9BT) # Meet: 2.30pm for 3pm Cost: £14 (£16 Guest) Two young gentlemen living in 1890's England use the same pseudonym "Ernest" on the sly, which is fine until they both fall in love with women using that name, which leads to a comedy of mistaken identities. Outdoor theatre goes ahead in all conditions, so dress for the weather and bring a chair and a picnic

Cinema Night - Rubery

.. an informal get together for film lovers


Date: Friday 26 July 2013 Place: Empire Cinema, Great Park (B45 9FP) – see directions online Meet: Meet 7.30pm in foyer Extras: Pay for film ticket on the night Host: Volunteer coordinator Rachel Reeve - 07530 721431 This is an informal opportunity for film lovers in the Rubery area to get together each month at this excellent multiplex cinema. Most of the films have screenings starting around 8pm (or half an hour either way, so we will meet our coordinator, Rachel in the Foyer and decide which film to see. We expect that most people will join the coordinator at a film that she recommends, however, you can see a different film if you wish. If there is time, before and after the film we can use the nearby pub as our base and discuss our films together. Parking: There is a large car park and you get up to 5 hours parking free.

Sandbach Fake Festival


.. tickets on the door are £25 so get booking!

Date: Saturday 10 August 2013 Place: Sandbach RUFC Bradwall Road Sandbach (CW11 1RA) # Meet: 12:30pm to midnight Cost: £16 (£17.50 Guest) Incl: ticket and services of Spice Co-ordnator NOTE: Early Bird Price untill July 10th then the price rises by £5 For all those who love the festival feel and great music we have teamed up with Fake Festivals to present the Sandbach Fake Festival Featuring tributes to Queen, Green Day and Red Hot Chili Peppers, plus 5 local support bands. All held inside the Fake Festivals marquee with a licensed bar and fenced food and entertainment garden area. Details: To read all about what is in store, visit this event online at www.spicebham.com

A Spice Newsletter is just a Snapshot in Time

We are booking new events into the Spice programme all the time as new opportunities occur. Please make sure that you also check our schedules on line at www,spicebham.com so you don’t miss a thing. We also update members on a weekly basis with out “Weekly Bulletin” by email and via our Facebook Page.

The History Boys

.. the multi award winning Alan Bennett play

Date: Saturday 14th September 2013 Place: Crescent Theatre, Birmingham (B1 2JA) Meet: 7pm in bar to collect tickets for 7.30pm Cost: £14 Member, £16 Guest Alan Bennett's hugely successful play about an unruly bunch of bright, funny 6th form boys in pursuit of sex, sport and a place at university. Add a maverick English teacher at odds with the young and shrewd supply teacher. A headmaster obsessed with results and a history teacher who thinks he's a fool. Staffroom rivalry and the anarchy of adolescence provoke insistent questions about history and how you teach it: about education and its purpose. The History Boys won an Olivier Award, South Bank Show Award, Evening Standard Award and Critics' Circle Award for Best Play.

Educating Rita

.. the iconic comedy from Willy Russell


Date: Tuesday 17 September 2013 Place: Highbury Theatre, Sutton Coldfield (B73 5HD) – directions online Meet: 7.00pm to collect tickets for 7.30pm start Cost: £9 Member, £11 Guest (at public price). Includes: Booking fee & Spice Coordinator Thought provoking, funny and moving, a comic masterpiece and modern stage classic. The work also became a BAFTA winning film with Michael Caine & Julie Walters. Today it’s on stage – just as Willy Russell intended!

Treasure Island

.. a tale of "pirates and buried gold". Date: Friday 27th September 2013 Place: Blue Orange Theatre, 118 Gt Hampton St (B18 6AD) – directions online Meet: 7.00pm to collect tickets for 7.30pm start Cost: £10 Member, £12 Guest Treasure Island really needs no introduction as it is one of the best loved and most read novels ever printed. Come and enjoy it at The Blue Orange, a new independent theatre situated in Birmingham's Jewellery Quarter.

Space Opera at the Planetarium .. an out of this world experience!


Date: Saturday 12 November 2011 Place: Planetarium, Think Tank, Millinnium Point (B4 7XG) Meet: 5.45pm for 6.00pm performance (ends 6.45pm) Cost: £12 (£15 Guest) Spice exclusive booking of whole Planetarium An exclusive Spice evening in space! Enjoy a spellbinding 360° voyage across the Solar System and beyond. Journey to the stars as the planetarium is transformed into an alien spaceship and you are immersed in the music of Holst's The Planets and guided on a scenic voyage littered with cultural references from famous writers, artists and philosophers.

An Evening with Roger Moore th

.. a marvellous raconteur

Date: Wednesday 6 November 2013 Place: Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham (B5 4DS) # Meet: 7.00pm for 7.30pm Cost: £28 Member, £30 Guest The legendary film star chats with biographer Gareth Owen about his life and career. Featuring inside stories and exclusive anecdotes from an extraordinary career that has included the iconic TV series The Saint and The Persuaders plus Hollywood blockbusters and of course the James Bond films. There will also be a unique opportunity to put your questions to the Hollywood legend at the end of the show. ______________________________ 69

Workshops & Talks Whether it is serious self development or serious fun that you’re after, here are a diverse range of opportunities to learn new skills.

Colour U Confident Workshop .. discover what you should be wearing!

Saturdays: 7th September or 12th October 2013 (sorry, July date now full) Rowden Drive, Solihull (B91 1UQ) # 9.30am for 9.45am - 1.00pm £60 (£65 Guest) PAID AS £10 (£15 Guests) deposit paid to Spice when you book, plus the balance of £50 paid on the day (Credit cards at a £2 supp. sorry) Do you want to know which colours make you look younger, healthier and slimmer? Then this workshop is for you. Lesley Cox, Colour Me Beautiful consultant, will answer these questions and more. During this colour and make up session you'll discover why certain shades complement your unique colouring more than others and how to combine the colours that suit you in different ways. Each person attending will be individually analysed and made up with Colour Me Beautiful cosmetics. By the end of the workshop you'll have a wallet containing 30 fabric swatches to use as a guide when you shop, your own personalised make up prescription, listing your best cosmetic shades....and loads of confidence. Shopping mistakes will become a thing of the past! Sounds like too good an opportunity to miss.

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Drumming Experience for Beginners rd

.. Spice help you realise another childhood ambition

Dates: Wed 3 July or Tues 10th September or Wed 16th October 2013 Place: Drum School, Lawley Middleway, Birmingham (B4 7XX) Meet: 7.00pm to 9.00pm session Cost: £19 Member, £21 Guest Do you ever find yourself bashing your table top with a couple of pencils as your favourite tune blasts out of your radio? Maybe you’ve thought about playing the drums but never really pursued the idea… Well this is your chance to have a go in a small friendly group led by one of the Midland’s most experienced instructors. There has never been a better time to learn than now, with a wide range of cheap acoustic kits and realistic electric kits that can be played with headphones that don’t send the neighbours crazy! For this session however, you needn’t buy anything as all the equipment is provided. Your instructor will guide you through the workings of the kit, how to sit at a drum kit and hold the sticks for ease of playing and then the fun begins as you learn to play your first rock beat! This session is a fun, hands on introduction. No experience is needed but a reasonable amount of fitness is required, also flat soled shoes are advisable. Directions: The school is located near to the House of Drums at Professional Music Technology, only a 15-minute walk from both the Bullring shopping centre and Moor Street Station. There’s ample parking.

Digital Photography for Beginners th

.. learn the secrets of success!

Date: Saturday 17 August 2013 Place: Fotofilia Studio, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham (B1 3NS) Meet: 10am to 3pm Cost: £29 Member, £35 Guest As it “says on the tin”, this is a back-to-basics introduction to digital photography, with top professional photographer, David Rann. Whether you’ve just bought your first digital camera and find yourself baffled by all the buttons and the unintelligible manual, or you’re someone with a grounding in photography looking to improve or refresh your skills, this 5 hour workshop combines classroom-based introductions and practical assignments, with guidance always on hand if needed. Any digital camera will be fine for today although the more manual control your camera allows, the better. As well as the studio based sessions, we will go out into the Jewellery Quarter which has lots of great location possibilities including an atmospheric graveyard. There will be a half an hour for a lunch break (lunch not provided) One model will be provided per eight participants. For more information on David visit www.davidrannphoto.com Directions: Fotofilia’s new premises is in Regent Parade, off Caroline Street, just uphill from St. Paul’s Square.


Magic for Beginners

.. learn the secrets from an enthusiast!

Date: Wednesday 11th September 2013 Place: 80 Brook Street, Stourbridge (DY8 3XB) Meet: 7.30pm to 9.30pm Cost: £22 Member, £25 Guest Tonight we enjoy a special Spice evening with an amazing opportunity to learn the art of magic in a unique class. We will be taught by Stuart Millward a professional magician in his magic store 'The House of Magic UK'. You will learn tricks, sleights, finesse and patter to amaze and baffle your friends and family. Learning magic builds confidence as well!

Watercolour Painting Intro Day th

.. a fun day unleashing your creative potential!

Date: Sunday 14 July 2013 Place: Centre of England Arts, Nr Solihull (B92 0LT) # Meet: 10am to approx 4pm Cost: £39 (£45 Guest) includes: Basic Materials, tea, coffee & biscuits Artist, Julie Hyde has put together a day’s course, demonstrating the various techniques of watercolour painting. Julie will demonstrate the different ways that watercolours can be applied and how to plan and build up, stage by stage your own watercolour pictures. You will try out different techniques experimenting with wet on wet, basic washes and dry brush work, giving you confidence to use these for your own pictures. Julie will explain the mysteries of paper stretching and will advise you on the vast rage of selection of equipment that is available in the art shops. Working from photographs or still life groups Julie will talk about how to plan paintings and demonstrate how to build up you painting. You will work through one, two or maybe even three paintings and Julie will help you through each stage. Although it will take a beginner through the process of watercolour painting there will be plenty of ideas for the more experienced artist. Basic material will be provided, but if you have your own or want to use different medium please bring it along. See www.COEA.co.uk for more information about Centre of England Arts and Julie Hyde

Jewellery Making with Beads

.. create unique earrings, bracelets and necklaces to take away!

Date: Saturday 7th September 2013 Place: Hylton Street, Jewellery Quarter (B18 6HN) – directions on website Meet: 10.30am - 1.30pm Cost: £29 Member, £32 Guest Another special Spice opportunity to get creative with an expert! You may want to make unique presents, but then again, you might decide to keep them for yourself! This is a great training studio with one of the most enthusiastic instructors (Estelle) we’ve ever discovered! We get all the equipment we need (including thousands of beads!) plus expert tuition and style advice. We will have time to create 2 items to take home from a selection of necklaces, bracelets and earrings. Our special price includes 3 hours tuition, materials and light refreshments. All you need to bring is your enthusiasm and willingness to let your creativity run riot! We have max 8 places, so if you want to try something creative, therapeutic and fun… get your booking in quick!

Ukulele for Fun


.. have fun learning this popular instrument!

Date: Sunday 6 October 2013 Place: Midlands Arts Centre (MAC), English Studio, Edgbaston (B12 9QH) Meet: 3.30pm to 5.30pm Cost: £18 (£20 Guest) includes ukuleles & instruction Ukelele playing is easy when you know how and very trendy at the moment due to the cult popularity of The Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain! It is also an instrument that is cheap, simple and a lot more portable than a guitar. So why not have some fun discovering what it’s all about with a fun group of Spice friends? Today we’ll have a go at playing the ukulele in an entirely unintimidating atmosphere. The session will start by explaining how to hold and strum the ukulele and then working on some simple chords. We can then play some tunes together. You don't need to be musical in any way or to be able to read music as you will be shown how it is done. A fun event that will make everyone smile. 71

Nine Steps to Happiness

.. another evening with "the happiest lady in the Midlands"

Date: Thursday 12th September 2013 Place: Brook Marston Farm Hotel, Kingsbury (B76 9JD) – directions on website Meet: 7.30pm (ends 9.30pm) Cost: £8 Member, £12 Guest After an interview on BBC radio, Jules Mitchell was quoted as ‘The happiest woman in the Midlands!’ She’s now taken on the enviable task of spreading this happiness across the Midlands and is ready to empower us with her unique Happiness Formula. On the face of it, happiness might appear a bit of an odd subject for a Spice workshop, however, if you had to define the most important thing in life, I would guess that happiness would be at the top. So learning how to be happy is a pretty key life skill! Jules is now well known for her specialism in Laughter Therapy and how this can be combined with “Intentional Mindful Habits” to provide individuals with a regular “Blissapline”: a discipline of happiness. Jules introduces herself as a Director of Happiness; she is an experienced Happiness Coach, Laughter Therapist and trainer of Optimism & Positivity. She will be sharing with us her ‘9 Steps to Happiness’™ which is a unique program that is packed full of specific research and education on the new and evolving ‘Science of Happiness’ and Positive Psychology. This hour and a half funshop provides exceptional optimism training that will guide participants through the many obstacles to happiness by providing them with a range of simple and easy processes that can be incorporated into daily life. A key aspect of Jules’ training is the understanding of how positive and negative emotions affect us and how we can use this knowledge to not only reduce the risk of stress, but also to raise our energetic vibrations. There will, of course, be bucket loads of fun, laughter and inspiration that will ensure that the evening is one that you will be talking about for months to come! As Jules is a fully trained Laughter Yoga Leader and an Advanced Energy Practitioner, she will be sharing how these two modalities can be linked to raise our spirits on a daily basis.

Fire Eating Workshop th

.. this one you've got to try!

Date: Sunday 20 July 2013 Place: Woodlands Camp, Streetly, Sutton C'fld (WS9 0SH) # Meet: 10.30am for 11am start - Note later time Cost: £39 (£45 Guest). Extras: Just bring packed lunch, a towel and milk Bob the Fire Eater pioneered this classic event for Spice and taught a whole generation the joys of eating and breathing fire over a period spanning around 25 years of Spice history. Sadly Bob died in 2012 but his legacy remains in the happy faces of those members who have conquered this unique and dramatic skill. In memory of Bob we have created a new Fire Eating workshop with Blair, a performer who we believe to be the only person teaching the same techniques as Bob. Fire Eating & Breathing: This has got to be one of the Spice Classic Events. Go on, It Must Be On Your List of "Got to do's". If you are not sure about doing it then ask around and find out what a great day it is! Over 2000 Spice members have faced the challenge and swallowed fire - and the feedback forms tell us it's crazy - thrilling - adrenaline pumping and more - fire eating is one of our Classic Events that sets Spice and its members far above the mundane and gives you the chance to leave mediocrity behind and become extra-ordinary. The morning session comprises a thorough programme of games and exercises done as a group, designed to boost confidence and team spirit, and to prepare members for the challenge of safely learning this dangerous and esoteric skill. It's lots of fun but never the less taken seriously as danger is ever present, so no messing about on this one. The day culminates in the incredible sight of all the team swallowing firebrands and for the grand finale - a team photo of everyone flame throwing! Are we mad - not when you know how! The day doesn't just teach you a new party trick, but gives a mega boost to your confidence and self esteem, which lasts long after the event. A great event for new members to meet and 'bond' with others, and discover what Spice is all about. Bob is also justifiably proud that he achieves an almost 100% success rate with members young and old! Because a lot of Spicers make Fire Eating their party piece, firebrands are for sale at a modest extra cost, so bring some cash! You will need to wear loose old clothing with few buttons and buckles as possible, and not flimsy or flowing of course. There is a lot of rolling around too (!) so old clothes you do not mind getting dirty or smelly. Also, bring along warm outdoor clothing/waterproofs just in case its bad weather when we are outside. Each member must bring along the following: ● a full size bottle of white spirit or turps substitute ● a large old Towel ● a bottle of full fat milk (or flavoured milk) ● headbands if you have long hair ● packed lunch/ drinks ● a camera to record our achievements! Please be aware that there are dangers/ hazards associated with this event. There’s a special disclaimer to sign on the day.


Singing for Beginners - Find your Voice! .. be amazed what you can acheive with an expert!

Date: Sunday 4th August 2013 Place: Coppice School, Trinity Rd, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield (B75 6TJ) Meet: 9am – 11am Cost: £14 Member, £16 Guest We believe that anyone can sing, well virtually anyone! So if you can’t wait for Gareth Malone to visit your workplace and you want to discover your voice – Spice have the answer! Lesley Gainford LGSM is our vocal coach today for a special beginners session. She has an excellent reputation, having worked with and performed with some of the leading choirs in our region. She has also founded 3 choirs herself who perform in the Sutton Coldfield area. Very often people think they can’t sing, or have been told that by others. In fact, singing is an innate ability in all people that can be developed the same as other skills. It enables everyone to express themselves freely, to create and perform both individually and with others. It encourages self-awareness and confidence. Content: ● Mental and physical warm-ups ● Technical exercises ● Working at expanding repertoire across different styles and genres ● Performing as a group at the end of each session ● Having fun together! Objectives of this session: ● To control sounds made by the voice, singing songs, developing control of diction and musical elements, including dynamics, duration, timbre, breathing, rhythm and pitch ● To experience songs from different times and cultures, by well-known composers ● To rehearse, share, perform and communicate musical ideas with others. We hope that you will leave with a feeling of well-being and achievement and feel inspired to expand your experience.

Spice Choir – Develop your Singing! th


.. learn how to sing in a choir

Date: Sundays: ● 7 July ● 4 August or 8th September 2013 Place: Coppice School, Trinity Rd, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield (B75 6TJ) Meet: 11.15am to 1.15pm Cost: £14 (£16 Guest) If you have enjoyed one of out Singing for Beginners sessions and want to develop your singing further, this could be the perfect solution. Lesley invites you to join a “Spice Choir” where she can work with you all to take your skills to the next level and start to make wonderful music together. You can come along just once or come every month, as there will be a natural progression through a range of popular and classical pieces as the months go by. You never know, we might even get a performance at a Spice event one day!

Makeover or Boudoir Photography Session .. don't you deserve a fantastic image?

Saturdays: 24 August, 28th September or 26th October 2013 Theo Georgio, Gracechurch Centre, Sutton (B72 1PH) 2 hour timeslot to be arranged with you £19 (£25 Guest) Includes: Make up, hair styling 1 print (further prints can be purchased) Extras: Studio will ask for a £20 security deposit when they call to confirm your timeslot. This is returnable & just to ensure you don’t miss the appointments Whether you want a fabulously flattering picture for your wall, your Facebook account, or for family and friends, this is a great way to boost your confidence by discovering just how beautiful you really are with the help of experts. We are very pleased with this special Spice arrangement for 2013 with our friends at Theo Georgio. The photographer is a very talented and creative lady who will work with you to get exactly what you want from the day. For a very modest price, you get all of the following: ● Bucks fizz on arrival ● Session with make up artist ● Session with hair stylist (not washed or cut) ● Selection of studio portraits with 3/4 changes of clothing & backgrounds ● One free print and the opportunity to buy others that you like. How it works: Once you have booked your date with Spice, we will pass your contact details to the studio who will call you to arrange the most convenient time. Sessions are 2 hours in total (1 hour makeover & 1 hour photography) and Spice timeslots start 1 per hour. The studio will also discuss what type of look you want to achieve. At the end of your shoot the studio will arrange a mutually convenient time for you to come back and view your pictures. At the viewing appointment your £20 viewing deposit is returned (or you might wish to put it towards buying extra pictures). On the day: Just turn up with your favourite outfits and accessories, be this lingerie, nightwear, bags, boots, jewellery etc. Other Spice members will be made up as you are being photographed (and vice versa) but you may not come into contact with the others – this is a treat for you rather than a group activity. Note: In booking this event you agree to us passing your contact details directly to the studio. Date: Place: Meet: Cost:



Pottery Workshop


.. learn a range of pottery techniques

Date: Sunday: 13 October 2013 Place: Liz Monk Studio Pottery, Nr Bromsgrove (B61 0QG) – directions online Meet: 11.00am (ends 4pm) Cost: £45 (£49 Guest) includes materials, firing, tea & cake Liz Monk Studio Pottery & Gallery is situated on a picturesque traditional farm courtyard, set in the north Worcestershire countryside. Manor Farm is a working farm, where the Monk family have lived and made their livelihood for the past 35 years. The traditional farm buildings have been sympathetically converted into a pottery studio and gallery, to accommodate the next generation of the Monk family’s passion for contemporary British Crafts. Liz has worked in the craft pottery sector since she graduated in 1996 with a ceramic design degree. During this time she has trained with some of the leading names in ceramics today, both from the UK and Japan. This has included completing a four and a half year pottery apprenticeship. In 2002 she was awarded the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship for her achievements in the craft sector. The entire pottery production process is carried out on the farm by Liz, from making the clay body to firing the finished pieces in her large gas kiln. Join in one of the pottery workshops, where Liz will teach us a range of pottery techniques, including throwing on the potter's wheel and hand-building skills, such as slabbing and coiling. Sessions are tailored to the individual needs and requirements of the group, whether you are an absolute beginner or if you wish to build on existing skills. The cost includes pottery materials and the firing of items made on the course, ready for collection at a later date – as well as a refreshing tea break and yummy home-made cake!

Mind Management Workshop

.. overcome the obstacles to a happy & succesful future!

Date: Sunday 6th October 2013 Place: The Arden Hotel, Coventry Rd by NEC (B92 0EH) Meet: 10.30am start (Finish around 4.30pm) Cost: £45 (£49 Guest) includes coffees/teas & light buffet lunch ● Do you want to be more confident? ● Have you had enough of doubting yourself? ● Does the 'inner critic' in you hold you back from being the fantastic person you are? ●Are you ready to make a change? Then this workshop is for you! This Mind Management workshop will help you identify the negative beliefs that prevent you from living the life you want. It will show you the skills to empower you to make positive changes to you life. Also we will be challenging: ● negative thinking and negative patterns: ● Learning new ways of coping ● Building self awareness ● Improving self esteem ● Exploring coping mechanisms during tough times ● Looking at Self Support & Outside Support ● Learning motivational techniques ● Helping you to focus on the future you want and ... have fun! Sheila McMahon is our trainer today. A Qualified Counsellor with 4½ years of training. She has a private pratice 'Sky Counselling Service'. During her counseling training she realized that the only thing stopping her from achieving her goals was her own negative thoughts. She has broken through this cycle and is ready to pass on her techniques to others who want to make changes to their life. She runs Mind Management courses in Birmingham and has given talks on this subject in London. She is also a stand-up Comedienne and performs in her own one woman shows all over the country. She is very passionate about people achieving there goals and breaking through there own limitations. She believes no matter what age you are, who you are, you have the potential to feel fantastic about yourself and to live an amazing life....besides no-one gets out alive anyway! So if you’re ready to make empowering, inspiring changes to your life then book your seat on this course and get ready to see how fantasic your life can be!

My life with the Corgis & other Royals! .. an amusing insight into life in the Royal Household

Date: Wednesday 4th September 2013 Place: The Royal Hotel, Sutton Coldfield (B72 1UD) – see directions online Meet: 7.30pm for 8pm start Cost: £9 Member, £12 Guest Professor Roland Rotherham was a member of the Royal Household at Buckingham Palace during the 60’s, 70’s and early 80’s. He is a very entertaining speaker and promises a rare insiders glimpse of Royalty, including some slides from his photograph collection. As Attaché to the Equerry in Waiting, Roly was well versed in the etiquette by which our Royal Family functions and also has lots of stories of the more informal aspects of Royal Life – including looking after the four legged members! Anything can happen when Roly takes the podium, so expect an amusing, entertaining, insightful night! Acorns Children’s Hospice: Our speaker donates half of all the fees he receives for these talks to Acorns. 74

Secrets of the Holy Grail th

.. discover the fact and the fiction

Date: Wednesday 18 September 2013 Place: The Arden Hotel, Coventry Road (by NEC) (B92 0EH) Meet: 7.30pm for 8pm start Cost: £10 Member, £12 Guest The 2004 publication of Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code was responsible for a huge upsurge of interest in The Holy Grail. But it is a subject that has fascinated scholars for years. So here is an opportunity to learn what it’s all about and learn some amazing secrets from Professor Dr Roland Rotherham who is a Professor of Grail Studies and Arthurian Legend. This is sure to be a fascinating journey, and knowing Roly, it is sure to be very entertaining and humorous as well. The talk will take us on a rich journey taking in King Arthur and his knights, Mary Magdalene, Rennes Le Chateau and many possible scenarios involving some of the points raised in Dan Brown's book. In particular Roly will attempt to trace the beliefs of The Holy Grail back to their origin. Prof Dr Roland Rotherham (aka Roly or The Doctor), a world respected scholar/ lecturer in the legends of King Arthur and The Holy Grail. He also writes on allied subjects such as The Glastonbury Legends, Ark Of The Covenant and The Spear Of Destiny. His career also includes 3 decades with the Royal Household (see separate talk) and as a food historian. Acorns Children’s Hospice: Roly donates half of his speaking fees to Acorns, so this event also helps a worthy cause.

Cupcake Decorating Workshop th

.. join the cupcake revolution!

Date: Sunday 25 August 2013 Place: Middleton Hall, near Tamworth (B78 2AE) – see directions on line Meet: 1.45 for 2.00pm start (finish at 4.30pm) Cost: £39 (£42 Guest) Includes: Teas/ coffees Cupcakes are taking over! Come and learn how to decorate your own. Whether you want to learn how to decorate like a professional, or simply want to have a good time and learn a new skill, this is for you. Come and spend a couple of hours learning how to use silicone moulds, cutters, plungers, learn how to colour sugarpaste, make your decorations and create impressive decorations for your 12 cupcakes, (Sarah will have made these for you in morning). You will also learn how to make handmade roses and pipe perfect cupcake swirls using her nozzles! You will then take home your 12 cupcakes to show off to your friends and family! You don't need to take anything with you as Sarah supplies it all. She will also have her 'shop' at the venue so you can purchase equipment at reasonable prices to continue your decorating skills at home.

Breadmaking Workshop at Hindleys .. learn from Britain's award winning TV bakers

Wednesday 11th September 2013 10 Tamworth Street, Lichfield (WS13 6JJ) 6.45pm for 7pm start (Ends around 10pm) £55 (£59 Guest) Includes: 3 hours hands on practical with demonstration from Duncan Hindley, All ingredients & equipment including aprons and hats Your delicious bread creations to take away. Full instruction & recipe cards Exclusive out of hours group arrangements for Spice Hindley’s Bakery is quite an institution and has been in the centre of historic Lichfield since 1893! Some of you may have seen them on TV last December taking the title of ‘Best Bakery in the West Midlands’ (Britain's Best Bakery - ITV). So we think we’ve found the very best people to teach us how to bake perfect bread! We have arranged to be taught by Duncan Hindley himself, who is the fourth generation of Hindley Bakers and he has agreed to run a special, exclusive evening course just for Spice! We will learn basic bread making skills within an informal and friendly environment. The course lasts 3 hours and is suitable for beginners. They supply all ingredients & equipment, apron, hat and refreshments afterwards (tea or coffee). The best bit!: Of course you take home 2 bags of your own bread, extra yeast flour and instruction sheet! Directions: Hindleys Bakery is at 10 Tamworth Street in the central shopping area of Lichfield. There are a number of car parks at the top Tamworth Street by the Greenhill traffic lights. Turning right just before Lee Gardens and going down Backcaster Lane (WS13 6JE). From there walk down Tamworth Street and go in through the front of the shop. Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Booking a Workshop for Business?

Just let us know and we’ll send you a VAT receipt so you can claim it back 75

Flirting for Fun

.. a practical day's workshop from Kate Hull-Rodgers!

Date: Saturday 12th October 2013 Place: Lea Marston Hotel, just off A4097 between Kingsbury & M42 J9 (B76 0BY) Meet: 10.30am Cost: £49 (£55 Guest) inc teas/coffees & sandwiches at lunch Our most popular and famous workshop on this fun (and very usefull!) skill of flirting. Kate, who runs a number of workshops for us with an emphasis on humour (so you know this one is going to be great fun!), has put together this day exclusively for Spice and has had great reviews from members all over the UK. So what is Flirting? ... well... Flirting isn’t just about pulling or getting lucky, it’s a lot more than that. Flirting is a way of interacting with people that makes it fun and easy to connect and makes them want to be with YOU. Yes, you can flirt to find a mate (or keep the one you’ve got) but you can also flirt to get a seat in a restaurant, jump a queue, bargain down a price, get that sale, or just to make someone feel good. “We flirt because flirtation can be a liberating way to play a game with suspense & ambiguities that brings joys of its own” Psychology Today Over 65% of us find communicating with new people in social or business situations difficult. Flirting can make it easier. 75% of couples report that relationships go stale if they don’t continually inject them with some energy and fun. Flirting can keep it fresh. Today we will explore ways to hone our flirting skills. Never be misconstrued again, be confidant enough that the fear of rejection diminishes. Through communication exercises, group discussion, anecdotes, role play and games such as Rude Food, Flirt and Faffe, and Wink Murder we will develop new attitudes and ways of connecting with others. The skills and behaviours you discover will apply to any area of your life. You will learn to: ● easily raise your self esteem ● instantly get into a heightened state of fun ● have a meaningful conversation - one word at a time ● be clear what non verbal signals you’re sending out ● give and accept compliments & rejection gracefully and easily ● tune into other people and read their sexual or non-sexual signals ● observe and respect peoples preferences for language and personal space

Dowsing Workshop

.. learn a lot about yourself, your mind & your spirit


Date: Sunday 5 October 2013 Place: The Arden Hotel, Coventry Road (by NEC) (B92 0EH) Meet: 10.30am to 4.30pm Cost: £39 Member, £42 Guest including refreshments & light sandwich lunch Dowsing is easy! It will also be great fun! Bob’s motto is “If it’s not fun I don’t want to do it”, so be prepared for the unexpected during this workshop! You will learn, through the use of the Pendulum and Dowsing Rods, how to;Dowse for Health through your Energy Field ● Assess your Dietary Requirements ● Test for Allergies ● Create your own ‘Stress Buster’ regime ● Balance Chakra Energies ● Choose suitable Flower Remedies, Minerals, Vitamins, Tissue Salts, Homoeopathy etc. ● Test for Ley Lines and other Earth’s Magnetic Fields ● Use your Pendulum to help grow healthy flowers, vegetables etc ● Clear Rooms and Buildings of negative energies ● Choose the man/woman of your dreams! ● .. & much more besides! This will be a very practical day of laughter, learning, and guidance from Bob Wooler, a Homoeopath, Reiki Master, and Colour Therapist. We believe him to be the best in his field, so don’t miss this rare chance to learn from him. You need to take with you something suitable to use a pendulum. Any object, which has a bit of weight to it that, can be attached to a piece of string or something similar. It's a bit like a plumb line, but really anything will do.

Pasta & Bread Making Workshop .. not as easy as it looks .. but it's lots of floury fun!

Date: Saturday 19th October 2013 Place: Becketts Farm, Wythall (B47 6AJ) # Meet: 4.45pm for 5.00pm Finish around 8.00pm Cost: £48 (£52 Guest) Inc: recipe cards plus your bread creations to take home We’ve had lots of recommendations for Becketts Farm so thought it was time we tried them out. They have a wonderful complex dedicated to the love of food, including a large farm shop hall, restaurant and an excellent cookery school. After a full demonstration from their professional chef, we will pair up together to get rolling, kneading and proving our own dough. We will need to work together to make fresh pasta ribbons, competing to see who can get the longest! Our second challenge is to take on the role of master baker! We’ll knead bread rolls and plaits and bake off some beautiful foccacia rounds to take home and enjoy. Why not arrive early to look round Becketts Farm, see www.beckettsfarm.co.uk 76

Clarins Beauty Night th

..a special night for Spice!

Date: Wednesday 10 July 2013 Place: House of Fraser, Gracechurch Centre, Sutton Coldfield (B72 1PB) Meet: 6pm to 8pm Cost: £1.50 Member, £2.50 Guest (Spice admin fee) Clarins invite you to join them for an evening exclusively for Spice. There will be expert advise on Makeup and Skin Care to enhance your beauty routine and various workstations so that the Clarins specialists and therapists can pass on their expertise and knowledge. There will be a free gift with any two products purchased on the night and an opportunity to buy Clarins products including an offer on treatments. There will be a free goody bag for all plus a raffle, and refreshments.

Dog Owner for a Day


.. a fun day with dogs for non-dog owners

Date: Saturday 27 July 2013 Place: Pawpounders, Nr Sutton Coldfield (B75 5QX) # Meet: 10.30am to approx 3pm Cost: £45 (£49 Guest) Incl: A Dog! Tea/ coffees, a light lunch and instruction This is a unique opportunity to experience the enjoyment and fun of dog ownership without the cost and commitment required in having a dog of your own! Pawpounders has hundreds of dogs representing over 70 breeds attending their day care centre and are able to provide you with a new 'best friend' for the day. After a short welcome talk about the safe way to approach a dog, you will be introduced to the particular dog you will be working with for the day. You will settle in and get to know your dog by participating in a dog handling class, culminating in a fun competition to test your newly acquired control and command skills. Over coffee you will be able to enjoy watching the dogs running free together, playing and exploring the beautiful 4 acre site and have time to get to know and interact with all the dogs available. Now fully settled in, you will participate in an agility training session preparing you for competition later on. Over a light lunch we will talk to you about responsible dog ownership, give advice about appropriate breeds to choose as pets, answer any questions you may have about dogs and tell you some of the often heartwarming and amusing stories of our work here at Pawpounders. Refreshed and relaxed it is time to show what you have learned by competing in the 'Spice Agility League'. Finally, whilst the dogs take a well-earned rest, the day will be rounded off with a presentation of prizes and commemorative photos (and, of course, the opportunity for one last cuddle!) before heading home, maybe with the nagging feeling that something warm is missing from your life….!

Introduction to Sculpture th

.. learn a new skill

Date: Saturday 27 July 2013 Place: Kairos Sculpture, Stourbridge # (DY8 4HF) Meet: 10.00am - 1.00pm Cost: £5 Member, £7 Guest Includes: all materials, tools,equipment. tuition and instruction. Extras: PLUS £35 balance on the day. Have fun and learn a new skill through stone carving with Philip Potter, on this introductory half day taster session. The workshop will be hosted at the Kairos Sculpture studio situated behind the New Ruskin Glass Centre. Philip will host a hands on class beginning with the basic tool skills needed for letter-cutting, leading to pattern-making and 3D sculpture. No previous experience is required. You will be taught techniques in carving from start to finish. Sessions can be tailored to each participant's entry level of skill and needs from the very beginning. During the session, Philip will introduce the materials and tools with a brief history of the local stone reserves in the area. Individuals are presented with a block of Portland limestone (half the size of a breeze block or 6 - 7 Kg's) on a bench. We start with letter-cutting, progressing on to relief carving. You will be asked to produce your own designs and creative input is encouraged. For half day taster sessions, letter cutting will enable you to get the feel for the tools and the material. You will also have the opportunity to proceed to relief carving. By the end of the session, you will have created your own sculpture to take home and enjoy. Please wear strong boots with hard toe caps (walking boots are acceptable) - aprons, masks, goggles will be provided. You are welcome to bring along any images or sketches and so forth for ideas and inspiration.

Booking a Workshop for Business?

Just let us know and we’ll send you a VAT receipt so you can claim it back 77

Glass Art Workshop

.. an introduction to making stunning glass designs!

Date: Sunday 4th August 2013 Place: Visionary Glass, Pitsford St, Hockley, Birmingham (B18 6LJ) Meet: 10.00am to 5.00pm Cost: £90 (£95 guest) PAID AS deposit of £15 (£20 Guest) plus balance of £75 on the day An exciting introductory course into the world of bespoke glass. An opportunity to learn the concept of glass fusing. Individually hand-cut fragments of glass are carefully built up in layers on a clear base, before fusing them all together in the kiln at over 800ºC. Finely textured detail is often embedded into the underside of the piece to add depth and description, and elsewhere crushed and powdered glass is delicately scattered to give tonal hints and shading. The panel is then held in the kiln just long enough to fuse the fragments together, without them losing their individual contours. The panel is then bonded to a mirrored base and framed or mounted in a number of different options, all of which come complete with easy to hang fittings. Reflections through the glass and mirror bring the finished piece to life, sparkling like a jewel in the ever changing light, the contours and undulations inviting to the touch. Every panel is an original, individually signed and dated by the artist, and a truly unique focal point for any interior. Designs are available in a variety of styles and in a colour combination to compliment your deco. All tools and materials will be provided, together with light refreshments for the morning and afternoon. Please provide your own lunch or choose from the many options nearby. No experience is necessary for the day and the panels you produce will be available 2 days later for collection.

Don't Diet - Change the way you Eat st

.. discover the best food for fitness & health

Date: Sunday 1 September 2013 Place: The Arden Hotel, Coventry Road by NEC (B92 0EH) Meet: 10.30am to approx 3.30pm workshop Cost: £49 (£55 Guest) for max 12 people. Incl: Light sandwich lunch & 2 x coffees and a one to one follow up call with Bev Would you like to lose weight and keep it off? ● Do you find yourself on a diet every few months, and then regain what you’ve lost? ● Or do you feel tired, and lack energy most days? ● Would you like to feel great by improving your eating? If you said yes to either of the above then this workshop is for you. The focus will be on healthy eating, not dieting. The aim is for you to make sustainable changes to what, where, when & how you eat. By making the changes you will feel fitter, be healthier, have more energy and lose some weight! Bev Brammer, a qualified nutritionist doesn’t believe in diets – she believes in developing a healthy relationship with food to enable you to have increased energy levels and to feel fantastic! Bev has had great success in helping her clients achieve their goals, and will inspire you to make healthy changes to your every day diet. Most people don’t understand why they eat what they eat, and why they make the choices they do. Others are confused by the amount of conflicting information out there – the diet industry bombards us every day with new ideas. On the day Bev will help you to understand: ● Why diets don’t work long term ● What foods cause weight gain/cravings ● What is healthy eating ● How to achieve the changes – turning bad habits in to good ones ● Setting your goals ● How to PLAN for success – one of the main keys to achieving your goals More Info: This is an edited writeup, for the full writeup and for directions to the hotel, see the online version.

Makeup Skills Lesson with Esther Marie .. be more confident when you apply your makeup

Date: Wednesday 4th September 2013 Place: Spice Office, 6A Burnett Rd, Streetly (B74 3EJ) – see details online Meet: 7pm to 9pm Cost: £26 Member, £29 Guest Do you dread the thought of applying your own makeup? Feel uncomfortable going in to the cosmetics department to ask for help? Unsure where to start and what colours to use? Have lots of questions but not sure who to ask...? In a relaxed and small group learn the basic makeup skills that will get you feeling confident on how to apply your own make up and look your best. Esther Marie has over 24 years in the makeup industry and knows the simple make up application the techniques to get you started. In the 2 hour workshop you will apply your own make up as well as having Esther to follow and help at any point you feel you need it. Included in the workshop you will learn: How to choose the correct foundation shade; The importance of “less is more!”; Changing your look from natural daytime to evening; working with features and face shape to enhance your best features; how to correct mistakes without removing it all. A wide range of makeup and skincare products will be provided from a wide range of top cosmetic companies. However please bring your makeup bag if you would like advice on the products you are currently using. 78

Hedgehog Appreciation Evening th

.. discover how to nurture these timid mamals

Date: Thursday 5 September 2013 Place: Brook Marston Farm Hotel, Kingsbury (B76 9JD) – detailed directions online Meet: 7.30pm - 9pm Cost: Bring a tin of cat food (meat not fish) Hedgehogs are endangered, yet all of us can do a lot to help them with just a little thought. Our member Sally Marjoram rescues hedgehogs and works with other people locally who are devoted to these little animals and are trying to raise awareness of the simple steps you can take to help ensure that they continue to be part of our natural heritage for generations to come. As well as meeting some hedgehogs tonight (be gentle, they have never been to a hotel before!), Sally will cover such areas as ● Dispelling the myths about hedgehogs (such as that they don’t all have fleas!) ● How to make your garden “hedgehog friendly” ● What should you feed a visiting hedgehog (the answer isn’t bread and milk!) ● .. and much more besides Note: This evening is free to Spice Members but we do ask that everyone brings a donation of a tin of cat food (meat not fish please) to help feed the hedgehogs at the rescue centre. Financial donations are also welcome if you prefer.

Acting for Beginners Workshop th

.. the first stage on the way to your Oscar!

Date: Saturday 7 September 2013 Place: Blue Orange Theatre, 118 Gt Hampton Street, Jewellery Quarter (B18 6AD) Meet: 11.00am (ends approx 3pm) Cost: £39 Member, £42 Guest Always wanted to know what it's like to be an actor? Wanted to try it but were just a little nervous? Want to have fun, build confidence and make new friends? Hosted by Acting Coach Tracey Street, this beginner's workshop will cover anything from basic acting technique to character creation to ensemble work, in a supportive, relaxed environment. The Blue Orange Theatre: For detailed driving and public transport details, see the on line version of this write up.

Static Trapeze Workshop

..develop strength, fitness and confidence Date: Saturday 7th September 2013 Place: Rogue Play, Unit 8, Minerva Works Digbeth (B5 5RT) – directions online Meet: 10.45am for 11.00am - 2.00pm Cost: £25 Member, £27 Guest We are very excited to have linked up with Birmingham's most innovative Circus Theatre Company Rogue Play. Static Trapeze will help to develop strength, fitness and confidence. The workshop is aimed at beginners and we work with one lower and one higher trapeze depending on your head for heights! The workshop will see you working through a range of simple movements on the trapeze bar and the ropes, learning a combination of poses and rolls. And don't worry it's not like the usual circus trapeze- it stays still and you won't have to be thrown around! No previous experience needed and all levels of fitness welcome. The session will finish with a short demonstration by the instructor and time for questions.

Ragley Hall Rambling & Sketching ..enjoy the day with Ragley’s new Artist in Residence

Date: Sunday 8th September 2013 Place: Ragley Hall, Warwickshire (B49 5NJ) # Meet: 10.30am Cost: £19 (£25 Guest) Incl: Entrance to Ragley & artist guide A gentle ramble with Dawn Harris the Artist in Residence around the ‘Capability’ Brown gardens, woodland walk and grounds of the Ragley Hall Estate. During the walk Dawn will point out the sculptures from the Montgomery Trust Collection and choose places of interest to stop and sketch the artworks, the architecture of the 17th Century Hall and the impressive landscape. The day begins at 10.30am at the Ragley Gallery and Studios where you can view the exhibition and studio artists at work, and finish back at the Gallery where you can enjoy a cup of tea and a cake or visit the Ragley Terrace Café. You are then welcome to stay and enjoy the rest of the estate for the afternoon. On Sundays only the House is open for guided tours for an additional £2 per person to be paid on the day. A supply of sketch books and pencils are available for a small donation if you don’t want to bring your own. 79

Chocolate Experience



.. become a chocolatier for the morning

Saturday 14 September 2013 at Ettington Chase Hotel, Stratford (CV37 7NZ) Saturday 21st September 2013 at Strathallan Menzies Hotel Hagley Rd (B16 9RY) Meet: 10.45 for 11am - 12.30pm Cost: £35 (£39 Guest) includes your very own chocolates to take home! How does a morning or afternoon immersed in the delicious world of chocolate sound? Throughout this exclusive morning with a premier chocolate maker we will learn everything to know about chocolate with a little tasting along the way! This will be a hands on workshop creating Belgian truffles to take home. We will learn professional skills and techniques of chocolate work in an informal, fun way, including finishing and decorating your chocolates, wrapping and bagging them too. There will be an indulgent chocolate fountain to enjoy throughout. The techniques can then be carried over to kitchen work at home afterwards. All materials and protective aprons are supplied. Wear casual clothes – you will get chocolaty!

Cookery School Evening & Dinner

.. a hands on cooking workshop, kitchen secrets & dinner

Date: Tuesday 17th September 2013 Place: Seasoned Cookery School, Nr Lichfield# (DE12 8LN) Meet: 7.00pm - 9.30pm Cost: £69 (£72 Guest) Incl: hands on cooking with a top chef and a 3 course dinner We are very excited to have linked up with Seasoned Cookery School located in the beautiful grounds of the Catton Hall, a glorious private Estate owned by the same family for over 600 years, yet just off the A38 near Lichfield. This new Cookery School works with inspirational Chefs who are passionate about passing on their knowledge. Whether you are looking to perfect your pasta or venture into the kitchen for the first time this is the evening for you! This evening will be a hands on cooking workshop, with Jeff Thomas, Seasoned Cookery School's head chef demonstrating a selection of dishes that we will then replicate, before eating our creations in Seasoned's lovely dining room. Dishes will be selected to teach you new skills with delicious flavours that you can easily reproduce at home to delight your friends and family. Final dishes will depend on the best ingredients on the day but will probably include: ● Pan fried mackerel with beetroot and mustard grain dressing ● Home-made wild mushroom risotto with a pancetta and parmesan crisp or ● Pan fried Onglette steak with a peppercorn sauce, parisian potatoes and warm horseradish & rocket salad ● Pannacotta and seasonal boozy berries or ● Zabaglione with brandy snap baskets

Intro to EFT & Energy Connections .. like acupuncture but without the needles!

Date: Tuesday 29th October 2013 Place: Lea Marston Hotel, just off A4097 nr M42 (B76 0BY) Meet: 10.00am start Cost: £39 (£45 Guest) includes CD Rom, coffees/teas & light buffet lunch “You may have seen Paul McKenna or other celebrities using it on TV or heard it recently on Radio 2” So, join us for this informative and fun day on EFT and see what it can help you with in your life! Emotional Freedom Techniques is an emotional version of acupuncture but without the needles! Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. You will be amazing by the group reactions when we do the cravings exercise! You may have major issues or simply lots of little niggles, both of which create unwanted stress, frustration or unhappiness. By using EFT you can deal with any issues and dissolve your niggles, bringing yourself back into a happier balance! EFT is a powerful therapeutic tool which is used to help clear things from fear of public speaking or flying to improving your golf score or relieving pain or anxiety - the results of which can be fast and are generally long lasting. The technique is easy to learn and is suitable and safe for all, you can use it to: ● Clear the emotional issues or nagging voices that are affecting your life ● Reduce stress and anxiety to bring more calm and peace into your life ● Help to achieve weight goals, stop smoking or reduce cravings (chocolate, food etc) ● Improve your sporting, creative or personal performance ● Create a more positive way of thinking and direction in life ● Clear the blocks and step into your success, quickly! ● Feel more positive and at ease dealing with challenging situations ● Relieve or manage pain. In many cases it is possible to resolve the issues which created the pain ● Improve your relationships by clearing issues surrounding them Read More: A fuller writeup for this amazing event can be found at www.spicebham,com 80

Bullet Proof Confidence

.. preparing you for life - in the real world! Date: Thursday 26th September 2013 Place: The Arden Hotel, Coventry Road (by NEC) (B92 0EH) Meet: 7.30am for 8pm -10pm Cost: £12 Member, £15 Guest Does a lack of Confidence hold you back in your work, home or social life? It doesn’t have to be this way. Did you know that you’re more confident than you think you are – Yes, you really are! John Blair will be presenting this workshop on Bullet Proof Confidence. This is like no other “attend and forget” workshop, it’s practical, fun, different and above all, it really works. By attending this workshop you will be able to start your journey of building and developing your confidence. John’s been there where you are now, he’s been robbed of his Confidence in the past. He went through it and came out the other side as a better, stronger person. As a result, John has a unique understanding that helps him to resolve in others, the very issues that he’s experienced himself. In short, he knows what it’s like. John love’s helping to transform peoples' lives into something better and delivering positive change that really works. As a professional confidence and stress management coach, John does this using his own unique blend of Coaching, NLP (the study of how we do what we do) and a little bit of humour for good measure. His clients really appreciate his no-nonsense, common sense, practical approach which is such a refreshing change from the norm. Don’t let a lack of Confidence hold you back anymore. Prepare yourself for the real world with Bullet Proof Confidence!

Living With Dogs

.. a fascinating and informative talk Date: Thursday 19th September 2013 Place: Royal Hotel, Sutton Coldfield (B72 1UD) Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £9.50 Member, £11.50 Guest A fascinating and informative talk organised by Pawpounders, a leading Dog Day Care Centre who care for up to 50 dogs a day, representing over 70 different breeds. This evening we have arranged for a professional dog trainer with expertise in all matters canine, including training and behaviour, accompanied by a member of the Pawpounders staff, to talk about the vast array of dog breeds and their diverse and individual characteristics. The talk will be illustrated with anecdotes about their lives spent working with dogs of all shapes and sizes. This talk will be of interest to anyone with a passion for dogs or animals in general. It will also be an invaluable opportunity for anyone considering getting a dog of their own to gain expert advice about choosing the right breed for their lifestyle. The talk will include time for a Q&A session and the opportunity to meet some of the Pawpounders dogs, including some of our less familiar breeds.

Meeting your True Soul Mate

..a fun day learning how to find & attract someone special!

Date: Saturday 21st September 2013 Place: Arden Hotel, Coventry Road, by NEC (B92 0EH) – more details online Meet: 10.30am Cost: £49 (£55 Guest) includes teas/coffees & light lunch Candy Jannetta (pictured right), life and business coach will share her proven techniques developed over 5 years to “meet your true soul mate”. She has a very honest, lively and humorous presentation style which puts everyone at ease. She’s also gets positive feedback on her own true-life stories. She’s now very happily engaged but had been single for 13½ out of 17 of her adult years – so claims to have enough material to write a whole series of Sex & the City!” Who should book? Today is aimed at men and women who: ● Haven’t yet met their soul mate and want to ● Are not willing to settle for second best ● Are driven by inspiration not desperation What will you get out of the day? ● An opportunity to meet and network with like-minded people ● Increased certainty and motivation to meet your soul mate ● New strategies for meeting and dating potential soul mates ● A fresh new outlook on relationships ● An action plan to follow through with ● Booklet and booklist What does the programme cover? ● Understanding what kind of soul mate you are ● Defining what you really want ● Overcoming barriers to meeting your soul mate ● Who you are currently attracting and why ● New strategies to attract your soul mate ● Handling rejection ● Creating an action plan to meet your soul mate

There’s Always More On-line! Much as we try, we can’t cram all our events into our Newsletter. Also, new events are being launched on the website every day. Check out the full programme at www,spicebham.com


Aerial Silks Workshop .. learn this graceful circus skill

Date: Saturday 21st September 2013 Place: Rogue Play Unit 8, Minerva Works Digbeth (B5 5RT) – more details online Meet: 10.45am for 11.00am - 2.00pm Cost: £25 Member, £27 Guest We are very excited to have linked up with Birmingham's most innovative Circus Theatre Company Rogue Play. Why not experience something completely different and try your hand at the popular and graceful circus skill of Aerial Silks. Aerial Silks is perfect for improving flexibility, fitness, coordination and confidence. The workshop is for beginners, so even if you have never done anything like it before by the end of the session you will have learnt a range of poses, twists and drops. If you are afraid of heights don't worry as many of the poses can be taught close to the ground. All levels of fitness welcome.The session will finish with a short demonstration by the instructor and time for questions.

Acrylic Painting Intro. Day


.. a fun day unleashing your creative potential!

Date: Sunday 29 September 2013 Place: Centre of England Arts, Nr Solihull (B92 0LT) # Meet: 10.00am to approx 4.00pm Cost: £39 (£45 Guest) includes basic materials, tea, coffee & biscuits For the budding artists amongst you here is a change to try you hand at acrylic painting. Under the guidance of artist and tutor, Julie Hyde, we will be trying some of the techniques of painting with this very versatile media. Acrylic paint can be used as strongly as oil paint or a subtly as watercolours. We will be using brushes, palette knives and sponges to produce some finished masterpieces. Julie will give demonstrations at each stage, giving you time to build up you own paintings following the methods shown. You don’t need to know how to draw as Julie provides "cheat sheets" to get you started! Basic material will be provided, but if you have your own or want to use different media please bring it along.

Oil Painting in a Day - Painting Autumn .. you'll be astounded what you can acheive the Bob Ross way!

Saturday 5th October 2013 Friends Meeting House, Sandhills Road, Barnt Green (B45 8NR) # 9.45 to 4pm £55 (£60 guests) PAID AS £7 (£12 Guests) deposit to Spice PLUS £48 directly to supplier on day (by cash or cheque). Includes all materials Josephine Lloyd is a qualified Bob Ross Oil Painting Instructor running one day painting workshops that give absolute beginners the opportunity to learn new skills and have fun creating a fantastic picture in their very first class. If you’ve always wanted to paint in Oils but did not know where to begin this is a great way to start. This time the subject is “Painting the Autumn Landscape”. Workshops have a maximum of 8 students so everyone is guaranteed individual attention and all materials and equipment are provided - all you need to bring is a lunch and the desire to paint! You’ll go home with a finished picture that is ready to hang on the wall! We will all be painting the same landscape.

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Sex & Contraception in 1580 th

..a shocking & hilarious journey back!

Date: Tuesday 24 September 2013 Place: Lea Marston Hotel, just off the A4097 Note: This event is side splittingly funny and gets brilliant feedback between Kingsbury and J9 of M42 – don’t miss it! Meet: 7.30pm Cost: £8.50 Member, £9.50 Guest As my parents used to say “Your generation think you invented all of that stuff…well you’re wrong!” It as always caused me (like many people) to wonder what really went on in the olden days! So when I heard that Lesley Smith (see photo), Curator of Tutbury Castle and TV presenter (Most Haunted amongst others) is a world expert in the sex habits of the Tudors, I knew we just had to find out more! She gives her talk in her full costume of Mary Queen of Scots, and equipped (no pun intended) with leather condoms, lemons (!), and other paraphernalia that’s sure to make your eyes water (girls & boys!). She will entertain us with tales of the ‘brothel door’, answer even the most lurid questions you are brave enough to fire at her and give us many hot sex tips from the days of Edmund Blackadder! 82

Get the life you always wanted .. but were afraid to ask!

Date: Saturday 28th September 2013 Place: Arden Hotel,Coventry Road, Solihull (B92 0EH) Meet: 9.45 for10am start (4pm finish) Cost: £39 (£45 Guest) Includes: includes coffees/teas & light buffet lunch Wouldn’t it be great if we could gain greater insight on how we think and interact with life so we could make it better, learn how we and others see the world so we can develop amazing relationships and then be freer to create and have a life that we want, and not one that feels imposed upon us! The mind is an amazing piece of work, it runs the body functions for years and rarely complains unless we do something silly or ignore it, which we usually do! But it is also responsible for our mental construction, chatter and ultimately how we live our lives and engage in the world, yet few people learn to manage it or better still, develop it in a really positive and amazing way – the way truly successful people do! It is well known that our mind-body link in responsible for health issues such as stress, anxiety and other suggested illnesses. But in our busy, pushy world the mind has constructed itself from our life’s experiences, education and influences which may or may not be useful, or indeed healthy. We then find ourselves getting stuck, repressed, directionless, spiritually dead, bored, ill and not really doing what we could be doing in life – now that is sad! This is a day is an introduction for those truly want to explore themselves, how they tick and ways to move forward into a life that is really waiting for them! Together we will have fun and investigate: ● Our limiting beliefs and our positive beliefs ● What attitudes and less helpful benefits we are running ● How our mind constructs ‘thought’ noise & limitation ● How we create experiences and the implications for those around us ● How being courageous is easy and being frightened feeds the frenzy ● The key to life is connecting with our heart and Divine energy – is that being spiritual? ● How energies hold us and what to do about it ● Bringing the fun and Joy back into life ● What are our dreams and big picture visions ● Whatever else wants to be explored with the group on the day Read More: A fuller writeup for this amazing event can be found at www.spicebham,com

Saxophone for Beginners

.. from total sax virgin to playing the blues

Date: Saturday 5th October 2013 Place: Coten End School, Warwick (CV34 4NP) # Meet: 10.30am - 1.00pm Cost: £16.50 Member, £18.50 Guest An opportunity to begin play the saxophone for people who have never played before. Trevor will demonstrate saxophone playing in various styles and talk about the history of the instrument. It's then hands on learning all the techniques required to play the saxophone: embouchure, posture, breathing and fingering. You will learn some tunes and learn how to improvise to a 12 bar blues backing track. Trevor will guide you through the event making sure you maximise your potential to get on the road to becoming the next Courtney Pine or Barbara Thompson.

Improve Your Laugh Life

…learn the secrets of a happier life with Kate Hull Rogers Date: Saturday 26th October 2013 Place: Lea Marston Hotel, just off A4097 nr M42 (B76 0BY) Meet: 10.30am Cost: £49 (£55 Guest) incl. teas/ coffees & light buffet lunch We all know “ Laughter is the best medicine” but how can we learn to laugh more? Kate Hull Rodgers, Humour Consultant to health organisations, businesses & governments on 5 continents will teach us how. With wild wacky exercises such as “Humour-obics” we will soon see how simple it is to practice the skills of having a Humour perspective. Kate will share with us her unique 12 step programme that will help us be happier. Today’s session has the potential of being a Life changing experience – or just one heck of a good laugh! We will learn to: ● Laugh more easily ● Use Humour to deal with anger & conflict – nor more road rage or desk rage ● Reduce your blood pressure ● Release your body’s “happiness hormones” – natural endorphins ● Strengthen your immune system ● Sustain your good moods, shorten your down times ● Maximise the benefits of relaxation ● Find the lighter side of every day stresses & strains ● Program your VCR (oh, come on – don’t expect miracles!) Kate’s background is in health and she is an award winning comedienne. She runs HumourUs, a Humour Consultancy firm. The session promises to be very, very funny but Kate emphasizes it is not about telling jokes or being funny & foolish… it is about finding your sense of fun and allowing yourself to laugh more. ______________________________ 83

Weekends & Holidays The following pages contain selected weekends & trips offered to our members. Spice UK overseas trips are listed separately in the colour section of this Newsletter.

Stockholm Pre Christmas Break .. discover this winter wonderland!

Friday 29 November - Monday 2nd December 2013 Hotel Rex, Stockholm # Birmingham Airport £499 (£529 Guest) Sharing Twin or Double Room. A few single rooms are also available at a supp. of £130 (otherwise we link people for twin shares). Deposit £149 (balance due 4/9/13) Incl: Scheduled Lufthansa/ SAS flights from Birmingham, 3 nights hotel accom and breakfasts, Stockholm tour & Vasa Museum with entry fees, Spice coordinator throughout Extras: Meals other than breakfast and entry fees other than those included with day tour Extra: Travel insurance is compulsary (available from Spice UK - visit www.spiceuk.com) Stockholm: Stockholm is the largest city in Scandinavia. It’s the place towards which people from all over Scandinavia gravitate. Beauty, food, design, music, shopping and history – Stockholm has it all. Stockholm, one of the most beautiful capitals in the world, is built on 14 islands connected by 57 bridges. With its 750 year history and rich cultural life, Stockholm offers a wide selection of world-class museums and attractions. Most of the city's attractions can be reached on foot, and there’s a good chance of experiencing a lot of things in a short time. Visit Stockholm City Hall. Climb the City Hall tower for a fantastic view of Stockholm. Don't miss Gamla Stan, Stockholm's oldest attraction and one of the best preserved medieval city centers in the world. Walk through small winding streets lined with stores full of handicrafts, antiques, art galleries and cafés. The Royal Palace and Stockholm Cathedral are also located in Gamla Stan. The green island of Djurgården is home to some of the city's most popular attractions. Visit the worldfamous warship the Vasa, the world’s oldest open-air museum Skansen, or Astrid Lindgren’s Junibacken. And don't miss the chance to see Stockholm from the water. Naturally a city built on fourteen islands offers marvelous views over the water. There are many different sightseeing tours to choose from. And if fourteen islands aren’t enough, Stockholm offers a wonderful archipelago with 30,000 islands, islet rocks and skerries. Our Tour (Saturday Morning): “Introducing Stockholm and the Vasa Museum”: Stockholm is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s most beautiful cities and is often called the Venice of Scandinavia. Dramatically situated at a point where the cobalt blue Lake Mälaren meets and clashes with the darker hue of the Baltic Sea, the city has been splendidly endowed by nature. At the hotel we board our coach and drive to Fjällgatan from where you will have a magnificent view of 8 out of the 14 islands, which Stockholm is built upon. The drive continues as we pass the medieval Old Town, the Royal Palace, the Parliament building, the National Museum, the Royal Dramatic Theatre and along the quayside boulevard Strandvägen to Djurgården and the Vasa Museum. The great new warship Vasa keeled over and sank on her very first voyage on August 10, 1628 and was found almost intact, after 3 centuries on the bottom of Stockholm Ström. The Vasa is now the oldest fully preserved ship in the world. Adorned with more than 700 carved sculptures; she is also a unique treasury of arts. You will have free time to explore the museum after your guided tour. Our tour lasts 3 hours and includes bus, English speaking guide and entrance fee to the Vasa Museum. Eating & Drinking: A buffet breakfast is included to start the day, but other meals are not. There is no shortage of places to eat out in the evening. It is usual for us to split into smaller groups for eating out and then to meet up in the many bars. Exploring: This is very much a “go as you please” trip, and I am sure that people will have a variety of “must sees” on their agenda. The trip coordinator will always have a “group option” for those who wish to explore together. You can opt in or out of the main group as you wish, but this approach means that there is always a sociable option available. Christmas Markets: Stockholm has a sack full of goodies for 2013 including Christmas markets, traditional buffets and concerts. For a genuine Stockholm Christmas, the Old Town’s Christmas market is a must. This market has been held ther since 1915, and the little red stalls sell warm “glögg”, gingerbread, cheese, candy and crafts. It runs from late November. Our Hotel: Hotel Rex is housed in a charming 19th-century building, just 2 minutes’ walk from Rådmansgatan Metro Station. All rooms feature flat-screen TVs, heated bathroom floors and free wired internet. The Hotel is only 2 metro stops from Stockholm Central Station and Drottninggatan shopping street is a 5-minute walk away. A comprehensive buffet breakfast includes many healthy options. Web: http://rexhotel.se/en/Rex_hotel Flight Schedule: See details on line at www.spicebham.com Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


The tour operator for this flight inclusive holiday is Spice UK (Atol 9046). This holiday is protected by the Civil Aviation Authority under the ATOL scheme in the event of failure of the tour operator. Spice UK holiday terms and conditions apply, as supplied with the full holiday information pack. Your money is protected via our trust account in compliance with EC travel regulations. Spice West Midlands further protect your payments through our own Trust Accounts. 84

Courchevel 1850 Spice West Mids Ski Trip .. world class skiing, world class resort

Saturday 25 January - Saturday 1st February 2014 Chalet Hotel Les Anemones, Courchevel 1850 (B26 3QJ) # Birmingham Airport Earlybird Rate (7 places left at this): £735 (£755 Guest) (Deposit £125) Flights from Birmingham, return coach transfers, 7 nights accom, Cooked breakfast, afternoon tea, dinner (6 nights), flight supplements, wine with meals, room supplements. Spice coordinator throughout Extra: Single room option (on request - please call) otherwise we can link shares. Ski equipment (if required), Ski carriage (if required), one dinner (on Chef's night off), lift pass. It is also a requirement that you have travel insurance. This can be provided by Spice UK (visit www.spiceuk.com or call 0161 873 8788) if you do not have your own policy. We are very proud to have secured another of Europe’s ultimate ski destination for our West Midlands trip 2014. Courchevel 1850 is the playground of the rich and famous. It is the best location in Europes largest linked ski area and offers great skiing for absolutely all abilities. The resort is also, of course, well known for the great après ski and together with the Spice ingredients of fun, friendship and superb skiing this should be a trip that ticks all the boxes. Our hotel is in an excellent central location just 30 metres away from La Croisette lift and offers a huge choice of fast ski-lifts plus skiing back to the doorstep. The stylish, world-famous amenities of Courchevel 1850 are all within a short walk also. Ski Area: With the 3 Valleys area lift pass, you can enjoy 600 km of ski slopes served by 183 ski lifts, which can transport 260,000 skiers per hour. Confident skiers/ boarders can easily navigate to neighbouring resorts. The possibilities are endless and our coordinator will help you get the very best out of every moment in the Valleys. For beginners, the ski schools are excellent and you will soon progress onto wide, confidence building runs. There are good slopes on which to learn, including long gentle runs and ample blue slopes. Chalet Hotel Anémones: has a cosy and intimate style, with the attractive restaurant setting the scene for enjoying your delicious Chalet Hotel cuisine. The atmospheric bar offers Free WI-FI access and TV/DVD, as well as some of the best value prices in Courchevel! The 30 bedrooms are arranged on three floors, including the ground level and two floors below but all with views over the lower part of the resort. The rooms are simply but comfortably furnished and all en suite. Food and Drink: Meals include a buffet breakfast with daily hot option, afternoon tea and coffee and freshly baked cakes, 5-course dinners with choice of menu, followed by coffee & chocolates, Aperitif and choice of complimentary quality wines with dinner. The staff have one night off, when the coordinator will arrange an option for us to eat out locally. Rooming: We are holding 40 places which would be most of the hotel and we have a range of twin and double rooms. Triple rooms and single rooms can be requested (single room supplement calculated on request). As usual, we will link people up to share the twin rooms (or if you already know someone who you wish to share with, just let us know). Spice Programme: The Coordinator will be on hand to make sure that everyone gets the best out of the trip. Regular meet ups (ski & social) ensure that there is always the opportunity to be with a group of friendly, like minded Spice members. The Tour Operator is Inghams (Atol 0025), for whom we act as an agent and their terms and conditions of booking apply. Your money is further protected via our Trust Account, in accordance with EC travel regulations. http://www.inghams.co.uk/customer-services/terms-conditions/

Date: Place: Meet: Cost: Incl:


Istanbul Experience


.. discover this amazing city with Richard!

Date: Thursday 7 - Sunday 10th March 2014 Place: Birmingham Airport/ Istanbul, Turkey # Meet: Birmingham Airport for Turkish Airlines Scheduled Flights Cost: £464 (£484 Guest) Single supp £85 (Deposit £149) Includes: Return Turkish Airlines flights from Birmingham to Istanbul (Ataturk) Airport, transfers to/from hotel, services of Spice Coordinator, 3 nights bed and breakfast in a centrally located Hotel. Meet and greet with guide. Extras: Travel Insurance is compulsory (Spice UK can help with this if you don’t have a policy), meals (except breakfast). Single room option add £85 (otherwise we link twin shares). Any optional tours/ activities. Visa (currently) £10 on arrival. Précis: This is a very special Spice opportunity for 20 lucky Spice members to discover Europe’s most enigmatic city. This trip is coordinated by Richard, who knows the city well and has connections family there. He will seek to introduce you to the best sites, the best food and the best socializing that this incredible city can offer. We have also opted to use scheduled Turkish Airlines flights which have great service, seating and complimentary meals and refreshments. They also fly into the main Ataturk Airport for a shorter transfer. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request 85

WW1 Battlefields Discovery Tour .. discover the famous sites of the Great War

Friday 7 - Monday 10th February 2014 Hotel Mercure, Arras, France # Coach from Sutton, City or NEC £319 (£349 Guest) sharing twin or double. A few single rooms are also available at a supp. of £70 (otherwise we link people for twin shares). (Deposit £50, Balance due 12/11/13) Incl: Executive coach travel throughout; Ferry crossings, 3 nights accommodation welcome drink on arrival Buffet style breakfast each morning of your stay. Excursions as detailed. Specialist guide. Spice coordinator. Extra: Meals other than breakfast. Any entry fees. Travel insurance is compulsory (can be obtained available from Spice UK - visit www.spiceuk.com) 2014 is a year of anniversaries of crucial military events that shaped our futures. As well as the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of WW1, it will also mark the 70th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy in WW2. Not forgetting the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall which ended The Cold War. This is an opportunity for a small group (approx 20) to visit the the battlefields of WW1, a war classed as the 'Great War' where over 9 million soldiers died as a result of the fighting. Almost all of us will have relatives who fought and maybe perished on these battlefields, so it could well have an extra poignancy to add to the fascinating stories of a war that has only recently slipped out of “living memory”. Our Specialist Guide, Simon Footer MBE: Simon is now regional director of RAF Benevolent Fund following 33 years of RAF service, predominantly as a special forces Hercules pilot and latterly as a flying instructor. He commanded LXX Squadron based at RAF Lyneham during the build up of the Afghanistan operation and continues to fly on an occasional basis as a reservist instructor at RAF Cosford. He started running battlefiled tours when he was on the Staff at the Defence Academy, Shrivenham and “caught the bug”. Over the last ten years he’s conducted over 25 tours of the Somme and Normandy for the military and other enthusiastic groups plus friends and even his own family! Tour Precis (fuller details awaited): We travel down by coach and ferry to France. Arras is only approx 1 hour from Calais so we plan to arrive approx 5.30pm for our welcome drink together before we head out to the local restaurants for an evening meal. The next day we will tour the Somme Valley and plan to find a spot for lunch near to the Lochnagar bomb crater. Next day we expect to spend the morning in Arras to study the local battle and the tunnel system and the afternoon at Vimy Ridge, which is particularly beautiful . For our last day we plan to visit Mons on our way to Calais. Our Hotel: The Mercure Arras Centre hotel is a modern 4 star business hotel located opposite the TGV train station, just a few steps from the old town with its squares and belfry, which is listed as a UNESCO world heritage site. The hotel boasts an ideal location close to the Louvre Lens museumand the Notre Dame de Lorette and Vimy remembrance sites.Rooms have flat-screen TV with international channels, minibar, tea and coffee making facilities and free WIFI. Bathroom with bathtub and shower, complimentary items and hairdryer. Eating & Drinking: A hot & cold buffet breakfast is included to start the day, but other meals are not. There is no shortage of places to eat out in the evening. We may need to split into smaller groups to eat out and meet after in the bars. The tour operator we are using is Success Tours. We act as their agents and their terms and conditions apply. These can be viewed on line. Spice further protect your payments through our own Trust Accounts.

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


Prague City Break

.. discover Prague from a city centre hotel

Friday 15 - Monday 18th November 2013 Adria Hotel (4*), Wenceslas Square # Manchester Airport at 2.30pm £399 (£419 Guest) Sharing Twin or Double Room. A few single rooms are also available at a supplement of £76 (otherwise we link people for twin shares) Deposit £120 Incl: Return flights with Jet2, Manchester to Prague; Return airport transfers from Prague airport; 3 nights' accommodation; • Buffet breakfast each morning; Services of Spice Coordinator Extra: Travel insurance (available from Spice UK - visit www.spiceuk.com) Prague: Spice have always enjoyed this city. It never disappoints – perhaps because as it has just so much going for it! It’s a city of great beauty, culture, history, extremely friendly people ..and legendary night life as well! It is also a city of music, with beautiful sounds eminating from the buildings as you wander the streets (gloriously atmospheric!). Whilst so many cities have suffered regular redevelopment, Prague remains as a time capsule of over a thousand years of history. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:



Welsh Ridge Walking Weekend - The Arans th

.. discover the Arans Horseshoe & Rhobell Fawr

Friday 19 - Sunday 21st July 2013 Lluest Fach, Welshpool Area (SY21 OPB) # from 6pm (buffet at 8.30pm) £132 (£152 Guest) Deposit £35. Incl: Friday evening supper, 2 nights B&B, packed lunches, 4 course evening dinner party & ML guided walks The ridges on our Welsh Ridge Walking are always wide and far from scary so you can relax and enjoy the spectacular views. The Arans include some of the most remote and exhilarating ridge walking available in southern Snowdonia. You won’t find any well trodden paths or signposts here, this is real wild country. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Strolling & Sketching Weekend


.. discover the delights of walking with a sketchbook

Friday 2 - Sunday 4th August 2013 Lluest Fach, Welshpool Area (SY21 OPB) # from 6pm (buffet at 8.30pm) £140 (£160 Guest) Deposit £35. Incl: 2 nights B&B, Friday buffet supper, 4 course evening meal and all instruction For those of you who would like to combine the great outdoors with their artistic talents we’ve put together a weekend of strolling and sketching in a stunningly beautiful area of Mid Wales. Your instructor for the weekend is Julie Hyde, an accomplished artist running many other successful painting and drawing events for Spice. She will be on hand to help you make the best of your creative talents on this stress free absorbing and fun weekend. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Welsh Camping Long Weekend

.. a sociable party & activity weekend under canvas


Date: Fri 23 - Mon 26th August 2013 Place: Lluest Fach Farm, Mid Wales (SY21 0PB) # Meet: 5pm onwards Cost: £68 (£88 Guest), inc. Party with BBQ, Barrel of beer/ cider Extra: £16.00 for dormitory accom if preferred, otherwise bring your own tent Escape from the city this Bank Holiday for an outdoor camping experience with a difference. These weekends are always great fun; with many activities available in the area, and the price includes a huge BBQ/buffet Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Chill Out Bike Amble Weekend .. gentle, sociable cycling in stunning countryside

Friday 27 - Sunday 29th September 2013 Lluest Fach Farm, Mid Wales (SY21 0PB) # from 6pm (buffet at 8.30pm) £134 (£154 Guest) Deposit £30. Includes: Friday evening light supper, two nights B&B, 4 course evening meal and guided rides Extra: Bike hire if required £20 Saturday £5 per hour Sunday (Must be pre-booked but pay there) Two days of relaxed and laid back cycling waits for you in beautiful Mid Wales, where you’ll cycle alongside the beautiful Mawdach estuary, as featured in Julia Bradbury's Railway Walks, and soak up the seclusion of lovely Lake Vyrnwy . Both rides are ideal for a leisurely days cycling as the trails are flat, and there is wonderful scenery around you. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request. Date: Place: Meet: Cost:



Outdoor Digital Photography Weekend .. see what you can acheive with professional help!

Friday 4th - Sunday 6th October 2013 Lluest Fach Farm, Mid Wales (SY21 0PB) # from 6pm (buffet at 8.30pm) £174 (£194 Guest) Deposit £35. Includes: 2 nights B&B, Friday buffet supper, 2 buffet/picnic lunches, 4 course evening dinner party and all instruction) Do you own a digital camera? Do you look at the pictures on the screen and your prints and think they’re ok, but they’re not really as you remember when you took the shot. Maybe you’re unsure about manual settings and prefer to leave it on the automatic setting rather than really knowing how to make the most of your camera and the location you’re in? Well this weekend aims to change all that and will allow you to get to grips with how your digital camera really works amidst the stunning and varied scenery that Mid-Wales has to offer. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Creative Clay Weekend Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


..unleash your creative potential


Friday 11 - Sunday 13 October 2013 Lluest Fach Farm, Mid Wales (SY21 0PB) # from 6pm (buffet at 8.30pm) £140 (£160 Guest) Deposit £25. Includes: 2 nights B&B, Friday buffet supper, 2 buffet/picnic lunches, 4 course evening meal and all instruction) This is for anyone who fancies creating something using clay, from beginners to the more experienced, and enjoying yourself on a stress free fun weekend. You’ll get hands-on the many techniques as Sonya takes you through several handbuilding processes. From pinching and coiling to slabbing and molding. Equipment and materials are provided (with a small charge made for clay if you take items home) so all you need is a willingness to get your hands into some clay! Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Drawing & Watercolour Weekend th

..unleash your creative potential


Date: Friday 11 - Sunday 13 October 2013 Place: Lluest Fach Farm, Mid Wales (SY21 0PB) # Meet: from 6pm (buffet at 8.30pm) Cost: £140 (£160 Guest) Deposit £25. Includes: 2 nights B&B, Friday buffet supper, 2 buffet/picnic lunches, 4 course evening meal and all instruction) You don’t have to be a budding Monet or Piccasso to enjoy this weekend, which takes the complete beginner or dabbler through the basics of drawing and painting. Julie Hyde, an accomplished artist, and experienced tutor, has put together a relaxed, fun programme to draw out all your latent artistic talents. Julie will dispel the mystique of drawing and painting into simple steps which anyone can follow includinging various techniques using pencil, watercolour and other media. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Skills for the Hills (Navigation Awards) .. Bronze & Silver Awards Programme

Friday 18 - Sunday 20th October 2013 Lluest Fach Farm, Mid Wales (SY21 0PB) # from 6pm (buffet at 8.30pm) Cost: £134 (£154 Guest) Deposit £25 Incl: Friday evening light supper, 2 nights B&B, lunches & 4 course evening meal and NNAS instructors If you're interested in hill walking, but want to learn more about the practical skills and techniques needed to venture safely out onto the mountains, or if you already have some skills but want to increase your level of competence, then this weekend is for you. The emphasis is on enjoying the walks and the instruction will be given on the hoof with the each person having the opportunity to develop their own level of confidence. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:



New Members Relaxed Walking Weekend .. a relaxed weekend away with new friends

Friday 1st - Sunday 3rd November 2013 Lluest Fach Farm, Mid Wales (SY21 0PB) # from 6pm (buffet at 8.30pm) £118 (£138 Guest) Deposit £20 Incl: 2 nights B&B, Friday buffet supper, 4 course evening dinner party and ML guided walks This relaxed and welcoming walking weekend is for any one who’s new to Spice and feels a little daunted by attending their first Spice weekend away, or other members looking for the cosy friendly atmosphere that Breakaway Holidays is renowned for. The weekend takes place at a secluded 16th Century stone farmhouse in the heart of the Welsh countryside with breathtaking views over the Cambrian Mountains. This popular retreat is run by Sonya and Barry; our friends at Breakaway Holidays, and is well known to many Spice members for its cosy atmosphere, homemade farmhouse food and friendly ambience. Along side their many years of welcoming guests, as ex Spice Birmingham co-ordinators, Sonya and Barry are aware of how apprehensive anyone can be about spending a whole weekend with people they have never met. They have been looking after Spice members for nearly twenty years and are very experienced at making you welcome and putting you at ease. You'll soon be unwinding and getting to know everyone else on the weekend. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request. Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Certificate in Outdoor First Aid (level 5) W’end .. learn vital skills that could save a life!

Friday 8 - Sunday 10th November 2013 Lluest Fach Farm, Mid Wales (SY21 0PB) # from 6pm (buffet at 8.30pm) £194 Member, £214 Guest (Deposit £40) Friday evening light supper, two nights B&B, lunches & 4 course evening meal This ITC Outdoor First Aid course is ideal for anyone who regularly takes to the hills with friends or family to go walking, climbing, mountain biking, skiing or any of the many popular outdoor pursuits. It is essential for anyone involved in taking groups into the outdoors. In the outdoor environment different considerations apply to first aid. It nearly always means that the casualty has to be looked after for a longer timescale than is typical in a more urban setting. This course looks at how to manage the situation when the ambulance does not turn up in 10 minutes time and is appropriate if your work or leisure place is remote. This qualification will validate Outdoor Instructor awards and satisfy the majority of public indemnity insurance requirements for the outdoors. It involves a minimum of 16 hours of learning and is currently the only externally regulated Outdoor First Aid qualification in the UK. This level 5 qualification is regulated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority to ensure a consistently high quality product ( www.itcfirstaid.org). The course will be delivered by a qualified, active outdoors professional with an interest in Effective first aid training. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request. Date: Place: Meet: Cost: Incl:


Welsh Cottage Walking Break


.. a weekend of classic Welsh walking & hospitality

Date: Friday 22 - Sunday 24th November 2013 Place: Lluest Fach Farm, Mid Wales (SY21 0PB) # Meet: from 6pm (buffet at 8.30pm) Cost: £134 Member, £154 Guest (Deposit £25) Incl: Friday supper, full farmhouse breakfasts, picnic lunches and a special 5 course evening meal In response to demands from our more serious walkers; who like the idea of a relaxing Country Cottage weekend but want more challenging walks, we’ve asked our friends at Breakaway Holidays to come up with this weekend break. With the challenge of exploring the lesser-known and exhilarating walking available in southern Snowdonia, followed by a leisurely evening sipping wine and roasting chestnuts, while a sumptuous five course feast is prepared for your special dinner party, we think this is a weekend you won’t want to miss. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.


Ascot Races, Concert & Windsor Weekend .. two classic days out in one weekend

Friday 9th - Sunday 11th August 2013 The Harte & Garter Hotel, Windsor (SL4 1PH) # Friday Evening £189 (£209 Guest) Sharing Twin or Double Room. Also some Single Rooms at £50 supplement. Otherwise we link twin shares (Deposit £45) Incl: 2 nights bed & breakfast in a superb hotel and a ticket to Ascot Races Extra: Lunches (or picnics), evening meals and travel to Ascot. Following the great success of this weekend a couple of years ago Steve is running it again this year. The exciting social weekend with Steve Dell incorporates two classic days out. On the Saturday we have a day at Ascot Races followed by a live concert with music form the 80s and 90s and on the Sunday a touristy day in Windsor. We stay at a wonderful hotel just opposite Windsor Castle as well! We will eat out in Windsor on the Friday evening then explore some of the many pubs in the historic town. On Saturday we will have a day at Ascot races. Some see these meetings as better than Royal Ascot. The race meeting is The Dubai Duty Free Shergar Cup. This is Britain’s only Jockeys’ competition where teams of riders from all over the world compete over six races for the coveted trophy. The day is easy for everyone to follow and on this unique occasion you will have a chance to see the jockeys before the races in the Parade Ring. We will have the option of bringing a picnic, which we can organise as a group and all eat together, making it part of the day out, which worked great last time. There is an option to have a meal in the restaurant. After the racing we will make our way to the Old Paddock for the live concert. Details of the artists will be announced shortly and be updated here. On Sunday you have the choice of discovering the historic town of Windsor. You will have the option of booking visits to Windsor Castle and Eton College, or you could explore the town at your leisure. You could even have a wonder in the lovely Windsor parks. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request. Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

London Social Weekend 2013 th

.. a fun, sociable weekend with Steve Dell

Date: Saturday 24 - Monday 26th August 2013 Place: Burns Hotel, Barkston Gdns, Kensington (SW5 0EN) # Cost: £189 (£209 Guest) Sharing twin or double. (Deposit £50). Also some Single Rooms at £60 supplement. Otherwise we link twin shares. Incl: 2 Nights Bed and Breakfast, Saturday Evening meal, Coordinated activities Extra: Lunches, evening meal on Sunday, Tube tickets, any attractions visited Following the success of previous London social weekends we are here again! This time over August Bank Holiday, with the added option of visiting the famous Notting Hill Carnival. The format will be the same as previous years, where there will be a group itinerary which you can follow or dip in and out as you please. The weekend is run by Steve Dell and has been developed to explore some of the many sites of London. The timing will coincide with the opening of Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament to the public and the legendary Notting Hill Carnival. We stay in a central London Hotel so you won’t need your own transport (you could get a train or coach to London then the underground will cater for our needs). The weekend is designed to be flexible and relaxed - over the weekend there will be several coordinated activities and visits to London’s attractions (see below). You can either do all of these activities or dip in and out as you please, you may want to go to other attractions in smaller groups or you may want to do some shopping! There will be a meal (included) on the Saturday evening as a group and a meal at a pub on the Sunday evening. Saturday: ● Houses of Parliament ● Thames River Cruise ● Group Evening Meal (Covent Garden / Leicester Square) Sunday: ● Buckingham Palace ● Covent Garden for lunch ● Ice Bar ● Pub meal & London Eye or ● Tea at the Ritz Monday: ● Duck Tour or The Shard* ● Notting Hill Carnival. (* We are currently looking at the feasibility of Shard) There are options of a 2 or 3 night package. The 2 night package is for the Saturday and Sunday nights, giving a three day break (Saturday to Monday). You could go down early Saturday morning and join the group on the coordinated activities. If you want a longer, more relaxed break, why not book the Friday as an optional extra, giving a 4 day break. Full Itinerary: Please see this online at www.spicebham.com Accommodation: We stay at the Best Western Burns Hotel, 18-26 Barkston Gardens, Kensington. The hotel is in a quiet Victorian garden square, a short walk from Earls Court tube station. The basic package includes: ● Saturday: Coordinated activities – Evening meal ● Sunday: English breakfast – Coordinated activities ● Monday: English breakfast – Coordinated activities Extras: Lunches, evening meal on Sunday, Tube tickets, any attractions visited 90

Elan Valley & Llandidrod Wells Walking/Social th

.. a fun, sociable weekend with Steve Dell

Friday 27 - Sunday 29th September 2013 Metropole Hotel, Temple St, Powys (LD1 5DY) # Friday evening £159 (£179 Guest) Sharing twin or double. (Deposit £30). Also some Single Rooms at £25 supplement. Otherwise we link twin shares Incl: Games night event on Friday evening, 2 Full Welsh breakfasts, 2 guided walks, packed lunch & evening meal on Saturday, Quiz on Saturday night Extra: Meal on Friday night if required Here is another of Steve’s walking and social weekends – aimed at both serious and social walkers. On the Saturday there will be the choice of a short or long walk (approx 5 or 9 miles), in the Elan Valley, with its wonderful scenery, reservoirs, woods and dramatic valleys. The Sunday walk is directly from the hotel so no need to use your cars until its time to leave. For those who don’t want to do the full 9 miles on Saturday there are many other local attractions including the chance to visit the lovely Hall at Abbey Cwm-Hir (see below). We stay at the superb Metropole Hotel in Llandrindod Wells. Its bedrooms are decorated and furnished to a high standard. The Hotel's Victorian grandeur is complemented by a superb indoor Leisure and Spa Complex in a Victorian style conservatory. Facilities include a 54ft heated swimming pool, sauna, whirlpool, steam room and beauty salon, where you can book many treatments. We will have our own room on both evenings for games on the Friday and a meal and quiz on the Saturday night. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Canoe Cruising Weekend on the River Wye .. a gentle, sociable weekend to explore South Wales

Fri 2 Aug 2013 - Sun 4th Aug 2013 Hoarwithy (nr Ross) to Monmouth, Wales (HR2 6QH) # Friday evening £159 Member, £169 Guest (Deposit £35) Includes 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch and one evening meal, site fees, minibus transfer, all equipment/ bivi gear and instructors How often do we get a chance to get away from it all where your watch and mobile phone are not part of the weekend! Why not treat yourself to an all inclusive river safari from Hoarwithy to Monmouth - a magical and memorable experience and the very spirit of adventure. This is a superb opportunity to learn canoeing or improve your existing canoeing skills. The idea is to progress in a relaxed and encouraging environment. Our friendly team from Forest Adventure will teach you with a flexible attitude geared to the needs of both the group and you as an individual to ensure you develop at your own level. To start our adventure we will meet up on Friday evening. You can meet for a pub meal (not included) or if arriving a bit later for a drink and get to know the rest of the group. We will then bivi the night on the banks of the River Wye! We will do a car shuttle on the Friday evening so that your cars are at the finish point. In the morning, your instructor will introduce you to the Open Canoes and the equipment, and show you the necessary paddling and safety procedures to make the most of your adventure. We will then travel downstream enjoying the tranquillity of the river and surroundings, stopping en route to eat a well earned packed lunch. In the evening, after a day’s paddling we will make camp using canoes and bivi sheets in a remote field truly away from it all! After an evening meal cooked on an open fire we will reminisce on the day’s journey, under the stars. On Sunday morning after a cooked breakfast prepared on an open fire, we continue downstream and there is an opportunity to play on Symonds Yat rapids, (This is an optional activity). We will stop at a pub en-route on Sunday where you can buy some lunch (we have not included this as you can have a full Sunday Lunch or just a sandwich). We will finish at Monmouth late Sunday afternoon totally de-stressed and relaxed.Transport to the start and end points of this trip is provided by minibus and included in the cost of the weekend. Beer/Wine is not, so don't forget to pack some! If you would prefer to take your own small tent rather than experience the shared bivi then this would also be ok. Date: Place: Meet: Cost: Incl:


Why Pay a Single Supp when you’re with Spice!

Many people book our breaks on their own, so we don’t believe in penalizing the single traveler. If you prefer a single room, we usually have a few available at a supplement. However, we are more than happy arrange same sex room shares – and this is what most members opt for. Spicers are very friendly, so don’t worry if you don’t know anyone. You’ll be bonded into the “family” in no time and no doubt make some lasting friendships as well.


Beddgelert Classics Walking Weekend .. discover Snowdonia in detail with Walkwise!

Friday 12th - Sunday 14th July 2013 Royal Goat Hotel, Beddgelert (LL55 4YE) # From 4pm (meal 8pm) £159 (£179 Guest) sharing. Incl: 2 b’fasts, 2 picnic lunches, 2 dinner & 2 guided walks (Deposit £40). Single supp £40 otherwise we link twin shares Extras: Transport to walk starts Overview: This is one of our favourites, a cracking hotel, in the charming village of Beddgelert in the heart of Snowdonia. The chef has a super menu of tasty and filling meals and there are real ales in the bar and then there are two or three charming country pubs within yards of the hotel. Add to this the superb high level walking with the high lofty ridges of Nantle Ridge, Moel Hebog, Cnicht, Snowdon and Moel Siabod. But you don’t have to climb these mighty peaks, its just as wonderful to gaze up at them from a peaceful lakes, or to wander over the heather clad moors, stroll by the tumbling rivers or wander through the secluded woodland. All of which makes for very attractive and interesting walking. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request. Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

South West Cotswolds Walking Weekend .. discover classic Cotswold walking

Friday 12th - Sunday 14th July 2013 Gables Hotel, Falfield, Gloucs (GL12 8DL) # From 4pm (meal 8pm) £159 (£179 Guest) sharing. Incl: 2 b’fasts, 2 picnic lunches, 2 dinner & 2 guided walks (Deposit £35). Single supp £40 otherwise we link twin shares Extras: Transport to walk starts Overview: An appealing venue for a walking weekend amidst the beautiful Cotswolds. We’ll be rewarded with safe, sociable and stunning walking on outstanding limestone escarpments, which gain fine open Cotswolds views. We will incorporate such diverse habitats as: downland, pretty field systems, escarpments from where we get tremendous views down onto the Severn Estuary, valleys and woodland. We’ll also incorporate secluded hamlets with fine architecture and that warm honey coloured stone which makes the area so darned appealing to us all. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

The English 3000's Walking Break .. conquer Skiddaw, Helvellyn and the two Scafells!

Friday 23 to Monday 26th August 2013 Glaramara, Borrowdale, Lake District (CA12 5XQ) # From 4pm (meal at 8pm) £245 (£265 Guest) Sharing. 3 b’fasts, 3 picnic lunches, 3 dinner & 3 guided walks Single supp £15 otherwise we link twin shares (Deposit £45) Extras: Transport to walk starts Overview: We have been doing the Welsh 3,000’s (all the mountains over 3,000 ft in a weekend) for years now. So we thought why not do the English 3,000’s? Glaramara is the ideal base to undertake our this new event as it is pretty much central to the four Lakeland giants. As most people know Borrowdale is also one of our most popular walking locations in the calendar and August Bank Holiday is the perfect time to visit! With long days, a picture perfect setting, we are in the heart of England's most spectacular mountains and beautiful valleys, …and the food is great too! We have 3 days to undertake our challenge, warming up with Skiddaw the first day, Helvellyn the last day with the biggest day in the middle the two Scafells. However, if you prefer there will also be an easier walking programme alongside you can switch to

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


For All 3 Walkwise Breaks above: These are edited write-ups, before booking, please read the full details find the full write up at www.spicebham.com or call 0121 353 6161 and we’ll send you a copy. All 3 events are organized and supplied by WalkWise UK Ltd, whose terms and conditions apply, obtainable on request and for whom your local SPICE group acts as an agent. Those booking enter into a contract directly with WalkWise UK. 92

Scarborough & Yorks Coast W'end .. explore the National Park & Heritage Coast

Friday 19 - Sunday 21st July 2013 Brooklands Hotel, Scarborough (YO11 2AW) # From 4pm (meal 7.30pm) £159 (£179 Guest) sharing. Incl: 2 b’fasts, 2 picnic lunches, 2 dinner & 2 guided walks (Deposit £30). Single supp £40 otherwise we link twin shares Extras: Transport to walk starts Overview: Scarborough is a perfect seaside holiday venue. We’re using The Brooklands, recently refurbished now offers some of the nicest accommodation in Scarborough! It’s location overlooks Scarborough’s Stunning South Bay and Esplanade Gardens, it has an excellent reputation for food and fantastic sea views. There are miles of tremendous coastal walking, with beautiful coastal villages nestled in secluded bays, dramatic cliff top paths with expansive coastal views and famous seaside resorts that tempt the passing walkers with teas and ice creams! Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


Winchester & South Downs Walking W'end .. new venue in the medieval City of Winchester

Friday 26th - Sunday 28th July 2013 Royal Hotel, Winchester (SO23 8BS) # From 4pm (meal 7.30pm) £169 (£189 Guest) sharing. Incl: 2 b’fasts, 2 picnic lunches, 2 dinner & 2 guided walks (Deposit £40). Single supp £40 otherwise we link twin shares Extras: Transport to walk starts Overview: The western end of the South Downs National Park is a fabulous stretch of countryside typified by open meadows and rolling downs, idyllic towns and villages, and peaceful meandering chalk streams flowing through sundrenched valleys! We’re staying in the perfect medieval City of Winchester in a wonderful Hotel. The Medieval and Georgian buildings of the hotel have been very tastefully modernised to provide delightfully relaxed, comfortable and peaceful accommodation, yet lie only a stroll from its magnificent Cathedral, and award winning shops. It comes as no surprise that this wonderful area offers a myriad of walks, we could follow the Itchen Valley trail alongside a beautiful wildlife rich river, or head out along the South Downs Way, the Monarchs Way or the Bishops Way. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Kings Lynn & Norfolk Coast Walking W'end .. discover the beautiful Norfolk coast

Friday 9 - Sunday 11th August 2013 Ramada Hotel, Kings Lynn (PE30 4NB) # From 4pm (meal 7.30pm) £159 (£179 Guest) sharing. Incl: 2 b’fasts, 2 picnic lunches, 2 dinner & 2 guided walks (Deposit £30). Single supp £40 otherwise we link twin shares Extras: Transport to walk starts Overview: The Norfolk Coast has long been on the wish list and this year you are finally going to be able to explore it. True there are no real hills here, but its beauty and wildlife value are well known. Indeed the North Norfolk coast is designated an area of outstanding natural beauty and includes numerous nature reserves of international importance, stunning villages, picturesque seaside towns, regal country estates, stunning beaches, huge expansive saltmarshes and dune complexes which are all networked through a complex maze of footpaths! Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request. Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


For All 3 Walkwise Breaks above: These are edited write-ups, before booking, please read the full details find the full write up at www.spicebham.com or call 0121 353 6161 and we’ll send you a copy. All 3 events are organized and supplied by WalkWise UK Ltd, whose terms and conditions apply, obtainable on request and for whom your local SPICE group acts as an agent. Those booking enter into a contract directly with WalkWise UK. 93

North Cotswolds Hills Walking W’end .. a long weekend in the Cotswolds from a luxurious base!

Friday 23rd - Monday 26th August 2013 Tewkesbury Park Hotel, Gloucester (GL20 7DN) # From 4pm (meal at 8pm) £245 (£265 Guest) sharing. Incl: 3 b’fasts, 3 picnic lunches, 3 dinner & 3 guided walks (Deposit £49). Single supp £60 otherwise we link twin shares Extras: Transport to walk starts Overview: We are delighted to offer this 4 star venue for a walking weekend amidst the beautiful Cotswolds. The Brook Tewkesbury Park Hotel is set in the stunning Gloucestershire countryside high above the historic town of Tewkesbury and offers varied walking incorporating such diverse habitats as downland, pretty field systems, ridges and escarpments, wooded valleys and secluded hamlets. The walking will concentrate on the magnificent area around the North Cotswolds Hills such as idyllic Broadway, the terrific Malvern Hills and also a local day around historic Tewkesbury. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Snowdonia Bank Holiday Walking Weekend .. discover Snowdonia in detail with Walkwise

Friday 23 - Monday 26th August 2013 Legacy Royal Victoria Hotel Llanberis (LL55 4TY) # From 4pm (meal at 8pm) £245 (£265 Guest) sharing. Incl: 3 b’fasts, 3 picnic lunches, 3 dinner & 3 guided walks (Deposit £49). Single supp £60 otherwise we link twin shares Extras: Transport to walk starts Overview: Snowdonia is all about impressive open views, craggy ridges and small upland lakes with excellent footpaths enabling us to take on superb mountain walking. This year we are going to walk 3 distinct and impressive ranges of the Snowdonia mountains: the rolling Carneddau, the uplifting jagged Glyders and the mighty Snowdon massive. These ranges sit astride the two magnificent valleys of Nant Francon, one of the finest examples of a U shaped valley anywhere, and also Nant Peris an impressive but steep, tight valley which wends its way to Pen Y Pass. As always our comfort and cuisine will be taken care of by the Legacy Royal Victoria Hotel which just keeps getting better and better! Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


South Devon Coast & Dartmoor Walking Break .. brilliant walking from this luxurious hotel in Newton Abbot

Friday 23rd - Monday 26th August 2013 The Luxurious Passage House Hotel (TQ12 3QH) # From 4pm Friday (Dinner 8pm) £245 (£265 Guest) sharing. Incl: 3 b’fasts, 3 picnic lunches, 3 dinner & 3 guided walks (Deposit £49). Single supp £60 otherwise we link twin shares Extras: Transport to walk starts Overview: The stunningly rugged and beautiful South Devon coastline is some of Englands’ finest. Hidden along the coast are secluded sandy bays, rocky headlands, quaint fishing hamlets, towering cliffs all lapped by inviting blue waters. Along the way we will visit some picturesque villages and enjoy the hospitality of the inviting cafes or welcoming country inns. We can add diversity to the walking programme by heading inland to explore the dramatic rocky tors and blooming heather moors of Dartmoor. The hotel with its stunning riverside setting has everything that you could possibly want; excellent service, scrumptious food, relaxing leisure facilities and a traditional country inn with real ale right next door. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

For All 3 Walkwise Breaks above: These are edited write-ups, before booking, please read the full details find the full write up at www.spicebham.com or call 0121 353 6161 and we’ll send you a copy. All 3 events are organized and supplied by WalkWise UK Ltd, whose terms and conditions apply, obtainable on request and for whom your local SPICE group acts as an agent. Those booking enter into a contract directly with WalkWise UK. 94

Plymouth/ South Devon Midweek Walking Break .. a new 4 night break exploring our beautiful south west coastline

Monday 26th – Friday 30th August 2013 Duke of Cornwall Hotel, Plymouth (PL1 3LG) # From 4pm Monday (Dinner 8pm) £319 (£339 Guest) sharing. Incl: 4 b’fasts, 4 picnic lunches, 4 dinner & 4 guided walks (Deposit £60). Single supp £80 otherwise we link twin shares Extras: Local transport to walks including buses or ferrys (if required) Overview: This is a great opportunity to explore another stretch of our amazing south west coastline, either as a 4 day trip or it can be booked in addition to the South Devon and Dartmoor Walking weekend commencing on the 23rd August to make a week of amazing coastal walking! The stunningly South Cornish Coast and the beautiful South Devon coastline are some of Englands’ finest, and this alone is more than enough reason to visit! Towering cliffs and rugged headlands are all lapped by inviting Mediterranean blue waters, and in between are secluded sandy bays and quaint fishing hamlets. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Ironbridge & Shropshire Hills Walking Weekend .. discover the best of Shropshire with the Walkwise team!

Friday 6th - Sunday 8th September 2013 3 star Buckatree Hall Hotel, Wrekin (TF6 5AL) # Anytime from 4pm (meal at 8pm) £159 (£179 Guest) sharing. Incl: 2 b’fasts, 2 picnic lunches, 2 dinner & 2 guided walks (Deposit £30). Single supp £40 otherwise we link twin shares Extras: Transport to walk starts Overview: This weekend combines a well-appointed 3 star hotel with a terrific set of walks in two of the most engaging parts of Shropshire. With its variety of habitats including the wild uplands, isolated broad ridges and delightful woodlands the area caters very easily for all levels of walker. For the hard walkers there is the opportunity to stride out and attain summits that view 15 counties at once. For the more moderate walkers, they too will sit aloft on landmarks such as Caer Caradoc, but these will be attained by a more gradual route. Known locally and for good reason as the “Secret Hills”– the landscapes with high moors truncated by meandering rivers, narrow and secluded ‘batches’, not to mention the panoramic views and historical attractions, make this a “walkers paradise”… but don’t tell everyone! Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Hastings & East Sussex Coast Walking Weekend .. discover the unique character of Sussex!

Friday 20 - Sunday 22nd September 2013 Best Western Royal Victoria Hotel, Hastings (TN38 0BD) # Anytime from 4pm (meal at 8pm) £159 (£179 Guest) sharing. Incl: 2 b’fasts, 2 picnic lunches, 2 dinner & 2 guided walks (Deposit £35). Single supp £40 otherwise we link twin shares Extras: Transport to walk starts Overview: Basing ourselves in Hastings allows us to explore something that it quite unique in the Sussex hills and ridges! Both sets of walks experience Sussex’s distinctive High Weald (meaning Wilderness), a complex and scenically varied area of sandstone and clay. This is an area of outstanding natural beauty and one of the largest protected landscapes in SE England. The theme will be to start each day in the High Weald from where we will wend our way back to the coast discovering archetypal Wealden landscapes with ancient routeways through woodlands and dispersed ancient settlements. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


For All 3 Walkwise Breaks above: These are edited write-ups, before booking, please read the full details find the full write up at www.spicebham.com or call 0121 353 6161 and we’ll send you a copy. All 3 events are organized and supplied by WalkWise UK Ltd, whose terms and conditions apply, obtainable on request and for whom your local SPICE group acts as an agent. Those booking enter into a contract directly with WalkWise UK. 95

Llangollen Luxury Walking Weekend .. a fabulous weekend based at a wonderful Hotel with Spa

Friday 11th - Sunday 13th October 2013 Wild Pheasant Hotel, Llangollen, Wales (LL20 8AD) # Anytime from 4pm (meal at 8pm) £159 (£179 Guest) sharing. Incl: 2 b’fasts, 2 picnic lunches, 2 dinner & 2 guided walks (Deposit £35). Single supp £40 otherwise we link twin shares Extras: Transport to walk starts Overview: Our 7th annual pilgrimage to the Wonderful Wild Pheasant Hotel is a month earlier than usual and we can’t wait to get back. Their food, hospitality and relaxing spa facilities make it far too alluring for us not to return. We have now built up an impressive repertoire of walks around the area which are certain to satisfy all abilities of walkers. The lush Vale of Llangollen has some remarkable scenery from the colourful deciduous woodlands that line the meandering river banks to miles of peaceful canals and all with a backdrop of towering limestone escarpments which lead out to the open ridges, hills and moorlands beyond. With so many variants of the walks it means we never do exactly the same version as the previous year. One day this year will be spent exploring the Llantysilio mountain range, and the other day the Eglwyseg, we are spoilt for choice in these picturesque valleys. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:

Dorset Coast & Country Walking W'end .. dramatic coastal walking - and more!

Friday 18 - Sunday 20th October 2013 Prince Regent Hotel, Weymouth (DT4 7NR) # Anytime from 4pm (meal at 8pm) £159 (£179 Guest) sharing. Incl: 2 b’fasts, 2 picnic lunches, 2 dinner & 2 guided walks (Deposit £30). Single supp £40 otherwise we link twin shares Extras: Transport to walk starts Overview: The Prince Regent Hotel in Weymouth provides an excellent base from which to explore some of the most beautiful and dramatic coastal walking in the UK, including the delights of Dorset’s South West Coastal Path near Weymouth. Everybody loves walking on the coast so this year we shall spend both days on the coast. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request

Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


Cheddar Gorge and Mendips Walking Weekend ..fabulous walking from a glorious hotel!

Friday 1 - Sunday 3rd November 2013 The Webbington Hotel and Country Club (BS26 2XA) # Anytime from 4pm (meal at 8pm) £159 (£179 Guest) sharing. Incl: 2 b’fasts, 2 picnic lunches, 2 dinner & 2 guided walks (Deposit £40). Single supp £40 otherwise we link twin shares Extras: Transport to walk starts Overview: Situated prominently on the southern slopes of the Mendip Hills, the Webbington Hotel and Spa offers a comprehensive fitness, wellness and beauty facility. It offers the opportunity to relax and enjoy the best of both comfort and cuisine in beautiful surroundings. The location is perfect to explore the splendour of the surrounding region. To the north there are the charms of Burrington Combe and the highest point on the Mendips Black Down; here the limestone link pathway provides eye-catching relief and truly striking walking. To the east lies one of the natural wonders of the world Cheddar Gorge, a must see spectacular deep gash which appears to rise up from nowhere. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


For All 3 Walkwise Breaks above: These are edited write-ups, before booking, please read the full details find the full write up at www.spicebham.com or call 0121 353 6161 and we’ll send you a copy. All 3 events are organized and supplied by WalkWise UK Ltd, whose terms and conditions apply, obtainable on request and for whom your local SPICE group acts as an agent. Those booking enter into a contract directly with WalkWise UK. 96

Adrenaline Cocktail Weekend ..an all action break at a perfect location!


Date: Friday 23 to Sunday 25th August 2013 Place: Preseli Venture, Pembroke (SA62 5HN) # Cost: £229 (£249 Guest) Sharing (Deposit £50). Incl: 2 nights 5 star eco lodge accommodation, all meals from Friday supper to Sunday lunch, 3 half day activities, all specialist kit, qualified & friendly guides, transport for the activities, free train station transfers for certain trains. On this weekend you’ll take part in 3 half day adventures: Coasteering The ultimate coastal adventure - climb, swim, traverse and jump into a whole new world. Sea caves and swirling ocean swells combine to produce a truly wild environment. Watch out, it’s addictive, Sea Kayaking Rocks, caves, seals, birds, waves, surf, beaches, harbours and much more make Pembrokeshire a real sea kayaker’s paradise, and self guided Coastal Hiking. We’ve got the world renowned Pembrokeshire National Park Coastal Path on the very western tip of Europe right on our doorstep. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Sea Kayaking with the Seals

.. a 2 day course for beginner & intermediate kayakers

Dates: Friday 13th - Sunday 15th September 2013 Place: Preseli Venture, Pembroke (SA62 5HN) # Cost: £279 (£289 Guest) sharing (Deposit £50) Incl: 2 nights 5 star eco lodge accommodation, all meals from Friday supper to Sunday lunch,, 2 full days sea kayaking, specialist kit, qualified & friendly guides, transport for the activities, free train station transfers for certain trains This tried and tested introductory weekend is a perfect introduction to kayaking in Pembrokeshire and will suit both beginner kayakers and those with a little experience of pootling on rivers, lakes or quiet ocean waters. You’ll get the chance to explore some of the most beautiful sheltered bays, coastline and harbours of Pembrokeshire and there’ll be mysterious and awe inspiring caves to be explored and wildlife to be spotted. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Cycle Camping in the Peak District .. a simple weekend of sociable cycling

Saturday 13 - Sunday 14th July 2013 Meet in Wetton Village, Derbyshire # £49 (£55 Guest) Includes: Instruction and guiding throughout Meals & campsite fees. Bring your own tent/ camping kit (but you don't need to carry this while cycling as we pitch first). Helmets must be worn Join us for two days of cycling in the picturesque Peak District on tracks and tarmac with the irrepressible Mark Fenton! This is cycle camping, but as we pitch camp on arrival, we don’t need to carry any kit with us on our bikes. We meet on Saturday morning at the selected campsite. After pitching our tents we set off on a 25 mile ride through the Derbyshire Dales at a leisurely pace. The Saturday evening meal will be taken at the local pub. Sunday after breakfast, we go for a shorter ride of approximately 15 miles returning back to the campsite to pack our gear at approximately 2pm. So there it is: 2 days glorious cycling, a night in the pub and the company of Mark Fenton and his team – what more could you wish for this Summer! You don’t need a mountain bike. Hybrids and similar are fine so long as you have treaded tyres Date: Place: Cost: Extra:


Masham Beer & BBQ Overnighter .. camp at the source of great beer!

Date: Fri 2nd - Sun 4th August 2013 Place: Masham, North Yorkshire (HG4 4NF) # Cost: ● £62 (2 nights) ● £50 (1 night) ● £52 (No Brewery tour - 2 nights) ● £40 (No Brewery Tour - 1 night) Incl: Sat BBQ, brewery tour, transport back after tour, Sun b’fast Extra: £5 guest supplement Why Masham? you ask .. well it has beautiful countryside, good food and most importantly, this little market town (pronounced “Massum”) is the home to Theakstons Brewery, so you won’t find better beer…. Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request. 97

Sailing Weekend around the Solent ..excellent sailing on a modern cruiser/ racer


● Fri 5 - Sun 7 Jul ● Fri 19 - Sun 21 Jul ● Fri 2 - Sun 4 Aug ● Fri 6 - Sun 8 Sep ● Fri 4 - Sun 6 Oct ● Fri 18 - Sun 20 Oct Place: Haslar Marina, Gosport (PO12 INU) # Meet: 8pm Friday evening Cost: £236 (£246 Guest) Deposit £50. Incl: diesel, wet weather gear, life harnesses, breakfasts, lunches & teas. Extras: Marina charges are not included and are shared between the group. Nor are evening meals which we take ashore The Solent is an ideal location for a weekend sailing cruise. It’s sheltered and there’s so much to see, the beautiful Isle of Wight, many boats and ships passing by and many historic harbours from which to choose our Saturday night stop. Special Cancellation Terms: Please note that we need 6 weeks notice to cancel. Deposit is non refundable. This sailing trip has an edited writeup, but very comprehensive details of this and many other sailing trips can be found online. Just search our events listing on “Sailing” to see them all.

Get the life you always wanted .. but were afraid to ask th

.. a weekend to get inspired about your life

Date: Friday 11 - Sunday 13th October 2013 Place: Great Hucklow, Derbyshire (SK17 8RH) # Cost: £255 (£280 Guest) sharing standard twin, £275 (£300 Guest) sharing en suite twin (Deposit £50) Incl: All meals and refreshments throughout weekend Wouldn’t it be great if we could gain greater insight on how we think and interact with life so we could make it better, learn how we and others see the world so we can develop amazing relationships and then be freer to create and have a life that we want, and not one that feels imposed upon us! Well, that’s the aim of this weekend, to help you develop a road map to living an more fulfilling, Joy-filled and Purposeful life .. how much happier would you be? ● Would you like to have more control over your mind and life? ● Would you like to learn how to have greater control over your energy? ● Do you want to learn who you really are, within the context of your life? ● Would you like to learn to live a more Joy-filled life? ● Would it be good to learn from your life’s experiences rather than be at the mercy or be a victim of them? ● Would you like to develop a more purposeful life with a spiritual understanding? We all have different views on life, and ours in particular. How we see, things and understand our life creates an unconscious road map which generally keeps our life on a particular path of experiences. Some are happy to change their route while most stay rigidly to their unconscious road map - regardless of the unsettling experiences it may bring! Fears, life experiences, beliefs and influences contribute to how we see and engage in life. We can unwittingly choose a road of discomfort in our ‘comfort zone’ or one that has more meaning and purpose! During this residential weekend you will: ● Gain an understanding on how the mind affects life ● Learn how energy, mind and life inter-relate ● Develop greater clarity on who/what you are and who/what you are not ● Learn how to live in more joyful way ● Explore how life can be an insightful teacher and a spiritual experience ● Look at what a more fulfilling life would be like with clear purposeful visions and a spiritual focus. ● Make wonderful friendships & have fun! Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request.

Surfing Weekend at Croyde Bay th

.. surf's up for a great weekend!

● Fri 26 - Sun 28 July or ● Fri 16th - Sun 18th August 2013 Croyde Bay, Devon (EX33 1YP) # Friday evening £189 (£209 Guest) Includes 3 surf sessions inc. wet suit & surfboard, B&B accommodation. Lunch on Saturday at the Surf School. Extras: Meals and drinks Single rooms subject to availability (POA) North Devon is renowned for its spectacular coastlines and golden beaches and Croyde has beautiful and stunning scenery. The sandy beach draws surfers from all over the world. It faces west into the Atlantic and enjoys a famed reputation for its consistent waves! Our surf school is situated in the beach car park just a few metres from the sand. Over the weekend we will have 3 lessons where you will learn about surfboards, the techniques for standing up and of course how to surf!

Dates: Place: Meet: Cost:


Edited details - full writeup for this break can be found at www.spicebham.com or sent on request. 98

Edinburgh Festival Weekends .. the party of the year - the time of your life!

Weekend One (2 night) : Fri 9th - Sun 11th August 2013 Weekend Two (3 night): Fri 23rd - Mon 26th August 2013 Place: Pollock Halls, Edinburgh (EH16 5AY) # Cost: Weekend One £164 (£1849 Guest) Twin Share (Deposit £40) – For single add £70 Weekend Two £229 (£249 Guest) Twin Share (Deposit £40) – For single add £80 Host: Spice Scotland – offered to all Spice Members nationally Both Weekends Include: ● Accommodation in Single/Twin/Double en-suite rooms, well furnished with spectacular views of Arthur’s Seat in the excellent Chancellors Court or John Burnett House ● Full Scottish Buffet Breakfasts ● Saturday 1.5 Hour Guided Tour of the Royal Mile (Castle to John Knox House) ● Spectacular Arthur’s Seat Walk ● Coordinators throughout ● Option to purchase a Saturday night Ticket for the astonishing Edinburgh International Military Tattoo with spectacular end of show fireworks – the hottest ticket in town! ● An opportunity to book superb extras such as Merv Stutter’s Pick of the Fringe ● Saturday Dinner at Merchants ● the Festival Farewell Lunch plus lots more…. ● Friday Night Welcome is followed by a Fringe Act Ticket (weekend one) or followed by a traditional Scottish Ceilidh with caller and extensive buffet (weekend two). It’s that time of year when the world’s biggest and best comedy, music and arts festival takes place in Edinburgh making the city the most vibrant venue on the planet. This is one of the world’s great spectacles and should be on every ones ‘to do before I die list’. It’s so good you’ll want to come back again and again. The Edinburgh Fringe promises to be bigger and better than ever with star names appearing for your enjoyment along with some new undiscovered talent. Walk the Royal Mile absorbing the atmosphere with music and song all around you, it’s a real carnival. Visit one of the many whiskey outlets for a taster session from the experts or sit back and relax at one of the many, many Fringe venues scattered throughout the city. In the past 10 years over 1400 Spice members have attended these fantastic weekends, they are, without doubt, one of the highlights of the Spice Year, please book your place now!


Camping Afloat - Grand Union to Warwick .. a basic narrow boat exploration of Warwickshire pubs!

Date: Friday 13th - Sunday 15th September 2013 Place: The Wharf Tavern at Hockley Heath (B94 6QT) # Meet: Friday evening from 7pm (find us on boat or in Pub!) Cost: £59 (£79 Guest) Incl: Boat, Professional Boatman, Spice Coordinator Extra: Meals – food kitty for breakfasts and pub meals on the canal We’ve had great feedback from our various camping Afloat trips. This is a new route using a scenic stretch of the Stratford Canal. This is the simplest form of narrow boating and very similar to what the navies on coal barges would have experienced in the days when the canals were in their heyday. This is why we call it ‘camping afloat’. We have chartered two boats (subject to numbers) which will travel together. Each boat has 12 basic bunks with mattresses under a tarpaulin cover so we can take a party of up to 24.(You must be prepared for mixed sex sleeping accommodation although if the numbers are pretty even we may be able to have a “boys boat” and “girls boat”). Friday Night: We join our boat at at this lovely pub, but are not travelling tonight, just sleeping over. This means we can have a night out getting to know each other in the Wharf Tavern and sleep it off in the boat! Saturday: After cooking breakfast together, we set off on the Stratford Canal for our first challenge, which is a historic flight of 27 locks at Lapworth before joining the Grand Union Canal towards Warwick. Our efforts on the locks will be rewarded with a lunch stop at a lovely pub. This will probably be The Waterman at Hatton, but there is no shortage of other options if progress is faster or slower than expected. We will enjoy the Warwickshire countryside at a leisurely pace and plan to make The Cape of Good Hope for our evening meal. If there is sufficient interest, we could even get a bus or Taxis into Historic Warwick itself. Sunday: Our trip back will include a lunch stop at The Navigation at Lapworth or Tom O’the Wood at Rowington. We might also to fit in a visit to the Hatton Craft Centre. It is very much a “go as we please” agenda. We will then set off back to Hockley Heath, retracing our steps along the Stratford navigation. Life aboard: Do not expect any privacy on the boats, and bear in mind that there is only one simple toilet, and a basic stove. Washing is by hand bowl, although the skipper is sometimes able to find a shower stop if anyone is that bothered! You’ve really got to see the conditions as part of the adventure and fun if you are going to enjoy this sort of trip. You will need to bring a sleeping bag and sort out provisions for breakfast between the group (we can probably stop at a store on Saturday to restock). Any pub meals are not included but prices are generally low. These trips are great for making friends, as there’s a ‘back to nature camaraderie’ that you can’t achieve in a 5 star hotel! 99

Bath Cycling Weekend

.. explore Baths countryside & market towns

Friday 6 - Sunday 8th September 2013 Limpley Stoke, Lower Limpley, Stoke Bath (BA2 7FZ) # Arrive from 4.00pm £198 (£218 Guest) Incl: 2 nights hotel accommodation, 2 breakfasts, 1 evening meal (3 courses) on Saturday, 2 days fully guided cycling. Extra: Bike Hire £30 for the weekend if required. For single room add £48 otherwise we will link shares This is a new location for our cycling weekends and we will spend two days exploring the fine cycleways around the World Heritage City of Bath. Enjoy this Roman spa town with fine Georgian architecture, flat canal towpaths, disused railway lines, and country roads which will take us through cultural sites and historic market towns. This is classy location to spend a weekend cycling, you can relax, indulge and have some fun. Over the weekend we will be covering a reasonable distance on mainly flat canal tow paths, traffic cycle paths and quiet roads. The cycling is classed as easy to moderate but you do need to be reasonable fit to take part and it is best if you have done some day rides before coming along. There will be about 4 hours cycling on Saturday and 2.5 hours on Sunday at a slow pace. The hotel occupies a delightful village setting in an area of outstanding natural beauty. Our rooms are en-suite and there are spacious public rooms for relaxing over a drink. A unique facility is the hotel’s own Hop Pole Inn at the bottom of the drive. Formerly a Monks retreat, this traditional coaching inn has character and charm, real ales and superb food. Itinerary: Friday: Check in and head to a nearby pub for meet, greet and a socialise. Saturday: Take to the bikes and cycle along the canal, passing a series of locks and the historic Dundas Aquaduct. Continue to Bath for a short exploration of the City. Lunch in one of the many eateries. Head out into the countryside and cycle back through pretty villages. Dinner and drinks in the hotel restaurant. Sunday: Return to the canal, Visit the market town of Bradford-on-Avon and its many tourist sites. Sample their gastronomic offerings for lunch. Return to the hotel along quiet countryside roads. Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


Spice National Murder Mystery & Disco W/e .. an absolute classic Spice weekend

Friday 9th - Sunday 11th August 2013 De Vere Staverton Park, Daventry, Northants (NN11 6JT) # Arrive from 4pm £189 (£209 Guest) Includes: 2 x Breakfast, 2 x 3 course evening meals, professional murder mystery party organiser, sandwich lunches Sat & Sun, Use of hotel facilities to include pool, sauna + spa, Saturday Night Disco Party Extra: For single room add £46 otherwise we will link shares An absolute classic Spice weekend that embodies the spirit of the club! Are you a budding Agatha Christie or Hercule Poirot? Warning - our plot will have you guessing and may cause you a sleepless night....! If you have joined us on one of these weekends before we have another excellent plot! The theme of our weekend is “A Reunion ... to die for”. Based in 1980’s, it’s a school reunion of students and teachers who attended at a Catholic Boarding School in the 50’s and 60’s – a fabulous excuse to dig out those flares, flowery shirts and Rara skirts! We meet on Friday night in the Bar from 7pm onwards, with a 3 course dinner served from 8pm onwards. You’ll meet your team but don’t get too friendly with your team mates – one of them is a murderer! The serious business starts on Saturday morning, when you come down to breakfast and discover that a gruesome murder has taken place! You will be searching for clues in the hotel and grounds, gradually building up a picture of what might have taken place? Saturday afternoon is free to chill out and make use of the hotel’s excellent facilities, before we resume our search for more clues. Following a delicious 3 course dinner on Saturday night, we have a treat for you - a fabulous Disco with DJ Jonathan Mills so get your dancing shoes on and hit the dance floor to boogie the night away. We conclude our investigations on Sunday morning – everyone has a different theory, who did it and why? Only one team can win the coveted prize – so “who dunnit”?! Our hotel is the DeVere hotel known as Staverton Park in Daventry. The hotel is set within stunning grounds and the facilities include an indoor leisure complex with pool sauna, steam room and whirlpool spa. And if you have time for a round of golf there is a golf course too. This hotel is easily accessible from the M1, M6 and M40. The bedrooms are all en-suite with stylish design, high speed internet access, TV, telephone and tea/coffee tray. There is a bar, and restaurant and free flowing cappuccinos, lattes and green tea stations and also an internet cafe and car parking is on site. As the weekend approaches we will be in touch with everyone as we need you to play a character over the weekend. Everyone is in a team, which will be allocated to you and within the team everyone is playing a character. No acting is required unless you want to as you are given a booklet which gives you all the information about your character. You can bring props/costumes to enhance your character and add to the fun (optional). All the teams have the same characters so if you want to be in a team with your friends then you would all need to play different characters. Dress to impress for the Saturday party + disco as Spice members sure know how to party! This is a fantastic weekend, full of surprises! Date: Place: Meet: Cost:


Butlins 70's Party Weekend th

.. see the best bands of this brilliant era

Date: Friday 11 - Monday 14th October 2013 Place: Butlins Skegness, Lincolnshire (PE25 1NJ) # Cost: £99 (£119 Guest) Deposit £40 Extras: All food. Single occupancy rooms available at £75 supplement otherwise we link shares A new national Spice weekend for you party animals! A weekend of great music from the bands of the 70’s – including: ● The Three Degrees ● Slade ● Mud ● Brotherhood of Man ● Alvin Stardust Heatwave ● Jimmy James and the Vagabonds ● plus great tribute bands to Blondie, The Stylistics, T-Rex and more Butlins has gone up-market since the red coat days of “Hi Di Hi”! Their Skegness resort is set on the sandy Lincolnshire coast and is ready for you to dig out your party gear, dust off your dancing shoes and enjoy a great party weekend. This is a three night 70s music themed weekend for over 18s and a public event, with a sell-out 5,000 people due to attend. If you want a quiet night in and need your sleep, this is probably not the right weekend for you! Every evening a variety of live 70s big-name acts and bands perform on stage in the numerous entertainment venues around resort. In between live performances the discos go on until late each night. 70s fancy dress is the norm for the Sat night, but not essential. The price covers entrance to all venues and live shows on resort. During the day there are loads of other activities included in the price, such as Butlins amazing new indoor Splash Waterworld (which will be newly opened this spring) with flumes, wave machines and a DJ booth, plus a funfair of hair-raising rides, a traditional carousel and dodgems. There are also landscaped gardens and direct-access to a lovely sandy beach. Some other activities cost a bit extra like ten-pin bowling, go-karting, adventure golf and a relaxation spa with massage and beauty treatment rooms. And of course the various bars and pubs on resort to see you through the day. We will have sole use of their Jaks Bar for a welcome reception, to get the party started and our Spice host will organise meet ups throughout the weekend and plan which bands to go and see. We’ll be staying in modern silver self-catering apartments that are walking distance from the hub of the resort. They have 3 bedrooms, made up of one double bedroom and two twin-bedrooms. They have a shower room and a nice lounge with TV and a kitchen/diner area. Electricity and bed linen are all included, along with all the kitchen equipment you might need, but you’ll need to bring your own towels. They can accommodate six people (assuming a couple goes in the double – otherwise there will be five people to each apartment). You can book the double bedroom for yourself at £75 single sup. The stay is on a self-catering basis but there are lots of places to eat out also. There is also a Spar supermarket on resort. Note: We have 100 beds, across all Spice Groups, and as usual its first come first served. Please remember this weekend is NOT exclusive to Spice. Deposit non-returnable after 1st Sept, after which full fees are payable. No refund for cancellation after that date unless we (or you) can resell your slot as we have to pay for the apartment! ______________________________

Events Index Abbots Bromley Moderate Ramble ............. 43 Abseiling for Beginners at Symonds Yat..... 32 Abseiling for the Terrified ........................... 26 Acrylic Painting Intro. Day .......................... 82 Acting for Beginners Workshop .................. 79 Adrenaline Cocktail Weekend ..................... 97 Adventure Golf at Star City ......................... 48 Adventure Trekking Day.............................. 11 Aerial Silks Workshop ................................. 82 Afternoon Tea at Althorp ............................. 49 American Pool Night and Buffet ................. 52 An Evening With Roger Moore ................... 69 Archery and Rifle Shooting ......................... 47 Ascot Races, Concert & Windsor W'end..... 90 Ash End House Farm Experience ................ 13 Assault Course.............................................. 35 Assay Office Tour ........................................ 59 Astwood Bank Easy Ramble........................ 43 Badminton .................................................... 63 Bag A Welsh Summit with Hamish............. 40 Balloon Flight................................................. 8 Ballroom Dance Masterclass............... 18 & 19 Balsall Common Evening Ramble............... 41 Barnt Green & Lickey Hills Ramble .......... 44 Basketball & Netball Introduction ............... 64 Bath Cycling Weekend .............................. 100 Bath Experience Day by Coach ................... 20 BBC Behind the Scenes ............................... 56 Bearley and Stratford Canal Easy Ramble... 42 Beddgelert Classics Walking Weekend ....... 92

Beekeeping Afternoon.................................. 13 Beer & Skittles in Tamworth ....................... 54 Beginners Horse Trek................................... 11 Behind The Scenes at Blists Hill.................. 57 Bellfoundry/ Bell Casting Experience ......... 60 Berkeley Castle Heirs Tour and Tea ............ 58 Bewdley & Arley Moderate Ramble............ 42 Bidford on Avon Rambles...................40 & 41 Birmingham at War Afternoon Walk........... 21 Birmingham Evening Walk.......................... 20 BMX Taster Session..................................... 16 Boathouse at Bracebridge............................... 2 Bodega South American Dining Experience . 4 Bosworth Moderate Steam Train Ramble.... 39 Botanical Gardens and Nursery Tour........... 58 Bourton on the Water & Slaughters Ramble 42 Braunston to Flecknoe Ramble .................... 44 Breadmaking Workshop at Hindleys ........... 75 Bridge Abseil & Ladder Climb .................... 27 Bridgenorth & Severn Way Ramble ............ 43 Brinklow Easy Ramble................................. 40 Bristol Balloon Fiesta and Lunch................. 53 Bullet Proof Confidence............................... 81 Burlesque/Fan Dance Afternoon.................. 18 Bushcraft for Beginners ............................... 32 Butlins 70's Party Weekend ....................... 101 Cafe Ceramica Experience ........................... 49 Camping Afloat - Warwick .......................... 99 Canadian Canoe Adventure.......................... 26 Cannock Chase Moderate Ramble ............... 44


Canoe Cruising Weekend on the Wye .........91 Capoeira Workshop ......................................65 Carriage Driving Experience Day ................12 Catton Hall Private Tour and Supper ...........53 Caving Experiences ..........................27, 29, 33 Certificate in Outdoor First Aid Weekend ...89 Chatsworth Estate Ramble ...........................39 Cheddar Gorge & Mendips W'end ...............96 Cheerleading Workshop ...............................19 Chestnut Centre Otter Tour & Picnic...........13 Chill Out Bike Amble Weekend ..................87 Chocolate Experience ...................................80 Church Stretton Ramble ...............................41 Cinema Nights ..............................................68 Circuit Training with Mark ..........................64 Civil War Tour of Lichfield .........................52 Clarins Beauty Night ....................................77 Clay Pigeon Shoot ........................................45 Cleeve Hill Ramble ......................................39 Climbing the Longstone Pinnacle ................28 Colour U Confident Workshop ....................70 Compton Verney Gallery Visit and Tea.......54 Concert Nights at the Jam House .................67 Cookery School Evening and Dinner...........80 Cornden Hill/ Stone Circle Ramble .............42 Coton In The Elms Easy Ramble .................42 Courchevel Spice West Mids Ski Trip.........85 Creative Clay Weekend................................88 Croquet Party................................................51 Crossbow and Pistol Shooting......................46

Crown Green Bowling Evening................... 51 Cupcake Decorating Workshop ................... 75 Curry and Quiz ............................................ 38 Cycle Camping in the Peak District............. 97 Darts Night and Buffet ................................. 53 Deer Walk with a Ranger at Bradgate Park . 14 Digital Photography for Beginners .............. 70 Dinghy Sailing.............................................. 32 Dining at the Drop Forge ............................... 5 Dining at the Marwood .................................. 6 Dinner Shuffle around World - Morrocan ..... 5 Dog Owner for a Day ................................... 77 Don't Diet - Change the way you Eat........... 78 Dorset Coast and Country Walking W'end.. 96 Dowsing Workshop...................................... 76 Drawing and Painting Weekend .................. 88 Drumming Experience for Beginners .......... 70 Earlswood Twilight Ramble & Supper........ 42 Eastnor Castle Heirs Tour and Lunch .......... 61 Easy Cycling Tour of Cannock Chase ......... 17 Edinburgh Festival ....................................... 99 Educating Rita .............................................. 69 Elan Valley/Llandidrod Wells Weekend ..... 91 Eyam Moderate Ramble............................... 43 Farm Talk and Walk..................................... 59 Fencing for Beginners .................................. 62 Field Archery Day........................................ 47 Fiesta Del Asado Argentinian Dining............ 3 Fire Eating Workshop .................................. 72 Firework Championships ............................. 50 Flight Simulator Experience ........................ 10 Flirting for Fun ............................................. 76 Football Training for Men............................ 65 Forest Segway on Cannock Chase ............... 23 Funeral Home Talk and Tour....................... 61 Get the life you always wantedk ......... 83 & 98 Ghost Hunting and Supper ........................... 55 Ghost Walk of Sutton / Birmingham ........... 21 Ghostly Goings On and Supper ................... 55 Girls Roller Skating Lesson ......................... 66 Glass Workshop ........................................... 78 Glastonbury Day with "The Professor" ....... 48 Gliding Evenings.......................................... 10 Go Ape in Cannock/ Wyre Forest................ 27 Golf - Learn to Play in a Day....................... 62 Gorge Walking Adventure ........................... 31 Greek Dance Workshop ............................... 18 Greek Night at Zorbas Dance......................... 5 Guide Dog Training Centre Visit................. 57 Halloween Party Night and Sleepover ........... 7 Hangliding - Tandem Experience ................. 9 Hastings & East Sussex Walking Weekend. 95 Hatton Easy Ramble..................................... 41 Haughmond Hill Ramble ............................. 39 Hedgehog Appreciation Evening ................. 79 Helicopter Lesson........................................... 8 Henley In Arden Moderate Ramble ............. 40 Hindu Temple Visit...................................... 56 Hoola Hooping ............................................. 62 Horse Whisperer Monty Roberts Live......... 14 Hovercraft Driving on Land and Water ....... 23 Ice Skating Fun Night .................................. 50 Improve Your Laugh Life ............................ 83 Indian Fine Dining at Delhi 6 ........................ 4 Indoor Bouldering Taster Session................ 28 Indoor Climbing at Redpoint Centre............ 26 Indoor Shooting............................................ 45 Intro to EFT and Energy Connections ......... 80 Introduction to Sculpture.............................. 77 Introduction to Short Tennis ........................ 65 Ironbridge/Shropshire Hills Weekend ......... 95 Istanbul Experience ...................................... 85 Itihaas Indian Dinner Shuffle ......................... 3 Jazz, Real Ale & Supper Cruise................... 52 Jewellery Quarter Evening Walk ................. 20 Jogging Evening in Solihull ......................... 65 Karting Evening & Burger at Priory Park.... 25 Kayak River Adventure................................ 28 Kayaking for Fun ......................................... 30 Kings Lynn & Norfolk Coast W'end ........... 93 Kinver Edge Moderate Ramble.................... 44 Knowle Easy Ramble................................... 42 La Scala Italian Dining Experience ............... 6

Ladies Football Training .............................. 64 Lasan Indian Banquet..................................... 1 Lathkill Dale and Magpie Ramble ............... 44 Lazy Cow Private Dinner............................... 6 Learn to Drift! .............................................. 25 Learn To Ride In A Day............................... 12 Lichfield Proms & Chorley Easy Ramble.... 42 Lichfield Pub Treasure Trail ........................ 55 Living With Dogs......................................... 81 Llama and Mule Trekking with Lunch ........ 14 Llangollen Luxury Walking Weekend......... 96 London Social Weekend 2013 ..................... 90 Magic for Beginners..................................... 71 Makeover or Boudoir Photography Session 73 Makeup Skills Lesson with Esther Marie .... 78 Malvern's Explorer Ramble.......................... 43 Mam Tor Ridge Ramble............................... 44 Martial Arts for Beginners ........................... 66 Marvellous Mammals Tour.......................... 13 Masham Beer and BBQ Overnighter ........... 97 Masonic Temple Visit .................................. 60 McLaren MP4-12C Thrill ............................ 23 Medieval Jousting......................................... 12 Meeting your True Soul Mate ...................... 81 Meriden Evening Ramble............................. 39 Mickleton Ramble ........................................ 40 Microlighting Experience Flight .................... 9 Middleton Evening Ramble ......................... 41 Mind Management workshop....................... 74 Moira & Donnisthorpe Easy/Mod Ramble .. 44 Morgan Motors Visit .................................... 59 Mormon Church Centre Tour....................... 58 Morris Dancing for Beginners! .................... 18 Moseley Village Walk and Indian Banquet . 20 Mountain Biking..................................16 & 17 Multi Water Sports Afternoon...................... 31 Murder Mystery Evening and Buffet ........... 55 My life with the Corgis and other Royals!... 74 National Dragon Boat Party ........................... 3 National Memorial Arboretum and Lunch... 59 Navigation - in Four Simple Steps!.............. 35 New Members Bridgenorth Treasure Hunt.. 53 New Members Ramble........................41 & 43 New Members Mix and Mingle ................... 49 New Members Relaxed Walking Weekend . 89 Nine Steps to Happiness............................... 72 North Cotswolds Hills Walking Weekend... 94 Nottingham City Walk ................................. 21 Oddfellows Dinner Shuffle ............................ 5 Offchurch West Ramble............................... 41 Oil Painting in a Day - Winter Landscapes.. 82 Only Spice on Horses!.................................. 11 Outdoor Digital Photography Weekend....... 88 Overnight Forest Experience........................ 31 Paragliding...................................................... 9 Pasta and Bread Making Workshop............. 76 Plymouth and South Devon Walking Break 95 Poker Night................................................... 49 Pole Dancing with Pure Joy ......................... 18 Polo Lesson at Rugby................................... 11 Pottery Workshop......................................... 74 Power Kiting and Kite Buggy Full Day....... 29 Powerturn Buggy Racing at Garlands.......... 22 Prague City Break ........................................ 86 Prestiegne and Offas Dyke Ramble ............. 40 Preston Bagott Easy Ramble and Lunch...... 39 Preview Evenings ......................................... 36 Priors Marston & Hellidon Ramble ............. 41 Private Dining with a Celebrity Chef............. 1 Quad Bike Woodland Trek .......................... 22 Quiz Page...................................................... 38 Race Night with Fish & Chips ..................... 54 Race Tuition with a Pro Racing Driver........ 23 Ragley Hall Rambling and Sketching .......... 79 Rally Driving Lesson.................................... 22 Ramble, Scramble and Dangle ..................... 32 Rodizio Rico Dining Experience at The Cube2 Rounders and Social Night........................... 64 Run in the Park ............................................. 65 Sailing Weekend around the Solent ............. 98 Salsa Dance Workshop................................ 19 Sandbach Fake Festival ................................ 68 SAS Laser Combat ....................................... 46


Saturday Night with Shakespeare.................51 Saxophone for Beginners .............................83 Scarborough & Yorkshire Coast W'end .......93 Scottish Dancing Workshop.........................19 Scuba Taster Morning Experience ...............28 Sea Kayaking with the Seals ........................97 Secrets of the Holy Grail ..............................75 Sence Valley Park Easy Ramble ..................41 Severn Way Ramble .....................................39 Sex and Contraception in 1580 ....................82 Shugborough Easy Ramble ..........................44 Silly Dale Moderate Ramble ........................43 Singing for Beginners - Find your Voice!....73 Six Dales Moderate Ramble.........................43 Skills for the Hills (Navigation Awards)......88 Smethwicks' Amazing Canal Walk ..............21 Snooker Night and Buffet.............................52 Snowdonia Bank Holiday Weekend ............94 SoirĂŠe Gastronomique in Leamington............4 South Devon Coast and Dartmoor Break.....94 South West Cotswolds Walking Weekend...92 Space Opera ..................................................69 Spaceguard Centre Visit ...............................56 Spice Book Club...........................................15 Spice Hits Town ...........................................36 Spice National Murder Mystery W'end......100 Sporting Night and Supper ...........................63 St Giles Hospice - Charity Talk ...................15 St Nicolas Place Evening Tour.....................57 Staffordshire Search and Rescue Talk .........60 Static Trapeze Workshop .............................79 Staunton Harold Hall Easy Ramble .............41 Stock Car Racing ..........................................25 Stockholm Pre Christmas Break...................84 Strolling and Sketching Weekend ................87 Subterranean Dudley Tour and Supper ........57 Summer Ball 2013 ..........................................2 Supercar Track Experience...........................24 Surfing Beginners Lesson at Scarborough ...33 Surfing Weekend a Croyde Bay...................98 Survival Weekend ........................................35 Sutton Park Discovery 2 & Tea....................20 SWAT Training Mission ..............................45 Symonds Yat Adventure Mission.................27 Talk Sport Evening with Buffet ...................62 Tandem Skydive from 12,000ft......................8 Tank Battle Experience ................................24 Tapas Evening and Flamenco Show ..............6 Ten Pin Bowling...........................................48 Tenbury Ramble ...........................................43 Tennis for Absolute Beginners.....................66 The Big Abseil..............................................29 The English 3000's Walking Break..............92 The History Boys..........................................69 The Importance of Being Earnest.................68 Tobogan and Fondue Night............................7 Trampolining Evening with Coaching .........64 Treasure Island .............................................69 Tutbury Easy/Moderate Ramble ..................40 Ukulele for Fun.............................................71 Unihoc...........................................................63 Victorian Gardens Walk & Afternoon Tea ..54 Volleyball for Beginners ..............................62 Walk with Wolves ........................................12 Walking with the Welsh Pit Ponies..............14 Warwick Town Walk ...................................20 Warwick VIP Race Day, Meal and Tour .....50 Watercolour Painting Intro Day ...................71 Waterworld Experience Day ........................51 Weaseling and Bouldering ...........................30 Welsh Camping Long Weekend...................87 Welsh Cottage Walking Break .....................89 Welsh Ridge Walking - The Arans ..............87 Western Style Rifle Shooting Afternoon .....46 White Water Kayaks.....................................30 White Water Rafting............................30 & 33 Winchcombe Ramble ...................................40 Winchester & South Downs Walk W'end ....93 Wing Walking Experience ...........................10 Worcester Cathedral Tour/ Tower Climb.....61 World's Wackiest Racers..............................24 WW1 Battlefields Discovery Tour...............86 Zip World - Ultimate Zipline Experience ....29

Free Info Pack Spice Rack ^W/ ;tĞƐƚ DŝĚůĂŶĚƐͿ Co-ordinator: Richard Coulter ϲĂ͕ ƵƌŶĞƩ ZŽĂĚ͕ ^ƚƌĞĞƚůLJ͕ ^ƵƩŽŶ ŽůĚĮĞůĚ tĞƐƚ DŝĚůĂŶĚƐ͕ ϳϰ ϯ : dĞů͗ ϬϭϮϭ ϯϱϯ ϲϭϲϭ ŝŶĨŽΛƐƉŝĐĞďŚĂŵ͘ĐŽŵ ǁǁǁ͘ƐƉŝĐĞďŚĂŵ͘ĐŽŵ ^W/ ; ƌŝƐƚŽů Θ ĂƌĚŝĨĨͿ ŽͲŽƌĚŝŶĂƚŽƌ͗ ŝĂŶŶĞ >ŝǀŝŶŐƐƚŽŶĞ ϭϯϬ njƚĞĐ Almondsbury, ƌŝƐƚŽů ^ϯϮ ϰh dĞů͗ ϬϳϰϮ ϵϱϵ ϴϰϭϰ ĚŝĂŶŶĞΛƐƉŝĐĞďƌŝƐƚŽůĐĂƌĚŝī͘ĐŽŵ ǁǁǁ͘ƐƉŝĐĞďƌŝƐƚŽůĐĂƌĚŝī͘ĐŽŵ ^W/ ; ĂƐƚ DŝĚůĂŶĚƐͿ ŽͲŽƌĚŝŶĂƚŽƌ͗ ^ƚĞǀĞ Ğůů Foxhall Business Center, Ϯ <ŝŶŐ ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕ EŽƫŶŐŚĂŵ͕ E'ϭ Ϯ ^ dĞů͗ Ϭϴϰϱ Ϭϭϳ ϭϬϯϭ ŝŶĨŽΛƐƉŝĐĞĞĂƐƚŵŝĚƐ͘ĐŽŵ ǁǁǁ͘ƐƉŝĐĞĞĂƐƚŵŝĚƐ͘ĐŽŵ

^W/ ;>ŽŶĚŽŶͿ ŽͲŽƌĚŝŶĂƚŽƌ͗ ŝĂŶŶĞ >ŝǀŝŶŐƐƚŽŶĞ ϯϯϬ ,ŝŐŚ ,ŽůďŽƌŶ >ŽŶĚŽŶ͕ t ϭs ϳYd dĞů͗ Ϭϴϰϱ ϲϬϰ ϴϬϰϭ ĚŝĂŶŶĞΛƐƉŝĐĞůŽŶĚŽŶ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ ǁǁǁ͘ƐƉŝĐĞůŽŶĚŽŶ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ ^W/ ;DĂŶĐŚĞƐƚĞƌͿ Co-ordinator: Lauren Fawkes dŚĞ ^ƚĂďůĞƐ͕ ϭϭ WŽƉůĂƌ ZŽĂĚ ^ƚƌĞƞŽƌĚ͕ DĂŶĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ͕ DϯϮ ϵ E dĞů͗ Ϭϭϲϭ ϴϲϰ ϯϴϰϵ ŝŶĨŽΛƐƉŝĐĞŵĐƌ͘ĐŽŵ ǁǁǁ͘ƐƉŝĐĞŵĐƌ͘ĐŽŵ ^W/ ;^ĐŽƚůĂŶĚͿ ŽͲŽƌĚŝŶĂƚŽƌ͗ :ĂŵŝĞ DŽƌƌŝƐ ^ƵŝƚĞ Ϯ͕ ϴϭͲϴϱ WŽƌƚůĂŶĚ ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ĚŝŶďƵƌŐŚ͕ ,ϲ ϰ z dĞů͗ Ϭϭϯϭ ϱϱϯ ϬϬϮϲ ŝŶĨŽΛƐƉŝĐĞƐĐŽƚůĂŶĚ͘ĐŽŵ ǁǁǁ͘ƐƉŝĐĞƐĐŽƚůĂŶĚ͘ĐŽŵ


^W/ h< ;,ĞĂĚ KĨĨŝĐĞͿ EĂƟŽŶĂů ŽͲŽƌĚŝŶĂƚŽƌ͗ ĂǀĞ ^ŵŝƚŚ ϭϯ͕ dŚŽƌƉĞ ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕ KůĚ dƌĂīŽƌĚ͕ DĂŶĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ͕ Dϭϲ ϵWZ dĞů͗ Ϭϭϲϭ ϴϳϯ ϴϳϴϴ &Ădž͗ Ϭϭϲϭ ϴϰϴ ϵϰϲϱ ǁǁǁ͘ƐƉŝĐĞƵŬ͘ĐŽŵ ŝŶĨŽΛƐƉŝĐĞƵŬ͘ĐŽŵ ^W/ ;dŚĂŵĞƐ sĂůůĞLJ Θ ^ŽůĞŶƚͿ ŽͲŽƌĚŝŶĂƚŽƌ͗ ŽŵŝŶŝĐ ZĞŶƐŚĂǁ ϭϭϴ͕ ^ŚŝƉůĂŬĞ ŽƩŽŵ͕ Peppard Common, ,ĞŶůĞLJͲŽŶͲdŚĂŵĞƐ͕ Z'ϵ ϱ,Z dĞů͗ Ϭϭϭϴ ϵϳϮ ϰϴϭϬ ĚŽŵŝŶŝĐΛƚŚĂŵĞƐǀĂůůĞLJƐƉŝĐĞ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ ǁǁǁ͘ƚŚĂŵĞƐǀĂůůĞLJƐƉŝĐĞ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ ^W/ ;zŽƌŬƐŚŝƌĞͿ Co-ordinator: Neal Morris, ϯϯ 'ƌĞĂƚ 'ĞŽƌŐĞ ^ƚƌĞĞƚ >ĞĞĚƐ͕ >^ϭ ϯ :͕ dĞů͗ Ϭϴϰϱ Ϭϵϰ ϮϮ ϬϬ ŝŶĨŽΛƐƉŝĐĞLJŽƌŬƐ͘ĐŽŵ ǁǁǁ͘ƐƉŝĐĞLJŽƌŬƐ͘ĐŽŵ


Finding events in your local area

From the home page click the ǀĞŶƚ ďƵƩŽŶ͘ /Ŷ ƚŚĞ ^ĞĂƌĐŚ ĞǀĞŶƚƐ ďůŽĐŬ LJŽƵ ĐĂŶ ƐĞĂƌĐŚ ĨŽƌ Ă ƚLJƉĞ ŽĨ ĞǀĞŶƚ by clicking on the dropdown on Category for example ǁĂůŬŝŶŐ͕ƉĂƌƟĞƐ͕ tĞĞŬĞŶĚ ďƌĞĂŬƐ ĞƚĐ͘ zŽƵ ĐĂŶ ĮŶĚ ĂŶ ĞǀĞŶƚ ŝŶ LJŽƵƌ ĂƌĞĂ ďLJ ƐĞůĞĐƟŶŐ ^ƵďĐĂƚĞŐŽƌLJ ĂŶĚ ƐĞůĞĐƟŶŐ LJŽƵƌ ĂƌĞĂ ĨŽƌ ĞdžĂŵƉůĞ ƐƐĞdž͕ <ĞŶƚ͕ ^ƵƌƌĞLJ ĞƚĐ͘ zŽƵ ĐĂŶ ĂůƐŽ ƐĞĂƌĐŚ ŽŶ tŽƌĚƐ͕ by using Words tŚĞŶ ĚŽŶĞ ĐůŝĐŬ ƐĞĂƌĐŚ ƚŽ ĮŶĚ ǁŚĂƚ LJŽƵ ǁĂŶƚ͘

spice newsletter july 2013.indd 8

6/18/2013 8:02:42 PM

Spice International Holiday Programme

Ɛ Ăƚ ϭϱƚŚ :ƵŶĞ ϮϬϭϯ

Welcome to the Spice international holiday programme, available to all Spice members as an exclusive benefi t of membership!


Happy holidays from your Spice UK team – Dave, Ian & Lindsay

Spice Holidays Date


^ƉŝĐĞ dƌŝƉ



Walking: The Polish Tatras



Turkey Summer Sun (1 week)



Turkey Summer Sun (2 weeks)



Moscow & St. Petersburg



Turkey Summer Sun (1 week)



Vietnam Adventure







tĂůŬŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ &ƌĞŶĐŚ ZŝǀŝĞƌĂ






spice newsletter july 2013.indd 9


Another Walkwise trip – this one we last ran in 2009!

A great value Solos trip to Ovacik, Ölü Deniz – one for the teachers!

A great value Solos trip to Ovacik, Ölü Deniz – one for the teachers!


A great value Solos trip to Ovacik, Ölü Deniz – one for the teachers!

Explore Vietnam north to south with Exodus!

Walking: The Mountains of Andorra A Walkwise trip to the Pyrenees!

Spice do Dublin! ĮƌƐƚ ĨŽƌ ^ƉŝĐĞ h<ʹ ĂŶ ŽǀĞƌƐĞĂƐ ǁĞĞŬĞŶĚ ďƌĞĂŬ ǁŚĞƌĞ LJŽƵ ĂƌƌĂŶŐĞ LJŽƵƌ ŽǁŶ ŇŝŐŚƚƐ͊

Mountain & coastal day walks in the Cote d’Azur with Exodus!

A superb group cycling holiday with Exodus cycling from the Dolomites to Venice!

Turkey Coast Cruise A wonderful 7 night gulet cruise along Turkey’s Blue Coast


WƌŝĐĞ ĨƌŽŵ























6/18/2013 8:02:44 PM



^ƉŝĐĞ dƌŝƉ



Lake Garda Autumn Special



La Santa Sports Holiday



Highlights of Madagascar












Iceland Discovery



Sahara Desert Trek









Ski New Year – Chamonix



New Year Mini Break – Venice (almost!)





Ski Sauze D’Oulx – Italy



Ski Val D’Isere



Ski Deluxe













Always a popular trip with Spice including 3 hours free bar on 4 evenings!


Discover Madagascar’s unique wildlife & stunning beaches with Exodus!

Crete – Yoga & Walking! Combining walks with beachside yoga and delicious local cuisine – a Solos holiday!

Surprising Goa! Ideal for a spot of Winter Sun!

DŝĐŬĞLJ͛Ɛ DĂŐŝĐĂů &ŝƌĞǁŽƌŬƐ Θ ŽŶĮƌĞ ; ƵƌŽ ŝƐŶĞLJͿ Travel by coach Dover/Calais inc 2 day Hopper Ticket

Travel by coach overnight Hull/Zeebrugge inc 2 day Hopper Ticket

Visit the land of Fire & Ice and may be even experience the Northern Lights!

Trek through the dunes of the world’s largest desert with Exodus!

Everest Base Camp Trek to the foot of the world’s highest peak!

Christmas in Northern India hŶŝƋƵĞ ǁŝůĚůŝĨĞ͕ ĨĂƐĐŝŶĂƟŶŐ ĐƵůƚƵƌĞ Θ ƐƉĞĐƚĂĐƵůĂƌ ĂƌĐŚŝƚĞĐƚƵƌĞ ǁŝƚŚ džŽĚƵƐ͊

Ski Christmas –Tignes ^Ŭŝ ƚŚĞ ŵĂƐƐŝǀĞ ƐƉĂĐĞ <ŝůůLJ ƚŚŝƐ ŚƌŝƐƚŵĂƐ͊


ŶũŽLJ EĞǁ zĞĂƌ ŝŶ /ƚĂůLJ ǁŝƚŚ ^ƉŝĐĞ͊ ŽŽŬ ĞĂƌůLJ ƚŽ ŐĞƚ ƚŚŝƐ ƉƌŝĐĞ ĂƐ ŇŝŐŚƚ ƉƌŝĐĞƐ ǁŝůů ŝŶĐƌĞĂƐĞ͊

Ski St. Christoph – Austria ĚĞĮŶŝƚĞ ƐŬŝĞƌ͛Ɛ ƌĞƐŽƌƚ ǁŝƚŚŽƵƚ Ăůů ƚŚĞ ĚŝƐƚƌĂĐƟŽŶƐ ŽĨ ƚŽŽ ŵĂŶLJ ďĂƌƐ͊ dŚŝƐ ƉƌŝĐĞ ĨŽƌ ϭƐƚ ϭϬ bookers then £50 increase! Great skiing & plenty of place’s to party! This price for 1st 10 bookers then £50 increase!


ƐŵĂůů ŐƌŽƵƉ ƚƌŝƉ ĨŽƌ ũƵƐƚ ϭϮ ŝŶ Ă ďĞĂƵƟĨƵů DĂƌŬ tĂƌŶĞƌ ĐŚĂůĞƚ͊

Ski Alpe D’Huez – France ,ŝŐŚ ĂůƟƚƵĚĞ ƐŬŝŝŶŐ͊ dŚŝƐ ƉƌŝĐĞ ĨŽƌ ϭst 10 bookers then £50 increase!

^Ŭŝ ĂŶĂĚĂ ʹ ĂŶī ZĞŐŝŽŶĂů ŇŝŐŚƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ DĂŶĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ͕ EĞǁĐĂƐƚůĞ͕ 'ůĂƐŐŽǁ͕ ĚŝŶďƵƌŐŚ ĂŶĚ ďĞƌĚĞĞŶ ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ at no extra charge! Singles available!

Ski Meribel A Mark Warner holiday – ski one of the world’s most famous areas!

Ski Morzine – France ĮƌƐƚ ĨŽƌ ^ƉŝĐĞ Θ Ă ŚƵŐĞ ƐŬŝ ĂƌĞĂ͊ dŚŝƐ ƉƌŝĐĞ ĨŽƌ ϭƐƚ ϭϬ ŬĞƌƐ ƚŚĞŶ άϱϬ ŝŶĐƌĞĂƐĞ͊

Ski Mayrhofen – Austria One of Austria’s favourite resorts and a short transfer! This price for 1st 10 bookers then £50 increase!



WƌŝĐĞ ĨƌŽŵ


















































spice newsletter july 2013.indd 10

6/18/2013 8:02:44 PM

Highlighted Holidays t ></E' /E WK> E

dhZ< z K ^d Zh/^


ϴ ĚĂLJƐ͕ DŽŶ ϳƚŚ KĐƚŽďĞƌ ϮϬϭϯ ĨƌŽŵ άϳϵϵ &ůŝŐŚƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ >ŽŶĚŽŶ 'ĂƚǁŝĐŬ Θ DĂŶĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ ͻ ƌĞĂů ^ƉŝĐĞ ĨĂǀŽƵƌŝƚĞ ͻ /Ĩ LJŽƵ ǁĂŶƚ ƚŽ ƌĞůĂdž ƚŚĞŶ ůŽŽŬ ŶŽ ĨƵƌƚŚĞƌ

Staying in the picturesque town of Zakopane set at the ĨŽŽƚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƐƉĞĐƚĂĐƵůĂƌ WŽůŝƐŚ dĂƚƌĂ ŵŽƵŶƚĂŝŶƐ͘ dŚŝƐ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ ŚŝŐŚĞƐƚ ĂŶĚ ŵŽƐƚ ďĞĂƵƟĨƵů ƌĞŐŝŽŶ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ tĞƐƚĞƌŶ ĂƌƉĂƚŚŝĂŶ DŽƵŶƚĂŝŶ ƌĂŶŐĞ ǁŚŽƐĞ ůŽŌLJ ƐƵŵŵŝƚƐ ŽǀĞƌůŽŽŬ ƚŚĞ ƌĞŐŝŽŶ͛Ɛ ŵĂũĞƐƟĐ ůĂŶĚƐĐĂƉĞ͘ dŚĞ ĂƌĞĂ͛Ɛ ĂďƵŶĚĂŶĐĞ ĂŶĚ ĚŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJ ŽĨ ŶĂƚƵƌĂů ĂƩƌĂĐƟŽŶƐ ŝƐ Ă ĐŽŶƐƚĂŶƚ ĚĞůŝŐŚƚ ĂŶĚ ĚƵƌŝŶŐ ŽƵƌ stay we’ll experience cascading waterfalls, fragrant forests, ĞŵĞƌĂůĚ ůĂŬĞƐ ĂŶĚ ƚŽǁĞƌŝŶŐ ŵŽƵŶƚĂŝŶƐ͘

Sailing from Marmaris in the clear turquoise waters of ƚŚĞ ĞŐĞĂŶ ĂŶĚ DĞĚŝƚĞƌƌĂŶĞĂŶ ^ĞĂƐ LJŽƵ ǁŝůů ĚŝƐĐŽǀĞƌ ƚŚĞ ĚĞůŝŐŚƚƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ dƵƌŬŝƐŚ ŽĂƐƚ͘ dŚĞ ĂƉƚĂŝŶ ĂŶĚ ĐƌĞǁ ĞdžƉĞƌƚůLJ ŚĂŶĚůĞ ƚŚĞ ƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂů ƐĂŝůŝŶŐ ŐƵůĞƚ͕ ĂƐƚ DĞĞƚƐ tĞƐƚ ůĞĂǀŝŶŐ LJŽƵ ĨƌĞĞ ƚŽ ĞdžƉůŽƌĞ ƚŚĞ ƐĞĐůƵĚĞĚ ĐŽǀĞƐ ĂŶĚ ďĂLJƐ͘ zŽƵ͛ůů ŚĂǀĞ ŶŽ ǁŽƌƌŝĞƐ ĂďŽƵƚ ĐŽŽŬŝŶŐ ŵĞĂůƐ͕ ƐĂŝůŝŶŐ Žƌ ĚƌŽƉƉŝŶŐ ĂŶĐŚŽƌ͘

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ϳ ĚĂLJƐ͕ dƵĞ ϭϱƚŚ KĐƚŽďĞƌ ϮϬϭϯ ĨƌŽŵ άϵϲϵ &ůŝŐŚƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ >ŽŶĚŽŶ 'ĂƚǁŝĐŬ Θ DĂŶĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ ϳ ĚĂLJƐ͕ &ƌŝ ϵƚŚ ƵŐƵƐƚ ϮϬϭϯ ĨƌŽŵ άϭϱϳϱ ͻ ĮƌƐƚ ĨŽƌ ^ƉŝĐĞ Θ Ăůů ƌŽŽŵƐ ƐŽůĞ ŽĐĐƵƉĂŶĐLJ &ůŝŐŚƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ >ŽŶĚŽŶ ,ĞĂƚŚƌŽǁ͕ DĂŶĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ͕ ŝƌŵŝŶŐŚĂŵ Θ ͻ ŽŵďŝŶĞ ƐĐĞŶŝĐ ǁĂůŬƐ ǁŝƚŚ ϱ LJŽŐĂ ƐĞƐƐŝŽŶƐ 'ůĂƐŐŽǁ ͻ ǀĞƌLJ ƉŽƉƵůĂƌ ^ƉŝĐĞ ƚƌŝƉ ŝŶ ƉĂƐƚ LJĞĂƌƐ Experience the real Crete on ͻ dǁŽ ŐƌĞĂƚ ĐŝƟĞƐ ŝŶ ŽŶĞ ƚƌŝƉ Ă ŚŽůŝĚĂLJ ǁŝƚŚ Ă ĚŝīĞƌĞŶĐĞ͕ combining scenic walks in Russia is usually on the stunning countryside, ĞǀĞƌLJŽŶĞ͛Ɛ ͚ŵƵƐƚ ĚŽ͛ ůŝƐƚ͕ ƐŽ relaxing beachside yoga ǁĞ ĚŽ ŝƚ ^ƉŝĐĞ ƐƚLJůĞ͊ dŚŝƐ ƚƌŝƉ ĂŶĚ ĚĞůŝĐŝŽƵƐ ůŽĐĂů ĐƵŝƐŝŶĞ͘ ĐŽǀĞƌƐ ƚŚĞ ŵĂũŽƌ ŚŝŐŚůŝŐŚƚƐ dŚŝƐ ŝƐ ĂŶ ĞĂƐLJ͕ ĞŶƚƌLJ ůĞǀĞů ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƚǁŽ ĐŝƟĞƐ ĂŶĚ ƉĂĐŬƐ holiday with neither walks ƉůĞŶƚLJ ŝŶƚŽ ĂŶ ƵŶĨŽƌŐĞƩĂďůĞ nor yoga sessions too taxing ďƌĞĂŬ͘ tĞ ŚĂǀĞ ƌƵŶ ƚŚŝƐ ƚƌŝƉ ;ŚŽƉĞĨƵůůLJ͊Ϳ͘ &ĞĞů ŝŶǀŝŐŽƌĂƚĞĚ Ă ŶƵŵďĞƌ ŽĨ ƟŵĞƐ ĂŶĚ ŝƚ and refreshed as you not ŚĂƐ ĂůǁĂLJƐ ƌĞĐĞŝǀĞĚ ŐƌĞĂƚ ŽŶůLJ ƌĞǀŝƚĂůŝnjĞ LJŽƵƌ ďŽĚLJ͕ ďƵƚ feedback from the members LJŽƵƌ ŵŝŶĚ ĂŶĚ ƐŽƵů ƚŽŽ͘ ʹ ǁĞ ĚŽ ŚŽƉĞ LJŽƵ͛ůů ũŽŝŶ ƵƐ͊

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^hZWZ/^/E' 'K ͊ t ></E' /E E KZZ ϴ ĚĂLJƐ͕ ^Ăƚ ϳƚŚ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϭϯ ĨƌŽŵ άϴϭϵ &ůŝŐŚƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ >ŽŶĚŽŶ 'ĂƚǁŝĐŬ Θ DĂŶĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ ͻ ŶĞǁ tĂůŬǁŝƐĞ ĚĞƐƟŶĂƟŽŶ ͻ ^ƉĞĐƚĂĐƵůĂƌ ǁĂůŬŝŶŐ ŝŶ ďĞĂƵƟĨƵů ƐĐĞŶĞƌLJ High up in the Pyrenees, Andorra the country, nestles in snowy peaks sandwiched between Spain and France lies ŶĚŽƌƌĂ͘ /ƚ ƐĞĞŵƐ ĨĂƌ ĂǁĂLJ ĂŶĚ ŝŶĂĐĐĞƐƐŝďůĞ͕ LJĞƚ ĂůůƵƌŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ĞŶĐŚĂŶƟŶŐ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚ ŝƚƐ ƌĞŵŽƚĞŶĞƐƐ͘ /ƚ ŝƐ ůĂĚĞŶ ǁŝƚŚ ZŽŵĂŶŝĐ ĐŚƵƌĐŚĞƐ ǁŚŽƐĞ ǁĂůůƐ ĂƌĞ ĂĚŽƌŶĞĚ ƵŶŝƋƵĞ ĨƌĞƐĐŽƐ͘ /ƚ ŝƐ Ă ǀĞƌŝƚĂďůĞ ĨƵŶ ƉĂĐŬĞĚ ŐĞƚĂǁĂLJ ŽĨ Ă ůĂŶĚ ǁŝƚŚ ĨĂŝƌLJͲƚĂůĞ ǀŝůůĂŐĞƐ͕ ĨĂƐĐŝŶĂƟŶŐ ĨŽůŬůŽƌĞ͕ ĂŶĚ ĨĂŶƚĂƐƟĐ ǁĂůŬŝŶŐ͘ dŚŝƐ ŝŶƚƌŝŐƵŝŶŐ ĐŽƵŶƚƌLJ ŚĂƐ ŝŶŶƵŵĞƌĂďůĞ ĚĞůŝŐŚƞƵů ǁĂůŬƐ Ăƚ Ăůů ŐƌĂĚĞƐ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ ďĞĂƵƟĨƵů ƌŝǀĞƌ ǀĂůůĞLJƐ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ŚŝŐŚĞƐƚ WLJƌĞŶĞĂŶ ƐƵŵŵŝƚƐ͘

spice newsletter july 2013.indd 11

ϭϮ ĚĂLJƐ͕ &ƌŝ ϭƐƚ EŽǀĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϭϯ ĨƌŽŵ άϭϯϵϵ &ůŝŐŚƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ >ŽŶĚŽŶ ,ĞĂƚŚƌŽǁ Θ DĂŶĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ ͻ ƚǁŽ ĐĞŶƚƌĞ ŚŽůŝĚĂLJ ͻ ǁĞĞŬ ŝŶ ĂŶ ĐŽ ƌĞƐŽƌƚ ĂŶĚ Ă ǁĞĞŬ ŽĨ ƉĂƌƚLJŝŶŐ͊ /ŶĚŝĂ ŝƐ ĂůǁĂLJƐ Ă ŐƌĞĂƚ ĚĞƐƟŶĂƟŽŶ ƚŽ ǀŝƐŝƚ Ăƚ ĂŶLJ ƟŵĞ ďƵƚ ŝƚ͛Ɛ ĂďƐŽůƵƚĞůLJ ŝĚĞĂů ĨŽƌ Ă ƐƉŽƚ ŽĨ tŝŶƚĞƌ ^ƵŶ͊ dŚŝƐ ƚƌŝƉ ŝƐ Ă ƚǁŽ ĐĞŶƚƌĞ ŚŽůŝĚĂLJ ƚŽ 'ŽĂ ŽŶ /ŶĚŝĂ͛Ɛ tĞƐƚ ŽĂƐƚ͊ 'ŽĂ ŝƐ ƐƉůŝƚ ŝŶƚŽ North and South and whilst there are also numerous resorts ǁŝƚŚŝŶ ĞĂĐŚ ĂƌĞĂ͕ ƚŚĞ EŽƌƚŚ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ ůŝǀĞůLJ ŵŽƌĞ ƚŽƵƌŝƐƟĐĂůůLJ ĚĞǀĞůŽƉĞĚ ĂƌĞĂ ǁŚŝůƐƚ ƚŚĞ ^ŽƵƚŚ ŝƐ ŵŽƌĞ ƌĞůĂdžĞĚ ĂŶĚ ůĞƐƐ ĚĞǀĞůŽƉĞĚ ʹ ĂŶĚ ǁĞ ǀŝƐŝƚ ƚŚĞŵ ďŽƚŚ͊

6/18/2013 8:02:46 PM

D/ < z͛^ D '/ > &/Z tKZ<^ ϰͬϱ ĚĂLJƐ͕ DŽŶ ϰƚŚ EŽǀĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϭϯ ĨƌŽŵ άϯϲϵͬάϰϭϵ ŽĂĐŚ ĨƌŽŵ ƐŽƵƚŚ ǀŝĂ ŽǀĞƌ ͬ ŽĂĐŚ ĨƌŽŵ EŽƌƚŚ ǀŝĂ ,Ƶůl ͻ Ϯ ĚĂLJ ,ŽƉƉĞƌ dŝĐŬĞƚ ŝŶĐůƵĚĞĚ ͻ ^ƚĂLJŝŶŐ Ăƚ Ă ŝƐŶĞLJ ZĞƐŽƌƚ ,ŽƚĞů ǀĞƌLJŽŶĞ ůŽǀĞƐ DŝĐŬĞLJ DŽƵƐĞ ĂŶĚ ƚŚŝƐ ŐƌĞĂƚ ǀĂůƵĞ ƐŚŽƌƚ ďƌĞĂŬ ƚŽ ƵƌŽ ŝƐŶĞLJ ďLJ ĐŽĂĐŚ ŐŝǀĞƐ LJŽƵ ƚŚĞ ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJ to be a big kid once again! With regional coach pickups ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ĐŚŽŝĐĞ ŽĨ ĂŶ ŽǀĞƌŶŝŐŚƚ ĨĞƌƌLJ ĐƌŽƐƐŝŶŐ ĨƌŽŵ the North or shorter crossing from the South this is your ĐŚĂŶĐĞ ƚŽ ĞŶũŽLJ ƚŚĞ ǁŽŶĚĞƌĨƵů tŽƌůĚ ŽĨ ŝƐŶĞLJ ǁŝƚŚ ^ƉŝĐĞ͊


tĞ ǀŝƐŝƚ &ĂƚĞŚƉƵƌ ^ŝŬƌŝ and the ‘Pink City’ of :ĂŝƉƵƌ͕ ŚŽŵĞ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ wonderful former DĂŚĂƌĂũĂ͛Ɛ WĂůĂĐĞ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ splendid hilltop Amber WĂůĂĐĞ͘ ŐƌĂ ĂŶĚ Ă ƐĞƌĞŶĞ͕ ƐƵŶƌŝƐĞ dĂũ DĂŚĂů ƚŽƵƌ ĂƌĞ not to be missed on any ǀŝƐŝƚ ƚŽ /ŶĚŝĂ ĂŶĚ ĨƵůůLJ ůŝǀĞ ƵƉ ƚŽ ĞdžƉĞĐƚĂƟŽŶƐ͘

E t z Z D/E/ Z < ʹ s E/ ;ĂůŵŽƐƚ͊Ϳ ϰ ĚĂLJƐ͕ DŽŶ ϯϬ ĞĐ ϮϬϭϯ ĨƌŽŵ άϱϵϵ &ůŝŐŚƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ >ŽŶĚŽŶ 'ĂƚǁŝĐŬ Θ DĂŶĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ ͻ EĞǁ zĞĂƌ͛Ɛ ǀĞ WĂƌƚLJ ŝŶĐůƵĚĞĚ ͻ džƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ EĞǁ zĞĂƌ /ƚĂůŝĂŶ ƐƚLJůĞ dŚŝƐ ŝƐ ƐŽŵĞƚŚŝŶŐ Ă ůŝƩůĞ ďŝƚ ƐƉĞĐŝĂů ĂŶĚ ǁĞ ĂƌĞ ƉůĞĂƐĞĚ ƚŽ ďĞ ĂďůĞ ƚŽ ŽīĞƌ LJŽƵ ƚŚŝƐ ǁŽŶĚĞƌĨƵů ŵŝŶŝ ďƌĞĂŬ ƚŽ dƌĞǀŝƐŽ͕ Ŷƌ sĞŶŝĐĞ͘ tŚŝůĞ ŝƚ ŝƐŶ͛ƚ ĂĐƚƵĂůůLJ sĞŶŝĐĞ ŝƚƐĞůĨ ;ǁĞ ĚŝĚ ůŽŽŬ Ăƚ ŝƚ ĂŶĚ LJŽƵ ǁŽƵůĚ ŶŽƚ ďĞůŝĞǀĞ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŝĐĞ͊Ϳ͕ dƌĞǀŝƐŽ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ ŶĞdžƚ ďĞƐƚ ƚŚŝŶŐ͊ ƐŵĂůů ƚŽǁŶ ŶĞĂƌ sĞŶŝĐĞ ǁĞ ŚĂǀĞ Ă ůŽǀĞůLJ ϰΎ ŚŽƚĞů ĨŽƌ LJŽƵ ƚŽ ĞŶũŽLJ ƉůƵƐ Ă ĨĂďƵůŽƵƐ EĞǁ zĞĂƌ͛Ɛ ǀĞ WĂƌƚLJ that should really be something to look forwards too!

S</ ,Z/^dD ^ ϴ ĚĂLJƐ͕ ^Ăƚ ϮϭƐƚ ĞĐ ϮϬϭϯ ĨƌŽŵ άϳϳϱ &ůŝŐŚƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ 'ĂƚǁŝĐŬ͕ DĂŶĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ͕ ŝƌŵŝŶŐŚĂŵ͕ ƌŝƐƚŽů Θ ĚŝŶďƵƌŐŚ ͻ ^ƉĞŶĚ ŚƌŝƐƚŵĂƐ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ƐůŽƉĞƐ ͻ ^Ŭŝ ŽŶĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ǁŽƌůĚ ďĞƐƚ ĂƌĞĂƐ

,Z/^dD ^ /E /E / ϭϬ ĚĂLJƐ͕ dƵĞ ϭϳƚŚ ĞĐĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϭϯ ĨƌŽŵ άϭϳϰϵ &ůŝŐŚƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ >ŽŶĚŽŶ ,ĞĂƚŚƌŽǁ ŽŶůLJ ͻ Ŷ džŽĚƵƐ ƚƌŝƉ ǁĞ͛ǀĞ ĚŽŶĞ ŵĂŶLJ ƟŵĞƐ ďĞĨŽƌĞ ͻ sŝƐŝƚ ƚŚĞ dĂũ DĂŚĂů͕ ƚŚĞ ,ŽůLJ 'ĂŶŐĞƐ Θ ŵƵĐŚ ŵŽƌĞ Ŷ ĂĚǀĞŶƚƵƌĞ ŚŽůŝĚĂLJ ŝŶ /ŶĚŝĂ ĐŽŶũƵƌĞƐ ƵƉ ŵĞŵŽƌĂďůĞ ĂŶĚ ĐŽůŽƵƌĨƵů ŝŵĂŐĞƐ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ dĂũ DĂŚĂů͕ ƚŚĞ ŚŽůLJ ZŝǀĞƌ 'ĂŶŐĞƐ͕ ƟŐĞƌƐ͕ ƚƵƌďĂŶƐ͕ ƐĂƌŝƐ͕ ŐƌĞĂƚ ĨŽŽĚ ĂŶĚ ƌŝĐŬƐŚĂǁƐ ĂŶĚ ǁŚĂƚ ďĞƩĞƌ ƟŵĞ ƚŽ ǀŝƐŝƚ ƚŚĂŶ Ăƚ ŚƌŝƐƚŵĂƐ͊

^Ŭŝ dŝŐŶĞƐ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ŚƵŐĞ ĐŽŵďŝŶĞĚ ƐŬŝ ĂƌĞĂ ŝƐ Ă ƚƌƵĞ ƐŬŝĞƌ͛Ɛ dream, with an enormous ǀĂƌŝĞƚLJ ŽĨ ƉŝƐƚĞƐ ĨŽƌ Ăůů ůĞǀĞůƐ ŽĨ ƐŬŝĞƌ ƚŽ ĞŶũŽLJ͕ ĂŶĚ ƉůĞŶƚLJ ŽĨ ƐĞƌŝŽƵƐůLJ ͚ƐƚĞĞƉ Θ ĚĞĞƉ͛ ŽīͲƉŝƐƚĞ too, including some spectacular ĂĚǀĞŶƚƵƌĞƐ ŽŶůLJ ƚŽ ďĞ ƚĂĐŬůĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ Ă ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů ŐƵŝĚĞ͘ EĂŵĞĚ ĂŌĞƌ &ƌĂŶĐĞ͛Ɛ ŵŽƐƚ famous ski racer, Espace Killy combines the two ski domains ŽĨ dŝŐŶĞƐ ĂŶĚ sĂů Ě͛/ƐğƌĞ͘ dŚĞ whole area is one of the most ƐŶŽǁͲƐƵƌĞ ŝŶ ƵƌŽƉĞ͘

To book visit www.spiceuk.com or call Spice UK on 0161 873 8788 ůů ^ƉŝĐĞ h< Ăŝƌ ŚŽůŝĚĂLJƐ ĂƌĞ ƉƌŽƚĞĐƚĞĚ ďLJ ƚŚĞ ŝǀŝů ǀŝĂƟŽŶ ƵƚŚŽƌŝƚLJ ƵŶĚĞƌ ƚŚĞ dK> ƐĐŚĞŵĞ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĞǀĞŶƚ ŽĨ ĨĂŝůƵƌĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƚŽƵƌ ŽƉĞƌĂƚŽƌ͘ ĂĐŚ ƚŽƵƌ ŽƉĞƌĂƚŽƌƐ dK> ŶƵŵďĞƌ ŝƐ ƐƚĂƚĞĚ Ăƚ ƚŚĞ ĞŶĚ ŽĨ ĞǀĞƌLJ ŚŽůŝĚĂLJ ǁƌŝƚĞ ƵƉ ŽŶ ŽƵƌ ǁĞďƐŝƚĞ ǁǁǁ͘ƐƉŝĐĞƵŬ͘ĐŽŵ ƉůƵƐ ĨƵůů ƚĞƌŵƐ ĂŶĚ ĐŽŶĚŝƟŽŶƐ͘ zŽƵƌ ŵŽŶĞLJ ŝƐ ƉƌŽƚĞĐƚĞĚ ǀŝĂ ŽƵƌ dƌƵƐƚ ĐĐŽƵŶƚ ŝŶ ĐŽŵƉůŝĂŶĐĞ ǁŝƚŚ WĂĐŬĂŐĞ dƌĂǀĞů ZĞŐƵůĂƟŽŶƐ͘

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6/18/2013 8:02:48 PM


Only 27,375 days in the average lifetime What did you really want to do today? Spice membership benefits! • Spice is the largest adventure, social and leisure group in the UK. • Established in 1981, with over 10,000 members across the UK, split into 8 regional groups. • 100s of events every month, professionally organised. All you have to do is book and turn up! • Unique events you normally wouldn’t have the chance to do, in the company of likeminded people. • Free personal accident insurance. • Meet new people, make new friends and widen your social circle. • Guest spaces so you can bring a friend along. • Book events with friendly staff during office hours, or online at your convenience. • Regular email updates for events local to you. • Regional and friendly Volunteer event Coordinators to host our events and make you feel welcome. • Member profiles of our Volunteer Coordinators so you know who to look out for on the events. • Events discounted wherever possible. • Transport Share List allows you to contact other members prior to attending events. • Free events, including cinema nights, gigs and member link ups. • Your local group for local people.

With always something to do and something to look forward to, life will never be boring again! spice newsletter july 2013.indd 1-2

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