Save our Space

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Brainstorm! to make contact with a variety of people in different roles (relative to your CoP where possible) to inform the development, position and realisation of your project


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


Above is a photo of the group working solidly to find the different types waste that exist. We did a number of different brainstorms at this point, and explore a lot of areas of waste, We started of with the definition of waste.

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

Working together At this point we worked very well together. Each person had their own particular role and there were no arguments! As a group we listened to one another in the early stages of the project. But little did we know what would happen later on! Newsprint and felt tip pens were our chosen material and media at this point. Allowing us to right down as much as we could

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL



What is Waste?

WA STE to make contact with a variety of people in different roles (relative to your CoP where possible) to inform the development, position and realisation of your project

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL





PROJECT 2 2013




Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL



OUR WASTE. We managed to summarize waste into a number of different types of waste.; Money, Energy, Services, Time and Space. Waste can be considered in many different contexts. All of these types of waste can easily be put into these categories. At this stage we decided to all go out and find some research over the weekend and try and identify the types of waste that we see in our day to day life.

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

A E!



Primary Research Below are a series of photos of waste that I personally see in my day-to-day life. I work at a bike shop in Camden town three days a week.

AT WORK! On the left you can see the size of the shop floor. There are many bikes, and many are sold over the weekend. Meaning that the selection of bikes changes fairly regularly. Bikes are delivered almost everyday! There is a huge amount of packaging that doesn’t get recycled! Paper and cardboard are the biggest wasters. (listen to audio 1 and 2).


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

Paper waste I took a video to show just how much paper Evans Cycles waste as a company. This happens on a regular basis! See paper shred video.

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Secondary Research Below is some secondary research that we carried out as a group.


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


AT WORK! As a group we tried to identify any waste within the university. Everyone mention the amount of people outside smoking and talking. Fag butts are everywhere in the front of the university. This is wasted too! We found a series of photos that use cigarettes in a creative way. No one would be willing to pick them all up! But it was an idea and concept that we looked into.

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

Prototypes 1 + 2 Above is an image of the outside of a gas container. This is also a huge waste of space as the area is not used for gas any more. How would you utilize the space?

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL




Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


Wasted space was a category of waste that we were very interested in. Two members of the group explore some areas of potential waste. Here are some of the photos. There was a big empty house on the edge of Hampstead Heath, which they explored. Euston hospital was another location, completely empty space on a number of floor! Waste of space seemed like a very interesting aspect for us to explore! It was an area of unknown and we were attracted to this as a group.


PROJECT 2 2013


Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

These two photos are in Euston hospital. A huge baron building with nothing in it

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Initial pitch proposal

The Derelict Project.

As our pitch presentation was coming up. We wanted to look into waste of space, as a concept. But we needed to find a way in which to allow feedback from other people. The derelict project was the name, our aim was to “to raise awareness and to re-use wasted spaces across the capital, in a way that will benefit local communities.” We decided to make a twitter and instagram account. The idea was to get the public involved in promoting areas of waste space. For example taking a photo of Heygate estate and tag it as “#THEDERELICTPROJECT” This way we could help promote idea and concepts to regenerate the areas.


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL




Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL



PROJECT 2 2013

Heygate Estate. Above are is an example of an area that has been regenerated in ways. Heygate estate is a huge project based near elephant and castle. There is no one in it, and nothing happening to it. The local council organized a series of events to use the space in a creative way. They carried go cart races, workshops in the buildings and so on. This idea was very interesting as a potential project for us. We admired the idea of regenerating a space through some sort of event.

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

The problem was that this kind of project would take time and potentially money. Because this project had to be carried out in the space of spring term. Contacting people and waiting for replies took way too long. We had to think of something that got instant feed back. Something that would enable use to solve a problem very quickly.

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL



Tim Mitchell to make contact with a variety of people in different roles (relative to your CoP where possible) to inform the development, position and realisation of your project


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


Above is a photograph of a fraction of a navy warship. The project was carried out by Tim Mitchell. He is an artist/ photographer who was very interested by the deconstruction of big things. During the week of people presenting the students with their ideas and concepts, he was one of the most outstanding for me. He explained his full thoughts as an artist and photographer, inspiring a lot of us young creatives. The most interesting thing he showed use was a time-lapse video of the boat being taking apart through a long period of time. It was very interesting to see the process over a number of mintuites.


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To the left are a series of photos that he took during the same time of the timelapse. The two above are photos of some of the men who were part of taking the boat down. And the bottom image is the base of the boat.

Re-used Spaces. The next four pages consist of further secondary research on re used areas


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL



Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

The majority of photos have been taken in a car park in Peckham. At the top of the car park is a bar and kitchen. There is a fantastic view and the venue has been used for a number of events, For example the 2011 film festival, with screenings on the lower levels. On the right are some photos of other re used space ideas. The top is of a New York railway being changed into a garden

Re-used Spaces.


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


On the left is a massive series of buildings on the coast of Singapore. They have used the roof space in order to grow plants and gardens. A lot of roof space is wasted in many locations across the world. The image below shows us a solar panel on a floating platform in New York. Using space that is potentially wasted usually


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The image above is very bazar. On top of a what looks like a shopping mall or public building, is a number of residential housing with gardens! This image helps to really explain the use of space to its full potential.

What to do next?


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


We realized that it would take a lot of time and effort to make an event in a unused area in London. It would of involved a lot of email writing and waiting for replies. So regenerating an area was out of the question.

PROJECT 2 WASTE We decided to start to use the project in university at LCC. This way we could get feedback and results instantly. As soon as we decided this, me and another member of the group asked almost every technician at the university if we could interview them. We showed them the questions first, then when they were ready filmed and interviewed. We got some very interesting results instantly and felt much better about the project. On the next couple pages there are number of interviews and feedback, which were originally recorded on camera but not used in the documentary. Read through the interviews, you will start to see a pattern in what they mention and have a strong opinion about.

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

The People Involved


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


What Spaces are not used?

“My name is Graham Godwater, and I’m a technician in the photography department. The building as a whole is a 1960s build. And the needs of the student and what’s taught in the areas has changed a lot. The layout of the building has become a real rabbit warren, as areas were built and them dismantled and then used for something else.”

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

My name is john prefer and I’m an IT technician. The tower block could do with refurbishing, it needs to be modernized. It’s very old and it’s a typical 60s building that needs bringing into the 21st century. Better classrooms facilities, easier access for people. I would endeavor to make the canteen a bigger space, at lunch times it is very busy. You can’t have a private conversation with anybody!”

“I think the whole place could be redesigned! Just opened up a little bit more, there too many rooms that are boxed in. I think the structure of the building should be identifies clearer. Ie the workshop block”

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL




We made a survey for students to fill out. Now that we have already interviewed and asked technicians. It was time to see what the students had to say. Most of them had a lot of interesting information to share. They also had similar answers to the technicians in some questions. We tried to ask people in different courses so to get a wide range of answers.


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL





PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


“For me, I have found that the canteen is exceptionally busy and loud! I would love to eat there is it wasn’t so loud and crammed in! an area that I would change would most probably be the tower. It isn’t very nice at the moment and could be improved a lot. I love the new digital space though! Use it all the time!”

“A lot of the floors on the tower block are not being used a lot of the time, the facilities don’t work to well up there! The structure of the tower block isn’t very good, I think that could be improved a lot.”

“The typo café is really busy, the line is really long! The film students have an amazing area; the media block which we can’t use. So many students don’t know about the amazing facilities of the university. I really like the new digital space, I don’t know what I would do with out it.”

“There a lot of areas that I didn’t even know existed until this year, this is my third year here! The digital space is good, I really like the little booths, they give a really relaxed atmosphere when working”

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

Do you think the university caters for the needs of students at a satisfactory level?

What is your favourite part of the university and why?

Where do you think the busiest part of the university is and why?

Have you been to the new digital space?

Questions. Above are some of the questions we asked through a number of interviews, Both to students and technicians. I was very interesting to see what came out of all of this. With all of this feedback we identified specific rooms, spaces or problems that needed to be changed instantly in the university.

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What we found.


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


Above are some of the questions we asked through a number of interviews, Both to students and technicians. I was very interesting to see what came out of all of this. With all of this feedback we identified specific rooms, spaces or problems that needed to be changed instantly in the university.

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

Below are two images of a space round the back of the university. The technician in the letterpress department told us to check it out. It is an area that students could easily use if it was transformed into a space. Of course money is need to change the area but in the long run it would use the space in a positive way.

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL



Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

31. To the right is a photo of the new digital space. A lot of positive feedback from this space has been given by everyone.

On the right is a photo of the canteen. At lunch the place is too busy! These also could be changed in a way that utilizes the space in some way.


PROJECT 2 2013

To the left is a photo of the typo cafĂŠ, as you can see it is a small space and a busy one too. This could be changed in some way in order for people to move in and out.

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Les Claridge

Les Claridge is essentially a space director of the university. His job is to make sure the spaces are fit for purpose and that the university does everything we want it to do. “To use the budget in such a fashion that you make it as affective as you can� Les Claridge is an important player for us to contact and share information with when relating to the brief. The documentary we make will by a finished product to show to fellow student and staff but essentially an outcome to show to Les Claridge as it will enable him to understand what students think as a whole on the university.

On the right is an image of the documentary being shown to fellow students.

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Who to Show



PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


During this group project, I was able to learn how to use final cut pro. Because we decided to make a documentary, we were forced to edit with a program a little more advanced than imovie. This skill will enable me to produce a lot more work in film now that I have leant the basics of final cut pro.

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

Below are a series of photos of me on Indesign. One of my roles within the group project was to carefully design the PDF layout for the exhibition. I looked at a number of layouts and designed the symbols for some of the proposals.

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Proposal one

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Here is the Library Symbol, a book is an obvious object to relate to a library


PROJECT 2 2013

I.T room, againa computer is easy to relate to a computer room.

Photography Digital room. carefully considering the characteristics of digital to design this symbol,

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A drill an be associated with 3d work. This is why i designed it like this.

Book binding, again considering the purpose of why you go to this workshop facility.

Screen printing was by far the hardest symbol to design. you need to think of something that instantly tell you what it is.

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Typocafe, most people buy a coffee or tea

Proposal one


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


Here are a series of photos that show how the signage system would work around the college. It consists of lines on the floor that will enable students to find where the facilities and workshops are located.

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

A signage system seemed like the most obvious proposal from all the feed back we got. A lot of people still didn’t know where certain workshop or facilities were. This idea would easy solve the recurring problem at university. It would be a case of simply following the coloured line with the symbols and workshop you need.

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Proposal two On this page, we though of a designated room which would allow students to freely speak their mind on the subject of the university. Considering space layout and practicality of the place. This would enable the staff to identify what need to be improved on a daily basis.


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

The idea is to have a chair and camera. The camera would be recording all day. Students would walk in when passing by and tell the camera what they think needs to be improved. This way staff would know what needs to be done or what could be improved to satisfy the students needs,

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Proposal Three


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


The last proposal was similar to the discussion room, but through a network. We would create a discussion board on blackboard officially. This would again enable student to express their views on the subject university. Not only can they write on the board about what they think. But also communicate with one another on the topic of university and the space being used properly

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

Below is an image of blackboard to date. It would essentially be the same but give you an option to click on discussion board, and then let you write what you would want to say

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The Documentary

With the final outcome of the project being a documentary. We needed to decide as a group how to help get our point across through film. We decided to use captions to introduce the idea that we wanted the viewers to think. Then relate this to the footage that we had from the interviews. This worked very well, and gave the exact impression we needed.


PROJECT 2 2013

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL




PROJECT 2 2013 Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL


Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL



Reflect I found that working in a group has its positives and negatives. First of all, it is very important that you consider each persons view and opinion. If this not carried out there is no creative flow people just want to hear their own opinion and no on else’s. This causes conflict between the group and the project does not develop. You have to except that people have different ways of working that do not necessarily compliment yours! Time and planning is essential and needs to be followed for a project to go well.


PROJECT 2 2013

I felt that working in my group, a lot of the time, people did not consider each others views at a level that satisfied each other. There were two sides to the group at the end of the project. Editing a documentary became very difficult and at one point the group almost decided to make two different documentaries with the same footage! But we eventually all agreed that this was a silly idea and unprofessional. So we went onto edit the documentary all together. I have learnt that it is exceptionally important to identify the roles of each person. If two people do the same job at the same time, there is nowhere near as much work carried out, obviously. Our pitch presentation went okay, I felt that certain people put way more effort in than others. Which is unfair as it is a group project. Through the weeks after the pitch we decided as a group to change what the project was about. We based it around uni and instantly did a lot more work because of this. At this stage in the project we worked hard as a team. Two people would interview students and staff while the others wrote up a survey on monkey survey. All of this added up to build the base of a solid project with a lot of primary research. Despite the positive period in the project, shortly after it started to break down again, as people didn’t make an effort to stay in contact and other deadlines came around. We all needed to make way more of an effort at this point, because it was a very busy stage. Not only were there other deadlines, but green week was round the corner!!! Luckily for another team mate and me, we live together so a lot of work was carried out in the late hours at home. But if we didn’t have this element to the progression of work as a team, many aspects of the project would have been a lot harder. I have a learnt a huge amount on final cut pro and a little on premier pro. This was because of the editing carried out to make the documentary. It was one of the first times I have properly used my camera to film. These skills or necessary for me to continue in any other project later on if I want to do filming.¬

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL

I have also developed my skills in symbol making and have expanded my ability on the actual design of the symbols. I have built up my confidence in asking questions in interviews and when pitching in front of a number of people my idea or concept is well presented. I have learnt a lot about the University; student’s views on the place, technician’s views and how it has changed over the years, who’s in charge of the design and space of the university, What areas are liked and disliked. I have discovered new hidden areas of the university that I never new existed. This project gives me the potential to change an aspect of the university in terms of it’s practicality and purpose for the use and convenience of other students. Making a signage system for the university seems to be a necessity from all the feedback I have gathered in my group. I is interesting to find out that this project has identified a real life problem that needs to be solved. Unfortunately I have no interest in working with certain members of the group, purely because they do not consider other people views or opinions. Some people need to learn that it is not an individual project. We all have to make sacrifices in order for the progression of the project to move smoothly. Through this project I admired other groups in the way they worked together. I saw new friendships occur through the weeks. Seeing other groups work well motivated me to look forward to the next collaborative project as enable made me think that a lot can be done and it can look exceptionally impressive. Unfortunately we were not the group to be chosen on green week. This was because we never really worked well as a team. The project did not quite progress until much later on, which was partly all of our faults. To summaries the project, I have made new friends, learnt many new skills through technology and learnt new skills socially too. I have learnt more about the history of the collage. There are new places for me to go and work. I have built new relationships with technicians and other students. I have expanded my knowledge of symbol making and learnt a huge amount on what I can do with my canon 650d! I feel very motivated to take proposal one further and try and come up with some designs potentially over Easter holidays to then show other teachers and staff. People like Les claridge would be a very important person to contact about making a signage system for the university. It has been a mixed experience from my point of view, but the skills I have learnt overcome the negatives of this project and I look further on to the next stage!

Spike Taylor-Manson LCC UAL



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